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北部湾出现苏门答腊金线鱼及其形态特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
黄梓荣  王跃中 《台湾海峡》2009,28(4):516-519
2008年1月在北部湾调查时,采集到1金线鱼科标本,经鉴定为苏门答腊金线鱼.渔获总尾数156尾,带回5尾到实验室作进一步鉴定,标本现保存在南海水产研究所标本馆.体长范围为50mm-126mm,背鳍X-9;臀鳍Ⅲ-7;胸鳍15;腹鳍I-5;尾鳍21.体适度延长,侧扁,体长为体高的3.5~3.8倍,体高在躯干中部背鳍第七鳍棘处为最高.上下颌几等长,仅上颌前端具较大犬牙.眼眶下缘处于吻端与胸鳍基部上端连线的上方,眼眶下缘顶端微凹,后缘几呈直线.前鳃盖骨裸露(无鳞)宽度是有鳞宽度的1.4~1.7倍.体被薄栉鳞,背鳍与侧线间具鳞4~7行,有腋鳞.侧线完全,位高,近似与背缘平行.眼下至上颌骨呈倾钭的金黄色带,体上部略带桃色,下部银白色,体侧有明显的金黄色带,并延至尾鳍叉端附近鳍条.体侧有一红斑,红斑位于背鳍起点与胸鳍基部之间的侧线下缘.背鳍边缘黄色,中间有明显的黄色带,臀鳍粉红色并有2条黄色带,尾鳍粉红色,近叉端鳍条呈金黄色.背鳍第一鳍棘与第二鳍棘由隔膜分开,第一鳍棘和第二鳍棘其长度短于其他鳍棘,无丝状延长.背鳍鳍棘部与鳍条部连接完全,中间无缺刻.胸鳍伸达肛门上方,胸鳍长度为头长的1.1~1.5倍.腹鳍中等长,约与胸鳍等长,不伸达臂鳍起点.臂鳍最后鳍条不明显长于其他鳍条.尾鳍呈叉形,上叶末端呈锐角或钝圆,上叶末端略呈丝状延长或延长不明显.  相似文献   

黄梓荣  梁沛文 《台湾海峡》2012,31(3):437-439,449
2011年4月17日在南沙海域调查时,采集到2尾棘箱鲀属(Kentrocapros)标本,经鉴定为黄带棘箱鲀(Kentrocapros flavofasciantus),标本现保存在南海水产研究所标本馆.标本体长分别为108、135 mm.无鳍棘和腹鳍,背鳍和臀鳍各1个.背鳍鳍条数目为11,胸鳍鳍条数目为12,臀鳍鳍条数目为10,尾鳍鳍条数目为11.体长为体高的2.41~2.57倍,体宽的3.07~3.09倍,头长的3.38~3.48倍,吻长的4.35~4.70倍.头长为眼径的2.22~2.38倍,眼间隔的1.35~1.54倍,鳃孔长度的3.10~3.33倍.除尾柄、胸鳍基部、背鳍基部、臀鳍基部、肛门附近之外,体披硬体甲,体甲刚好在背鳍前方闭合,体甲为6棱形,无刺平滑,从肛门连续沿纵线到胸鳍基部下前方形成裸褶.体侧无侧线.上下颌每侧具8个小柱状切牙.胸鳍最上第一鳍条很短,长度约为第二鳍条的1/6.体为褐黄色,体甲有两条较宽的纵向黄带.唇为褐棕色,牙为红褐色.所有鳍条为黄色或略显褐黄色.  相似文献   

2015年10月中旬,在浙江省舟山市近海的渔业资源调查中采集到天竺鲷标本,经鉴定发现其中黑边银口天竺鲷为浙江新纪录种。本文对采集的6尾黑边银口天竺鲷标本拍摄照片并开展形态特征和DNA条形码研究,对该种的拉丁学名进行校正。黑边银口天竺鲷的有效学名为Jaydia truncata(Bleeker,1854)。具有以下主要形态特征:背鳍鳍条数VII+I,9,胸鳍鳍条数16—17;背前鳞数4;第一鳃弓总鳃耙数3—4+11—13,发达鳃耙数1+9—10,角鳃弓上的鳃耙数9;前鳃盖骨边缘锯齿状;第一背鳍上端黑色,第二背鳍及尾鳍边缘黑色,第二背鳍与臀鳍中部各具一黑色纵纹。本研究分析了浙江海域5种天竺鲷科鱼类的形态差异,并编制了检索表。测定了6尾标本的DNA条形码,结合Gen Bank中所有学名为Jaydia truncata及其同种异名的同源序列分析,发现所有个体明显分为两个分支,且两者遗传距离达到0.149,表明两分支可能为不同的有效种,Gen Bank中只有AB890050和JQ681488与本研究序列结果相近。  相似文献   

A small goby, Trimma grammistes, was described in detail as the first reliable record from Korea based on 10 specimens (27.8~34.0 mm SL) collected from the coastal waters of Jeju Island. The species is easily differentiated from congeners by having no scales on the predorsal region, VI-I, 10 dorsal fin rays modally, I, 10 anal fin rays, 18 pectoral fin rays, 27~30 longitudinal scales as well as two dark longitudinal bands on the body.  相似文献   

Marine ecosystems provide a wide variety of diverse habitats that frequently promote migration and ecological adaptation. The extent to which the geographic distribution of marine organism has reshaped by human activities remains underappreciated. The limitations intrinsic to morphology-based identification systems have engendered an urgent need for reliable genetic methods that enable the unequivocal recognition of fish species,particularly those that are prone to overexploitation and/or market substitution. In the present study, however, an attempt has been taken to identify two locally adapted fish species, Siganus sutor(Valenciennes, 1835) and Seriolina nigrofasciata(Rüppell, 1829) of order Perciformes, which happens to be the first record in Odisha coast,Bay of Bengal. The diagnostic characteristics of Siganus sutor are: dorsal fin XIII-10, anal fin VII-9, pectoral fin 15,pelvic fin II-3, while that of Seriolina nigrofasciata dorsal fin VI-I-35, anal fin I-17, pectoral fin 16, pelvic fin 5. All COI barcodes generated in this study were matched with reference sequences of expected species, according to morphological identification. Bayesian and likelihood phylogenetic trees were drawn based on DNA barcodes and all the specimens clustered in agreement with their taxonomic classification at the species level. The phylogeographic studies based on haplotype network and migration rates suggest that both the species were not panmitic and the high-frequency population distribution indicates successful migration. The result of this study provides an important validation of the use of DNA barcode sequences for monitoring species diversity and changes within a complex marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

Three barracudina fishes (Paralepididae) were newly recorded from the southern sea of Korea. Lestidium prolixum is characterized by a single band of luminous ducts on the midventral line and absence of a papilla anterior to the eye. Lestrolepis intermedia and L. japonica are similar in having a black papilla immediately in front of the eye and two bands of luminous ducts on the midventral line. However, the dorsal fin of L. intermedia is located more posterior along the body than that of L. japonica, and L. intermedia have larger number of anal fin rays 42 (vs. 36–40) and vertebrae 95 (vs. 86–87) than L. japonica.  相似文献   

One specimen ofPteraclis aesticola was collected off San José del Cabo, Baja California Sur, México (22°54′N, 109°45′W), in March 2007. Present record is the first reported occurrence of the species in the Tropical Eastern Pacific biogeographic region (Gulf of California to southern Ecuadorian waters). Its large fan-like anal and dorsal fins and its counts of fin rays and vertebrae can distinguish the Pacific fanfish from the other species in the genus. This fish may have not yet been recorded in the region because its presence has been overlooked in the past because of rarity and lack of commercial value.  相似文献   

A specimen ofAetobatus flagellum was collected at Uljin in June 2005 for the first time in Korea. This specimen is characterized by the cephalic fin, the long snout, the dorsal fin between pelvic fins, spiracles on the dorsal side of the disc, the deeply notched nasal curtain and the one row of the teeth in the lower and the upper jaws. And unlikeAetobatus narinari, it does not have any spots on the its dorsal side of the disc. We report this specimen as the first record from Korea and name it ‘Bak-jui-ga-o-ri’ in Korean.  相似文献   

The larvae and larval development of Galaxias maculatus are described from a freshwater lake and a saline river in southwestern Western Australia. The size at hatching (7.0 mm total length) was similar to that recorded elsewhere for G. maculatus and the sequence of fin development (i.e., caudal, dorsal, anal, pectoral, and pelvic fins) was identical to that recorded for galaxiids generally. There were relative increases in the proportions of head length and body depth with larval growth and a decrease in proportion of pre‐anal length. Larvae from river habitats were smaller throughout larval stages of development than those from the lake. Fins of riverine fish began and completed development at a smaller size of fish than the lacustrine population, presumably as a response to the need for great motility at a smaller fish size in lotic environments.  相似文献   

Scorpaena onaria Jordan & Snyder (Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae), previously known only from the northwestern Pacific Ocean, is reported from the southwestern Pacific Ocean for the first time on the basis of 19 specimens. The southwestern Pacific specimens are regarded as a southern population of S. onaria, characterised by a shorter supraocular tentacle and larger body size compared with the northwestern Pacific specimens. The southern population is described in detail including comparisons with all known Indo‐Pacific species of the genus Scorpaena. Analyses of 37 measurements of the southern population of S. onaria found that relative orbit diameter and second anal‐fin spine length became significantly smaller with growth. Initially cycloid, the scales enclosed by the posterior tips of the upper and lower opercular spines and opercular margin change to ctenoid with growth at c. 160–170 mm standard length. A mature female differed from an immature female and males in having a longer upper jaw, steeper dorsal profile of the snout, and shorter nasal spine. As a consequence, the species previously reported as S. neglecta from the Andaman Sea and northwestern Australia was re‐identified as S. onaria.  相似文献   

Two specimens of Valenciennea helsdingenii and one specimen of Chromis margaritifer were collected on scuba in October 2011 from Jeju Island, Korea. V. helsdingenii is characterized by a body with two dark stripes that connect the head and caudal fin, and a large dark spot between the third and sixth dorsal fin spines. C. margaritifer is characterized by a body that is dark brown anteriorly but white posteriorly at the boundary between the fifth dorsal fin soft ray and the ninth anal fin soft ray. The Korean name ‘Bok-gi-mang-duk-sok’ is proposed for the genus Valenciennea, the name ‘Du-jul-bok-gi-mang-duk’ is proposed for the species V. helsdingenii, and the name ‘Huinggo-ri-ja-ri-dom’ is proposed for C. margaritifer.  相似文献   

卵形鲳鲹胚后发育阶段的体色变化和鳍的分化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采集在池塘进行育苗的31天前的卵形鲳鲹Trachinotus ovatus仔稚幼鱼,对其早期发育阶段的体色变化和鳍的发生、发育进行了连续观察。在水温24.73±2.11℃、盐度20‰—24‰、pH8.0—8.2条件下,初孵仔鱼体表已具有黑色素,第2天眼点的褐色素增加,此时仔鱼未开口、眼点未有视物功能;第3天开口时,眼大而突出、布满黑色素,变为黑色的眼睛,具有视觉功能;第17天当仔鱼变态为稚鱼时,鱼体变得不透明;在第22天变态为幼鱼时,鱼体体表为褐色;30天的幼鱼体表为银白色,与成鱼的体色一致。各鳍开始分化和发育的顺序依次为胸鳍→尾鳍→背鳍→臀鳍→腹鳍。1天仔鱼胸鳍原基出现;2—3天仔鱼开始摄食,胸鳍为扇形;第17天各鳍发育基本完成,标志着稚鱼期的开始。体色的变化和鳍的形成和发育对仔稚鱼的摄食、行为、生长、变态和存活等生命活动有着至关重要的作用,也是仔稚鱼变态发育的重要特征之一,与人工育苗生产技术尤其是投饵、分池等密切相关。  相似文献   

The numbers of dorsal and anal fin rays were compared in samples of sand flounder Rhombosolea plebeia (Richardson) collected from different localities around the coasts of New Zealand. Fin ray numbers were highest on the west coast of the North Island, particularly in the South Taranaki Bight, and were lowest on the east and south coasts of the South Island. Within the areas studied five regions were recognised within which the mean numbers of fin rays were relatively constant, but between which the mean numbers of fin rays differed considerably. The significance of these differences is discussed.  相似文献   

为了研究雷州半岛红树林短吻鲾(Leiognathusbrevirostris)各个形态特征与体质量的相关性,对随机选取的153尾短吻鲾的全长(X1)、体长(X2)、头长(X3)、体高(X4)、眼径(X5)、眼间距(X6)、吻长(X7)、尾柄长(X8)、尾柄高(X9)、吻端至第一背鳍起点(X10)、吻端至胸鳍起点(X11)、吻端至腹鳍起点(X12)、吻端至臀鳍起点(X13)等13个指标和体质量(Y)进行逐一测量,根据所得数据整理出各个性状的表型参数,计算各个指标与体质量以及不同指标两两之间的相关系数,并分别求出以体质量(Y)为因变量、其他性状(Xi)为自变量的通径系数以及决定系数。结果表明,短吻鲾的13个形态性状对体质量的相关系数皆达极显著水平(P<0.01);在通径分析中,短吻鲾仅体长(X2)、吻长(X7)、全长(X1)3个形态性状对体质量数据的通径系数达到极显著水平(P<0.01),可将其确定为影响体质量的主要性状,其中体长对体质量的直接影响最大(P2=0.570);通过逐步线性回归分析,确定回归方程为:Y=–8.366+0.570X2+0.148X7+0.266X1。决定系数显示,体长对体质量的决定系数最大,达到32.5%。各共同决定系数的总和∑d为0.908,大于0.85,表明本研究中已经将影响短吻鲾体质量的主要形态性状全部纳入。此研究有助于确定并量化短吻鲾不同性状间的关系。  相似文献   

Rhinochimaera africana, a new species (Chondrichthyes, Chimaeriformes, Rhinochimaeridae), is described from five specimens from the Western Cape and KwaZulu coasts of southern Africa and from the Moçambique Channel between South-Western Madagascar and Europa Island. Two more specimens are known from off the Agulhas Bank, South Africa. It differs from the partially sympatric R. atlantica Holt and Byrne, 1909, and the Pacific R. pacifica (Mitsukuri, 1895) in its darker coloration, longer, broader, paddle-shaped snout, tooth plates of different shape, a more elongate-oval clasper glans, a shorter caudal fin with very short filament, and possibly a smaller dorsal fin and longer interdorsal space. R. africana males are mature at 568 mm body length (BDL), females adolescent at 476 mm BDL. A large, probably adult female of 650 mm BDL is larger than any recorded R. atlantica or R. africana. Wounds on two specimens indicate possible "cookie-cutter" bites by squaloid sharks, and one has a possible bite by another Rhinochimaera. Data on R. pacifica and R. atlantica, including 45 specimens from off Namibia and South Africa, are presented for comparison with R. africana. Caudal tubercle counts of R. africana (40–46) are intermediate between those of R. atlantica (most with 19–33, rarely up to 43) and of R. pacifica (41–68, rarely as low as 25–34). Southern African R. atlantica agree with North Atlantic R. atlantica in having few caudal tubercles, but there is slight overlap with R. pacifica in the case of higher counts recorded for R. africana. The systematics and distribution of the genus Rhinochimaera are reviewed, a terminology and abbreviation system for morphometries presented, and a key to species provided. The separation of R. atlantica and R. pacifica on caudal tubercle counts is provisionally accepted but considered problematical until adequate samples of both species can be critically compared. Proportional measurements and counts of caudal tubercles were highly variable in Rhinochimaera, with much allometry in proportions with growth and much individual variation. Selected morphometrics are plotted to show allometric trends in proportions that separate R. africana from other species.  相似文献   

以虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)优良品系选育群体作为试验群体,采用单性状动物模型估计头长、体长、体高、体厚、尾柄长、尾柄高、背吻距、背鳍基长等8个主要体尺性状的遗传力。结果显示,上述8个性状的遗传力在0.131—0.313之间,多为中等或偏低遗传力,其中背鳍基长遗传力最低,为0.131±0.039,体高遗传力最高,为0.313±0.086。采用皮尔逊相关法估计上述性状之间的表型相关,结果显示,上述性状间表型相关变化范围为0.016—0.815。采用两性状动物模型估计上述性状间的遗传相关,结果表明,上述性状间遗传相关变化范围为0.065—0.866。在本研究中,比较分析表型和遗传相关结果发现,虽然体厚与尾柄长的表型相关最低,仅为0.016,相关性不显著(P0.05),但是遗传相关为0.247,似然比检验(likelihood ratio test,LRT)统计分析达到显著水平(P0.05)。体厚与背鳍基长的表型相关为0.647,t检验达到显著水平(P0.05);但遗传相关仅为0.305,LRT统计分析未达到显著水平(P0.05)。上述结果说明,在该群体中各体尺性状的表型相关和遗传相关水平不完全相同,在设计育种方案时应综合考虑各个性状间的表型相关及遗传相关。  相似文献   

乌鳢和白乌鳢的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据前人的工作,乌鳢分为三个亚种,乌鳢指名亚种Ophicephalus argus argusCantor黑龙江乌鳢O.a.warpachowskii Berg和白乌鳢O.a.kimurai(Shih)本文重点对乌鳢指名亚种和白乌鳢进比较。从形态特征、乳酸脱氢酶和酯酶同工酶表型及染色体组型上,没有发现明显差异(体色除外),并且两者分布区重叠。据此,作者认为,白乌鳢不能被划为一个亚种,而只能认为是普通乌鳢(指名亚种)的变异个体。文章还对亚种划分的标准问题,进行了讨论。  相似文献   

条斑星鲽(Verasper moseri)的早期生长发育特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用显微观察和测绘法对条斑星鲽早期生长发育的数量和形态特征进行了系统的观察和测量。结果表明,条斑星鲽成熟卵子为悬浮性、端黄卵,圆球形,卵径1.7—1.9mm,无油球。在水温(9.0±0.5)℃条件下,受精卵经196.3h孵化出膜。在水温12—14℃条件下,7日龄(DAH,days after hatching)仔鱼卵黄囊消耗殆尽,开口,肛门与外界相通,开始进入外源性营养阶段。仔鱼开口饵料为轮虫,8日龄仔鱼开始摄食轮虫,12日龄开始摄食卤虫无节幼体,30日龄开始进行配合饲料转化,40日龄后苗种摄食配合饲料良好。生活史无鳔。脊椎骨末端上曲发生在21日龄,至28日龄完成。70日龄幼鱼鳞片和侧线已形成,鳍条数量与成体完全一致。变态过程:32日龄苗种进入变态期,左侧眼睛开始上移,42日龄眼睛转移至头顶,50日龄眼睛转到右侧,完成变态。研究了鳍的发生及生长过程:背鳍、胸鳍、腹鳍、尾鳍、臀鳍分别发生于19、0、20、19、10天,至50日龄幼鱼,除胸鳍外其它鳍的鳍条数与成鱼一致。  相似文献   

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