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Measurements of temperature and velocity microstructure near and downstream of a shallow seamount are used to compare fossil turbulence versus non-fossil turbulence models for the evolution of turbulence microstructure patches in the stratified ocean. According to non-fossil oceanic turbulence models, all overturn length scales LT of the microstructure grow and collapse in constant proportion to each other and to the turbulence energy (Oboukov) scale LO and the inertial buoyancy (Ozmidov) scale of the patches; that is, with LTrms ≈1.2LR and viscous dissipation rate 0*. According to the Gibson fossil turbulence model, all microstructure originates from completely active turbulence with 0 ≈ 3LT2N3(≈ 280*) and LT/√6 ≈ LTrms, but this rapidly decays into a more persistent active-fossil state with 0F ≈ 30vN2, where N is the buoyancy frequency and v is the kinematic viscosity and, without further energy supply, finally reaches a completely fossil turbulence hydrodynamic state of internal wave motions, with F. The last turbulence eddies, with F, vanish at a buoyant-inertial-viscous (fossil Kolmogorov) scale LKF that is much smaller than the remnant overturn scales LT for large 0/F ratios. These density, temperature, and salinity overturns with LT ≈ 0.6 LR0 0.6 LR persist as turbulence fossils (by retaining the memory of o) and collapse very slowly. In the near wake below the summit depth of Ampere seamount, a much larger proportion of completely active turbulence patches was found than is usually found in the ocean interior away from sources. Dissipation rates and turbulence activity coefficients of microstructure patches were found to decrease downstream, suggesting that the active turbulence indicated by the patches with AT 1 was caused by the presence of the seamount as a turbulence source. Therefore, the turbulence and mixing processes of ocean layers far away from turbulence sources probably have been undersampled by microstructure data sets lacking any AT 1 patches. This is because large fractions of the mixing and viscous dissipation of the patches occur in short-lived active turbulence regimes that are too brief to be detected. Consequently, large underestimates of the true space-time average turbulence fluxes and turbulence and scalar dissipation rates may result if non-fossil turbulence models are assumed in ocean microstructure data interpretation.  相似文献   

The nocturnal atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) poses several challenges to standard turbulence and dispersion models, since the stable stratification imposed by the radiative cooling of the ground modifies the flow turbulence in ways that are not yet completely understood. In the present work we perform direct numerical simulation of a turbulent open channel flow with a constant (cooling) heat flux imposed at the ground. This configuration provides a very simplified model for the surface layer at night. As a result of the ground cooling, the Reynolds stresses and the turbulent fluctuations near the ground re-adjust on times of the order of L/u τ , where L is the Obukhov length scale and u τ is the friction velocity. For relatively weak cooling turbulence survives, but when ReL=Lut/n <~100{Re_L=Lu_\tau/\nu \lesssim 100} turbulence collapses, a situation that is also observed in the ABL. This criterion, which can be locally measured in the field, is justified in terms of the scale separation between the largest and smallest structures of the dynamic sublayer.  相似文献   

The spectral equations of turbulent kinetic energy and temperature variance have been solved by using Onsager's energy cascade model and by extending Onsager's model to closure of terms that embody the interaction of turbulent and mean flow.The spectral model yields the following results: In a stably stratified shear flow, the peak wave numbers of the spectra of energy and temperature variance shift toward larger wave numbers as stability increases. In an unstably stratified flow, the peak wave numbers of energy spectra move toward smaller wave numbers as instability increases, whereas the opposite trend is observed for the peak wave numbers of temperature variance spectra. Hence, the peak wave numbers of temperature spectra show a discontinuity at the transition from stable to unstable stratification. At near neutral stratification, both spectra reveal a bimodal structure.The universal functions of the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory are predicted to behave as m ~ H ~ (- Z/L)-1/3 in an extremely unstable stratification and as m ~ H ~ z/L in an extremely stable stratification. For a stably stratified flow, a constant turbulent Prandtl number is expected.  相似文献   

The effect of topographical slope angle and atmospheric stratification on turbulence intensities in the unstably stratified surface layer have been parameterized using observations obtained from a three-dimensional sonic anemometer installed at 8 m height above the ground at the Seoul National University (SNU) campus site in Korea for the years 1999–2001. Winds obtained from the sonic anemometer are analyzed according to the mean wind direction, since the topographical slope angle changes significantly along the azimuthal direction. The effects of the topographical slope angle and atmospheric stratification on surface-layer turbulence intensity are examined with these data. It is found that both the friction velocity and the variance for each component of wind normalized by the mean wind speed decrease with increase of the topographical slope angle, having a maximum decreasing rate at very unstable stratification. The decreasing rate of the normalized friction velocity (u * /U) is found to be much larger than that of the turbulence intensity of each wind component due to the reduction of wind shear with increase in slope angle under unstable stratification. The decreasing rate of the w component of turbulence intensity (σ w /U) is the smallest over the downslope surface whereas that of the u component (σ u /U) has a minimum over the upslope surface. Consequently, σ w /u * has a maximum increasing rate with increase in slope angle for the downslope wind, whereas σ u /u * has its maximum for the upslope wind. The sloping terrain is found to reduce both the friction velocity and turbulence intensity compared with those on a flat surface. However, the reduction of the friction velocity over the sloping terrain is larger than that of the turbulence intensity, thereby enhancing the turbulence intensity normalized by the friction velocity over sloping terrain compared with that over a flat surface.  相似文献   

Observations were made of turbulence in an extensive deciduous forest on level terrain using a vertical array of seven three-dimensional sonic anemometer/thermometers within and above the canopy. Data were collected through the period of leaf fall and over a range of thermal stabilities. A bulk canopy drag coefficient was nearly independent of the density of the forest but decreased greatly with the onset of nocturnal stability. The depth of penetration of momentum into the forest increased with leaf fall but, again, was greatly curtailed by stable conditions. Turbulent velocities decreased with increasing depth in the forest but relative turbulence intensities increased to mid-canopy levels. Leaf density influenced turbulence levels but not as strongly as did thermal stability. Thermal effects were adequately described by the single parameter h/L, where h is the canopy height and L is the Monin-Obukhov length. The longitudinal and vertical velocity correlation coefficient was larger in magnitude than expected in the upper layers of the forest but decreased to a small value in the lowest layers where the Reynolds stress was small. The ratio w /u *, where u * is the local friction velocity, reflected changes in the uw correlation, becoming smaller than usual in the upper canopy layers. It is believed that these effects result from the intermittent, spatially coherent structures that are responsible for a large fraction of the momentum flux to the forest.  相似文献   

This paper presents meteorological measurements made during the antarctic summer period, on two 9 m and 3 m towers, on the rocky and ice shelf terrains of the Indian antarctic stations Maitri and Dakshin Gangotri, respectively. The measurements of fluctuations in temperature and wind speed made with relatively lesser precision instrumentation pertain to smaller wave numbers ~10-2 m-1 appropriate to outer scale L 0 of the atmospheric turbulence spectrum. Autocorrelation analysis of the fluctuations in temperature and wind speed has been performed. A new autoregressive scheme has been developed to represent the computed autocorrelation functions by a Yule statistical model, and to estimate the correlation period T 0 of the turbulent medium. Height profiles of outer scale L 0 of turbulence may be given in terms of T 0 and mean wind speed u. Further, the similarity theory of Monin-Obukhov has been used to compute height profiles of temperature structure parameter C T 2. At Maitri, values of L 0 and C T 2 are higher between 03–22 h local time than between 22–03 h. Values of L 0 and C T 2 are smaller over the ice shelf terrain of the Dakshin Gangotri station, compared to those over the rocky terrain of the Maitri station.  相似文献   

When modelling the turbulent dispersion of a passive tracer using Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) simulations, two different approaches can be used. The first consists of solving a transport equation for a scalar, where the governing parameters are the mean velocity field and the turbulent diffusion coefficient, given by the ratio of the turbulent viscosity and the turbulent Schmidt number Sc t . The second approach uses a Lagrangian particle tracking algorithm, where the governing parameters are the mean velocity and the fluctuating velocity field, which is determined from the turbulence kinetic energy and the Lagrangian time T L . A comparison between the two approaches and wind-tunnel data for the dispersion in the wake of a rectangular building immersed in a neutral atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is presented. Particular attention was paid to the influence of turbulence model parameters on the flow and concentration field. In addition, an approach to estimate Sc t and T L based on the calculated flow field is proposed. The results show that applying modified turbulence model constants to enable correct modelling of the ABL improves the prediction for the velocity and concentration fields when the modification is restricted to the region for which it was derived. The difference between simulated and measured concentrations is smaller than 25% or the uncertainty of the data on 76% of the points when solving the transport equation for a scalar with the proposed formulation for Sc t , and on 69% of the points when using the Lagrangian particle tracking with the proposed formulation for T L .  相似文献   

This paper describes wind-tunnel experiments on the flow around single and multiple porous windbreaks (height H), sheltering a model plant canopy (height H/3). The mean wind is normal to the windbreaks, which span the width of the wind tunnel. The incident turbulent flow simulates the adiabatic atmospheric surface layer. Five configurations are examined: single breaks of three solidities (low, medium, high; solidity = 1 - porosity), and medium-solidity multiple breaks of streamwise spacing 12H and 6H. The experimental emphases are on the interactions of the windbreak flow with the underlying plant canopy; the effects of solidity; the differences in shelter between single and multiple windbreaks; and the scaling properties of the flow. Principal results are: (1) the "quiet zones" behind each windbreak are smaller in multiple than single arrays, because of the higher turbulence level in the very rough-wall internal boundary layer which develops over the multiple arrays. Nevertheless, the overall shelter effectiveness is higher for multiple arrays than single windbreaks because of the "nonlocal shelter" induced by the array as a whole. (2) The flow approaching the windbreak decelerates above the canopy but accelerates within the canopy, particularly when the windbreak solidity is high. (3) A strong mixing layer forms just downwind of the top of each windbreak, showing some of the turbulence and scaling properties of the classical mixing layer formed between uniform, coflowing streams. (4) No dramatic increase in turbulence levels in the canopy is evident at the point where the deepening mixing layer contacts the canopy (around x/H = 3) but the characteristic inflection in the canopy wind profile is eliminated at this point.  相似文献   

The atmospheric surface layer over sea has a density stratification which varies with moisture content and air/sea temperature difference. This influences the growth of water waves. To study the effect quantitatively, the Reynolds equations are solved numerically. For given wind speed and surface roughness, wave growth is found to be more rapid in unstably stratified conditions than in stable conditions. This is due to an increase in turbulence, primarily caused by an increase of mixing length.Under the assumption of a Charnock relation between surface roughness and friction velocity, it is found that for large inverse wave age (u */c>0.07), the effect of stratification on wave growth is weell described by Monin-Obukhov scaling of the friction velocity. For smaller values ofu */c, Monin-Obukhov scaling overpredicts.The effect on duration-limited wave growth is studied with the third-generation WAM surface wave model driven by 10 m winds. Effects of stratification on the significant wave height are found to be of the order of 10%. The results are comparable to those of a recent reanalysis of field measurements, although the measured stratification effect is somewhat stronger. Implementation of a stratification-dependent growth in wave models is recommended, as it can lead to small but significant improvements in wave forecasts when accurate air and sea temperatures are available.  相似文献   

Boundary-layer resistance to heat transfer from plates was studied in a wind tunnel which produced turbulence with streamwise intensity in the range 3.5 to 25% and a longitudinal integral scale of the streamwise turbulence component (L u,x) in the range from 8 to 100 mm. It was found that heat transfer enhancement occurred due to the turbulence, and that at any given intensity, this enhancement was determined by the ratio of L u,x to the characteristic dimension of the plate.  相似文献   

A spectral approach is applied to shear-induced turbulence in stratified layers. A system of spectral equations for stationary balance of turbulent energy and temperature variances was deduced in the vicinity of the local shear scale LU = (ε/UZ3)1/2. At wavenumbers between the inertial-convective (k−5/3) and wak turbulence (k−3) subranges, additional narrow spectral intervals—‘production’ subranges—may appear (E k−1, ET k−2). The upper boundary of these subranges is determined as LU, and the lower boundaries as LR (ε/UZN2)1/2(χ/TZ2). It is shown that the scale LU is a unique spectral scale that is uniform up to a constant value for every hydrophysical field. It appears that the spectral scale LU is equivalent to the Thorpe scale LTh for the active turbulence model. Therefore, if turbulent patches are generated in a background of permanent mean shear, a linear relation between temperature and mass diffusivities exists. In spectral terms, the fossil turbulence model corresponds to the regime of the Boldgiano-Obukhov buoyancy subrange (E k−11/5, ET k−7/5). During decay the buoyancy subrange is expanded to lower and higher wavenumbers. At lower wavenumbers the buoyancy subrange is bounded by L** = 3(χ1/2/N1/2TZ), which is equivalent to the Thorpe scale LTh. In such a transition regime only, when the viscous dissipation rate is removed from the set of main turbulence parameters, the Thorpe scale does not correlate with the buoyancy scale LN ε1/2/N3/2 and fossil turbulence is realized. Oceanic turbulence measurements in the equatorial Pacific near Baker Island confirm the main ideas of the active and fossil turbulence models.  相似文献   

We analyzed the structure and evolution of turbulent transfer and the wind profile in the atmospheric boundary layer in relation to aerosol concentrations during an episode of heavy haze pollution from 6 December 2016 to 9 January 2017. The turbulence data were recorded at Peking University’s atmospheric science and environment observation station. The results showed a negative correlation between the wind speed and the PM2.5 concentration. The turbulence kinetic energy was large and showed obvious diurnal variations during unpolluted (clean) weather, but was small during episodes of heavy haze pollution. Under both clean and heavy haze conditions, the relation between the non-dimensional wind components and the stability parameter z/L followed a 1/3 power law, but the normalized standard deviations of the wind speed were smaller during heavy pollution events than during clean periods under near-neutral conditions. Under unstable conditions, the normalized standard deviation of the potential temperature σ θ /|θ*| was related to z/L, roughly following a –1/3 power law, and the ratio during pollution days was greater than that during clean days. The three-dimensional turbulence energy spectra satisfied a –2/3 power exponent rate in the high-frequency band. In the low-frequency band, the wind velocity spectrum curve was related to the stability parameters under clear conditions, but was not related to atmospheric stratification under polluted conditions. In the dissipation stage of the heavy pollution episode, the horizontal wind speed first started to increase at high altitudes and then gradually decreased at lower altitudes. The strong upward motion during this stage was an important dynamic factor in the dissipation of the heavy haze.  相似文献   

Based on theoretical radiative cooling values and observed temperature changes with time near the surface during the night, the bulk heat transfer coefficient C H is estimated from standard meteorological observations obtained from stations representative of open rural, small town and large urban areas, for nights with clear skies and relatively strong winds. It is shown that C H is smaller than the drag coefficient C M, and that C H/C M over urban areas is smaller than that over open countryside.  相似文献   

We show the relationship between the intermittency of turbulence and the type of stratification for different atmospheric situations during the SABLES98 field campaign. With this objective, we first demonstrate the scaling behaviour of the velocity structure functions corresponding to these situations; next, we analyze the curvature of the scaling exponents of the velocity structure functions versus the order of these functions (ζ p vs. p), where ζ p are the exponents of the power relation for the velocity structure function with respect to the scale. It can be proved that this curve must be concave, under the assumption that the incompressible approximation does not break down at high Reynolds numbers. The physical significance of this kind of curvature is that the energy dissipation rate increases as the scale of the turbulent eddies diminishes (intermittency in the usual sense). However, the constraints imposed by stability, preventing full development of the turbulence, allow the function ζ p versus p to show any type of curvature. In this case, waves of high frequency trapped by the stability, or bursts of turbulence caused by the breaking up of internal waves, may produce a redistribution of energy throughout the scaling range. Due to this redistribution, the variation with the scale of the energy dissipation rate may be smaller (decreasing the intermittency) and, even in more stable situations, this rate may diminish (instead of increasing) as the scale diminishes (convex form of the curve ζ p vs. p).  相似文献   

Turbulence in the nocturnal boundary layer(NBL) is still not well characterized, especially over complex underlying surfaces. Herein, gradient tower data and eddy covariance data collected by the Beijing 325-m tower were used to better understand the differentiating characteristics of turbulence regimes and vertical turbulence structure of urban the NBL. As for heights above the urban canopy layer(UCL), the relationship between turbulence velocity scale(VTKE) and wind speed(V) was con...  相似文献   

We examine the unsteady response of a neutral atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) of depth h and friction velocity u * when a uniform surface heat flux is applied abruptly or decreased rapidly over a time scale t<inf>θ</inf> less than about h /(10u *). Standard Monin–Obukhov (MO) relationships are used for the perturbed eddy viscosity profile in terms of the changes to the heat flux and mean shear. Analytical solutions for changes in temperature, mean wind and shear stress profile are obtained for the surface layer, when there are small changes in h /|LMO| over the time scale tMO~|L MO|/(10u*) (where L MO and t MO are the length and time scales, respectively). They show that a maximum in the wind speed profile occurs at the top of the thermal boundary layer for weak surface cooling, i.e. a wind jet, whereas there is a flattening of the profile and no marked maximum for weak surface heating. The modelled profiles are approximately the same as those obtained from the U.K. Met Office Unified Model when operating as a mesoscale model at 12-km horizontal resolution. The theoretical model is modified when strong surface heating is suddenly applied, resulting in a large change in h /|L MO| (>>1), over the time scale t MO. The eddy structure is predicted to change significantly and the addition of convective turbulence increases the shear turbulence at the ground. A low-level wind jet can form, with convective turbulence adding to the mean momentum of the flow. This was verified by our laboratory experiment and direct numerical simulations. Additionally, it is shown that the effects of Coriolis acceleration diminish (rather than as suggested in the literature, amplify) the formation of the wind jets in the situations considered here. Hence, only when the surface heat flux changes over time scales greater than 1/f (where f is the Coriolis parameter) does the ABL adjust monotonically between its equilibrium states. These results are also applicable to the ABL passing over spatially varying surface heat fluxes.  相似文献   

Data collected in the surface layer in a northern suburban area of Nanjing from 15 November to 29 December 2007 were analyzed to examine the Monin-Obukhov similarity for describing the turbulent fluctu- ations of 3D winds under all stability conditions and to obtain the turbulence characteristics under different weather conditions. The results show that the dimensionless standard deviations of turbulent velocity com- ponents (σ u /u* , σ v /u* , σ w /u * ) and dimensionless turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) can be well described by "1/3" power law relationships under stable, neutral, and unstable conditions, with σ u /u * > σ v /u * > σ w /u* . Land use and land cover changes mainly impact dimensionless standard deviations of horizontal component fluctuations, but they have very little on those of the vertical component. The dimensionless standard devi- ations of wind components and dimensionless TKE are remarkably affected by different weather conditions; the deviations of horizontal wind component and dimensionless TKE present fog day > clear sky > overcast > cloudy; the trend of the vertical wind component is the reverse. The surface drag coefficient at a Nan- jing suburban measurement site during the observation period was obviously higher than at other reported plains and plateau areas, and was approximately one order larger in magnitude than the reported plains areas. Dimensionless standard deviation of temperature declined with increasing |z /L| with an approximate "-1/3" slope in unstable stratification and "-2/3" slope in stable stratification.  相似文献   

We consider a model for the stable atmospheric boundary at large stability, i.e. near the limit where turbulence is no longer able to survive. The model is a plane horizontally homogeneous channel flow, which is driven by a constant pressure gradient and which has a no-slip wall at the bottom and a free-slip wall at the top. At the lower wall a constant negative temperature flux is imposed. First, we consider a direct numerical simulation of the same channel flow. The simulation is computed with the neutral channel flow as initial condition and computed as a function of time for various values of the stability parameter h/L, where h is the channel height and L is related to the Obukhov length. We find that a turbulent solution is only possible for h/L < 1.25 and for larger values turbulence decays. Next, we consider a theoretical model for this channel flow based on a simple gradient transfer closure. The resulting equations allow an exact solution for the case of a stationary flow. The velocity profile for this solution is almost linear as a function of height in most of the channel. In the limit of infinite Reynolds number, the temperature profile has a logarithmic singularity at the upper wall of the channel. For the cases where a turbulent flow is maintained in the numerical simulation, we find that the velocity and temperature profiles are in good agreement with the results of the theoretical model when the effects of the surface layer on the exchange coefficients are taken into account. Frans Nieuwstadt, a recently retired member of the BLM Editorial Board and a well-known member of the boundary-layer/turbulence community, died unexpectedly on 18 May 2005. An obituary will appear in a later issue of BLM.  相似文献   

The integral length-scalesL for the three orthogonal components of diffusivityK=L are derived from spectral analysis of velocity time series measurements. A 3-D sonic anemometer was used to make these velocity measurements at heights in the range 0.7–7.0 m in and above a 2 m orchard canopy with near-neutral atmospheric boundary-layer stability conditions. The integral length-scale is compared with another length-scale of diffusionL obtained by fitting an exponential model to the auto-correlation spectrumR E (t) in the region 0.95<R E (t)<0.5 for smallt. This length-scale is appropriate to a high frequency region of the energy spectrum where turbulent momentum transport becomes diffusion-like and the turbulent energy varies with the inverse square of frequence. This region has been shown by others to determine the magnitude of the dissipation rate of turbulent energy by the action of viscosity even though the dominant dynamics are inviscid. Within the crop, the ratio of the length-scalesL/L were found to be smaller than the values measured above the crop for vertical turbulence. This was attributed to the enhanced decay rate of turbulent energy due to the effect of the airflow interaction with the crop. It is unclear whether similar effects are present in the horizontal plane because of greater scatter in the data, resulting from the more variable nature of the wind direction in the horizontal plane.  相似文献   

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