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区域生态承载力预警评估方法及案例研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文针对国家资源环境承载能力监测预警评估中生态承载力评估的需求,探讨了生态承载力及预警的定义与内涵,从预警角度提出区域生态承载力评价的内容与方法,并以京津冀地区为例开展了案例研究。主要结论为:生态承载力是指生态系统提供服务功能、预防生态问题、保障区域生态安全的能力。生态承载力预警评估的实质是评估人类活动是否及在多大程度上影响生态系统在水源涵养、水土保持、防风固沙等主要服务功能的提供,是否产生了生态环境问题,是否影响到区域的生态安全。其评价流程主要包括:区域生态承载力评价指标选取及评价方法和阈值的确定、生态承载力预警状况及变化趋势分析、成因解析等内容。本文提出的生态承载力预警评价的方法及案例,可为全国及区域生态承载力的评估提供基础。  相似文献   

三江源生态保护和建设一期工程生态成效评估   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
基于生态系统结构--服务动态过程趋势分析,针对生态保护与建设工程预期目标,构建了由生态系统结构,质量,服务及其变化因素构成的生态成效评估指标体系,研究发展野外观测,遥感监测和生态过程定量模拟一体化的监测评估技术体系,评估了三江源生态保护和建设一期工程的生态成效.结果表明:工程实施8年以来,三江源区宏观生态状况趋好但尚未达到1970s比较好的生态状况,草地持续退化趋势得到初步遏制但难以达到预期"草地植被盖度提高平均20%~40%"的目标,水体与湿地生态系统整体有所恢复,生态系统水源涵养和流域水供给能力提高,区域水源涵养量达到了增加13.20亿m3目标;重点工程区内生态恢复程度好于非工程区,除了气候影响以外,工程的实施对促进植被恢复具有明显而积极的作用;然而,草地退化局面没有获得根本性扭转,工程实施尚未遏制土壤水蚀增加趋势,一期工程局部性和初步性特点突显出三江源区生态保护任务的长期性和艰巨性.  相似文献   

长江经济带绿色生态廊道建设研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
长江及其流域生态环境保护是长江经济带建设的基础和重要的支撑保障。长江横贯中国东中西三大地带,水量丰沛、水生态系统服务价值巨大。长江经济带生态区位重要,生态系统类型多样,生物多样性丰富,自然与人为因素影响下的生态环境变化呈现明显的区域差异。本文在系统分析长江经济带生态环境现状特征的基础上,总结了长江经济带面临的灾害威胁大、环境污染重和生态退化快等主要生态环境问题与威胁,提出了建设长江经济带绿色生态保障工程体系,加快形成开发集约集中、生态自然开敞的国土空间开发格局,加大生态系统完整性和连通性建设与保护力度,强化节能减排和流域环境综合治理,以及率先建立和完善生态文明制度体系等生态环境保护总体策略,确保长江经济带成为“水清地绿天蓝”的绿色生态走廊。  相似文献   

Ecosystem services have become one of the core elements of ecosystem management and evaluation. As a key area of ecosystem services and for maintaining national ecological security, ecosystem changes and implementation effect evaluation are important in national key ecological function zones, for promoting the main function zone strategy and for improving the construction of an ecological civilization. This article studies the ecological zone of a tropical rainforest region in the central mountain area of Hainan Island, China. Multi- source satellite data and ground observation statistics are analyzed with geo-statistics method and ecological assessment model. The core analysis of this paper includes ecosystem patterns, quality and services. By means of spatial and temporal scale expansion and multidimensional space-time correlation analysis, the trends and stability characteristics of ecosystem changes are analyzed, and implementation effect evaluation is discussed. The analysis shows a variety of results. The proportion of forest area inside the ecological zone was significantly higher than the average level in Hainan Island. During 1990–2013, settlement gradually increased inside the ecological zone. After implementation of the zone in 2010, human activity intensity increased, with the main land use being urban construction and land reclamation. Water conservation in the ecological function zone was higher than that outside the zone. In general, it increased slightly, but had obvious fluctuations. Soil conservation inside the zone was also better than that outside. However, it demonstrated dramatic fluctuations and relatively poor stability during 1990–2013. The human disturbance index inside the zone was significantly lower than that outside, and had a lower biodiversity threat level. Especially in 2010–2013, the increased range of the human disturbance index inside the zone was significantly less than that outside.  相似文献   

青藏高原国家生态安全屏障保护与建设   总被引:62,自引:13,他引:49  
青藏高原对我国乃至亚洲生态安全具有重要的屏障作用。在全球变化和人类活动的综合影响下,青藏高原呈现出生态系统稳定性降低、资源环境压力增大等问题,突出表现为:冰川退缩显著、土地退化形势严峻、水土流失加剧、生物多样性威胁加大与珍稀生物资源减少、自然灾害增多等。这些问题严重影响了青藏高原区域生态安全屏障功能的发挥。针对当前高原生态安全状况,在总结相关研究成果和生态建设实践经验的基础上,提出了加强青藏高原国家生态安全屏障保护与建设的对策建议:加强气候变化对青藏高原生态屏障作用影响及区域生态安全调控作用的基础研究;系统开展高原生态安全屏障保护和建设关键技术研究与示范推广;部署建设生态屏障功能动态监测体系,加强生态安全屏障保护与建设成效评估,构建评估体系和标准,并凝练经验,以系统提升国家生态安全屏障的总体功能,在应对全球变化中占据主动地位。  相似文献   

The dryland ecosystem is the dominant component of the global terrestrial ecosystem since arid regions occupy 45% of the earth’s land area and feed 38% of the world's population. The stability and sustainable development of the dryland ecosystem are critical for achieving the millennium development goal (MDG) in the arid and semiarid areas. However, there is still no scientific guideline for measuring and conserving the health and productivity of dryland ecosystems. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop the scientific conceptual framework of defining, monitoring and evaluating the ecological quality of dryland ecosystems. The ecological quality of dryland ecosystems is represented by a system of comprehensive indicators that are each extracted from the ecological elements, and structural and functional indices of the ecosystem. These indicators can be monitored by integrating satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles with ground-based sensor networks at the scale of either observational sites or regional scales. Finally, the ecological quality can be evaluated by evaluation models based on the normalized index values and their thresholds. This paper presents a conceptual framework for monitoring and evaluating the ecological quality of drylands, which provides a way of advancing the monitoring, diagnosis, and evaluation of the ecological quality of the dryland ecosystems.  相似文献   

侯鹏  翟俊  曹巍  杨旻  蔡明勇  李静 《地理学报》2018,73(3):429-441
自2000年提出生态功能保护区的概念以来,历时17年不断探索和发展完善,中国已经形成了一批国家重点生态功能区和相关配套政策,成为生态保护红线划定的重要依据和主体功能区战略实施的主要组成,对保障国家生态安全和优化国土空间格局具有十分重要的意义。海南岛中部山区在2001年成为国家生态功能保护区试点,2010年被确定为国家重点生态功能区,是较早实施生态功能保护的重点管控区域之一。本文以海南岛中部山区热带雨林重点生态功能区为研究区域,综合利用多源卫星遥感数据和地面观测统计数据,集成地统计学和生态评估模型模拟方法,以生态系统格局、植被长势、服务功能为主要评估内容,通过时空尺度拓展和多维时空对比分析,探讨了该重点生态功能区生态系统变化和保护成效。结果发现:① 2013年功能区森林面积占比为84.5%,显著高于海南岛平均水平。1990-2013年功能区内建设用地逐渐增加。2010年功能区实施后,人类活动强度仍然呈现持续增加态势,面积比例从0.5%增加到0.8%,主要表现为城镇建设和耕地开垦。② 功能区水源涵养服务功能明显优于功能区外部,1990-2013年水源涵养服务功能总体上略有增加,但是不同时间段的波动变化明显,特别是1990-2000年和2000-2013年两个时间段内均表现为先减少后增加的变化特征。功能区单位面积的水源涵养量为51.78万m2/km2,明显高于功能区外部。③ 功能区土壤保持服务功能明显要优于功能区外部,1990-2013年表现出剧烈波动、稳定性较差。功能区单位面积的土壤保持量为1.95万t/km2,明显高于功能区外部。④ 功能区人类扰动指数明显小于功能区外部,生物多样性威胁程度明显偏小,有利于生物多样性的保护。功能区平均人类扰动指数为0.3664,比功能区外部低0.1152。1990-2013年功能区外部人类扰动指数变化幅度为0.0152,约为功能区内部变化幅度的5.31倍。特别是2010-2013年,功能区内部人类扰动指数增加幅度要明显小于功能区外部。  相似文献   

As a complex social ecosystem network, the area along the Grand Canal has a prominent contradiction between the demand for economic development and the protection of natural resources, which means that there is an urgent need for ecological restoration and environmental protection. Using ArcGIS, Conefor, Linkage Mapper and other software platforms, this paper developed an integrated analysis framework, through loose coupling of the attribute-function-structure index system and a series of methods such as the least cost path, circuit theory and moving window search. Based on the framework, we resolve a series of scientific issues in developing regional ecological networks, such as the selection of ecological sources, the simulation of potential ecological corridors, the assessment of the importance of ecological sources and corridors, and the identification of key ecological nodes. Moreover, an overall conservation pattern of the regional ecological network is constructed. The results show that: 1) A total of 88 important ecological sources are identified in the study area. The patches with high centrality values are mainly concentrated in the southern mountainous area and the areas with abundant rivers and lakes. 2) A total of 138 important ecological corridors are identified, and they are not evenly distributed. Extremely important corridors mostly appear between important patches, and very important corridors are mainly distributed in the central area. 3) Fifteen ecological pinch points are extracted, and they are mainly concentrated in the northern part of the study area and eastern Zhejiang Province. The barriers are mostly concentrated in the southern and northern parts of the study area. 4) Combining the demands of ecological protection and socioeconomic development, we propose an overall ecological conservation pattern of “one axis, five sections, multiple cores and multiple nodes” to effectively guide future ecological restoration work. These results can provide a useful reference and spatial guidance for decision makers in terms of ecological restoration and cooperation on cross-regional ecological protection along the Grand Canal.  相似文献   

中国国际重要湿地监测的指标与方法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
湿地是具有多功能的重要的生态系统和自然资源,具有巨大的经济、生态和社会价值,为有效保护、科学管理和合理利用中国的国际重要湿地,需要在全国范围内开展国际重要湿地监测工作。国际重要湿地监测采用基于遥感技术、全球定位系统、地理信息系统(3S)技术为主的大范围宏观监测和典型湿地定位连续监测相结合的方法。在一定时期内对国际重要湿地生态特征变化进行测度的过程中,监测指标和技术方法的选择是最为关键的。国际重要湿地监测指标可分为湿地生态特征监测指标和影响湿地生态特征因子的监测指标,针对不同的监测指标提出了相应的监测技术和方法。  相似文献   

The adoption of both Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and a system perspective is a hot issue and an area in which there is much room for improvement in ecological protection and restoration. The study takes Altay region as an example, an area located in Xinjiang, China, which is an important ecological corridor of the national key functional area and the core area of the Belt and Road but has a fragile ecological environment and needs much enhancement in ecological protection and restoration. Guided by the concept of “mountains-rivers-forests- farmlands-lakes-grasslands (MRFFLG) system is a life community”, the coupling relationship of the various MRFFLG elements, the main ecological environmental problems and the integrated countermeasures for protection and restoration in Altay region have been analyzed in this study. The study shows that Altay region has a typical meta-ecosystem of mountain, oasis, and desert, and the connections by rivers and lakes make the ecosystem links within the region much closer. The interweaving of resource-environmental-ecological issues of the aquatic ecosystem, degradation of the quality of terrestrial ecosystems such as forests, grasslands and farmlands, the increased ecosystem fragmentation and ecological risks are the major ecological environmental issues in this region. This study takes the improvement of the ecosystem health and function in Altay region as the core goal of regional ecological protection and restoration. First, we establish a zoning governance pattern from the perspective of ecosystem integrity; second, we design governance strategies for different zones with the goal of synergistic improvements in the ecosystem functions; and finally, we clarify the key engineering tasks in different zones from the perspective of ecosystem services. Ecological conservation and restoration of the MRFFLG system is a prime example of the application and development of NbS in China. This paper constructs an analytical framework for identifying regional life communities, diagnosing ecological protection and restoration of zoning problems, and proposing classified solutions for ecological protection tasks for the protection of the MRFFLG system. This research will enrich the theory and technology for the protection and restoration of MRFFLG systems, and provide guidance for the practice of ecological protection and restoration in Altay region.  相似文献   

生态保护红线成效评估框架与指标方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯鹏  王桥  杨旻  李静  翟俊  蔡明勇 《地理研究》2018,37(10):1927-1937
生态保护红线是在自然保护区、重点生态功能区、风景名胜区、森林公园等诸多区域生态管理制度不断实践基础上,面对中国国土开发和生态保护的复杂关系,继承和创新提出的一种新型区域生态管控制度,已经成为推动国家生态文明建设的重大战略。如何科学评估生态保护红线保护成效,服务于生态保护红线综合管理和保障区域生态安全,成为普遍关注的热点问题之一。针对已有的区域生态保护成效评估案例的不足,基于划定生态保护红线是为保障国家和区域生态安全的基本认知,围绕着生态保护红线“生态功能不降低、面积不减少、性质不改变”的管控目标,以生态保护红线对区域生态系统保护作用为主要出发点,提出生态保护成效评估框架和指标方法。生态保护成效评估以生态系统类型构成和生态系统服务功能为内容主线,通过多维度时空尺度拓展,耦合分析生态保护红线内外、实施前后的生态状况变化,综合评估生态保护红线对保障区域生态安全的贡献和改善区域生态状况的作用。进而,可以关联分析可能引起生态保护红线生态状况变化的管控政策、制度和其他间接驱动因素,评估政策实施成效评估。实证上选择海南省生态保护红线和广东省严格控制区为案例进行了讨论。  相似文献   

孙传谆  李鹏  邓羽  张昌顺 《地理学报》2022,77(11):2902-2919
落实“山水林田湖草生命共同体”理念,提出美丽中国生态建设优化途径已成为当前亟待解决的关键科学问题和国家生态文明建设的重大需求。因地制宜地做好美丽中国建设的生态区划,提出生态建设分区方案,是实现美丽中国愿景的重要路径。目前,生态区划对于新时期系统性生态建设内涵,以及全球气候和人类活动变化双重背景对生态系统空间异质性影响的考虑不足。本文通过构建“景观美、服务美、安全美”的三位一体美丽中国生态建设分区的理论框架,综合考虑生态系统结构、格局、质量、服务、胁迫等因素的空间异质性,建立美丽中国生态建设分区三级指标体系,以及对生态现状本底和退化程度进行评估的生态建设综合指数和生态退化综合指数。以全国第三级流域为基本单元,基于指标现状特征及生态综合评估结果,通过空间聚类分析将全国划分为5个一级生态建设区和13类22个二级生态建设区,并在二级分区的基础上选择典型区划分出三级生态建设区。分区结果为美丽中国生态建设提供应用支撑。此外,未来生态建设分区的指标构建应当更加注重指标之间的关联性和生态系统功能的多样性,并进一步耦合气候变化和人类活动对生态系统的双重干扰。  相似文献   

在快速城市化过程中,高强度人为活动对生态系统结构和服务功能造成极大扰动,进而产生一定生态风险。近年来,景观生态风险评价的兴起为景观格局—生态过程互馈研究提供了新的视角,可有效支持生态系统管理。本文在探讨生态风险、区域生态风险与景观生态风险联系与区别的基础上,重点评述了景观指数法和风险“源—汇”法等主要景观生态风险评价方法,归纳了基于生态系统服务的景观生态风险研究进展。进一步地,以生态系统服务退化为损失表征,从地形、人为胁迫、生态恢复力、景观脆弱性等维度构建概率表征指标体系,提出了基于生态系统服务的景观生态风险评价(ESRISK)框架,以期为景观生态风险研究提供一个更为完善、综合的评价方法参考,并辅助支持风险减缓策略制定和有限资源的高效分配。最后,从生态系统服务权衡与协同关系、评价结果不确定性分析、景观生态风险与景观格局多尺度关联关系、脆弱性研究深化等方面做出展望。  相似文献   

生态系统观测研究网络在地球系统科学 中的作用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
地球系统科学是以地球系统为研究对象, 重点研究各圈层、各要素以及自然和人为现象 之间相互作用关系的科学, 是在科学技术自身发展和社会需求共同推动下发展起来的新兴学科。 地球系统科学概念的提出是为了解决全球性的资源和环境问题的需要, 是地球科学向综合集成 方向转变的重要阶段。目前在地球系统科学思想的指导下, 在全球规模上已经组织了一系列重要 国际联合研究计划, 企图组织全球的科学家协作推动地球科学的发展。地球系统科学发展离不开 对地球系统要素和圈层的物理、化学和生物过程的综合观测工作的支持。自20 世纪80 年代以 来, 一些国家、国际组织和国际合作项目都纷纷建立了国家、区域甚至全球尺度的观测、监测和信 息共享网络。国际长期生态研究网络(ILTER) 自20 世纪80 年代开始建设, 其目的是对生态过程 进行长期的监测, 研究各种生态因子的相互作用及生态过程, 从而揭示出生态系统和环境的长期 变化, 为生态系统评价及管理提供科学依据。 中国生态系统研究网络(CERN) 始建于1988 年, 在中国生态系统动态观测、科学研究和试验 示范方面发挥了重要作用, 2005 年在CERN 的基础上, 由国家科技部组织开始建立中国国家生 态系统观测研究网络(CNEN) , 目前已经遴选出了53 个台站, 开始对农田、森林、草地( 含荒漠) 和 水体( 湖泊和海湾) 的动态进行观测研究, 该网络必将成为全球地球观测系统(GEOSS) 的重要组 成部分, 在我国地球系统科学发展的历程中发挥重要作用。本文主要从发展地球系统科学角度, 讨论生态系统观测研究网络在地球系统科学中的作用。  相似文献   

With increasing numbers and types of nature reserves (NRs), objective evaluation and comparison of the effects of different nature NRs on conservation efforts are of great importance for protecting species diversity, ensuring reasonable national economic input, and adjusting government management schemes. Developing a method for the combined assessment of flagship or umbrella species and ecosystem quality will improve the evaluation of NRs. However, it is also important to establish a new framework for rapid evaluation of ecosystem quality, supported by the advantages of scientific, economic, and regular principles. Here, we proposed a new framework that incorporates the novel concept of ideal references into evaluation systems, which will facilitate the comparison of results from different periods and regions. Furthermore, from the perspective of making the framework as objective, rapid, and economical as possible, we recommended some key ecological indicators, such as net primary productivity, soil organic matter, plant diversity, for use in the new evaluation framework. The new framework, referred to as “ideal reference and key indicators” (IRKI), can sufficiently meet the requirements for the rapid evaluation of ecosystem quality both regionally and nationally. Furthermore, IRKI can identify the restoration potential and restoration periods of NRs, thus facilitating the rational distribution of resources and enhancing the protective effect. There are many types of NRs in China, and it is necessary to partially alter the assessment methods or parameters for different types of NRs. Overall, IRKI provides a simple, clear, and comparable framework that will strongly enhance the conservation of protected areas (PAs) and facilitate the standardization of management practices.  相似文献   

衡水湖湿地水环境分析及保护对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
衡水湖是华北平原惟一保存完整的内陆淡水湿地生态系统,生物多样性十分丰富,本文通过对衡水湖湿地水环境监测资料的收集整理,分析了衡水湖湿地水环境质量现状。结果表明:衡水湖在建立国家级自然保护区后,通过实施一系列严格的保护措施,目前水质仍保持较好。为了进一步保护衡水湖良好的生态环境,充分发挥衡水湖的生态功能,结合衡水湖的实际,提出了水环境保护建议。  相似文献   

Functional zoning is an important guarantee for regulating the land use intensity of national parks and maintaining the integrity and stability of natural ecosystem. In this paper, we tease out of the functional zoning models and methods based on the empirical analysis of the world national parks, and then take the Qianjiangyuan National Park (QNP) as an example, study the functional zoning method based on ecological sensitivity. Results show that, the goal of national park construction in the world is changing from enhancing national cohesion to displaying the national image, from the pure natural protection and recreation use to protection of the comprehensive function of natural ecosystem integrity protection, recreation, environmental education, etc. The establishment of QNP is to protect the natural ecosystem of sub-tropical lowland broad-leaved evergreen forest, also to meet the community development and recreational consume of large population in Eastern China. So this paper establishes an evaluation index system based on ecological sensitivity, combining ecosystem services, potential habitats of important species, and development opportunities. Based on the analysis result, the functional zoning of QNP can be divided into strict protection area, ecological conservation area, traditional using area and recreational area. In this way, it can make the functional partition reflect system controls thought in area difference and space layout, and take the corresponding management measures in different functional areas, to promote the sustainable evolution of the natural ecological system in national park.  相似文献   

基于研究对象视角梳理轻小型无人机遥感手段在生态学研究中的应用现状,重点分析了无人机在不同生态对象应用的优势和局限:优势主要在于其能够高灵活性、高分辨率地获取各生态对象的数据,为较大规模的生态研究提供了便利。在农田生态系统应用中主要关注农田信息检测、自动化农作等方面,但在这方面的应用还比较单一,缺乏更深层更全面的系统化应用;在森林草地中主要关注植被结构参数提取、生物量反演等,在数据采集过程中应注意设备的稳定性避免对数据准确性造成影响;城市生态系统主要集中在城市环境监测和测绘方面,同时城市方面飞控政策尚待完善;水生生态系统主要关注水生动植物监测和潮间带观测等,大规模监测也对设备续航和数据标准化处理提出了要求;动物研究应用中主要关注动物迁徙规律、物种分布等方面,在监测过程中需注意不要对动物栖息造成干扰。总的来说,无人机应用局限主要在于其获取的数据处理尚未标准化,飞控政策尚未成熟和硬件续航等方面。在此基础上探讨了未来无人机遥感在生态学研究的应用趋势:随着无人机智能化的软硬件发展和云端生态大数据的建立,无人机数据的获取和处理将更加智慧化,多源的无人机遥感数据将会更好地服务于生态学研究。  相似文献   

以甘肃白龙江流域为例,结合遥感、GIS技术和InVEST模型,从景观地理学角度选取区域生境质量、植物净初级生产力和景观状态指数为评价指标,构建区域景观尺度上生物多样性空间格局综合评估方法,并在栅格像元尺度上开展白龙江流域景观生物多样性时空变化特征分析。结果表明:白龙江流域景观生物多样性空间格局差异显著,其生物多样性高值区主要集中在自然保护区和林业管护区,低值区主要分布在舟曲-武都-文县的白龙江两岸及其以北区域、宕昌县岷江沿岸、高寒稀疏植被区和高山积雪-裸岩区。1990~2010年,流域景观生物多样性较为丰富,整体呈现不断增长的趋势,个别局部区域减弱,其增长区主要体现在生态工程实施区和林业管护区,减少区多分布在人类活动频繁的城乡农耕区和灾害多发区。  相似文献   

新疆生态系统健康遥感评估及关键驱动因子研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为我国陆地面积最大的省级行政区,新疆维吾尔自治区具有多样的生态系统结构和丰富的动植物物种资源,是我国西北地区重要的生物多样性热点研究区域。通过以新疆维吾尔自治区为研究对象,结合区域特点和定量遥感数据实时、易获取、周期性等优势,选取归一化植被指数、动物物种丰富度、干旱度、人类扰动指数四类单因子指标,依据“活力-组织-恢复力”生态健康评估模型,定量化的构建了新疆以遥感数据为主导的区域综合生态健康遥感评估指数,并进一步基于地理探测器探明不同环境驱动因子对新疆生态健康的影响程度,在县级行政区层面对该方法进行了长时间序列的应用分析和验证。结果表明:(1)新疆生态健康水平以塔里木河—叶尔羌河流域为分界线,北疆生态健康水平明显高于南疆,具有显著的空间分异性和集聚特征。(2)各环境因子对新疆生态健康的影响程度依次为:归一化植被指数(0.645)>人类扰动指数(0.512)>动物物种丰富度(0.414)>干旱度(0.116)。(3)2000—2018年新疆整体生态健康水平呈现逐步攀升的趋势,变化最为显著的区域是在昌吉回族自治州的玛纳斯县、呼图壁县以及昌吉市;阿勒泰地区的福海县和富蕴县。  相似文献   

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