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植物中汞的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
植物生态系统中汞的环境过程是生物地球化学循环过程的重要组成部分,且与整个生态系统中各物种的生存和发展密切相关。本文介绍了植物中汞生物地球化学循环的进展,包括汞对植物的生物毒性、植物中汞的来源、分布与迁移转化、植物大气间汞的交换过程及其研究方法,以及植被在生态系统间汞循环中的重要作用,最后简要介绍今后的研究重点和热点。  相似文献   

陆地生态系统研究通常未考虑影响整个岩石风化层--土壤剖面的生物地球化学过程,而关键带科学则强调从冠层到基岩重新认识整个生态系统的结构和功能,在流域尺度上应该强调大气和植物之间、植物和土壤之间、小流域土壤和溪流之间物质和元素循环的相互联系等。植物碳固定及分配、从地表到基岩的土壤碳库分解和转化以及小流域碳迁移与平衡是碳生物地球化学循环的起始、周转和迁移过程的关键环节,应该加强流域尺度上从冠层到基岩的生态系统碳循环过程、机制及其生态功能研究。同位素技术具有指示、示踪和整合功能,通过δ13C自然示踪和人工标记技术,可以辅助解析碳生物地球化学过程与机制。  相似文献   

喀斯特地质与生态系统是地球表层系统中的重要组成部分,其变化将对其他地区以及整个地球系统产生影响.生物地球化学循环是全球和区域变化研究的核心内容,而生态系统的演化与系统内水分和养分的生物地球化学循环密切相关。因此,我们有必要将喀斯特生态系统纳入到更大区域或全球生态系统中进行分析研究,在充分研究认识整个喀斯特生态系统物质生物地球化学循环规律的基础上,进一步研究喀斯特生态系统的全球变化响应或影响机制,为喀斯特生态系统优化调控对策和措施提供科学基础。研究生态系统演化过程中物质的生物地球化学循环规律,是研究植物适生性、物种优化配置和适应性生态系统调控机理的关键基础。在介绍前人工作基础的同时,本文全面而概括地总结了我们近年利用元素、同位素(如δ13C、δ15N、δ34S、87Sr/86Sr)示踪和化学计量学理论和方法对喀斯特生态系统中不同界面和流域中物质的生物地球化学循环及其生态环境效应的研究成果。认识到:喀斯特流域生物地球化学循环活跃,相互耦合,并与流域生态环境变化相互制约;人类活动正干预流域物质的自然生物地球化学循环过程,并导致相应的生态和环境效应;全球变化科学深化有赖于区域生态环境变化及物质生物地球化学循环的研究。这些认识是我们将来系统深入开展喀斯特以及其他流域生态系统物质生物地球化学循环研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

汞污染是当前重要的全球性环境问题。在气候变暖的背景下,多年冻土退化能够显著改变土壤环境和水热过程,进而可引发土壤中汞的活化和大量释放,对生态系统产生潜在的风险。本文综述了多年冻土区土壤总汞的浓度和储量、空间分布和影响因素,阐释了多年冻土不同退化过程中(活动层增厚和热喀斯特发育)土壤中汞的迁移转化和释放特征及其环境效应。北半球多年冻土区土壤总汞储量为597 Gg(384~750 Gg),植被吸收作用驱动的大气单质汞[Hg(0)]沉降是土壤中汞的重要来源。多年冻土区土壤中总汞含量和空间分布主要受大气汞沉降、有机质含量和沉降后过程(如淋溶作用)的影响。多年冻土退化不仅能够向大气和水生生态系统释放大量的汞,还可增强微生物甲基化作用生成剧毒的甲基汞(MeHg),已经对全球汞循环及区域环境产生了重要影响,且这一影响在持续加强。未来研究中需结合汞同位素等多技术手段,追踪多年冻土融水径流中汞的迁移转化和传输过程;强化热喀斯特对汞释放的影响研究;结合野外原位观测与模型模拟,全面评估多年冻土退化对土壤汞迁移转化的影响及其环境效应。  相似文献   

陆地生态系统中汞的迁移与富集研究的重要意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陆地生态系统中汞的迁移与富集研究的重要意义刘广深,曾毅强,洪业汤(中国科学院地球化学研究所,贵阳550002)关键词生态系统,汞,污染,环境地球化学在全球尺度上,人类对某些重金属元素生物地球化学循环的干扰已达到令人惊骇的程度,并已酿成一系列后果,如人...  相似文献   

运用Tekran 2537 A与动力学通量箱联测技术,对广州市5个绿化带和草地土壤—大气界面汞交换通量进行了实地监测,结果表明,广州市5个监测点土壤—大气界面汞交换通量密度均值为7.341±9.714 ng·m-2·h-1,不同地点土壤—大气汞交换通量密度有显著差异。汞交换通量密度随土壤汞含量的增加而增大,气象条件显著影响汞交换通量,汞交换通量密度与光照和土壤温度呈显著正相关关系,与土壤pH呈负相关关系,降雨和植被显著影响汞交换通量。  相似文献   

岩溶生物地球化学研究的进展与问题   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李强  靳振江 《中国岩溶》2016,35(4):349-356
在CO2-水-碳酸盐岩活跃的代谢体系中,由于参与岩溶作用过程的二氧化碳来源复杂,因而研究碳酸盐岩环境中二氧化碳在生物介导下所耦联的物质循环过程及其与全球变化的关系成为岩溶生物地球化学学科的主要内容,并使其成为现代岩溶学的重要分支。在分析国内外岩溶学、地球化学、生物学等交叉学科研究成果的基础上,本文简要评述了基于岩溶生物地球化学特性的水土流失与石漠化过程,碳酸盐岩矿物在生物作用下的化学风化、元素释放规律以及控制元素循环的界面过程,碳酸盐岩区土壤-大气界面下的气体循环及其控制因素和过程,碳酸盐岩区有机污染物在环境中的来源、分布规律与降解,微型生物在岩溶水体碳循环过程中的作用等主题的主要研究进展和存在的科学问题。因此,需要以CO2为核心把岩溶环境中不同尺度上生物有机体参与的地球化学过程联系起来,但人们对生物有机体是如何通过协同作用而改变岩溶环境的,还了解得很少。如果能查明碳酸盐岩一土壤一水一生物相互作用产生的功能,岩溶生物地球化学将进一步拓展CO2-水-碳酸盐岩相耦合的岩溶作用过程,并在岩溶资源领域和全球变化领域有广阔的应用前景。因此,岩溶生物地球化学需要多学科的协同研究,特别是加强生物过程与岩溶过程的耦合研究,方能解决岩溶领域存在的生态环境问题。   相似文献   

湿地汞环境过程研究进展   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
汞在湿地生态系统中的环境过程是汞全球循环的组成部分,并与人类的健康有着密切关系。分析了湿地环境过程研究的重要意义,综述了国内外湿地汞环境过程研究的进展情况,包括在湿地汞来源、含量、赋存形态,迁移、转化、界面反应等方面。指出由于湿地独特的水文过程和环境条件,汞的累积、迁移与转化过程具有与其它生态系统不同的特点。湿地能吸收大气沉降和地表径流的汞,是汞的汇。汞在湿地生态系统中呈富集状态。湿地具有较高的汞累积速率和甲基汞生产能力,湿地的氧化-还原条件和丰富的有机碳有利于汞的甲基化。湿地甲基汞通过食物链的"生物放大",威胁人类的健康。全球气候变暖、酸雨和臭氧层耗竭可能增加湿地汞的生态环境风险。提出应开展湿地特定环境条件下汞的循环及其在汞全球循环中作用的研究,并关注湿地对全球环境变化的响应。  相似文献   

陆地硅的生物地球化学循环研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地球表层硅(Si)的生物地球化学循环与大气CO2浓度变化、大洋生物泵作用以及海岸带富营养化等过程密切相关,因此成为全球环境变化研究的核心问题之一。在地质时间尺度上,硅酸盐矿物的化学风化是地球表层所有次生Si的来源。陆地生态系统各次生Si库具有不同的形成机制和驱动因子,这导致各Si库的贮存量和循环周期存在明显差异。土壤Si库中的黏土矿物Si、溶解硅(DSi)和淀积在其他矿物表面的无定形Si都源自硅酸盐矿物的化学风化过程;植物生长过程中吸收土壤中的DSi形成生物Si,然后经微生物分解过程返还给土壤;地表径流将流域陆源Si以悬移质Si和DSi的形式输入河流、海洋。迄今,陆地不同形态Si库的大小及其对全球Si循环的贡献仍不确定。因此,在研究陆地Si的生物地球化学循环过程中,综合考虑各种地表过程及其耦合作用是非常必要的。  相似文献   

生物地球化学的概念与方法——DNDC模型的发展   总被引:38,自引:2,他引:38       下载免费PDF全文
生物地球化学作为一个学科包含4个概念,即生物地球化学量、流、群和场.这4个概念从不同角度描述了生命与其环境的关系.生物地球化学量探索生命及其无机环境在元素丰度上的相似性,这种相似性决定了生命体对环境化学状态的依赖性.生物地球化学流描写化学元素在生态系统中的迁移,此迁移导致了生命体与环境间的物质和能量交换.生物地球化学群描述化学元素在迁移转化时的复杂组合关系及其生物效应.生物地球化学场是生态系统中控制生物地球化学反应的各种环境营力的总和.生物地球化学模型即是这一综合力场及其对化学元素迁移转化影响的数学描述,DNDC模型即基于这些概念发展起来.DNDC模型可用来预测陆地生态系统中碳和氮的生物地球化学行为,该模型已被一些国家用来预测农业土壤的长期肥力和温室气体排放.  相似文献   

A box model of mercury (Hg) cycling between the atmosphere and ocean is described and used to estimate Hg fluxes on a global scale (The Global/Regional Interhemispheric Mercury Model, GRIMM). Unlike previous simulations of this system, few assumptions are made concerning the rate of prominent marine biogeochemical processes affecting Hg (e.g., evasion, particle scavenging, and deep ocean burial). Instead, consistency with two observed atmospheric distributions was required: the interhemispheric gradient in total atmospheric Hg and the value for changes in the deposition of Hg from the atmosphere since industrialization observed in both hemispheres. Sensitivity analyses underscore the importance to modeling of the atmospheric lifetime of Hg, the magnitude of the interhemispheric gradient, the historical changes in Hg concentrations of various reservoirs, and vertical exchange between the surface ocean and the permanent thermocline. Results of the model indicate: lower evasional fluxes of Hg from the global ocean than previous estimates; a prominent role for particle scavenging as a removal mechanism from the surface ocean; a modest influence of dry processes (dust and gas) on Hg removal from the atmosphere; and an estimate of natural land-based sources of Hg to the atmosphere that is no more than about half that of anthropogenic sources.  相似文献   

气候变化对黄土碳库效应影响的敏感性研究   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
中国黄土分布广、厚度大,是古气候变化的良好记录载体,然而黄土在大气CO2循环中到底是源还是汇一直是困扰人们的一个问题.本文利用陆相生态系统中的生物地球化学模型,通过敏感性试验,模拟了土壤有机碳对气候变化的响应.结果表明:1)在各种稳定的气候条件下黄土的土壤有机质都是持续增加的,因此可以认为自然条件下黄土是大气CO2的一个汇;2)温度和降水对黄土中土壤有机质含量的影响正好相反,表明湿度是影响黄土地区生态环境的主要因素,温度和降水都是通过对湿度的影响来影响植被生态的;3)地表植被和土壤有机质是黄土碳库与大气CO2之间的重要媒介.黄土表层的生物地球化学过程是影响黄土碳汇效应的主要过程;4)黄土碳库的主要存在形式以次生碳酸盐为主,其次是土壤有机质,气态CO2只占很小比例.  相似文献   

全球生物地球化学循环研究的进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
简要介绍了全球元素生物地球化学循环研究的新进展。首先说明几十年来生物地球化学循环研究重点的转变,其次分析了当前研究的特点,这就是多层次地(时空及生态系统)进行实验和数学模拟并外推至全球,比经典的循环研究要细致得多。经典研究往往只是将定位点上的结果简单地外推到区域甚至全球。最后有选择地阐述了生物地球化学循环各领域(源、汇、转化过程、测量方法、模式等)内的发展趋势与热点,其中主要有农业生态系统含碳、氮痕量气体的源、遗漏的碳汇、碳、氮、硫、磷间的耦合作用、同位素丰度比及指示物的应用和氧化亚氮和甲烷释放模式。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(11):1913-1923
Mercury is emitted to the air from Hg-enriched and low Hg-containing (natural background) substrates. Emitted Hg can be geogenic, or can be derived from the re-emission of Hg that was previously deposited to the soil from the atmosphere. Atmospheric Hg can be derived from natural and/or anthropogenic sources and can be deposited by wet or dry processes. It is important to understand the relative magnitude of emission, deposition, and re-emission of Hg associated with terrestrial ecosystems with natural background soil Hg concentrations because these landscapes cover large terrestrial surface areas. This information is also important for developing biogeochemical mass balances, assessing the impacts of atmospheric Hg sources, and predicting the effectiveness of regulatory controls at local, regional, and global scales.The major focus of this paper is to discuss air–substrate Hg exchange for low Hg-containing soils (<0.1 μg Hg g−1) from two areas in Nevada and one in Oklahoma, USA. Data collected with field and laboratory gas exchange systems are presented. Results indicate that in order to adequately characterize substrate–air Hg exchange, diel and seasonal data must be collected under a variety of environmental conditions. Field and laboratory data showed that dry deposition of gaseous Hg to substrates with low Hg concentrations is an important process. Environmental parameters important in influencing emissions include soil water content, incident light, temperature, atmospheric oxidants, and air Hg concentrations. There are synergistic and antagonistic effects between these parameters complicating prediction of flux.  相似文献   

It is recognized that karst processes are actively involved in the current global carbon cycle based on twenty years research, and the carbon sink occurred in karst processes is possibly an important part of “missing sink” in global carbon cycle. In this paper, an overview is given on karst carbon cycle research, and influence factors, formed carbon pools (background carbon sink) and sink increase potentials of current karst carbon cycle are analyzed. Carbonate weathering could contribute to the imbalance item (BIM) and land use change item (ELUC) in the global carbon cycle model, owing to its uptake of both atmospheric CO2 (carbon sink effect) and CO2 produced by soil respiration (carbon source reduction effect). Karst carbon sink includes inorganic carbon sink resulted from hydrogeochemical process and organic carbon sink generated by aquatic photosynthetic DIC conversion, forming relatively stable river (reservoir) water body or sediment carbon sink. The sizes of both sinks are controlled by terrestrial ecosystems and aquatic ecosystems, respectively. Desertification rehabilitation and carbon sequestration by aquatic plants are two effective ways to increase the carbon sink in karst area. It is estimated that the rate of carbon sink is at least 381 000 t CO2/a with vegetation restoration and afforestation in southwest China karst area, while the annual organic carbon sink generated by aquatic photosynthesis is about 84 200 t C in the Pearl River Basin. The development of a soil CO2 based model for assessment of regional dissolution intensity will help to improve the estimation accuracy of carbon sink increase and potential, thus provide a more clear and efficient karst sink increase scheme and pathway to achieve the goals of “double carbon”. With the deep investigation on karst carbon cycle, mechanism and carbon sink effect, and the improvement of watershed carbon sink measurement methods and regional sink increase evaluation approaches. Karst carbon sink is expected to be included in the list of atmospheric CO2 sources/sinks of the global carbon budget in the near future.  相似文献   

In recent decades, humans have become a very important force in the Earth system, demonstrating that emissions (gaseous, liquid, and solid) are the cause of many of our environmental issues. These emissions are responsible for major global reorganizations of the biogeochemical cycles. The oceans are now a net sink of atmospheric CO2, whereas in their preindustrial state they were a source; the trophic state of the coastal oceans is progressively moving toward increased heterotrophy; and the terrestrial realm is now vacillating between trophic states, whereas in preindustrial times it was autotrophic. In this paper, we present model calculations that underscore the role of human-induced perturbations in changing Earth's climate, specifically the role of anthropogenic nitrogen and phosphorus in controlling processes in the global carbon cycle since the year 1850 with projections to the year 2035. Our studies show that since the late 1940's emissions of nitrogen and phosphorus have been sequestered in the terrestrial living phytomass and groundwater. This nutrient-enhanced fertilization of terrestrial biota, coupled with rising atmospheric CO2 and global temperature, has induced a sink of anthropogenic CO2 that roughly balances the emission of CO2 owing to land use change. In the year 2000, for example, the model-calculated terrestrial biotic sink was 1730 Mtons C/year, while the emission of CO2 from changes in land use was 1820 Mtons C/year, a net flux of 90 Mtons C/year emitted to the atmosphere. In the global aquatic environment, enhanced terrestrial inputs of biotically reactive phosphorus (about 8.5 Mtons P/year) and inorganic nitrogen (about 54 Mtons N/year), have induced increased new production and burial of organic carbon in marine sediments, which is a small sink of anthropogenic CO2. It is predicted that the response of the global land reservoirs of C, N, and P to sustained anthropogenic perturbations will be maintained in the same direction of change over the range of projected scenarios of global population increase and temperature change for the next 35 years. The magnitude of change is significantly larger when the global temperature increase is maximum, especially with respect to the processes of remobilization of the biotically important nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus.  相似文献   

大气环境氮同位素示踪及生物监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
大气中氮的转化、迁移和沉降等大气过程与地表氮的生物地球化学循环密切相关。氮同位素对大气氮源和氮的大气化学过程的定量研究已引起广泛关注。本文对大气不同氮源的同位素特征、氮在大气过程中的同位素分馏机制以及如何定量化大气氮过程的方法进行了简要阐述,并介绍了苔藓氮同位素作为一种新的研究手段在示踪大气氮源和大气氮过程等方面取得的新进展。对国内开展的有关大气氮同位素以及苔藓氮同位素方面的工作进行了重点介绍。  相似文献   

岩溶作用时间尺度与碳汇稳定性   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
章程 《中国岩溶》2011,30(4):368-371
从碳酸盐溶蚀快速动力学过程、岩溶动力系统的开放性、环境敏感性和生物参与性等方面分析了岩溶作用过程的时间尺度及其碳汇稳定性,指出岩溶碳循环是一种兼具不同时间尺度的特殊地质作用过程,因水生植物和土地利用变化的影响,碳汇效应显著且相对稳定,仍对现今大气CO2减排有重要意义。为更好地估算岩溶碳汇潜力,在加强高精度自动化监测的同时,需要考虑外源水、水生植物及土地利用变化等因素。   相似文献   

The Mackenzie River Basin (MRB) in NW Canada is one of the least human-impacted large watersheds in the world. The western and eastern sub-basins of the MRB are also marked by contrasting geology, geomorphology, hydrology, and biology. These remarkable differences in a remote river basin provide a unique opportunity to probe the biogeochemical processes governing the sources, transport, and bioavailability of Hg at the terrestrial-marine interface and ultimately in the Arctic Ocean. Based on a large dataset of the concentration and speciation of Hg, S and organic matter in surface sediments across the MRB, a source-apportioned budget was constructed for Hg in the MRB. The results indicate that the Hg flux in the basin originates primarily from the weathering of sulfide minerals in the western mountainous sub-basin (∼78% of the total), followed by the erosion of coal deposits along the mainstream of the Mackenzie River (∼10%), with the remainder split between atmospheric inputs and organic matter-bound Hg (6% and 5%, respectively). Although the Hg flux from the eastern peatland sub-basin only accounts for ∼10% of the total riverine Hg flux, Hg in this region correlates strongly with labile organic matter, and will likely have a much stronger influence on local biota.  相似文献   

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