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大弹涂鱼室内人工繁殖和育苗技术研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文进行了大弹涂鱼室内人工繁殖和育苗研究.性激素注射雌性亲鱼864尾,雄性亲鱼846尾,以陶瓷管道诱导产卵和人工授精的方法获得受精卵,采用塑料箱和塑料桶两种容器孵化受精卵,比较了不同的仔稚鱼培育密度和培育方法与成活率的关系.研究结果表明,雌鱼的催熟率为40.0%~65.0%;管道产卵率为10.0%~26.0%,管道内卵子的平均受精率为60.0%~75.0%,人工授精卵平均受精率为45.0%~65.0%;管道内卵子在塑料箱内的孵化率为17.8%~28.0%,人工授精卵在塑料桶内的孵化率为38.5%~57.0%;共投放初孵仔鱼264000尾,经42~46d培育后变态为幼鱼,共培育出幼鱼31098尾,幼鱼平均全长为1.89cm,平均成活率为11.78%.  相似文献   

大菱鲆产卵季节对卵子的生物学及生化特征的影响   总被引:13,自引:10,他引:13  
于2000年6-8月,采用现场测定和生化分析方法,研究了大菱Ping雌鱼产卵盛期和产卵晚期卵子的生物学特征及生化组成。结果表明,大菱Ping卵子的生物学特征及生化组成随着产卵季节的进程而改变。产卵晚期的卵子卵径小于产卵盛期,每粒卵子含水量及重量均高于晚期,盛期卵子的粗蛋白、脂肪、灰分占干重的百分比低于晚期卵子。在产卵晚期,中性脂所产卵盛期有明显增加,而20:5(n-3)、20:4(n-6)水平比产卵盛期有明显增加,而20:5(n-3)、20:4(n-6)、22:5(n-3)和22:6(n-3)的水平则明显下降。产卵盛期卵子的孵化率和存活力要高于晚期。  相似文献   

点带石斑鱼亲鱼培育、产卵和孵化的试验研究   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
陈国华  张本 《海洋与湖沼》2001,32(4):428-435
采用经埋植外源激光法诱导所得的点带石斑鱼功能性雄鱼和人工养殖的雌鱼进行亲鱼培育、产卵和孵化的试验研究,在1999-2000年的两年中,繁殖仔鱼7103万尾,结果表明,雌鱼的绝对生死力为535.01万粒卵,相对生殖力为810.21粒/g体重,水泥池中培育的点带石斑鱼能自然产卵与水温相关,水温高于24℃时,产卵呈一定的周期性,即连续产卵5-7天,停产数天后再开始下一个产卵周期;水温低于24℃时,产卵受到抑制,水温对胚胎发育有明显的影响,水温25.5-28.5℃胚胎发育时间为21h53min,仔鱼活力好,盐度为30-33时,胚胎发育正常盐度降低造成孵化率下降。  相似文献   

红鳍笛鲷亲鱼培育及产卵技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用控温、营养强化的方法培育红鳍笛鲷(Lutjanuserythropterus)亲鱼 ,并结合激素诱导使其在1周年内每个月不间断产卵。实验亲鱼454尾 ,培育成活率为96% ,共采卵147150×104粒 ,平均每尾雌鱼年产卵量为541.0×104粒 ,人工催产卵的受精率为40 %~86.2 % ,自然产卵的受精率为68.3%~91.2%。  相似文献   

紫红笛鲷繁殖特性及诱导产卵的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
描述紫红笛鲷Lutjanusargentimaculatus繁殖特性及人工诱导产卵的试验结果。紫红笛鲷养殖群体具有不完全的先雄后雌的性转化现象。1、2龄鱼全部为雄鱼,性腺成熟系数(GSI)为2.07%—4.85%;3龄亲鱼80%为雄鱼,20%转化为雌雄同体;4龄亲鱼性别转化基本确定,多数亲鱼为纯粹具有生殖机能的雄鱼,而在雌雄同体的亲鱼性腺中具有明显雌性第一性征的雌鱼仅占30%左右;雌雄同体的亲鱼性腺GSI为4.12%—8.09%,其中的卵巢GSI小于2%,4龄雌鱼怀卵量约70—100万粒;紫红笛鲷卵母细胞属非同步性发育,一个生殖季节能多次产卵。试验结果表明:低剂量的LHRH A2(3μg·kg-1)多次注射能有效地促进性腺发育、逐步成熟,并最终产卵,但对卵径小于300μm的亲鱼卵巢没有明显的诱导效果。在5μgLHRH A2+1000I UHCG·kg-1或5μgLHRH A2+500IUHCG·kg-1两种不同剂量的混合激素作用下,亲鱼的性腺都能迅速发育成熟,并能在小型循环式产卵池中自然产卵和受精。在水温为26.0—29.5℃的产卵池中,激素效应时间为35—43h。LHRH A2和HCG混合激素对卵母细胞直径达到400μm以上的紫红笛鲷亲鱼具有良好的促熟和催产效果,催产率达100%。如何减轻亲鱼之间相互残杀是改善雄鱼生理状况、保证雄鱼质量和提高卵子受精率必需解决的重要问题。  相似文献   

金钱鱼繁殖生物学及诱导产卵试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
金钱鱼(Scatophagus argus)是一种具有观赏和食用价值的名贵海水经济鱼类,环境适应性和抗病抗逆性极强.本文首次较系统研究了金钱鱼养殖群体的繁殖生物学特性和人工诱导产卵技术.结果表明:金钱鱼雌雄性比为1.31:1,雌、雄鱼最小生殖生物学年龄均为1龄;2龄以上亲鱼生殖机能较健全,适合人工繁殖.4-8月是南方沿海金钱鱼的生殖期,盛期为5-7月.雌鱼个体绝对生殖力F为337309-635755粒,平均456320粒,个体相对生殖力(F/W,W体重)为720.4-963.3粒·g-1,平均843.1粒·g-1;金钱鱼性腺雌雄异体,雌鱼性腺成熟系数(gonadosomatic index,GSI)最高达14.7%,雄鱼GSI最高2.2%,为多次性产卵类型.金钱鱼能在淡水或低盐海水中正常生长发育,但需要在较高的盐度中生殖,在环境适宜条件下,性成熟的雌鱼经过混合激素的诱导[1.每千克体重15μg的LHRH-A2(促黄体索释放激素类似物,Luteinzing Hormone Releasing Hormone-analogue)+每千克体重3.0-4.0mg的DOM(地欧酮Domperidone);或2.每千克体重15μg的LHRH-A2+每千克体重1000-1500Iu的HCG(人体绒毛膜促性腺激素,Human Chorionic Gonadotropin,HCG)]能自然产卵和受精,月相盈亏和潮汐变动对金钱鱼的人工诱导产卵结果没有明显影响.金钱鱼产浮性卵,单油球,卵子直径750μm左右,受精卵每克约3500-3800粒,在水温27-29℃,盐度25%条件下,胚胎经过20-24h发育,孵化出仔鱼.刚出膜的仔鱼全长1.75-1.88mm,4日龄仔鱼全长2.6-2.8mm,卵黄囊消失,开始摄食浮游动物幼体,仔鱼处于内、外源营养转变期.研究工作为深入开展金钱鱼生殖调控和产业化种苗繁育技术开发研究提供繁殖生物学基础资料和实用技术.  相似文献   

赤点石斑鱼人工繁殖的研究 Ⅰ.亲鱼的室内自然产卵   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
作者1995年在漳州市东山湾水产增殖中心进行赤点石斑鱼(Epinephelusakaara,对人工繁殖研究时,对亲鱼产卵前及产卵期间的摄饵,每天的产卵量及卵质进行了观察、研究,报道如下:1材料与方法1.1亲鱼亲鱼共19尾,于1994年12月初购自东山县海上网箱养殖户,系从自然海区钓捕,经2~3a养殖的群体。养于海上网箱,日常投喂小杂鱼,并定期投喂一定比例的维生素饲料添加剂。至1995年5月21日测得平均全长35.9cm,体重916.5g。5月28日亲鱼移往室内产卵池,经检查雌、雄比为:雌:雄:不…  相似文献   

套子湾黄盖鲽产卵群体渔业生物学特征的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文通过1983—1985年套子湾黄盖鲽产卵群体的渔业生物学调查,初步查明该鱼的产卵群体系由体长185—365mm的Ⅱ—Ⅷ龄鱼组成,雌异型、以雌鱼生长较快、寿命较长、其von—BertaLanffy生长参数为,(♀)L=415.368mm,W=1489.766g,to=-1.436,K=0.208,黄盖鲽的繁殖力颇巨、波动范围在146—2040千粒,平均为782.5千粒其与体长、体重的关系式为,RL=0.0291L3.0075;Rw=-24.7407+2.0446W(千粒)黄盖鲽产沉性粘着性卵、卵径较大、分布范围为0.46—1.04mm,其随鱼体生长而增大,属典型单峰一次排卵类型,该鱼在产卵期中摄食强度低、空胃率高,仍以多毛类等为主食,属典型底牺生物食性类型。  相似文献   

南美白对虾人工繁育技术的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
于1997年9月-2000年7月,在辽宁盘锦市外贸实业总公司虾苗场、辽宁庄河市天源水产公司虾苗场及海南大众凌伟海洋产业有限公司海洋中心选用人工培育的南美白对虾(Penaeus vannamei)种虾,采用眼柄摘除手术处理雌虾,进行人工德育技术研究。结果表明,人工养殖的体重在40g以上的南美白对虾雌虾,经单侧眼柄摘除手术后,一部分个体于手术后5-15d内卵巢发育成熟并产卵;另一部分个体则于手术后的3-7d内蜕壳,蜕壳后9-15d卵巢发育成熟并产卵。采用自然光照与人工光照相结合,控制光基100-150lx,光暗周期为14:10,南美白对虾一般于每天15:00-16:00时开始交配并持续到23:00时左右或更晚。在150d的诱交实验中,分池诱交组的交配率明显高于同池诱交组,最高达70.7%。  相似文献   

林秋明  方永强 《台湾海峡》1993,12(4):365-368
在繁殖季节,给正在成熟的文昌鱼体腔注射GnRH-A,结果表明,注射激素后36h时,有50%文昌鱼产卵,未产动物成熟卵母细胞达95.5%。而对照组无任何动物产卵,成熟卵母细胞为55%,我们由引首次直接证实文昌鱼脊椎动物一样,GnRH-A是调控其卵母细胞成熟和产卵的重要激素。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionMudskipper ( Boleophthalmus pectinirostris ) inhabits muddy burrow in the intertidal mudflats of the temperature zone, feeding mainly on benthic diatoms and adapting to a wide range of salinity[1~3]. Although it is small in size, the mudskipper is delicious, nutritious and has a high market value. Fish farmers in Southeastern Mainland China are eager to culture this species. However, at present the natural resource of the fish has been decreasing or disappearing in some area…  相似文献   

The reproductive ecology of the mudskipper Boleophthalmus pectinirostris was investigated during the spawning season in the Funing Bay, Fujian, China. The fish burrows were basically Y-shaped and had two openings onto the mudflats. Part of the intersection at the center of the burrow was dilated to form a "spawning chamber". The dissolved oxygen concentrations (0.40~0.65 mg/dm3)of water 15 cm deep inside the burrows were much lower than those (5.96~6.19 mg/dm3) of intertidal pool water. Water temperatures inside the burrows were much lower than those of intertidal pools. Field investigations indicated that eggs were laid on the inner wall and ceiling of the spawning chamber by means of filamentous attachments, and a male stayed inside the burrows to guard it. Field investigations also suggested that fish of both sexes constructed mud burrows by themselves but that the spawning chamber was made only in the male burrow. The male attracted a female to his burrow for mating and spawning. There was no water in the spawning chamber, and thus the eggs were exposed to the air in the chamber. Changes in spawning readiness and gonadosomatic index indicated that synchronization of spawning was related to the semi-lunar periodicity, and this is the first report of this relationship in the mudskippers.  相似文献   

中国对虾(Penaeus chinensis)四倍体诱导研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用光控和行为学原理,控制中国对虾在适当时候产卵,在一定的时刻以温度休克和细胞松弛素的方法诱导受精卵发育成为四倍体。作者发展了对虾染色体制备技术,以中肠和触角腺、精巢为材料,从后期幼体直到8~9cm左右次成虾均获得较好的分裂中相。染色体倍性检测结果表明,最好的四倍体诱导成功率达66.7%。共获得10cm左右的实验对虾几千尾。初步观察表明,四倍体中国对虾具有一定的生长优势。  相似文献   

Reproduction in Galaxias fasciatus Gray (Salmoniformes : Galaxiidae)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
A study of the reproductive cycle was made on Galaxias fasciatus Gray from streams on Banks Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand. There was no spawning migration; adults remained in the usual adult habitat to breed. The course of gonad maturation showed that spawning occurred in the autumn, from the end of April to mid‐June. Most males matured at 2 years of age and most females at 4 years old. Egg numbers in the females varied from 3800 to 23 600. Males were predominant in age groups 1–4, females in the older age groups. Amongst fish of potential breeding age there was an excess of males. Circumstantial evidence suggested that eggs were laid among piles of water‐logged debris lodged in pools and backwaters. The larvae, which are briefly described, probably hatch during floods to be swept quickly downstream to the sea.  相似文献   

自然海域中曼氏无针乌贼产卵亲体性成熟提前和小型化现象明显,这可能是一种适应性进化,人工干预背景下曼氏无针乌贼繁殖期行为的动态变化值得关注。2020年4-6月室内采用聚焦个体扫描法和定点连续记录法分别观察和记录了曼氏无针乌贼繁殖期的行为活动,并按其生活习性和行为的生物学功能等进行系统化分类,构建了繁殖期行为谱。结果表明,曼氏无针乌贼繁殖期行为谱主要包括三大类12种行为:(1)游泳行为主要分为前进和后退,繁殖期的雌性多处于静潜水底或静浮水中的状态;(2)捕食行为主要分为发现、定位、捕捉和咀嚼等系列动作,曼氏无针乌贼能够快速感知周围17.0-36.0 cm范围内的饵料,捕捉的有效距离为8.0-22.0 cm,能在2.0-10.0 s内完成对饵料的高效捕获;(3)繁殖行为复杂,主要分为求偶、伴游、交配、产卵等,其中求偶行为体现在雄性对雌性的自我展示、追逐配对和争斗护卫等过程,雄性在争斗护卫和伴游过程中的护雌行为尤为激烈。曼氏无针乌贼交配时采用"头对头"的方式,平均交配持续时间42.9 s。曼氏无针乌贼对产卵附着基有选择性且偏好于最初的附卵物,卵群对雌性产卵行为有诱导和刺激作用,每次产卵到附卵过程平均用时108.6 s。曼氏无针乌贼繁殖期行为谱特征的研究可为后续曼氏无针乌贼行为机制和基于全生活史的资源保护等方面提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Multi‐specific synchronous spawning has never been documented for East Africa, but coral spawn‐slicks are observed annually around Vamizi Island, Northern Mozambique. We monitored gamete development in Acropora species from July 2012 to October 2013 and from August to September 2014 to describe patterns of reproductive seasonality and synchrony within and amongst species of Acropora. Gamete maturation was highly synchronized within and amongst Acropora species and culminated in multi‐specific spawning events lasting 1–3 nights in each year of the study, in late August or September. In 2013 and 2014, 50% or more of the colonies of over 50% of the species sampled prior to the spawning events had mature gametes. In all years, 91–99% colonies sampled after the spawning events had no visible gametes. The percentage of colonies with mature gametes was up to 100% for some species. In other species, the absence of mature gametes throughout the study period indicates that they might not spawn in certain years. The analysis of a 8‐year record of observations of spawn‐slicks showed that spawning generally occurred once a year for a few consecutive days between September and December, during periods of rising sea surface temperature and low wind speed and rainfall. This study is the first to quantitatively document coral reproduction in Mozambique and multi‐specific synchronous spawning off the coast of Africa. These findings contrast with the asynchronous breeding reported for Kenyan reefs and support the absence of breakdown in coral reproductive synchrony towards low latitudes.  相似文献   

This study provided the first comprehensive analysis of Atlantic horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) fecundity. Limulus appear to be a determinate spawner, maturing all eggs for the breeding season before spawning begins. On average, larger females held a larger number of eggs (63,500) than smaller females (14,500). By the end of the breeding season there was an average of 11,600 mature eggs per female left undeposited, regardless of female size. Larger females laid a higher percentage of the eggs they contained. Thus they not only contain more eggs, but are more effective at laying them as well. Size of spawning females ranged from about 185–300 mm prosomal width, with by far the highest concentration in the mid‐size ranges. Although on an individual basis large females carry and lay the greatest number of eggs, mid‐size crabs as a group contributed more to the horseshoe crab population in Pleasant Bay because they were more plentiful (net fecundity was highest for mid‐size crabs). These results have implications for the management of this important species, which is harvested for bait, scientific, and biomedical uses. Incorporation of these results into models and other management tools can help predict growth rates, effects of size‐selective harvest, reproductive value, and stable stage distribution of populations.  相似文献   

Mean gonad indices of Evechinus chloroticus (Val.) at Kaikoura and Kaiteriteri, South Island, New Zealand, increased during the winter and spring to reach peak values during the summer and then decreased to minimum values in autumn. There was only one major summer peak at Kaikoura, but two at Kaiteriteri. The maximum mean gonad index of Kaiteriteri specimens was little higher than the minimum at Kaikoura. Absolute size of gonads and spawn producton were also lower at Kaiteriteri, perhaps because of less food there.

At both localities gametogenic cycles were correlated with gonad index cycles, progressing from unripe to ripe from late autumn to spring, but Kaikoura urchins held ripe gametes over a longer period than Kaiteriteri urchins. The volume of spawn from females was greater than that from males but males had ripe gametes (and could be artificially induced to spawn) longer. At Kaikoura, some spawning probably occurred throughout summer with a major spawning in late summer or early autumn. Large urchins with small dark gonads were found throughout the year, particularly at Kaiteriteri; these were probably senile individuals.

Although at both localities Evechinus matured at 3–4 years, Kaikoura urchins were larger at maturity.

At Kaiteriteri sex ratios of mature Evechinus did not differ significantly from 1:1, but in some populations at Kaikoura males were significantly more prevalent than females.  相似文献   

模仿雄性锯缘青蟹第一腹肢,根据其在交配中的作用机制,采用常规滴管为材料,利用酒精灯灼热拉制一个前端弯曲、侧扁、管径大小接近第一腹肢的人工交接器.以无钙离子的人工海水作为青蟹人工授精的缓冲液,缓冲液中加入适量庆大霉素.首次对青蟹采用类似硬壳交配的方式,将成熟雄蟹贮精囊内的精荚和精液成功移植至雌蟹纳精囊中.结果表明精荚的人工移植不会破坏成熟雌蟹纳精囊的内环境,其内精子具正常受精能力.未交配雌青蟹精荚的人工移植没有正常产卵,但性腺得以促进发育,并能进行正常的生殖脱皮.  相似文献   

Ovarian tissue samples of Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT) spawners (n = 49) caught by purse seine in the Balearic Sea (western Mediterranean) were used to assess the stock reproductive characteristics. The frequency of spawning females estimated by the postovulatory follicle method was 84% and the spawning periodicity 1.2 days. Using an unbiased stereological method, the realized batch fecundity was estimated from counts of postovulatory follicles (POFs), whereas the batch fecundity of the subsequent spawn was estimated by quantification of the number of follicles containing oocytes at maturation stage (OMFs). The number of POFs was used as a reliable proxy of the realized batch fecundity, as it represents the actual number of eggs released in the last spawning event. The average relative realized batch fecundity was estimated to be approximately 48 eggs g 1 of total body mass. While the absolute batch fecundity was isometrically related to the fork length, the relative batch fecundity was not dependent on fish size, which leads to the assumption that all length classes contribute proportionally to their size, towards the total number of eggs spawned by the broodstock. Size-related variations in the sex ratio were observed in the study area and in other Mediterranean locations; females were more abundant in mid-size classes while males predominated in large-size classes.  相似文献   

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