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Summary The performance of evaporation schemes with and approach and their combination within resistance representation of evaporation from bare soil surface is discussed. For this purpose nine schemes, based on different functions of or , on the ratio of the volumetric soil moisture content and its saturated value are used.The quality of the chosen schemes has been evaluated using the results of time integration by the coupled soil moisture and surface temperature prediction model, BARESOIL, using in situ data. A sensitivity analysis was made using two sets of data derived from the volumetric soil moisture content of the top soil layer. One with values below the wilting point (0.17 m3m–3) and the second with values above 0.20m3m–3. Data sets were obtained at the experimental site Rimski anevi, Yugoslavia, from the bare surface of a chernozem soil.With 4 Figures  相似文献   

Equilibrium evaporation beneath a growing convective boundary layer   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Expressions for the equilibrium surface Bowen ratio ( s ) and equilibrium evaporation are derived for a growing convective boundary layer (CBL) in terms of the Bowen ratio at the top of the mixed layer i and the entrainment parameter A R . If AR is put equal to zero, the solution for s becomes-that previously obtained for the zero entrainment or closed box model. The Priestley-Taylor parameter is also calculated and plotted in terms ofA R and i . Realistic combinations of the atmospheric parameters give values of in the range 1.1 to 1.4.  相似文献   

Parameterization of evaporation from a non-plant-covered surface is very important in the hierarchy strategy of modelling land surface processes. One of the representations frequently used in its computation is the resistance formulation. The performance of the evaporation schemes using the , , and their combination resistance approaches to parameterize evaporation from bare soil surfaces is discussed. For that purpose, the nine schemes, based on a different dependence of and on volumetric soil moisture content and its saturated value, are used.The tests of performances of the considered schemes are based on time integrations by the land surface module (BARESOIL) using observed data. The 23 data sets at a bare surface experimental site in Rimski anevi, Yugoslavia on chernozem soil, were used for the resistance algorithm evaluation. The quality of the schemes was compared with the observed values of the latent heat flux using several statistical parameters.  相似文献   

Frequent fog severely restricts evaporation from blanket bogs in Newfoundland because it more than halves the radiant energy input, and it eliminates the vapor pressure deficit, resulting in evaporation at the equilibrium rate (average = 0.99 during fog). During these periods, there is no surface resistance to evaporation because the bog has been wetted by fog drip, and although the latent heat flux dominates over sensible heat (average = 0.8), both are small. In contrast, the surface dries during clear periods, increasing the surface resistance to evaporation so that sensible heat becomes more important ( = 1.05). When the mosses are dry, evaporation is below the equilibrium rate ( = 0.87), although the higher available energy ensures that actual evaporation is higher. During clear periods, daily evaporation averaged 2.5 mm, compared to 1.1 and 0.7 mm for fog and rain, respectively. The suppressed evaporation at this site is important in maintaining appropriate hydrological conditions for blanket bog development.  相似文献   

Measurements of the appropriate parameters for the calculation of the latent heat flux over a black spruce forest in northern Quebec were carried out in August, 1980. Values of the Priestley-Taylor parameter, , were derived by exploiting the Bowen-ratio-energy-balance (BREB) technique. Derived values of are then related to synoptic-scale warm air advection, derived from surface synoptic charts and tephigrams of the planetary boundary layer. It is found that when warm air advection is present, > 1.26, especially when the surface is wet. When advection enhancement is removed, however, values of approach unity. A new approach to calculating the latent heat flux, when warm air advection is present, is therefore proposed.  相似文献   

Daily mean values of the Priestley-Taylor coefficient, ¯, are derived from a simple model of the daily growth of a convective boundary layer. For a particular control set of driving environmental variables, ¯ is related to the prescribed bulk surface resistance, rS by 1/¯ = 1/0 + mrS for parameters 0 and m. The dependence of the parameters 0 and m on weather is explored and a potential use of this linear relation to provide information about regional values of rS is indicated.  相似文献   

The reactions of alkoxy radicals determine to a large extent the products formed during the atmospheric degradations of emitted organic compounds. Experimental data concerning the decompositions, 1,5-H shift isomerizations and reactions with O2 of several classes of alkoxy radicals are inconsistent with literature estimations of their absolute or relative rate constants. An alternative, although empirical, method for assessing the relative importance under atmospheric conditions of the reactions of alkoxy radicals with O2 versus decomposition was derived. This estimation method utilizes the differences in the heats of reaction, (H)=(Hdecomposition–HO 2 reaction), between these two reactions pathways. For (H)[22–0.5(HO 2 reaction)], alkoxy radical decomposition dominates over the reaction with O2 at room temperature and atmospheric pressure of air, while for (H)[25-0.5(HO 2 reaction)], the O2 reaction dominates over decomposition (where the units of H are in kcal mol–1). The utility and shortcomings of this approach are discussed. It is concluded that further studies concerning the reactions of alkoxy radicals are needed.  相似文献   

Beljaars et al. (1987) developed a model for neutrally stratified boundary-layer flow over roughness changes and topography. It has been discovered that a constant parameter, , was missing in the algebraic-stress closure equations of their paper. This omission also occurred in the MSFD model code but only affects the Askervein Hill shear-stress results for the E-- turbulence closure in Beljaars et al. It also changes the stress results of Karpik (1988), but not his conclusions regarding the robustness of his improved numerical scheme. The present paper demonstrates the effect of the omission of the parameter, , and tests the sensitivity of the model to variations in its value. The new results are compared with the data and model results of Zeman and Jensen (1987).  相似文献   

Summary A simple method of representing cumulative frequency distributions ofk-day period amounts of precipitation (30k1800), deduced from observations at Hoofddorp during 87 years and from observations at Winterswijk during 73 years, by means of cumulative Poisson distributions, had been developed. Poisson's constant appeared to depend linearly onk only, while the Poisson unitq appeared to be only proportional to the annual variation.In this paper it is shown that the representation of observed cumulative frequency distributions with the aid of Poisson distributions is true for any station in The Netherlands in the interval 30k1800. A map with isopleths of -values fork=360 presents a simple picture, so that for any station an -value fork=360 can be estimated. For the process of representation the meank-day period amount of precipitation is also necessary. This value may be obtained from a map for each of the 12 months, each map covered with isohyetal lines, which give a distribution of the monthly precipitation.
Zusammenfassung Es wurde eine Methode entwickelt, um in einfacher Weise Summenfunktionen vonk-tägigen Niederschlagsmengen (30k1800), welche aus Beobachtungen in Hoofddorp während 87 Jahren und in Winterswijk während 73 Jahren angestellt worden sind, durch kumulative Poissonsche Häufigkeitsverteilungen darzustellen. Dabei ergab sich, daß die Poissonsche Konstante nur linear vonk abhängig ist, während die Poissonsche Einheitq sich als proportional zum Jahresgang erwies.In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wird nun gezeigt, daß die Darstellung der beobachteten kumulativen Häufigkeitsverteilungen mit Hilfe von Poisson-Verteilungen für irgendeine Station in den Niederlanden im Bereich von 30k1800 gültig ist. Eine Karte mit Isoplethen der -Werte fürk=360 ergibt ein einfaches Bild, aus dem für jede beliebige Station ein -Wert fürk=360 abgelesen werden kann. Für eine solche Darstellung muß auch die Niederschlagsmenge derk-tägigen Perioden bekannt sein; diese Werte erhält man aus monatlichen Isohyeten-Karten, die die monatliche Niederschlagsverteilung wiedergeben.

Résumé On avait développé une méthode pour représenter d'une façon simple les distributions des sommes cumulées dek jours (30k1800) des quantités de précipitations déduites des observations faites à Hoofddorp pendant 87 ans et à Winterswijk pendant 73 ans. On avait démontré que la constante de Poisson ne dépend dek que linéairement et que l'unité de Poissonq est proportionnelle à la variation annuelle.De la présente étude ressort que, dans l'intervalle de 30k1800, la représentation des distributions des fréquences cumulées observées au moyen des formules de Poisson est valable pour une station quelconque aux Pays-Bas. Une carte d'isoplèthes de la valeur pourk=360 donne une image suffisamment simple pour que la valeur d'une station quelconque aux Pays-Bas puisse être déterminée sans difficulté. Pour une telle représentation il faut connaître également les moyennes des quantités des périodes dek jours de la précipitation. Ces valeurs peuvent se déduire de cartes mensuelles des isohyètes moyennes.

With 1 Figure

Dedicated to Dr.Anders K. Ångström on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  相似文献   

A Comparative Analysis of Transpiration and Bare Soil Evaporation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Transpiration Ev and bare soil evaporation Eb processes are comparatively analysed assuming homogeneous and inhomogeneous areal distributions of volumetric soil moisture content . For a homogeneous areal distribution of we use a deterministic model, while for inhomogeneous distributions a statistical-deterministic diagnostic surface energy balance model is applied. The areal variations of are simulated by Monte-Carlo runs assuming normal distributions of .The numerical experiments are performed for loam. In the experiments we used different parameterizations for vegetation and bare soil surface resistances and strong atmospheric forcing. According to the results theEv()-Eb() differences are great, especially in dry conditions. In spite of this, the available energy flux curves of vegetation Av() and bare soil Ab() surfaces differ much less than the Ev() and Eb() curves. The results suggest that Ev is much more non-linearly related to environmental conditions than Eb. Both Ev and Eb depend on the distribution of , the wetness regime and the parameterization used. With the parameterizations, Eb showed greater variations than Ev. These results are valid when there are no advective effects or mesoscale circulation patterns and the stratification is unstable.  相似文献   

Flow around a windbreak in oblique wind   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wind speed was measured near the surface, along a line normal to a single, 50 % porous windbreak. The results for near-neutral atmospheric conditions were strongly dependent on the incidence angle of the wind, a, and slightly dependent on the roughness of the surface. A measure of the shelter effect - the protected distance - was found to decrease faster than cos . The drag coefficient of the windbreak decreased proportionally with cos . The effect of increased roughness was to increase the wind speed near the surface in the lee of the windbreak.  相似文献   

A set of semi-continuous measurements of temperature, wind and moisture gradients as well as of net radiation and ground heat flux covering a period of about one and a half years has been analysed to give a corresponding set of complete surface energy balance data on an hourly basis. An analysis of the evaporation data so obtained is given.It is shown that surface resistance r S exhibits a diurnal trend: values are smallest (ca. 150 s m-1) a few hours before noon and increase to as much as 800 s m-1 towards dusk. The minimum values tend to be higher during dry periods when the soil moisture is low. There is also some indication that r S decreases rapidly soon after rainfall.An exponential relation is found between the fraction of available energy used as evaporative flux, , and r S for values of r I/rS <0.70, where r I is the climatological resistance. On the other hand, the ratio of r I to r S is linearly correlated with , implying that an equilibrium state is established between the grass surface and the atmosphere, at least from mid-morning to mid-afternoon when the leaves are dry. Near-noon values calculated by Stewart and Thom for Thetford Forest also follow a linear trend.The above two regression results (In (r S) versus r I/rS versus ) are combined to obtain an empirical relation of the form r I=m exp (a-b) which is used to estimate evaporative flux. The estimates are found to be within 20% of calculated values.Guest Scientist from Department of Physics, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana.  相似文献   

Formation of Organic Aerosols from the Oxidation of Biogenic Hydrocarbons   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Measurements of aerosol formation during thephotooxidation of -pinene, -pinene,d-3-carene, d-limonene, ocimene, linalool, terpinene-4-ol, andtrans-caryophyllene were conducted in anoutdoor smog chamber. Daylight experiments in thepresence of and dark experiments withelevated ozone concentrations were performed. Theevolution of the aerosol was simulated by theapplication of a gas/particle absorption model inconnection with a chemical reaction mechanism. Thefractional aerosol yield is shown to be a function ofthe organic aerosol mass concentration andtemperature. Ozone and, for selected hydrocarbons, theNO3 reaction of the compounds were found torepresent efficient routes to the formation ofcondensable products. For initial hydrocarbon mixingratios of about 100 ppb, the fractional aerosol yieldsfrom daylight runs have been estimated to be 5%for open-chain hydrocarbons, such as ocimene andlinalool, 5–25% for monounsaturated cyclicmonoterpenes, such as -pinene, d-3-carene, orterpinene-4-ol, and 40% for a cyclic monoterpenewith two double bonds like d-limonene. For the onlysesquiterpene investigated, trans-caryophyllene, afractional aerosol yield of close to 100% wasobserved. The majority of the compounds studied showedan even higher aerosol yield during dark experimentsin the presence of ozone.  相似文献   

Summary A radiative transfer model has been used to determine the large scale effective 6.6 GHz and 37 GHz optical depths of the vegetation cover. Knowledge of the vegetation optical depth is important for satellite-based large scale soil moisture monitoring using microwave radiometry. The study is based on actual observed large scale surface soil moisture data and observed dual polarization 6.6 and 37 GHz Nimbus/SMMR brightness temperatures over a 3-year period. The derived optical depths have been compared with microwave polarization differences and polarization ratios in both frequencies and with Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values from NOAA/AVHRR. A synergistic approach to derive surface soil emissivity from satellite observed brightness temperatures by inverse modelling is described. This approach improves the relationship between satellite derived surface emissivity and large scale top soil moisture fromR 2=0.45 (no correction for vegetation) toR 2=0.72 (after correction for vegetation). This study also confirms the relationship between the microwave-based MPDI and NDVI earlier described and explained in the literature.List of Symbols f frequency [Hz] - f i(p) fractional absorption at polarizationp - h surface roughness - h h cos2 - H horizontal polarization - n i complex index of refraction - p polarization (H orV) - R s microwave surface reflectivity - T B(p) brightness temperature at polarizationp - T * normalized brightness temperature - T polarization difference (T v-T H) - T s temperature of soil surface - T c temperature of canopy - T max daily maximum air temperature - T min daily minimum air temperature - V vertical polarization - soil moisture distribution factor; also used for the constant to partition the influence of bound and free water components to the dielectric constant of the mixture - empirical complex constant related to soil texture - microwave transmissivity of vegetation (=e ) - * effective transmissivity of vegetation (assuming =0) - microwave emissivity - s emissivity of smooth soil surface - rs emissivity of rough soil surface - vs emissivity of vegetated surface - soil moisture content (% vol.) - K dielectric constant [F·m–1] - K fw dielectric constant of free water [F·m–1] - K ss dielectric constant of soil solids [F·m–1] - K m dielectric constant of mixture [F·m–1] - K o permittivity of free space [8.854·10–12 F·m–1] - high frequency limit ofK wf [F·m–1] - wavelength [m] - incidence angle [degrees from nadir] - polarization ratio (T H/T V) - b soil bulk density [gr·cm–3] - s soil particle density [gr·cm–3] - R surface reflectivity in red portion of spectrum - NIR surface reflectivity in near infrared portion of spectrum - eff effective conductivity of soil extract [mS·cm–1] - vegetation optical depth - 6.6 vegetation optical depth at 6.6 GHz - 37 vegetation optical depth at 37 GHz - * effective vegetation optical depth (assuming =0) - single scattering albedo of vegetation With 12 Figures  相似文献   

We formulate a method for determining the smallest time interval Tover which a turbulence time series can be averaged to decompose it intoinstantaneous mean and random components. From the random part the method defines the optimal interval (or averaging window) AW over which this part should be averaged to obtain the instantaneous spectrum. Both T and AW vary randomly with time and depend on physical properties of the turbulence. T also depends on the accuracy of the measurements and is thus independent of AW. Interesting features of the method are its real-time capability and the non-equality between AW and T.  相似文献   

The photooxidation of -humulene in the presence of NOx, natural sunlight, and rural background air was investigated using a combination of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Identification and quantification of gas and particulate reaction products were reported over the course of the reaction. The daytime photooxidation was carried out in a large outdoor smog chamber (190 m3). A wide range of ring retaining and ring opening products in the gas and particle phase are reported. On average, measured gas and particle phase products accounted for 44% of the reacted -humulene carbon. Measurements show that a number of reaction products with low vapor pressures (e.g. 3-seco--humulone aldehyde, 7-seco--humulone aldehyde, -humulal aldehyde, -humulene 3-oxide or -humulene 7-oxide, -humulaic/alic acid isomers, and 3-seco--14-hydroxyhumulone aldehyde) were found in the early stage of the reaction and may play an important role in the early formation of secondary organic aerosol. A detailed mechanism is proposed to account for most products observed in this investigation.  相似文献   

In this paper, a model simulating the effects of topography and altitude on precipitation is presented. Topography has its maximum effect on precipitation when the angle which the wind makes with the slope direction approaches zero and the inclination of the slope is near 45°. The smaller the angle , the greater the influence of slope on precipitation. When <45°, the larger the inclination, the greater the influence of slope on precipitation and the less the difference in precipitation between the windward and the leeward slopes. When <45°, the reverse holds. But for in the range of 0°–45° and in the range 30°–60°, differences in precipitation on both the windward and leeward slopes are not so well marked and can be neglected in general. In condition of uniform slope inclination, precipitation on the windward slope increases with altitude at first and then decreases after attaining a height (H m ) of maximum precipitation; alsoH m is greater, the drier the air mass. When the terrain on the windward side is stepped in shape, it is possible that more than one height of maximum precipitation will occur.  相似文献   

The effects in climate models of changes in albedo and soil moisture which are expected to follow from tropical deforestation are reviewed. The major results from experiments with tropical forest regions (a) forested (Experiment F) and (b) grass-covered (Experiment G) are compared over South America and Central Africa. Then, Experiment F is compared with Experiment 2 which has constant snowfree albedo of 0.2, close to that of grassland; in both South America and Zaire regions, the albedo changes for (G-F) and (2-F) are similar and, as Experiment 2 is an eight year run, assessments of the statistical significance can be made.The results for December to February and March to May show a decrease of rainfall over the Amazon region and also to the southeast outside the area which has changed albedos in (G-F). These decreases are common to both (G-F) and (2-F) and are statistically significant in the comparison with the eight year record for Experiment 2. Deforestation in the Zaire regions is associated with similar changes, which, though less extensive, are generally larger in relation to the albedo changes. In June to August, changes are small south of the equator because the rainbelt has moved north; in South America larger, significant decreases are obtained north of the equator.The drying with increased albedo is due to decreases in both evaporation and moisture convergence. The decreases in evaporation result both from a reduction in absorbed energy at the surface and an increase in surface resistance to evaporation due to greater soil moisture deficits arising from earlier decreases in rainfall.  相似文献   

This study details the observed effects ofatmospheric stability on characteristics of thesurface layer in a low wind speed (U = 1.5 m s-1)regime of tropical West Africa. Theaerodynamic roughness length, z0, anddisplacement height, d, obtained from profilewind-speed data at our bush land site (height 2 m)have values of 0.24 ± 0.10 m and 1.54 ± 0.04 mrespectively. In the unstable range (-2.5 < Ri < -0.1; Riis gradient Richardson number), thestandard deviation in wind speed fluctuations, u, increased from 0.57 ± 0.19 m s-1 toa maximum of 0.7 ± 0.2 m s-1 in near-neutralconditions, and in the stable range, the parameterdecreased rapidly to 0.41 ± 0.15 m s-1 at Ri 0.2.In the same stability range, the horizontal winddispersion, , decreased withincreasing stability from 19 ± 8 deg. to 13 ± 5 deg.The surface-layer integral quantity, u/u*, when plottedas a function of stability, is in agreement with theempirical results. The ratio ofsensible heat flux (estimated) to the net radiationranged between 0.1 and 0.2 at nighttime,increasing to about 0.5 during the daytime, and showeda strong dependency on season.  相似文献   

A novel and readily applicable Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR) for predicting the barrier height Eb to decomposition by C-C scission of (substituted) alkoxy radicals is presented. Alkoxy radicals are pivotal intermediates in the atmospheric oxidation of (biogenic) volatile organic compounds, and their fate is therefore of crucial importance to the understanding of atmospheric VOC degradation mechanisms. The SAR is based on available theoretical energy barriers and validated against barriers derived from experimental data. The SAR is expressed solely in terms of the number(s) Ni of alkyl-, hydroxy- and/or oxo-substituents on the - and -carbons of the breaking bond: Eb(kcal/mol) =17.5 – 2.1 × N(alk) – 3.1 ×N(alk) – 8.0 × N,(OH) – 8.0 × N(O=) – 12 × N(O=). For barriers below 7 kcal/mol, an additional, second-order term accounts for the curvature. The SAR reproduces the available experimental and theoretical data within 0.5 to 1 kcal/mol. The SAR generally allows conclusive predictions as to the fate of alkoxy radicals; several examples concerning oxy radicals from prominent atmospheric VOC are presented. Specific limitations of the SAR are also discussed. Using the predicted barrier height Eb, the high-pressure rate coefficient for alkoxy decomposition k diss (298 K) can be obtained from k diss (298 K) = L ×1.8 × 1013 exp(–Eb/RT) s–1, with L the reaction path degeneracy.  相似文献   

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