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基于中国遥感卫星辐射校正场对在轨运行的遥感卫星热红外通道进行在轨绝对辐射定标,利用TERRA/AQUA MODIS卫星观测数据,对中国遥感卫星辐射校正场热红外通道在轨场地辐射定标方法进行精度评估与分析。将MODIS观测的入瞳亮温与外场实测数据通过辐射传输模式模拟到卫星入瞳的亮温进行比较,结果表明对热红外窗区通道的定标精度优于1.0 K(@300 K)。目前应用于我国在轨风云气象卫星热红外通道的中国遥感卫星辐射校正场绝对辐射定标方法本身具有很好的定标精度:对10.5~11.5μm通道,误差在0.747 K以内;对11.5~12.5μm通道,误差在0.851 K以内。  相似文献   

扼要介绍了卫星高光谱红外大气遥感的原理,气体组分探测技术、反演技术和研究应用的发展历程,着重介绍了该技术在地震监测中的研究应用。遥感气体地球化学在地震监测方面的应用大致可以分为间接观测和直接观测2个方面:1利用卫星红外遥感间接监测地震断裂带脱气;2利用卫星探测大气成分的传感器直接监测地震前后的气体地球化学异常。通过分析地下气体逸散引起的物理化学异常与地震活动的关系,提取地震气体地球化学信息。介绍了典型震例的气体地球化学异常特征及其可能的形成机理,提出了存在的问题以及未来的研究重点。  相似文献   

河南省地矿局科研所遥感组,1985~1986年在鸣皋幅1:5万区调中进行了遥感地质试验,取得了较好的地质成果和经济效益。该图幅位于河南省中西部,属中低山区,区内主要为元古界地层,基岩大部裸露,故其地质解译程度较高。这次遥感试验所使用的航片,是1984年4月地矿部摄制的1:2万比例尺的彩色红外航片。经过试验表明,彩色红外片明显优于黑白航片,由于彩色红外片分辨率高,在测区内大于1m的岩层一般都能解译出来,因此它可以获得黑白航片和野外不易觉察的一些信息,例如图幅北  相似文献   

顾吉林  刘淼  汤宏山 《冰川冻土》2018,40(4):784-791
地表发射率是热红外遥感中的重要参量,也是辐射传输中的重要参数。基于MOD11B1卫星遥感图像数据,利用HDF插件获取典型地表温度参数,具体包括沙地、黄土、草坪、江水、冰面和雪地。在ENVI Classic软件环境下,针对2015年12月至2016年8月不同区域、不同季节的典型地表进行6个热红外波段发射率数据获取,研究不同季节典型地表的发射率随波长以及温度的变化规律。研究结果表明:冬季典型地表发射率参数最高且变化范围小在0.02内。沙地的发射率数值平均在0.870~0.990之间;草坪、黄土和江水的发射率数值平均在0.910~0.990之间,冰面和雪地的发射率数值平均在0.965~0.985之间。草坪、沙地、黄土、江水、雪地和冰面地表发射率在波长3~5 μm范围内随温度成波浪型分布;草坪、江水、雪地和冰面地表发射率在波长8~12 μm范围内随温度不变化。  相似文献   

电测深法在漠河地区探测永久冻土层的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用电测深方法研究永久冻土带的空间分布规律,为东北天然气水合物远景调查的进一步研究提供依据。通过在漠河地区南北剖面(20 km)和东西剖面(13 km)电阻率测深法的探测研究,实测电测深曲线多数为HK、K或Q型,对应的地电结构大致为:第一层为地表干燥松散碎石层,该层电阻率很高(几百~几千Ω.m),但厚度较小,一般不超过2 m;第二层为无冰冻含水碎石堆积层(部分测点无此层),电阻率一般小于100Ω.m,厚度不超过2~5 m;第三层为推断的永久冻层,电阻率一般大于300Ω.m,该层厚度变化较大,从20几m到100多m;推断永冻层下为一低阻层,电阻率一般小于200Ω.m。  相似文献   

卫星遥感信息系统在林火及干旱监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周颖 《贵州地质》2001,18(2):112-115
根据几种投影方式的特点,再结合贵州地理位置,采用麦卡托投影方式来进行火灾检测,火灾自动监测系统能迅速找出火点位置并计算火面积,监测范围广,时效较常规地面监测手段提前1-3天。旱情的遥感监测基于土壤水分和植被状况,对于裸地卫星遥感重点是土壤的含水量,对于有植被覆盖的区域,遥感的重点是植被指数的变化以及植被冠层蒸腾状况的变化。从贵州的实际情况和地表条件,分别选用植被指数法、第四通道遥感下垫面温度法、植被供水指数法及热惯量方法来进行干旱监测。通过实例认为,气象卫星确实能大范围地对干旱进行宏观监测,其监测面积精度高,不仅可以迅速准确确定受灾面积,而且还可精确到县,在实际运用中可操作性很强,能为政府部门抓好防旱抗旱提供详细的数据参考,做好灾情预报和指导抗灾救灾工作服务。  相似文献   

火星快车OMEGA高光谱探测矿物组成的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要介绍"火星快车(Mars Express)"搭载的"可见光及红外矿物制图光谱仪(OMEGA)"及其采集数据的特点、大气校正方法和矿物识别研究的新进展."经验传输函数法"(ETF)是目前O-MEGA数据大气校正普遍采用的方法.OMEGA数据已经成功揭示了火星表面矿物和组成的多样性和复杂性.OMEGA检测到与水蚀变相关的层状硅酸盐矿物绿脱石、绿泥石和蒙脱石等主要分布于古老的诺亚期的露头上,这些层状硅酸盐矿物可能是火成岩矿物长期持续与液态水系统作用的结果.含水硫酸盐类矿物石膏、水镁矾和多水硫酸盐等水合化学沉积矿物在亮色调层状地层区的发现,表明火星表面有大量与水作用相关的蒸发盐的存在.火星表面缓慢风化形成的无水铁氧化物主要分布于北半球铁镁质含量低的低地(lowland)地区.OMEGA可以识别辉石和橄榄石,能够区分高钙辉石和低钙辉石.高钙辉石主要分布于Hesperian期的低反照率的火山岩分布地区、黑色沙丘和撞击坑喷射物分布区;低钙辉石主要分布于老的诺亚期的亮色调露头分布区.OMEGA在反照率变化大的极地冰盖地区可以识别水冰和CO2冰.水冰主要利用1.08 μm、1.25 μm、1.51μm和2.0μm特征吸收波段来识别.水冰各吸收特征波段的吸收强度与水冰的粒度呈正相关.CO2冰主要利用1.43 μm、2.0 μm和2.6 μm特征吸收波段来识别.  相似文献   

基于分形特征的高标准农田遥感分类方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前全国高标准农田面积数量已具一定规模,由于人工解译的工作效率较低,如何实现对全国大面积的高标准农田建后利用情况进行实时、精准遥感监测成为亟待解决的问题。由于监测面积大,精度要求高,迫切需要研究一套遥感自动监测方法在全国推广。以广东省东莞地区作为研究区,选择2017年2月15日的高分二号遥感影像,基于分形图像分割并结合BP神经网络对区域高标准农田进行分类,并加以人工解译和实地验证。 结果显示,该分类方法总体精度为 80112 2%,Kappa 系数为0761 1。表明分形图像分割结合BP神经网络的遥感分类方法总体精度较高,能较好地满足高标准农田建后利用情况遥感监测的需求。此方法可以在全国范围推广应用,为高标准农田建成后的实时监管提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

通过热源法对陡河水库渗漏通道的探测发现,陡河水库左坝肩存在着绕坝渗漏通道。在左坝肩基岩10m高程附近存在低温场异常,通过对水库底部附近温度场分布测量,判定出低温水来自上游右支河水的补给,通过低温区分布确定出绕坝渗漏强渗漏通道的位置,在库水位保持在32m时,根据热源法计算出渗漏通道的渗漏量在3.59×105~4.74×105m3/d之间,钻孔发现水库边基岩中的水位比库水位低22m,水位差是造成了水库跌窝事故的主要原因,在11#钻孔中发现了来自河床的细砂,在11#和9#孔中的连通试验证实基岩中的强渗漏通道。  相似文献   

叶蜡石高温相转变的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过差热分析、X射线衍射分析、红外光谱分析和魔角旋转核磁共振等测试手段,研究了日本广岛胜光山叶蜡石在20~1 300 ℃下煅烧的相转变过程。结果表明,叶蜡石的高温相转变经历了4 个阶段:叶蜡石阶段(室温~662 ℃),偏叶蜡石阶段(662~1 100 ℃),不定形SiO2 与莫来石形成阶段(1 100~1 200 ℃)和莫来石与方石英共存阶段(1 300 ℃~)。叶蜡石在662 ℃时失去结构水转变为偏叶蜡石。偏叶蜡石从1 100 ℃开始转变为莫来石,同时伴随有不定形SiO2 生成。1 300 ℃时,不定形SiO2 进一步结晶形成方石英。  相似文献   

The use of the mid-infrared and thermal bands of sensors on board airborne platforms and satellites permits the detection of active fires on the Earths surface. This application has been available to the fire-fighting community for many years. However, limitations in the fire detection capabilities of the sensors and/or the lack of adequate re-visit frequency have prevented the use of these systems for operational forest fire-fighting. In addition to mobile systems, remote sensors positioned on fixed fire-watch towers have also been used for active fire detection. These instruments are often positioned in strategic look-out places to provide continuous monitoring of the surrounding areas. They locate fires through the detection of either hot spots (areas of increased temperature in comparison to the background) or smoke plumes produced by the fires. This article evaluates the use of existing remote sensing systems for active fire detection, with emphasis on the applicability of these systems for fire emergency management and fire-fighting. Long-range remote sensing devices on board satellites are considered, airborne systems are assessed, and short-range fire detection instruments on fixed ground platforms are reviewed. A short introduction to forthcoming satellite systems, which will be based on the combined use of several small satellites, is presented. The advantages and drawbacks of the different systems are evaluated from a fire management perspective.  相似文献   

Fire and other disturbances of the forests in Mount Rainier National Park   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The recent history of catastrophic disturbances in forests was reconstructed at Mount Rainier National Park. Basic data were ages of trees based on ring counts of early seral conifer species and maps of age-class boundaries from field work and aerial photographs. Maps illustrate age classes of the forests and show disturbances from fires, snow avalanches, and lahars (volcanic mudflows). Fires are by far the most important major disturbers, followed by snow avalanches and lahars. Fires over 250 ha in size are called fire events. Burns over 1000 ha, which may have been one fire or a series of fires within a short time, are called fire episodes. Important fire events or episodes occurred in the years 1230, 1303, 1403, 1503, 1628, 1688, 1703, 1803, 1825, 1856, 1858, 1872, 1886, 1894, 1930, and 1934 A.D. The largest fire episode was in 1230; it affected approximately 47% of the forests in the park. The majority of the forests are over 350 yr old, and several stands are over 1000 yr old. Stands 350 yr and 100 to 200 yr in age are the most extensive age classes in the park. Three fire frequency indices are compared. None describe fire frequency at Mount Rainier well. Natural fire rotation was estimated at about 434 yr. All but two episodes of major fires since 1300 A.D. correspond well with major droughts reconstructed for locations east of the Cascade Range crest. Impacts of humans on the disturbance regime may have increased the frequency of fire in the 1850–1900 period, followed by a decrease in frequency after 1900. Fuel build-up as a result of fire suppression should have no significant impact on fire frequency, since fires are relatively infrequent and fuels accumulate naturally.  相似文献   

以云南阳宗海1020 cm长的湖泊沉积物岩芯为研究对象,由7个木屑和树叶残体样的AMS14C测年建立岩芯年代框架,以18~19 cm间隔获取52个样品作花粉/炭屑分析,重建了阳宗海流域过去13000年的植被、气候以及森林火灾历史。研究结果表明,过去13000年植被演替、气候变化和森林火灾可分为5个阶段:1)13200~11000 cal.a B.P.,植被以常绿、落叶阔叶混交林为主,气候温凉湿润,森林火灾多发,后期(12300~11000 cal.a B.P.)随着温度和湿度的降低,森林火灾发生愈加频繁;2)11000~8000 cal.a B.P.,松林扩张,阔叶林缩小,气候较上阶段温暖偏干,森林火灾发生次数明显降低;3)8000~5000 cal.a B.P.,松林和常绿阔叶林占优势,且出现暖热性的枫香林,流域内气温升至13000 cal.a B.P.以来的最高值,湿度进一步降低,但森林火灾发生频率低;4)5000~800 cal.a B.P.,松林扩张至最盛,常绿阔叶林收缩,落叶阔叶林成分增加,气温和湿度均明显下降,森林火灾发生频率有所增加;5)800 cal.a B.P.至今,松林和常绿阔叶林收缩,落叶阔叶成分增加,草本植物中禾本科迅速上升,可能与人类活动有关,森林火灾发生频率低。阳宗海花粉/炭屑记录重建的植被、气候和森林火灾史表明,在滇中地区,落叶阔叶成分易引起森林火灾,冷气候导致多发的森林火灾,冷干气候是宜森林火灾发生的气候条件。  相似文献   

Fire in the virgin forests of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area,Minnesota   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fire largely determined the composition and structure of the presettlement vegetation of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area as well as the vegetation mosaic on the landscape and the habitat patterns for wildlife. It also influenced nutrient cycles, and energy pathways, and helped maintain the diversity, productivity, and long-term stability of the ecosystem. Thus the whole ecosystem was fire-dependent.At least some overstory elements in virtually all forest stands still date from regeneration that followed one or more fires since 1595 A.D. The average interval between significant fire years was about 4 yr in presettlement times, but shortened to 2 yr from 1868 to 1910 during settlement. However, 83% of the area burned before the beginning of suppression programs resulted from just nine fire periods: 1894, 1875, 1863–1964, 1824, 1801, 1755–1959, 1727, 1692, 1681. The average interval between these major fire years was 26 yr. Most present virgin forests date from regeneration that followed fires in these years. Significant areas were also regenerated by fires in 1903, 1910, 1936, and 1971. Most major fire years occurred during prolonged summer droughts of subcontinental extent, such as those of 1864, 1910, and 1936. Many fires were man-caused, but lightning ignitions were also common. Lightning alone is probably a sufficient source of ignitions to guarantee that older stands burned before attaining climax. Dry matter accumulations, spruce budworm outbreaks, blowdowns, and other interactions related to time since fire increase the probability that old stands will burn. Vegetation patterns on the landscape were influenced by such natural firebreaks as lakes, streams, wetlands, and moist slopes. Red and white pine are most common on islands, and to the east, northeast, or southeast of such firebreaks. Jack pine, aspen-birch, and sprout hardwood forests are most common on large uplands distant from or west of such firebreaks.A Natural Fire Rotation of about 100 yr prevailed in presettlement times, but many red and white pine stands remained largely intact for 150–350 yr, and some jack pine and aspen-birch forests probably burned at intervals of 50 yr or less. There is paleoecological evidence that fire was an ecosystem factor before European man arrived, and even before early man migrated to North America. Probably few areas ever attained the postulated fir-spruce-cedar-birch climax in postglacial times. To understand the dynamics of fire-dependent ecosystems fire must be studied as an integral part of the system. The search for stable communities that might develop without fire is futile and avoids the real challenge of understanding nature on her own terms.To restore the natural ecosystem of the Canoe Area fire should soon be reintroduced through a program of prescribed fires and monitored lightning fires. Failing this, major unnatural, perhaps unpredictable, changes in the ecosystem will occur.  相似文献   

在我国东北地区,黑碳记录较少,尤其是长时间尺度记录,区域火灾如何响应于气候变化还存在争议。本研究通过对兴凯湖XK08-A2钻孔约336 cm岩芯,共136个沉积物样品的黑碳含量进行了分析,并结合石英光释光和加速器质谱14C测年结果,探讨了末次间冰期以来东北地区火灾历史与古环境的联系。兴凯湖沉积物黑碳含量的平均值在末次间冰期、末次冰期以及全新世分别为0.51±0.10‰、0.68±0.15‰和0.71±0.20‰。兴凯湖沉积物中黑碳含量从下向上呈增加趋势,表明末次间冰期区域火灾的发生频次较低、规模较小,末次冰期火灾的频次升高、规模越来越大,全新世阶段火灾的频次和规模与末次冰期相当。这些变化与轨道尺度东亚夏季风进退以及人类活动密切相关。从末次间冰期到末次冰期,东亚夏季风变化是东北地区火灾发生的主要控制因素。强盛的东亚夏季风带来充沛的降水,促进了低洼地区湿地沼泽的发育,缩短了火风险期,致使发生大规模火灾的概率较低。自然背景下季风降水主导我国东北地区火灾的发生,与黄土高原和西南地区一致,但与欧美地区受温度影响存在显著的空间差异。全新世在人类活动的影响下,虽然东亚夏季风增强,但是区域大规模火灾发生的概率已达到末次冰期的水平。  相似文献   

火后泥石流是火烧迹地最为严重的次生地质灾害,相对于传统泥石流和震后泥石流,其物源启动模式及致灾机理呈现出特殊性。通过对四川省乡城县仁额拥沟火烧迹地沟道不同时间尺度下的累积侵蚀量统计分析,将火烧迹地物源启动分为3个阶段:坡面侵蚀阶段、高含沙水流沟道侵蚀阶段和泥石流沟道刨蚀阶段,其中面蚀到沟蚀转变所需的汇流面积与斜坡倾斜度和火烈度呈负相关,高含沙水流转变为泥石流后常常造成沟道侵蚀率的激增;火烧后2 a的坡面侵蚀量相当于火烧前10~30 a的侵蚀总量,且主要发生在中度及严重火烧区;火烧区的滑坡发育率远高于未火烧区,但未发现火烈度对滑坡体积有明显影响,其主要受临空面高度影响,并呈幂函数正相关,滑坡物源启动模式为坡脚切坡触发的逐级牵引后退式补给。  相似文献   

High-resolution charcoal and pollen analyses were used to reconstruct a 4600-yr-long history of fire and vegetation near Taylor Lake in the wettest forests of coastal Oregon. Today, fires in these forests are rare because the season of ignition does not coincide with months of dry fuels. From ca. 4600 to 2700 cal yr B.P. fire episodes occurred at intervals of 140±30 yr while forest vegetation was dominated by disturbance-adapted taxa such as Alnus rubra. From ca. 2700 cal yr B.P. to the present, fire episodes have become less common, occurring at intervals of 240±30 yr, and fire-sensitive forest taxa, such as Tsuga heterophylla and Picea sitchensis, have become more prominent. Fire occurrence during the mid-Holocene was similar to that of the more xeric forests in the eastern Coast Range and suggests that summer drought was widespread. After ca. 2700 cal yr B.P., a decrease in fire episode frequency suggests that cooler conditions and possibly increased summer fog allowed the establishment of present-day Picea sitchensis forests within the watershed. These results provide evidence that fire has been an important disturbance agent in the Coast Range of Oregon, and variations in fire frequency and climate have led to the establishment of present-day forests.  相似文献   

干旱气候因子与森林火灾   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
徐明超  马文婷 《冰川冻土》2012,34(3):603-608
森林火灾作为一种自然灾害, 气候变化直接或间接影响森林燃烧的火环境, 进而对火发生和火行为产生影响. 干旱气候条件与森林火灾的发生有密切的关系, 气象条件通过气温、 日照、 蒸发量、 风力、 空气湿度等影响着森林火灾的发生和发展. 一般情况下, 气温高、 降水少、 湿度小、 风力大易发生森林火灾. 在山区, 山谷风和地形影响森林火灾蔓延, 森林火灾的蔓延主要受山谷风所控制, 具有间歇性, 另外地形的变化在很大程度上制约着火势的蔓延. 所以, 要利用不同时段的气象条件、 山风出现的时间及有利地形, 及时组织灭火和控制火势蔓延. 森林火灾的发生有各种类型, 通过对森林火灾中一些特殊火行为及相关元素对火灾发展蔓延影响分析, 找出森林火灾扑救与逃生的方法及注意事项.  相似文献   

Forested peatlands are widespread in boreal regions of Canada, and these ecosystems, which are major terrestrial carbon sinks, are undergoing significant transformations linked to climate change, fires and human activities. This study targets millennial‐scale vegetation dynamics and related hydrological variability in forested peatlands of the Clay Belt south of James Bay, eastern Canada, using palaeoecological data. Changes in peatland vegetation communities were reconstructed using plant macrofossil analyses, and variations in water‐table depths were inferred using testate amoeba analyses. High‐resolution analyses of macroscopic charcoal >0.5 mm were used to reconstruct local fire history. Our data showed two successional pathways towards the development of present‐day forested peatlands influenced by autogenic processes such as vertical peat growth and related drying, and allogenic factors such as the occurrence of local fires. The oldest documented peatland initiated in a wet rich fen around 8000 cal. a BP shortly after land emergence and transformed into a drier forested bog rapidly after peat inception that persisted over millennia. In the second site, peat started to accumulate from ~5200 cal. a BP over a mesic coniferous forest that shifted into a wet forested peatland following a fire that partially consumed the organic layer ~4600 cal. a BP. The charcoal records show that fires rarely occurred in these peatlands, but they have favoured the process of forest paludification and influenced successional trajectories over millennia. The macrofossil data suggest that Picea mariana (black spruce) persisted on the peatlands throughout their development, although there were periods of more open canopy due to local fires in some cases. This study brings new understanding on the natural variability of boreal forested peatlands which may help predict their response to future changes in climate, fire regimes and anthropogenic disturbances.  相似文献   

Cox  Robin S.  Hill  Tiffany T.  Plush  Tamara  Heykoop  Cheryl  Tremblay  Crystal 《Natural Hazards》2019,96(1):213-224

Fire has become one of the main disturbances in terrestrial ecosystems worldwide. It is known that elevation influences the occurrence of fire events; however, this variable has been poorly studied, although it is of particularly relevance to the Mexican topography. The objective of this research was to analyze the altitudinal distribution of forest fires in Mexico over a period of 11 years. Elevation gradients were defined based on a Digital Elevation Model and the main ecoregions of the country: (1) shrubland and tropical forests (0–1000 masl), (2) grasslands (1001–2000 masl) and (3) temperate forests (>?2000 masl). Each ecoregion was divided into Climate Research Units and the number of fires per unit was quantified. The G Getis–Ord statistic was applied in order to define the spatial patterns presented by the fire events. A relationship between the occurrence of fires and the El Niño Southern Oscillation phenomenon was also determined through a Pearson correlation. The results showed that the occurrence of fire events presented variability along elevation gradients, with elevation a determining factor in their occurrence. Gradient 3, with the highest elevation, had the greatest number of fires and also presented the largest area of fire event clustering. These results contribute to the knowledge of the spatial distribution of forest fires in Mexico and are of value to appropriate decision-making for effective fire management.


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