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This article locates Portuguese tropical geography within wider academic debates on ‘tropicality’, contributing to discussion on not only the ‘tropicality of geography’ but also the ‘geography of tropicality’. It traces the role of Portuguese tropical geography in the colonial project and in the production of geographical knowledge, discourses and imaginaries, in particular the emergence of lusotropicality. While noting the underestimated connections with developments in German and British geography, we argue that the genealogy of Portuguese tropical geography lies mostly within contemporaneous French developments. By focusing on the central role of the Lisbon school (i.e. the Centre for Geographical Studies established in 1943), and in particular the tropical research initiated by Orlando Ribeiro (1911–1997), the paper seeks to engage with the ways in which geographical knowledge was produced within the academic discipline in Portugal under military dictatorship associated with the Estado Novo (1926–1974). By decentring the exploration of some of the ways in which the ‘tropics’ have been constructed and revising forms of producing geographical knowledge, the paper hopes to further understandings of the geographical imaginary of the tropics, unravelling the history and the role of geography in colonialism.  相似文献   

This article discusses the relevance of the work of Pierre Gourou for Vietnamese and non‐Vietnamese scholarship on colonial and postcolonial rural society in Vietnam. The term “tropicality” is used to situate Gourou's work within the framework of both French and Vietnamese regimes of truth. It is argued that Gourou was aware of the complex human geographies of the tropics and monsoon Asia and the challenges this posed to both Western and “tropical” peoples. Gourou and the issue of tropicality is used to show that Vietnamese scholars did not completely reject French colonial systems of knowledge, and that decolonisation did not herald a complete shift in knowledge about rural Vietnam. Rather, since the 1940s there has been antagonism and accommodation between colonial and postcolonial, French and Vietnamese modes of knowledge production. While Gourou underscored the otherness of the tropics, and there are colonial overtones in his work, he had an immense influence on indigenous ethnography and geography in Vietnam and elsewhere in the formerly colonised world. The article traces this important influence and how it has been both questioned and affirmed since independence in the Vietnamese context. It is suggested that the humanistic approach that Gourou pioneered in his 1936 study of the Red River Delta of northern Vietnam has outlived and been able to overcome the setbacks and drawbacks of both colonial and revolutionary/Vietnamese politico‐intellectual projects.  相似文献   

This paper examines the fieldwork undertaken by the distinguished French geographer Pierre Gourou (1900–99) in the Tonkin Delta (Red River Delta) of northern Vietnam in the 1920s and 1930s, and his wider configuration of “the tropical world” as a distinct space of knowledge and radical otherness. Gourou's fieldwork endeavours in French Indochina are interpreted in the light of recent work on “tropicality”: the idea that “the tropics” need to be understood as a western cultural construction and colonising discourse that essentialised the hot, wet regions of the world, and exalted the temperate world over its tropical counterpart. The paper focuses on Gourou's monumental 1936 study Les paysans du delta tonkinois, étude de géographie humaine. It is argued that in this study, and his later comparative work on the tropics, Gourou elaborated a distinct geographical variant of tropicality, but one that, ultimately, reinforced the essentialist logic and momentum of this discourse. Particular attention is paid to the geographical ideas, fieldwork techniques and discursive strategies that Gourou used in his 1936 study, and the French colonial context in which he worked. The article shows how Gourou appealed to western reason and science as tools of study, identified overpopulation as the key problem facing the Tonkin Delta, and suggested that colonial practices of modernisation had a limited place and ineffectual role in the rice plains of the region.  相似文献   

This article broadly positions the successful establishment of the field of French tropical geography in the immediate postwar period against developments stemming from a longer history of French colonial engagement in Africa, Asia and South America, and clarifies the seemingly late timing of, and paradoxes involved in, the creation of a body of French scientific knowledge about the tropics. Colonial scientific research did not develop in France until the end of the nineteenth century. However, the colonial geography appearing at this time did not rely on fieldwork but, rather, catered to the demands of the business class for overseas expansion and to public curiosity. Even while the medical geography of tropical areas and knowledge of tropical soils and ecology progressed greatly between 1900 and 1940, there were still only a few French geographers working in the tropics. With the advent of the Second World War, when “big science” appeared in France and its colonial empire, the number of French geographers involved in tropical research grew rapidly. The field of tropical geography built up by Pierre Gourou was a synthesis of approaches developed in South America, Africa and Indochina. Although it soon came under strong criticism for its pessimistic view of prospects for industrialisation and urbanisation in the tropics, it seduced French geographers because it matched the contemporary interest in zonality and relied on a genre de vie analysis of, typically, rural areas. Thus, the postwar blossoming of tropical geography shaped by Gourou was more a response to various internal dynamics within French geography than an exercise in imperialism. Its demise was not due to the eclipse of French colonialism but, rather, its inability to deal with the modernisation of tropical societies.  相似文献   

Despite being subtropical, Hong Kong, in both Hollywood and Hong Kong films of the 1950s and 1960s, is often filmically represented as tropical. This subtle climatic elision, I argue, holds a particular political valence that varies according to filmic tradition. In Hollywood narratives, Hong Kong's tropicality is a means to exoticize and, ultimately, marginalize the realities of the local. It is a way to turn Hong Kong's physical presence into an absence. In Hong Kong films in that same cold war environment, the relative blandness of the city is an attempt to realign its film industry with the free nations of Southeast Asia. For Hong Kong films, the strategy of tropicalization was thus a means to turn away from China and redefine Hong Kong as part of a network of capitalist, modern, overseas Chinese cities located in the sunny tropics of Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

This paper discusses four key phases in the study of the tropical milieu of monsoon Asia by French geographers and colonial actors over the last 150 years. First, it sees how the natural milieu initially occupied a central and determining place in French colonial and scientific assessments of Indochina, and how the notion of monsoon Asia appeared within the framework of an academic geography (and formatively in the two regional theses produced by Charles Robequain and Pierre Gourou). It then shows how, after the Second World War, francophone geographers developed a “tropicalist” approach to monsoon Asia, one that was inextricably linked with the culturalist approach that was pioneered by Gourou, which later evolved into new, model‐building and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of tropical systems. It argues that these successive phases have marked a shift from a centred tropicality ‐ a system of knowledge anchored in French colonialism and centring on debate about the determinist influence of the natural milieu ‐ to a decentred tropicality that rejects environmental determinism, questions the ethnocentric character of tropical geography and integrates the study of tropical geography into the wider social sciences. The paper concludes with the suggestion that tropicality has had an epistemologically stronger and more institutionalised relationship with francophone geography than was the case in anglophone geography.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the works of Henri Coudreau, a little‐known French explorer of Guiana and Amazonia who was later forgotten by the ‘heroic’ histories of exploration because of his unruliness and nonconformist attitudes. Drawing on the literature of postcolonialism and tropicality as well as on recent studies of anti‐colonialist geographies, I address for the first time Coudreau's geography from the perspective of anarchist and critical thinking. My main argument is that Coudreau's work is a further example of the complexity and heterogeneity of the European intellectual field during the imperial age. Despite having come of age intellectually among all the European racist and ethnocentric prejudices of his day, Coudreau developed a different outlook thanks to two factors, viz., his personal experience in living for years with the indigenous communities of Amazonia, and his exposure to anarchist anti‐colonialist ideas through his collaboration with Elisée Reclus. Coudreau's tropical utopia of an independent Amazonia, and his endorsement of the stateless nature of local communities, ran counter to French imperial politics, occasioning Coudreau's dismissal from the French administration and his professional exile in Brazil at the time of the Franco‐Brazilian border dispute (1897?1900).  相似文献   

This paper examines a particular type of imperial literature, the writing of the plantation in mid-nineteenth century Ceylon. These writings, by and for the male planting community, were written to recruit, instruct and entertain, and drew upon discourses of tropicality and moral masculinity. But discourses are constrained by the material conditions under which they are put into practice. Consequently, writings about a place such as highland Ceylon recognised the divergence of this place from the archetypal tropics. Accounts, nevertheless, remained within the conceptual grid that Livingstone (1991) has termed the "morality of climate." These texts were also pervaded by the discourse of moral masculinity. More particularly, the narrative structure of these writings was inflected by the masculinist adventure novel, which was cross-cut by concerns of race, class, religion and nationality. The tropical highlands were represented as an adversary that presented a moral test of the planters' manhood, race and class.  相似文献   

基于人口流动的广东省COVID-19疫情风险时空分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人口流动,特别是来自疫源区的人口输入,COVID-19疫情传播的关键风险来源。本文以广东省为例,利用人口迁移大数据与地理空间分析技术,综合考虑人口来源地风险差异与流入地社会经济属性差异,并依据输入性病例发病的间隔时间分布引入时滞过程,构建了包含时滞效应的疫情风险时空分析模型,理论上可以根据现状人口流动研判未来一定时期的疫情风险的变化趋势及空间格局,为提前谋划和精准防控提供决策参考。分析结果表明:① 广东省新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情在2020年1月29日拐点初现,随后呈现逐步下降的趋势。② 基于输入性病例发病的时滞过程分析,输入性病例从输入到发病普遍存在间隔时间,且间隔时间为1~14 d的病例比重较高。③ 疫情风险存在明显的空间差异,各地疫情风险依据输入风险、易感风险以及抵御风险能力的不同而存在较大的差异。④ 广东省各地市与疫源区城市之间的联系程度、人口流动规模及其交通区位因素,显著影响省内疫情风险的分级。深圳、广州等一线城市是高风险区,东莞、佛山、惠州、珠海、中山等邻近深圳和广州的珠三角城市是中风险区,珠三角城市群外围的粤东西北地区是低风险区。应根据疫情潜在风险,制定基于分区分级的防控措施,促进局地精准防控与社会整体良性运转。  相似文献   

中国SARS流行的季节性风险探讨   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
本文对我国SARS(非典型肺炎)疫区流行期的气候特征作了统计分析。根据这种特征,提出了SARS流行的气候风险作为认识SARS流行的季节性风险的基础,最后估计了全国流行SARS的季节性风险。其结论是并非所有区域在冬季都会出现最大风险,但全国在夏季是普遍安全的  相似文献   

雒丽  赵雪雁  王亚茹  张钦 《中国沙漠》2016,36(4):1171-1181
农户对气候变化的感知是影响其选择有效适应策略的关键因素。基于农户调查数据,构建了农户对气候变化的感知度指数,分析了石羊河流域农户对气候变化的感知特征,并采用多元线性回归法分析了影响农户气候变化感知的关键因素。结果表明:(1)石羊河流域农户对气温的感知比较准确,但对降水的感知出现偏差,农户对干旱、沙尘暴的感知强度明显高于其他气象灾害;(2)农户对气候变化的严重性感知较强,大部分农户认为气候变化对其生计产生了严重影响;(3)农户感知到的气候变化适应功效及适应成本均较高,但感知到的自我效能较弱;(4)影响气候变化敏感性感知的关键因素为户主受教育水平、务农年限、气候变化信息获取渠道;影响气候变化严重性感知与适应成本感知的关键因素均为户主性别、受教育水平及与村民的交流频率;影响适应功效感知的关键因素为与村民的交流频率;影响自我效能感知的关键因素为户主受教育水平。  相似文献   

This article traces the emergence of a negative strain in European and North American representations of the tropics, as earlier images of natural abundance were supplemented, and partly supplanted, by the fears and frustrations of would-be colonisers and the growing realisation of the technical difficulties of tropical "development". Taking Pierre Gourou's The Tropical World (1947) as an exemplary text that embodies attitudes accumulated over the previous century of scientific activity and colonial administration in the tropics, it is possible to see how, despite recognition of wide regional variations, the tropics as a whole were seen as constituting an impoverished and pestilential region, largely unsuited to white settlement and agriculture, and yet reliant upon outside agency for prospects of development. Without entirely ceasing to be landscapes of desire, the tropics represented a more primitive world than the northern temperate zone, a domain of largely untamed nature that served, by contrast, to demonstrate the moral and material "superiority" of northern climates, races and civilisations.  相似文献   

刘逸  李源  黎卓灵  韩芳菲 《热带地理》2020,40(3):367-374
基于广东省各地市卫健委官网披露的新型冠状病毒肺炎确诊病例的详细信息,对新冠病例在广东省的时空扩散特征以及各地级市疫情传播和变动的空间差异进行分析。研究结果表明:1)广东省确诊病例具有中年人最多、青年人其次、老年人第三的年龄结构特点,与全国统计特征较为相似。2)广东省的疫情扩散比率为0.198,表明其防疫措施卓有成效,有效地抑制了疫情的扩散。3)广东省的疫情扩散格局和综合风险格局存在显著差异。三四线中型城市的扩散风险较高但综合风险处于中等水平,发达城市的扩散风险较低但综合风险最高,粤东西部的欠发达地区较为安全。文章建议可积极宣传广东抗疫防疫成果,适度缓解民众焦虑,但仍需重点防范因返工返学带来的二次冲击。在防疫的中后期,应根据各地市的疫情风险等级,在省内科学划分风险防控区域,实施分级管控,有序恢复社会生产生活,避免过度防疫对社会民生造成的负面冲击,并需特别关注原本经济韧性较为脆弱的欠发达地区。  相似文献   

以深圳市卫生健康委员会发布的新冠肺炎确诊病例数据信息为依据,借助数据挖掘方法、空间分析方法和社会网络分析方法,对城市疫情空间扩散特征及治理对策进行了分析。研究表明:(1)从流行病学基本特征来看,疫情确诊病例人群结构复杂,来源地较广,延续时间较长,被传染病例发病滞后周期复杂。(2)从家庭内部及夫妻之间传播网络来看,疫情扩散具有强烈的空间聚集性特征。(3)从重点疫区和非疫区传播网络来看,疫情扩散具有明显的空间流动性特征。(4)从社交活动传播网络来看,疫情空间扩散具有私密性和不确定性特征。(5)从境外疫情空间蔓延的传播网络来看,疫情扩散具有国际性和不可抗拒性特征。(6)在城市管理中,应该优化城市空间效能,利用现代通信网络技术提高治理时效性和柔韧性。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情给农户生计发展带来了重大风险,而生计资本是抵御疫情冲击、阻断返贫危机的关键。论文以重点疫区湖北省及周边地区为研究区域,基于可持续生计分析框架,从生计资本“结构—存量”多维视角出发,采用内生转换回归模型分析疫区465户农户生计资本对疫情风险的抵御作用。研究发现:① 重点疫区农户生计资本总量不高,疫情可能诱发生计脆弱性但不是唯一要素,基层公共卫生建设也极为重要;② 生计资本对疫情风险有显著抵御效应,人力资本维度作用更为凸显,物质资本占比过高反而会削弱疫情应对能力;③ 农户生计资本结构与存量分布不均,家庭劳动力、健康投入、财富积累、居住环境、社会阅历等是核心要素;④ 疫后生计恢复主要依赖于人力与金融资本的积累,而帮扶关键在于应急和兜底保障,要根据区域农户生计特征拟定差异化的疫情常态防控举措。  相似文献   

中国COVID-19疫情时空演化与综合防控   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李钢  王皎贝  徐婷婷  高兴  金安楠  于悦 《地理学报》2020,75(11):2475-2489
新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情仍在全球范围内蔓延,是当前人类社会面临的重大突发公共卫生事件,对个人、家庭、社会乃至国家均产生深远影响。基于官方通报的病例数据及相关POI数据,综合运用数理统计与空间分析等方法,从省域、市域、县域和小区4个空间尺度探究疫情在中国的时空演化过程,进而探索疫情防控的综合机制与策略。结果表明:① 中国COVID-19疫情在时间演变上,始于大雪,盛于立春,衰于惊蛰,滞于春分,并经历早期武汉主导暴发、中期全国差异扩散、后期武汉主导衰减及末期本土疫情传播基本阻断4个阶段,对重要事件节点响应明显;② 空间分布呈现“喇叭”状的“一核两弧多岛”格局,主要受邻近性与联系强度影响;空间演化经历“核发—群发—散发—点发”4阶段模态,各阶段核心聚集区均位于湖北省内。最后,整合中国疫情演化的影响因素及相关措施,提出针对当前疫情发展和应对未来类似挑战的人地互馈协同发展的有效对策,具体随时间表现为及时响应、统筹合作、常态防控及严防输入等,并展望未来深入探究的方向。  相似文献   

Wildfires have long been an important environmental concern in Florida. Recent wildfires along the urban-rural interface of large cities in Florida have pointed to the need for an increased understanding of the physical and biological mechanisms that govern wildfire occurrence. Increased awareness of the relationships between global climate changes occurring in the tropics and their teleconnections outside the tropics dictate a reevaluation of the role of phenomena such as El Niño-Southern Oscillation on the risk of wildfire. One simple way of illustrating the relationship between ENSO and wildfire occurrence is the use of an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on wildfire data that has been categorized according to ENSO status (El Niño, La Niña, and neutral years). This research shows that a statistically significant relationship exists between ENSO conditions and annual wildfire occurrence in Florida when ENSO conditions are treated as a potential precursor to wildfire conditions. In particular, a statistically significant relationship exists between both acreage burned and average fire size, when the data are separated into El Niño and La Niña categories according to the previous year's ENSO status. This supports the idea that the climate from previous years has a measurable effect upon fire statistics in the years following the climate measurements, and that it may be possible to create a regional fire prediction model that incorporates ENSO information. [Key words: wildfire, natural hazards, ANOVA, Florida, ENSO.]  相似文献   

冰雪旅游是推动冰雪经济与旅游产业高质量融合发展的重要途径,现已成为文旅产业中最具潜力的领域之一。然而在全球气候变化的影响下,冰雪旅游发展面临严峻挑战。文章以北京市为例,运用结构方程模型对冰雪旅游情境中城市居民的气候变化感知、感知价值、旅游意向和环境责任行为等变量间的影响关系及其形成机制进行分析。研究发现:(1)气候变化感知分为气候变化表征和气候变化风险两个维度,且两者显著正向影响冰雪旅游感知价值。同时,气候变化风险显著正向影响旅游者环境责任行为。(2)冰雪旅游感知价值显著正向影响冰雪旅游意向和环境责任行为。(3)冰雪旅游意向显著正向影响环境责任行为。(4)旅游经历在气候变化感知对冰雪旅游意向和环境责任行为的影响关系中具有显著的正向调节作用。本研究对厘清冰雪旅游情境下气候变化感知对游客环境责任行为的复杂影响机理具有重要的理论价值,同时也能够在一定程度上为相关部门把握“后冬奥”黄金机遇,推动冰雪旅游高质量发展提供决策参考。  相似文献   

Forest fires in Algeria in the 1850s and 1860s suggest a link between environmentally induced catastrophes and the geographies of property and territory in the colony. In eastern Algeria, these fires helped fuel a discussion over the security and reliability of European settlers’ property rights and of the colonial state's ability to guarantee them. Following a brief analysis of forestry policy in France and Algeria, this paper analyzes some of the correspondence and official reports that emerged in the wake of major conflagrations. By the early 1860s, settlers and private forestry companies were calling the colonial state's credibility into question and demanding far‐reaching changes to the property law and land‐use regimes in place in the colony. Eventually, colonial authorities moved to help cement settlers’ property claims, eliminating enclaves and imposing new rules on “native” Algerians’ rights to use the forest. This essay concludes by suggesting that the process of making property private, in Algeria and elsewhere, is informed by perceptions of risk and by the modes of awareness inspired by environmentally induced catastrophic events.  相似文献   

In an age of anthropogenic climate change, risk and vulnerability have become common parlance. Yet the histories of both concepts are bound up in the colonial project. This article attempts to give a brief genealogy of these concepts by considering their evolution within early colonial attempts to deal with the dangers and threats posed by a tropical climate. This article argues that British and French colonial writers and administrators began to understand the dangers associated with colonizing distant lands as distinct risks associated with living in a tropical climate. Tropical fevers, ecological devastation, famine and revolt in particular spurred on the development of new knowledge, which advanced understandings of the effects of the tropical climate both on European health and long‐term colonial ambitions. In turn the concept of a pernicious tropical climate that posed a biological threat to the health of Europeans came to play a major role in configuring prevailing notions of race, health and morality. Risk and vulnerability have been key discursive features of new knowledges and governmental technologies crafted in the context of colonialism to secure European rule over distant lands and people.  相似文献   

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