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Existing spatial clustering methods primarily focus on points distributed in planar space. However, occurrence locations and background processes of most human mobility events within cities are constrained by the road network space. Here we describe a density-based clustering approach for objectively detecting clusters in network-constrained point events. First, the network-constrained Delaunay triangulation is constructed to facilitate the measurement of network distances between points. Then, a combination of network kernel density estimation and potential entropy is executed to determine the optimal neighbourhood size. Furthermore, all network-constrained events are tested under a null hypothesis to statistically identify core points with significantly high densities. Finally, spatial clusters can be formed by expanding from the identified core points. Experimental comparisons performed on the origin and destination points of taxis in Beijing demonstrate that the proposed method can ascertain network-constrained clusters precisely and significantly. The resulting time-dependent patterns of clusters will be informative for taxi route selections in the future.  相似文献   

武汉城市圈创新体系的空间分析——基于区域规划的视角   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
区域创新体系是一种多主体、多机制、多空间层次的复杂系统,其空间结构是以产业集群为基本节点的多重空间组织网络.武汉城市圈的创新资源总量丰富、特色鲜明,但空间组织路径不畅、网络节点关联松散,致使区域创新能力空间失衡.区域创新体系空间优化的参考路径之一是构建基于市场联系的产业集群网络,通过武汉市的辐射带动,促进区域创新的空间均衡发展,提升城市圈的创新能力和核心竞争力.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情精准防控的时空间行为地理学研究框架   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
面向新冠肺炎疫情精准防控的重大需求,时空间行为地理学可以发挥其独特的学科价值。以时间地理学、行为主义地理学、移动性地理学等时空间行为的地理学经典理论为基础,以时空路径表达、活动的复杂情境分析、风险感知地图分析为核心方法,以时空间行为风险评估、居民时空间行为规划与引导、心理情绪引导与智慧社区治理为重点应用方向,尝试搭建疫情精准防控的时空间行为地理学研究框架。未来时空间行为研究应该立足人本导向、流动性导向和应用导向,突出时空间行为地理学在城市规划、城市管理、居民服务等方面的应用价值。  相似文献   

A mechanistic understanding of human activity patterns lays a foundation for many applications. The majority of the current research aims to outline human activity patterns mainly from spatiotemporal perspectives (i.e., modeling human mobility patterns), lacking of understanding of the motivations behind behaviors. The aim of this study is to model and understand human activity patterns within urban areas using both spatiotemporal and cognitive psychology methods to measure both human behavior patterns and the underlying motivations . We first propose a framework that enables us to analyze the spatiotemporal patterns of urban human activities, infer the associated semantic patterns that represent the motivations driving human mobility choices and behaviors, and measure the similarity between human activities. We then construct a human activity network based on the similarity to depict human activity patterns. The framework is applied to a case study of Toronto, Canada, where geotagged tweets are used as a proxy for human activities to explore activity patterns. The analysis of the human activity network shows that 61% of tweeter users follow similar activity patterns. Our work provides a new tool for better understanding the way individuals interact with urban environments that could be applied\ to a variety of urban applications.  相似文献   

移动性是老年人生活质量的重要影响因素,提高老年人的移动性是延长老年人独立生活时间,从而减小社会养老成本的重要手段。公共交通是中国老年人较长距离出行的最主要交通方式,但已有研究对公交移动性的关注较少。论文从季节时空分异的角度出发,利用安徽省芜湖市智能公交卡数据,分析不同季节老年人公交移动性静态空间集聚特征以及季节变化条件下移动性变化值的空间集聚特征。结果表明:① 老年人公交移动性空间集聚明显,呈现圈层式分布的特征。不同季节、不同移动性指标在城市中心、城市中心外围和城市边缘的集聚现象存在较大差异。② 老年人公交移动性的时空分异现象是复合的,不同城市空间对季节变化的敏感程度存在差异,主要呈现出从城市中心向外递增的趋势。研究公交移动性的季节时空分异现象可以为老年友好型城市的规划建设提供更加适当的规划和灵活的政策建议。  相似文献   

居民出行活动与居民的收入水平关系是公共交通、城市地理研究的重要问题。传统获取居民出行活动信息主要基于问卷调查的方式,不仅成本高、样本量有限,且研究局限于定性讨论,研究结果易因受访者的主观意识而产生偏颇。随着信息技术的革新,传感器记录的大规模人类活动信息为研究居民出行活动特征与居民收入水平关系提供了可能性。本文利用上海市居民时空轨迹数据,从居民出行活动的角度出发,首先构建居民出行活动指标,并利用主成分分析法提取居民出行活动特征的主要成分;然后对主成分进行K-Means聚类,并针对不同出行活动特征的类别,分析居民出行活动特征与居民收入水平的关系,结果表明:①居民出行地点多样性与居民出行范围大小是反映居民出行活动特征的主要成分;②移动范围越小、移动地点多样性越低的居民类别,其平均工资水平越高;③不同移动性特征的类别平均收入水平差异与各类别居民工作地的产业发展有关。研究结论可为城市规划及相关经济政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   

An origin-destination (OD) flow can be defined as the movement of objects between two locations. These movements must be determined for a range of purposes, and strong interactions can be visually represented via clustering of OD flows. Identification of such clusters may be useful in urban planning, traffic planning and logistics management research. However, few methods can identify arbitrarily shaped flow clusters. Here, we present a spatial scan statistical approach based on ant colony optimization (ACO) for detecting arbitrarily shaped clusters of OD flows (AntScan_flow). In this study, an OD flow cluster is defined as a regional pair with significant log likelihood ratio (LLR), and the ACO is employed to detect the clusters with maximum LLRs in the search space. Simulation experiments based on AntScan_flow and SaTScan_flow show that AntScan_flow yields better performance based on accuracy but requires a large computational demand. Finally, a case study of the morning commuting flows of Beijing residents was conducted. The AntScan_flow results show that the regions associated with moderate- and long-distance commuting OD flow clusters are highly consistent with subway lines and highways in the city. Additionally, the regions of short-distance commuting OD flow clusters are more likely to exhibit ‘residential-area to work-area’ patterns.  相似文献   

The study focuses on residential mobility propensities of Vietnamese immigrants in the city of Brisbane, Australia, as a principal force contributing to the persistence or change of ethnic residential segregation over time. Using 1990 survey data, discrete-time logit models are estimated to assess the effects of locational, contextual, and personal characteristics on the likelihood of changing residence within the city. The results indicate that locational variables operate in such a way that the most dominant Vietnamese neighborhood in Brisbane increases its prominence even further, while secondary Vietnamese clusters are likely to weaken. The results also indicate that initial settlement conditions are important for the first move only, whereas personal attributes contribute to variations in mobility propensities primarily in the second move. This implies that the composition of the immigrant population potentially influences the speed at which changes in ethnic residential patterns will occur in urban areas.  相似文献   

Clustering of temporal event processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A temporal point process is a sequence of points, each representing the occurrence time of an event. Each temporal point process is related to the behavior of an entity. As a result, clustering of temporal point processes can help differentiate between entities, thereby revealing patterns of behaviors. This study proposes a hierarchical cluster method for clustering temporal point processes based on the discrete Fréchet (DF) distance. The DF cluster method is divided into four steps: (1) constructing a DF similarity matrix between temporal point processes; (2) constructing a complete linkage hierarchical tree based on the DF similarity matrix; (3) clustering the point processes with a threshold determined by locating the local maxima on the curve of the pseudo-F statistic (an index which measures the separability between clusters and the compactness in clusters); and (4) identifying inner patterns for each cluster formed by a series of dense intervals, each of which contains at least one event of all processes of the cluster. The contributions of the article are: (1) the proposed DF cluster method can cluster temporal point processes into different groups and (2) more importantly, it can identify the inner pattern of each cluster. Two synthetic data sets were created to illustrate the DF distance between temporal point process clusters (the first data set) and validate the proposed DF cluster method (the second data set), respectively. An experiment and a comparison with a method based on dynamic time warping show that DF cluster successfully identifies the preconfigured patterns in the second synthetic data set. The cluster method was then applied to a population migration history data set for the Northern Plains of the United States, revealing some interesting population migration patterns.  相似文献   

Challenges of calculating dunefield mobility over the 21st century   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Attention has been directed towards both the impacts of future climate change on environmental systems and dunefield activity in the past, but there has been relatively little consideration of potential dune mobility in a future and possibly warmer world. This paper considers the use and limitations of four Global Circulation Models (GCMs) (Hadcm3, Hadcm2, CSIRO-mk2b and CGCM1), in combination with simple dune mobility indices to predict the activity of the Kalahari dunefield. It is clear that uncertainties surround GCM resolution and accuracy, mobility index robustness for the calculation of intra-annual dune mobility and data collection for mobility index calibration. Macro-scale studies that look at large areas of the world over long time scales are well suited to GCM and mobility index use, but dune mobility can be variable within a dunefield, and it is the extreme sand transporting events, occurring at high temporal resolutions, that are the most important for short term studies. To investigate intra-annual changes in dune mobility over a specific dunefield techniques such as downscaling, weather generators and probability curve fitting can help provide climate predictions for smaller areas over shorter time frames. However, these methods introduce uncertainty of their own, and they often rely on the accuracy of original GCM predictions or the climate parameter relationships observed at present. Analysis of intra-annual changes also requires mobility indices that can model monthly mobility patterns well, although existing indices have only been used for calculating annual dune mobility potential. When they are used for intra-annual predictions, the lack of lag response between precipitation decreases and the assumed vegetation dieback leads to an exaggerated amplitude pattern of dune mobility throughout the year. Calibration of dune mobility indices to dune mobility observed on the ground is therefore important but is hampered by a lack of observed measurements for individual months. Solutions are available to overcome some of the outlined problems, but they can provide their own set of uncertainties, which combine to further reduce the confidence given to future dune mobility predictions.  相似文献   

Human mobility patterns have been widely investigated due to their application in a wide variety of fields, for example urban planning and epidemiology. Many studies have introduced spatial networks into human mobility analyses at the collective level. However, these studies merely analyzed spatial network structure, and the underlying collective mobility patterns were not further discussed. In this paper, we propose a collective mobility discovery method based on community differences (CMDCD). We constructed spatial networks where nodes represent geographical entities and edge weights denote collective mobility intensity between geographical entities. The differences between communities detected from the networks constructed in different periods were then identified. Since collective spatial movement has a large influence on network structure, we can discover groups with different mobility patterns based on community differences. By applying the method to data usage detail records collected from the cellular networks in a city of China, we analyzed different collective mobility patterns between the Spring Festival vacation and workdays. The experimental results show that our method can solve these two problems of identifying community differences and discovering users with different mobility patterns simultaneously. Moreover, the CMDCD method is an integrated approach to discover groups whose mobility patterns have changed in different periods at the large spatial scale and the small spatial scale. The discovered collective mobility patterns can be used to guide urban planning, traffic forecasting, urban resource allocation, providing new insights into human mobility patterns and spatial interaction analyses.  相似文献   

邻里作为城市居民基本的日常生活空间,对人们的生活有着重要的影响。尤其是近年来随着居住迁移的普遍发生,邻里环境与居民幸福感关系更加复杂。人们对邻里环境的偏好和选择受到所处生命历程阶段的影响,但目前鲜有研究探讨不同生命历程阶段的邻里环境和幸福感之间的关系。论文基于广州市的调查问卷数据,选取在不同生命历程阶段有居住迁移行为的712个样本,并按生命历程阶段分别构建模型进行研究。结果表明:邻里环境对个体幸福感影响在不同生命历程阶段存在差异,邻里公共环境的整洁性更有助于提升青年早期的幸福感,邻里关系的和睦性更有助于提升老年阶段的幸福感,而设施的便利性在整个生命历程阶段都可以有效提升幸福感。居住迁移对邻里环境与幸福感的关系起到一定的调节作用,尤其是在中年和老年阶段更加明显。随着迁移时长的增加,感知邻里环境与幸福感的关系得到强化,而客观邻里环境的影响不断削弱,邻里环境的改善可以更有效地提升短距离迁移居民的幸福感水平。  相似文献   

陈浩然  安宁  朱竑 《地理科学》2020,40(10):1627-1635
流动性重塑了人地关系,地的再领域化过程可以视为一种跨阶层的垂直流动。20世纪80年代起,中国开始了撤县设区的行政区划调整,重塑了原有的城市行政结构体系。撤县设区是典型的城市的垂直流动过程。在这过程中,县城本地居民的身份政治,以及他们与县城、新城之间的关系亦随之改变。以广州为例,通过研究撤县设区中本地居民与领域空间的关系重构,进而探讨流动性背景下的人地关系变化。研究发现:对于本地居民而言,其身份政治在再领域化的过程中,从旧领域的多数群体转变为新领域的少数群体。这种转变导致本地居民排他策略的形成,并由此形成了新领域中的一个抵抗空间,重构了本地居民、旧领域和新领域之间的人地关系。研究城市的再领域化过程是对地理学探讨流动性的有效补充,有利于从地的视角更深入理解流动性的影响及意义。  相似文献   

The spatial inequality of foreign direct investment (FDI) can intensify uneven economic development. As globalization and economic transition proceeds, foreign investors are changing their behaviors in FDI location, based on institutional change and agglomeration effects. In order to reduce the inequality, this research employs spatial statistics and analyses to examine the change in the spatial inequality of FDI among regions and among prefectural cities, and uses regression models and spatial regime analyses to investigate factors influencing the inequality from 1990 to 2010. The spatial diffusion of FDI clusters from the eastern/coastal region to the interior shows the trend of FDI convergence among regions. However, increasing numbers of FDI clusters and hot spots show the increasing divergence among cities within three regions. Agglomeration effects have replaced institutional factors to become one of the most significant factors influencing the FDI inequality among cities. Additionally, special economic zones, coastal open cities, provincial capital cities, and development zones lost their advantages in FDI as more reforms set in. The spatial regime analyses further indicate the significance of market size in FDI in prefecture-level cities and the significance of agglomeration economies in FDI in capitals and municipalities.  相似文献   


The study focuses on residential mobility propensities of Vietnamese immigrants in the city of Brisbane, Australia, as a principal force contributing to the persistence or change of ethnic residential segregation over time. Using 1990 survey data, discrete-time logit models are estimated to assess the effects of locational, contextual, and personal characteristics on the likelihood of changing residence within the city. The results indicate that locational variables operate in such a way that the most dominant Vietnamese neighborhood in Brisbane increases its prominence even further, while secondary Vietnamese clusters are likely to weaken. The results also indicate that initial settlement conditions are important for the first move only, whereas personal attributes contribute to variations in mobility propensities primarily in the second move. This implies that the composition of the immigrant population potentially influences the speed at which changes in ethnic residential patterns will occur in urban areas.  相似文献   

基于位置感知设备的人类移动研究综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
每个人在地理空间内的移动看似随机而没有规律,然而一个较大规模人群的移动却隐藏着特定的模式。为了研究某些地理问题,如交通、疾病传播等,可以从个体行为出发,在地理信息系统的支持下,发现人类移动模式,并构筑基于个体的模拟模型,从而建立微观和宏观之间的桥梁,并支持相应的决策过程。信息通讯技术的发展,一方面改变了人们的空间行为模式,另一方面使得基于位置感知设备获取海量人类移动数据成为可能。近年来,上述研究一直是地理信息科学及相关领域的热点,该文对此进行了总结和评述。  相似文献   

区域制造业集群的辨识——以北京市制造业为例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
贺灿飞  梁进社  张华 《地理科学》2005,25(5):521-528
辨识产业集群的定性方法,过于依赖专家的主观判断,存在诸多局限性。基于投入产出表构建一个反映产业之间功能联系的矩阵,采用主成分分析定量辨识基于经济技术联系的区域产业集群。此外,设计了几个衡量集群内产业联系强度的系数来判定被辨识集群的合理性,并通过相关系数衡量集群内产业的空间集聚特性。以北京市1997年投入产出表上74个制造业行业为例,采用主成分分析方法辨别出14个产业集群,包括钢压延加工集群、有机化学制品集群、电子元器件集群以及棉毛纺织集群等。集群内产业功能联系紧密,相关产业内的企业在空间上集聚,符合产业集群的理论定义。  相似文献   

Intercity transportation infrastructures and services determine the depth and breadth of the spatial interactions among cities within an urban agglomeration, and have profound impacts on the spatial structure of the urban agglomeration. To evaluate whether the public intercity ground transportation infrastructures and services (i.e. passenger trains and long-distance buses) can support the integration and development of urban agglomerations, we propose a method for ‘transportation cluster’ detection (TCD), which has three unique features: (1) the K-shortest paths are used to quantify the proximity between cities, which is more in line with people’s travel behaviors; (2) a dendrogram is obtained through hierarchical clustering to reveal the structural hierarchies of transportation clusters; and (3) the integration of geo-modularity and hierarchical clustering assures high strength of division of transportation networks. The proposed TCD method was applied to the network of passenger trains, the network of long-distance buses, and the combined network of both in mainland China, respectively. By comparing the resultant transportation clusters with the urban agglomerations delineated by the Chinese government, cities that have weak transportation connections with other cities within an urban agglomeration were identified, and such findings could help devise transportation planning to better support the integrated development of urban agglomerations.  相似文献   

产业集群研究的新视角   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文从垂直、水平、制度、外部和权力因子分析了集群的生成、成长和再生现象。笔者认为,具备可持续发展能力的集群必须与外部的供应商、市场和技术建立系统的联系,多种文化的融合、合理的权力结构、有效的调控手段是集群环境建设的重要内容。同时,在制定区域政策时,不能简单地将一地的产业集群政策移植到另外一个区域。此外,不是世界上的所有地区都具备形成产业集群的前提条件;产业集群政策也不是提升区域经济竞争力的唯一途径。  相似文献   

新疆人口的空间分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨振  雷军  段祖亮  董洁芳  苏长青 《地理研究》2016,35(12):2333-2346
人口过程在空间上的表现形式是区域自然地理条件和社会经济因素相互作用的结果。新疆人口空间分布受地貌、气候和水文等自然条件的影响,表现出分散分布的特征。研究新疆人口空间分布特征对新疆人口发展和城市规划具有重要的指导意义。在GIS的支持下,从多角度、多尺度出发构建了两个年份新疆人口空间数据库,对新疆人口空间分布的集散程度、多尺度的人口疏密状况、人口重心分布及变动、民族人口空间分布态势进行空间可视化表达。得出以下结论:① 新疆人口空间分布的集中程度逐步增加,各尺度人口集中的速度均较慢,人口空间分布具有较强的稳定性,人口的流动性较差。② 人口空间分布具有尺度依赖性,不同空间尺度表现出不同的分布特征,空间尺度越大,人口分布特征越不明显,从小尺度对人口分布特征进行研究可以避免大尺度探究带来的不足,小尺度新疆人口空间分布呈现圈层结构,表现出人口空间分布的“三大集群”和零星若干“小集群”的分布特征。③ 新疆人口重心分布逐年向东偏北方向移动且移动的距离较短,说明新疆人口有向北疆,尤其是天山北坡城市群集中的态势,但集中的速度较慢,对人口重心移动的距离影响较小。从重心空间分布及其变化可以看出影响新疆人口空间分布的第一大要素是水资源。④ 新疆民族人口空间分布也具有独特性。维吾尔族人口主要分布在南疆三地州且空间集聚态势明显,哈萨克族人口空间分布也较为集中,汉族和回族人口空间分布分散,集聚态势不明显,与其他民族的融合较强。  相似文献   

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