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高空大气涛动现象与太阳活动的联系   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文根据全球高空10 hPa位势高度距平场EOF分析得知,存在于地面层大气中的南北向涛动现象~北极高空大气涛动和南极涛动,在高空大气中更为清楚,而且这种高空南北向涛动现象是波及全球的;存在于地面层大气中著名的纬向涛动现象~南方涛动(Southern Oscillation,SO)和北方涛动(North Oscillation,NO),在高空大气中则变得不甚清楚.表征北极高空大气涛动的第一模态与表征南极涛动的第二模态的方差贡献率分别为41.47%和27.04%,二者累积方差贡献率达到68.51%,构成了平流层高空大气年代际振荡的主要形式;另外还存在两半球对称性中高纬度南极涛动模态和两半球不对称性中高纬度南极涛动模态,是高空大气中出现概率比较小的振荡形式.谱分析表明,无论北极高空大气涛动模态、南极涛动模态还是中高纬度纬向涛动模态,都存在与太阳磁场磁性指数相一致的22年准周期变化以及与太阳黑子相对数相一致的11年准周期变化;采用逐次滤波法的滤波分析和对比分析表明,高空大气涛动现象的重要影响因子乃太阳活动,其中太阳磁场的大幅度涨落及其磁性变化是主要因素,太阳黑子相对数的变化为次要因素.  相似文献   

北半球大气遥相关型与区域尺度大气扰动   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
北极涛动(AO)、北大西洋涛动(NAO)和太平洋-北美型(PNA)等北半球大气遥相关型,可以用大气位势高度的物理分解扰动分量解释.结果发现,AO反映的是北极地区行星尺度纬圈平均扰动分量的变化,PNA与持续性天气尺度扰动分量相联系,NAO是行星尺度纬圈平均扰动与天气尺度扰动共同作用的结果.对行星尺度纬圈平均扰动分量和天气尺度扰动分量用旋转经验正交函数(REOF)展开,不但可以证实人们已经命名的区域性大气涛动,还新发现了北极地区的两对偶极涛动、欧亚涛动(EAO)和"大西洋-欧亚型"(AEA)波列.这些涛动连接了相邻地区的异常天气和异常气候.  相似文献   

气候系统模式对北极涛动的模拟   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
本文系统分析了参与IPCC AR4 “20世纪气候模拟"(20C3M)的23个气候系统模式模拟的1950~1999年冬季(JFM)北极涛动(AO).结果表明,在22个模式中,AO模态都表现为北半球中高纬大气年际变率的第一模态.不过,18个模式模拟的AO模态在北太平洋地区表现偏强,有两组模式结果均表明,提高模式的水平分辨率能够克服此偏差.所有模式模拟的AO指数均未出现与观测相当的增强趋势,只有两个模式(ECHO-G和UKMO-HadGEM1)模拟的AO指数与观测存在显著正相关.多数模式能够模拟出纬向风伴随AO位相变化在中高纬出现的偶极子异常特征,部分模式对平流层AO特征的模拟能力仍需要提高.对AO垂直结构模拟较好的模式,例如CCSM3、MRI CGCM2-32和UKMO-HadGEM1,能够较为合理地再现伴随AO指数增强出现的极区平流层变冷和中纬度对流层增暖现象.AO与欧亚大陆地表气温和降水的相关分布,在多数模式中有较好的体现,个别模式还对AO与东亚气候的相关关系具有一定的模拟能力.对AO各指标均有较好模拟能力的模式是UKMO-HadGEM1.本文结果为改进气候系统模式对北极涛动的模拟能力提供了依据,亦为学术界利用IPCC AR4的耦合模式数据、开展与AO相关的气候变率研究提供了基础参考.  相似文献   

本文以拉格朗日观点分析北极涛动(Arctic Oscillation,AO),也被称为北半球环状模(Northern Hemisphere Annular Mode,NAM)的指数异常事件中北极近地面冷气团的活动路径,直接地表现出了异常事件中冷气团运动的优势路径,从而反映出AO/NAM对地面气温的直接调控作用.在正AO/NAM指数异常事件中,极区近地面冷气团活动轨迹以纬向环流为主,表现为环绕北半球中高纬地区的冷气团活动轨迹特征明显.而在负AO/NAM指数异常事件中,极区冷气团以反气旋式轨迹流出极区后,流入中纬度海洋上的低气压区,这种由极区向中纬度地区流动的经向运动轨迹特点显著.并且在指数下降的中后期出现两种强烈影响欧亚大陆的运动轨迹.正负事件中冷气团运动轨迹很好地解释了传统公认的AO/NAM对北半球不同地区冬季气温的影响.特别是对中国冬季气温的影响上,正AO/NAM指数异常事件中的中低层冷气团活动有利于南支槽加深,进而为南方地区冰冻雨雪天气提供了有利条件;而负事件中的极地近地面冷气团可直接影响东北地区,形成寒潮降温天气.  相似文献   

2009/2010年冬季北极涛动异常及其影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009/2010年冬季出现了持续的北极涛动(AO)负异常,同时北半球的天气气候也发生了大范围的异常,两者的关系是大家极为关注的重要问题.本文的分析表明2009/2010年冬季北半球经历了两次显著的AO负异常过程,2009年12月和2010年2月AO指数分别达到了同期历史的最低值.2009年12月的AO负异常过程又可以又分为两个阶段,第一个阶段是由于前期行星波上传的增强导致平流层极涡减弱,随后平流层环流异常向下发展造成了对流层的AO负异常;第二个阶段是因为对流层低层高纬地区的温度正异常维持了第一个阶段在对流层高纬地区的位势高度正异常,使得AO负异常得以较长时间维持,这两个阶段的接连发生和共同作用使得对流层低层经历了一个较强的AO负异常过程.而2010年2月的AO负异常过程则是由平流层爆发性增温所造成的平流层异常环流下传造成的.通过对历史上11个AO负异常事件的统计分析,可以认为AO负异常事件可能由平流层爆发性增温以及平流层极区弱的环流异常下传造成,也可能来源于对流层内部的动力过程.进一步研究表明,2009/2010年冬季持续的极端AO负异常与该冬季北半球大范围的温度和降水异常有密切联系,关注AO异常及其影响是天气预报、气候预测的重要问题.  相似文献   

本文运用近50 a来500 hPa层次上南极、赤道和北极位势高度以及南北半球西风指数的资料,分析了它们的时间演变规律及其相互间的关系.结果表明,南极位势高度显著下降;赤道位势高度显著上升.南极、赤道和北极位势高度都存在着显著的年际、年代际变化特征.总体上,南极位势高度与赤道位势高度有极其显著的负相关关系,北极与赤道的位势高度之间以及两极位势高度之间相关关系不显著;在共振的特定频率中,北极位势高度振荡落后于南极位势高度,赤道位势高度振荡又落后于两极位势高度振荡,气候变化最先开始的区域为南极地区.进一步分析表明,伴随着以上三个区域的位势高度趋势变化及其周期振荡,必然引起高空西风的增强与周期振荡.研究表明,南北两半球西风指数都存在显著的上升趋势,且存在显著的年代际变化特征.其中,南半球西风指数上升幅度较北半球大,其振荡落后于南极位势高度.  相似文献   

北极海冰的急剧消融在近年来欧亚大陆频发的低温事件中扮演着关键角色.秋季北极海冰的偏少对应着冬季欧亚大陆的低温天气,然而二者的联系在年代际和年际两种时间尺度上存在显著区别.本文运用1979—2012年哈德莱中心第一套海冰覆盖率(HadISST1)、欧洲中心(ERA_Interim)的2m温度、风场、海平面气压场、高度场等资料,分别研究了年代际和年际时间尺度上前期秋季北极海冰与欧亚冬季气温的联系.结果表明,欧亚和北极地区(0°—160°E,15°N—90°N)的冬季气温具有显著的年代际和年际变化.在年代际尺度上,温度异常分布在21世纪初由北极冷-大陆暖转为北极暖-大陆冷.这一年代际转折与前期秋季整个北极地区的海冰年代际减少联系密切.秋季北极全区海冰年代际偏少对应冬季欧亚大陆中高纬地区的高压异常,有利于北大西洋的暖湿气流北上和北极的冷空气南侵,造成北极暖-大陆冷的温度分布;在年际时间尺度上,温度异常分布主要由第一模态的年际变化部分和第二模态组成,且第一模态包含的年际变率信号也存在显著的年代际变化.年际尺度上全区北极海冰对欧亚冬季气温的影响远不及位于北冰洋西南边缘的巴伦支海、喀拉海和拉普捷夫海西部(30°E—120°E,75°N—85°N)的关键区海冰影响显著.关键区内海冰的偏少会引发冬季的北大西洋涛动负位相,导致北大西洋吹往欧亚大陆的暖湿气流减弱和欧亚大陆中高纬地区的气温偏低.  相似文献   

基于之前创建的行星会合指数运动学方程,发现太阳质心具有平均准22年向太阳系质心靠近(有时近似重合)的轨道运动周期.在整个太阳系角动量守恒的前提下,推出太阳自转角动量和太阳绕转角动量之和守恒.二者角动量转换造成太阳自转角动量变化和太阳绕转角动量变化具有互为反向的准22年变化规律.太阳自转角速度变化(dω/dt)图像与太阳黑子磁性指数图像具有一致对应关系,这种对应关系可以从物理机制上对太阳活动周相位变化和太阳活动强弱变化进行解释,这为预测太阳活动提供了一种有效方法.本研究为太阳活动替代性指标指代的双世纪周期和2403年哈尔斯塔(Hallstatt)周期规律找到了理论根据.  相似文献   

本文根据苏黎世天文台太阳黑子11年周期资料和太阳黑子磁场磁性变化周期特征,构建了太阳黑子磁场磁性指数MI(Magnetic Index)时间序列.分析表明:太阳活动磁性周期平均长度为222年,但是每个周期长度是不相等的;多数情况周期短时磁性指数较大,对应太阳活动水平强;周期变长时磁性指数较小,对应太阳活动水平较弱;太阳黑子磁场磁性指数序列也具有80~90年的世纪周期. 进一步研究指出,太阳黑子磁场磁性指数曲线由极小值升至极大值时期,太阳磁场南向,行星际磁场磁力线与地磁场磁力线重联,此时磁层为开磁层,太阳风将携带大量等离子体从向阳面进入地球磁层,从而使输入的动量、能量和物质大幅度增加,与北半球对流层增温时期对应;太阳黑子磁场磁性指数曲线由极大值下降至极小值时期,太阳磁场北向,与磁层顶地磁场同向,行星际磁场不会与地磁场发生重联,此时磁层为闭磁层,这种情况下,只有少数带电粒子能够穿越磁力线进入地球磁层,与北半球对流层降温时期对应.  相似文献   

梅雨与北极涛动及平流层环流异常的关联   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
李崇银  顾薇  潘静 《地球物理学报》2008,51(6):1632-1641
平流层过程如何影响气候变化是一个大家关注的科学问题,在WCRP中专门设置了一个研究子计划SPARC.本文的分析研究表明,中国的梅雨异常可能受到平流层大气环流异常的影响,而这种影响是通过北极涛动(AO)的变化来实现的.从分析和计算结果可以看到,二月份北半球30 hPa位势高度的EOF第一主分量对应着副热带和高纬度地区的显著下传异常波作用量,其第三主分量对应着极地地区的显著下传异常波作用量,这些下传的异常波作用量都对三月份AO形势的形成有明显的贡献.三月份的AO则会通过影响东亚地区夏季对流层大气的冷暖状况和环流,在长江中下游地区导致异常垂直运动和辐散辐合形势,从而影响夏季的梅雨降水.  相似文献   

The variability of stratospheric planetary waves and their possible connection with the 11-year solar cycle forcing have been investigated using annual-mean temperatures for the period of 1958–2001 derived from two reanalysis data sets. The significant planetary waves (wavenumbers 1–3) can be identified in the northern mid-high latitudes (55–75°N) in the stratosphere using this data. Comparisons with satellite-retrieved products from the Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) confirm the significant planetary wave variability seen in the reanalyses. A planetary wave amplitude index (PWAI) is defined to indicate the strength of the stratospheric planetary waves. The PWAI is derived from Fourier analysis of the temperature field for wavenumbers 1–3 and averaged over 55–75°N latitude and the 70–20 hPa layers. The results include two meaningful inter-annual oscillations (2- and 8-year) and one decadal trend (16-year) that was derived from wavelet analysis. The stratospheric temperature structure of the wave amplitudes appear associated with the Arctic Oscillation (AO) which explicitly changed with the PWAI. The temperature gradients between the polar and mid-high latitudes show opposite tendencies between the top-10 strong and weak wave regimes.The variation of the planetary wave amplitude appears closely related to the solar forcing during the recent four solar cycles (20–23). The peak of the 2-year oscillation occurs synchronously with solar minimum, and is consistent with the negative correlation between the PWAI and the observed solar UV irradiance. The UV changes between the maxima and minima of the 11-year solar cycle impact the temperature structure in the middle-lower stratosphere in the mid-high latitudes and hence influence the planetary waves. During solar maximum, the dominant influence appears to be exerted through changes in static stability, leading to a reduction in planetary wave amplitude. During solar minimum, the dominant influence appears to be exerted through changes in the meridional temperature gradient and vertical wind shear, leading to an enhancement of planetary wave amplitude.  相似文献   

We present a newly developed global magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) model to study the responses of the Earth's magnetosphere to the solar wind. The model is established by using the space-time conservation element and solution element(CESE) method in general curvilinear coordinates on a six-component grid system. As a preliminary study, this paper is to present the model's numerical results of the quasi-steady state and the dynamics of the Earth's magnetosphere under steady solar wind flow with due northward interplanetary magnetic field(IMF). The model results are found to be in good agreement with those published by other numerical magnetospheric models.  相似文献   

The 22-year variation in the frequency of aurora occurrence is found through an analysis of data of the Russian network of meteorological stations from 1837–1909. This variation is obtained in a form of asymmetry between even and odd solar cycles. We found that the nature of the 22-year variation depends on the latitude of the observation station. The annual number N of midlatitude auroras (geomagnetic latitudes Φ < 56°) for about three years at the end of the descending part of solar cycles is larger for the even cycles than for the odd. For high-latitude auroras (Φ ≥ 56°), the pattern is opposite: at the descending part of the solar cycle, N is larger in the odd cycles than in the even. For the high-latitude sector, asymmetry of the polar sun cycles (the period between two magnetic field reversals) is clearly observed: an increased N is observed during the whole odd polar cycle (which starts approximately at the maximum of the odd Schwabe cycle) as compared to the even cycle. Extrapolation of the modern picture of alternation of the sign of the global solar magnetic field back in time leads to the conclusion that the most geoeffective polar cycles in cycles 8–14 were those in which the polar magnetic field in the northen hemisphere was negative.  相似文献   

Using the monthly mean NCEP/NCAR reanalysis and NOAA Extended Reconstructed sea surface temperature (SST) datasets, strong correlations between the SST anomalies in the North Pacific and calculated three-dimensional Eliassen–Palm vertical fluxes are indicated in December 1958–1976 and 1992–2006. These correlations between the interannual variations of the SST anomalies and the penetration of planetary waves into the stratosphere are much less during the decadal sub-period 1976–1992 in the positive phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and the decadal cold SST anomalies in the North Pacific. Interannual variations of the polar jet in the lower stratosphere in January are strongly associated with SST anomalies in the Aleutian Low region in December for the years with positive PDO index. This sub-period corresponds well with that of the violation of the Holton–Tan relationship between the equatorial Quasi-Beinnial Oscillation (QBO) and the stratospheric circulation in the extra-tropics. It is shown that interannual and interdecadal variations of stratospheric dynamics, including stratospheric warming occurrences in January, depend strongly on changes of the upward propagation of planetary waves from the troposphere to the stratosphere over North Eurasia in preceding December. These findings give evidences of a large impact of the decadal SST variations in the North Pacific on wave activity in early winter due to changes of thermal excitation of planetary waves during distinct decadal periods. Possible causes of the decadal violation of the Holton–Tan relationship, its relation to the PDO and an influence of the 11-year solar cycle on the stratosphere are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we review the variation of the 11-year solar cycle since the 15th century revealed by the measurement of radiocarbon content in single-year tree-rings of Japanese cedar trees. Measurements of radiocarbon content in absolutely dated tree-rings provide a calibration curve for accurate dating of archaeological matters, but at the same time, enable us to examine the variations of solar magnetic activity in the pre-historical period. The Sun holds several long-term quasi-cyclic variations in addition to the fundamental 11-year sunspot activity cycle and the 22-year polarity reversal cycle, and it is speculated that the property of the 11-year and the 22-year solar cycle varies in association with such long-term quasi-cycles. It is essential to reveal the details of solar variations around the transition time of solar dynamo for illuminating the mechanisms of the long-term solar variations. We therefore have investigated the property of the 11-year and 22-year cycles around the two grand solar minima; the Maunder Minimum (1645–1715 AD) and the Spoerer Minimum (1415–1534 AD), the periods of prolonged sunspot minima. As a result, slight stretching of the “11-year” and the “22-year” solar cycles was found during these two grand solar activity minima; continuously during the Maunder Minimum and only intermittently during the Spoerer Minimum. On the contrary, normal or slightly shortened 11-year cycles were detected during the interval period of these two minima. It suggests the inverse correlation between the solar cycle length and solar magnetic activity level, and also the change of meridional flow during the grand solar activity minima. Further measurements for the beginning of the grand solar minima will provide a clue to the occurrence of such prolonged sunspot disappearance. We also discuss the effect of solar variations to radiocarbon dating.  相似文献   

This paper contains correlations between the NCEP/NCAR global stratospheric data below 10 hPa and the 11-year solar cycle. In the north summer the correlations between the stratospheric geopotential heights and the 11-year solar cycle are strong and positive on the Northern Hemisphere and as far south as 30°S, whereas they are weak in the north winter all over the globe. If the global stratospheric heights and temperatures in the north winter are stratified according to the phase of the QBO in the lower stratosphere, their correlations with the solar cycle are large and positive in the Arctic in the west years of the QBO but insignificantly small over the rest of the earth, as far as the South Pole. In the east years, however, the arctic correlations with the solar cycle are negative, but to the south they are positive and strong in the tropical and temperate regions of both hemispheres, similar to the correlations with the full series of stratospheric data in the other seasons. The influence of the solar cycle in the Arctic is stronger in the latter half of the winter. The global difference, in the northern winter, in the sign and strength of the correlations between the stratospheric heights and temperatures and the solar cycle in east and west years of the QBO can be ascribed to the fact that the dominant stratospheric teleconnection and the solar influence work in the same direction in the east years, but oppose each other in the west years.  相似文献   

本文参照太阳黑子相对数特征建立了太阳黑子磁场磁性指数时间序列. 大气温度场谱分析结果显示,南北半球中纬度平流层和对流层大气温度场普遍存在22年变化周期. 分析认为,大气温度场的22年变化周期是太阳活动22年磁性周期所激发.  相似文献   

The availability of global gridded precipitation and outgoing long-wave radiation (OLR) data after 1978 makes possible an investigation of the influence of the decadal solar oscillation in the tropics during three solar maxima and two solar minima. The NCEP/NCAR reanalyses starting in the 1950s allows the inclusion of an additional two solar maxima and minima to look for consistency of response across a longer time period. In the northern summer (July–August), the major climatological tropical precipitation maxima are intensified in solar maxima compared to solar minima during the period 1979–2002. The regions of this enhanced climatological precipitation extend from the Indian monsoon to the West Pacific oceanic warm pool and farther eastwards in the Intertropical Convergence Zone of the North Pacific and North American Monsoon, to the tropical Atlantic and greater rainfall over the Sahel and central Africa. The differences between solar maxima and minima in the zonal mean temperature through the depth of the troposphere, OLR, tropospheric vertical motion, and tropopause temperature are consistent with the differences in the rainfall. The upward vertical motion is stronger in regions of enhanced tropical precipitation, tropospheric temperatures are higher, tropopause temperatures are lower, and the OLR is reduced due to higher, colder cloud tops over the areas of deeper convective rainfall in the solar maxima than in the minima. These differences between the extremes of the solar cycle suggest that an increase in solar forcing intensifies the Hadley and Walker circulations, with greater solar forcing resulting in strengthened regional climatological tropical precipitation regimes. These effects are as strong or even more pronounced when warm and cold extremes in the Southern Oscillation are removed from the analyses. Additionally, lower stratospheric temperatures and geopotential heights are higher with greater solar forcing suggesting ozone interactions with solar forcing in the upper stratosphere.  相似文献   

刘复刚  王建 《地球物理学报》2014,57(11):3834-3840
对于太阳活动22年周期的成因机制长期存在着争论.本文借助于行星会合指数以及开普勒第三定律,对太阳绕太阳系质心运动周期进行了分析计算.结果发现,太阳绕太阳系质心运动存在22.1826年显著周期,这与太阳磁场变化的22.20年周期相吻合.并从太阳系角动量守恒的角度解释了两者之间的成因联系:在太阳绕太阳系质心运动的准22年周期中,太阳系质心与太阳质心逐步接近而后逐步分离.当两个质心之间的距离接近零的时候,太阳轨道角动量与自转角动量叠加,会导致太阳自转角速度的加快;当两个质心之间的距离逐渐远离的时候,则导致太阳自转角速度的减慢.这可能是引发太阳活动和太阳磁场变化的原因.这一新认识为太阳活动准22年周期成因机制的解释提供了新的线索和依据.  相似文献   

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