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Oxidation of pyrite by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) at millimolar levels has been studied from 4 to 150 °C in order to evaluate isotopic effects potentially associated with radiolytic oxidation of pyrite. Gaseous, aqueous, and solid phases were collected and measured following sealed-tube experiments that lasted from 1 to 14 days. The dominant gaseous product was molecular oxygen. No volatile sulfur species were recovered from any experiment. Sulfate was the only aqueous sulfur species detected in solution, with sulfite and thiosulfate below the detection limits. X-ray diffraction patterns and images from scanning electron microscopy reveal solid residues composed primarily of hydrated ferric iron sulfates and sporadic ferric-ferrous iron sulfates. Hematite was detected only in solid residue produced during high temperature experiments. Elemental sulfur and/or polysulfides are inferred to be form on reacting pyrite surface based on extraction with organic solvents. Pyrite oxidation by H2O2 increases in rate with increasing H2O2concentration, pyrite surface area, and temperature. Rates measured in sealed-tube experiments at 25°C, for H2O2 concentration of 2 × 10−3 M are 8.8 × 10−9 M/m2/sec, which are higher than previous estimates. A combination of reactive oxygen species from H2O2 decomposition products and reactive iron species from pyrite dissolution is inferred to aggressively oxidize the receding pyrite surface. Competing oxidants with temperature-dependent oxidation efficiencies results in multiple reaction mechanisms for different temperatures and surface conditions. Sulfur isotope values of remaining pyrite were unchanged during the experiments, but showed distinct enrichment of 34S in produced sulfate and depletion in elemental sulfur. The Δsulfate-pyrite and Δelemental sulfur-pyrite was +0.5 to +1.5‰ and was −0.2 to −1‰, respectively. Isotope data from high-temperature experiments indicate an additional 34S-depleted sulfur fraction, with up to 4‰ depletion of 34S, in the hematite. Sulfur isotope trends were not influenced by H2O2 concentration, temperature, or reaction time. Results of this study indicate that radiolytically produced oxidants, such as hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals, could efficiently oxidize pyrite in an otherwise oxygen-limited environment. Although H2O2 is generally regarded as being of minor geochemical significance on Earth, the H2O2 molecule plays a pivotal role in Martian atmospheric and soil chemistry. Additional experimental and field studies are needed to characterize sulfur and oxygen isotope systematics during radiolytical oxidation of metallic sulfides and elemental sulfur.  相似文献   

To better understand reaction pathways of pyrite oxidation and biogeochemical controls on δ18O and δ34S values of the generated sulfate in acid mine drainage (AMD) and other natural environments, we conducted a series of pyrite oxidation experiments in the laboratory. Our biological and abiotic experiments were conducted under aerobic conditions by using O2 as an oxidizing agent and under anaerobic conditions by using dissolved Fe(III)aq as an oxidant with varying δ18OH2O values in the presence and absence of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. In addition, aerobic biological experiments were designed as short- and long-term experiments where the final pH was controlled at ∼2.7 and 2.2, respectively. Due to the slower kinetics of abiotic sulfide oxidation, the aerobic abiotic experiments were only conducted as long term with a final pH of ∼2.7. The δ34SSO4 values from both the biological and abiotic anaerobic experiments indicated a small but significant sulfur isotope fractionation (∼−0.7‰) in contrast to no significant fractionation observed from any of the aerobic experiments. Relative percentages of the incorporation of water-derived oxygen and dissolved oxygen (O2) to sulfate were estimated, in addition to the oxygen isotope fractionation between sulfate and water, and dissolved oxygen. As expected, during the biological and abiotic anaerobic experiments all of the sulfate oxygen was derived from water. The percentage incorporation of water-derived oxygen into sulfate during the oxidation experiments by O2 varied with longer incubation and lower pH, but not due to the presence or absence of bacteria. These percentages were estimated as 85%, 92% and 87% from the short-term biological, long-term biological and abiotic control experiments, respectively. An oxygen isotope fractionation effect between sulfate and water (ε18OSO4-H2O) of ∼3.5‰ was determined for the anaerobic (biological and abiotic) experiments. This measured value was then used to estimate the oxygen isotope fractionation effects between sulfate and dissolved oxygen in the aerobic experiments which were −10.0‰, −10.8‰, and −9.8‰ for the short-term biological, long-term biological and abiotic control experiments, respectively. Based on the similarity between δ18OSO4 values in the biological and abiotic experiments, it is suggested that δ18OSO4 values cannot be used to distinguish biological and abiotic mechanisms of pyrite oxidation. The results presented here suggest that Fe(III)aq is the primary oxidant for pyrite at pH < 3, even in the presence of dissolved oxygen, and that the main oxygen source of sulfate is water-oxygen under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

The acidophilic iron-oxidizing bacterium, Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, plays a part in the pyrite oxidation process and has been widely studied in order to determine the kinetics of the reactions and the isotopic composition of dissolved product sulphates, but the details of the oxidation processes at the surface of pyrite are still poorly known. In this study, oxygen and sulphur isotopic compositions (δ18O and δ34S) were analyzed for dissolved sulphates and water from experimental aerobic acidic (pH < 2) pyrite oxidation by A. ferrooxidans. The oxidation products attached to the pyrite surfaces were studied for their morphology (SEM), their chemistry (Raman spectroscopy) and for their δ18O (ion microprobe). They were compared to abiotically (Fe3+, H2O2, O2) oxidized pyrite surface compounds in order to constrain the oxidation pathways and to look for the existence of potential biosignatures for this system.The pyrite dissolution evolved from non-stoichiometric (during the first days) to stoichiometric (with increasing time) resulting in dissolved sulphates having distinct δ18O (e.g. +11.0‰ and −2.0‰, respectively) and δ34S (+4.5‰ and +2.8‰, respectively) values. The “oxidation layer” at the surface of pyrite is complex and made of iron oxides, sulphate, polysulphide, elemental sulphur and polythionates. Bio- and Fe3+-oxidation favour the development of monophased micrometric bumps made of hematite or sulphate while other abiotic oxidation processes result in more variable oxidation products. The δ18O of these oxidation products at the surface of oxidized pyrites are strongly variable (from ≈−40‰ to ≈+30‰) for all experiments.Isotopic fractionation between sulphates and pyrite, Δ34SSO4-pyrite, is equal to −1.3‰ and +0.4‰ for sulphates formed by stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric processes, respectively. These two values likely reflect either a S-S or a Fe-S bond breaking process. The Δ18OSO4-H2O and Δ18OSO4-O2 are estimated to be ≈+16‰ and ≈−25‰, respectively. These values are higher than previously published data and may reflect biological effects. The large δ18O heterogeneity measured at the surfaces of oxidized pyrites, whatever the oxidant, may be related (i) to the existence of local surface environments isolated from the solution in which the oxidation processes are different and (ii) to the stabilization at the pyrite surface of reaction intermediates that are not in isotopic equilibrium with the solution. Though the oxygen isotopic composition of surface oxidation products cannot be taken as a direct biosignature, the combined morphological, chemical and isotopic characterization of the surfaces of oxidized pyrites may furnish clues about a biological activity on a mineral surface.  相似文献   

Aqueous oxidation of sulfide minerals to sulfate is an integral part of the global sulfur and oxygen cycles. The current model for pyrite oxidation emphasizes the role of Fe2+-Fe3+ electron shuttling and repeated nucleophilic attack by water molecules on sulfur. Previous δ18O-labeled experiments show that a variable fraction (0-60%) of the oxygen in product sulfate is derived from dissolved O2, the other potential oxidant. This indicates that nucleophilic attack cannot continue all the way to sulfate and that a sulfoxyanion of intermediate oxidation state is released into solution. The observed variability in O2% may be due to the presence of competing oxidation pathways, variable experimental conditions (e.g. abiotic, biotic, or changing pH value), or uncertainties related to the multiple experiments needed to effectively use the δ18O label to differentiate sulfate-oxygen sources. To examine the role of O2 and Fe3+ in determining the final incorporation of O2 oxygen in sulfate produced during pyrite oxidation, we designed a set of aerated, abiotic, pH-buffered (pH = 2, 7, 9, 10, and 11), and triple-oxygen-isotope labeled solutions with and without Fe3+ addition. While abiotic and pH-buffered conditions help to eliminate variables, triple oxygen isotope labeling and Fe3+ addition help to determine the oxygen sources in sulfate and examine the role of Fe2+-Fe3+ electron shuttling during sulfide oxidation, respectively.Our results show that sulfate concentration increased linearly with time and the maximum concentration was achieved at pH 11. At pH 2, 7, and 9, sulfate production was slow but increased by 4× with the addition of Fe3+. Significant amounts of sulfite and thiosulfate were detected in pH ? 9 reactors, while concentrations were low or undetectable at pH 2 and 7. The triple oxygen isotope data show that at pH ? 9, product sulfate contained 21-24% air O2 signal, similar to pH 2 with Fe3+ addition. Sulfate from the pH 2 reactor without Fe3+ addition and the pH 7 reactors all showed 28-29% O2 signal. While the O2% in final sulfate apparently clusters around 25%, the measurable deviations (>experimental error) from the 25% in many reaction conditions suggest that (1) O2 does get incorporated into intermediate sulfoxyanions (thiosulfate and sulfite) and a fraction survives sulfite-water exchange (e.g. the pH 2 with no Fe3+ addition and both pH 7 reactors); and (2) direct O2 oxidation dominates while Fe3+ shuttling is still competitive in the sulfite-sulfate step (e.g. the pH 9, 10, and 11 and the pH 2 reactor with Fe3+ addition). Overall, the final sulfate-oxygen source ratio is determined by (1) rate competitions between direct O2 incorporation and Fe3+ shuttling during both the formation of sulfite from pyrite and from sulfite to final sulfate, and (2) rate competitions between sulfite and water oxygen exchange and the oxidation of sulfite to sulfate. Our results indicate that thiosulfate or sulfite is the intermediate species released into solution at all investigated pH and point to a set of dynamic and competing fractionation factors and rates, which control the oxygen isotope composition of sulfate derived from pyrite oxidation.  相似文献   

Armenite, ideal formula BaCa2Al6Si9O30·2H2O, and its dehydrated analog BaCa2Al6Si9O30 and epididymite, ideal formula Na2Be2Si6O15·H2O, and its dehydrated analog Na2Be2Si6O15 were studied by low-temperature relaxation calorimetry between 5 and 300 K to determine the heat capacity, Cp, behavior of their confined H2O. Differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetry measurements, FTIR spectroscopy, electron microprobe analysis and powder Rietveld refinements were undertaken to characterize the phases and the local environment around the H2O molecule.The determined structural formula for armenite is Ba0.88(0.01)Ca1.99(0.02)Na0.04(0.01)Al5.89(0.03)Si9.12(0.02)O30·2H2O and for epididymite Na1.88(0.03)K0.05(0.004)Na0.01(0.004)Be2.02(0.008)Si6.00(0.01)O15·H2O. The infrared (IR) spectra give information on the nature of the H2O molecules in the natural phases via their H2O stretching and bending vibrations, which in the case of epididymite only could be assigned. The powder X-ray diffraction data show that armenite and its dehydrated analog have similar structures, whereas in the case of epididymite there are structural differences between the natural and dehydrated phases. This is also reflected in the lattice IR mode behavior, as observed for the natural phases and the H2O-free phases. The standard entropy at 298 K for armenite is S° = 795.7 ± 6.2 J/mol K and its dehydrated analog is S° = 737.0 ± 6.2 J/mol K. For epididymite S° = 425.7 ± 4.1 J/mol K was obtained and its dehydrated analog has S° = 372.5 ± 5.0 J/mol K. The heat capacity and entropy of dehydration at 298 K are Δ = 3.4 J/mol K and ΔSrxn = 319.1 J/mol K and Δ = −14.3 J/mol K and ΔSrxn = 135.7 J/mol K for armenite and epididymite, respectively. The H2O molecules in both phases appear to be ordered. They are held in place via an ion-dipole interaction between the H2O molecule and a Ca cation in the case of armenite and a Na cation in epididymite and through hydrogen-bonding between the H2O molecule and oxygen atoms of the respective silicate frameworks. Of the three different H2O phases ice, liquid water and steam, the Cp behavior of confined H2O in both armenite and epididymite is most similar to that of ice, but there are differences between the two silicates and from the Cp behavior of ice. Hydrogen-bonding behavior and its relation to the entropy of confined H2O at 298 K is analyzed for various microporous silicates.The entropy of confined H2O at 298 K in various silicates increases approximately linearly with increasing average wavenumber of the OH-stretching vibrations. The interpretation is that decreased hydrogen-bonding strength between a H2O molecule and the silicate framework, as well as weak ion-dipole interactions, results in increased entropy of H2O. This results in increased amplitudes of external H2O vibrations, especially translations of the molecule, and they contribute strongly to the entropy of confined H2O at T < 298 K.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal experiments were conducted to evaluate the kinetics of H2(aq) oxidation in the homogeneous H2-O2-H2O system at conditions reflecting subsurface/near-seafloor hydrothermal environments (55-250 °C and 242-497 bar). The kinetics of the water-forming reaction that controls the fundamental equilibrium between dissolved H2(aq) and O2(aq), are expected to impose significant constraints on the redox gradients that develop when mixing occurs between oxygenated seawater and high-temperature anoxic vent fluid at near-seafloor conditions. Experimental data indicate that, indeed, the kinetics of H2(aq)-O2(aq) equilibrium become slower with decreasing temperature, allowing excess H2(aq) to remain in solution. Sluggish reaction rates of H2(aq) oxidation suggest that active microbial populations in near-seafloor and subsurface environments could potentially utilize both H2(aq) and O2(aq), even at temperatures lower than 40 °C due to H2(aq) persistence in the seawater/vent fluid mixtures. For these H2-O2 disequilibrium conditions, redox gradients along the seawater/hydrothermal fluid mixing interface are not sharp and microbially-mediated H2(aq) oxidation coupled with a lack of other electron acceptors (e.g. nitrate) could provide an important energy source available at low-temperature diffuse flow vent sites.More importantly, when H2(aq)-O2(aq) disequilibrium conditions apply, formation of metastable hydrogen peroxide is observed. The yield of H2O2(aq) synthesis appears to be enhanced under conditions of elevated H2(aq)/O2(aq) molar ratios that correspond to abundant H2(aq) concentrations. Formation of metastable H2O2 is expected to affect the distribution of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) owing to the existence of an additional strong oxidizing agent. Oxidation of magnetite and/or Fe++ by hydrogen peroxide could also induce formation of metastable hydroxyl radicals (•OH) through Fenton-type reactions, further broadening the implications of hydrogen peroxide in hydrothermal environments.  相似文献   

Pyrite is an environmentally significant mineral being the major contributor to acid rock drainage. Synchrotron based SPEM (scanning photoelectron microscopy) and micro-XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) have been used to characterise fresh and oxidised pyrite (FeS2) with a view to understanding the initial oxidation steps that take place during natural weathering processes. Localised regions of the pyrite surface containing Fe species of reduced coordination have been found to play a critical role. Such sites not only initiate the oxidation process but also facilitate the formation of highly reactive hydroxyl radical species, which then lead the S oxidation process.Four different S species are found to be present on fresh fractured pyrite surfaces: S22−(bulk) (4-fold coordination), S22−(surface) (3-fold coordination), S2− and S0/Sn2− (metal deficient sulfide and polysulfide respectively). These species were found to be heterogeneously distributed on the fractured pyrite surface. Both O2 and H2O gases are needed for effective oxidation of the pyrite surface. The process is initiated when O2 dissociatively and H2O molecularly adsorb onto the surface Fe sites where high dangling bond densities exist. H2O may then dissociate to produce OH radicals. The adsorption of these species leads to the formation of Fe-oxy species prior to the formation of sulfoxy species. Evidence suggests that Fe-O bonds form prior to Fe-OH bonds. S oxidation occurs through interactions of OH radicals formed at the Fe sites, with formation of SO42− occurring via S2O32−/SO32− intermediates. The pyrite oxidation process is electrochemical in nature and was found to occur in patches, where site specific adsorption of O2 and H2O has occurred. Fe and S oxidation was found to occur within the same area of oxidation probably in atomic scale proximity. Furthermore, the O in SO42− arises largely from H2O; however, depending on the surface history, SO42− formed early in the oxidation process may also contain O from O2.  相似文献   

Ammonia (NH3) is the major intermediate phase in the pathway of nitrogen (N) transfer from the fixed N phases (e.g., in crustal material) to free N2 (e.g., in natural gas reservoirs and volcanic gases). Yet the N isotopic behavior during these N-cycling processes remains poorly known. In an attempt to contribute to the understanding of N cycling using N isotopes, we carried out laboratory experiments to investigate the N isotopic effect associated with thermal decomposition of ammonia (2NH3 → N2 + 3H2). Pure NH3 (with initial δ15NNH3 of ∼ −2‰, relative to air standard) was sealed into quartz tubes and thermally decomposed at 600, 700 or 800 °C from 2 hours to 500 days. With the progress of the reaction, the δ15N of the remaining NH3 and the accumulated N2 increased from −2 to +35‰ and from −20 to −2‰, respectively. The differences of the N-isotope fractionations at the three temperatures are not significant. Modeling using the Rayleigh distillation model yielded similar kinetic N-isotope fractionation factors (αN2-NH3) of 0.983 ± 0.002 for 600, 700 and 800 °C. Applied to geological settings, this significant isotope discrimination (∼17‰) associated with partial decomposition of NH3/NH4+ from crustal sources (δ15Naverage ∼ +6.3‰) can produce mantle-like (i.e. ∼ −5‰) or even lower δ15N values of N2. This may explain the large variation of δ15N (−20 to +30‰) of N2 in natural gas reservoirs. It can also possibly explain the extreme 15N-depletion of N2 in some volcanic gases. This possibility has to be carefully considered when using N isotopes to trace geological N cycling across subduction zones by analysis of volcanic N2.  相似文献   

The sulfur isotopic composition of carbonate associated sulfate (CAS) has been used to investigate the geochemistry of ancient seawater sulfate. However, few studies have quantified the reliability of δ34S of CAS as a seawater sulfate proxy, especially with respect to later diagenetic overprinting. Pyrite, which typically has depleted δ34S values due to authigenic fractionation associated with bacterial sulfate reduction, is a common constituent of marine sedimentary rocks. The oxidation of pyrite, whether during diagenesis or sample preparation, could thus adversely influence the sulfur isotopic composition of CAS. Here, we report the results of CAS extractions using HCl and acetic acid with samples spiked with varying amounts of pyrite. The results show a very strong linear relationship between the abundance of fine-grained pyrite added to the sample and the resultant abundance and δ34S value of CAS. This data represents the first unequivocal evidence that pyrite is oxidized during the CAS extraction process. Our mixing models indicate that in samples with much less than 1 wt.% pyrite and relatively high δ34Spyrite values, the isotopic offset imparted by oxidation of pyrite should be much less than ? 4‰. A wealth of literature exists on the oxidation of pyrite by Fe3+ and we believe this mechanism drives the oxidation of pyrite during CAS extraction, during which the oxygen used to form sulfate is taken from H2O, not O2. Consequently, extracting CAS under anaerobic conditions would only slow, but not halt, the oxidation of pyrite. Future studies of CAS should attempt to quantify pyrite abundance and isotopic composition.  相似文献   

We present multiple sulfur isotope measurements of sulfur compounds associated with the oxidation of H2S and S0 by the anoxygenic phototrophic S-oxidizing bacterium Chlorobium tepidum. Discrimination between 34S and 32S was +1.8 ± 0.5‰ during the oxidation of H2S to S0, and −1.9 ± 0.8‰ during the oxidation of S0 to , consistent with previous studies. The accompanying Δ33S and Δ36S values of sulfide, elemental sulfur, and sulfate formed during these experiments were very small, less than 0.1‰ for Δ33S and 0.9‰ for Δ36S, supporting mass conservation principles. Examination of these isotope effects within a framework of the metabolic pathways for S oxidation suggests that the observed effects are due to the flow of sulfur through the metabolisms, rather than abiotic equilibrium isotope exchange alone, as previously suggested. The metabolic network comparison also indicates that these metabolisms work to express some isotope effects (between sulfide, polysulfides, and elemental sulfur in the periplasm) and suppress others (kinetic isotope effects related to pathways for oxidation of sulfide to sulfate via the same enzymes involved in sulfate reduction acting in reverse). Additionally, utilizing fractionation factors for phototrophic S oxidation calculated from our experiments and for other oxidation processes calculated from the literature (chemotrophic and inorganic S oxidation), we constructed a set of ecosystem-scale sulfur isotope box models to examine the isotopic consequences of including sulfide oxidation pathways in a model system. These models demonstrate how the small δ34S effects associated with S oxidation combined with large δ34S effects associated with sulfate reduction (by SRP) and sulfur disproportionation (by SDP) can produce large (and measurable) effects in the Δ33S of sulfur reservoirs. Specifically, redistribution of material along the pathways for sulfide oxidation diminishes the net isotope effect of SRP and SDP, and can mask the isotopic signal for sulfur disproportionation if significant recycling of S intermediates occurs. We show that the different sulfide oxidation processes produce different isotopic fields for identical proportions of oxidation, and discuss the ecological implications of these results to interpreting minor S isotope patterns in modern systems and in the geologic record.  相似文献   

Reaction between dissolved water and sulphide was experimentally investigated in soda-lime-silicate (NCS) and sodium trisilicate (NS3) melts at temperatures from 1000 to 1200 °C and pressures of 100 or 200 MPa in internally heated gas pressure vessels. Diffusion couple experiments were conducted at water-undersaturated conditions with one half of the couple being doped with sulphide (added as FeS or Na2S; 1500-2000 ppm S by weight) and the other with H2O (∼3.0 wt.%). Additionally, two experiments were performed using a dry NCS glass cylinder and a free H2O fluid. Here, the melt was water-saturated at least at the melt/fluid interface. Profiling by electron microprobe (sulphur) and infrared microscopy (H2O) demonstrate that H2O diffusion in the melts is faster by 1.5-2.3 orders of magnitude than sulphur diffusion and, hence, H2O can be considered as a rapidly diffusing oxidant while sulphur is quasi immobile in these experiments.In Raman spectra a band at 2576 cm−1 appears in the sulphide - H2O transition zone which is attributed to fundamental S-H stretching vibrations. Formation of new IR absorption bands at 5025 cm−1 (on expense of the combination band of molecular H2O at 5225 cm−1) and at 3400 cm−1 was observed at the front of the in-diffusing water in the sulphide bearing melt. The appearance and intensity of these two IR bands is correlated with systematic changes in S K-edge XANES spectra. A pre-edge excitation at 2466.5 eV grows with increasing H2O concentration while the sulphide peak at 2474.0 eV decreases in intensity relative to the peak at 2477.0 eV and the feature at 2472.3 eV becomes more pronounced (all energies are relative to the sulphate excitation, calibrated to 2482.5 eV). The observations by Raman, IR and XANES spectroscopy indicate a well coordinated S2− - H2O complex which was probably formed in the glasses during cooling at the glass transition. No oxidation of sulphide was observed in any of the diffusion couple experiments. On the contrary, XANES spectra from experiments conducted with a free H2O fluid show complete transformation of sulphide to sulphate near the melt surface and coexistence of sulphate and sulphide in the center of the melt. This can be explained by a lower H2O activity in the diffusion couple experiments or by the need of a sink for hydrogen (e.g., a fluid which can dissolve high concentration of hydrogen) to promote oxidation of sulphide by H2O via the reaction S2− + 4H2O = SO42− + 4H2. Sulphite could not be detected in any of the XANES spectra implying that this species, if it exists in the melt, it is a subordinate or transient species only.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an isotopic study of spring waters in ?wi?tokrzyski (Holy Cross Mountain) National Park (?NP), south-central Poland. The δ34SV-CDT and δ18OV-SMOW of soluble sulfates (n = 40) varied from 0.5‰ to 18.1‰ and from 3.5‰ to 12.2‰, respectively. The average δ34S values are closely similar to those of rainwater, soils and rocks (comprising scattered pyrite). This suggests that soluble sulfates in the springs originated from mixing of recent and historic deposition, sulfates derived from pyrite oxidation, and CS-mineralization in soils and debris. An additional anthropogenic sulfur input (inorganic fertilizer) occurs in the water of spring S-61 located in the ?wi?tokrzyski National Park buffer zone. The δ18OV-SMOW of spring waters (n = 4) were in the range of −10.6‰ to −10.2‰ indicating that they are derived from vadose groundwater in ?NP. This was the first isotope study of spring waters in the national parks of Poland. It enabled the determination of sulfur pathways and discrimination between natural and anthropogenic sources of this element in a relatively pristine area.  相似文献   

In addition to equilibrium isotopic fractionation factors experimentally derived, theoretical predictions are needed for interpreting isotopic compositions measured on natural samples because they allow exploring more easily a broader range of temperature and composition. For iron isotopes, only aqueous species were studied by first-principles methods and the combination of these data with those obtained by different methods for minerals leads to discrepancies between theoretical and experimental isotopic fractionation factors. In this paper, equilibrium iron isotope fractionation factors for the common minerals pyrite, hematite, and siderite were determined as a function of temperature, using first-principles methods based on the density functional theory (DFT). In these minerals belonging to the sulfide, oxide and carbonate class, iron is present under two different oxidation states and is involved in contrasted types of interatomic bonds. Equilibrium fractionation factors calculated between hematite and siderite compare well with the one estimated from experimental data (ln α57Fe/54Fe = 4.59 ± 0.30‰ and 5.46 ± 0.63‰ at 20 °C for theoretical and experimental data, respectively) while those for Fe(III)aq-hematite and Fe(II)aq-siderite are significantly higher that experimental values. This suggests that the absolute values of the reduced partition functions (β-factors) of aqueous species are not accurate enough to be combined with those calculated for minerals. When compared to previous predictions derived from Mössbauer or INRXS data [Polyakov V. B., Clayton R. N., Horita J. and Mineev S. D. (2007) Equilibrium iron isotope fractionation factors of minerals: reevaluation from the data of nuclear inelastic resonant X-ray scattering and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta71, 3833-3846], our iron β-factors are in good agreement for siderite and hematite while a discrepancy is observed for pyrite. However, the detailed investigation of the structural, electronic and vibrational properties of pyrite as well as the study of sulfur isotope fractionation between pyrite and two other sulfides (sphalerite and galena) indicate that DFT-derived β-factors of pyrite are as accurate as for hematite and siderite. We thus suggest that experimental vibrational density of states of pyrite should be re-examined.  相似文献   

Water samples from the Fraser, Skeena and Nass River basins of the Canadian Cordillera were analyzed for dissolved major element concentrations (HCO3, SO42−, Cl, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+), δ13C of dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13CDIC), and δ34S of dissolved sulfate (δ34SSO4) to quantify chemical weathering rates and exchanges of CO2 between the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. Weathering rates of silicates and carbonates were determined from major element mass balance. Combining the major element mass balance with δ34SSO4 (−8.9 to 14.1‰CDT) indicates sulfide oxidation (sulfuric acid production) and subsequent weathering of carbonate and to a lesser degree silicate minerals are important processes in the study area. We determine that on average, 81% of the riverine sulfate can be attributed to sulfide oxidation in the Cordilleran rivers, and that 25% of the total weathering cation flux can be attributed to carbonate and silicate dissolution by sulfuric acid. This result is validated by δ13CDIC values (−9.8 to −3.7‰ VPDB) which represents a mixture of DIC produced by the following weathering pathways: (i) carbonate dissolution by carbonic acid (−8.25‰) > (ii) silicate dissolution by carbonic acid (−17‰) ≈ (iii) carbonate dissolution by sulfuric acid derived from the oxidation of sulfides (coupled sulfide-carbonate weathering) (+0.5‰).δ34SSO4 is negatively correlated with δ13CDIC in the Cordilleran rivers, which further supports the hypothesis that sulfuric acid produced by sulfide oxidation is primarily neutralized by carbonates, and that sulfide-carbonate weathering impacts the δ13CDIC of rivers. The negative correlation between δ34SSO4 and δ13CDIC is not observed in the Ottawa and St. Lawrence River basins. This suggests other factors such as landscape age (governed by tectonic uplift) and bedrock geology are important controls on regional sulfide oxidation rates, and therefore also on the magnitude of sulfide-carbonate weathering—i.e., it is more significant in tectonically active areas.Calculated DIC fluxes due to Ca and Mg silicate weathering by carbonic acid (38.3 × 103 mol C · km−2 · yr−1) are similar in magnitude to DIC fluxes due to sulfide-carbonate weathering (18.5 × 103 mol C · km−2 · yr−1). While Ca and Mg silicate weathering facilitates a transfer of atmospheric CO2 to carbonate rocks, sulfide-carbonate weathering can liberate CO2 from carbonate rocks to the atmosphere when sulfide oxidation exceeds sulfide deposition. This implies that in the Canadian Cordillera, sulfide-carbonate weathering can offset up to 48% of the current CO2 drawdown by silicate weathering in the region.  相似文献   

Sulfur isotope compositions of pumice and adsorbed volatiles on ash from the first historical eruption of Anatahan volcano (Mariana arc) are presented in order to constrain the sources of sulfur erupted during the period 10-21 May, 2003. The isotopic composition of S extracted from erupted pumice has a narrow range, from δ34SV-CDT +2.6‰ to +3.2‰, while the composition of sulfur adsorbed onto ash has a larger range (+2.8‰ to +5.3‰). Fractionation modeling for closed and open system scenarios suggests that degassing of SO2 raised the δ34SV-CDT value of S dissolved in the melt from an initial composition of between +1.6‰ and +2.6‰ for closed-system degassing, or between −0.5‰ and +1.5‰ for open-system degassing, however closed-system degassing is the preferred model. The calculated values for the initial composition of the magma represent a MORB-like (δ34SV-CDT ∼ 0‰) mantle source with limited contamination by subducted seawater sulfate (δ34SV-CDT +21‰). Modeling also suggests that the δ34SV-CDT value of SO2 gas in closed-system equilibrium with the degassed magma was between +0.9‰ and +2.5‰. The δ34SV-CDT value of sulfate adsorbed onto ash in the eruption plume (+2.8‰ to +5.1‰) is consistent with sulfate formation by oxidation of magmatic SO2 in the eruption column. The sulfur isotope composition of sulfate adsorbed to ash changes from lower δ34S values for ash erupted early in the eruption to higher δ34S values for ash erupted later in the eruption. We interpret the temporal/stratigraphic change in sulfate isotopic composition to primarily reflect a change in the isotopic composition of magmatic SO2 released from the progressively degassing magma and is attributed to the expulsion of an accumulated gas phase at the beginning of the eruption. More efficient oxidation of magmatic SO2 gas to sulfate in the early water-rich eruption plume probably contributed to the change in S isotope compositions observed in the ash leachates.  相似文献   

Hydrous pyrolysis experiments at 200 to 365°C were carried out on a thermally immature organic-rich limestone containing Type-IIS kerogen from the Ghareb Limestone in North Negev, Israel. This work focuses on the thermal behavior of both organic and inorganic sulfur species and the partitioning of their stable sulfur isotopes among organic and inorganic phases generated during hydrous pyrolyses. Most of the sulfur in the rock (85%) is organic sulfur. The most dominant sulfur transformation is cleavage of organic-bound sulfur to form H2S(gas). Up to 70% of this organic sulfur is released as H2S(gas) that is isotopically lighter than the sulfur in the kerogen. Organic sulfur is enriched by up to 2‰ in 34S during thermal maturation compared with the initial δ34S values. The δ34S values of the three main organic fractions (kerogen, bitumen and expelled oil) are within 1‰ of one another. No thermochemical sulfate reduction or sulfate formation was observed during the experiments. The early released sulfur reacted with available iron to form secondary pyrite and is the most 34S depleted phase, which is 21‰ lighter than the bulk organic sulfur. The large isotopic fractionation for the early formed H2S is a result of the system not being in equilibrium. As partial pressure of H2S(gas) increases, retro reactions with the organic sulfur in the closed system may cause isotope exchange and isotopic homogenization. Part of the δ34S-enriched secondary pyrite decomposes above 300°C resulting in a corresponding decrease in the δ34S of the remaining pyrite. These results are relevant to interpreting thermal maturation processes and their effect on kerogen-oil-H2S-pyrite correlations. In particular, the use of pyrite-kerogen δ34S relations in reconstructing diagenetic conditions of thermally mature rocks is questionable because formation of secondary pyrite during thermal maturation can mask the isotopic signature and quantity of the original diagenetic pyrite. The main transformations of kerogen to bitumen and bitumen to oil can be recorded by using both sulfur content and δ34S of each phase including the H2S(gas). H2S generated in association with oil should be isotopically lighter or similar to oil. It is concluded that small isotopic differentiation obtained between organic and inorganic sulfur species suggests closed-system conditions. Conversely, open-system conditions may cause significant isotopic discrimination between the oil and its source kerogen. The magnitude of this discrimination is suggested to be highly dependent on the availability of iron in a source rock resulting in secondary formation of pyrite.  相似文献   

Bacterial sulfate reduction is one of the most important respiration processes in anoxic habitats and is often assessed by analyzing the results of stable isotope fractionation. However, stable isotope fractionation is supposed to be influenced by the reduction rate and other parameters, such as temperature. We studied here the mechanistic basics of observed differences in stable isotope fractionation during bacterial sulfate reduction. Batch experiments with four sulfate-reducing strains (Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, Desulfobacca acetoxidans, Desulfonatronovibrio hydrogenovorans, and strain TRM1) were performed. These microorganisms metabolize different carbon sources (lactate, acetate, formate, and toluene) and showed broad variations in their sulfur isotope enrichment factors. We performed a series of experiments on isotope exchange of 18O between residual sulfate and ambient water. Batch experiments were conducted with 18O-enriched (δ18Owater = +700‰) and depleted water (δ18Owater = −40‰), respectively, and the stable 18O isotope shift in the residual sulfate was followed. For Desulfovibrio desulfuricans and Desulfonatronovibrio hydrogenovorans, which are both characterized by low sulfur isotope fractionation (εS > −13.2‰), δ18O values in the remaining sulfate increased by only 50‰ during growth when 18O-enriched water was used for the growth medium. In contrast, with Desulfobacca acetoxidans and strain TRM1 (εS < −22.7‰) the residual sulfate showed an increase of the sulfate δ18O close to the values of the enriched water of +700‰. In the experiments with δ18O-depleted water, the oxygen isotope values in the residual sulfate stayed fairly constant for strains Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, Desulfobacca acetoxidans and Desulfonatronovibrio hydrogenovorans. However, strain TRM1, which exhibits the lowest sulfur isotope fractionation factor (εS < −38.7‰) showed slightly decreasing δ18O values.Our results give strong evidence that the oxygen atoms of sulfate exchange with water during sulfate reduction. However, this neither takes place in the sulfate itself nor during formation of APS (adenosine-5′-phosphosulfate), but rather in intermediates of the sulfate reduction pathway. These may in turn be partially reoxidized to form sulfate. This reoxidation leads to an incorporation of oxygen from water into the “recycled” sulfate changing the overall 18O isotopic composition of the remaining sulfate fraction. Our study shows that such incorporation of 18O is correlated with the stable isotope enrichment factor for sulfur measured during sulfate reduction. The reoxidation of intermediates of the sulfate reduction pathway does also strongly influence the sulfur stable isotope enrichment factor. This aforesaid reoxidation is probably dependent on the metabolic conversion of the substrate and therefore also influences the stable isotope fractionation factor indirectly in a rate dependent manner. However, this effect is only indirect. The sulfur isotope enrichment factors for the kinetic reactions themselves are probably not rate dependent.  相似文献   

The structure of H2O-saturated silicate melts and of silicate-saturated aqueous solutions, as well as that of supercritical silicate-rich aqueous liquids, has been characterized in-situ while the sample was at high temperature (to 800 °C) and pressure (up to 796 MPa). Structural information was obtained with confocal microRaman and with FTIR spectroscopy. Two Al-bearing glasses compositionally along the join Na2O•4SiO2-Na2O•4(NaAl)O2-H2O (5 and 10 mol% Al2O3, denoted NA5 and NA10) were used as starting materials. Fluids and melts were examined along pressure-temperature trajectories of isochores of H2O at nominal densities (from PVT properties of pure H2O) of 0.85 g/cm3 (NA10 experiments) and 0.86 g/cm3 (NA5 experiments) with the aluminosilicate + H2O sample contained in an externally-heated, Ir-gasketed hydrothermal diamond anvil cell.Molecular H2O (H2O°) and OH groups that form bonds with cations exist in all three phases. The OH/H2O° ratio is positively correlated with temperature and pressure (and, therefore, fugacity of H2O, fH2O) with (OH/H2O°)melt > (OH/H2O°)fluid at all pressures and temperatures. Structural units of Q3, Q2, Q1, and Q0 type occur together in fluids, in melts, and, when outside the two-phase melt + fluid boundary, in single-phase liquids. The abundance of Q0 and Q1 increases and Q2 and Q3 decrease with fH2O. Therefore, the NBO/T (nonbridging oxygen per tetrahedrally coordination cations), of melt is a positive function of fH2O. The NBO/T of silicate in coexisting aqueous fluid, although greater than in melt, is less sensitive to fH2O.The melt structural data are used to describe relationships between activity of H2O and melting phase relations of silicate systems at high pressure and temperature. The data were also combined with available partial molar configurational heat capacity of Qn-species in melts to illustrate how these quantities can be employed to estimate relationships between heat capacity of melts and their H2O content.  相似文献   

The redox state of Precambrian shallow seas has been linked with material cycle and evolution of the photosynthesis-based ecosystem. Iron is a redox-sensitive element and exists as a soluble Fe(II) species or insoluble Fe(III) species on Earth’s surface. Previous studies have shown that the iron isotopic ratio of marine sedimentary minerals is useful for understanding the ocean redox state, although the redox state of the Archean shallow sea is poorly known. This is partly because the conventional bulk isotope analytical technique has often been used, wherein the iron isotopic record may be dampened by the presence of isotopically different iron-bearing minerals within the same sample. Here we report a microscale iron isotopic ratio of individual pyrite grains in shallow marine stromatolitic carbonates over geological time using a newly developed, near-infrared femtosecond laser ablation multicollector ICP-MS technique (NIR-fs-LA-MC-ICP-MS).We have determined that the grain-scale iron isotopic distribution of pyrite from coeval samples shows a bimodal (2.7 and 2.3 Ga) or unimodal pattern (2.9, 2.6, and 0.7 Ga). In particular, pyrite from the 2.7 Ga Fortescue Group shows a unique bimodal distribution with highly positive (+1.0‰ defined as Type 1) and negative δ56Fe values (−1.8‰ defined as Type 2). Type 1 and 2 pyrites occasionally occur within different siliceous layers in the same rock specimen. Layer-scale iron isotopic heterogeneity indicates that the iron isotopic ratios of the two types of pyrite are not homogenized by diagenesis after deposition. Some cubic pyrites have a core with a positive δ56Fe value (1‰) and a rim with a crustal δ56Fe value (0‰). The observed isotopic zoning suggests that the positive δ56Fe value is a primary signature at the time of stromatolite formation, while secondary pyrite precipitated during diagenesis.The positive δ56Fe value of Type 1 and the large iron isotopic difference between Type 1 and 2 (2.8‰.) suggest partial Fe(II) oxidation in the 2.7-Ga shallow sea, i.e., pyritization of 56Fe-enriched ferric oxyhydroxide (Type 1) and 56Fe depleted Fe2+aq in seawater (Type 2). Type 2 pyrite was probably not produced by microbial iron redox cycling during diagenesis because this scenario requires a higher abundance of pyrite with δ56Fe of 0‰ than of −1.8‰. Consequently, the degree of Fe(II) oxidation in the 2.7-Ga shallow sea can be estimated by a Fe2+aq steady-state model. The model calculation shows that half the Fe2+aq influx was oxidized in the seawater. This implies that O2 produced by photosynthesis would have been completely consumed by oxidation of the Fe2+aq influx. Grain-scale iron isotopic distribution of pyrite could be a useful index for reconstructing the redox state of the Archean shallow sea.  相似文献   

“Plateau” δ18O values of CO2 that evolved from the Fe(CO3)OH component during isothermal vacuum dehydrations (200-230 °C) of 18 natural goethites range from 8.2 to 28.1‰. In contrast, the measured δ18O values of the goethite structural oxygen range from −11.3 to 1.7‰. The results of this study indicate that the apparent oxygen isotope fractionation factor (18αapp) between plateau CO2 and initial goethite is systematically related to the rate of isothermal vacuum dehydration. The nonlinear correlation and the magnitudes of the 18αapp values are predicted by a relatively simple mass balance model with the following assumptions: (1) the rate of isothermal vacuum dehydration of goethite (for the interval from 0 to ∼60 to 80% loss of structural hydroxyl hydrogen) can be reasonably well represented by first-order kinetics and (2) isotopic exchange between evolving H2O vapor and solid occurs only in successive, local transition states. The generally good correspondence between the model predictions and the experimental data seems to validate these assumptions. Thus, the 18O/16O ratios of the evolved CO2 can act as probes into the transient processes operating at the molecular level during the solid-state goethite-to-hematite phase transition. For example, the activation energy for the rate constant associated with the transition state, oxygen isotopic exchange between solid and H2O vapor, is tentatively estimated as 28 ± 11 KJ/mol. Such knowledge may be of consequence in understanding the significance of 18O/16O ratios in hematites from some natural environments (e.g., Mars?).Kinetic data and δ18O values of CO2 are routinely obtained in the course of measurements of the abundance and δ13C values of the Fe(CO3)OH in goethite. The observed correlation between 18αapp and dehydration rates suggests that plateau δ18O values of evolved CO2 may provide complementary estimates of the δ18O values of total goethite structural oxygen (O, OH, CO2) with an overall precision of about ±1‰. However, because of isotopic exchange during the dehydration process, δ18O values of the evolved CO2 do not reflect the original δ18O values of the CO2 that was occluded as Fe(CO3)OH in goethite.  相似文献   

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