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With the gradual yet unequivocal phasing out of ozone depleting substances(ODSs), the environmental crisis caused by the discovery of an ozone hole over the Antarctic has lessened in severity and a promising recovery of the ozone layer is predicted in this century. However, strong volcanic activity can also cause ozone depletion that might be severe enough to threaten the existence of life on Earth. In this study, a transport model and a coupled chemistry–climate model were used to simulate the impacts of super volcanoes on ozone depletion. The volcanic eruptions in the experiments were the 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption and a 100 × Pinatubo size eruption. The results show that the percentage of global mean total column ozone depletion in the 2050 RCP8.5 100 × Pinatubo scenario is approximately 6% compared to two years before the eruption and 6.4% in tropics. An identical simulation, 100 × Pinatubo eruption only with natural source ODSs, produces an ozone depletion of 2.5% compared to two years before the eruption, and with 4.4% loss in the tropics. Based on the model results,the reduced ODSs and stratospheric cooling lighten the ozone depletion after super volcanic eruption.  相似文献   

The role of atmospheric ozone to protect the living organisms and vegetation from the harmful effects of ultraviolet irradiation is well known. Depletion of the ozone layer is a great threat to the human society. In this paper we have discussed the lethal effects of ozone depletion and have presented the ozone and UV-B scenarios from 1979 to 2005 at different Indian latitudes using satellite data. The erythemal UV irradiance data obtained from Nimbus-7 and Earth probe total ozone mapping spectrometer (TOMS) and the tropospheric and stratospheric ozone data obtained from the convective cloud differential (CCD) method have been used to study the variability of erythemal UV irradiance and the stratospheric and tropospheric column ozone, respectively, over a period from 1979 to 2005. The observed results along with the expected upper and lower tolerance limits for tropospheric and stratospheric ozone, respectively, for different Indian latitudes, which have been estimated statistically using monthly mean CCD ozone data from 1979 to 2005 have been discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to assess the level of environmental awareness among ozone depleting substances (ODSs) distributors and consumers in the solvent sector in the Arabian Gulf country of Oman. The focus was on ozone depleting substances that are usually released in cleaning, formulation solvent and process agent processes (CFC-113, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, CTC-carbon tetrachloride). A comparison between importers and end-users of ODSs and the public in relation to environmental awareness regarding ozone layer depletion was carried out. The results showed that environmental knowledge about ozone layer depletion was higher among the importers and end-users of ODSs than amongst the public. Nevertheless, there were much smaller differences in environmental attitudes and behaviors between the importers and end-users of ODSs, and the public toward ozone layer depletion. This showed that the public in the case study country has a very positive attitudes and behaviors towards the environment.  相似文献   

Several years of measurements of ozone, hydrocarbons, sulphate and meteorological parameters from Spitsbergen in the Norwegian Arctic are presented. Most of the measurements were taken on the Zeppelin Mountain at an altitude of 474 m a.s.l. The focus is the episodes of ozone depletion in the lower troposphere in spring, which are studied in a climatological way. Episodes of very low ozone concentrations are a common feature on the Zeppelin Mountain in spring. The low ozone episodes were observed from late March to the beginning of June. When the effect of transport direction was subtracted, the frequenty of the low ozone episodes was found to peak in the beginning of May, possibly reflecting the seasonal cycle in the actual depletion process. Analyses based on trajectory calculations show that most of the episodes occurred when the air masses were transported from W-N. Ozone soundings show that the ozone depletion may extend from the surface and up to 3–4 km altitude. The episodes were associated with a cold boundary layer beneath a thermally stable layer, suppressing mixing with the free troposphere. The concentration of several individual hydrocarbons was much lower during episodes of low ozone than for the average conditions. The change in concentration ratio between the hydrocarbons was in qualitative agreement with oxidation of hydrocarbons by Br and Cl atoms rather than by OH radicals.  相似文献   

Releases of halocarbons into the atmosphere over the last 50 years are among the factors that have contributed to changes in the Earth’s climate since pre-industrial times. Their individual and collective potential to contribute directly to surface climate change is usually gauged through calculation of their radiative efficiency, radiative forcing, and/or Global Warming Potential (GWP). For those halocarbons that contain chlorine and bromine, indirect effects on temperature via ozone layer depletion represent another way in which these gases affect climate. Further, halocarbons can also affect the temperature in the stratosphere. In this paper, we use a narrow-band radiative transfer model together with a range of climate models to examine the role of these gases on atmospheric temperatures in the stratosphere and troposphere. We evaluate in detail the halocarbon contributions to temperature changes at the tropical tropopause, and find that they have contributed a significant warming of ~0.4 K over the last 50 years, dominating the effect of the other well-mixed greenhouse gases at these levels. The fact that observed tropical temperatures have not warmed strongly suggests that other mechanisms may be countering this effect. In a climate model this warming of the tropopause layer is found to lead to a 6% smaller climate sensitivity for halocarbons on a globally averaged basis, compared to that for carbon dioxide changes. Using recent observations together with scenarios we also assess their past and predicted future direct and indirect roles on the evolution of surface temperature. We find that the indirect effect of stratospheric ozone depletion could have offset up to approximately half of the predicted past increases in surface temperature that would otherwise have occurred as a result of the direct effect of halocarbons. However, as ozone will likely recover in the next few decades, a slightly faster rate of warming should be expected from the net effect of halocarbons, and we find that together halocarbons could bring forward next century’s expected warming by ~20 years if future emissions projections are realized. In both the troposphere and stratosphere CFC-12 contributes most to the past temperature changes and the emissions projection considered suggest that HFC-134a could contribute most of the warming over the coming century.  相似文献   


Spectrometers are designed to isolate particular wavebands and suppress light from wavelengths outside the band of interest. However, a small amount of undesired light will always enter the detector, not through the designed optical path, but through random scattering from the instrument optical components, housing, and dust particles. Every spectrophotometer has stray light coming from outside the nominal measurement waveband. For Dobson spectrophotometers and single monochromator Brewer spectrophotometers, which are basic instruments in the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) ozone and ultraviolet (UV) monitoring network, the error introduced by stray light is substantial when the ozone slant path becomes very large because of high solar zenith angles and a thick ozone layer. These are common conditions during Arctic spring. To study the issue, a long ozone slant path Intercomparison/Calibration campaign for Nordic Brewers and Dobsons was held at Sodankylä 8–24 March 2011 and a follow-up campaign to extend calibrations to shorter ozone slant paths took place at Izaña observatory, Tenerife, between 28 October and 18 November 2011. These campaigns were part of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Intercalibration of Ground-based Spectrometers and Lidars project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA), intended to permit the homogenization of ozone data from the European ozone ground-truthing network. During the active intercomparison periods, measurements were taken only when good conditions for sun or moon observations existed. Laboratory measurements using calibration lamps and helium-cadmium (HeCd) lasers were an essential part of both campaigns. The campaigns produced a high-quality database of total ozone and UV measurements and an accurate, up-to-date calibration and characterization of participating Brewers and Dobsons against the European standard instruments from the Regional Dobson Calibration Centre-Europe (RDCC-E) and the Regional Brewer Calibration Centre-Europe (RBCC-E). In the present work we focus on single monochromator Brewers and present a physics-based method to compensate for the stray-light effects in ozone retrieval using laboratory characterizations and radiative transfer modelling. The method was tested with independent data from the campaign.  相似文献   

Measurements of NOx,y were made at Alert, Nunavut, Canada (82.5° N, 62.3° W) during surface layer ozone depletion events. In spring 1998, depletion events were rare and occurred under variable actinic flux, ice fog, and snowfall conditions. NOy changed by less than 10% between normal, partially depleted, and nearly completely depleted ozone air masses. The observation of a diurnal variation in NOx under continuous sunlight supports a source from the snowpack but with rapid conversion to nitrogen reservoirs that are primarily deposited to the surface or airborne ice crystals. It was unclear whether NOx was reduced or enhanced in different stages of the ozone depletion chemistry because of variations in solar and ambient conditions. Because ozone was depleted from 15–20 ppbv to less than 1 ppbv in just over a day in one event it is apparent that the surface source of NOx did not grossly inhibit the removal of ozone. In another case ozone was shown to be destroyed to less than the 0.5 ppbv detection limit of the instrument. However, simple model calculations show that the rate of depletion of ozone and its final steady-state abundance depend sensitively on the strength of the surface source of NOx due to competition from ozone production involving NOx and peroxy radicals. The behavior of the NO/NO2 ratio was qualitatively consistent with enhanced BrO during the period of active ozone destruction. The model is also used to emphasize that the diurnal partitioning of BrOx during ozone depletion events is sensitive to even sub ppbv variations in O3.  相似文献   

The reduction of ozone in the nocturnal residual layer by vertical mixing to the surface was investigated for several summer smog episodes on the Swiss plateau in the years 1990 and 1991. Using a limited data set of SODAR measurements and surface ozone concentrations, a parameterization of the ozone depletion in the nocturnal residual layer due to vertical mixing to the ground is proposed. This model is not intended to be physically complete but is rather simple with limited input information required. The nocturnal ozone reduction within the whole planetary boundary layer (nocturnal boundary layer plus residual layer) over the complex terrain of the Swiss plateau for the days investigated is between 20 and 50%.  相似文献   

The interactively coupled chemistry-climate model ECHAM4.L39(DLR)/CHEM is employed in sensitivity calculations to investigate feedback mechanisms of dynamic, chemical, and radiative processes. Two multi-year model simulations are carried out, which represent recent atmospheric conditions. It is shown that the model is able to reproduce observed features and trends with respect to dynamics and chemistry of the troposphere and lower stratosphere. In polar regions it is demonstrated that an increased persistence of the winter vortices is mainly due to enhanced greenhouse gas mixing ratios and to reduced ozone concentration in the lower stratosphere. An additional sensitivity simulation is investigated, concerning a possible future development of the chemical composition of the atmosphere and climate. The model results in the Southern Hemisphere indicate that the adopted further increase of greenhouse gas mixing ratios leads to an intensified radiative cooling in the lower stratosphere. Therefore, Antarctic ozone depletion slightly increases due to a larger PSC activity, although stratospheric chlorine is reduced. Interestingly, the behavior in the Northern Hemisphere is different. During winter, an enhanced activity of planetary waves yields a more disturbed stratospheric vortex. This "dynamical heating" compensates the additional radiative cooling due to enhanced greenhouse gas concentrations in the polar region. In connection with reduced stratospheric chlorine loading, the ozone layer clearly recovers.  相似文献   

Reactive halogen species (RHS = X, XO, HOX, OXO; X = Cl, Br, I) are known to have an important influence on the chemistry in the polar boundary layer (BL), where they are responsible for ozone depletion events in spring. Recent field campaigns at Mace Head, Ireland, and the Dead Sea, Israel, identified for the first time iodine oxide (IO) at mixing ratios of up to 6.6 ppt and 90 ppt bromine oxide (BrO), respectively, by DOAS also at lower latitudes. These results intensified the discussion about the role of the RHS in the mid-latitude BL.Photochemical box model calculations show that the observed IO mixing ratios can destroy ~0.45 ppb ozone per hour. This is comparable to the rates of the known O3-loss processes in the boundary layer. The model studies also reveal that IO, at these levels, has a strong influence on the BL photochemistry, increasing the OH/HO2- and the NO2/NO - ratios. In combination these changes lead to a reduction of the photochemical ozone formation, which - in addition - reduces ozone mixing ratios by up to 0.15 ppb/h.The studies for the Dead Sea case give no information on the heterogeneous process responsible for the bromine release, but they show that a total of 2 – 4 ppb of total bromine have to be released to explain the observed complete depletion of 60 ppb ozone in 2 – 3 hours.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the potential effects on the ozone layer of gases released by the engines of proposed high altitude supersonic aircraft. The major problem arises from the emissions of nitrogen oxides which have the potential to destroy significant quantities of ozone in the stratosphere. The magnitude of the perturbation is highly dependent on the cruise altitude of the aircraft. Furthermore, the depletion of ozone is substantially reduced when heterogeneous conversion of nitrogen oxides into nitric acid on sulfate aerosol particles is taken into account in the calculation. The sensitivity of the aerosol load on stratospheric ozone is investigated. First, the model indicates that the aerosol load induced by the SO2 released by aircraft is increased by about 10–20% above the background aerosols at mid-high latitude of the Northern Hemisphere at 15 km for the NASA emission scenario A (the NASA emission scenarios are explained in Tables I to III). This increase in aerosol has small effects on stratospheric ozone. Second, when the aerosol load is increased following a volcanic eruption similar to the eruption of El Chichon (Mexico, April 1982), the ozone column in spring increases by as much as 9% in response to the injection of NO x from the aircraft with the NASA emission scenario A. Finally, the modeled suggests that significant ozone depletion could result from the formation of additional polar stratospheric clouds produced by the injection of H2O and HNO3 by the aircraft engines.  相似文献   

The new version (version 8) TOMS (Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer) ozone and noontime erythemal ultraviolet (UV) irradiance products are used to analyze their long-term changes in this paper. It is shown that the summer UV irradiance has increased significantly from Central China to the northern and western parts of China, especially in Central China near Chongqing, Shaanxi, and Hubei provinces; whereas the UV irradiance has decreased significantly in the southern part of China, especially in South China. In July, when UV irradiance is at its maximum and hence when the most serious potential damage may happen, the results indicate an increase in the UV irradiance in Central China and the Yangtze River- Huaihe River valley and a decrease in South China and the eastern part of North China. At the same time, the total ozone amount is lower over China in summer with the most serious depletion occurring in Northeast China and Northwest China. It is found that the thinning of the ozone layer is not the main reason for the UV irradiance trend in the eastern and southern parts of China, but that the rainfall and the related cloud variations may dominate the long-term changes of the UV irradiance there. In addition, the future UV irradiance trend in China is also estimated.  相似文献   

云对云中大气臭氧影响因子的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用一个较详细的气相光化学和液相化学耦合的箱体模式, 研究了云层对云中大气臭氧的影响过程。这一过程可分解为三个因子来考虑: 因子A (云的辐射效应), 由于云的存在改变太阳光辐射通量, 使得对流层光化学反应减弱或增强, 从而降低或增加臭氧浓度; 因子B(云的吸收效应), 云层中液态水对大气臭氧及其前体物 (NOx、NMHC、自由基等) 的直接吸收作用; 因子C(云的液相化学效应), 吸收进入云中的物质发生液相化学反应从而改变大气臭氧浓度。数值研究结果表明: 上述三因子对云中臭氧浓度影响的程度差别很大, 并且与云层的物理结构有密切关系。讨论了云的吸收及液相化学效应影响臭氧浓度的主要原因  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of the export of Arctic ozone loss, or`dilution', on mid-latitude ozone depletion during the 1990s, and its relation tointerannual meteorological variability. A stratospheric chemical-transport modelincorporated a simple gas-phase ozone scheme with the addition of a parameterisation ofpolar depletion which depended only on temperature and duration of sunlight. Themodel was forced with the U.K. Meteorological Office analyses from 1991 to 1999 covering eight Northern Hemisphere winters. The modelled Arctic ozone column losses wereabout half the magnitude of those in the Antarctic and showed a considerablevariation from year to year. The northern middle latitudes (40°–60° N)were mainly affected through dilution and experienced a variable 5–20%depletion. Year-round there is a depletion of about 1% in northern middle latitudes due toactivation at the pole but there is no evidence that this depletion increases with timeduring this integration. A series of inert tracer experiments for the winters from 1996 to 1999 showed that the dilution occurs primarily at the 560 K and 465 K isentropic levels where up to 30% of the airoriginating northward of 67° N on 1 March is found at 47° N later in spring. Thestrength and persistence of the Arctic vortex were crucial in determining the severity and the timing of the ozone dilution every year by influencing, respectively, the magnitude of the high-latitude depletion and the effectiveness of mixing to lower latitudes. This spring dilution was correlated with the winter/spring planetary wave activity indicating the important role of dynamical processes in regulating the polar-driven mid-latitude ozone depletion.  相似文献   

Summary Long-term ozone recordings at different altitude levels, conducted in remote areas, can make a valuable contribution to an understanding of the background level of ozone, its periodical variations and possible long-term trends.The measuring stations (three high mountain stations between 740 and nearly 3000 m a.s.l. with small horizontal distance) are described together with recording and calibration procedures. Information is provided on the time history of all recordings since 1978, considering not only the annual means but also the monthly and 10-day means as a function of height. An analysis is presented of the annual variations which differ considerably in the respective height levels and—in three-dimensional diagrams—the correlation between daily and annual variation is shown as a function of height. Then follows a careful parameterization: analysis of the frequency distribution of the ozone concentration, correlation with relative humidity, relative sunshine duration, and temperature. It can be seen that the correlations are very different and partly inverse, depending on the altitude level.Many ozone profiles obtained between valley level and nearly 3000 m a.s.l. (cable car O3 radiosonde) give a picture of the typical ozone profile for different meteorological situations and for the case of stratospheric intrusions of ozone into the troposphere. The stratospheric contribution of ozone to the tropospheric ozone budget is discussed.Since obviously a very high photochemical production rate can be established for ozone in the lowest layer above ground (correlation of O3 with the daily variation of the sunshine duration) it was examined if this O3 variation might be caused only by horizontal transport of ozone from remote areas with high anthropogenic activity by the daily quasiperiodical currents near the ground. But this is not the case.The correlation between ozone concentration, other trace gases such as nitrogen-oxygen compounds and hydrocarbons is shown.With 29 Figures  相似文献   

Summary Longterm recordings of the O3 concentration at the Zugspitze in 2964 m a.s.l. and at the Wank peak in 1780 m a.s.l. together with continuous daily measurements of cosmogenic radio-nuclides have been analyzed in order to ascertain whether or not a significant trend of O3 exists. Recordings from 1981 to 1988 show definitely that there was no trend of the O3 concentration in the free atmosphere between 1.8 and 3 km a.s.l. However, an increase of 10 ppb occurred 1978 to 1981.A cable car operating between Zugspitze and the valley (in 1000 m a.s.l.) over a two km height difference at the northern border of the Bavarian Alps has been used for atmospheric research. The run of this cable car is rather steep and is mostly suspended far away from the ground. Consequently it is ideal for simulataneously investigating the profiles of meteorlogical and atmospheric electrical parameters, and the ozone concentration. From 1980 to 1982 a total of 1990 ozone profiles have been recorded on fair weather days. The data collected offer a profound basis in order to study the time variations in the lower tropospheric ozone profile depending on the hour of the day during all seasons. The influence of the following atmospheric processes and conditions on the O3 profile pattern has been investigated:Vertical mixing intensity in and above the boundary layer, temperature inversions, photochemical production of ozone or its depletion in the lowermost layers, and stratospheric intrusions based on the measurements of cosmogenic radionuclides on Zugspitze, the upper end of the trail. The penetration depth of stratospheric O3 in the lower troposphere has been investigated and the shape and time behavior of temporarily O3 maxima within the boundary layer has been studied.With 12 FiguresExtended version of a paper presented at the International Conference on the Generation of Oxidants on Regional and Global Scales, held at the Univ. of East Anglia, Norwich, England, 3–7 July 1989.  相似文献   

对流层臭氧(O_3)作为最重要的大气污染物之一,对植物的形态特征和生理生化指标有着重要影响;并通过作用于陆面植被间接改变全球和区域的碳循环以及气候和环境。本文系统地回顾了对流层臭氧影响陆面植被的观测事实,主要包括其对光合作用、气孔导度、叶面积、生物量、产量等方面的影响;归纳和分析了常用的O_3暴露指数(ozone exposure index)和O_3影响植被的参数化方案的优缺点;并介绍这些参数化方案应用于生态模式和地球系统模式,模拟O_3通过作用于陆面植被对碳、水、能量通量和状态的影响。最后探讨了O_3影响植被在观测、参数化方案及其模拟应用方面亟需解决的问题以及未来发展方向。  相似文献   

We have used a two dimensional radiative-chemical-transport model of the stratosphere to investigate the sensitivity of trace gas distributions to absorption of oxygen in the wavelength region 175–210 nm. Two different formulations for the Herzberg continuum absorption cross sections are used. The calculated transmission of ultra-violet light in the stratosphere is lower and higher than observed, depending on the choice of absorption cross section. For the higher transmission O3, ClO, and HO2 are found to be significantly increased in the lower stratosphere. Calculated O3 in the upper stratosphere, chlorofluorocarbons, N2O and odd-nitrogen are lower. The photolysis of oxygen is considerably faster at high latitudes implying that the photochemical recovery of depleted polar ozone is faster than currently assumed.  相似文献   

In this paper we present first-time measurements of ozone profiles from a high altitude station in Quito, Ecuador (0.19°S, 78.4°W, and 2391 masl) taken from June 2014 to September 2015. We interpret ozone observations in the troposphere, tropopause, and stratosphere through a zonal comparison with data from stations in the Atlantic and Pacific (Natal and San Cristobal from the SHADOZ network). Tropospheric ozone concentrations above the Andes are lower than ozone over San Cristobal and Natal for similar time periods. Ozone variability and pollution layers are also reduced in the troposphere above the Andes. We explain these differences in terms of reduced contributions from the boundary layer and from horizontal transport. In the tropical tropopause layer, ozone is well-mixed up to near the cold point tropopause level. In this regard, our profiles do not show constraints to deep mixing above 14 km, as has been consistently observed at other tropical stations. Total column ozone and stratospheric column ozone are comparable among the three sites. However, the contribution of tropospheric column ozone to total column ozone is significantly lower above the Andes. Our comparisons provide a connection between observations from tropical stations in equatorial South America separated by the wide continental mass. Identified differences in ozone throughout the atmospheric column demonstrate the global benefit of having an ozone sounding station at the equatorial Andes in support of global monitoring networks.  相似文献   

The leading mode of southern hemisphere (SH) climatic variability, the southern annular mode (SAM), has recently seen a shift towards its positive phase due to stratospheric ozone depletion and increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations. Here we examine how sensitive the SAM (defined as the leading empirical orthogonal function of SH sea level pressure anomalies) is to future GHG concentrations. We determine its likely evolution for three intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) special report on emission scenarios (SRES) for austral summer and winter, using a multi-model ensemble of IPCC fourth assessment report models which resolve stratospheric ozone recovery. During the period of summer ozone recovery (2000–2050), the SAM index exhibits weakly negative, statistically insignificant trends due to stratospheric ozone recovery which offsets the positive forcing imposed by increasing GHG concentrations. Thereafter, positive SAM index trends occur with magnitudes that show sensitivity to the SRES scenario utilised, and thus future GHG emissions. Trends are determined to be strongest for SRES A2, followed by A1B and B1, respectively. The winter SAM maintains a similar dependency upon GHG as summer, but over the entire twenty-first century and to a greater extent. We also examine the influence of ozone recovery by comparing results to models that exclude stratospheric ozone recovery. Projections are shown to be statistically different from the aforementioned results, highlighting the importance of ozone recovery in governing SAM-evolution. We therefore demonstrate that the future SAM will depend both upon GHG emissions and stratospheric ozone recovery.  相似文献   

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