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自2007年太湖无锡水危机事件后,太湖流域内各项水污染防治工作进入快车道,近年来浙江省持续开展水环境治理,针对不同污染源进行分类施策、精准治理,整体水环境质量得到了显著改善.本文根据2007-2019年浙江省环太湖水文巡测资料及主要出入太湖河道水质监测成果,全面分析了出入湖河道的水量、水质及污染物通量的时空变化趋势.结果表明,2007-2019年浙江省年均入湖水量为27.39亿m3,年均出湖水量为26.42亿m3,环湖河道进出水量在2007-2014年以出湖为主,2015-2019年以入湖为主,2015-2019年入湖水量增加受该时段地区降水量较丰的影响.2007-2019年浙江省环湖河道CODMn、NH3-N和TP浓度呈明显下降趋势,TN浓度有所下降,除TN仍处于Ⅴ~劣Ⅴ类水外,其余指标已处于Ⅱ~Ⅲ类水标准,当前环湖河道的CODMn和NH3-N指标已达到《太湖流域水环境综合治理总体方案(2013年修编)》提出的目标值,但TN和TP浓度仍存在较大差距.浙江省环湖河道年平均CODMn、NH3-N、TP和TN入湖通量分别为1.12万、0.18万、0.03万和0.90万t,出湖通量分别为1.13万、0.10万、0.03万和0.62万t,环湖河道除CODMn以净出湖通量为主外,其余指标均以净入湖通量为主,存在一定入湖滞留,其中水量是影响入湖通量的关键因子.  相似文献   

2001-2002水文年环太湖河道的水量及污染物通量   总被引:24,自引:11,他引:24  
许朋柱  秦伯强 《湖泊科学》2005,17(3):213-218
根据2001-2002水文年115条环太湖河道的同步环境监测资料,对水量及污染物通量进行了估算.全年的入湖水量为80.11×108m3,出湖水量为96.67×108m3.入湖水量主要通过西部河网以及西苕溪、望虞河等河流汇入太湖,其中西部河网的入湖量占总入湖量的60%;出湖水量主要通过太浦河、东苕溪以及东部河网汇出太湖,其中太浦河的出湖量占47%.污染物通量的估算结果是,CODMn、TN及TP的入湖总通量分别为37571t/a、28658t/a及1029t/a,出湖总通量分别为35431t/a、14600t/a及668t/a.CODMn、TN及TP入湖通量通过西部河网进入太湖的比例占63%、49%及47%;CODMn、TN及TP出湖通量通过太浦河汇出太湖的比例占51%、45%及34%.通过与上世纪90年代以前相同年型的数据进行对比,除TP外,其它各种污染物的入湖量均明显增加,且污染物在湖泊中的滞留率也显著提高.由此说明,环太湖河道入湖污染负荷的增加是太湖水环境恶化的根本原因.  相似文献   

2009年环太湖入出湖河流水量及污染负荷通量   总被引:23,自引:8,他引:15  
通过对2009年环太湖水文巡测及同步水质监测数据整理,得到2009年环太湖河流入出湖水量以及污染负荷,并将之与前期文献资料数据进行对比.结果表明,2009年环太湖河道入出湖水量分别为88.40×108 m3、93.27×108m3.入湖水量超过5×108m3的依次为陈东港、大浦港、梁溪河、太滆运河、望虞河.出湖水量最大...  相似文献   

河道入湖污染物量计算精度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马倩  冯昕 《湖泊科学》2012,24(5):663-666
入湖污染物量计算精度的高低决定入湖污染物量分析结果的客观性和准确性.本文以太湖为例,分析2010年环太湖河道入湖污染物量、时空分布情况及多年环太湖河道入湖染污物量变化情势.在此基础上,使用现在已有监测条件分析时段内每日水量水质监测数据计算逐日入湖污染物量时段累积值,并以此作为现有分析计算河道入湖污染物量的最高计算精度值.通过设定不同监测方案、采用不同计算方法分析河道入湖污染物量及其计算精度,认为现有分析计算的河道入湖污染物量已是每日河道水量水质同步监测下河道入湖污染物量的80%左右.针对河道入湖污染物量计算精度的分析可为制定科学的河道入湖污染量监测方案、提高河道入湖污染物量计算精度提供技术支撑.  相似文献   

江苏省入太湖污染量分析(1998-2007年)   总被引:14,自引:8,他引:6  
近年来,太湖水体受到了严重污染,水环境质量逐年下降,太湖水环境的状况直接影响了地区的经济和社会发展,保护太湖已列为国家重点治理项目。本文根据1998-2007年环太湖水文巡测资料及主要入湖河道水质监测成果,分析入湖水量、入湖河道水质、入湖污染物量及其变化趋势,为太湖地区水环境综合整治提供技术支撑和决策依据。  相似文献   

环太湖江苏段入湖河道污染物通量与湖区水质的响应关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于2008-2018年环太湖江苏段入湖河道污染物通量及湖区水质数据,从时空变化及相关关系两个方面探讨了入湖污染物通量与湖区水质的响应关系,并分析了污染物进入湖体影响水质的主要因子.结果表明:太湖污染减排已见成效,氨氮、总氮、高锰酸盐指数和化学需氧量入湖污染物通量整体呈下降趋势,年均下降率分别为8.0%、2.0%、1.6%和2.2%,湖体氨氮和总氮时间格局响应较好,年均下降率分别为2.1%和2.3%.湖体氨氮、总氮、总磷、高锰酸盐指数和化学需氧量与入湖污染物通量整体由西北部、西部湖区向东南部、东部湖区递减,空间格局上响应基本一致.全湖区年尺度总氮、氨氮浓度与入湖河道污染物通量分别呈显著正相关、极显著正相关关系;影响湖区总氮、氨氮的主要因子为入湖河道的总氮、氨氮浓度,其次为入湖河道浓度与原湖区水质差值,因此亟需加强入湖河道水质浓度的控制.  相似文献   

2007年以来环太湖22条主要河流水质变化及其对太湖的影响   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:4  
易娟  徐枫  高怡  向龙  毛新伟 《湖泊科学》2016,28(6):1167-1174
随着现代经济的迅速发展,太湖流域污染问题日益严重.为了解太湖湖区以及入湖河流的水质变化趋势,分析两者之间的关系,本文选取太湖湖区以及环太湖22条主要入湖河流2007-2014年水质监测资料,按行政区划分析22条主要入湖河流的氨氮、高锰酸盐指数、总磷和总氮浓度变化趋势以及其与太湖水质关系.结果显示,江苏省境内河流2007年以来污染物浓度普遍高于浙江省,但主要入湖河流总体上呈好转趋势,并且河流各指标的浓度变化与太湖的水质变化密切相关,验证了河道污染物输入作为太湖主要的污染物外源,直接影响太湖水质的变化,指出对入湖河流污染物的控制是缓解和治理太湖污染输入的重要途径.  相似文献   

“引江济太”对2016年后太湖总磷反弹的直接影响分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对“引江济太”工程将总磷浓度偏高的长江水引入太湖后对2016年后太湖总磷反弹的影响,本文实测并收集整理了2016年前后“引江济太”调水入湖水量、磷通量及全太湖入湖水量、磷通量与太湖磷存量等数据,对2016年前后“引江济太”调水入湖水量、磷通量、磷形态与其他入湖河道水量、磷通量、磷形态以及全太湖的水质、受水区贡湖的水质进行了分析.结果表明:2016年前后,“引江济太”年均入湖磷通量为97.56 t,年均入湖水量为8.16亿m3,从调水量、入湖磷通量、调水后短期磷响应及各湖区磷增量来看,“引江济太”与2016年后太湖总磷反弹相关性不强.“引江济太”调水累计入湖磷通量为877.97 t,占太湖总入湖磷通量的4.58%,累计入湖水量占太湖累计入湖水量的7.36%,单位水量携带的磷通量仅为其他来水的一半左右,占比相对有限.与太湖主要入湖河流相比,“引江济太”调水属于优质来水,湖泊的入湖河流总磷浓度一般都高于湖泊本身的总磷浓度,“引江济太”调水总磷浓度偏高属于正常范围.目前“引江济太”工程在保证供水安全、缓解水华危机的同时对处于严重富营养化状态的太湖具有一定的改善效果,但未来引水量增加的情况下,必须继续关注引水带来的磷通量与太湖磷循环系统的关系,确保“引江济太”对太湖继续产生良性的影响.  相似文献   

研究鄱阳湖入、出湖污染物通量是加强鄱阳湖及长江水功能区限制纳污红线管理的前提,是建立鄱阳湖水质预测模型的基础.基于2008-2012年鄱阳湖8条主要入湖河流、出湖口的逐月水量、水质同步监测资料,根据污染源特征优选算法,计算总磷(TP)、氨氮(NH3-N)、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)的入、出湖污染物通量,并分析时空变化特征及影响因素.结果表明:(1)出湖口和乐安河入湖口断面的NH3-N、TP及昌江入湖口断面的TP,以点源污染为主,采用每月瞬时通量作为月平均通量的算法更准确;其余以非点源污染为主,采用瞬时污染物浓度与月平均流量之积来计算月平均通量更准确.(2)2008-2012年CODMn、NH3-N和TP年平均人湖通量分别为304398、53063和9175 t,年平均出湖通量分别为367436、45814和8452t.8条入湖河流每年的入湖水量、CODMn通量和个别年份的NH3-N、TP通量小于出湖,这主要是因为未计算区间产流及相应排污和采砂引起的内源污染.(3)入、出湖污染物通量在年际间主要受水量影响而呈现W型波动变化趋势,CODMn、NH3-N、TP入湖通量及CODMn出湖通量均集中在汛期,NH3-N、TP出湖通量则是冬季较多(低水位下湿地植被净化作用受限).入湖TP、NH3-N、CODMn通量主要来自赣江、信江、乐安河,而NH3-N、TP浓度最高的是乐安河、信江.  相似文献   

李东梅 《湖泊科学》2010,22(4):625-628
根据洱海流域1998、2004-2006年入湖、出湖水量监测成果,通过实测流量、降水量、蒸发量对入湖、出湖水量进行对比计算,结果发现,应用水文巡测方法与水量平衡方法计算出的2004-2006年洱海水资源量绝对误差最大值为0.2427×108m3,相对误差为4.8%,5%,说明两种方均可行.分析水量平衡方法的误差来源是枯期受湖面蒸发和农业提水灌溉的影响,提高洱海水资源量计算精度所需解决的问题是提高湖面蒸发量观测精度和还原水量计算精度.分析水文巡测方法的误差来源主要是巡测的监测断面距入湖口有一定距离,主要以面积比拟与降水修正进行计算,以及点据数量较少.针对两种方法的优缺点,提出四种措施:加强环洱海水量监测能力建设;加强洱海水面蒸发观测手段和方法;加强环湖生产生活用水的监督性监测;加强入湖河流水质水量并重监测与分析,以期更好地为洱海水环境、水资源保护和出入湖水量预测分析提供更准确的科学技术支撑.  相似文献   


New global models provide the opportunity to generate quantitative information about the world water situation. Here the WaterGAP 2 model is used to compute globally comprehensive estimates about water availability, water withdrawals, and other indicators on the river-basin scale. In applying the model to the current global water situation, it was found that about 24% of world river basin area has a withdrawal to availability ratio greater than 0.4, which some experts consider to be a rough indication of “severe water stress”; the impacts of this stress are expected to be stronger in developing countries than in industrialized ones. Under a “business-as-usual” scenario of continuing demographic, economic and technological trends up to 2025, water withdrawals are expected to stabilize or decrease in 41% of world river basin areas because of the saturation of water needs and improvement in water-use efficiency. Withdrawals grow elsewhere because population and economic growth will lead to rising demand for water, and this outweighs the assumed improvements in water-use efficiency. An uncertainty analysis showed that the uncertainty of these estimates is likely to have a strong geographic variability.  相似文献   

昌黎井水位、水氡趋势动态特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了昌黎井2004年洗井前后水位、水氡的趋势动态特征,认为洗井是造成水位和水氡两者趋势变化不同步的主要原因之一.经过观测环境调查,判定2009年以来水位趋势下降并打破年变规律与附近温泉井抽水有关.  相似文献   

Three hundred and twenty‐two samples of desalinated household water were collected from 99 sampling locations that covered 95% of Kuwaiti's residential areas. Seventy‐one brands of bottled water were collected from Kuwaiti markets. The water quality parameters that were studied included pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), F?, Cl?, Br?, , , , , , , , and the major macronutrients Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+. The analysis yielded a large range of results for most of these parameters, with differences in some cases exceeding 10‐fold. With a few exceptions, the results were found to comply with US‐EPA and WHO standards. Only the water in two brands of bottled water was acidic (pH < 6.5). The TDS was found to be higher than the US‐EPA regulated value in 4 and 3% of the household samples and bottled water brands, respectively. The fluoride levels were generally higher in bottled water than in household water. However, the household water that was produced by the Doha desalination plant and some of the European brands of bottled water were the best samples studied in terms of their quantity of Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+ compared with the DRI values for those substances. EC and TDS were positively correlated with , , Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ for household water but only with Ca2+ and Mg2+ for bottled water.  相似文献   

为了验证平原地区深井水动态观测受环境条件影响的情况,我们选择了河北省河间地区马17地震观测井和马16地热开发井进行对比观测,试图探讨马16井开采对马17井水动态观测的影响。结果表明马17井的动水位年变化是气压干扰所致,与马16井采水无明显关系。马16井冬季开采热水对马17井动水位观测无明显影响。  相似文献   


The paper presents a compact picture of the occurrence of water on Earth, including the temporal development of water resources of the planet, the current water balance, and the future of water on Earth. In examining numerous standard hydrological references and new developments in quantification of the water resources of planet Earth, several corrections are proposed to the hydrological water balance of Earth. Particular attention is drawn to the areas of open water surfaces on land, which according to current estimates are much larger than reported in standard hydrological references. The paper stresses the need for improvements in our understanding of the hydrological cycle and presents several conclusions on the ways to improve this understanding and future visualizations of the water balance of Earth.  相似文献   

Preliminary analysis of spatiotemporal pattern of global land surface water   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Land surface water (LSW) is one of the most important resources for human survival and development, and it is also a main component of global water recycling. A full understanding of the spatial distribution of land surface water and a continuous measuring of its dynamics can support to diagnose the global ecosystem and environment. Based on the Global Land 30-water 2000 and Global Land 30-water 2010 products, this research analyzed the spatial distribution pattern and temporal fluctuation of land surface water under scale-levels of global, latitude and longitude, continents, and climate zones. The Global Land 30-water products were corrected the temporal inconsistency of original remotely sensed data using MODIS time-series data, and then calculated the indices such as water area, water ration and coefficient of spatial variation for further analysis. Results show that total water area of land surface is about 3.68 million km2 (2010), and occupies 2.73% of land area. The spatial distribution of land surface water is extremely uneven and is gathered mainly in mid- to high-latitude area of the Northern Hemisphere and tropic area. The comparison of water ratio between 2000 and 2010 indicates the overall fluctuation is small but spatially differentiated. The Global Land 30-water products and the statistics provided the fundamental information for analyzing the spatial distribution pattern and temporal fluctuation of land surface water and diagnosing the global ecosystem and environment.  相似文献   

The River Buyukmelen is located in the province of Duzce in northwest Turkey and its water basin is approximately 470 km2. The Aksu, Kucukmelen and Ugursuyu streams flow into the River Buyukmelen. It flows into the Black Sea with an output of 44 m3 s−1. The geological succession in the basin comprises limestone and dolomitic limestone of the Yılanlı formation, sandstone, clayey limestone and marls of the Akveren formation, clastics and volcano‐clastics of the Caycuma formation, and cover units comprised of river alluvium, lacutrine sediments and beach sands. The River Buyukmelen is expected to be a water source that can supply the drinking water needs of Istanbul until 2040; therefore, it is imperative that its water quality be preserved. The samples of rock, soil, stream water, suspended, bed and stream sediments and beach sand were collected from the Buyukmelen river basin. They were examined using mineralogical and geochemical methods. The chemical constituents most commonly found in the stream waters are Na+, Mg2+, SO2−4, Cl and HCO3 in the Guz stream water, Ca2+ in the Abaza stream water, and K+ in the Kuplu stream water. The concentrations of Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, SO2−4, HCO3, Cl, As, Pb, Ni, Mn, Cr, Zn, Fe and U in the Kuplu and Guz stream waters were much higher than the world average values. The Dilaver, Gubi, Tepekoy, Maden, Celik and Abaza streams interact with sedimentary rocks, and the Kuplu and Guz streams interact with volcanic rocks. The amount of suspended sediment in the River Buyukmelen in December 2002 was 120 mg l−1. The suspended and bed sediments in the muddy stream waters are formed of quartz, calcite, plagioclase, clay (kaolinite, illite and smectite), muscovite and amphibole minerals. As, Co, Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni, Zn and U have all accumulated in the Buyukmelen river‐bed sediments. The muddy feature of the waters is related to the petrographic features of the rocks in the basin and their mineralogical compositions, as most of the sandstones and volcanic rocks (basalt, tuffite and agglomerate) are decomposed to a clay‐rich composition at the surface. Thus, the suspended sediment in stream waters increases by physical weathering of the rocks and water–rock interaction. Owing to the growing population and industrialization, water demand is increasing. The plan is to bring water from the River Buyukmelen to Istanbul's drinking‐water reservoirs. According to the Water Pollution Regulations, the River Buyukmelen belongs to quality class 1 based on Hg, Cd, Pb, As, Cu, Cr, Zn, Mn, Se, Ba, Na+, Cl, and SO2−4; and to quality class 3 based on Fe concentration. The concentration of Fe in the River Buyukmelen exceeds the limit values permitted by the World Health Organization and the Turkish Standard. Because water from the River Buyukmelen will be used as drinking water, it will have an adverse effect on water quality and humans if not treated in advance. In addition, the inclusion of Mn and Zn in the Elmali drinking‐water reservoir of Istanbul and Fe in the River Buyukmelen water indicates natural inorganic contamination. Mn, Zn and Fe contents in the waters are related to geological origin. Moreover, the River Buyukmelen flow is very muddy in the rainy seasons and it is inevitable that this will pose problems during the purification process. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

吴浩云  刘敏  金科  陈红  甘升伟 《湖泊科学》2023,35(3):1009-1021
太湖是流域洪水集散地、水资源调配中心,也是长三角水生态环境的晴雨表,其水位高低影响防洪、供水、水生态、水环境等系统功能,使得太湖面临统筹调度问题日益凸显。本文以太湖为主要研究对象,基于多年实测数据,采用数理统计、河网水动力模型计算,分析流域降雨、进出湖水量和水生态环境演变规律及其与太湖水位的互馈关系,综合考虑不同调度期流域防洪、供水、水生态、水环境目标及其承受风险的时空差异性,优化太湖调度水位,并在此基础上提出太湖调度功能区划图。结果表明,在设计洪水和供水条件下,通过调度水位调整,统筹调控流域水工程,前期预降太湖水位,后期适抬太湖水位,实现太湖多目标调度,可有效保障流域防洪、供水和航运安全,改善河湖生态环境,共绘美丽太湖。  相似文献   

Leo Vallner   《Limnologica》1999,29(3):282
For a sustainable development of Estonia's coastal region it is necessary to achieve a balanced proportion between purified surface water and deep groundwater for public drinking water supplies. Special attention should be directed to problems of sea water encroachment into coastal aquifer systems. Only close co-operation between surface water specialists, hydrogeologists, and socio-economists will be able to solve this sophisticated task.  相似文献   

福建省数字化水位水温资料的远场效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2003年以来全球12次M≥7.8级大震为例,从"一震多井"和"一井多震"两个不同的侧面,结合井孔的水文地质条件,依据水位同震异常变化的记录图形,分析福建省地下流体数字化观测网对不同方位的地震的远场效应。福建省数字化水位、水温资料对M≥7.8级大震产生远场效应所记录到的同震异常与震级、震中距、地震类型、地震所处的构造位置以及水点的水文地质条件等相关。  相似文献   

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