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拉萨地块是研究班公湖—怒江特提斯洋和雅鲁藏布江特提斯洋演化过程的关键,但印度—亚洲大陆的碰撞可能导致拉萨地块遭受不同程度的重磁化影响,为寻找理想地层进行古地磁研究,本文对拉萨地块中二叠世洛巴堆组砂岩、火山岩及灰岩样品进行详细的岩石磁学研究,以确定各类岩石是否具备记录原生剩磁信息的能力.结果表明砂岩样品中主要载磁矿物为磁黄铁矿,火山岩及灰岩样品中主要为磁铁矿或赤铁矿.结合区域地质资料和部分样品退磁实验,本文认为砂岩样品可能遭受林子宗群火山和岩浆活动所提供的区域热扰动影响,记录了古近系重磁化信息;火山岩和灰岩样品可能记录了岩石形成时期的原生剩磁信息,有望从中获得可靠古地磁数据.  相似文献   

基于540块样品的体积磁化率-比重测量和矿物-岩性鉴定结果,分析了婆罗洲北部岩石类型、密度、磁化率特征,据此明确重磁资料对于南海南部中生界岩性识别的适用性.结果表明婆罗洲北部发育3类25种岩石,以发育中基性火成岩和外碎屑沉积岩为主,发育少量内源沉积岩、酸性火成岩和变质岩.具有极强磁性-强磁性,高密度-中等密度特征的岩石多为火成岩和凝灰质砂岩及其变质岩.弱磁性-无磁性、中等-极低密度特征的岩石多为砾岩、砂岩、粉砂岩、泥岩和煤等.弱-逆磁性、高-中等密度的岩石多为灰岩和硅质岩.新生界岩石具有密度较低、磁化率中等的特征.中生界岩石具有密度中等、磁化率中高的特征.前中生界岩石具有密度高、磁性低的特征.结合分布特征可知,前中生界岩石产生局部弱重力异常,中生界沉积岩产生区域性的负重力异常,火成岩产生区域性的正重力异常.南海南部的区域性高磁力异常来源于中生代的基性火成岩(及其变质岩),区域性中等磁力异常可能来源于酸性火成岩(及其变质岩).据此进行了南海南部中生界岩性的识别,结果表明南海南部存在大面积的中生界沉积岩分布区,认为南海南部中生界地层具有油气勘探潜力.  相似文献   

砂岩的热破裂过程   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
高温环境下,岩石表现为明显的宏观破裂特征. 本实验在细观尺度下观测了不同温度条件下,阜新细砂岩的矿物组分和微结构及其发展变化,以及内部微裂纹的发生和发展. 从实验中观察到,自150℃开始,阜新细砂岩微裂纹数量有剧烈的增加,并达到峰值;当温度超过210℃以后,可见裂纹的数量呈下降趋势并逐渐稳定;当温度达到810℃,细砂岩裂纹数量出现第二个增长峰值. 结果表明随着温度变化,细砂岩存在热破裂阀值.  相似文献   

海拉尔盆地火山碎屑岩的测井响应与应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
海拉尔盆地中生界为熔岩-火山碎屑岩-沉积岩系列岩性组合,是测井解释层位.但是精细的岩心岩石类型描述与测井识别岩性的精度不匹配,岩心精细分层厚度往往小于测井分层的最小厚度0.6 m.研究显示,安山岩、熔结凝灰岩、凝灰岩、沉凝灰岩、凝灰质砾岩、凝灰质砂岩和沉积岩等主要岩性具有各自的测井响应,即有特定的岩-电关系模式.交会图...  相似文献   

对缅甸东部掸邦地块二叠纪-三叠纪灰岩样品进行了饱和等温剩磁获得曲线及反向场退磁曲线、三轴等温剩磁的系统热退磁、磁化率-温度曲线等岩石磁学测试分析,试图通过岩石磁学方法识别缅甸掸邦地块二叠纪和三叠纪灰岩样品中的磁性矿物种类、含量等信息,为研究样品中主要磁性矿物所携带的特征剩磁分量的磁化年龄等性质提高可靠的基础,从而为进一步研究掸邦地块及滇缅泰地块晚古生代-早中生代的古地理位置等提供有力的证据.结果表明缅甸掸邦地块二叠纪和三叠纪灰岩样品中的主要磁性矿物为磁铁矿,或磁铁矿和针铁矿的组合,少部分三叠纪灰岩样品显示有赤铁矿、磁赤铁矿和针铁矿的组合.  相似文献   

明亮 《地震研究》1989,12(2):155-160
我们对含水岩石进行了双剪摩擦滑动实验。所用样品为济南辉长岩、周口店石灰岩,小浪底砂岩和点苍山大理岩。本实验得到的主要结果表明,水的存在增大了岩石的摩擦强度,减小了粘滑时的应力降和错距,促进了位移强化效应。这说明水对岩石摩擦的影响是一个复杂的问题。还应深入地研究。  相似文献   

砂岩和页岩的弹性波性质是通过地震资料推断储层物性和流体分布的基础.岩石波速测量常用超声波(105~106 Hz)脉冲法,低频岩石物理实验技术的发展为研究弹性波在岩石中的衰减和频散奠定了基础.本文系统总结了前人在高频和低频下测量砂岩和页岩弹性波性质的方法和实验结果,并结合矿物弹性性质和岩石物理模型,分析了压力、温度、矿物组成、孔隙结构、流体、频率等因素对岩石波速和衰减的影响.由于孔隙和微裂隙随压力增加而逐渐关闭,干燥砂岩和页岩的P波和S波速度在低压下随压力非线性增加,高于临界压力呈线性增加.干燥岩石样品的波速随温度增加而缓慢线性降低,频散效应可以忽略.而含流体砂岩和页岩的衰减和频散受温度、压力、流体饱和度、流体黏度、孔隙结构和频率等多种因素的影响,含流体砂岩和页岩的泊松比和逆品质因子Q-1显著高于干燥样品.低压下砂岩的波速与孔隙度负相关,而影响页岩波速的因素更为复杂,页岩的波速、衰减和频散的各向异性都高于砂岩.将跨频段岩石物理实验与数字岩石物理技术相结合,可为勘探地球物理的方法创新和资料解释提供可靠依据.  相似文献   

本文对影响喜马拉雅逆冲断层地区热结构的三种主要热源(断层的摩擦剪切热,地壳的放射性热和上地幔的传导热)的效应进行了计算分析,在计算中考虑了岩石的流变性造成的剪应力和温度的非线性关系及岩石温度到达熔点时的熔解热.结果表明,尽管地壳的放射性热和上地幔的传导热也可能引起地壳中的部分熔融,但此时熔融将从地壳底部开始发生,这与喜马拉雅地区观测到的地质现象不符;在考虑了剪切断层带的剪切热后,熔融将从断层附近开始发生,因此得到了比较符合实际地质现象的结果.  相似文献   

本文对影响喜马拉雅逆冲断层地区热结构的三种主要热源(断层的摩擦剪切热,地壳的放射性热和上地幔的传导热)的效应进行了计算分析,在计算中考虑了岩石的流变性造成的剪应力和温度的非线性关系及岩石温度到达熔点时的熔解热.结果表明,尽管地壳的放射性热和上地幔的传导热也可能引起地壳中的部分熔融,但此时熔融将从地壳底部开始发生,这与喜马拉雅地区观测到的地质现象不符;在考虑了剪切断层带的剪切热后,熔融将从断层附近开始发生,因此得到了比较符合实际地质现象的结果.  相似文献   

川东地区古生界主要泥页岩最高古温度特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
泥页岩的热演化过程与其经历的古温度史相关,最高古温度决定它的最终热演化程度.本文利用古温标方法恢复了川东地区古生界主要泥页岩层系经历的最高古温度.研究结果表明,它们在距今80—90Ma时达到最高古温度,龙潭组顶面最高古温度150~220℃,龙潭组底面最高古温度160~230℃,龙马溪组顶面最高古温度160~250℃,五峰组底面最高古温度170~260℃,筇竹寺组顶面最高古温度210~320℃,筇竹寺组底面最高古温度210~320℃.各层最高古温度平面展布特征相似,最高温出现在涪陵—丰都一带,向南与向北温度均呈降低趋势,在达州—开江一带局部出现较高温.此外,结合川东地区古热流史分析认为,川东古生界泥页岩热演化过程具有阶段性,现今处于高-过成熟状态,达到最高古温度后生烃作用停止.川东地区经历较高的最高古温度随后快速抬升剥蚀有利于页岩气的成烃与成藏.  相似文献   

The influence of temperature gradients and heating rate on crack formation in quasi-isotropic samples of marble and sandstone is studied using acoustic emission records. The behavior of velocities and attenuation of elastic waves in the samples is also examined. The crystallographic textures of marble and sandstone are measured by the neutron diffraction method, and it is shown that temperature gradients of up to 52°C/cm do not lead to a change in the textures. It is established that the temperature dependence of acoustic activity in the sandstone samples strongly depends on the internal heating rate. The maximum acoustic activity of the sandstone samples was observed at maximum temperature gradients in the samples. The temperature dependence of acoustic activity in marble differs significantly from that in sandstone. Maximums of acoustic activity in the marble samples are observed at temperatures of 30–60 and higher than 200°C. A decrease in acoustic activity was recorded in the interval between these temperatures. Such behavior suggests a predominant role of the surface structure and the concentration of surface defects in the process of crack formation in marble. During cooling, all samples demonstrate similar behavior: maximum acoustic activity is observed at the switching-off of the heating element and the emission activities of different samples are comparable in intensity.  相似文献   

The effects of dyke intrusion on the magnetic properties of host sedimentary rocks are still poorly understood. Therefore, we have evaluated bulk magnetic parameters of standard palaeomagnetic samples collected along several sections across the sediments hosting the Foum Zguid dyke in southern Morocco. The study has been completed with the evaluation of the magnetic fabric after laboratory application of sequential heating experiments.The present study shows that: (1) close to Foum Zguid dykes, the variations of the bulk magnetic parameters and of the magnetic fabric is strongly related with re-crystallization and Fe-metasomatism intensity. (2) The thermal experiments on AMS of samples collected farther from the dyke and, thus, less affected by heating during dyke emplacement, indicate that 300–400 °C is the minimum experimental temperature necessary to trigger appreciable transformations of the pre-existing magnetic fabrics. For temperatures higher than ca. 580 °C, the magnetic fabric transformations are fully realized, with complete transposition of the initial fabric to a fabric similar to that of samples collected close to the dyke. Therefore, measured variations of the magnetic fabric can be used to evaluate re-crystallization temperatures experienced by the host sedimentary rock during dyke emplacement. The distinct magnetic behaviour observed along the cross-sections strongly suggests that samples collected farther from the dyke margins did not experience thermal episodes with temperatures higher than 300 °C after dyke emplacement. (3) AMS data shows a gradual variation of the magnetic fabric with distance from the dyke margin, from sub-horizontal K3 away from the dyke to vertical K3 close to the dyke. Experimental heating shows that heat alone can be responsible for this strong variation. Therefore, such orientation changes should not be unequivocally interpreted as the result of a stress field (resulting from the emplacement of the dyke, for instance). (4) Magnetic studies prove to be a very sensitive tool to assess rock magnetic transformations, thermally and chemically induced by dyke intrusion in hosting sediments.  相似文献   

Four rock types (basalt, sandstone, granite, and chalk) are examined with respect to the maximum surface temperatures which they experience when subjected to similar conditions of exposure. Rock temperature measurements are reported for an urban environment and for two experimental situations in which an infrared lamp is used to simulate heating under cold and hot conditions. Differences in rock temperatures are discussed with reference to thermal rock properties (albedo, specific heat capacity, and thermal conductivity). Some natural situations are suggested in which thermal rock properties could conceivably play a role in determining the extent to which rocks would be affected by particular weathering processes.  相似文献   

古温标重建沉积盆地热史的能力探讨   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
通过对理论热史模型的正反演计算,对现今沉积盆地热史研究中两类常用的古温 标镜质体反射率和磷灰石裂变径迹在恢复盆地热史方面的能力进行了探讨.结果表明两类 古温标都不能可靠地反映整个受热过程,镜质体反射率只能恢复样品经历的最高古地温,磷 灰石裂变径迹可以重建近期降温过程,两类古温标存在互补性.同时指出这一结果是由古温 标本身的成熟演化机制决定的.在实际应用时,必须密切结合研究区的构造演化,联合多种 方法和手段,才有可能使热史分析结果符合客观实际.  相似文献   

Weathering reduces the strength of rocks and so is a key control on the stability of rock slopes. Recent research suggests that the geotechnical response of rocks to weathering varies with ambient stress conditions resulting from overburden loading and/or stress concentrations driven by near-surface topography. In addition, the stress history experienced by the rock can influence the degree to which current weathering processes cause rock breakdown. To address the combined effect of these potential controls, we conducted a set of weathering experiments on two sedimentary lithologies in laboratory and field conditions. We firstly defined the baseline geotechnical behaviour of each lithology, characterising surface hardness and stress–strain behaviour in unconfined compression. Weathering significantly reduced intact rock strength, but this was not evident in measurements of surface hardness. The ambient compressive stress applied to samples throughout the experiments did not cause any observable differences in the geotechnical behaviour of the samples. We created a stress history effect in sub-sets of samples by generating a population of microcracks that could be exploited by weathering processes. We also geometrically modified groups of samples to cause near-surface stress concentrations that may allow greater weathering efficacy. However, even these pronounced sample modifications resulted in insignificant changes in geotechnical behaviour when compared to unmodified samples. The observed reduction in rock strength changed the nature of failure of the samples, which developed post-peak strength and underwent multiple stages of brittle failure. Although weakened, these samples could sustain greater stress and strain following exceedance of peak strength. On this basis, the multi-stage failure style exhibited by weaker weathered rock may permit smaller-magnitude, higher-frequency events to trigger fracture through intact rock bridges as well as influencing the characteristics of pre-failure deformation. These findings are consistent with patterns of behaviour observed in field monitoring results. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

—?Cyclic uniaxial and triaxial tests of rock salt samples were carried out in pre- and post-failure regimes. In all tests, a distinct Kaiser effect was observed in the post-failure region. The slope of the curve “cumulative AE counts versus axial strain” increased dramatically (several times to an order) when the strain attained its peak value achieved previously. Neither preliminary hydrostatic compression nor preliminary uniaxial cyclic pre-failure loading influence the post-failure Kaiser effect. The results for the plastic rock are opposite to the familiar absence of the Kaiser effect in brittle rocks at stress values approaching the ultimate strength. The results obtained during laboratory tests of a plastic rock are of importance for the proof of a connection between the Kaiser effect and foreshocks preceding earthquakes.  相似文献   

Aerial and sub‐aerial climatic data were collected from a station at 1920 m a.s.l. in the Injisuthi region of the South African Drakensberg. Sensors monitored air temperature, soil surface and rock surface temperature, for two rock types, over the summer and winter of 2001/2002. Rainfall was measured from the summer of 2001 to January 2004. These are the first rock and soil surface‐climate data to be collected for an exposed site at this altitude in the area. Rainfall over the two calendar years 2002 and 2003 was found to be below estimates for the region, but patterns imply numerous rock wetting and drying cycles in summer. At the site, air, rock and soil temperatures differ considerably on a diurnal basis with respect to both absolute temperature and daily ranges. Mean rock daily ranges, as conducive to possible thermal fatigue, are found to be similar in the summer and winter periods. Of the two rock types monitored, the darker coloured basalt attained higher maximum and marginally lower minimum temperatures than the sandstone. Soil frost did not occur at 2·5 cm depth, but rock did reach below ?6 °C in winter. Both rock types maintain relatively high rock temperatures in winter (exceeding 25 °C), thus chemical weathering is probably only moisture restricted during this dry period. Findings highlight the importance of directly monitoring rock temperature when attempting to discern the rock weathering environment. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

利用镜质体反射率(Ro)、磷灰石裂变径迹(AFT)和伊利石结晶度(IC指数)等古温标恢复了四川盆地川西坳陷的钻井热史,对比了不同温标最高古地温的恢复结果.研究表明,研究区晚白垩世至今总体表现为冷却及抬升剥蚀的过程,地温梯度由约26℃·km-1降低至约22℃·km-1,剥蚀量约1.3~1.9km.约80 Ma以来开始抬升剥蚀,40—2.5 Ma经历了一个热平静期,第四纪存在一定的增温,地温梯度增高约5℃·km-1.三种古地温恢复结果具有较高的一致性,相对于镜质体反射率(Ro)和磷灰石裂变径迹(AFT)等成熟古温标,伊利石结晶度作为有机质成熟度指标和沉积岩古温标的应用处于定性分析阶段,该指标的热演化模型仍需进一步探索.  相似文献   

不同温度作用下砂岩热开裂的实验研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
砂岩的热开裂研究具有广泛的工程背景,本文实时在线观察和研究了不同温度作用下平顶山砂岩的热开裂:温度低于150℃时,砂岩几乎不发生热开裂;温度从150℃升高到300℃过程中大量的热开裂发生.而不同的矿物成分发生热开裂的阈值温度不完全相同,因此热开裂的阈值温度或者阈值温度范围只具有统计意义.砂岩热开裂主要与矿物成分的热学与力学性质有关,除了受到矿物热膨胀不匹配及热膨胀各向异性的影响,更重要的还受到矿物颗粒形状的影响,如热开裂多发生在矿物颗粒的短轴方向、优势结晶取向、颗粒奇异界面等,且热开裂的分布具有随机性.实验还观察到砂岩表面微缺陷发生闭合的全过程,在冷却过程也有微裂纹形成等现象.  相似文献   

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