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许冲  徐锡伟 《地震地质》2014,36(1):90-104
自2008年5月12日汶川MW7.9地震发生以来,针对地震滑坡与光学遥感影像的特点,制定了地震滑坡编录新原则、遥感影像选取新原则及地震滑坡属性库建立原则。文中介绍了21世纪初4次大地震事件触发滑坡基础数据建设成果:包括2008年5月12日汶川MW7.9地震,此次地震触发了至少197 481处滑坡;2010年4月14日玉树MW6.9地震至少触发2 036处滑坡;2010年1月12日海地MW7.0地震至少触发30 828处滑坡;2007年4月21日智利艾森峡湾MW6.2地震至少触发1 000处滑坡。分析了地震触发滑坡基础数据建设成果与以往研究的不同。最后从地震滑坡基础数据建设成果对地震滑坡分布规律与危险性评价的影响,对震区滑坡与泥石流防灾减灾的意义,对地震震级、活动断层运动习性、地震烈度等的反馈,对震区河流与地貌演化研究的基础意义,对全球地震震级与触发滑坡关系研究的意义等几个方面,分析了地震滑坡基础数据建设的实际应用价值与科学研究意义。  相似文献   

跑马滩滑坡位于阜平县跑马滩村北坡,属薄皮式松散堆积层滑坡。2016年7月19日,阜平县普降暴雨,该滑坡发生失稳下滑,对滑坡前缘跑马滩村居民安全构成严重威胁。基于野外调查、勘查测绘和室内测试,剖析了跑马滩滑坡形成的影响因素,探讨了滑坡的形成机制,对其进行了稳定分析并提出防治建议。  相似文献   

详细精确的滑坡编目是地震滑坡危险性分析工作中必不可少的一部分。理想的编目要满足如下条件:覆盖整个地震影响区;应包含所有可调查到的滑坡,滑坡的最小长度应小至1~5m左右;编目中的滑坡位置也必须准确,应使用能够反应它们真实的平面形状的区要素来表征。符合上述要求的滑坡编目可以用来进行地震滑坡危险性分析和其他的定量分析研究。详细的地震滑坡编目可以追溯到1960年代初的航空摄影技术的出现与应用。近年来,随着空间技术科学的进步,高分辨率卫星影像获取成为可能,从而使得除最小的滑坡之外可以识别并绘出所有由地震事件触发的滑坡。得益于遥感技术的这种可以观测到地球任何地方的能力,我们可以获取到任何大量地震滑坡发生区域的遥感影像。然而,随着高分辨率遥感影像时代的到来,地震滑坡编目数据不完整也成为当前研究中的一个普遍存在的问题。  相似文献   

遥感与地球物理考古探测数据类型多样,然而各种探测数据因缺少综合管理和分析平台,使综合分析更加困难,从而限制了考古探测技术应用效果。在了解遥感与地球物理考古探测技术的基础上,本文对当前遥感地球物理考古探测数据管理系统进行逻辑和业务需求分析,构建基于ArcGIS Engine开发引擎和Visual Studio 2017平台的遥感与地球物理考古探测数据综合管理系统。系统通过分层次设计功能模块,实现考古探测数据的编辑、解释、分析以及数据之间的交互和管理。实际应用表明,对于遥感地球物理考古探测技术与地理信息技术相结合的思路和研究,能够提升遥感与地球物理考古探测数据的综合分析能力,促进考古探测技术的有效应用。   相似文献   

王晓波  鲁恒  刘雪梅  杨正丽  项霞  蔡诗响 《地震研究》2019,42(2):273-279,I0003
滑坡是最为常见的地震次生灾害之一,对其进行有效监测一直都是业界研究的热点。基于此,提出了一种高分遥感影像地震滑坡信息快速检测方法,该方法将SHALSTAB模型与面向对象影像分析相结合,首先对遥感影像进行多尺度分割,并根据稳定性模型赋权,然后根据深度学习机制对滑坡对象进行检测,最后对检测结果进行过滤,并将该方法应用于2013年芦山地震滑坡检测,与目视解译结果进行对比。结果表明:该方法能快速检测高分遥感影像上滑坡,滑坡检测正确率达85%以上。  相似文献   

基于无人机热红外遥感数据的地震倒塌房屋提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遥感技术具有高效、快速获取大范围地表信息的能力,因而被广泛应用于建筑物分布和高度等参数的获取,以及震后灾情快速获取等工作,如震后倒塌房屋的研判和提取、震后滑坡、堰塞湖等次生灾害的识别等.但是,目前常用的可见光遥感技术无法在夜间获取信息.为了提高震后夜间获取灾情信息的能力,文中以北川地震遗址作为研究区,尝试利用无人机获取热红外遥感数据,并进行倒塌房屋的提取研究.将可见光遥感数据提取的倒塌房屋作为真值进行对比,发现热红外遥感数据可用于夜间倒塌房屋的识别,其总体精度为0.86,其中3种破坏类型房屋的用户精度都在0.8以上.  相似文献   

黄土地震古/老滑坡原始地形恢复是开展黄土地震古/老滑坡研究的基础。以宁夏回族自治区固原市西吉县平峰乡三合村潘沟组1号滑坡为例,利用卫星遥感解译和野外调查等技术和方法采集滑坡现今地形资料数据;并基于滑坡滑动前后滑坡体体积相等的原则,以MATLAB软件为平台,利用三维曲面插值技术恢复滑坡的原始地形,恢复后的滑坡原始地形斜坡坡面形态整体呈外凸型,坡度分布范围在12°~15°间;最后,利用黄土地貌单元的坡度分布范围和滑坡稳定性计算论证恢复结果的合理性和可行性。文章研究成果可为缺乏滑动前地形资料的黄土地震古/老滑坡原始地形的恢复提供新方法,对黄土地震古/老滑坡的研究具有重要的理论意义和工程应用价值。  相似文献   

采用遥感(RS)与地理信息系统(GIS)相结合的手段和方法,分析了汶川地区区域地质概况、主要构造带的分布性状,以及2008年5月12日地震后大型滑坡、泥石流、堰塞湖等地质灾害的发育特征。在上述工作完成的基础上,进一步开展室内外综合研究,从遥感宏观分析角度通过对地质灾害分布特征以及与地震、地貌、地层、岩性、构造等相互关系的综合分析,利用证据权重法对区域地质灾害发生发展的空间性做出定量的综合评价,并依此提出对研究区的灾害治理进行分级,随后给出治理的建议。  相似文献   

以汶川县为研究区,对汶川MS8.0地震震后遥感影像进行精细解译,结合相关调查数据建立了地震诱发地质灾害数据库。经统计,汶川地震在汶川县4 086 km~2境内引发了7 766处滑坡灾害。选取地震烈度、断裂带、水系、高程、坡度和岩性共6个指标,在GIS技术支持下,将层次分析法和信息量法相结合,对汶川县域进行地震诱发滑坡敏感性评价,使用自然断点法按地震诱发滑坡敏感程度将研究区分为低敏感区、中敏感区和高敏感区。其中高敏感区的面积为1 465 km~2,占总面积的35.9%,有6 710个滑坡,占总滑坡数的86.4%。评价结果表明该敏感性评价成果精度较高,能够为区域滑坡灾害预测预报及防治规划设计提供技术支持,也可为其它区域地震诱发滑坡敏感性评价及成果制图提供理论指导和技术参考。  相似文献   

选取宁夏西吉县为目标区,对区内1920年海原8.5级特大地震所诱发的347处黄土地震滑坡进行野外调查,获取了详实的基础数据.在此基础上结合遥感影像解译,总结了研究区内黄土地震滑坡的分布特征,并依此提出了宏观、定性的黄土斜坡地震稳定性快速判别方法.基于分布特征选取了坡高、坡角、坡向及地震动强度作为基本参数,应用MLP神经...  相似文献   

As documented in history, an M6¼ earthquake occurred between Qianjiang, Chongqing and Xianfeng, Hubei(also named the Daluba event)in 1856. This earthquake caused serious geological hazards, including a lot of landslides at Xiaonanhai, Wangdahai, Zhangshangjie and other places. Among them, the Xiaonanhai landslide is a gigantic one, which buried a village and blocked the river, creating a quake lake that has been preserved to this day. As the Xiaonanhai landslide is a historical earthquake-induced landslide, it is impossible to obtain the remote sensing image and DEM data before the earthquake, which brings certain difficulties to the estimation of landslide volume and the establishment of numerical simulation model. In this paper, the original topography before the earthquake is inferred by the methods of geomorphic analogy in adjacent areas and numerical simulation, and the volume of the Xiaonanhai landslide body is calculated. Firstly, the principle and application of UAV aerial photography are introduced. We employed an unmanned airplane to take pictures of the Xiaonanhai landslide and adjacent areas, yielding high-precision DOM images(digital orthophoto graph)and DEM data which permit generating terrain contours with a 25m interval. We also used the method of intensive manual depth measurement in waters to obtain the DEM data of bottom topography of Xiaonanhai quake lake. Based on field investigations, and combining terrain contours and DOM images, we described the sizes and forms of each slump mass in detail. Secondly, considering that the internal and external dynamic geological processes of shaping landforms in the same place are basically the same, the landforms such as ridges and valleys are also basically similar. Therefore, combining with the surrounding topography and landform of the Xiaonanhai area, we used MATLAB software to reconstruct two possible original landform models before the landslide. The original topography presented by model A is a relatively gentle slope, with a slope of 40°~50°, and the original topography presented by model B is a very high and steep slope, with a slope of 70°~80°. Thirdly, Geostudio software is used to conduct numerical simulation analysis on the slope stability. The safety factor of slope stability and the scale of landslide are analyzed under the conditions of static stability, seismic dynamic response and seismic dynamic response considering topographic amplification effect. The results show that large landslide is more likely to occur in model B, which is more consistent with the reality. In order to verify the credibility of recovered DEM data of valley bottom topography, we visited the government of Qianjiang District, collected the drilling data of 11 boreholes in two survey lines of Xiaonanhai weir dam. It is verified that the recovered valley bottom elevation is basically consistent with that revealed by the borehole data. Finally, according to the two kinds of topographic data before and after the landslide, the volume of the landslide is calculated by using the filling and excavation analysis function of ArcGIS software. There is a gap between the calculation results of filling and excavation, the filling data is 3×106m3 larger than the excavation data. The reasons are mainly as follows: 1)Due to the disorderly accumulation of collapse blocks, the porosity of the accumulation body became larger, causing the volume of the fill to expand; 2)It has been more than 150a since the Xiaonanhai earthquake, and the landslide accumulation has been seriously reconstructed, therefore, there are some errors in the filling data; 3)The accumulation body in Xiaonanhai quake lake might be subject to erosion and siltation, this may affect the accuracy of the filling data. In conclusion, it is considered that the calculated results of the excavation are relatively reliable, with a volume of 4.3×107m3.  相似文献   

应用径向基概率神经网络研究地震滑坡   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
陈晓利  赵健  叶洪 《地震地质》2006,28(3):430-440
地震滑坡是一种有着严重危害的次生地震灾害形式,形成机制复杂,涉及因素较多。地震滑坡在空间上不是完全随机分布的,换言之,地震滑坡的影响因素和它的分布规律之间存在着相关性。利用径向基概率神经网络自学习的特性,通过对样本训练、检测,得到一个稳定可靠的模式识别网络,并用其对工作区进行潜在地震滑坡危险性区划,通过结果对比,在本例中识别精度达到89.9%以上,显示是一次有效的尝试  相似文献   

试论地震海啸的成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
经统计与研究,多数地震是不引发海啸的,故地震与海啸不存在直接的因果关系。这是因为引发地震海啸(特别是大的地震海啸)的直接原因,主要是海底地震所造成的次生的巨大体积的海底滑坡和崩塌,而不是海底地震时海底地面的同震错断与变形。因此,若未来震中附近存在不稳定海底滑坡和崩塌体,只要发生地震,不论震级大小与震源深浅,也不论震源类型(即倾滑或走滑)都可引起海底滑坡和崩塌,进而引发海啸。若未来震中附近不存在不稳定海底滑坡和崩塌体,再大震级的地震,即使是倾滑型地震也不能引发海啸  相似文献   

At present, with the wide application of the Newmark method, various Newmark empirical formulas with different ground motion parameters have been fitted by many researchers based on global strong-motion records. However, the existing study about the Wenchuan earthquake does not quantitatively evaluate the applicability of different Newmark models based on the actual landslides distribution. The aim of this paper is to present a comparison between observed landslides from the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and predicted landslides using Newmark displacement method based on different ground motion parameters. The factor-of-safety map and critical acceleration(ac)map in the study area are obtained by using the terrain data and geological data. The distribution of Arias intensity(Ia)and PGA in the study area is obtained by using the attenuation formulas of Arias intensity(Ia)and PGA, which is regressed by Wenchuan ground motion records. Based on the distribution of Arias intensity(Ia)and PGA parameters, we obtained the predicted locations of landslide using Newmark regression equations which are generated using global strong-motion records. The results shows that the assessment results can better reflect the macroscopic distribution characteristics of co-seismic landslides, most predicted landslide cells are distributed on the two sides of the Beichuan-Yingxiu Fault, especially the Pengguan complex rock mass in the hanging wall. The abilities to predict landslide occurrence of the two Newmark simplified models are different. On the whole, the evaluated result of simplified model based on parameter Ia is better than that based on PGA parameter. The GFC values obtained by the Newmark model of Ia and PGA parameters are 65.7% and 34.9%respectively. The evaluated result based on Ia can better reflect the macro distribution of coseismic landslides. The Ls_Pred value based on the Newmark model of parameter Ia is 26.5%, and the Ls_Pred value based on the Newmark model of PGA parameter is 10.3%. However the total area of predicted landslides accounts for 2.4% of the study area, which indicates that the predicted landslide cells are greater than the observed landslide cells. This reminds us that depending on the current input of shear strength and ground-motion parameters, we can only conduct landslide hazard assessment in macro areas, the ability to predict landslide can be improved using more accurate topographic data and input parameters.  相似文献   

Geophysical methods for the investigation of the dynamics of landslide processes are most effective in long-term observations. Magnetometric and electrometric methods for observing the displacement of man-made and natural markers are most sensitive and most highly developed at the present time. A detailed magnetic survey carried out near boreholes where magnets have been emplaced makes it possible to establish the direction and velocities of the displacement of landslide masses at different depths. Observations of the dislocation of the stable anomalies of the natural electric field allow us to elucidate the character of landslide deformations in the zone of capillary uplift of ground waters.  相似文献   

大田湾滑坡稳定性及其敏感性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在综合分析大田湾滑坡区域地质条件、基本特征以及滑坡形成机制的基础上,采用极限平衡理论的传递系数法对该不稳定斜坡的稳定性进行定量分析计算。然后用一套基准数据采用传递系数方法算出滑坡的稳定系数KS0,在此基础上变动其中的某一参量,其它参数固定不变,计算出该参量在其变化范围内变动时滑坡稳定系数随之变化的结果,再根据上面的计算结果求出敏感系数S,对滑坡稳定性影响因素进行敏感性分析,以指导滑坡的实际治理与监测,使治理设计更安全、可靠和经济。  相似文献   

To recognize the geographical characteristics of the landslide areas will be helpful for the watershedmanagement in the reservoir watershed. According to the quantitative analysis, we'll take differentscores and weighting for the potential parameters of the landslide areas in the Tsengwen reservoirwatershed, and in the meanwhile, we'll extract the different factors, including the slope, aspect,altitude, soil and geological textures etc., and the results shown as maximum one--day rainfall, ratio offorests and average relief is the most affecting parameters on the potential risk map of landslide areas.  相似文献   

分析了杜家垞——碗水库段于1993年5月3日—15日发生的145次地震。认为这些地震是由清江隔河岩水库第一阶段前期蓄水老滑坡体重新活动引起的,属滑坡型水库地震.  相似文献   

川滇地震滑坡分布规律探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
乔建平  蒲晓虹 《地震研究》1992,15(4):411-417
本文主要从宏观角度讨论了川滇地区地震滑坡的空间分布格局与环境条件的关系。地震滑坡灾害在空间上可分为四种不同程度的地区。地震滑坡不但受到地震强度、频度的控制,而且与各震区所处的环境条件密切相关。川滇地区的滑坡生成环境可分成三类。在这些环境因素的制约下,形成了自北而南地震滑坡灾害逐渐递降的发育趋势。从时间分布的讨论中可见,川滇地震滑坡自1870—1976年的百年内为高潮期。  相似文献   

To recognize the geographical characteristics of the landslide areas will be helpful for the watershed management in the reservoir watershed.According to the quantitative analysis,we'll take different scores and weighting for the potential parameters of the landslide areas in the Tsengwen reservoir watershed,and in the meanwhile,we'll extract the different factors,including the slope,aspect,altitude,soil and geological textures etc.,and the results shown as maximum one-day rainfall,ratio of forests and average relief is the most affecting parameters on the potential risk map of landslide areas.  相似文献   

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