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为了解决现有预制桥墩施工难度大、腐蚀风险高、震后可恢复性能不足的问题,基于承插式桥墩与多节段桥墩的技术优点,提出了一种新型自复位承插式多节段预制桥墩(RSSPP),使用了高耐久性的BFRP筋和2304不锈钢钢筋,既能够充分发挥承插式节点连接可靠、现场施工简单、容许误差大的特点,同时具备良好的自复位功能。将新型RSSPP桥墩体系分为节段承重部分、后张预应力部分和耗能钢筋部分,从抗弯性能、抗剪性能、抗开合与抗倾覆性能的角度分析了桥墩力学性能,提出了承载力的简化计算方法,将理论计算与数值模拟进行对比,结果表明:数据吻合较好,验证了理论分析过程的合理性,并进一步提出了RSSPP桥墩耗能钢筋和预应力筋配筋计算公式。  相似文献   

预制装配式桥墩的抗震性能取决于所采用的连接系统.本文从抗震性能的角度出发,系统地综述了"等同现浇"连接和"非等同现浇"连接的具体构造方式、数值模拟方法及涉及到的抗震问题.其中:在"等同现浇"连接方面,着重介绍了承插式连接、灌浆管道连接和钢筋连接器连接的构造特征、使用位置及其抗震性能试验研究进展;"非等同现浇"连接方面,...  相似文献   

根据非一致地震激励地下综合管廊振动台模型试验结果,以有限元软件ABAQUS为平台,定义了约束方程来考虑层状剪切砂箱的模型箱效应。土体采用线性扩展Drucker-Prager本构模型,并采用主从接触面模型考虑土-结构相互作用,建立了三维有限元模型。对各种试验输入工况下土-综合管廊体系的地震反应进行了数值模拟,并与试验结果进行了对比。结果表明:数值模拟结果与模型试验结果吻合较好。文中所提建模方法合理,可用于后续的分析。  相似文献   

利用ABAQUS有限元软件,采用壳单元模拟管廊结构,非线性地基弹簧单元模拟土-结构相互作用,非线性弹簧单元模拟带止水橡胶的承插式接头和预应力钢绞线,提出了一种考虑预应力影响的预制地下管廊纵向抗震分析的壳-弹簧有限元模型,并基于反应位移法分析了某拟建预制地下双舱管廊在地震波作用下的内力和变形。研究表明:文中壳-弹簧模型充分反映了预制地下管廊纵向接头构造及初始装配预应力,以及地震作用下的结构真实变形及内力分布,适用于预制地下管廊的纵向抗震分析。  相似文献   

为探究不同结构参数下承插式预制混凝土桥墩的抗震性能,依据桥墩抗震性能试验,采用有限元软件建立现浇和承插式预制桥墩模型,对比不同钢筋本构模型模拟结果,选取最优钢筋本构模型开展后续分析。共建立8组承插式预制混凝土桥墩模型,分析轴压比、高宽比、纵筋配筋率和箍筋配筋率对桥墩抗震性能的影响。研究结果表明:采用Clough钢筋滞回本构关系的桥墩模型与试验结果吻合良好,具有有效性;提高预制承插式桥墩的轴压比和高宽比,可大幅度提高桥墩的峰值承载力和累积耗能,减小残余位移;提高纵筋配筋率,提高承载能力和累积耗能,残余位移变化并不明显;提高箍筋配筋率,对桥墩承载力和耗能能力无明显影响。轴压比、高宽比和纵筋率3种构造参数对承插式预制桥墩抗震性能具有一定的影响。  相似文献   

梁-柱-叠合板节点是装配整体式混凝土框架结构的研究重点。文中对装配式混凝土框架梁-柱-叠合板边节点和中节点进行了精细化的有限元建模和分析。数值模型中使用了弹簧失效准则的方法模拟预制构件与后浇混凝土之间的界面,考虑了预制梁上下部钢筋的滑移、预制柱内纵筋的受力状态、预制梁端面键槽的设置。为了验证数值模型的准确性,将与试验进行对比分析,结果表明:数值模拟得到的试件破坏形态、滞回曲线、骨架曲线和性能参数与试验结果吻合较好。在验证模型有效的基础上,研究了不同楼板宽度、轴压比、梁板混凝土强度对边节点和中节点抗震性能的影响,为此类装配整体式混凝土结构和工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   

为研究不锈钢在循环荷载下的力学性能建模方法,基于OpenSees数值分析平台模拟国内外学者完成的奥氏体不锈钢和双相型不锈钢试件循环加载试验结果,以及配置奥氏体不锈钢的节段拼装桥墩拟静力试验结果。模拟结果与试验结果的对比表明:模拟得到的不锈钢循环加载下的应力-应变滞回曲线与试验结果吻合良好,数值模型可预测奥氏体不锈钢和双相型不锈钢在不同循环加载方式下的响应。不锈钢在单调加载与循环加载下的力学性能有较大区别,应分别建模和取值。配置奥氏体不锈钢的摇摆-自复位节段拼装桥墩滞回性能模拟结果与试验结果吻合较好,进一步验证了不锈钢力学性能建模方法的准确性。  相似文献   

基于Open SEES有限元软件对复式钢管高强混凝土短柱轴心受压性能进行模拟。考虑到钢管对混凝土的强化作用,选用Mander混凝土本构模型作为混凝土强度依据,针对外方内圆的复式钢管高强混凝土进行建模。将模拟结果与试验结果进行对比分析。结果表明:文中Open SEES建模方式与模型参数选取合理,模拟结果与试验结果吻合较好,复式钢管高强混凝土柱的有限元分析可以参考文中的建模方式及本构模型进行。  相似文献   

地铁车站结构大型振动台试验与数值模拟的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
根据可液化土层上土-地铁车站结构动力相互作用大型振动台模型试验结果,以软件ABAQUS为平台,将地基土-地铁车站结构体系视为平面应变问题,采用记忆型嵌套面黏塑性动力本构模型模拟土体的动力特性,采用混凝土动塑性损伤模型模拟车站结构混凝土的动力特性,建立了土-地铁车站结构非线性动力相互作用的有限元分析模型,对各种试验工况下地基土-地铁车站结构体系的地震反应进行了数值模拟,并与试验结果进行了对比,结果表明:数值模拟与振动台模型试验结果基本一致,体现出了相似的规律性,相互印证了计算分析的力学建模和振动台试验结果的正确性。  相似文献   

传统的轴向受力构件二次屈曲效应模拟方法计算结果在构件前次屈曲后残余变形及材料硬化效应不明显时与试验值差异较大,无法精确模拟,对此文中提出了考虑损伤累积效应的混合硬化材料模型结合纤维梁单元的轴向受力构件建模方法。通过试验数据与数值模拟结果的对比,表明该方法可以更精确地模拟构件在轴向往复荷载作用下二次屈曲及屈曲后的力学行为,是空间网格结构弹塑性分析时构件建模的适用方法,并通过最后的柱面网壳算例分析表明该方法的对网格结构弹塑性时程计算有较大意义。  相似文献   

采用国际VELACS项目中离心机试验标定的内华达砂的动力计算参数,建立液化场地足尺桩-土动力相互作用分析的三维有限元模型;获得不同幅值的正弦波作用下桩-土动力相互作用的p-y曲线,修正并发展一种可用于液化场地桩-土动力相互作用分析的宏单元模型,并基于非线性文克尔地基梁模型建立桥梁足尺桩抗震分析的数值模型与简化方法,通过有限元分析结果验证该简化方法的正确性。  相似文献   

根据软弱场地土上地铁车站结构大型振动台模型试验结果,以软件ABAQU S为平台,采用记忆型嵌套面黏塑性动力本构模型和动塑性损伤模型,分别模拟土体和车站结构混凝土的动力特性,建立了土-地铁车站结构非线性动力相互作用二维和三维有限元分析模型,对各种试验工况下地基土-地铁车站结构体系的地震反应进行了数值模拟,并与试验结果进行了对比。结果表明:二维、三维数值模拟与振动台模型试验结果基本一致,三维模型可更好地模拟软弱场地与地铁车站结构的动力相互作用及模型结构的动力反应。数值模拟结果和振动台试验结果可相互验证其可靠性。  相似文献   

The present study aims to obtain p-y curves(Winkler spring properties for lateral pile-soil interaction) for liquefied soil from 12 comprehensive centrifuge test cases where pile groups were embedded in liquefiable soil. The p-y curve for fully liquefied soil is back-calculated from the dynamic centrifuge test data using a numerical procedure from the recorded soil response and strain records from the instrumented pile. The p-y curves were obtained for two ground conditions:(a) lateral spreading of liquefied soil, and(b) liquefied soil in level ground. These ground conditions are simulated in the model by having collapsing and non-collapsing intermittent boundaries, which are modelled as quay walls. The p-y curves back-calculated from the centrifuge tests are compared with representative reduced API p-y curves for liquefied soils(known as p-multiplier). The response of p-y curves at full liquefaction is presented and critical observations of lateral pile-soil interaction are discussed. Based on the results of these model tests, guidance for the construction of p-y curves for use in engineering practice is also provided.  相似文献   

根据工程软弱土层进行复合地基处理后的静载荷试验结果,对CFG桩、桩间土荷载分担及桩土应力比随外荷载的变化规律进行了分析,提出了本次试验的极限桩土应力比。这些试验结果和分析结论对指导西南地区软弱土地基处理与加固有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

为研究曲线桥梁在多维地震激励下考虑桩-土动力相互作用的地震响应特性,本文建立了空间桩-土脱离、摩阻和土体压缩非线性理论分析模型。为简化计算将该非线性弹簧模型进行线性化处理,结合有限元ANSYS分析平台建立了黄土场地的曲线桥仿真分析模型,对考虑桩-土相互作用的曲线桥进行了多维多工况数值分析,对比研究了曲线主梁跨中弯矩、墩底剪力和弯矩及桥墩顶位移的地震响应。结果表明:考虑桩-土相互作用的曲线桥梁主梁跨中内力与地震波输入方向密切相关,三维地震作用下主梁内力最大;各工况地震荷载作用下桥墩底部径向剪力响应比切向剪力响应大很多,而桥墩径向弯矩比切向弯矩略小;同一工况下不同桥墩顶切向位移响应大小相当,而径向位移差异较大。在进行非规则曲线桥梁抗震设计时,应充分考虑多维和单维地震激励输入工况。  相似文献   

Hybrid simulation combines numerical and experimental methods for cost‐effective, large‐scale testing of structures under simulated earthquake loading. Structural system level response can be obtained by expressing the equation of motion for the combined experimental and numerical substructures, and solved using time‐stepping integration similar to pure numerical simulations. It is often assumed that a reliable model exists for the numerical substructures while the experimental substructures correspond to parts of the structure that are difficult to model. A wealth of data becomes available during the simulation from the measured experiment response that can be used to improve upon the numerical models, particularly if a component with similar structural configuration and material properties is being tested and subjected to a comparable load pattern. To take advantage of experimental measurements, a new hybrid test framework is proposed with an updating scheme to update the initial modeling parameters of the numerical model based on the instantaneously‐measured response of the experimental substructures as the test progresses. Numerical simulations are first conducted to evaluate key algorithms for the selection and calibration of modeling parameters that can be updated. The framework is then expanded to conduct actual hybrid simulations of a structural frame model including a physical substructure in the laboratory and a numerical substructure that is updated during the tests. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is demonstrated for a simple frame structure but is extendable to more complex structural behavior and models. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Extensive damage to pile-supported structures has been witnessed in several recent earthquakes (Chi-Chi, 1999; Kobe, 1995, etc.), as a result of liquefaction-induced lateral spreading of slightly sloping ground or free-face topographic irregularities. This paper presents a parametric analysis of the basic pile and soil parameters, as well as the pile-soil interaction mechanisms affecting the response of single piles subjected to such lateral spreading, based on numerical simulation with the nonlinear P-y method. In parallel, a set of design charts and analytical relations is established, for approximate computation of maximum pile deflections and bending moments, using a “theory guided” multi-variable statistical analysis of the numerical predictions. Three different combinations (design cases) of pile head constraints and soil conditions were considered, which are commonly encountered in practice. The overall accuracy of the proposed analytical relations is evaluated against experimental results from seven centrifuge and five large shaking table experiments.  相似文献   

Seismic ground faulting is a severe hazard for continuous buried pipelines. Over the years, researchers have attempted to understand pipe behavior, most frequently via numerical modeling and simulation. However, there has been little, if any, physical modeling and tests to verify the numerical modeling approaches and assumptions. This paper presents results of five pairs of centrifuge tests designed to investigate the influence of various factors on the behavior of buried high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipelines subjected to strike-slip faulting. Parameters considered are the soil moisture content, fault offset rate, relative burial depth (H/D), and pipe diameter. The centrifuge test results show that pipe behavior, specifically pipe strain, is nominally not affected by the soil moisture content and fault offset rate when the pipe is subjected to strike-slip faulting. On the other hand, the burial depth ratio (H/D) and pipe diameter influence peak pipe strain, and in some cases, the ground soil failure pattern.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Numerical computation provides an easily extended and user-friendly environment with computer aided programming for the simulation of pollutants in river systems. In the most of water quality assessment and monitoring problems during water pollution control and environmental impact assessment studies of river systems, mathematical modeling has been playing a key role for the last two decades. The majority of existing water quality models are the mechanistic and are based o…  相似文献   

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