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海上非零偏VSP技术是一项在地震船井周放炮以实现变井源距激发、井筒中布设三分量检波器进行接收的井筒物探技术.本次试验采集是Walkaway和Walkaround VSP在中国近海海域深层气田的首次非零偏VSP联合试验,为改善海上深层常规拖缆三维地震资料品质提出了新的解决方案.东海盆地存在目的层埋藏深、构造复杂以及储层非均质性强等特殊地质条件,常规拖缆地震采集处理存在多次波发育、信噪比和分辨率低等问题.经过优选试验靶区,开展采集模拟设计,优化采集方式和采集参数等确定了观测系统,在东海深层开展了四个方向的Walkaway VSP以及两个不同半径环线的Walkaround VSP现场作业,通过精细处理获得了井周精细构造及储层信息.同时,利用非零偏地震资料求取衰减因子和多次波模型等相关地震参数,通过井控三维处理得到分辨率和信噪比增强的拖缆三维地震数据.实际应用及分析表明,该项井震结合技术可有效提高地震资料品质,对海上深层气田砂体追踪和气藏描述效果良好.  相似文献   

常规地面地震由于低分辨率和缺乏详细的速度信息已不能满足精细勘探开发的需要,为此,针对地质情况极其复杂的火山岩储层,开展高分辨率三维地震的应用尝试就更为必要.本文基于零井源距VSP、8方向的Walkaway VSP、3D VSP和全方位地面三维地震的联合采集、处理及解释,探讨了采集观测方案设计的合理性和处理方案的合理有效...  相似文献   

非零偏VSP弹性波叠前逆时深度偏移技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
非零偏VSP地震资料是一种多分量资料,处理非零偏VSP资料,弹性波叠前逆时深度偏移技术无疑是最适合的处理技术.本文从二维各向同性介质的弹性波波动方程出发,研究了对非零偏VSP资料进行叠前逆时深度偏移的偏移算法,讨论了逆时传播过程中的边值问题和数值频散问题及其相应的解决方案;采用求解程函方程计算得到地下各点的地震波初至时间作为成像时间,实现了非零偏VSP资料的叠前逆时深度偏移.最后进行了模型试算和非零偏VSP地震资料的试处理,结果表明该方法不受地层倾角限制,较适用于高陡构造地区或介质横向速度变化较大地区的非零偏VSP地震资料处理.  相似文献   

VSP-CDP叠加成像是非零井源距VSP数据成像的重要技术手段,但是当地下构造比较复杂时,基于水平层状介质假设的叠加成像方法误差较大.本文使用基于高斯射线束的叠加成像方法对复杂构造VSP数据进行成像,根据高斯束有效邻域波场近似理论提出逆高斯叠加权函数,并使用该权函数对VSP数据进行VSP-CDP转换.同常规的VSP-CDP叠加成像方法相比,本文方法不仅解决了复杂构造非零井源距VSP数据成像问题,而且可有效加密反射点覆盖次数从而提高成像的横向分辨率.模型算例及实际资料验证了本文方法的有效性和稳定性.  相似文献   

地震采集技术在油田开发中的应用及相关问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
随着老油区勘探开发的深入,勘探开发的难度越来越大.辽河油区的特点是储集体主要为陆相复杂小断块和复杂隐蔽岩性圈闭.目前开发面临的难点表现在四个方面:深、隐、低、小.“深”是指勘探目标埋深不断加大;“隐”是指勘探对象的隐蔽性不断增加;“低”是指低渗透、特低渗透油气藏所占的比例不断上升;“小”是指勘探对象的单元储量规模越来越小.从目前国内外地震技术的应用现状来看,要解决上述问题有以下两种有效途径:一是高密度地震勘探技术,二是开发地震技术,主要包括井间地震、多分量地震、VSP测井和四维地震技术.本文介绍了辽河探区近年来地震技术在油田开发中的应用,并对辽河探区下步针对油田开发的地震技术发展思路进行了分析[1~5].  相似文献   

复杂断块油藏是一种常见的陆相沉积油藏,在我国陆上和近海多有分布.涠A油田作为近海复杂断块油气藏,其显著特点是断层复杂、储层非均质性强、储层分布及连通性复杂,致使地震成像不清,给后续的油藏和开发带来极大的困难.针对上述问题,从地震资料成像处理技术和解释性成像处理技术方面展开研究和攻关,在成像方面,提出了叠前成像处理及目标成像处理的理念和思路,并在此基础上,发展了叠前各向异性深度偏移、优势道叠加、面元中心化偏移、叠后分频成像、扩散滤波和方向金字塔滤波等一系列技术和方法,取得了很好的效果.在断层解释中,建立了以下的断层解释方法及解释流程:在扩散滤波数据体上进行相干、倾角、方位角检测,沿着相干方向进行方向金字塔处理,从断层的平面解释出发指导断层的剖面识别,从而提高小断层的识别能力.形成了一套复杂断块油田地震成像关键技术,对油田下一步的开发部署调整具有重要的指导意义,对其它类似油田的生产开发也具有重要的参考作用.  相似文献   

东辛油田是一个典型的断块复杂构造。在这个油田上,地震精查的方法在搞清断裂系统方面,取得了较好的成效。本文简述了在该油田早期所采用的一套三维地震解释(立体归位)方法,其中有些方法对当前搞三维地震勘探,及断层面的地质解释方面都还有着参考价值。近年来,又用数字地震方法,在此浅层的复杂构造的下面,发现了比较简单的深层构造,在几张附图中展示了深浅层构造之间的关系。  相似文献   

库车坳陷属于高陡构造地区,油气资源丰富,勘探潜力巨大.但是该地区地下构造复杂,断裂发育,地层倾角陡,地震波场复杂,地震成像品质较差是制约库车复杂构造研究的主要因素.零井源距VSP资料波场上转换横波很发育,波场记录上转换横波和纵波同时存在造成该地区地面地震波场相当复杂,影响地面地震资料的成像品质.因此为了避免地面地震资料处理过程中各种波场的相互影响,利用VSP波场信息能防止地面地震资料处理过程中可能出现的"陷阱".本文充分发挥VSP波场信息丰富的特点,通过库车坳陷高陡构造地区零井源距VSP波场正演模拟和实际资料波场分析,准确识别纵波和转换横波波场,并利用有效的波场分离手段分离出VSP纵波波场和VSP转换横波波场.通过VSP纵横波波场与实际地面地震资料对比,能很好地识别出了地面地震资料上的纵波和转换横波波场,为库车坳陷高陡构造地区地面地震资料处理提供参考依据.研究表明:库车坳陷高陡构造地区转换横波在地震纵波成像中影响较大,建议库车坳陷高陡构造地区地面地震处理要加强转换横波的识别与应用,进一步加强井地联合处理攻关研究,获得更可靠、更高品质的纵波资料,同时也能得到更为丰富的转换横波资料.  相似文献   

珠江口盆地西部勘探成熟区已经基本实现三维地震采集全覆盖,但随着勘探难度的增加,早期采集的三维地震资料已不能满足日益复杂的勘探目标评价的需求,尤其是中深层地震资料信噪比低、反射能量弱、连续性差,断层阴影严重,地层接触关系不清,复杂断裂系统、隐蔽性圈闭难以识别,严重影响了圈闭的精细落实及目标评价,制约着该区天然气的进一步勘探与开发.因此,二次三维地震采集势在必行,本文提出的"双方位、高密度"地震资料采集方式应是海上高精度地震勘探经济而有效的技术,相对于多船宽方位采集方法而言,其采集成本大大降低,并且从野外采集、数据处理到资料解释摸索出了一套方法和技术流程,这不仅可最大限度地使用新旧采集的三维地震资料,而且在解决断层阴影区的成像、中深层地层成像、大型扇三角洲的刻画、中深层隐蔽性圈闭识别、复杂断块区构造成像精度等方面均有较大的优势.珠江口盆地文昌凹陷2个地区的应用实例展示了"双方位、高密度"技术在复杂断块油气藏、中深层隐蔽性圈闭勘探中的作用,有效的提升了地震资料的品质,进而提高了资料解释及目标评价的精度.  相似文献   

油藏地球物理技术是在地球物理技术自身进步和油田开发技术需求的"双驱动"背景下发展起来的,它能够综合运用多种地球物理方法研究油藏非均质性和动态性,从而提高油藏模型建立精度及流体预测和监测水平.通过多年深入研究,攻关形成了高精度三维地震、井间地震、3DVSP、多波多分量地震、非一致性时延地震、微地震、多尺度资料联合拓频、多尺度资料联合储层反演和多尺度资料约束配油藏建模等关键技术,形成了一整套对复杂陆相油藏进行精细研究的油藏地球物理集成配套技术.该技术系列在胜利油田以KX71断块为代表的典型复杂岩性油藏、以YX油田为代表的典型复杂断块油藏等试验区进行了应用,大幅度提高了油藏模型精度,显著提高了油气采收率.最后,本文探讨了油藏地球物理技术未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

在地震勘探中,描述复杂介质的正演和反演问题通常包含许多反映介质不同特性的参数.同时获得这些参数对进行更准确的岩性描述和油藏预测具有重要的理论和现实意义.为了提高频率域黏弹性波动方程的零偏VSP多参数反演的精度,本文对多参数反演的可行性进行分析,明确了目标函数的敏感程度及参数之间的耦合情况,提出了一种基于走时约束的分频分步多参数反演策略.首先利用零偏VSP资料构建先验信息,然后分别利用高、低频数据进行两步反演,也就是"三个参数反演+五个参数反演"的过程,以提高反演的稳健性和精度.利用此方法可同时得到零偏VSP数据可靠的弹性波速度、密度和品质因子,为精确的时-深关系及含油气的解释和预测奠定基础,同时也可以为地面地震叠前反演提供可靠有效的约束,增强地面地震反演精度.  相似文献   

Due to the complicated geophysical character of tight gas sands in the Sulige gasfield of China, conventional surface seismic has faced great challenges in reservoir delineation. In order to improve this situation, a large‐scale 3D‐3C vertical seismic profiling (VSP) survey (more than 15 000 shots) was conducted simultaneously with 3D‐3C surface seismic data acquisition in this area in 2005. This paper presents a case study on the delineation of tight gas sands by use of multi‐component 3D VSP technology. Two imaging volumes (PP compressional wave; PSv converted wave) were generated with 3D‐3C VSP data processing. By comparison, the dominant frequencies of the 3D VSP images were 10–15 Hz higher than that of surface seismic images. Delineation of the tight gas sands is achieved by using the multi‐component information in the VSP data leading to reduce uncertainties in data interpretation. We performed a routine data interpretation on these images and developed a new attribute titled ‘Centroid Frequency Ratio of PSv and PP Waves’ for indication of the tight gas sands. The results demonstrated that the new attribute was sensitive to this type of reservoir. By combining geologic, drilling and log data, a comprehensive evaluation based on the 3D VSP data was conducted and a new well location for drilling was proposed. The major results in this paper tell us that successful application of 3D‐3C VSP technologies are only accomplished through a synthesis of many disciplines. We need detailed analysis to evaluate each step in planning, acquisition, processing and interpretation to achieve our objectives. High resolution, successful processing of multi‐component information, combination of PP and PSv volumes to extract useful attributes, receiver depth information and offset/ azimuth‐dependent anisotropy in the 3D VSP data are the major accomplishments derived from our attention to detail in the above steps.  相似文献   

We describe a method to invert a walkaway vertical seismic profile (VSP) and predict elastic properties (P‐wave velocity, S‐wave velocity and density) in a layered model looking ahead of the deepest receiver. Starting from Bayes's rule, we define a posterior distribution of layered models that combines prior information (on the overall variability of and correlations among the elastic properties observed in well logs) with information provided by the VSP data. This posterior distribution of layered models is sampled by a Monte‐Carlo method. The sampled layered models agree with prior information and fit the VSP data, and their overall variability defines the uncertainty in the predicted elastic properties. We apply this technique first to a zero‐offset VSP data set, and show that uncertainty in the long‐wavelength P‐wave velocity structure results in a sizable uncertainty in the predicted elastic properties. We then use walkaway VSP data, which contain information on the long‐wavelength P‐wave velocity (in the reflection moveout) and on S‐wave velocity and density contrasts (in the change of reflectivity with offset). The uncertainty of the look‐ahead prediction is considerably decreased compared with the zero‐offset VSP, and the predicted elastic properties are in good agreement with well‐log measurements.  相似文献   

刘国昌  李超 《地球物理学报》2020,63(4):1569-1584
描述地震波衰减特征的品质因子Q对地震数据处理和油藏描述非常重要,在地震勘探领域,Q值一般通过垂直地震剖面(VSP)数据或地面地震数据得到.由于叠前地面地震数据具有复杂的射线路径且存在噪声、调谐干涉效应等影响,从叠前地震数据中准确估计Q值相对困难.本文以地震波射线传播为基础,根据同相轴局部斜率和射线参数的映射关系,将多射线波形频谱同时带入谱比法联合反演估计Q值,提出了基于多射线联合反演的速度无关叠前Q值估计方法.该方法通过局部斜率属性避开了速度对Q值估计的影响,局部斜率携带地震波传播的速度信息,具有相同局部斜率的地震反射波具有相同的传播射线参数.同相轴局部斜率是地震数据域的属性,而速度是模型域的参数,在估计Q值中采用数据域的属性参数可以直接应用于数据的联合反演,而不需要通过速度对其做进一步的转化,从而提高了Q值估计的精度.同时,本方法采用预测映射(predictive mapping)技术将非零炮检距反射信息映射到零炮检距处,从而获得零偏移距走时对应的Q值.模拟和实际算例验证了本文方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Because zero-offset VSP (Vertical Seismic Profile) data can only provide the information of rock properties and structure in the area around the Fresnel zone within the well, the scheme of VSP with offset was developed to acquire the reflection information away from the borehole in order to widen the range of VSP survey and to improve the precision of imaging.In this paper, we present a new CDP (Common Depth Point) mapping approach to image the reflecting structure by using offset VSP data. For the processing of offset VSP data, we firstly separated the up-going and down-going wave-fields from VSP data by means of F-K filtering technique, and we can calculate the mapping conditions (position and reflecting traveltime for CDP point) in homogeneous media, and then reconstruct the inner structure of the earth.This method is tested by using the offset VSP data which are used to simulate the case of super-deep borehole by means of finite-difference method. The imaged structure matches the real model very well. The results show that the method present here could accurately image the inner structure of the earth if the deviation of initial velocity model from the true model is less than 10%. Finally, we presented the imaged results for the real offset data by using this method.  相似文献   

I introduce a new explicit form of vertical seismic profile (VSP) traveltime approximation for a 2D model with non‐horizontal boundaries and anisotropic layers. The goal of the new approximation is to dramatically decrease the cost of time calculations by reducing the number of calculated rays in a complex multi‐layered anisotropic model for VSP walkaway data with many sources. This traveltime approximation extends the generalized moveout approximation proposed by Fomel and Stovas. The new equation is designed for borehole seismic geometry where the receivers are placed in a well while the sources are on the surface. For this, the time‐offset function is presented as a sum of odd and even functions. Coefficients in this approximation are determined by calculating the traveltime and its first‐ and second‐order derivatives at five specific rays. Once these coefficients are determined, the traveltimes at other rays are calculated by this approximation. Testing this new approximation on a 2D anisotropic model with dipping boundaries shows its very high accuracy for offsets three times the reflector depths. The new approximation can be used for 2D anisotropic models with tilted symmetry axes for practical VSP geometry calculations. The new explicit approximation eliminates the need of massive ray tracing in a complicated velocity model for multi‐source VSP surveys. This method is designed not for NMO correction but for replacing conventional ray tracing for time calculations.  相似文献   

The exploration for and exploitation of deep Lower Rotliegend gasfields onshore in North Germany often suffers from poor surface seismic imaging. This is owing to the depth of the reservoirs and a thick and complex Zechstein salt overburden. RWE Dea conducted a 3D vertical seismic profile (VSP) survey in a low‐performing production well after the borehole was plugged near total depth. Our main objective was to improve the seismic image of the reservoir zone in the vicinity of the well to determine a new landing point for a planned sidetrack. Because acquisition was in a densely populated and also partially environmentally protected area, there were surface restrictions concerning source deployment. Additionally, due to the complex geological setting, we conducted two 2D VSP field tests and thorough pre‐survey modelling to achieve the best results in terms of seismic imaging, environmental impact and reasonable cost. Deformation bands in the drill core suggest that the initial well was drilled close to a major fault, which was regarded as the main reason for the disappointing production rate. Therefore, we put special emphasis on fault detection in our processing and interpretation. Our interpretation approach used an enhanced structural mapping workflow that helped to design a sidetrack. When the sidetrack was drilled two years later, it ended up being one of the most productive wells in the field.  相似文献   

An experimental multicomponent three-dimensional (3D) seismic survey has been carried out over the Natih field in Oman. This paper describes the small-scale two-dimensional experiment carried out beforehand, and how the results obtained from this pilot were used to assess the feasibility of a nine-component three-dimensional (9C3D) operation as well as to determine the field parameters for the field-scale 3D survey. It also describes the two VSPs and a wireline shear log, acquired in conjunction with the pilot experiment, and the importance of such borehole data for establishing the correct time-to-depth relationship for the seismic data and for providing an independent check on the seismic interpretation. The observation of cusps in the offset VSP indicated the strong anisotropy of the Fiqa shales overlying the Natih reservoir.  相似文献   

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