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2004年12月26日苏门答腊岛安达曼海附近海域发生的9.0级地震和2005年3月28日苏门答腊岛明打威群岛北附近海域的8.7级地震,在构造环境、震级、震源深度、地震类型都相似的情况下,为何前者引发海啸,后者不引发的海啸?对此进行了对比分析,认为9.0级地震发生时,在其震源体附近的两板块相交的海沟两侧陡坡蕴育着滑坡体或和崩塌体(或者两者都有),9.0级地震发生时,强烈的地震波,促使滑坡体的滑动或崩塌体的崩塌,推压和扰动海水,引发诲啸。而8.7级地震发生时、在其震源体附近的两板块相交的海沟两侧陡坡无滑坡体或和崩塌体,或先存滑坡体或崩塌体在9.0级地震发生时已滑坡或崩塌殆尽,当8.7地震发生时,无滑坡体滑动或崩塌体崩塌,不可能对海水有较大的扰动,故不可能引发海啸。  相似文献   

以马尼拉海沟的北断层发生MW8.0地震在南海引发海啸为假想的模拟情景, 利用E-FAST法定量分析了COMCOT海啸数值模型输出(最大海啸波高)对震级, 震源深度, 震中位置和断层走向、 倾角、 滑动角等震源参数的敏感性, 以及各震源参数间的交互效应对最大海啸波高的影响. 结果表明, 观测点B1( 20.1°N, 119.4°E)、 B2(18.4°N, 118.1°E)和B3(13.5°N, 117.6°E)的最大海啸波高都对震级十分敏感, 对震中位置、 断层走向和倾角较为敏感. 敏感的震源参数在影响上述3个观测点的最大海啸波高时, 与其它震源参数产生了较强的交互效应. 但是对于不同的观测点, 各震源参数的重要度排序则存在一定的差异. 该分析结果有助于更好地认识海啸波高与潜在海啸源参数之间的关系.   相似文献   

蔡永恩  赵志栋 《地震学报》2008,30(6):594-604
海底地震引起的海啸过程在力学上是一个流固耦合问题。地震引起的海底变形会影响流体的运动,流体运动会影响地震引起的海底变形。海啸的数值模拟,通常采用浅水波控制方程,把地震引起的海底变形作为海啸波动的边界条件或初始条件,不考虑它们之间的相互作用。本文采用势流体的流固耦合有限元方法模拟了地震和海啸的全过程。地震过程的模拟与地震位错模型不同,在位错模型中,断层的位错是事先指定的;而在本文中,首先形成自重作用下的初始应力场,然后通过断层材料的突然软化引起的错动,模拟地震震源的动力学过程。模拟结果显示,在海面除了可以看到大振幅的海啸波外,还可以发现体波震相和面波震相。在600 km的海面震中距上,它们要比海啸波早到48分钟,在此处面波的最大平均振幅可达0.55 m,是相同震中距海底面波最大平均振幅的2倍。因此,海啸预警信息在海面可以比在地表更早地得到。海啸波的传播速度在水深3 km的开阔海面是175.8 m/s,它要比理想长波理论预测的大,其平均振幅为2 m,波长可达32 km. 到达大陆架后其速度、波长都减小,在岸边可以激起10 m高的巨浪,水平方向深入陆地达53 m。震中附近海面和地震断层上的最大垂直加速度分别为5.9 m/s2和16.3 m/s2,后者是前者的2.8倍。由此看来,海水是很好的减震器。海啸波的加速度到达岸边会衰减10倍。与加速度不同,海面震中处的振动速度为3.2 m/s, 是海底震源处的1.4倍。震源处的最大位移小于震中海面的最大位移, 其差就是海啸波源的振幅。值得注意的是,海底地震的最大位错在震后23 s达到,不是发生在断层滑动的开始。   相似文献   

利用CAP方法反演了2010年6月5日阳曲MS4.6地震震源机制解,得到震级MW为4.5,节面I走向213°、倾角47°、滑动角-161°,节面II走向109°,倾角76°,滑动角-44°,属于倾滑型;精确定位显示震中处于石岭关隆起区,CAP反演和精定位结果推断本次地震的震源深度为17~20km。震源机制解节面参数与震中附近的山根底断裂和系舟山西麓断裂产状存在差异,这两条断裂不是阳曲地震的发震断裂,由于现场野外地质考察未发现地表断裂,不排除本次地震为隐伏断层活动的结果。  相似文献   

具有一定面波震级的海啸地震常常产生巨大的海啸,要想对海啸地震作出较早的,准确的海啸预报,尽早地确定其为可能引发海啸的事件是十分关键的。本文显示,利用P波脉冲宽度计算宽频带矩震级Mwp,可给出震源持续时间的精确估计,我们发现,结合Mwp和震源持续时间即可确定1992年的尼加拉瓜地震为一个可能的海啸地震。我们的结果显示,Mwp结合源持续时间可为海啸预报提供一种有效的工具,尤其是对于震源持续时间特别长的海地震。  相似文献   

鲁甸6.5级地震崩滑地质灾害分布与成因探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
2014年8月3日的云南鲁甸6.5级地震震源机制解、余震震中分布及震后的地震地质调查表明,发震构造为NW向包谷垴-小河断裂,断层发生左旋错动;震源机制与余震精定位数据表明发震断层倾角较陡。崩塌、滑坡分布在一个长轴为NW向的矩形区域内(15km×12km),基岩崩塌指示地震动主方向自北向南由SE向变为SN向,与震源机制解揭示的主压应力方向NW-SE总体一致。地震诱发的次生地质灾害崩塌、滑坡的平面分布特征可以用2种发震模式来解释:1)总体走向为NW的弧形断层发生左旋走滑错动,由北向南,地震动方向由SE向逐渐转变为近SN向;2)除NW向断层的左旋错动之外,NE向断裂也可能被牵动,发生由NW向SE的逆冲运动。地震是由NE、NW 2组断层共同作用的结果,以NW向断层左旋错动为主、NE向断层逆冲为辅。余震震中主要呈NW向线性展布,同时在震中附近存在NE向分布的地震条带,隐含2组断层同时错动的可能性;而鲁甸6.5级地震震中所在的滇东北永善、昭通地区,区域多个地震的震源机制表明,地震断层多以逆冲运动为主,走滑为辅。  相似文献   

芦山地震崩滑灾害空间分布及相关问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
周庆  江亚风  吴果  陈国光 《地震地质》2014,36(2):344-357
由于逆断层作用,2013年芦山MS 7.0地震诱发的崩滑地质灾害分布表现出了明显的上盘效应与方向效应。在震后应急科考中未发现发震断层的地表破裂带,然而灾区大量出现的地震诱发滑坡、崩塌,加之密集的余震分布、地震烈度调查结果等,提供了确定芦山地震宏观震中、地震动错动方向以及研究地震发震构造等的诸多线索。 统计结果表明,芦山地震诱发的滑坡、崩塌具有明显的优势滑动方向(135°~144°),该方向揭示了地震断层的错动方向,与震源机制解反映的一致,大体垂直于发震断层的走向;从地震诱发崩塌、滑坡灾害点的分布与密度判断,宏观震中位于宝盛乡北,在仪器记录震中东北约3.6km处;从余震群分布、地震诱发滑坡分布特点及地震等烈度线等,结合以往强震如汶川地震等的调查经验,推测当震级足够大时,发震断层地表破裂带可能通过地质灾害、余震密集区东侧的边缘地带,总体平行于双石-大川断裂。另外,通过分析地层岩性与崩滑地形条件之间的关联性,发现崩滑灾害在某些地层岩性中易发,灾害点呈线性排列的原因是不同地层岩性之间抗风化能力的差异性,造成在地层分界线上形成线性陡崖或高坡度地带,使之在强震作用下容易发生崩塌、滑坡。  相似文献   

海上丝绸之路深海地质灾害类型众多.主要分析了海底滑坡、三浅地质灾害和地震海啸这三种类型的地质灾害.传统多波束测深、三维地震勘探、深海钻探、声呐成像系统、海底地理信息系统是识别海底滑坡最有效手段.然而,准确解释和量化滑坡参数对于确定滑坡群的机制需要物理实验模拟和数值模拟;对于"三浅"地质灾害,地球物理技术是最有效的钻前预测方法,但在超压的定量预测方面还存在一些不足,识别准确度不高,因而,需要发展海底原位监测技术,提高"三浅"地质灾害的预测精度.南海海啸最主要的威胁来自其东部边缘的马尼拉俯冲带,而非印度洋.我国国家海洋环境预报中心已开发应对南海及其附近区域的潜在海啸威胁的定量海啸预警系统.但是,海上丝绸之路环俯冲带产生的地震海啸,影响甚广,亟待建立完善的预警系统.  相似文献   

范军  刘杰  郑斯华  陈银 《地震研究》2012,35(3):303-308,441
2000年1月15日云南姚安发生5.9级和6.5级地震,利用布设在震中附近的6个流动数字地震台所记录的地震波资料,采用波谱分析和Brune理论的方法,得到姚安地震序列震源谱参数和震源参数。结果表明:地震序列的地震矩在108~1014N·m之间,应力降在0.005~10MPa之间,震源半径分布在50~660m之间,并得到地震矩M0和震级ML的关系为:lgM0=8.24+1.4ML。随着地震矩增大应力降增加,拐角频率反而减小;随震级的增大震源半径变大,但震源半径与应力降之间不存在明显的相关关系。  相似文献   

2014年9月12日至2014年10月31日,在浙江文成-泰顺交界的珊溪水库区域发生了最大震级M4.2地震。珊溪水库地区曾在2002、2006年分别发生过最大震级为ML3.9、ML4.6的地震序列,受这2次地震作用影响,震区房屋已经遭受了一定程度的破坏。2014年地震现场调查发现,震区震感明显,房屋受损现象较为普遍,震害具有叠加效应,出现了"小震致灾"的现象。另外,在震中附近的一些道路边坡上,地震还引发了规模较小的崩塌、滑坡等地质灾害。  相似文献   

— Submarine and shoreline slope failures that accompany large earthquakes and large tsunamis are triggered by several mechanisms. Triggering mechanisms range from direct effects, such as inertial forces from earthquake shaking, to indirect effects, such as rapid drawdown that occurs when an earthquake-generated tsunami first approaches a shoreline. Soil shear strength also plays an important role in earthquake-related slope failures. Earthquakes change the shear strength of the soil by inducing excess pore water pressures. These excess pore water pressures change with time after the earthquake, resulting in changes in shear strength and slope stability with time. This paper reviews earthquake-related triggering mechanisms for submarine and shoreline slope failures. The variation in shear strength with time following an earthquake is examined and it is shown that delayed slope failures after an earthquake can occur as a result of changes in earthquake-induced excess pore water pressures and shear strength with time.  相似文献   

— Tsunamis are generated by displacement or motion of large volumes of water. While there are several documented cases of tsunami generation by volcanic eruptions and landslides, most observed tsunamis are attributed to earthquakes. Kinematic models of tsunami generation by earthquakes — where specified fault size and slip determine seafloor and sea-surface vertical motion — quantitatively explain far-field tsunami wave records. On the other hand, submarine landslides in subduction zones and other tectonic settings can generate large tsunamis that are hazardous along near-source coasts. Furthermore, the ongoing exploration of the oceans has found evidence for large paleo-landslides in many places, not just subduction zones. Thus, we want to know the relative contribution of faulting and landslides to tsunami generation. For earthquakes, only a small fraction of the minimum earthquake energy (less than 1% for typical parameter choices for shallow underthrusting earthquakes) can be converted into tsunami wave energy; yet, this is enough energy to generate terrible tsunamis. For submarine landslides, tsunami wave generation and landslide motion interact in a dynamic coupling. The dynamic problem of a 2-D translational slider block on a constant-angle slope can be solved using a Green's function approach for the wave transients. The key result is that the largest waves are generated when the ratio of initial water depth above the block to downslope vertical drop of the block H 0 /W sin δ is less than 1. The conversion factor of gravitational energy into tsunami wave energy varies from 0% for a slow-velocity slide in deep water, to about 50% for a fast-velocity slide in shallow water and a motion abruptly truncated. To compare maximum tsunami wave amplitudes in the source region, great earthquakes produce amplitudes of a few meters at a wavelength fixed by the fault width of 100 km or so. For submarine landslides, tsunami wave heights — as measured by b, block height — are small for most of the parameter regime. However, for low initial dynamic friction and values of H 0 /W sin δ less than 1, tsunami wave heights in the downslope and upslope directions reach b and b/4, respectively.Wavelengths of these large waves scale with block width. For significant submarine slides, the value of b can range from meters up to the kilometer scale. Thus, the extreme case of efficient tsunami generation by landslides produces dramatic hazards scenarios.  相似文献   

Operational prediction of near-field tsunamis in all existing Tsunami Warning Systems (TWSs) is based on fast determination of the position and size of submarine earthquakes. Exceedance of earthquake magnitude above some established threshold value, which can vary over different tsunamigenic zones, results in issuing a warning signal. Usually, a warning message has several (from 2 to 5) grades reflecting the degree of tsunami danger and sometimes contains expected wave heights at the coast. Current operational methodology is based on two main assumptions: (1) submarine earthquakes above some threshold magnitude can generate dangerous tsunamis and (2) the height of a resultant tsunami is, in general, proportional to the earthquake magnitude. While both assumptions are physically reasonable and generally correct, statistics of issued warnings are far from being satisfactory. For the last 55 years, up to 75% of warnings for regional tsunamis have turned out to be false, while each TWS has had at least a few cases of missing dangerous tsunamis. This paper presents the results of investigating the actual dependence of tsunami intensity on earthquake magnitude as it can be retrieved from historical observations and discusses the degree of correspondence of the above assumptions to real observations. Tsunami intensity, based on the Soloviev-Imamura scale is used as a measure of tsunami “size”. Its correlation with the M s and M w magnitudes is investigated based on historical data available for the instrumental period of observations (from 1900 to present).  相似文献   

We assess the tsunami hazard posed to New Zealand by the Kermadec and southern New Hebrides subduction margins. Neither of these subduction zones has produced tsunami large enough to cause significant damage in New Zealand over the past 150?years of well-recorded history. However, as this time frame is short compared to the recurrence interval for major tsunamigenic earthquakes on many of the Earth’s subduction zones, it should not be assumed that what has been observed so far is representative of the long term. For each of these two subduction zones we present plate kinematic and fault-locking results from block modelling of earthquake slip vector data and GPS velocities. The results are used to estimate the current rates of strain accumulation on the plate interfaces where large tsunamigenic earthquakes typically occur. We also review data on the larger historical earthquakes that have occurred on these margins, as well as the Global CMT catalogue of events since 1976. Using this information we have developed a set of scenarios for large earthquakes which have been used as initial conditions for the COMCOT tsunami code to estimate the subsequent tsunami propagation in the southwest Pacific, and from these the potential impact on New Zealand has been evaluated. Our results demonstrate that there is a significant threat posed to the Northland and Coromandel regions of New Zealand should a large earthquake (M w ?8.5) occur on the southern or middle regions of the Kermadec Trench, and that a similarly large earthquake on the southern New Hebrides Trench has the potential to strongly impact on the far northern parts of New Zealand close to the southern end of the submarine Three Kings Ridge. We propose logic trees for the magnitude–frequency parameters of large earthquakes originating on each trench, which are intended to form the basis for future probabilistic studies.  相似文献   

Tsunami is one of the most devastating natural coastal disasters. Most of large tsunamis are generated by submarine earthquakes occurring in subduction zones. Tsunamis can also be triggered by volcano eruptions and large landslides. There are many records about "sea-overflow" in Chinese ancient books, which are not proved to be tsunamis. Tectonics and historical records analysis are import to forecast and prevention of tsunami. Consider the tectonic environment of the China sea, the possibility of huge damage caused by the offshore tsunami is very small. And the impact of the ocean tsunami on the Bohai sea, the Yellow sea, and the East China sea is also small. But in the South China Sea, the Manila subduction zone has been identified as a high hazardous tsunamigenic earthquake source region. No earthquake larger than MW7.6 has been recorded in the past 100a in this region, suggesting a high probability for larger earthquakes in the future. If a tsunamigenic earthquake were to occur in this region in the near future, a tragedy with the magnitude similar to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami could repeat itself. In this paper, based on tectonics and historical records analysis, we have demonstrated that potential for a strong future earthquake along the Manila subduction zone is real. Using a numerical model, we have also shown that most countries in the South China Sea will be affected by the tsunamis generated by the future earthquake. For China, it implies that the maximum wave height over 4.0 meter on China mainland, especially the Pearl River Estuary. But the island, local relief maybe influence the maximum wave. But it takes nearly 3 hours to attack China mainland, if there is the operational tsunami warning system in place in this region, should be greatly reduced losses. And the simulated results are conformable to historical records. It indicates that the tsunami hazards from Manila trench to China mainland worthy of our attention and prevention.  相似文献   

Sources of Tsunami and Tsunamigenic Earthquakes in Subduction Zones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
—We classified tsunamigenic earthquakes in subduction zones into three types earth quakes at the plate interface (typical interplate events), earthquakes at the outer rise, within the subducting slab or overlying crust (intraplate events), and "tsunami earthquakes" that generate considerably larger tsunamis than expected from seismic waves. The depth range of a typical interplate earthquake source is 10–40km, controlled by temperature and other geological parameters. The slip distribution varies both with depth and along-strike. Recent examples show very different temporal change of slip distribution in the Aleutians and the Japan trench. The tsunamigenic coseismic slip of the 1957 Aleutian earthquake was concentrated on an asperity located in the western half of an aftershock zone 1200km long. This asperity ruptured again in the 1986 Andreanof Islands and 1996 Delarof Islands earthquakes. By contrast, the source of the 1994 Sanriku-oki earthquake corresponds to the low slip region of the previous interplate event, the 1968 Tokachi-oki earthquake. Tsunamis from intraplate earthquakes within the subducting slab can be at least as large as those from interplate earthquakes; tsunami hazard assessments must include such events. Similarity in macroseismic data from two southern Kuril earthquakes illustrates difficulty in distinguishing interplate and slab events on the basis of historical data such as felt reports and tsunami heights. Most moment release of tsunami earthquakes occurs in a narrow region near the trench, and the concentrated slip is responsible for the large tsunami. Numerical modeling of the 1996 Peru earthquake confirms this model, which has been proposed for other tsunami earthquakes, including 1896 Sanriku, 1946 Aleutian and 1992 Nicaragua.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive comparison of different dynamic and static approaches for assessing building performance under sequential earthquakes and tsunami. A 10-storey reinforced concrete seismically designed Japanese vertical evacuation structure is adopted as a case study for the investigation. The case study building is first assessed under sequential earthquake and tsunami nonlinear response history analyses: the first time this is done in the literature. The resulting engineering demand parameters are then compared with those obtained when the analysis procedure is systematically simplified by substituting different static approaches for the nonlinear response history analyses in both the earthquake and tsunami loading phases. Different unloading approaches are also tested for the cases when an earthquake pushover is adopted. The results show that an earthquake nonlinear response history analysis, followed by a transient free vibration and a tsunami variable depth pushover, provides the best alternative to full dynamic analyses in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency. This structural analysis combination is recommended and has the advantage that it does not require the tsunami inundation time history to be known in advance. The proposed double pushover approach is instead deemed only suitable for the collapse assessment of regular low to mid-rise buildings and for the development of collapse fragility functions. An important observation made is that sustained earthquake damage seems not to affect the tsunami resistance of the case study building when the fully dynamic analysis is carried out for the sequential loading. This observation will be the subject of future work.  相似文献   

Finite Fault Modeling in a Tsunami Warning Center Context   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The US NOAA/NWS tsunami warning centers have relied on earthquake location and depth, and scalar measures of earthquake size and slowness to assess the potential for the generation of a destructive tsunami by an earthquake. Recent earthquakes, such as Peru 2001, Sumatra 2004 and the Java 2006, manifest some of the difficulties the warning centers face as they try to cope with unusual earthquakes. We have undertaken a study of a simple teleseismic waveform inverse model and applied it to the earthquakes of June 23, 2001 in Peru and of July 17, 2006 in Java. Synthetic numerical experiments suggest that the most salient features of the rupture history of an earthquake can be recovered. Furthermore the calculations can be conducted quickly enough to be useful in a warning center context. We have applied our technique to the Peru 2001 and recent Java 2006 earthquakes. Our overall results are consistent with those obtained from other studies. The results show why the Peru event initially looked slow to the US tsunami warning centers and that the Java event is a truly slow or tsunami earthquake. Clearly, the warning centers stand to benefit from an increased understanding of the earthquakes they monitor. Furthermore, better knowledge of the slip distribution along a fault will improve tsunami wave-height forecasts.  相似文献   

Lituya Bay Landslide Impact Generated Mega-Tsunami 50th Anniversary   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
On July 10, 1958, an earthquake Mw 8.3 along the Fairweather fault triggered a major subaerial landslide into Gilbert Inlet at the head of Lituya Bay on the southern coast of Alaska. The landslide impacted the water at high speed generating a giant tsunami and the highest wave runup in recorded history. The mega-tsunami runup to an elevation of 524 m caused total forest destruction and erosion down to bedrock on a spur ridge in direct prolongation of the slide axis. A cross section of Gilbert Inlet was rebuilt at 1:675 scale in a two-dimensional physical laboratory model based on the generalized Froude similarity. A pneumatic landslide tsunami generator was used to generate a high-speed granular slide with controlled impact characteristics. State-of-the-art laser measurement techniques such as particle image velocimetry (PIV) and laser distance sensors (LDS) were applied to the decisive initial phase with landslide impact and wave generation as well as the runup on the headland. PIV provided instantaneous velocity vector fields in a large area of interest and gave insight into kinematics of wave generation and runup. The entire process of a high-speed granular landslide impact may be subdivided into two main stages: (a) Landslide impact and penetration with flow separation, cavity formation and wave generation, and (b) air cavity collapse with landslide run-out and debris detrainment causing massive phase mixing. Formation of a large air cavity — similar to an asteroid impact — in the back of the landslide is highlighted. A three-dimenional pneumatic landslide tsunami generator was designed, constructed and successfully deployed in the tsunami wave basin at OSU. The Lituya Bay landslide was reproduced in a three-dimensional physical model at 1:400 scale. The landslide surface velocities distribution was measured with PIV. The measured tsunami amplitude and runup heights serve as benchmark for analytical and numerical models.  相似文献   

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