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地震预报由目前的经验预报走向物理预报,数值模拟地震过程是其中的关键.文中应用统一的数学公式表述了速率相关的摩擦接触中黏着(sticking)和滑移(sliding)这两种不同的运动状态;有限元计算中采用静力显示的时间积分方法,基于R最小策略,控制时间步长以保持力学状态变化稳定,从而保证有限元计算过程平稳、收敛.以2004年发生过Mm=9.3特大地震的苏门答腊俯冲带为例,模拟了俯冲带上俯冲板片与上伏板块之间的闭锁、解锁、滑动到再闭锁这一准周期性过程,即地震的孕育、发生过程.计算结果表明,俯冲带上具有较大尺度、介质均匀、摩擦系数相同的区域是产生大规模、大幅度整体突然滑动(即大地震)的条件;模拟的苏门答腊俯冲带上的大地震在时间上有准周期性,空间上有迁移特征,破裂由深部向浅部进行;此外,俯冲带的几何特征对大地震的震源位置有很大的影响.  相似文献   

青藏高原东北缘是青藏高原隆升、生长及变形前缘.区域地震活动频繁,且地震在其主要断层带之间时空迁移.为了研究区域大地震在主要断层带之间的迁移规律与概率,以及主要断层带大地震破裂的时空分布特征,本文建立了青藏高原东北缘地区的三维黏弹塑性有限元模型,模拟了区域断层系统的地震循环,得到了人工合成的万年时间尺度的地震目录.根据模拟的地震目录,并结合古地震数据,计算分析了大地震(MW≥7)在研究区各个主要断层带之间的迁移概率,探讨了黏度、高程、统计时间长度等因素对大地震在各主要断层带之间的迁移概率和大地震在各主要断层带上的发生概率的影响,并且初步调查了海原断层带和香山天景山断层带的大地震破裂时空分布特征.研究结果显示:继区域最近两次大地震(1920年海原断层带上的M8.5海原大地震和1927年香山天景山断层带上的M8古浪大地震)之后,下一次大地震(MW≥7)发生在海原断层上的概率最大,约为51%~81%;其次是在香山天景山断层上,概率约为9%~37%.模型结果显示,不同的青藏高原中下地壳上地幔黏度大小,对大地震在各个断层带之间的迁移规律和迁移概率的影响较小;而研究区的高程载荷对地震迁移则有显著的影响:高程载荷易于使得海原断层地震活动减弱及香山天景山断层的地震活动增强.研究结果也显示了青藏高原东北缘地区主要断层带的地震活动与断层滑动速率分布的分段性显著;大地震在断层带上的破裂位置并不固定,呈现不均匀性;并暗示了断层几何形状对地震活动、断层滑动速率分布与大地震破裂位置的控制作用.  相似文献   

俯冲带大地震的非特征行为与重复发生的复杂性特征地震概念最早是由Fedotov(1965)在研究西北太平洋俯冲带地震时提出的,以后美国学者在研究SanAndreas断层和Wasatch断层的古地震时对这个概念做了发展并建立了模型。最近,SusanY.Schwartz对太平洋的一些俯冲带大地震重新做了分析。好采用的方法是用震源时间函数反演确定大地震的滑动分布,该函数是由长周期面波和宽频带体波的经验格林函数分析导出得到的。对序列地震破裂空间分布的比较表明,重复断层滑动的格局有很大差别。1994年本州北地震和1995年所罗门群岛地震主要是填补了以前地震留下的滑动空区,而不是破裂粗糙部位(asperities)。1995年千岛地震和1996年阿留申地震则是使以前地震留下的粗糙段破裂,但滑动量不同。本文研究认为,环太平洋板块边界地震的重复发生比粗糙体模型的预测复杂得多。所研究的4个板块边界段的重复断层滑动与特征地震模型不相符合,说明地震破裂不仅仅是由固有的几何与物质不均匀性控制的,其它动力学因素也很重要。(据J.Geophys.Res,Vol.104,No.B10,pp.23,111~23,125,October10,1  相似文献   

断层滑动速率和闭锁状态是定量评估区域地震危险性的关键依据,然而相对于同震破裂或震后余滑来说,断层闭锁引起的地表变形较弱,利用地壳变形资料获取可靠的断层闭锁状态具有一定的挑战性.本文考虑地震周期过程中的黏弹松弛效应和其他模型参数(如块体内部应变等)的影响,融合了新增的13个近场GPS测站和区域内已有测站的观测资料,研究了鲜水河断裂的滑动速率和闭锁状态.结果显示,弹性模型会显著高估断层的闭锁深度,导致地震矩的积累速率被明显高估;同时,弹性模型得到的断层滑动速率(8.9~9.9mm a-1)略低于黏弹模型的结果(10.5~11.6mm a-1),与理论模拟结果一致.根据获取的鲜水河断裂的闭锁强度,沿断层走向圈定了四个潜在的凹凸体.重要的是,圈定的凹凸体与断层上历史地震的破裂分布存在明显的空间相关性,暗示凹凸体的空间特征可能控制了地震的破裂范围和震级.另外,发现2022年M6.8泸定地震仅破裂了一个潜在凹凸体的部分区域,未破裂区域积累的能量相当于一个Mw6.9的地震,潜在的地震危险性值得重点关注.  相似文献   

对弹性半空间中的几个含有不连续断层系的三维弹性连续介质模型,在沿单元垂直走滑断层发生的滑动过程进行了数值模拟,模型的几何形状和所使用的边界条件大致与圣安德烈斯断层中部的情形相符合,数值模拟综合考虑了脆性形变和蠕动变形,断层带的总形变率为蠕变和摩擦滑动率之和。脆性断层的性质由破裂段(数值单元)的不同地震应力降的分布来给定。所假设的分布描述了两种理想化的情形,它们分别对应于不同断层滑动的极限状态:(1)以大尺度范围为特征的强无序状态,表示不成熟的断层带及扩展空间域。(2)相对有序的状态,以小尺度范围为特征,表示成熟的完全滑动断层。假定断层的蠕变特性在所有的情形中都相同。并且是用蠕滑速率与应力的幂次律关系来刻画的。利用这种脆性蠕变过程和模型参数可以得到一个在12.5km深度含有“脆性-延性”过渡带的应力-深度剖面,以及一个在1857年地震破裂西北65km处存在有“脆性-蠕变”过渡带的沿走向的应力剖面。模拟的震源空间分布在统计意义上与观测数据相类似,结果表明,断层强烈不均匀性的特征尺度范围会在断层系统的地球地震响应中显著表现出来,若尺度范围小,则会使震级-频率分布接近于特征地震分布,在时间上会层致如地震空区说所预言的大地震的准周期分布,而大尺度范围的地震活动性符合古登堡-里克特的震级-频度关系以及大地震的随机或是成簇的时间分布特征。数值模拟的结果表明,各种形式的震级-频度关系以及地震时间分布的统计特征都可以通过表征断层带不均匀性的尺度范围统一起来,这可以通过借助一个给定的断层带或是岩石层的结构特征给出一个清晰的物理解释,并且得到地震及断层观测资料的支持。在一些模拟中,小地震的震级-频度关系曲线明显低于自的古登堡-里克特关系曲线。这说明在构造加载过程中,小地震通过平滑应力的长波成分,为大地震的发生创造了条件。这一过程是通过与小地震的大量断裂有关的短波应力的消失过程来完成的,大地震的大尺度破裂的发生正好导致与上述长,短波应力的平滑与消失变化相反的过程。  相似文献   

共轭断层系统的非线性有限元模拟与震群模型讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用断层摩擦接触的非线性有限元模拟方法,对单断层与交叉断层2种断层模型分别进行数值模拟计算对比,结合中国大陆双震或震群型地震孕育发生的构造条件对共轭断层系统的孕震与发震机理进行了讨论与分析。断面滑动摩擦机制较好地解释了共轭断层由闭锁状态进入发生地震的滑动状态的过程,共轭断层系统会交替地发生失稳事件,验证了2组共轭断层系统构成的地震模型的滑动习性。其数值模拟与讨论分析结果可为共轭断层发育区的地震监测预报提供科学依据。  相似文献   

滇西地区强震前兆源过程的力学模型与数值摸拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
苏有锦  晏凤桐 《地震学报》1996,18(3):309-318
云南西部地区的强震和大地震主要发生在一些板内大型走滑断裂带上,有一个10~20 km的深度优势层位;地震的破裂基本上是以走滑型破裂为特征.联系云南岩石层结构与动力学背景,我们认为,本区的地震可能有这样一种成核过程: 由于岩石层结构的层次性、非均匀性,在整个岩石层板块构造运动背景场中,可能会在岩石层的中深部形成局部剪应变集中区或滑动区,尔后这个剪应变集中区或滑动区沿着断层带边界向地表滑移扩展.当滑动由深部向浅部扩展时,滑动峰将遇到断层面上的最大抗剪强度区而被阻碍闭锁,形成一个地震活动空区.随着构造荷载的逐渐增加,滑动最终要向前扩展导致整个闭锁区的失稳破裂,产生大地震.给出了描述这个地震过程的一个简单的近似积分方程;数值结果表明,该模型具有一个向不稳定非线性加速发展的阶段,这个阶段对地震前兆的形成可能有重要意义.   相似文献   

云南西部地区的强震和大地震主要发生在一些板内大型走滑断裂带上,有一个10~20km的深度优势层位;地震的破裂基本上是以走滑型破裂为特征.联系云南岩石层结构与动力学背景,我们认为,本区的地震可能有这样一种成核过程:由于岩石层结构的层次性、非均匀性,在整个岩石层板块构造运动背景场中,可能会在岩石层的中深部形成局部剪应变集中区或滑动区,尔后这个剪应变集中区或滑动区沿着断层带边界向地表滑移扩展.当滑动由深部向浅部扩展时,滑动峰将遇到断层面上的最大抗剪强度区而被阻碍闭锁,形成一个地震活动空区.随着构造荷载的逐渐增加,滑动最终要向前扩展导致整个闭锁区的失稳破裂,产生大地震.给出了描述这个地震过程的一个简单的近似积分方程;数值结果表明,该模型具有一个向不稳定非线性加速发展的阶段,这个阶段对地震前兆的形成可能有重要意义  相似文献   

石富强  邵志刚  朱琳  张竹琪  邵辉成 《地震》2019,39(1):155-170
智利俯冲带是全球地震活动最为活跃的地区之一, 2010年以来已经发生了3次8级强震。 本文在调研了该地区地震地质、 历史地震、 运动学特征等方面研究成果的基础上, 梳理了其中与地震预测预报有关的观测现象, 总结了相关科学问题的研究进展和认识过程。 结果显示: ① 智利俯冲带历史地震记录丰富, 基于现代大地测量的断层震间闭锁研究深入, 近年来多次8级地震均发生在历史地震破裂空段和滑动亏损较大的强闭锁区; ② 2010年Maule MW8.8地震和2014年Iquique MW8.1地震震前均有不同程度的前兆变化, Maule MW8.8地震前主要是“一类空区”和“二类空区”的嵌套; 而Iquique MW8.1地震前还伴有b值持续降低, 前震活动频繁, GPS时间序列瞬态变化等一系列短临异常变化; ③ 同震位错和震间闭锁的空间分布显示智利俯冲带断层摩擦性质复杂; ④ 孕震物理力学机制复杂, 不同学者不同方法之间还存在一些认识争议。  相似文献   

俯冲带地震动特征及其衰减规律探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
随着我国南海不断开发建设,海洋工程的抗震问题日益受到重视.我国南海东部区域位于大陆板块与海洋板块共同作用的俯冲带地区,地震活动频繁,震级较大,潜在地震对南海开发建设有重要影响.为了研究俯冲带地震的地震动特征及其衰减规律,本文基于实际俯冲带地震数据,并结合数值模拟方法,分析和探讨了俯冲带板内、板缘地震与浅地壳地震的地震动特征和衰减规律的差异.研究结果表明:俯冲带地震动存在区域性差异,在地震动衰减特征方面,同一区域的俯冲带板缘地震要比浅地壳地震衰减慢,俯冲带板内地震要比浅地壳地震衰减得快;数值模拟分析不同深度海水对海底地震动的影响表明,海底地震动水平分量几乎不受海水介质的影响,但是竖向分量随海水深度的增加有减小的趋势.最终,基于数值模拟和经验关系的混合方法建立了南海俯冲带地震动衰减关系模型,其结果可为海域区划等相关研究和海域工程建设提供参考.  相似文献   

On March 11, 2011, a MW9.0 earthquake occurred in the Japan Trench, causing tremendous casualties, and attracting extensive concern. Based on the results of related research, this paper analyzes the observations, phenomena and understandings of the earthquake from varied aspects, and obtains four main conclusions. (1) The earthquake, occurring in the subduction zone in the Japan Trench located in the northwest boundary of the pacific plate has two zones of concentrated coseismic slip at different depths, and the slip in the deep zone is relatively small. Though there have been many M7.0 historical earthquakes, slips in the shallow zone are large, but there have been few historical strong earthquakes. (2) Constrained by GPS data, the study of fault movement shows that fault movement in the Japan Trench has a background of widely distributed stability and locking (the locking zone is equivalent that of coseismic rupture zone). Perturbation occurred after the 2008 M8.0 Hokkaido earthquake, several M7.0 events had after slips larger than the coseismic slip, and two obvious slow slip events were recorded in 2008 and 2011. Eventually, the March 9, 2011 M7.0 foreshock and the March 11, 2011 MW9.0 mainshock occurred. The pre-earthquake changing of the fault movement in the Japan Trench is quite clear. (3) Traditional precursory observation show no obvious anomaly, possibly due to monitoring reason. Anomaly before earthquake consists of high stress state in focal zone reflected by some seismic activity parameters, short period anomaly in regional ground motion, etc. (4) The analysis of physical property in focal zone aroused more scientific issues, for example, is there obvious difference between physical property in focal zone and its vicinity? Does frictional property of fault determine seismogenic ability and rupture process? Whether pre-earthquake fault movement include pre-slips? Could deep fluid affect fault movement in focal zone? Experience is the best teacher, and authors hope this paper could be a modest spur to induce others in basic research in earthquake forecast and prediction.  相似文献   

--A 2-D finite-element-method (FEM) numerical experiment of earthquake cycles at a subduction zone is performed to investigate the effect of viscoelasticity of the earth on great interplate earthquake fault slip. We construct a 2-D viscoelastic FEM model of northeast Japan, which consists of an elastic upper crust and a viscoelastic mantle wedge under gravitation overlying the subducting elastic Pacific plate. Instead of the dislocation model prescribing an amount of slip on a plate interface, we define an earthquake cycle, in which the plate interface down to a depth is locked during an interseismic period and unlocked during coseismic and postseismic periods by changing the friction on the boundary with the master-slave method. This earthquake cycle with steady plate subduction is periodically repeated to calculate the resultant earthquake fault slip.¶As simulated in a previous study (Wang, 1995), the amount of fault slip at the first earthquake cycle is smaller than the total relative plate motion. This small amount of fault slip in the viscoelastic medium was considered to be one factor explaining the small seismic coupling observed at several subduction zones. Our simulation, however, shows that the fault slip grows with an increasing number of repeated earthquake cycles and reaches an amount comparable to the total relative plate motion after more than ten earthquake cycles. This new finding indicates that the viscoelasticity of the earth is not the main factor in explaining the observed small seismic coupling. In comparison with a simple one-degree-of-freedom experiment, we demonstrate that the increase of the fault slip occurs in the transient state from the relaxed initial state to the stressed equilibrium state due to the intermittent plate loading in a viscoelastic medium.  相似文献   

— Along the Nankai trough in southwest Japan, due to the subduction of the Philippine Sea plate, great earthquakes have occurred repeatedly. The rupture zone is divided into five segments. Historical documents show the characteristic features of the past several earthquake cycles, such as almost simultaneous rupture occurrence in segments in spite of different convergence rates, the recurrence time of 90 to 150 years, the existence of segment pairing in earthquake ruptures and the different coseismic slip behaviors in respective segments. Based on the rate and state friction law, we simulate these features with a simple block-spring model to investigate the physical mechanisms of earthquake cycle. Considering the actual fault parameters related to the geometry and the kinematics of the convergent plate in five segments, we calculate the model parameters for the corresponding blocks in the simulation. The features of the observed earthquake cycle are successfully reproduced by assigning the other following model parameters; (1) the stick-slip periods are the same (more than 150 years) for non-interacting blocks, (2) the different pairs of frictional parameters a-b and D c are assigned in each segment, (3) the interactions between segments are large, (4) the convergence rate in the eastern Tokai segment is about half of those in the other segments.  相似文献   

The paper discusses model results and then reviews observational data concerning some aspects of the mechanics of mature seismic gaps in coupled subduction zones. The concern is with space-and time-varying stresses, as signalled by the presence and mechanisms of earthquakes in the outer-rise zones adjacent to main thrust areas of large subduction events, and down-dip from such areas, in the downgoing slab. Observations are shown to be consistent with the expectation that in mature seismic gaps, as a result of interplate boundary locking in presence of sustained gravitational driving forces, at least the deeper portions of the ocean plate in the outer-rise zones are under increased compression, and the downgoing slab is under increased tension. The observational data cover two cases of closed seismic gaps, namely the region of the Chilean Valparaiso earthquake of March 3, 1985, and the earthquake of October 4, 1983. Four other cases concern still to-be-closed gaps in northern Chile and along the coast of Guatemala, and also the Kurile Islands Trench gap and the northern New Hebrides gap. It is concluded that the intermediate-term precursor, consisting of a combination of compressional outer-rise earthquake(s) and tensional intermediate-depth, intra-plate events in the downgoing slab, which mechanically signals the latter part of the earthquake cycle, could be useful in evaluating the maturity, and hence great earthquake potential of a seismic gap.  相似文献   

Abstract   The development of voluminous granitic magmatism and widespread high-grade metamorphism in Mid-Cretaceous southwest Japan have been explained by the subduction of a spreading ridge (Kula–Pacific or Farallon–Izanagi plate boundaries) beneath the Eurasian continent and the formation of a slab window. In the present study, the thermal consequences of the formation of a slab window beneath a continental margin are evaluated through a 2-D numerical simulation. The model results are evaluated by comparison with the Mid-Cretaceous geology of southwest Japan. Of particular interest are the absence of an amphibolite- to granulite-facies metamorphic belt near the Wadati–Benioff plane, and significant melting of the lower crustal-mafic rocks sufficient to form a large amount of granitic magma. Because none of the model results simultaneously satisfied these two geological interpretations, it is suggested that subduction of plate boundaries in Mid-Cretaceous southwest Japan was not associated with the opening of a slab window. According to previous studies, and the results of the present study, two different tectonic scenarios could reasonably explain the geological interpretations for Mid-Cretaceous southwest Japan: (i) The spreading ridge did not subduct beneath the Eurasian continent, but was located off the continental margin, implying the continuous subduction of very young oceanic lithosphere; (ii) ridge subduction beneath the continental margin occurred after active spreading had ceased. Consequently, in both tectonic scenarios, the subduction of plate boundaries at the Mid-Cretaceous southwest Japan was not associated with a slab window, but very young (hot) oceanic lithosphere.  相似文献   

中国东北地区处于古亚洲构造域、蒙古—鄂霍茨克构造域和环太平洋构造域叠加作用最为显著的地区,是地学研究的热点区域.为了探析欧亚大陆下西太平洋板片的俯冲形态以及揭示该区域深部地球动力学机制,利用卫星重力数据通过预处理共轭梯度快速密度反演算法获得了包含东北地区、华北部分地区及日本海海域在内的研究区域上地幔三维密度结构,结合天然地震三维层析成像结果共同揭示太平洋板片的俯冲形态和深部动力机制.俯冲的太平洋板片在日本海沟处呈高密度异常,向西横向持续扩张,深度方向上有逐渐增加趋势.不连续的高密度体俯冲至地幔转换带(410~660km)后继续水平西向俯冲,部分滞留板片可能进入下地幔;在大兴安岭断裂带下面转换带中同样发现水平分布的高密度体,推断是大兴安岭断裂带下方地幔岩石圈拆沉的结果,横向不均匀分布的俯冲板片边缘已抵至大兴安岭造山带附近,这对于研究东北地区深部动力学机制具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

2011年3月11日日本发生9.0级地震,本文以此次地震的震间、同震和震后形变观测为约束,依据不同时段断层运动空间分布特征分析日本海沟地区强震与断层运动间关系.震间日本海沟地区,断层运动闭锁线深度约为60km,闭锁线以上从深到浅依次为断层运动强闭锁段、无震滑移段和弱闭锁段.由同震位错反演结果,2011年日本9.0级地震同震存在深浅两个滑移极值区,同震较浅的滑移极值区(同震位错量10~50m,深度小于30km)震间为断层弱闭锁段;同震较深的滑移极值区(同震位错量10~20m,深度在40km左右)震间为断层强闭锁段;而在两者之间的过渡带同震位错相对较小,震间断层运动表现为无震滑移.震后初期断层运动主要分布在在闭锁线以上的同震较深滑移极值区,而同震较浅的滑移极值区能量释放比较彻底,断层震后余滑量相对较小.依据本文同震和震间断层运动反演结果,震间强闭锁段积累10m同震位错需要100多年时间,与该区域历史上7级地震活动复发周期相当;震间弱闭锁段积累30~50m同震位错约需要300~600年时间,与相关研究给出的日本海沟9级左右地震复发周期比较一致.在实际孕震能力判定的工作中,由于不同性质的断层段在同震过程中会表现更多的组合形式,断层发震能力判定结果存在更多的不确定性,但利用区域形变观测等资料给出震间断层运动特征的研究工作对于断层强震发震能力的判定具有非常重要的实际意义.  相似文献   

—Spatial variations in mechanical properties of the interplate thrust faults along the Japan and Middle America subduction zones are examined using teleseismic broadband earthquake recordings. Moment-normalized source duration is used to probe rigidity variations along the interface. We invert body waves to estimate source depth and source duration for 40 events in the Japan subduction zone and 38 events in the Middle America subduction zone. For both areas, there is a systematic decrease in source duration with increasing depth along the subduction zone interface. This is most likely a result of variation in properties of sediments on the plate contact. Variations in source duration are greatly reduced at depths greater than 18 km in both regions. Enhanced spatial heterogeneity at shallow depth may reflect variations in plate roughness, sediment distribution, permeability of the fault zone, and stress.  相似文献   

板块构造的运动和动力学是地学研究的前沿课题.板块边缘强震是板块运动的直接结果.分析1982年日本茨城地震序列发现,震源断层面存在分阶段沿走向扩展、倾向调整的特殊图象.结合震源机制的走向、倾向以及滑动方向等资料,确认属于日本海沟下方的俯冲带逆冲地震.文中讨论了地震序列过程的成因,认为采用介于年尺度的空间大地测量结果与秒尺度的强震矩张量分析之间的地震序列时空分布研究,表明太平洋板块向欧亚板块局部下方俯冲的动态过程.根据地震平均错距和板块运动速度,推测近年当地可能再次发生强震.   相似文献   

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