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对昭通地区12口流体观测井及其周边5个地表水体进行取样测试,分析其水化学组分和氢氧同位素,确定该地区流体观测井的地球化学背景特征,为该区流体测项的跟踪分析提供基础支撑。水岩平衡结果显示:相较于其它观测井,昭阳一中井地下水水岩平衡状态更接近于部分成熟水,表现为地下水补给过程缓慢,水岩作用程度较高;其余观测井均处在未成熟水阶段,表现出补给路径较短,水岩相互作用较弱等特点。氢氧同位素组成显示:研究区内大多数流体观测井补给源均为大气降水,但补给方式略有差异。水化学组分演化过程显示:自2014年以来,大多数井含水层水体未发生新的水岩作用过程,并且与其附近的河流水力联系密切。  相似文献   

从地震前兆差异性看地下流体突变型前兆的物理本质   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张元胜 《内陆地震》1999,13(2):120-126
利用地下流体前兆资料,从前兆异常的差异性出发,研究了突变型前兆的形成条件和影响因素,结果表明:突变型前兆集中出现在化学参数中,而在地下流体物理参数中出现较少,仅在富含天然气的油井水位中出现;出现突变型前兆的井(泉)具有含水层埋藏深、地下水循环路径长、温度高的特点。这一结果表明,地下流体突变型前兆的形成与观测井(泉)的水文地质条件、水文地球化学环境以及观测参数的物理化学性质有关。其形成不是一个单纯的  相似文献   

利用2009年1月以来会理川-31井水位及降雨观测数据,定量分析多年来地下水位变化规律与雨季累计降雨量、月降雨量、集中降雨量之间的关系,并依据川-31井水文地质环境特征建立相关的数学物理模型,分析该井降雨量与水位变化幅度的相关性特征;井孔水化学组分及稳定氢氧同位素分析结果表明该井地下水循环深度较浅,补给来源主要为大气降水。该研究结论对地下水位异常判定和和区域震情跟踪工作具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

地震地下流体观测现状   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
系统介绍我国地震地下流体井(泉)的分布现状、观测井含水层特征及自流热水井的观测现状,并介绍观测项目及主要观测仪器等。上述调查与分析结果,可为我国地震地下流体台网的进一步调整与优化,及今后地震地下流体学科的发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

1995年9月20日山东苍山5.2级地震前,山东枣庄十里电厂水化学现观测井(Δ=km)水离子多组分出现了较为同步的异常变化。本文以此为基础,分析研究了这些异常的变化特征,讨论了异常出现的机制,研究认为,枣庄十里泉电厂水化学观测井水离子多组分的异常同步变化及相互印证,提高了异常的可信度;与水中常见离子组分相比,其中水汞的震前异常变化幅度最大,异常特征明显;十里泉电厂水化学观测井水离子多组分的同步异常  相似文献   

王非 《内陆地震》1996,10(3):263-268
结合水氧、应力观测资料对甘肃武山地区地下流体化学特征(水化学、气体化学)与构造应力关系进行了定量计算并给出了二者之间的数学关系。  相似文献   

为研究天山地区地震监测井(泉)地下水化学特征,系统采集了20个天山断裂带地震监测点地下水化学样品,综合运用氢氧同位素、Gibbs图、离子比值、Piper三线图、Na-K-Mg三角图和舒卡列夫分类等方法探讨了监测点的水化学及水文地球化学特征。结果如下:(1)天山地区地震监测井(泉)水中主导阳离子为Na+,阴离子分别为HCO3-、SO42-和Cl-,TDS介于249.9~10 272.3mg·L-1之间,多数为淡水。(2) δD、δ18O结果表明天山地区地震监测井(泉)水主要来源于大气降水。Gibbs图表明研究区监测点地下水元素主要受岩石溶滤控制,南天山和乌鲁木齐监测点地下水受到一定蒸发浓缩控制。离子比值显示碳酸盐和硫酸盐矿物溶解是控制地下水主要离子组分主要因素。(3) Na-K-Mg三角图表明天山地区地震监测井(泉)水多数为“部分平衡水”,部分为“未成熟水”,水—岩反应处于较为活跃的程度,有利于孕震信息的传递,适合...  相似文献   

为了探索研究各种地震前兆现象,我国地震工作者已开始对地下水化学成分在地震发生前的变化进行观测。利用爆破作实验,是企图发现地下水化学成份在冲击力的作用下的变化,为识别地震前兆提供一定的依据。 本文着重研究江西永平铜矿前后三次爆破所取得的大量水化学观测资料,探讨爆破时水化学效应的特征,并确认爆破膨胀冲击力是使氡及水化学组分发生变化的主导因素,而各观测井孔所处的地质、水文地质条件及地球化学环境的不同,又起了加强或削弱的控制作用。为合理地选择水化学观测井孔(泉),以及研究在力的作用下水化学组分的变化特征,提供了实验依据。   相似文献   

新疆新10泉为国家基本水化Ⅰ类台,是新疆最重要的地下流体综合观测泉。选取该泉进行水化学检测及所处红雁池―柳树沟断裂土壤气测量,根据测得的土壤气浓度、水化学组分含量和同位素组成等,综合分析了新10泉水文地球化学特征及其断裂带断层气变化特征。结果显示:新10泉泉水循环深度较浅,循环速度较快,致使泉水与围岩间的水—岩反应程度较低;氢氧同位素测试结果表明泉水主要接受大气降水的补给,反映出目前地下水水—岩反应很轻;断层气H_2含量基本介于(0~100)×10~(-6)之间,个别测点测值较高可能与所处环境或断裂裂隙发育有关;断层气CO_2和Rn测值在空间上有一定的一致性,这可能与该断层所受的应力状态有关。  相似文献   

对地震活动强烈地区进行水文地球化学监测可以很好地获取与地震相关的深部流体地球化学信息。通过研究龙门山断裂带及其周围13个温泉及观测井的水文地球化学特征,建立该断裂带温泉水文循环模型,揭示其水化学变化与地震活动的关系。结果表明:(1)龙门山断裂带温泉水主要来自其周围0.8~3.2 km高山的大气降水;(2)温泉水化学类型沿龙门山断裂从北到南、从西到东依次为重碳酸型、硫酸型、氯化物型,温泉水的循环深度、水岩反应程度及微量元素富集因子不断增加;(3)在汶川M_S8.0地震、芦山M_S7.0地震发生后,震中距200 km以内的温泉的离子组分呈下降趋势,这可能是在震后愈合过程中,龙门山断裂内部渗透性减弱、水岩反应程度衰减所致。  相似文献   

在地震地下流体研究中,地下水补给及循环过程是重要的研究内容之一,氢氧同位素示踪技术是目前研究该过程的常用手段。南昌地震台流体观测井自2013年8月22日投入观测以来,其基础数据未进行有效分析,通过对南昌井水样数据进行氢氧同位素及水化学实验分析,结果表明:井水主要补给源为直接大气降雨,补给前经历了一定蒸发作用;水—岩反应不充分,属于未成熟水;水样中无明显优势阳离子,Ca2+、Na+占主体,优势阴离子为HCO3,表明井水属重碳酸型水;水源补给高程约582 m。南昌地震台流体观测井总体受大气降水影响较大。  相似文献   

采集夏县中心地震台温泉水及周边水点样品进行水化学组分特征分析。利用矩形图、Na-K-Mg三角图等方法,初步分析温泉水的水质类型、水-岩平衡状态、热储温度以及循环深度等,并结合氢氧同位素组成特征,初步分析温泉水补给来源。研究表明,夏县中心地震台温泉水化类型属于Na-Cl·SO4型,水-岩反应属于部分成熟水,热储温度为148.8℃,循环深度为3.91 km,补给源主要为大气降水,温泉为断裂型温泉。以上结果可为该台流体异常分析提供基础研究资料,为夏县地区水化研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

The accurate understanding of groundwater circulation pattern and its renewable capacity is vital for groundwater resource assessment and the rational exploitation and utilization of groundwater. Estimation of groundwater recharge is difficult in arid or semiarid area due to the low amount and variability of recharge. A combination of isotope investigation with hybrid model allows a direct calculation of renewability of the aquifer. In this paper, the phreatic water circulation pattern and its renewable capacity of phreatic water in Yinchuan Basin, a semiarid area located at the northwest China, are investigated by the application of environmental isotope method, which mainly focusses on the isotope characteristics of different water bodies, phreatic water isotope age, phreatic water circulation pattern, and phreatic water renewal rate. The results demonstrate that the two dominant recharge sources of groundwater in Yinchuan Basin, local atmospheric precipitation and Yellow River, account for 13% and 87%, respectively. The average residence time of phreatic water in Yinchuan Basin is about 48 years, and the average renewal rate is 3.38%/a. The results indicate that the phreatic water has a strong renewable capacity and the regeneration rate distribution is consistent with that indicated by isotope age.  相似文献   

Lacustrine groundwater discharge (LGD) and the related water residence time are crucial parameters for quantifying lake matter budgets and assessing its vulnerability to contaminant input. Our approach utilizes the stable isotopes of water (δ18O, δ2H) and the radioisotope radon (222Rn) for determining long‐term average and short‐term snapshots in LGD. We conducted isotope balances for the 0.5‐km2 Lake Ammelshainer See (Germany) based on measurements of lake isotope inventories and groundwater composition accompanied by good quality and comprehensive long‐term meteorological and isotopic data (precipitation) from nearby monitoring stations. The results from the steady‐state annual isotope balances that rely on only two sampling campaigns are consistent for both δ18O and δ2H and suggested an overall long‐term average LGD rate that was used to infer the water residence time of the lake. These findings were supported by the good agreement of the simulated LGD‐driven annual cycles of δ18O and δ2H lake inventories with the observed lake isotope inventories. However, radon mass balances revealed lower values that might be the result of seasonal LGD variability. For obtaining further insights into possible seasonal variability of groundwater–lake interaction, stable water isotope and radon mass balances could be conducted more frequently (e.g., monthly) in order to use the derived groundwater discharge rates as input for time‐variant isotope balances.  相似文献   

张北地震前、在中期阶段,多井水氡出现负异常变化;短期阶段出现区域水氡差分异常的月频次增加;短临阶段则出现怀来4井水汞的多次突跳。大同地震前多井出现水氡的趋势性正常,是张北地震水化前兆最显著的不同之处。本文分析了张北地震水化方法预报失误的原因。讨论认为,水氡负异常做为中期前兆的信度较低;为提高水化预报地震的效能,必须与其它前兆手段相结合。  相似文献   

Reservoir construction greatly affects the regional ecological environment, particularly surface water–groundwater interactions around the reservoir. Xiluodu Reservoir, a representative large-scale reservoir in China, has had substantial impacts on surface water–groundwater interactions at the dam site since impoundment. This study analysed the dynamic characteristics of surface water–groundwater level, temperature, and hydrochemistry to determine the evolution of surface water–groundwater interaction before and after the impoundment. The levels of groundwater and some surface water rose by more than 100 m after impoundment and the water level of saturated limestone gradually stabilized, whereas basalt saturation in the affected area continued to expand. The groundwater temperature did not decrease significantly, whereas the hydrochemical types and ion contents of both surface water and groundwater experienced significant changes. Calculation of the saturation index indicated spatiotemporal changes in the saturation state of minerals. The replenishment source of each type of water and their mutual relationships were determined using cluster analysis and isotope characteristics. The results confirmed continuous, significant, and variable surface water–groundwater interactions at the dam site, which were partially reversed after impoundment. Changes in surface water–groundwater interactions were due to impoundment, the impact of which decreases with distance from the dam, as well as the unique geological conditions and artificial construction.  相似文献   

An environmental isotope and hydrochemical study was carried out to conceptualize the surface water and groundwater interaction and to explore the groundwater flow pattern in relation to the geological setting. More emphasis is given to the Afar Depression where groundwater is a vital source of water supply. Conventional field hydrogeological study and river discharge records support the isotope and hydrochemical analysis. The region is tectonically active, comprising rift volcanic terrain bordered by highlands. The result revealed that recent meteoric water is the major source of recharge. Three distinct groundwater zones were identified associated with the highlands, transitional escarpment and the rift. Towards the rift, the ionic concentration and isotopic enrichment (δ2H and δ18degO) increases following the groundwater flow paths, which is strongly controlled by axial rift faults. The groundwater flow converges to the seismically active volcano–tectonic depressions with internal drainage and to the Awash River. Within the Afar Depression, at least four groundwater regimen are identified: (1) fresh and shallow groundwater associated with alluvial deposits ultimately recharged by isotopically depleted recent highland rainfall and the evaporated Awash River; (2) cold and relatively younger groundwater within localized fractured volcanics showing mixed origin in axial fault zones; (3) old groundwater with very high ionic concentration and low isotopic signature localized in deep volcanic aquifers; and (4) old and hot saline groundwaters connected to geothermal systems. The study demonstrated that dependable groundwater can only be obtained from the first two aquifer types in aerially restricted zones in flat plains following river courses, local wadis and volcano–tectonic depressions. The conventional hydrogeological survey and discharge records indicate substantial channel losses from the Awash River, which becomes a more dominant source of recharge in central and lower Awash valleys. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A hydrochemical facies evolution diagram (HFE‐D) is a multirectangular diagram, which is a useful tool in the interpretation of sea water intrusion processes. This method note describes a simple method for generating an HFE‐D plot using the spreadsheet software package, Microsoft Excel. The code was applied to groundwater from the alluvial coastal plain of Grosseto (Tuscany, Italy), which is characterized by a complex salinization process in which sea water mixes with sulfate or bicarbonate recharge water.  相似文献   

水化学分析方法在地下水异常核实中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张磊  刘耀炜  任宏微  柯云龙 《地震》2019,39(1):29-38
地震前兆识别中的异常核实工作是提高地震分析预报能力的重要环节。 “四图一法”是地下水异常核实中有效的水化学分析方法, 其中Piper图和Schoeller图用于判定地下水化学类型和补给关系, Gibbs图用于判定地下水化学成分来源, Giggenbach三角图用于判定地下水的水岩平衡状态和是否有深部活动信息, 以及混合比例法用于计算地下水的混合程度。 同时, 介绍了水化学分析方法在异常核实应用中的水样采集、 测试方法和基本原理。 使用水化学分析方法, 有助于判定异常的构造或非构造活动影响因素, 提高异常判定的科学水平。  相似文献   

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