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基于九寨沟MS7.0地震的破裂模型及均匀弹性半空间模型,本文计算了该地震在周围主要活动断层上产生的库仑应力变化、在周围地区产生的应力场和位移场和同震库仑应力变化对余震的触发.结果表明:(1)九寨沟地震造成虎牙断裂中段库仑破裂应力有较大增加,已经超过0.01 MPa的阈值,虎牙断裂北段、塔藏断裂中段和岷江断裂北段北部的库仑破裂应力有较大降低,因此尤其要注意虎牙断裂中段的危险性.(2)水平面应力场在该地震震中东西两侧增加(拉张),张应力起主要作用.在震中南北两侧降低(压缩),压应力起主要作用.从水平主压和主张应力方向来看,均呈现出条形磁铁的磁场形态.从剖面上的应力场来看,在上盘的面膨胀区域内,大部分点的主张应力方向与地表是垂直的,在其他区域内,主张应力和主压应力均以震中为中心,向外呈辐射状.(3)从地表水平位移场来看,震中东西两侧物质朝震中位置汇聚,南北两侧物质向外流出,在震中处的最大水平位移量达43 mm.从地表垂直位移场来看,震中南北两侧出现明显的隆升,隆升最大值达56.8 mm.震中东西两侧出现明显的沉降,沉降最大值达74.5 mm.从剖面的位移场来看,九寨沟地震为左旋走滑地震,且有一定的正断成分.由分析可以推测该断层破裂在大致22~26 km的深度上就截止了.并推测下盘物质运动的动力来自震源北东东方向(四川块体)深度在6~30 km的下盘下层物质,上盘物质运动的动力来自震源北西西方向(巴颜喀拉块体)深度在0~6 km的上盘上层物质.(4)通过计算不同深度上主震对余震的触发作用可知,主震后的最大余震受到了主震的触发作用,多数其他余震也受到主震的触发作用.主震的发生促使了库仑应力增加地区余震的发生,抑制了一部分库仑应力减少地区余震的发生.  相似文献   

为深度剖析2021年云南漾濞MS6.4地震对周围断层的影响以及地震序列间的静态库仑应力影响关系,文章基于主震的破裂模型和Okada给出位移对空间偏导数的解析式,首先计算了主震在周围断层上产生的静态库仑破裂应力,结果表明维西—乔后断裂带中段、澜沧江断裂带北端、红河断裂带北端以及怒江断裂带中段库仑应力均有千帕量级的增加。其次,计算了此次地震对周围地区产生的水平应力场及位移场,发现震中东西两侧物质向外流出,南北两侧向震中汇聚;震中南北两侧沉降,东西两侧隆升;产生的应力场呈EW向挤压,NS向拉张,在一定程度上抵消了该区域背景构造应力场。最后计算了前震-主震-余震序列间的静态库仑应力影响,结果表明前震产生的静态库仑应力促进了主震的发生;在2 km、13 km和18.5 km深度附近,触发的余震(前震和主震产生的库仑应力变化为正)比例很高,但在7 km深度处(同震破裂模型中滑移量最大)大部分余震分布在库仑应力负值区(应力影区),考虑到该深度余震与主震震源机制相差较大,因此通过模拟最易错动的断层面作为余震接受断层面,从而计算出最大静态库仑破裂应力,发现应力影区的余震仍有被触发的...  相似文献   

2014年2月12日新疆于田MW7.0地震源区位于巴颜喀拉块体与西昆仑块体的连接部位,东西向拉张构造发育,距离2008年3月21日于田MW7.1地震震中位置约100 km.根据有限断层地震破裂过程模型,计算了2008年新疆于田地震产生的静态库仑应力变化.此次地震的断层面呈北偏东方向,在断层两端出现3个应力加载区,2014年于田主震位于破裂前端的库仑应力加载区.这一结果表明,2008年于田地震可能对2014年地震事件起到了触发作用.2008和2014年新疆于田地震产生的静态库仑应力变化与余震事件的空间分布具有明显的相关性,大多数余震位于应力加载区,发生在卸载区的余震较少.静态库仑应力变化与余震序列吻合较好.2014年3月21日新疆于田地震之后40天,在北西方向发生MW5.2强余震,其震中位置的应力增量达到0.63×105Pa.通过比较,发现静态库仑应力变化和地震活动率之间具有较好的相关性.地震活动率较高的区域与静态库仑应力加载区相对应,如康西瓦断裂东段、贡嘎错断裂中段和东北段等区域.  相似文献   

1973~1976年四川松潘强震序列的应力触发过程   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
朱航  闻学泽 《地球物理学报》2009,52(4):994-1003
本文计算和研究了1973~1976年四川松潘4次强震组成的序列引起的库仑应力变化图像,分析了由该序列各次事件引起的近场应力变化及其与后续强震发生以及余震分布的关系,同时分析了该序列引起的远场应力变化与随后25年区域中-强地震活动的关系.结果显示:1973年8月11日松潘黄龙6.5级地震导致虎牙断裂带中段上库仑应力的显著增加并触发了1976年8月16日的7.2级地震;此后,又沿断层向南相继触发了1976年8月22日的6.7级地震和8月23日的7.2级地震.该序列的绝大多数余震主要发生在主震发震断层的近场库仑应力增加区.另外,在该强震序列发生后的25年中、在距该序列发震断层中部约200 km范围内,6次5.0~6.6级地震均发生在由该序列引起的远场、微量的库仑应力变化增加区中.  相似文献   

2017年8月8日我国四川九寨沟发生里氏7.0级地震.本研究利用基线校正方法获得距震中100km范围内9个强震台站同震位移,基于Sentinel-1卫星干涉SAR影像对获取了InSAR同震形变场.结合GPS形变数据,本研究进行了震源滑动模型联合反演,结果显示此次地震整体以走滑运动为主,释放地震矩约为7.60×1018 N·m(~MW6.52).通过对比模拟形变场和观测值显示,联合反演结果优于单独基于InSAR形变场的反演结果.静态应力变化计算结果显示断层平均静态应力降为1.07MPa.反演滑动模型沿走向和倾角方向拐角波数值分别为0.99×10-4和1.10×10-4.同震静态库仑应力变化计算结果显示共有83.6%的余震位于库仑应力增加的区域,被主震所触发的余震占总数的77.9%,主震对后续余震具有显著触发作用.强地面运动模拟结果显示模拟结果在烈度分布范围和等级方面与调查烈度符合度很高,模拟结果能够很好地反映断层破裂的方向性效应等特征.本研究计算结果显示九寨沟地震无论是平均静态应力降还是拐角波数均低于同类型地震的平均水平,这可能是造成本次地震强地震动水平相对不高的原因.  相似文献   

计算和研究了1976年云南龙陵Ms73、Ms74双主震产生的完全库仑破裂应力变化及其对后续震群序列的动态和静态应力触发作用.结果显示,龙陵第2主震受到了第1主震的动态和静态库仑破裂应力的触发作用.龙陵双主震的13个后续强余震中,发生在龙陵三角形块体内部的强余震,90%都受到了第1或第2主震的动态库仑破裂应力触发或静态库仑破裂应力触发作用,发生在三角形块体外部的强余震,2/3受到了第2主震的动态库仑破裂应力触发作用.从触发作用的强度和范围上看,第2主震的动态和静态库仑破裂应力触发作用都大于第1主震.就近场而言,受到龙陵双主震的动态和静态库仑破裂应力触发作用的余震数目相当,但动态库仑破裂应力的触发作用范围大于静态库仑破裂应力.  相似文献   

缪淼  朱守彪 《地震学报》2013,35(5):619-631
2013年4月20日芦山MS7.0地震发生在龙门山断裂带的西南段,距2008年汶川MS8.0地震仅约85km,时间上仅相隔5年.首先计算了汶川地震的静态库仑应力变化对本次芦山地震的影响,得出芦山地震是由汶川地震触发造成的(库仑应力上升了0.012 MPa);进一步计算了芦山地震与汶川地震这两次大地震共同产生的静态库仑应力变化.结果表明,芦山地震的余震受前面两次大地震的共同影响,而不仅仅是芦山地震单独作用的结果,超过85%的余震发生在两次地震共同产生的静态库仑应力变化增大的地方,而芦山地震本身触发不了本次的余震序列(仅48.7%的余震位于主震所产生的应力加载区).此外,计算结果表明芦山地震本身对周边断层影响较小,仅龙门山断裂带的东北段受到一定的加载作用;而由于汶川地震的作用,安宁河断裂、大凉山断裂、马尔康断裂、岷江断裂和虎牙断裂呈卸载趋势,仅鲜水河断裂东南段和龙门山断裂中段受到加载作用,这均会加速断层上新地震的发生.  相似文献   

庞亚瑾  程惠红  董培育  石耀霖 《地震》2019,39(3):127-137
天山地区为典型地震活跃区, 为定量分析该构造活跃区强震对周边构造变形和地震活动的影响, 本文基于地震位错理论和岩石圈分层模型计算了天山北部近期发生的2012年伊犁和2017年精河两次M6.6地震对周围地壳形变和应力的影响。 计算结果显示伊犁地震和精河M6.6地震引起震中附近地表同震位移达数厘米, 地表同震应变量级约为10-7; 对比天山北部地区年平均构造形变特征, M6.6强震释放了震中附近近十年的构造主压应变积累; 地震引起震中附近(80 km内)同震库仑应力变化大于1 kPa, 而距震中较远区域活动断层上库仑应力变化微弱。 结合天山北部现今地壳变形特征及区域地震分布, 初步推测两次M6.6地震的发生对震后余震有显著的触发作用, 而对区域后续微震活动的影响微弱。  相似文献   

宋金  周龙泉 《中国地震》2014,30(2):168-177
计算了2008 年以来于田地区4 次MS5. 5 以上地震产生的同震静态库仑破裂应力场变化,分析它们之间的应力触发效应、4 次地震产生的应力变化与余震分布的关系及其对周边主要断层的影响。结果表明,2011 年MS5. 5、2014 年MS7. 3 地震均处于之前地震产生的库仑破裂应力增加区,增加值分别为0. 004、0. 021MPa,说明这两次地震明显受到之前强震触发作用的影响;而2012 年MS6. 2 地震位于之前地震产生的应力影区内,对其发生有延缓作用。此次MS7. 3 地震产生的库仑破裂应力场图像与目前余震空间分布特征较为吻合;但主震破裂面上部分应力增强区几乎没有余震发生,这些地区未来存在发生强余震的可能。距此次震中最近的贡嘎错断裂中段上不同断层段库仑应力扰动值变化很大,计算结果可能会受有限断层震源模型的一定影响,依然存在较强的地震危险性。此外,贡嘎错断裂东北段、普鲁断裂中西段及龙木错-邦达错断裂带西段受2008 年以来地震的累积库仑应力增加的影响也较为明显,其应力扰动最大值均超过0. 002MPa,同样存在一定地震危险性。  相似文献   

本文采用离散波数法,计算了2014年于田MS7.3地震的断层破裂在近场和远场产生的库仑破裂应力变化,并结合地震活动特征,讨论了MS7.3地震对后续余震活动和远场区域小震活动的动态应力触发作用.结果表明, ① MS7.3地震产生的库仑破裂应力变化对其西南侧主体余震区的地震活动起到了抑制作用,这可能是本次MS7.3地震序列余震活动水平不高的主要原因;距主震约30 km的北东方向余震区后续地震活动受到了主震产生的动态和静态应力变化的共同触发作用,动态应力变化峰值为2.78 MPa,静态应力变化为0.80 MPa,这与该区余震较为活跃相一致;距主震约45 km的北部余震区受到动态应力触发作用,应力变化峰值为0.72 MPa. ② MS7.3地震产生的动态库仑应力变化空间分布呈非对称性,其中北东方向、北部余震分布与动态应力变化正值区存在相关性,从应力变化的角度解释了MS7.3地震的后续余震空间活动特征. ③ MS7.3地震在沙雅、伽师地区的远场接收点产生的动态应力变化峰值分别为0.09 MPa、0.1 MPa,对两个区域的小震活动具有动态触发作用.  相似文献   

Based on the rupture models of the 2015 Pishan MW6.4 earthquake and half space homogeneous elastic model, the Coulomb stress changes generated by the earthquake are calculated on the active faults near the earthquake region. The horizontal stress changes and the displacement field are estimated on the area around the epicenter. Results show that:(1)The Coulomb stress is decreased in the west of the western Kunlun frontal thrust fault(9.5×103Pa), and increased in the east of the western Kunlun frontal thrust fault and the middle of the Kangxiwa faults. More attention should be taken to the seismic rick of the east of the western Kunlun frontal thrust fault; (2)Based on the analysis on the location of the aftershocks, it is found that most of the aftershocks are triggered by the earthquake. In the region of increased Coulomb attraction, the aftershock distribution is more intensive, and in the area of the Coulomb stress reduction, the distribution of aftershocks is relatively sparse; (3)The horizontal area stress increases in the north and south of the earthquake(most part of the Qaidam Basin and the northwest of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau), and decreases in the east and west of the earthquake(northern part of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau and eastern part of the Pamir Mountains). In the epicenter area, the principal compressive stress presents nearly NS direction and the principal extensional stress presents nearly EW direction. The principal compressive stress shows an outward radiation pattern centered on the epicenter with the principal extensional stress along the direction of concentric circles. The principal compressive stress presents NW direction to the west of the epicenter, and NE to the east of the epicenter. With the increase of radius, the stress level gradually decays with 107Pa in the epicenter and hundreds Pa in the Maidan Fault which is in the north of the Qaidam Basin.  相似文献   

黄星  洪顺英  金红林  刘泰  董彦芳 《地震》2020,40(1):84-98
本文基于Sentinel-1A卫星影像数据提取了2015年皮山MW6.4地震的同震形变场, 震中北部以隆升为主, 最大抬升量为12.9 cm; 南部以沉降为主, 最大沉降量为5.5 cm。 采用基于单一断层滑动模型的多峰粒子群优化和蒙特卡罗算法, 以LOS向InSAR形变场为约束, 对发震断层的几何模型进行非线性反演。 在此基础上, 联合InSAR和GPS数据, 利用最速下降法反演断层滑动分布。 综合结果表明: 发震断层是顶部埋深约7.4 km的隐伏断裂, 断层面大小为48 km×35 km, 断层走向、 倾角、 断层滑动角分别为111°、 19°、 91°; 断层最大滑动量0.47 m, 位于深度为10.6 km的区域; 累计地震矩3.89×1018 N·m, 约合矩震级MW6.33。 最后, 依据主震断层滑移量计算了主震对周围中小断裂的库仑应力扰动变化, 结果显示距离震中最近的泽普断裂受主震影响的库仑应力明显增加; 震后3年内余震集中分布在泽普断裂库仑应力增加区域, 表明皮山地震主震对余震的发生可能具有一定的应力触发作用。  相似文献   

On May 12, 2008, a magnitude 7.9 earthquake ruptured the Longmenshan fault system in Sichuan Province, China, collapsing buildings and killing tens of thousands people. As predicted, aftershocks may last for at least one year, and moreover, large aftershocks are likely to occur. Therefore, it is critical to outline the areas with potential aftershocks before reconstruction and re-settling people as to avoid future disasters. It is demonstrated that the redistribution of stress induced by an earthquake should trigger successive seismic activity. Based on static stress triggering theory, we calculated the coseismic stress changes on major faults induced by the Wenchuan earthquake, with elastic dislocation theory and the multilayered crustal model. We also discuss the stress distribution and its significance for future seismic activity under the impact of the Wenchuan earthquake. It is shown that coulomb failure stress (CFS) increases obviously on the Daofu-Kangding segment of the Xianshuihe Fault, the Maqu and Nanping segment of the Eastern Kunlun Fault, the Qingchuan Fault, southern segment of the Minjiang Fault, Pengxian-Guanxian Fault, Jiangyou-Guangyuan Fault, and Jiangyou-Guanxian Fault. The increased stress raises the probability of earthquake occurrence on these faults. Since these areas are highly populated, earthquake monitoring and early disaster alarm system are needed. CFS increases with a magnitude of 0.03–0.06 MPa on the Qingchuan Fault, which is close to the northern end of the rapture of Wenchuan earthquake. The occurrence of some strong aftershocks, including three events with magnitude higher than 5.0, indicates that the seismic activities have been triggered by the main shock. Aftershocks seem to migrate northwards. Since the CFS change on the Lueyang-Mianxian Fault located on the NEE of the Qingchuan Fault is rather small (±0.01 MPa), the migration of aftershocks might be terminated in the area near Hanzhong City. The CFS change on the western Qinling Fault is around 10 Pa, and the impact of static triggering can be neglected. The increment of CFS on the Pengxian-Guanxian Fault and Beichuan-Yingxiu Fault southwest to the main rupture is 0.005–0.015 MPa, which would facilitate earthquake triggering in these areas. Very few aftershocks in these areas indicate that the accumulated stress has not been released sufficiently. High seismic risk is predicated in these areas due to co-seismic CFS loading. The Wenchuan earthquake released the accumulated CFS on the Fubianhe Fault, the Huya Fault, the Ha’nan-Qingshanwan Fault, and the Diebu-Bailongjiang Fault. The decrement of CFS changes on the Longquanshan Fault east to Chengdu City is about 0.002 MPa. The seismic activity will be depressed by decrement of CFS on these faults. Supported by Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX-SW-153), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40574011 and 40474028)  相似文献   

The November 14, 2001 Ms8.1 Kunlun Mountains earthquake in northern Tibet is the largest earthquake occurring on the Chinese mainland since 1950. We apply a three-dimensional (3-D) finite element numerical procedure to model the coseismic displacement and stress fields of the earthquake based on field investigations. We then further investigate the stress interaction between the Ms8.1 earthquake and the intensive aftershocks. Our primary calculation shows that the coseismic displacement field is centralized around the east Kunlun fault zone. And the attenuation of coseismic displacements on the south side of Kunlun fault zone is larger than that on the north side. The calculated coseismic stress field also indicates that the calculated maximal shear stress field is centralized around the east Kunlun fault zone; the directions of the coseismic major principal stress are opposite to that of the background crustal stress field of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau. It indicates that the earthquake relaxes the crustal stress state in the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau. Finally, we study the stress interaction between Ms8.1 earthquake and its intensive aftershocks. The calculated Coulomb stress changes of the Ms8.1 great earthquake are in favor of triggering 4 aftershocks.  相似文献   

On Aug. 3rd, 2014, a MS6.5 earthquake struck Ludian County, Yunnan Province. It is a typical left-lateral strike-slip event. With the purpose of understanding the influence of the Ludian earthquake, this paper firstly calculates the co-seismic Coulomb failure stress changes of the mainshock with the employment of the finite dislocation source model inversed by other researchers and studies the triggering effect to the aftershocks within a month. We find that 82.43% of the aftershocks are located in the Coulomb stress increasing area(ΔCFS>0.01MPa), therefore, most of the aftershocks are triggered by the mainshock. Then, regarding the surrounding active faults as the receive faults, the Coulomb stress changes of the mainshock are calculated to investigate the impact on the faults nearby. The result shows that only the northeast end of the west branch and northeast part of the east branch of Zhaotong-Ludian faults have been brought to failure. However, the other faults such as Daliangshan Fault, Lianfeng Fault, Zemuhe Fault, Xiaojiang Fault and Mabian-Yanjin Fault are unloaded after the Luidian event, so the possibility of future earthquake is decreased around these faults. Besides, when the optimal failure plane is chosen as the receive fault of the Coulomb stress changes, the Ludian earthquake always has good triggering effect to the aftershocks no matter which source models and effective friction coefficients are chosen.  相似文献   

熊维  谭凯  刘刚  乔学军  聂兆生 《地球物理学报》2015,58(11):4305-4316
2015年尼泊尔MW7.9地震重烈度区从震中向东延伸,致灾范围包括尼泊尔、印度北部、巴基斯坦、孟加拉和中国藏南地区,其应力调整对邻区和周边活动断裂可能产生重要影响.本文基于地震应力触发理论,采用岩石圈地壳分层黏弹性位错模型,计算了尼泊尔MW7.9地震引起的周边断裂,特别是青藏高原活动断裂的同震和震后库仑应力变化.结果显示,尼泊尔地震同震效应引起大部分震区库仑应力升高,余震主要分布在最大同震滑动等值线外部库仑应力升高区域;少量余震靠近最大滑动量区域,可能该区域积累的地震能量在主震期间没有完全释放.尼泊尔地震同震库仑应力对青藏高原,特别是中尼边境区域活动断裂有一定影响.亚东—谷露地堑南段、北喜马拉雅断裂西段、当惹雍错—定日断裂和甲岗—定结断裂同震库仑应力升高,其中当惹雍错—定日断裂南端,北喜马拉雅断裂西段同震库仑应力变化峰值超过0.01 MPa;帕龙错断裂、班公错断裂、改则—洞措断裂库仑应力降低,其地震发生概率有所降低.震后应力影响方面,未来40年内黏弹性松弛作用导致北喜马拉雅断裂、改则—洞措断裂和喀喇昆仑断裂整体应力卸载;藏南一系列正断层震后应力持续上升,其中帕龙错断裂南段受到震后黏弹性库仑应力影响,由应力阴影区逐渐转化为应力增强区,当惹雍错—定日断裂南段应力进一步加强,震后40年其南端应力变化峰值达到0.1345 MPa,亚东—谷露断裂南段应力亦持续增强.藏南正断层的地震活动性值得进一步关注.  相似文献   

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