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植物群落结构特征与其生境具有重要关系.三峡水库消落带独特的水文状况和不同地区地理条件的差异导致其不同区域不同水位高程的植被群落结构差异.为研究三峡水库消落带典型区域植被群落结构特征,调查分析了位于三峡水库腹地的消落带上、中、下部3个不同间距高程(145~155、155~170、170~175 m)的草本植物群落物种组成、生物多样性和结构特征.结果表明:共发现49种草本植物,上、中、下部分3个高程物种数分别为4、18、45种,随高程的增加物种数呈较为显著的增加;3个高程草本植物平均盖度、平均密度和平均高度范围分别为(2.58%±1.29%)74.83%±2.57%、(43.58±85.93)466.08±48.04株/m2和(4.89±0.56)77.02±9.31cm.综合分析表明,三峡水库腹地小范围流域消落带草本植物物种组成和结构趋于简单化,由于受水淹胁迫影响及不同高程微生境的差异,不同高程消落带植物多样性有所差异,呈现出的群落特征也有所不同,因此应充分考虑不同水位高程物种组成和结构的差异性特征,分类(区)配置物种搭配、优化种间关系可促进消落带草本植物多样性以及群落结构的改善.  相似文献   

江维薇  李文涛  肖衡林 《湖泊科学》2022,34(6):2025-2038
澜沧江最大梯级水库——糯扎渡水库运行之后,消落带许多原有植被物种被淹消亡,造成大面积次生裸地以及严重水土流失现象.消落带植被亟待生态修复,但缺乏基本数据支撑和参考.2020年7月,基于轻型无人机支持下的3S技术,结合现场调研,采用神经网络模型、空间叠加分析、景观格局指数以及典型相关性分析等方法,提取了糯扎渡水库典型消落带植被分类图及地形数据,定量分析了研究区本土物种组成、面积、覆盖率、分布特征、景观空间格局及地形解释.结果显示,研究区消落带植被覆盖率达74.13%,涵盖18种植物,物种数量仅占蓄水前的18.9%,原生植物仅剩飞机草(Chromolaena odorata)存活,物种组成趋于简单,以一年生草本和多年生草本为主,分别占比55.56%、33.33%,菊科占据优势,苍耳(Xanthium sibiricum)、狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)、牛筋草(Eleusine indica)和藿香蓟(Ageratum conyzoides)为主要优势物种,分别占比47.41%、29.39%、9.37%和4.56%,可作为生态修复备选物种.地形因子对消落带植被影响大小:高程>地表起伏度>水体距离>坡度>地形湿度指数>坡向.研究区优势植物均呈聚集分布,消落带中下部、上部分别以苍耳和狗牙根斑块为主导,苍耳和狗牙根在斑块优势度、连通性以及形状复杂性方面均远大于牛筋草和藿香蓟,表现出了较强的生存潜力.苍耳在地表起伏度0~1.26 m区段覆盖良好,狗牙根、牛筋草在地表起伏度0.78~2.07 m区段覆盖良好,当地表起伏度>2.07 m,植被生长困难.植被景观格局的破碎化程度、斑块形状复杂性分别与地表起伏度呈正相关、负相关,即地表起伏度越大导致植被景观格局越破碎和斑块形状越简单,进而导致种群生存力减弱.  相似文献   

镉(Cd)是目前三峡库区消落带主要的污染物之一,其迁移和形态转化直接威胁水环境安全.选择库区丰都-忠县段消落带,按照高程差异分别于不同土地利用类型(农田、林地、果园和村庄)下采集土壤样品,利用化学连续提取法测定Cd的形态组成,探讨影响消落带土壤中Cd及其形态空间分布的关键因素.结果表明,消落带土壤中Cd的平均含量为0.65 mg/kg,可交换态及碳酸盐结合态是土壤中Cd的主要形态,占比达到41.21%,残渣态和铁锰氧化物结合态次之,有机物及硫化物结合态占比最低.不同土地利用类型下消落带土壤Cd的含量整体上不存在显著性差异,表明当地人类活动对土壤Cd的直接贡献较弱.消落带土壤Cd及其形态的含量与高程呈显著负相关,且在160~165 m区域发生明显转变,水位变化导致的泥沙沉积可能是控制消落带Cd空间分布的主要因素.此外,土壤理化性质,尤其是细颗粒泥沙对Cd及其形态分布具有明显影响,将来需重点关注泥沙理化属性对Cd迁移及形态转化的影响.  相似文献   

丁扬  姜百惠  丁鑫  杨帆  孙涛 《湖泊科学》2018,30(6):1745-1754
消落区是河流、湖泊和水库因阶段性或长期性的水位涨落而反复淹没或出露而形成的一种特殊的季节性湿地.消落区植被在维持水陆生态系统的动态平衡、生物多样性、生态安全及生态服务功能等方面发挥着重要作用.通过样方法调查分析了海南松涛水库消落区植物组成、区系特点以及群落分布特征.结果显示:松涛水库消落区共有维管植物40科101属115种,其中被子植物36科97属111种,蕨类植物4科4属4种.植物区系以热带性为主,外来入侵种较多,且既耐水淹又耐干旱植物众多;群落以草本、灌木植物为主,乔木较少且大多以幼苗形式存在.主要群落类型为以铺地黍(Panicum repens)为优势种的复合群落,个别区域零散分布有美洲蟛蜞菊(Wedelia trilobata)、光荚含羞草(Mimosa sepiaria)、猪屎豆(Crotalaria pallida)、马松子(Melochia corchorifolia)、假臭草(Praxelis clematidea)和铺地黍等单优群落.消落区不同海拔区间群落分布存在明显差异,物种多样性从高到低呈显著递减趋势.研究结果可为松涛水库消落区植被恢复工作提供科学指导.  相似文献   

近年来,受全球变化及高强度人类活动的影响,洞庭湖湿地群落分布带不断下移,引发了人们对其湿地服务功能下降的担忧.以洞庭湖北洲子洲滩为例,采用野外样带调查和室内分析相结合的方法,对洞庭湖湿地荻-苔草群落交错带植被和环境特征进行研究,以期揭示荻-苔草群落交错带动态变化和影响其变化的关键环境因子.结果表明:土壤含水量随高程增加呈逐渐降低的趋势,土壤总碳、总氮、总磷含量和p H值在样带间差异显著,但土壤电导率和总钾含量在样带间无显著差异.各样带物种丰富度和香农指数随高程增加整体上呈先降低再增加的趋势.荻生物量随高程增加呈逐渐增加的趋势,而苔草生物量呈先增加后减少的趋势.典型相关分析表明,土壤含水量与二者生物量及群落丰富度、多样性间具有很好的相关性,表明土壤含水量是调控该群落交错带植被动态变化的关键环境因子.  相似文献   

洞庭湖湿地土壤种子库特征及其与地表植被的相关性   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
本文研究洞庭湖三种分布于不同水位的主要群落(荻、苔草、虉草)土壤种子库大小组成、垂直分布特征及其地表植被的相关性.结果表明:荻群落土壤种子库密度最高,为44656粒/m2,苔草群落的最低,为15146粒/m2,虉草群落的居中,为31725粒/m2.种子主要分布于土壤表层(0~5 cm),且随土壤剖面深度的增加而迅速递减.三种群落湿地种子库由53种植物组成,分属18科39属,其中多年生物种20种,一或二年生物种33种.在荻、苔草和虉草三种群落中,种子库的多年生物种分别占29.9%、35.2%和38.0%,物种多样性指数分别为0.76、0.70和0.72;地表植被物种多样性指数分别为0.53、0.17和0.45,土壤种子库与相应地表植被相似性系数分别为0.40、0.28和0.52.可见,在洞庭湖这一通江湖泊湿地,多年生地表植被所产生的种子对土壤种子库大小贡献相对有限,种子库可能主要通过其它途径(如水的流动作用)输入.  相似文献   

采用高时间分辨率遥感信息的谐波分析方法,提取反映鄱阳湖湿地植被指数随水位变化的谐波分量,分别以自然年和水文年的不同周期作为湿地植被指数谐波分析单元,利用时间序列信号的最大振幅谐波分量的变化周期表征湿地植被指数在不同分析单元的变化模式,结合常年水位观测数据和湿地植被群落在不同物候期的时间与空间特征,探讨鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区和南矶湿地国家级自然保护区的植被分布面积与水位变化关系.结果表明:(1)鄱阳湖湿地植被分布受水文状况影响的特征明显,相对于南矶自然保护区,鄱阳湖自然保护区湿地植被分布面积对观测水位的变化更为敏感.(2)两个自然保护区范围内的湿地植被分布面积与对应水文年9和10月的观测水位呈现较强的负相关关系,且在0.05水平上显著.一年两季生长的湿地植被分布面积受退水时间影响大于次年的涨水时间,与枯水期的观测水位无明显的相关关系.(3)两个自然保护区在不同高程区间的湿地植被分布面积与观测水位的相关关系和显著性呈现各自特征.在鄱阳湖保护区,12~13 m高程区间的湿地植被分布面积与9月观测水位的相关性最强,且相关关系在0.05水平上显著;13~14 m高程区间的湿地植被分布面积与10月观测水位相关关系更强.在南矶自然保护区,湿地植被分布面积在不同高程区间均与9和10月观测水位显著相关.采用谐波分析方法分析湖泊湿地的植被分布面积与水位关系有助于基于多时间序列遥感信息的湿地水文节律研究.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖典型洲滩湿地土壤含水量和地下水位年内变化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
湿地植被空间分布受多个水分因子共同影响,为了探求鄱阳湖典型洲滩湿地不同植被类型下地下水、土壤水的变化特征,本文选择鄱阳湖吴城湿地保护区内一个长约1.2 km的典型洲滩湿地为实验区,建立了气象-土壤-水文联合观测系统.对观测的气象、水文要素进行分析发现:(1)洲滩湿地地下水位年内呈单峰变化,季节性差异显著,最大埋深可达10 m,出现在1月份,丰水期8月份地下水位最高时可出露地表,且地下水位与湖泊水位变化具有高度一致性;(2)由远湖区高地至近湖区低地,不同植被带中地下水平均埋深变化为藜蒿带(4.76 m)芦苇带(2.87 m)灰化薹草带(1.61 m).地下水埋深小于50 cm的持续时间分别为:藜蒿带27 d、芦苇带112 d、灰化薹草带170 d;(3)土壤平均含水量沿不同植被带梯度变化为:藜蒿带最小(15.9%),芦苇样带(40.7%)和灰化薹草样带(43.7%)较大.土壤含水量年内变幅为:藜蒿带最大(2.5%~55.2%),芦苇带和灰化薹草带相对较小,分别为22.1%~48.1%和28.4%~54.1%;(4)不同植被带土壤含水量季节变化规律不同,藜蒿带土壤含水量年内呈单峰型,仅夏季土壤含水量较高,其余季节均在10%左右,而芦苇带和灰化薹草样带春、夏、秋季均维持较高含水量(42%以上),仅冬季水分含量较低.  相似文献   

通过野外不同水位高程固定样地多次调查,结合方差/均值比率法研究了不同水位高程下洞庭湖湿地南荻(Triarrhena lutarioriparia)种群分布格局及生长动态.结果表明:(1)低程区土壤含水量显著高于高程区;低程区土壤颗粒组成与高程区相比有显著差异,低程区土壤为黏砂壤土,高程区为粉砂土;低程区土壤总有机碳、全氮、铵态氮和pH值等与高程区相比无显著差异,而其硝态氮、有效磷、全钾和速效钾含量低于高程区,全磷含量却恰好相反.(2)调查期间,南荻的分布格局随着植物的生长由均匀分布逐渐变为聚集分布,低程区聚集强度更大;(3)南荻的生物量和高度均随时间增长而迅速增加,且低程区的总生物量和增长量均高于高程区;南荻的密度和基径随时间增长而增加,之后趋于平稳,且低程区均高于高程区.结果分析表明,水位高程差异引起的土壤含水量的显著变化可能是影响南荻分布格局和生长动态最重要的因素.因此,适度地调控水位、增加土壤水分含量可能是控制南荻群落扩张的重要措施.  相似文献   

消落带是河流、湖泊和水库特有的一种现象,也是水陆生态系统间物质能量转换最活跃、最重要的区域,消落带的淹水-落干的频率和时间对消落带有机质和营养盐的形态转化与水界面的交换过程有重要影响.在密云水库的平水期(3月),对内湖消落带有机质、氮、磷含量分布进行调查,研究不同高程、土地利用和土壤深度的情况下,有机质和各营养盐含量的分布情况及相关关系,计算有机质和各营养盐在各高程下的储量,为消落带氮磷入库风险负荷量的评估,维护密云水库的水质安全提供依据.结果表明,密云水库内湖消落带有机质、总磷、总氮、氨氮、硝态氮、亚硝态氮和无机磷含量分别为23.15±13.65 mg/g、0.17±0.09 mg/g、1.44±0.81 mg/g、10.86±3.54μg/g、8.07±2.73μg/g、0.41±0.71μg/g、9.09±4.18μg/g;土地利用情况对总氮、氨氮和硝态氮含量影响较大,而对有机质和总磷含量分布没有显著影响;在垂直分布上,有机质、总磷和总氮含量有随土壤深度增加而降低的趋势;利用相关分析得出有机质和土壤水分是影响氮、磷转化的重要因素;133~146 m高程范围内有机质、总磷和总氮的储量分别为5324.07、59.56和414.02 t.密云水库内湖消落带是有机质和营养盐的重要贮存库.  相似文献   

Water-level fluctuations may be used to promote the expansion of emergent vegetation along lakeshores. We present the case of the lake Volkerak-Zoommeer in the Netherlands, a fresh-water lake created in 1987 after the enclosure of an estuary. Using an experimental area in which the water level could be manipulated, it was shown that partial summer drawdown of the shoreline created suitable conditions for germination and growth of tall emergent species (in particular Phragmites australis). Plant survival and growth depended on subsequent water-level fluctuations and grazing by waterbirds. Based on the experiment and empirical data, a model was developed to predict the effects of the water-level regime on potential reed bed development. The model was applied for four hydrological scenarios that have been considered for the water-level management of the lake.  相似文献   

Temperature, salinity, meltwater percentage, water column stability, dissolved oxygen and nutrients were measured in seawater samples collected at three fixed depths (0, 20, 100 m) in 104 stations located in three different areas of the Ross Sea (Antarctica), during four Italian Antarctic surveys carried out between 1998 and 2006. Nutrient data were used to quantify the nutrient removal, which appears particularly high in 2006, especially in polynya area. The N:P and Si:N disappearance ratios were studied to estimate the dominant phytoplanktonic community. No significant differences in the nutrient drawdown ratio were observed, in fact the N:P ratio was always below the Redfield standard ratio.  相似文献   

南京玄武湖浮游甲壳动物的水平分布及其与环境的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
于2010年7月对玄武湖三个区域(荷花区、湖岸区、敞水区)的浮游甲壳动物水平分布进行了分析,并探讨了浮游甲壳动物种类、丰度分布与环境因子的关系.结果显示:荷花区、湖岸区、敞水区的氮磷营养盐浓度无显著差异,三个区域pH逐渐变高.相比其他区域,荷花区叶绿素a浓度最高而总悬浮质浓度最低.荷花区浮游甲壳动物丰度显著高于敞水区和湖岸区.全湖枝角类优势种为模糊秀体溞、微型裸腹溞、尖额溞以及壳纹船卵溞.桡足类的优势种为北碚中剑水蚤和台湾温剑水蚤.与其他湖区相比,荷花区浮游甲壳动物种类最多,且检出缺刺新秀体溞等稀有枝角类.冗余分析(RDA)表明与玄武湖浮游甲壳动物优势种分布相关的重要环境因子为总悬浮质、叶绿素a和总溶解磷浓度.结合浮游甲壳动物种类、丰度分布及环境因子分析得出,模糊秀体溞更倾向于分布在敞水区,而荷花区为其余大部分浮游甲壳动物种类提供了合适的生存条件.  相似文献   

An algorithm was designed to statistically estimate the areal distribution of water-table altitude. The altitude of the water table was bounded below by the minimum water-table surface and above by the land surface. Using lake elevations and stream stages, and interpolating between lakes and streams, the minimum water-table surface was generated. A multiple linear regression among the minimum water-table altitude, the differerence between land-surface and minimum water-table altitudes, and the water-level measurements from surficial aquifier system wells resulted in a consistently high correlation for all groups of physiographic regions in Florida. A simple linear regression between land-surface and water-level measurements resulted in a root-mean-square residual of 4.23 m, with residuals ranging from -8.78 to 41.54 m. A simple linear regression between the minimum water table and the water-level measurements resulted in a root-mean-square residual of 1.45 m, with residuals ranging from -7.39 to 4.10 m. The application of the multiple linear regression presented herein resulted in a root-mean-square residual of 1.05 m, with residuals ranging from -5.24 to 5.63 m. Results from complete and partial F tests rejected the hypothesis of eliminating any of the regressors in the multiple linear regression presented in this study.  相似文献   

Riparian vegetation is important for stream functioning and as a major landscape feature. For many riparian plants, shallow groundwater is an important source of water, particularly in areas where rainfall is low, either annually or seasonally, and when extended dry conditions prevail for all or part of the year. The nature of tree water relationships is highly complex. Therefore, we used multiple lines of evidence to determine the water sources used by the dominant tree species Eucalyptus camaldulensis (river red gum), growing in riparian and floodplain areas with varying depth to groundwater and stream perenniality. Dendrometer bands were used to measure diel, seasonal, and annual patterns of tree water use and growth. Water stable isotopes (δ2H and δ18O) in plant xylem, soil water, and groundwater were measured to determine spatial and temporal patterns in plant water source use. Our results indicated riparian trees located on relatively shallow groundwater had greater growth rates, larger diel responses in stem diameter, and were less reactive to extended dry periods, than trees in areas of deep groundwater. These results were supported by isotope analysis that suggested all trees used groundwater when soil water stores were depleted at the end of the dry season, and this was most pronounced for trees with shallow groundwater. Trees may experience more frequent periods of water deficit stress and undergo reduced productivity in scenarios where water table accessibility is reduced, such as drawdown from groundwater pumping activities or periods of reduced rainfall recharge. The ability of trees to adapt to changing groundwater conditions may depend on the speed of change, the local hydrologic and soil conditions as well as the species involved. Our results suggest that Ecamaldulesis growing at our study site is capable of utilizing groundwater even to depths >10 m, and stream perenniality is likely to be a useful indicator of riparian tree use of groundwater.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic impacts in large rivers are widely studied, but studies of recovery once a disturbance has stopped are uncommon. This study examines the biogeomorphic recovery of a 40-km river corridor on the mid-Apalachicola River, Florida following the cessation of dredging, disposal, and snag removal in 2002. This failed navigation project resulted in vegetation losses (~166 ha between 1941 and 2004), river widening, and increased point bar areas. We used paired sets of imagery for a 10-year period during the recovery process at two different flow levels to assess sand bar change, land cover change, and their spatial variations. Most large sand bars decreased significantly in area due to growth of pioneer species, typically from the bankside of the bar. Mean bar area shrank 0.17 and 0.20 ha for the 30th and 1st percentile flows, respectively. For the entire study area, both water-level comparisons showed gains in vegetation (23.36 and 15.83 ha), compensated by losses in the extent of water (16.83 and 8.55 ha) and sand bar losses (6.53 and 7.28 ha). Overall, these gains during the 10-year passive recovery period are equivalent to ~15% of the vegetation losses that resulted from the navigational dredging. As found in other studies, most of the pioneer vegetation grew approximately 2 m relative elevation above the low-water surface. The initial length of the tree line and the area of herbaceous growth both had a significant and positive relationship with the area of new vegetation growth over the study interval. As parts of the river are healing, reduced channel capacity from narrowing and tree growth will benefit the floodplain. As elsewhere, understanding of a river's biogeomorphology, hydrology, and disturbance history can help in selecting appropriate recovery metrics to further advance the understanding and management of disturbed floodplains. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

On the Chinese Loess Plateau, serious slope and gully erosion have caused a decrease in soil water capacity and fertility, which has resulted in vegetation degradation and a reduction in agricultural productivity. Great efforts have been made to restore vegetation to control soil erosion, but the efficiency of artificial revegetation is not satisfactory. Natural revegetation is an alternative. However, while soil seed banks are an essential source for natural revegetation, their composition and distribution on eroded slopes remains unknown. In addition, whether or not seed loss during soil erosion limits vegetation colonization is also unknown. In this work, soil seed bank composition and distribution were studied in three situations. Specifically, three main microsites were selected as sampling plots: fish‐scale pits, as artificial deposited micro‐topography; under tussocks, as trap microsites; and open areas, as eroded areas. Soil samples were collected at depths of 0–2 cm, 2–5 cm and 5–10 cm. The soil seed bank was identified using germination experiments, and a total of 34 species were identified. The dominant species in the soil seed bank were annual/biennial herbs with an average proportion more than 90% and density reaching 19,000 seeds m‐2. The pioneer species Artemisia scoparia was especially abundant. The dominant later successional species, such as Lespedeza davurica, Artemisia giraldii, Artemisia gmelinii, Stipa bungeana and Bothriochloa ischcemum, were present in the soil at a density that ranged from 38 to 1355 seeds m‐2. Compared with the eroded open areas, the fish‐scale pits retained a higher density of seeds, and the tussocks retained a larger number of species. However, there was no serious reduction of the soil seed bank in the erosion areas. The present study indicates that, on these eroded slopes, the soil seed bank is not the key factor limiting the colonization of natural vegetation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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