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以上海浦东机场二期航站楼软土场地为例,应用二维土体模型和一维土体模型分别计算了深覆盖土层的地震反应,讨论了古河道对场地地震动参数的影响。此外,在二维土层地震反应分析中,进一步对比了基岩面地震波行波输入和一致输入下,场地地震动参数的差异。  相似文献   

HVSR方法用于地震作用下场地效应分析的适用性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以美国Garner Valley Downhole Array(GVDA)竖向观测台阵的强震观测记录为基础,利用水平与竖向谱比(Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio,HVSR)方法与传统谱比方法研究了多次地震作用下竖向台阵场地的波动传播规律,探讨了该场地HVSR曲线与传递函数(Transfer Function,TF)曲线的差异,综合利用频域求解一维层状场地P、SV波入射情况下场地响应的土层地震反应分析方法和合成理论地震图的波数积分法解释了二者差异可能的原因,在此基础上研究了HVSR方法应用于地震作用下场地效应分析的适用性.研究结论表明:竖向地震动场地效应是HVSR与传递函数产生差异的主要原因,竖向地震动场地效应主要是由竖向地震动中的P波成分引起的.在场地竖向放大可以忽略的频段范围内,HVSR可以作为传递函数研究地震作用下的场地效应.  相似文献   

对利用一维波动理论计算土层地震反应时,将基岩假为具有自由边界的半无限空间,输入地震记录,计算传递函数,进而计算土层的表震反应这一方法步骤的合理性进行了讨论。理论推演表明,从基岩面输入地震记录和计算传递函数时,应当考虑基岩和上覆土层的相互作用影响。  相似文献   

以Turkey Flat标准试验场为基准场地,以Toro剪切波速模型为基础,进行Monte Carlo模拟,生成剪切波速、层厚和密度随机样本各200条,将各土层随机参数组成4个工况作为不确定分析的基础。采用常用的四分之一波长法和传递函数法计算场地放大因子,分析放大因子以及特征周期对4种工况的敏感度。结果表明:土层剪切波速、层厚和密度的随机性对2种方法计算得到场地放大因子有相同的影响;剪切波速的随机性对放大因子和特征频率的影响比其他参数大;四分之一波长法得到的放大因子和特征频率对土层各参数的敏感性弱于传递函数方法。  相似文献   

在工程场地地震动的研究中 ,一维场地地震反应计算是一种常用的方法 ,但在计算模型、土层参数和输入地震动等环节上均存在不同程度的不确定性。本文较系统地回顾与总结了有关场地地震反应分析不确定性研究的历史和现状 ,在此基础上重点研究了土参数不确定性对场地地震反应分析的影响。本项研究首先探讨了土层剪切波速、厚度、密度以及非线性特性等的不确定性问题 ,在详细讨论分析以往的统计结果和计算方法的基础上 ,给出了土参数不确定性模型的合理估计 ,建立了土参数随机分布模型。考虑到一次二阶矩方法的精度不高 ,而且一般只适用于小参数…  相似文献   

土层特性变异性对场地传递函数的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取日本Kik-Net强震数据库中软(FKSH14)、硬(FKSH12)两类场地,建立场地概率模型。应用Monte Carlo技术随机生成50组场地剖面,分别计算场地的传递函数STF及STF标准差,讨论场地土层厚度、剪切波速,以及两者组合工况对场地传递函数的标准差的影响。结果显示:对于硬土场地,场地特征频率标准差相对于软土场地较大,且剪切波速变异性的影响略大于土层厚度变异性的,两者组合工况的影响最大;而对于软土场地,土层厚度、剪切波速变化工况下,场地特征频率的标准差相当,略低于两者组合工况;对于软、硬两类场地,土层厚度与剪切波速两者组合工况下的STF标准差略大于单一量变化工况,但3种工况下的场地STF标准差相差不明显;场地STF标准差在场地自振频率附近的频率段取值较大,极值点与场地STF的极值点相对应;基于实际地震记录的场地传递函数标准差高于模拟的结果,但是两者极值点对应的频率范围吻合。  相似文献   

文中从场地划分入手,提出了一种城市地震动参数区划方法新思路:即首先利用专业软件Surfer和ArcGis对区域内的钻孔资料进行处理,构建包含土层厚度、波速分布和建筑场地分类等信息的三维地下模型,并对地表进行场地分区和网格划分。然后在每一场地分区内,选取若干个典型钻孔,进行一维土层地震响应分析,计算结果代表该类场地的地震反应,再根据区域内所有离散点(网格点)的信息,即可获得整个计算区域的地表地震反应结果,进而得到整个区域的地震动参数区划,以及不同加速度峰值的等值线。这一方法可用于计算不同强度地震输入下,区域内地震动的分布,其结果可用于城市震害预测,特别是震后快速评估。  相似文献   

提出了一种改进的考虑非线性场地效应的概率地震危险性分析方法。文中应用实例展示了考虑吉尔罗伊2号场地土层非线性效应的危险性曲线。在卡拉韦拉斯断层上指定了震源参数和地震发生模型,假设该断层为影响该场地的主要震源。采用3次地震的记录经NONLI3程序(可计算土层对强地面运动的非线性响应)建立了该处地表和基岩加速之间的关系。对一定的基岩运动,估算出的地面峰值加速度(PGA)标准误差的不同值可作敏感性分析。实例研究包括一个可替换的非线性关系。除了非线性模型,在吉尔罗伊2号场地上的相同土壤剖面也采用了线性响应模型。结果显示,危险性曲线对估算的该处地表加速度峰值的标准误差非常敏感。如果对场地土壤的非线性程度考虑不足,危险性曲线将严重失真。得自回归分析的可替换的非线性模型和线性响应模型在考虑非线性场地效应的危险性评估是不适用的。  相似文献   

场地土层剪切波速测试不可避免会存在误差,误差达30%左右。目前,在对剪切波速误差对土层地震反应计算影响的研究中,设计波速误差或者设计土层模型的方式偏于理想化。为更接近现实情况,本文基于实测土层模型,用蒙特卡洛方法研究剪切波速误差对土层地震反应计算结果的影响。本文搜集并建立了均匀分布在山东地区的132个场地计算模型,涵盖了山东境内分布广泛的Ⅱ类场地和Ⅲ类场地。根据蒙特卡洛随机模拟原理,对每一场地计算模型,在实测剪切波速值30%的偏差范围内随机生成100组剪切波速值,分别进行土层地震反应计算,分析反应谱值、反应谱平台值和特征周期的变化。研究表明,30%以内的随机波速误差会导致某些周期处的反应谱的变化达30%以上,其对反应谱平台值最大的影响大多在10%~50%之间,对Ⅱ类场地特征周期的最大影响大多在0~50%之间,对Ⅲ类场地特征周期的最大影响大多在20%~90%之间。  相似文献   

以计算结果可靠的土层反应结果为基础数据,基于随机森林算法(Random Forest,简称“RF”),建立地震动、场地土层参数特征量与土层变形特征的关系,提出一种依据常规地震动和场地土层参数为特征量的地震荷载下土层变形等级预测新方法,给出了典型场地土体发生大应变的地震动阈值。结果表明:基于RF模型对土体的变形程度预测结果较为理想,各项评价指标始终保持一个较高水平;对于软土、中硬土及硬土场地,输入地震动分别大于0.05 g、0.15 g及0.19 g时,将产生大应变。同时,本文方法可在不进行土层地震反应数值模拟的情况下,得到场地各土层的剪应变等级,为强地震作用下土体实际力学状态的界定和认识提供新的分析手段,而且也可为地下结构抗震设计问题提供指导和参考。  相似文献   

The mechanism of earthquake energy input to building structures is clarified by considering the surface ground amplification and soil–structure interaction. The earthquake input energies to superstructures, soil–foundation systems and total swaying–rocking system are obtained by taking the corresponding appropriate free bodies into account and defining the energy transfer functions. It has been made clear that, when the ground surface motion is white, the input energy to the swaying–rocking model is constant regardless of the soil property (input energy constant property). The upper bound of earthquake input energy to the swaying–rocking model is derived for the model including the surface ground amplification by taking full advantage of the above-mentioned input energy constant property and introducing the envelope function for the transfer function of the surface ground amplification. Extension of the theory to a general earthquake ground motion model at the engineering bedrock is also made by taking full advantage of the above-mentioned input energy constant property.  相似文献   

符圣聪  江静贝 《地震学报》1982,4(3):294-300
本文将水平土层简化为剪切型多自由度线性体系,根据对土层地震反应的振型迭加法所得结果的统计分析,确定体系的传递函数。参考概率理论中有关求极值的办法,给出与功率谱密度相应的反应谱。同时,根据振型均方根的办法,给出土层的加速度、相对位移、剪应变和剪应力的最大反应值沿深度的分布。分析结果表明,文中所提供的方法与精确法所得的结果有很好的吻合。   相似文献   

The response of buried pipelines to random excitation by earthquake forces is obtained using a lumped mass model. The earthquake is considered as a stationary random process characterized by a power spectral density function (PSDF). The cross spectral density function between two random inputs along the length of the pipe is defined with the help of the local earthquake PSDF which is the same for all points, and a frequency dependent exponentially decaying (with distance) function. Soil resistance to dynamic excitation along the pipelength is obtained in an approximate manner with the help of frequency independent impedance functions derived from half-space analysis and Mindlin's static stresses within the soil due to point loads. The proposed method has the advantage that it can take into consideration the cross terms in soil stiffness and damping matrices and can consider any boundary condition that needs to be satisfied at the ends of the pipe. A parametric study is also made to show the influence of cross terms in the soil stiffness and damping matrices on the response of the pipe.  相似文献   

Powell's method for minimizing a function of several variables without calculating derivatives is applied to recorded earthquake motion on the ground surface to identify ground characteristics that have irregular profiles. The identifications are made by designating the shear wave velocity depth and width of the irregularity of surface ground as unknown parameters and are based on the least square fit between the amplitude of the transfer function determined from accelerograms recorded at two observation sites and the corresponding transfer function calculated from the response analysis of a ground model. The discrete wave number method is used to analyze the response of ground with a non-uniform profile for the incidence of SH waves. The effect of the initial assumed values on the convergence is studied by evaluating the square error between the theoretical transfer function and that calculated from the parameters identified. The dispersive trend found for the accelerograms is explained by the calculated response of a ground model with a non-uniform profile.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the effect of layer height randomness on the seismic response of a layered soil. These parameters are assumed to be lognormal random variables. The analysis is carried out via Monte Carlo simulations coupled with the stiffness matrix method. A parametric study is conducted to derive the stochastic behavior of the peak ground acceleration and its response spectrum,the transfer function and the amplification factors. The input soil characteristics correspond to a site in Mexico City and the input seismic accelerations correspond to the Loma Prieta earthquake. It is found that the layer height heterogeneity causes a widening of the frequency content and a slight increase in the fundamental frequency of the soil profile,indicating that the resonance phenomenon is a concern for a large number of structures. Variation of the layer height randomness acts as a variation of the incident angle,i.e.,a decrease of the amplitude and a shift of the resonant frequencies.  相似文献   

This paper presents an input and system identification technique for a soil–structure interaction system using earthquake response data. Identification is carried out on the Hualien large‐scale seismic test structure, which was built in Taiwan for international joint research. The identified quantities are the input ground acceleration as well as the shear wave velocities of the near‐field soil regions and Young's moduli of the shell sections of the structure. The earthquake response analysis on the soil–structure interaction system is carried out using the finite element method incorporating the infinite element formulation for the unbounded layered soil medium and the substructured wave input technique. The criterion function for the parameter estimation is constructed using the frequency response amplitude ratios of the earthquake responses measured at several points of the structure, so that the information on the input motion may be excluded. The constrained steepest descent method is employed to obtain the revised parameters. The simulated earthquake responses using the identified parameters and input ground motion show excellent agreement with the measured responses. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A criterion is developed for the simulation of realistic artificial ground motion histories at soft‐soil sites, corresponding to a detailed ground motion record at a reference firm‐ground site. A complex transfer function is defined as the Fourier transform of the ground acceleration time history at the soft‐soil site divided by the Fourier transform of the acceleration record at the firm‐ground site. Working with both the real and the imaginary components of the transfer function, and not only with its modulus, serves to keep the statistical information about the wave phases (and, therefore, about the time variation of amplitudes and frequencies) in the algorithm used to generate the artificial records. Samples of these transfer functions, associated with a given pair of soft‐soil and firm‐ground sites, are empirically determined from the corresponding pairs of simultaneous records. Each function included in a sample is represented as the superposition of the transfer functions of the responses of a number of oscillators. This formulation is intended to account for the contributions of trains of waves following different patterns in the vicinity of both sites. The properties of the oscillators play the role of parameters of the transfer functions. They vary from one seismic event to another. Part of the variation is systematic, and can be explained in terms of the influence of ground motion intensity on the effective values of stiffness and damping of the artificial oscillators. Another part has random nature; it reflects the random characteristics of the wave propagation patterns associated with the different events. The semi‐empirical model proposed recognizes both types of variation. The influence of intensity is estimated by means of a conventional one‐dimensional shear wave propagation model. This model is used to derive an intensity‐dependent modification of the values of the empirically determined model parameters in those cases when the firm‐ground earthquake intensity used to determine these parameters differs from that corresponding to the seismic event for which the simulated records are to be obtained. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

采用振动台试验研究了土与地下室相互作用对带多层地下室高层错位转换结构地震反应的影响。在7度小震阶段对比研究了其地下室周围有土及砂等介质约束和无约束情况下的动力特性和动力反应。在7度中震及大震阶段,土与地下室相互碰撞现象被发现。采用有限元方法非线性模拟了土与地下室相互碰撞对高层结构反应的影响。试验及分析表明,水平地震作用下土与地下室相互碰撞会对高层结构,特别是在±0.000附近部位产生不利反应,大震作用下并能造成一定程度的破坏。  相似文献   

地磁转换函数在上海及邻近地区地震预报中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地磁转换函数的变化已被广泛用于中短期地震预报。本文利用佘山地震台1977 ̄1996年和崇明地震台1983 ̄1996年的地磁短周期资料处理所得的转换函数变化,监视跟踪上海及邻近地区地震活动。通过几次中强地震震例的总结,提出用地磁转换函数方法来预报上海及其邻近地区地震的一些判断。用此方法,曾较好地预报过1990年常熟5.1级地震和1996年长江口以东海中6.1级地震。  相似文献   

A practical method for estimating kinematic interaction from earthquake records is presented. The kinematic interaction is characterized by a two-parameter model and these parameters can be estimated by using a frequency-domain systems identification method. The simple model can be used to model both wave passage effects and the effects of incoherent wave fields. Numerical simulation tests show that kinematic interaction parameters can be estimated to their best accuracy by using building base responses and the free-field excitation and can also be estimated by using building responses, base responses and the free-field excitation. The method was applied to two buildings with raft foundations and it was found that kinematic interaction was significant during earthquakes. Published theoretical models (wave passage effect) for vertically incident SH waves can be used to estimate the transfer functions up to 4–5 Hz and the models for horizontally propagating waves under-predict the estimated transfer functions by a significant amount at frequencies beyond about 1–2 Hz. Theoretical models for a massless rigid foundation under the excitation of an incoherent wave field predict the general trend of the estimated transfer function reasonably well over a large frequency range. The results of numerical examples show that the recorded response spectral attenuation of basement records at high frequencies with respect to the free-field is mainly caused by kinematic interaction, while the changes in storey shear and overturning moment in a structure due to soil flexibility are mainly the results of inertial interaction.  相似文献   

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