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辽河盆地古近纪二期构造演化特征的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
辽河盆地新的地球物理证据和构造物理模拟实验结果表明,辽河盆地古近纪的构造史由二期组成,即大陆裂谷期和右行走滑构造运动期。大陆裂谷的演化受古近纪古新世至始新世房身泡期至沙河街期(Ef-Es,大约63.0-37.0Ma)地幔上涌派生拉张应力的驱动:右行走滑构造运动发生在古近纪渐新世东营期(Ed,大约36.9-24.5Ma)。二期构造运动导致了辽河盆地复杂断裂体系的形成和演化。裂谷后的右行走滑构造运动使得早期断层再活动和生成新的断层。基于物理模拟实验结果和地球物理资料分析,古近纪东营期右行走滑构造运动引起的水平位移大约为4-8km。辽河盆地复杂的断裂体系不仅受到早期拉张应力的强烈控制,而且,还受到后期右行走滑构造运动的影响。与此同时,二期构造运动导致了该区油气的运移和聚集。  相似文献   

基于最新的三维地震资料处理与地震剖面解释、地震相干切片分析和平衡剖面恢复等方法,对辽河盆地东部凹陷所发育的断裂几何形态、盆地演化过程和走滑构造平面特征进行研究,并结合区域板块构造活动背景,分析其对郯庐断裂带新生代时期活动的响应.结果表明:辽河盆地东部凹陷为伸展和走滑两期构造变形叠加的产物,是具有"下断上坳"双层结构的裂谷型盆地.盆地演化过程经历了强烈断陷期(Es3)、区域隆升期(Es2)、断坳转化期(初始走滑期)(Es1)、坳陷沉降期(强烈走滑期)(Ed)和构造反转期(Ng-现今)5个演化阶段.研究区主要发育正断层、逆断层、走滑正断层和走滑逆断层4种断层类型,经伸展间歇期和后期区域挤压作用,发育两期正反转构造.盆地经历的走滑运动过程可细化为初始走滑(Es1),强烈走滑(Ed)和衰减走滑(Ng)3个阶段.  相似文献   

辽河盆地东部凹陷现今地温场及热历史的研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
依据10口系统测温井数据和61块岩石热导率测试结果,计算了辽河盆地东部凹陷10个 高质量的大地热流数据,并在此基础上,利用镜质体反射率(Ro)资料对该区的热历史 进行了恢复. 结果表明:东部凹陷下第三系平均地温梯度为36.5℃/km,岩石平均热导率为1 .667W/(m·K),热流密度变化于49.5~70.0mW/m2之间,平均为58.0mW/m2;东部凹陷热 流呈现古热流高现今热流低的变化特征,从沙三期到东营期,古热流值是逐渐增大的,到东 营期末达到最大值,晚第三纪至现今表现为持续冷却;构造沉降史分析显示,盆地经历了早 期的裂谷阶段(43~25Ma)和后期的热沉降阶段. 盆地现今较低的大地热流和较高的古热流 及典型的裂谷型构造沉降样式为东部凹陷的构造-热演化提供了重要认识.  相似文献   

贺兰-川滇南北向构造带是划分中国大陆东西的地幔陡变带,其南段川滇南北向构造带是由几个性质不同的构造系统叠加组成的复杂构造带.研究发现,位于扬子地块西缘的川滇南北向构造带发育由雁行状左行走滑断裂为骨架的走滑构造带.走滑构造带经历了两期构造叠加,早期变形为北东-南西挤压应力场形成的一系列北西-南东走向的逆冲断裂,晚期北西-南东挤压应力场环境下沿先前的逆冲断层形成一系列左行走滑断裂.在这些左行走滑断裂之间,发育一些中生代盆地,盆地沉积相和古流向研究显示,这些盆地的形成受走滑断裂控制.因此,依据盆地内最老地层限定,扬子西缘走滑构造带形成于早中生代.作者认为,这个走滑构造带的形成,很可能与晚三叠世-侏罗纪时期扬子地块顺时针旋转并持续向北俯冲-碰撞有关,川滇南北向构造带在早中生代中国大陆的主体碰撞拼贴过程中就已经开始形成.  相似文献   

阿尔金断裂中段晚新生代走滑过程的沉积响应   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
通过阿尔金断裂中段晚新生代盆地的沉积特征和构造变形过程的野外观测和室内分析, 建立了阿尔金断裂中段晚新生代的沉积序列; 并根据盆地断裂-沉积-古地貌的恢复, 推断晚新生代阿尔金断裂至少经历了3期走滑作用过程. 通过晚第三纪沉积体错移和盆地形成与演化过程的复原分析, 提出了阿尔金断裂晚新生代以来80~100 km左旋走滑位错的地质新证据.  相似文献   

济阳坳陷第三系构造层序及其演化   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10  
以构造层序学、层序地层学理论为指导,建立了济阳坳陷第三系构造层序体系,细致分析了每个构造层序的识别标志、层序地层学特征及构造特征,首次提出济阳坳陷下第三系构造层序经历了孔店构造层序转型期、沙河街断陷发展期、东营末期构造反转期三个演化阶段,深化了济阳坳陷构造演化规律研究,为断陷盆地研究的深入提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地位于中亚造山带西段,地表地质已有大量成果,但对该盆地深部结构构造研究相对薄弱,这制约了对该区构造演化的认识.通过对研究区大量二维地震剖面的详细构造解释,揭示出准噶尔盆地东缘主要的逆冲断裂有:乌伦古东、红盆、红盆南、喀拉萨依、滴水泉北、滴水泉南和沙西等断裂.断裂整体组合表现为向北西发散、向南东收敛的逆冲-走滑构造特征,可分为三组构造体系.北部叠瓦式褶皱-逆冲体系位于研究区北部,走向北西,倾向北东,表现为自北向南的叠瓦式逆冲推覆构造,整体上具有北老南新的特征,断裂最早形成于石炭纪,之后向南不断拓展.中部逆冲-走滑体系位于研究区中部,近东西走向,断面陡立,印支期为左行压扭,燕山期发生右行走滑,伴生少量小型正断层.南部褶皱-逆冲体系位于研究区南部,北东走向,倾向北西,分支断裂主体均为走向北东的逆断层.全区断层相关褶皱常见有断展和断弯褶皱.区域构造对比表明,在南阿尔泰和北天山两大造山带的挤压汇聚作用下,准噶尔盆地东缘在三叠纪-早白垩世期间持续发生陆内变形.其中研究区北部主控断裂指示了自北向南的逆冲推覆,动力来自南阿尔泰造山带的持续挤压;南部褶皱不对称性和主逆冲断层指示动力来自北天山造山带的持续挤压;中部走滑断裂早期逆冲作用较强,后期叠加走滑构造,是南、北两大动力系统发生复杂交接转换的结果,并调节了盆地内部次级块体的运动,使其向西挤出.  相似文献   

海原断裂带内第三纪老龙湾拉分盆地的地质特征   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
在海原断裂带内部发现一个第三纪拉分盆地 ,命名为老龙湾拉分盆地。根据卫片解译结果和野外地质调查 ,对该盆地内的地层沉积序列、地层分布、相关断裂等特征进行了研究。结果表明 ,老龙湾拉分盆地发育于海原断裂内的最大斜列部位 ,盆地沉积受边界断裂控制 ;盆地内部沉积了巨砾岩、杂砾岩及紫红色 -灰绿色泥岩、桔红色角砾岩等地层 ,最大沉积厚度约 4 6 0 0m。老龙湾盆地内部地层不整合于不同的外围地层之上 ,根据对盆地内部沉积序列及外围第三系的区域对比 ,认为盆地沉积开始于中新世中期。由以上特征确定老龙湾盆地为海原断裂带内的第三纪拉分盆地。它为青藏高原东北缘第三纪的走滑断层活动的研究提供了地质证据  相似文献   

华南沿海沉积盆地的新构造运动及其与地震的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈伟光 《华南地震》1995,15(2):55-61
华南沿海大多数中新生代沉积盆地属于断陷盆地,分析这类盆地的演化发育可以将其划分为完成型、继承型和新生型三类,它们的新构造运动特征,尤其是第四纪以来的活动性有明显差异。通过地质地貌方法初步估算了三类盆地的垂直构造运动的速率,在进行对比后认为,其构造运动的强度与地震活动有密切关系。指出三类盆地主要分布地区的两条地质界线对划分我国东南沿海地震可能有一定意义。  相似文献   

琼东南盆地构造沉降史及其主控因素   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
以28口钻井、3条主干地震剖面最新解释成果资料为依据的构造沉降史恢复结果表明:琼东南盆地新生代存在三期快速沉降过程和一期缓慢沉降过程:第一期为始新世,第二期为渐新世—早中新世,第三期存在时空差异:在盆地西部乐东凹陷为晚中新世以来,在盆地中东部陵水凹陷和松南-宝岛凹陷为上新世以来;缓慢沉降过程亦存在时空差异,盆地西部中中新世沉降缓慢,盆地中东部中—晚中新世沉降缓慢.第一期快速沉降过程受东亚陆缘扩张和红河断裂左旋走滑共同影响,第二期快速沉降受南海海底扩张和红河断裂左旋走滑联合作用,第三期快速沉降主要受红河断裂右旋走滑控制,缓慢沉降过程与南海海底扩张停止以及红河断裂构造活动处于宁静阶段相耦合.  相似文献   

帕米尔东北缘及塔里木盆地西北部弧形构造的扩展特征   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
归纳了帕米尔东北缘弧形构造的基本特征 ,分析了塔里木盆地西北部EW向逆断裂背斜带与NNW向隐伏走滑断裂之间的关系。通过塔里木盆地与西南天山和帕米尔东北缘变形特征的对比 ,认为塔里木盆地西北部的变形样式与帕米尔东北缘的弧形构造类似 ,弧形构造具有由帕米尔东北缘向塔里木盆地扩展的特征 ,这种构造是帕米尔向北挤入运动所特有的变形样式  相似文献   

The horizontal movement of the Helan Shan west-piedmont fault is important to determination of the present-day boundary between the Alashan and North China blocks as well as to the exploration of the extent of the northeastward expansion of the Tibetan plateau. Field geological surveys found that this fault cuts the west wing of the Neogene anticline, which right-laterally offset the geological boundary between Ganhegou and Qingshuiying Formations with displacement over 800m. The secondary tensional joints (fissures)intersected with the main faults developed on the Quaternary flood high platform near the fault, of which the acute angles indicate its dextral strike slip. The normal faults developed at the southern end of the Helan Shan west-piedmont fault show that the west wall of this fault moves northward, and the tensional adjustment zone formed at the end of the strike slip fault, which reflects that the horizontal movement of the main fault is dextral strike slip. The dextral dislocation occurred in the gully across the fault during different periods. Therefore, the Helan Shan west-piedmont fault is a dextral strike slip fault rather than a sinistral strike slip fault as previous work suggested. The relationship between the faulting and deformation of Cenozoic strata demonstrates that there were two stages of tectonic deformation near the Helan Shan west-piedmont fault since the late Cenozoic, namely early folding and late faulting. These two tectonic deformations are the result of the northeastward thrust on the Alashan block by the Tibet Plateau. The influence range of Tibetan plateau expansion has arrived in the Helan Shan west-piedmont area in the late Pliocene leading to the dextral strike slip of this fault as well as formation of the current boundary between the Alashan and North China blocks, which is also the youngest front of the Tibetan plateau.  相似文献   

The Bozhong depression of the Bohaiwan basin belongs to a family of extensional basins in East China, but is quite different from other parts of the basin. The Cenozoic subsidence of the depression is controlled by a combination of lithospheric thinning and polycyclic strike-slip movements. Three episodic rifts have been identified, i.e. Paleocence-early Eocene, middle-late Eocene and Oligocene age. The depression underwent syn-rift and post-rift stages, but two episodic dextral movement events of the strike-slip faults modify the subsidence of the Bozhong depression since the Oligocene. The early dextral movement of the Tan-Lu fault associated with crustal extension resulted in accelerated subsidence during the time of deposition of the Dongying Formation with a maximum thickness of 4000 m. A late reactivation of dextral movement of the Tan-Lu fault began in late Miocene (about 12 Ma), which resulted in the intense subsidence of Minghuazhen Formation and Quaternary. In addition, dynamic mantle convection-driven topography also accelerated the post-rift anomalous subsidence since the Miocene (24.6 Ma). Our results indicate that the primary control on rapid subsidence both during the rift and post-rift stages in the Bozhong depression originates from a combination of multiple episodic crustal extension and polycyclic dextral movements of strike-slip faults, and dynamic topography.  相似文献   

通过卫星影像解译、野外实地调查与地质填图,对滇西南地区黑河断裂中西段晚第四纪构造活动特征进行了研究.结果表明,黑河断裂为一条规模较大的区域性活动断裂带,西起沧源县南,向东南止于澜沧江断裂,全长约168 km,走向280°~310°.该断裂晚第四纪新活动性具有一定的差异性和分段性.根据其几何结构、最新活动性及1988年澜沧7.6级地震破裂带特征,可将黑河断裂从西向东划分为沧源-木戛、木戛-南代和南代-勐往三条次级断裂段.其中的中、西段长约88 km,全新世活动显著,活动性质以右旋走滑为主.沿断裂形成了丰富的断错地貌现象.西段断裂的最新活动断错了全新世晚期地层;中段是1988年澜沧7.6级地震的发震断裂之一.根据对断错冲沟的测量和年代测试,得到其全新世以来右旋滑动速率为(3.54±0.78)mm/a,与区域上其它断裂的滑动速率大致相当,反映了其区域构造活动的整体性和协调性.  相似文献   

A thorough and complete understanding of the structural geology and evolution of the Cooper‐Eromanga Basin has been hampered by low‐resolution seismic data that becomes particularly difficult to interpret below the thick Permian coal measures. As a result, researchers are tentative to interpret the basement fault architecture within the basin, which is largely undefined. To provide a better understanding of the basement fault geometry, all available two‐dimensional seismic lines together with 12 three‐dimensional seismic surveys were structurally interpreted with assistance from seismic attribute analysis. The Upper Cretaceous Cadna‐owie Formation and top Permian reflectors were analysed using a common seismic attribute technique (incoherency) that was used to infer the presence of faults that may have otherwise been overlooked. Detailed basement fault maps for each seismic survey were constructed and used in conjunction with two‐dimensional seismic data interpretation to produce a regional basement fault map. Large north‐northeast–south‐southwest‐striking sinistral strike–slip faults were identified within the Patchawarra Trough appearing to splay from the main northeast–southwest‐striking ridge. These sinistral north‐northeast–south‐southwest‐striking faults, together with field‐scale southeast–northwest‐striking dextral strike–slip faults, are optimally oriented to have potentially developed as a conjugated fault set under a south‐southeast–north‐northwest‐oriented strike–slip stress regime. Geomechanical modelling for a regionally extensive system of Cretaceous polygonal faults was performed to calculate the Leakage Factor and Dilation Tendency of individual faults. Faults that extend into Lower Cretaceous oil‐rich reservoirs with strikes of between 060°N and 140°N and a high to near‐vertical dip angle were identified to most likely be acting as conduits for the tertiary migration of hydrocarbons from known Lower Cretaceous hydrocarbon reservoirs into shallow Cretaceous sediments. This research provides valuable information on the regional basement fault architecture and a more detailed exploration target for the Cooper‐Eromanga Basin, which were previously not available in literature.  相似文献   

本研究通过对东构造结及其周边地区主要断裂进行野外考察,通过GPS观测数据和地质、地球物理资料的综合分析,建立三维有限元模型;运用数值模拟方法对东构造结周边地区主要断裂现今运动特征进行模拟研究,取得一些初步的认识:(1)东构造结北侧和东侧地块总体上围绕构造结发生顺时针旋转,右旋走滑的东南边界断裂不是嘉黎断裂,可能是阿帕龙...  相似文献   

山东及附近区域部分中小地震震源机制特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收集了2001~2006年4月山东及周边省记录的20次(其中有8次地震为2003年青岛震群地震)中等地震波形资料。并对上述地震进行了重新定位。根据各台站记录的P波、SV波、SH波初动和它们之间的振幅比,利用Snoke联合计算地震震源机制解的程序,计算了20次地震震源机制解。就所研究的震例来看,断层破裂错动方式以近于走滑错动为主,在NE向断裂上为右旋错动,在NW向断裂上为左旋错动。大部分地震发生在现有断裂上,并且破裂方向与其断裂构造相吻合,这表明,现有断裂构造对中小地震的破裂方式有控制作用。  相似文献   

Abstract   The Kurile Basin in the Okhotsk Sea, northwestern Pacific, is a back-arc basin located behind the Kurile Island Arc. It is underlain by oceanic crust and its origin has been attributed to back-arc spreading. Two models for the opening of the Kurile Basin exist, for which the spreading axis is oriented northeast–southwest and northwest–southeast, respectively. New data are presented here on the morphostructure of the slope of the northern Kurile Basin and of the central Kurile Basin which support a strike of the spreading axis in the latter direction. Bathymetric as well as single-channel and multichannel seismic reflection data demonstrate the existence of dominant northwest-striking normal faults on the northern slope of the Kurile Basin. In the central Kurile Basin a basement rise striking north-northwest–south-southeast (here named the Sakura Rise) was mapped. The rise morphology has the distinct imprint of a rift structure with symmetrical volcanic edifices on the rise axis and faulted blocks that tilt in opposite directions on the flanks. These data suggest that the Kurile Basin opened in a northeast–southwest direction. In the generally accepted plate tectonic reconstructions, northwest–southeast spreading associated with dextral strike–slip along the north–south-striking shear zone of Sakhalin and Hokkaido islands has been assumed. In the present model, spreading in the Kurile Basin was presumably connected with dextral displacement along a northeast-striking shear zone on the southern segment of the Okhotsk Sea.  相似文献   

The intermontane Ronda Basin, currently located in the Western Betics External Zones, started as an embayment of the Betic foreland basin during the Tortonian. We have characterized a post-Serravallian, basin-related deformation event that overprinted the former fold-and-thrust belt. Updated structural and kinematic maps allow us to identify NW–SE basinward-dipping normal faults at the southwestern and northeastern boundaries of the basin and NE–SW shortening structures (large-scale folds and reverse faults) affecting both the outcropping basement and partially the basin infill. In order to test the possible tectonic activity of these structures during the last 5 Ma, exhaustive geomorphologic analyses in the Ronda Basin area have been done. This included the qualitative study of relief and drainage network, together with the characterization of quantitative indices (SLk, Smf, Vf and HI). These results obtained from this analysis are coherent with structural data and suggest that the identified post-Serravallian structures were active up to at least 5 Ma. We also conclude that the Ronda Basin was generated by along strike segmentation of the relief in the Western Betics induced by NE–SW (arc-parallel) stretching accompanied with NW–SE shortening. In the NW basin boundary, the strain was partitioned into ENE–WSW dextral strike-slip faults and NE–SW shortening structures, which gave rise to a Messinian transpressive structural high that disconnected the former Ronda Basin from its parental foreland basin.  相似文献   

运用地质地貌调查、地球物理勘探和年代测定等方法,对张家口—宣化盆地的四条主要断裂(张家口断裂、万全断裂、洗马林—水泉断裂和洋河断裂)的空间展布特征和活动性进行分析和研究,获得其活动时代、活动速率等参数。研究表明:上述断裂第四纪期间持续活动,以脆性变形为特征;总体上NW向断裂以高角度的正(或逆)倾滑断层为主,NE或NEE向的断裂以高角度的正断层为主;盆地内活动断裂总体来说活动强烈,多处可见断裂正断运动及左旋走滑运动的地质剖面,早更新世以来单条断层的平均垂直活动速率大于0.07~0.30mm/a,总垂直活动速率可能达到1.33mm/a。  相似文献   

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