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磁化岩石层产生的磁场是利用磁场观测研究地球发电机过程的最主要障碍之一。基于对球面各向同性随机矢量场及其空间两点关联张量的认识,建立了球面各向同性磁化岩石层的统计模型。结果表明,如果岩石层的剩余磁化强度和磁化率均为球面各向同性,那么在地表观测到的岩石层磁场由球面各向同性和准各向同性两个部分组成。因此,即使统计性质最简单的磁化岩石层,其产生的磁场的统计性质也要复杂得多。  相似文献   

Geotail卫星于2003年5月15日在近地磁尾观测到磁场重联并穿越重联耗散区.卫星从尾向—南尾瓣一侧穿越磁场重联耗散区到地向—北尾瓣一侧的过程中,随着等离子体流反向,霍尔磁场(By) 被观测到.本文研究了该磁场重联耗散区内的低混杂波.观测结果显示,在磁场重联耗散区核心及其附近区域观测到在低混杂频率附近存在强烈的等离子体波动的增强,其传播方向主要垂直于背景磁场,该等离子体波动为低混杂波.前人的模拟结果认为,当磁场重联得到充分发展之前,低混杂波将消失.本文的观测结果充分说明,当磁场重联充分发展之后,在核心区域仍然存在增强的低混杂波,说明低混杂波贯穿磁场重联的整个发展过程.这种观测结果与计算机等离子体模拟的结果有所不同.本文的观测对低混杂波在磁场重联中的具体表现提供了新的观测证据并有可能修正前人的理论.  相似文献   

地球内磁层场向电流的统计特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用ISEE-1和ISEE-2飞船观测的磁场数据,分析了地球内磁层场向电流的统计特征,包括场向电流的空间(L值和地方时)分布;流进和流出电离层的场向电流随地方时的变化;场向电流发生率与地磁活动水平(以AL指数表征)、行星际磁场(IMF)Bz的关系,电流强度和密度随地磁活动水平的变化等.发现,场向电流大都发生在夜间,且集中在L为6-10区域内,场向电流发生率,强度和密度随地磁活动增强而增大,行星际磁场南向时的发生率远远高于北向时的发生率.这些结果表明,内磁层场向电流的产生是太阳风和磁层、电离层间电动耦合增加的结果.  相似文献   

几次大震前的地面和空间电磁场变化   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文应用非线性谱估计方法(MEM方法)、电/磁场脉冲能量统计方法,处理了四川汶川MS8.0 (2008)、新疆于田MS7.3 (2008)和青海玉树MS7.1 (2010) 地震及强余震附近的地面电/磁场和Demeter卫星电离层磁场观测数据,研究了地震电/磁场变化,得到:在震中附近及周围出现了震前地电/地磁场极低频成...  相似文献   

本文运用磁场的最小方差分析法和磁场-电子密度的相关分析法分析了欧洲空间局Giotto飞船对P/Grigg-Skjellerup(简称G-S)彗星弓激波附近磁场和电子能流的部分观测数据.结果表明彗星附近存在大量的频率靠近新生水族离子回旋频率的波动,它们是由彗星新生水族离子环流激发的低频左旋电磁波.波在近似平行于磁场方向传播,斜传播角小于15°.电子数据和磁场数据相关分析表明即使在离彗星很远的地方仍然存在压缩波.  相似文献   

刘冰欣  黄宝琴 《地震》1994,(4):82-85
通过试验,认为地电供电系统对地磁观测的影响主要是来自供电导线产生的磁场,其强与公式H=1/10.2I/r计算结果基本相符。而地下电流产生的磁场是很弱的,这对避免和减小其影响提供了新思维。  相似文献   

文采用球坐标下2.5维理想MHD模型,对日球子午面内方位磁场扰动的传播进行数值模拟,重点分析它对行星际磁场螺旋角的影响. 本文认为,观测到的行星际磁场螺旋角大于Parker模型的预言值,是太阳表面不断向行星际发出同向方位磁场扰动的结果;太阳较差自转在太阳内部产生的方位磁场为这类扰动提供了源头. 模拟结果表明,采用持续时间等于周期的十分之一、扰动幅度为103nT量级的正向方位磁场扰动,就可使1 AU处行星际磁场的螺旋角增加2°左右,与有关观测结果相符. 模拟结果还表明,上述方位磁场扰动对日球子午面内的太阳风特性和磁场位形的影响基本上可以忽略.  相似文献   

磁场重联是空间能量释放和转换的重要机制.静电孤立波(ESW)虽然在空间中有广泛观测,但在磁场重联附近少有直接观测,对它在磁场重联附近的特性了解甚少.通过Geotail卫星对一个磁场重联事件的观测,仔细分析了其边界层上观测到的静电孤立波的特性,并讨论了它对磁场重联的影响.研究表明,亚暴期间在磁尾发生磁场重联,重联区域的分形线附近观测到了大量的静电孤立波,其特性与在其他地方观测到的并没有显著差别,但具有更明显的非线性和孤立性的特征.它们对电子加速和能量耗散有促进作用,加速磁场重联的进程.  相似文献   

在单流体MHD近似下,研究了有背景等离子体流存在时的近磁尾位形不稳定性.分析表明,等离子体地向流使两支漂移气球模DBM1和DBM2的不稳定增长更快.与卫星观测资料对比显示,诸多的观测观象与本模型的预言一致.这个结果对中磁尾磁场重联及高速等离子体流与亚暴膨胀相在近地触发之间的关系给出了新的解释.  相似文献   

在单流体MHD近似下,研究了有背景等离子体流存在时的近磁尾位形不稳定性.分析表明,等离子体地向流使两支漂移气球模DBM1和DBM2的不稳定增长更快.与卫星观测资料对比显示,诸多的观测观象与本模型的预言一致.这个结果对中磁尾磁场重联及高速等离子体流与亚暴膨胀相在近地触发之间的关系给出了新的解释.  相似文献   

The basic characteristics of the global distribution for the corona plasma and magnetic field near 2.5 Rs are analyzed with the statistical and numerical methods for 136 Carrington Rotations (CRs) covering four different phases of solar activity. By using the observational data and the velocity distribution model in the corona, the statistical average distribution of the magnetic field, density and the coronal mass outputs are analyzed for the four different phases. Then, a numerical study of the global distribution near 2.5 Rs has been made by solving a self-consistent MHD system. Finally, the solar wind speed at 1 AU is given by mapping the speed at 2.5 Rs to that near 1 AU, and the comparison of the numerical results with the observational measurements and the simulation result of the Wang–Sheeley–Arge (WSA) model are made during more than 5 years. The numerical results indicate that the global distributions on the source surface of 2.5 Rs at different phases of solar activity could be used to predict the change of the solar wind in interplanetary space.  相似文献   

High-performance computational models are required to make the real-time or faster than real-time numerical prediction of adverse space weather events and their influence on the geospace environment. The main objective in this article is to explore the application of programmable graphic processing units (GPUs) to the numerical space weather modeling for the study of solar wind background that is a crucial part in the numerical space weather modeling. GPU programming is realized for our Solar-Interplanetary-CESE MHD model (SIP-CESE MHD model) by numerically studying the solar corona/interplanetary solar wind. The global solar wind structures are obtained by the established GPU model with the magnetic field synoptic data as input. Meanwhile, the time-dependent solar surface boundary conditions derived from the method of characteristics and the mass flux limit are incorporated to couple the observation and the three-dimensional (3D) MHD model. The simulated evolution of the global structures for two Carrington rotations 2058 and 2062 is compared with solar observations and solar wind measurements from spacecraft near the Earth. The MHD model is also validated by comparison with the standard potential field source surface (PFSS) model. Comparisons show that the MHD results are in good overall agreement with coronal and interplanetary structures, including the size and distribution of coronal holes, the position and shape of the streamer belts, and the transition of the solar wind speeds and magnetic field polarities.  相似文献   

This paper reviews quantitative analysis results of the energy transfer and dissipation processes in the GUMICS-4 global MHD simulation. Reconnection power dissipating magnetic energy, dynamo power transferring energy from plasma to the field, and energy flux transport across the magnetopause surface are all examined separately and shown to yield consistent results. This is used to argue that magnetic reconnection is the process controlling the energy transfer, even though it is not localized near the reconnection line. The most important factors controlling the reconnection efficiency are the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) orientation and the solar wind speed, while the IMF magnitude and solar wind density play a lesser role. During northward IMF, the reconnection efficiency is larger for high speed and low IMF than for low speed and high IMF magnitude, even though the solar wind electric field in both cases is the same. Moreover, increasing pressure by increasing density has a different effect from equal increase of pressure by increasing the solar wind speed. Comparison with statistical observational results shows that the simulation results are in qualitative agreement with the observations, which significantly increases our confidence in interpreting the simulation results.  相似文献   

行星际速度增幅扰动的演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用二维理想MHD模型,分别在日球赤道面(二维二分量模型)和日球子午面(二维 三分量模型)内研究太阳风中纯速度增幅扰动的演化. 结果表明,该扰动在向外传播的过程 中逐渐演化为双重激波对,即由4个激波组成的激波系统. 该4个激波按离太阳由近及远依次 为后向快激波、后向慢激波、前向慢激波和前向快激波. 双重激波对在子午面内相对扰动源 中心法线基本对称,而在赤道面内则不对称:扰动源中心法线西侧双重激波对结构更为明显 ,所跨经度范围宽于东侧. 初步分析表明,行星际磁场的螺旋结构是产生日球赤道面内双重 激波对结构东西不对称性的主要原因.  相似文献   

利用一个三维的MHD模式,从数值预报的角度出发,以1997年1月事件的有关太阳观测为依据,构造比较符合物理实际的边值条件,通过三维数值模拟得到了稳定的比较接近真实的太阳风背景场.结果显示此次事件太阳风背景场的磁场关于赤道面不对称,有较明显的倾斜和扭曲,同时磁场较弱;等离子体各参量相对于事件的太阳源为东西和南北不对称结构.本文数值模拟了磁场南北分量Bθ的不同取法对背景场的影响,结果表明在源表面磁场有明显倾斜的情况下,内边界处磁场南北分量不宜假设为零.在此基础上,初步数值研究了行星际扰动在三维背景场中的传播过程,并与WIND卫星的观测进行了对比.  相似文献   

以IPS速度、光球磁场、K─日冕偏振亮度和卫星实地观测数据为基础,综合生成处于太阳活动上升期的1976年10个太阳周(1643─1652卡林顿周)的源表面高度(R=2.5R,R为太阳半径)和日球空间中(IAU)太阳同质量流量速度谱。结果表明,速度谱存在与太阳活动上升期一致的"三段"结构,且各段分别与不同的磁结构区相对应。  相似文献   

M. Schulz 《Annales Geophysicae》1997,15(11):1379-1387
The source-surface method offers an alternative to full MHD simulation of the heliosphere. It entails specification of a surface from which the solar wind flows normally outward along straight lines. Compatibility with MHD results requires this (source) surface to be non-spherical in general and prolate (aligned with the solar dipole axis) in prototypical axisymmetric cases. Mid-latitude features on the source surface thus map to significantly lower latitudes in the heliosphere. The model is usually implemented by deriving the B field (in the region surrounded by the source surface) from a scalar potential formally expanded in spherical harmonics, with coefficients chosen so as to minimize the mean-square tangential component of B over this surface. In the simplified (scalar) version the quantity minimized is instead the variance of the scalar potential over the source surface. The scalar formulation greatly reduces the time required to compute required matrix elements, while imposing essentially the same physical boundary condition as the vector formulation (viz., that the coronal magnetic field be, as nearly as possible, normal to the source surface for continuity with the heliosphere). The source surface proposed for actual application is a surface of constant , where r is the heliocentric distance and B is the scalar magnitude of the B field produced by currents inside the Sun. Comparison with MHD simulations suggests that k 1.4 is a good choice for the adjustable exponent. This value has been shown to map the neutral line on the source surface during Carrington Rotation 1869 (May–June 1993) to a range of latitudes that would have just grazed the position of Ulysses during that month in which sector structure disappeared from Ulysses magnetometer observations.  相似文献   

行星际背景太阳风的三维MHD数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
杨子才  沈芳  杨易  冯学尚 《地球物理学报》2018,61(11):4337-4347
近地空间的太阳风参数预报具有重要的科学研究意义和实际应用价值,三维磁流体力学(MHD)数值模拟是太阳风参数预报的重要手段.本文建立了一套基于经验模型的三维MHD数值模型.模型的内边界设置在0.1天文单位(AU)处,在六片网格系统下利用TVD Lax-Friedrich格式求解理想MHD方程组,采用扩散法消除磁场的散度.模型以GONG的观测磁图作为输入数据,利用经验模型并结合卫星观测特征确定内边界条件.边界条件中保留了6个可调参数,以便适当调整参数使其方便适合模拟不同太阳活动期的太阳风.利用该模型分别模拟了2007年和2016年的背景太阳风,得到了太阳风速度、密度、温度和磁场强度,这些参数与ACE/WIND卫星观测符合较好.  相似文献   

Ulysses的观测与太阳风加速机理初议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Ulysses 是迄今为止第一次沿独特的日球纬度方向考察日球高纬度空间区域的飞船。本文描述了 Ulysses 飞船的部分主要观测结果,并进行了分析,在 Ulysses 飞船穿越太阳南,北极之前,科学家们提出了各种不同的太阳风速度、磁场等参量的纬向变化模型。分析表明,这些模型都不能解释 Ulysses 飞船的观测结果。Ulysses 飞船的观测对经典的太阳风理论提出了挑战,太阳风的加热与加速是一个远没有被解决的问题。观测与分析表明,经典热传导不可能驱动高速流,太阳风的加速伴随着加热的发生,而加热率大小可能与离子的回旋频率有关;太阳风的热源可能不是单一的形式,而且不同形式的热源对太阳的加热贡献大小与日球径向距离有关。本文讨论并分析了几种可能的太阳风加热与加速机制。  相似文献   

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