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天然气在开发过程中,储层有效压力和含气饱和度均会发生变化,研究有效压力和含气饱和度的变化对地震响应特征的影响,在基于时移地震的剩余气分布预测研究中具有重要意义。天然气和石油的声学性质有着明显的差异,油藏时移地震的研究成果不能直接应用于气藏,因此需要开展气藏的时移地震研究。利用Shapiro模型表征干岩石弹性模量随有效压力的变化,借助Batzle-Wang方程描述流体速度随压力的变化关系,联合Gassmann理论进行流体替代,表征饱和流体岩石速度随含气饱和度的变化,建立了饱和流体岩石速度随有效压力和饱和度变化的岩石物理模型。基于该模型,对不同含气饱和度和不同有效压力下的气藏储层模型进行了多波时移地震叠前振幅变化(AVO)模拟。结果表明多波时移地震AVO技术可以有效地区分有效压力变化和含气饱和度变化,为进一步开展气藏多波时移地震流体监测提供了理论参考依据。   相似文献   

红外遥感用于地震预测及其物理机理研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在等温过程加载的条件下,实验得出岩石的红外辐射能量随压力变化显著变化的结果。这个变化与温度无关,完全由压力引起,这就证明了机械能能直接激发岩石分子振动态能级之间的跃迁,不需要经夺石生预测地震奠定了理论基础,这一物理现象的发现,为用红外遥感观测地球表层应力场分布和预测地震奠定了理论基础,提供了实验依据。提出了由温度异常引起的红外辐射能量变化和由应力起的红外辐射能量变化以及将两者分离出发的理论与方法,  相似文献   

龚钢延  吴景浓 《地震研究》1990,13(3):319-328
本文在实验室中采用定常压力差法在围压10—20MPP、注水压力为2.5—12.SMPS条件下对新丰江水库区花岗岩及刘家峡水库区变质岩进行了渗透实验,观测到了岩石渗透率随围压、注水压力及时间变化的结果,并且得到了渗透率随时间衰减的经验关系l。(t)=k。XEXP(一、t)。实验结果表明:完整岩石、自然裂而中含填充物岩石、自然裂面岩石的渗透率依次增大两个数量级。在实验中,恒定注水压力时渗透率明显地随着围压的增大而减小,当国压变化发生循环时,渗透率产生了不可恢复的减小;当恒定因压时,渗透率随着注水压力的变化取决于流体水对裂面的冲刷、溶解及沉淀堵塞作用而不可预测。最后根据该实验结果讨论了水库地震中水沿断裂系统渗透过程中渗透水的前锋形成高孔隙压力而触发地震的机制。  相似文献   

孔隙、裂隙介质弹性波理论的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
近年来发展起来的“孔隙、裂隙介质弹性波理论”提高了人们对实际岩石声学性质的模拟和预测的能力.作为对这一理论的实验验证和重要应用,我们将它用来模拟和解释岩石超声实验中测得的干燥和饱和岩石弹性波速度随压力的变化曲线.理论模拟的重要参数,如岩石的裂隙密度等是从实验数据反演得到的.结果表明:无论是孔隙度较高的砂岩,还是孔隙度很小的致密岩石,如花岗岩,该理论都能很好地描述岩石在干燥和饱和状态下纵、横波速度随压力的变化.造成波速变化的原因是岩石中裂隙在压力作用下的闭合和裂隙密度的减少.本文的结果还指出了将岩石裂隙密度作为描述岩石的重要物性参数,并给出了从实验室超声测量中确定这一参数的方法.  相似文献   

无源微波遥感用于地震预测及物理机理研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
对不同岩性的岩石进行了无源微波遥感用于地震预测的实验研究,实验在等温过程加载条件下进行.实验得出岩石的微波辐射能量随岩石的应力状态变化而显著变化,这个变化完全由应力引起,与温度无关.将介质所处的应力状态同介质的微波辐射能量变化与物理机理直接地联系了起来,为无源微波遥感观测地球表层应力场分布和预测地震奠定了物理基础,并提供了实验依据.本文提出了无源微波遥感预测地震的两种物理机理,即热能激发机理和机械能激发机理;提出了由无源微波遥感探测结果,反演介质应力状态和温度状态的方法.  相似文献   

采用激光实时干涉计量技术,观测刻有不同“构造”的试样在加压过程中的形变,研究不同破裂孕育区所表现的不同应变异常场特征。其实验结果与大同6.1级地震前后的应变场分布和运用雷达差分干涉技术测量的西藏玛尼地震、张北-尚义地震后的形变结果对比发现:(1)在一个大地震前后,孕震区出现特征形变场并可以由实验验证;(2)激光实时干涉计量技术与雷达差分干涉技术相似,激光全息技术可以在各种模拟条件下研究多种形式的形变异常场特征。建议用雷达差分干涉技术测量和研究孕震过程中的形变场特别是临近大震发生前的形变场特征,并进行相应的实验和观测研究。  相似文献   

致密砂岩气藏具有裂缝发育和有效应力高的特征,研究不同有效压力下孔、裂隙介质地震波传播特征,有利于地震解释与地下储层的识别.但是前人的研究较少考虑岩石内部微观孔隙结构特征与孔隙、裂隙间流体流动的关系.本文首先通过选取四川盆地典型致密砂岩岩样,在不同有效压力下对岩石样本进行超声波实验测量.然后基于实验测得的纵、横波速度进行裂隙参数反演,得到不同有效压力下致密砂岩样本的裂隙孔隙度.再将裂隙孔隙度和样本岩石物理参数代入双重孔隙介质模型,模拟得到不同有效压力下饱水致密砂岩样本纵横波速度频散和衰减的变化规律.结果表明模型预测的速度频散曲线与纵波速度实验测量结果能够较好的吻合.最后统计分析了致密砂岩裂隙参数,得到了致密砂岩储层裂隙参数随有效压力及孔隙度变化特征.依据实际岩石物理参数建立模型,其裂隙参数三维拟合结果能够较好描述致密砂岩裂隙结构与孔隙度、应力的关联,可为实际地震勘探中预测储层裂缝性质提供基础依据.  相似文献   

本文重点介绍了天水地震区产出的深源岩石在1000MPa高压下,测得的岩石的密度、纵横波速度和计算的波阻抗随压力的变化。发现不同时期产出的不同种类的深源岩石,它们的高压状态参数值变化范围很窄。压力上升到400MPa以后,岩石的密度、纵横波速度的变化很小,几乎观测不到其变化。本文简单地讨论了岩石在400MPa以上高压状态下,上述参数值变化不大的原因,并对400MPa压力下取得的高压状态参数值做了实用误差分析,结果表明:在不考虑温度情况下,该压力下获得的状态参数值在实际应用中完全可以代替更高压力状态下(400MPa-2000MPa)的测量值。因此400MPa特征压力下取得的岩石状态参数值对人工地震测深解释和重力解释仍是有参考意义的。  相似文献   

本文利用两个频率通道同时接收花岗岩标本及石灰岩标本在不同单轴加压方式下的声发射信号,研究了从加压到破坏的整个形变过程中,不同频道接收到的声发射率的变化特征.发现在各种加压方式下,花岗岩和石灰岩在破坏前,由不同频率通道接收到的声发射率均急剧增长;而在破坏的瞬间,高频通道接收的声发射率增长快于较低频率通道的声发射率.这两点可用来预测岩石的破坏.声发射率随轴向应力的变化与加压方式有关.匀速加压,加压过程中保持一段时间恒压或降压均对应一定的声发射率状态.有可能通过追踪声发射情况,推测应力变化趋势.   相似文献   

岩石应力状态改变引起岩石热状态改变的研究   总被引:38,自引:2,他引:38  
邓明德  耿乃光 《中国地震》1997,13(2):179-185
岩石的应力状态发生改变是否能引起岩石的热状态发生改变,是一个值得研究的重要问题,我们在实验室对岩石试件进行实验,实验得出岩石的温度随岩石受到的压力增加而显著增加,在试件破裂前出现明显的破裂温度前兆;实验还发现岩石内部温度随压力变化的不均匀性,不同测温点的温度变化不同,其变化量可相差几度。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the physical mechanism of seismo-electromagnetic signals, many scholars from China and other countries have carried out laboratory and field experiments of rock samples by loading them up to fracture in recent ten-odd years. In each of these experiments, the phenomenon of electromagnetic radiation was observed during the process of rock sample fracture. However, the experimental results can not explain the non-synchronous electromagnetic radiation in actual observation records. In these records, some stations displayed anomalies but some others did not, and the signals of different frequency bands observed by the same station did not occur simultaneously. This has brought about many difficulties to the application of electromagnetic radiation in earthquake prediction. The experimental result of this paper can explain the phenomenon of non-synchronous electromagnetic radiation. In the experiment of this paper, rock samples are uniaxially compressed up to fracture. The antennas of different frequency bands are installed two meters away from the rock sample in different directions. The electromagnetic signals during the whole process of rock sample fracture are recorded synchronously by a 14-channel tape recorder. The experimental results are as follows: (1) signals of the four frequency bands: VLF, MF, HF and VHF, are all recorded during the main fracturing process of rock samples, but signals of different frequencies may somtimes occur non-synchronously; (2) the intensity of electromagnetic radiation is the highest at the moment when the main fracture occurs, but signals in different directions are of different intensities. The above results are consistent with the non-synchronous electromagnetic radiation observed in real earthquakes. It seems possible to predict the orientation of future seismic source by the electromagnetic method of the LF or VLF frequency bands. Contribution No. 95A0075, Institute of Geophysics, SSB, China. The paper is translated by Prof.Jie-Fan HUANG, Peking University from the Chinese into English version.  相似文献   

Theapplicationofmicrowaveremotesensingtechnologyinrock mechanicsNai-GuangGENG(耿乃光);Zheng-FangFAN(樊正芳);Quan-QuanJI(籍全权);Cheng-...  相似文献   

用超声脉冲法测量了完整岩石样品在三轴实验中不同加载途径下的波速,和拼合岩石样品在单轴实验中的波速。结果表明,应力途径和断层的存在是影响波速异常的两种可能因素。前者既与时间有关,又与空间有关;后者则只与空间有关。为了正确评价波速异常在地震预报中的作用,必须尽可能地阐明影响波速异常的各种因素。   相似文献   

According to the critical point hypothesis (CPH), energy release would accelerate in power law before occurrence of large earthquakes or failure of brittle materials. In the paper, CPH was studied by acoustic emission experiments of large-scale rock samples. Three kinds of rock samples were used in the experiments. The tri-axial loading condition was applied under different loading histories. The released elastic energy (Acoustic emission) was recorded with acoustic emission technique as microcracks emerged and developed inside the rock samples. The experimental results gave a further verification on the CPH. The elastic energy release of rock samples would accelerate before the failure even under different experimental conditions. Primary studies were also made on medium-term earthquake prediction by using accelerating energy release (AER) in the paper. Foundation item: Project of Natural Sciences Foundation of China (10232050), Project of State Key Basic Research (2002CB412706) and Project of Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2002CB412706).  相似文献   

刘晓红 《地震学报》1988,10(4):437-443
用超声脉冲法研究了不同性质岩块构成的样品破裂前的波速变化。样品为长方形大理岩板,中心镶嵌大理岩、辉长岩、花岗岩,砂岩圆块。实验表明,样品破裂时裂纹穿过低强度镶嵌岩块而绕过高强度镶嵌岩块。在第一种场合样品破裂前,镶嵌岩块內波速变化显著,在第二种场合样品破裂前镶嵌岩块內波速变化不大。穿过两种岩石界面的波速测量表明,波速下降的起始点提前到样品破坏应力的60%左右。样品破裂前波速总的变化趋势是下降,但不是单调下降而呈现起伏。这说明介质不均匀性会对岩石破裂前的波速变化规律产生不可忽视的影响。   相似文献   

Implementing acoustic emission experiments with large rock samples, LURR (Load/Unload Response Ratio) theory was studied. The loading conditions in the experiments were designed to simulate the complicated loading process of underground rocks. The damages emerging inside the rock samples were recorded by the acoustic emission technique during the loading process. The experimental results were consistent with prediction by LURR theory. Integrating the changing processes of LURR value Y and the location process of acoustic emission events showed agreement between the variation of LURR value Y and the damage evolution inside the rocks. Furthermore, the high value of Y emerged before the complete breakdown of materials. Therefore, the damage evolution of rock specimen can be quantitatively analyzed with LURR theory, thus the failure of the rock materials and the earthquake occurrence may be predicted. The experimental results gave a further verification of LURR theory.  相似文献   

利用较大岩石样品,实验研究了加载时同时向样品内注水过程中穿过样品超声波波速和尾波Qc值的变化特征。结果表明,在压力作用下,岩石破坏前通过岩石的尾波Qc值下降,如果有压力水进入,则岩石的尾波值Qc会大幅下降。因此,我们可以认为,地壳岩石破坏发生地震前的尾波下降的物理机制是岩石在压力产生扩容裂隙及流体进入裂隙双重作用的结果。  相似文献   

The absorption of hydrodynamic pressure waves at the reservoir bottom has dominant effects on the structural response of the dam when subjected to ground motion. In the present study, a model is proposed for the absorption effects of the reservoir bottom in the earthquake analysis of dams. The model utilizes the wave reflection coefficient approach and is based on the solution of the wave equation in a sediment layer of viscoelastic material with a constant thickness overlying an elastic, semi-infinite foundation. Numerical studies were conducted to evaluate the effect of the sediment layer thickness and material properties as well as the effect of reflection of waves from the underlying rock. It is shown that the current approach of assuming the wave reflection coefficient at the reservoir bottom based on the characteristics of the sediment material and excluding the effect of the reflected waves from the underlying rock, may significantly underestimate the seismic response of the dam.  相似文献   

加卸载响应比(LURR)理论的实验研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
利用大尺度岩石试件破坏声发射实验,对加卸载响应比(Load/Unload Response Ratio)理论进行了实验研究。实验采用的加载条件力求能够模拟地下岩石的复杂受力过程。在加载过程中,岩石试件内部出现的损伤用声发射技术进行了记录。实验数据经过分析之后所得的结论与加卸载响应比理论预测的结果相符合。把加卸载响应比值Y的变化情况与声发射事件定位的过程相对比,也可以进一步看出岩石材料内部的损伤发展过程与加卸载响应比Y值的变化具有一致性。而高Y值的异常情况出现,又是在材料发生最终破坏之前,所以,可以用加卸载响应比理论定量地分析岩石试件损伤演化情况,从而对岩石材料的破坏及地震做出预测。实验结果再一次验证了加卸载响应比理论。  相似文献   

The results of hardware and methodological developments for recording of electromagnetic emission (EME) generated by rock samples under loading in laboratory experiments are presented. The results of experiments with the instruments developed are described. The facilities developed made it possible to measure reliably the electromagnetic emission under conditions of high background of electromagnetic noise and to reduce the level of reliably recorded signals as compared with previous experiments. The results of observation of the appearance of electromagnetic emission in the experiments with the rock samples under laboratory conditions showed a high correlation of the time instants of generation of the electromagnetic emission and the changes of its parameters with the changes in the reactive resistivity of the rock sample and seismoacoustic emission activity in the controlled area of the sample. It is revealed that electromagnetic emission occurs and reaches its maximum on the descending branch of the plot of polarizability during rock destruction.  相似文献   

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