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基于考虑土-结构相互作用(SSI)效应的隔震结构体系振动台模型试验,以ABAQUS软件为计算平台,考虑土体的非线件特性,建立了将土体一桩基-隔震结构视为共同工作整体的三维有限元模型,对各种试验工况下的地震反应进行了数值模拟计算,并与试验结果进行了对比分析,结果表明:数值模拟和振动台模型试验结果基本一致,两者得到的SSI效应对隔震结构地震反应的影响体现出相似的规律性,印证了数值模型的正确性.  相似文献   

根据软弱场地土上地铁车站结构大型振动台模型试验结果,以软件ABAQU S为平台,采用记忆型嵌套面黏塑性动力本构模型和动塑性损伤模型,分别模拟土体和车站结构混凝土的动力特性,建立了土-地铁车站结构非线性动力相互作用二维和三维有限元分析模型,对各种试验工况下地基土-地铁车站结构体系的地震反应进行了数值模拟,并与试验结果进行了对比。结果表明:二维、三维数值模拟与振动台模型试验结果基本一致,三维模型可更好地模拟软弱场地与地铁车站结构的动力相互作用及模型结构的动力反应。数值模拟结果和振动台试验结果可相互验证其可靠性。  相似文献   

根据非一致地震激励地下综合管廊振动台模型试验结果,以有限元软件ABAQUS为平台,定义了约束方程来考虑层状剪切砂箱的模型箱效应。土体采用线性扩展Drucker-Prager本构模型,并采用主从接触面模型考虑土-结构相互作用,建立了三维有限元模型。对各种试验输入工况下土-综合管廊体系的地震反应进行了数值模拟,并与试验结果进行了对比。结果表明:数值模拟结果与模型试验结果吻合较好。文中所提建模方法合理,可用于后续的分析。  相似文献   

土-地铁隧道动力相互作用的大型振动台试验:试验方案设计   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16  
以南京地铁的建设背景为基础,对含有可液化土层的深厚软弱场地上双洞单轨的地铁区间隧道结构进行了大型振动台模型试验研究。根据本次试验的目的和特性,首先给出了模型体系相似比的设计基本原则,并对整个模型体系进行了相似设计,对模型土和模型结构的制备方法和模型材料的物理特性进行了室内试验研究,同时,根据对隧道地震反应分析的数值模拟结果,对传感器的选择及其布置方案进行了分析。最后,根据南京及其周边地区的地震环境,对台面输入地震动的选取及其加载方法进行了具体的阐述。试验结果表明本文对土-地铁区间隧道动力相互作用的大型振动台模型试验的设计方案是合理的,对相关试验结果的整理和分析见另文。  相似文献   

黄土地区地铁车站数值模型及测试位置研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
介绍了黄土地区地铁车站振动台模型试验的测试设备与数据采集系统;基于ABAQUS有限元分析软件,采用有限元-无限元耦合的建模方法,对地震作用下黄土地区地铁车站的加速度反应、位移反应、应变反应,以及土-结构相互作用的接触土压力进行了研究。结果表明,结构构件交叉部位的应变反应及接触土压力较大。最后,根据地铁车站地震反应特点,研究了黄土地区地铁车站振动台模型试验中传感器的布置原则和布置方案,为试验获得可靠数据提供了重要保证。同时,本文得到的黄土地区地铁车站地震反应特点和规律,可为黄土介质模型试验及深度数值模型分析提供参考。  相似文献   

地铁车站结构大型振动台试验与数值模拟的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
根据可液化土层上土-地铁车站结构动力相互作用大型振动台模型试验结果,以软件ABAQUS为平台,将地基土-地铁车站结构体系视为平面应变问题,采用记忆型嵌套面黏塑性动力本构模型模拟土体的动力特性,采用混凝土动塑性损伤模型模拟车站结构混凝土的动力特性,建立了土-地铁车站结构非线性动力相互作用的有限元分析模型,对各种试验工况下地基土-地铁车站结构体系的地震反应进行了数值模拟,并与试验结果进行了对比,结果表明:数值模拟与振动台模型试验结果基本一致,体现出了相似的规律性,相互印证了计算分析的力学建模和振动台试验结果的正确性。  相似文献   

针对浅层软土中埋设的矩形截面地下综合管廊进行了非一致地震激励下的振动台模型试验研究。作为首个此种类型结构非一致激励的振动台试验工作,本文主要介绍试验方法,重点包括试验方案设计、开洞试验模型箱与模型结构设计,根据试验的特殊要求而开发的土体滑移传感器和地下结构接头位移测量装置,以及人工合成输入地震波动时程的方法与步骤。上述试验设计方法可供今后类似试验工作参考。试验结果分析及数值模型验证结果将在后续系列论文中介绍。  相似文献   

针对浅层软土中埋设的矩形截面地下综合管廊进行了非一致地震激励下的振动台模型试验研究。作为首个此种类型结构非一致激励的振动台试验工作,本文主要介绍试验方法,重点包括试验方案设计、开洞试验模型箱与模型结构设计,根据试验的特殊要求而开发的土体滑移传感器和地下结构接头位移测量装置,以及人工合成输入地震波动时程的方法与步骤。上述试验设计方法可供今后类似试验工作参考。试验结果分析及数值模型验证结果将在后续系列论文中介绍。  相似文献   

对土石坝振动台模型试验理论和技术进行系统阐述,提出基于原型和模型坝料静、动力特性试验的模型相似设计方法和不同强度地震动递进输入(白噪声微振-设计地震-校核地震-破坏试验)的振动试验方法。基于1g大型振动台和ng超重力离心机振动台设备性能现状,结合高土石坝的结构特点和动力试验相似模拟要求,对土石坝振动台模型试验的优势及局限进行深入讨论。结合已有的工程实践,对土石坝振动台模型试验在工程中的应用进行总结,并以某实际高面板堆石坝为例研究面板坝生命周期内经历多次地震情况下结构动力特性的演化规律。  相似文献   

一般在进行振动台模型试验时,由于试验引起结构构件损伤,很难在试验前或试验后实测构件或节点的力学参数,但是对于整体弹性模型或部分弹性模型,可以事后对其力学性能进行实测,将实测数据用于修正计算模型,经过修正的计算结果与振动台试验结果有更好对比性。体外预应力自复位框架(EPSCF)是一种新型抗震结构,将预应力筋设置在梁柱构件体外,达到易施工、易监测、可更换的目的。在振动台试验中,EPSCF主体结构保持弹性,耗能装置损坏。振动台试验后,进行EPSCF主体结构低周反复静力试验,实测结构在侧向力作用下的滞回曲线与骨架曲线,并计算出结构每层的抗侧刚度及等效阻尼比。将实测参数代入有限元模型中进行地震响应数值模拟,并与振动台试验结果进行对比。研究结果表明,经过静力试验校准的计算模型能更好地模拟振动台试验结果。  相似文献   

为研究地震荷载作用下桩基-土-核电结构的抗震性能及土结动力反应规律,对拟开展的地震模拟振动试验模型进行数值计算分析。核电工程结构上部质量大和刚度大,试验模型不同于一般的工程结构,为检验振动台试验模型设计、传感器布设方案,对试验模型进行了数值模拟。数值模拟以单端承桩为研究对象,计算了上部结构质量和刚度变化时,在脉冲荷载及基于RG1.60谱人工合成地震动作用下桩身的地震反应规律。数值模拟表明:在水平地震动作用下,桩身剪力和弯矩包络线呈"X"状分布,桩底和顶处剪力弯矩较大;上部结构质量越大,桩身的剪力与弯矩越大;上部结构的刚度越大,桩身的剪力与弯矩越小;随着上部结构质量的增大和刚度的减小,反弯点逐渐向桩顶移动。桩顶发生最大位移时所对应的桩身挠度随着上部结构质量的增加而增大并且随着上部结构刚度的增大而减小。土层分界面处,桩身内力发生突变。此外,在脉冲荷载输入下,桩身反弯点位置与输入荷载的周期有关。计算结果为振动台试验模型设计提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

液化场地桥梁群桩基抗震分析简化方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于已完成的液化场地土—桩—桥梁结构地震相互作用振动台试验,利用两步法、等效单桩法,建立了液化场地群桩基础抗震分析的动力非线性文克尔地基梁模型。该模型考虑了桩—土相互作用的影响。首先,按照等刚度原则将群桩简化为等效单桩;其次,选用弹簧元件和阻尼原件并联的宏单元模拟桩—土动力相互作用;然后,计算地震作用下自由场地的土体位移和孔压比;最后,将地震作用下自由场地土体位移和孔压比作为模型的外部激励,计算桩的动力反应规律。将简化方法计算结果与液化场地桥梁桩基振动台试验结果进行对比发现,两者吻合较好,验证了简化方法的正确性。  相似文献   

基于相同土层结构地基条件下,分别采用低承台群桩-独柱墩与高承台群桩-独柱墩结构,完成了两次可液化场地群桩-土-桥梁结构地震反应振动台试验,据此研究了承台型式对桥梁桩-柱墩地震反应的影响。研究表明,与高承台桩相比,可液化场地中低承台桩的抗震性能更优;地震中砂层尚未液化或液化不充分时,低承台更多表现出减弱桩尤其桩上段的加速度反应的作用,相反高承台更多起到放大桩的加速度作用,而高承台桩与低承台桩的峰值应变自下而上更多表现出逐渐增大趋势;即使砂层完全液化时,低承台桩的峰值应变自下而上仍以渐增为主;与低承台桩相比,高承台桩更有助于放大墩顶加速度、位移反应,对结构体系整体稳定性产生了不良影响;虽然低承台桩未出现严重破坏,但砂层中部桩的应变却很大,液化砂土-桩运动相互作用对桩的抗震性能影响不容忽视。  相似文献   

The seismic performance of timber bridge substructures is not well established, particularly when compared to concrete highway bridges. This paper presents a dual experimental‐computational modelling program to investigate the seismic behaviour of typical braced timber bridge pile bents. For this purpose, a prototype timber bridge was used to develop a near‐full‐size physical model that was used for shaking table experiments and quasi‐static reversed cyclic loading tests on the laboratory strong‐floor. A non‐linear force‐displacement computational modelling study was also undertaken as a companion effort to the experimental investigation. On the basis of the experimental study, seismic vulnerability analysis was conducted for this kind of timber bridge principally with shaking in the transverse direction. In this analysis, a simplified fundamental mechanics‐based approach was employed from which fragility curves were derived. The study showed that braced timber pile bents have considerable strength and deformability capability. Nevertheless, they are not immune from earthquake damage. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

桥梁水下桩墩结构振动台模型试验相似律验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模拟地震振动台模型试验是研究桥梁桩墩结构抗震设计的重要方法。振动台试验结果的有效性取决于模型结构与原型结构的相似程度,不同的试验目的对应的相似关系也有差别。桥梁水下桩墩结构动力模型试验在满足结构自身相似律的同时,也要满足结构周围动水压力的相似,水体的存在限制了试验模型的相似设计。基于目前广泛应用的Buckinghamπ定理,采用量纲分析法和方程分析法,通过对比分析,在合理假设的基础上得出了桥梁混凝土桩墩结构振动台破坏试验模型设计的实用相似关系。最后,以某实际水下桥梁桩墩结构为例,通过计算分析验证了相似关系公式并对产生的误差进行了判断。结果表明:原型结构与模型结构的地震动力响应满足预计的相似关系;推导的相似律能在一定程度上避免模型设计的困难,较适用于实际应用。  相似文献   

<正>This paper describes a shake table test study on the seismic response of low-cap pile groups and a bridge structure in liquefiable ground.The soil profile,contained in a large-scale laminar shear box,consisted of a horizontally saturated sand layer overlaid with a silty clay layer,with the simulated low-cap pile groups embedded.The container was excited in three E1 Centra earthquake events of different levels.Test results indicate that excessive pore pressure(EPP) during slight shaking only slightly accumulated,and the accumulation mainly occurred during strong shaking.The EPP was gradually enhanced as the amplitude and duration of the input acceleration increased.The acceleration response of the sand was remarkably influenced by soil liquefaction.As soil liquefaction occurred,the peak sand displacement gradually lagged behind the input acceleration;meanwhile,the sand displacement exhibited an increasing effect on the bending moment of the pile,and acceleration responses of the pile and the sand layer gradually changed from decreasing to increasing in the vertical direction from the bottom to the top.A jump variation of the bending moment on the pile was observed near the soil interface in all three input earthquake events.It is thought that the shake table tests could provide the groundwork for further seismic performance studies of low-cap pile groups used in bridges located on liquefiable groun.  相似文献   

Based on the requirement of seismic reinforcement of bridge foundation on slope in the Chengdu-Lanzhou railway project, a shaking table model test of anti-slide pile protecting bridge foundation in landslide section is designed and completed. By applying Wenchuan seismic waves with different acceleration peaks, the stress and deformation characteristics of bridge pile foundation and anti-slide pile are analyzed, and the failure mode is discussed. Results show that the dynamic response of bridge pile and anti-slide pile are affected by the peak value of seismic acceleration of earthquake, with which the stress and deformation of the structure increase. The maximum dynamic earth pressure and the moment of anti-slide piles are located near the sliding surface, while that of bridge piles are located at the top of the pile. Based on the dynamic response of structure, local reinforcement needs to be carried out to meet the requirement of the seismic design. The PGA amplification factor of the surface is greater than the inside, and it decreases with the increase of the input seismic acceleration peak. When the slope failure occurs, the tension cracks are mainly produced in the shallow sliding zone and the coarse particles at the foot of the slope are accumulated.  相似文献   

This study investigated the seismic performance and soil‐structure interaction of a scoured bridge models with pile foundation by shaking table tests using a biaxial laminar shear box. The bridge pier model with pile foundation comprised a lumped mass representing the superstructure, a steel pier, and a footing supported by a single aluminum pile within dry silica sand. End of the pile was fixed at the bottom of the shear box to simulate the scenario that the pile was embedded in a firm stratum of rock. The bridge pier model was subjected to one‐directional shakes, including white noise and earthquake records. The performance of the bridge pier model with pile foundation was discussed for different scoured conditions. It is found that the moment demand of pile increases with the increase of scoured depth whereas the moment demand of the bridge pier decreases, and this transition may induce the bridge failure mechanism transform from pier to pile. The seismic demand on scoured pile foundations may be underestimated and misinterpreted to a certain degree. When evaluating the system damping ratio with SSI, the system response may not be significantly changed even if the soil viscous damping contribution is varied. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An analytical model is developed to evaluate performance characteristics of unidirectional seismic simulators (shaking tables). The validity of the model is verified with experimental measurements of the frequency response of the shaking table at the Catholic University of Peru. Interaction effects between shaking table and structure are first studied by analysing the response of a two DOF (degree of freedom) oscillator with mechanical properties representative of the actuator-table-structure system. A single DOF viscoelastic oscillator representing the structural test specimen is then included in the analytical model of the seismic simulator, and the behaviour of the combined system is evaluated, in the frequency domain, in terms of response stability and accuracy of reproduction of the command signal. Numerical simulations of system response under different load conditions are subsequently performed in order to study the influence of shaking table and test structure characteristics on the interaction phenomenon. The results obtained explain some of the performance degradation observed in seismic simulation tests involving very heavy structures and provide guidelines for the design of more reliable shaking table systems.  相似文献   

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