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与断层相关的假玄武玻璃被认为是地震化石,记录了地震发生过程和断裂机制的重要信息,对认识断层地震活动性具有重要意义.本文综合地表露头及汶川科钻(WFSD-1、WFSD-2)岩心研究,对映秀—北川断裂带南段彭灌杂岩中发育的假玄武玻璃进行详细的结构、构造及矿物成分分析.这些假玄武玻璃以断层脉和单个/网状贯入脉的形式产出,厚度由几毫米到数十厘米不等,与碎裂岩和超碎裂岩相伴生.显微结构观察发现假玄武玻璃中发育大量熔融特征构造,如港湾状熔蚀边、蜂窝状气孔构造、黏滞性流动构造以及针状、球粒状、羽状、纤维状、粒状等多种形态的微晶及微晶集合体,表明其为断层滑动摩擦熔融的产物,指示摩擦熔融润滑是断层滑动过程中最主要的弱化机制.同时热增压和机械润滑机制可能存在于断层滑动的不同阶段.此外,从野外和显微镜下都观察到假玄武玻璃脉具有浅灰、深灰、浅褐、棕褐色及黑色等不同的颜色,可能代表着不同程度的脱玻化作用,并且不同颜色有相互穿插交切关系,可能指示存在多期假玄武玻璃,也就是说,产生假玄武玻璃的大地震事件沿映秀—北川断裂带重复发生.最近的研究认为这些假玄武玻璃形成于晚三叠世时期地下~10—15 km深度.结合须家河组地层中发育的厚层断层泥和角砾岩,~180—280 m宽的映秀—北川断裂岩带是断裂长期活动演化的产物.作为龙门山地区最陡峭的地形边界,映秀—北川断裂带长期地震活动造成的地壳缩短加厚可能是龙门山快速隆升的主要原因.  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带大地震孕震环境的岩石磁学证据   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
地震断裂带的孕震环境对于研究地震的发生至关重要.本文以汶川地震断裂带科学钻探2号(WFSD-2)钻孔岩心中的假玄武玻璃、碎裂岩及其围岩为研究对象,通过岩石磁学测试,并结合显微结构观察探讨龙门山断裂带大地震的孕震环境.WFSD-2岩心碎裂岩中的假玄武玻璃是龙门山断裂带曾经发生过大地震活动的岩石学证据,假玄武玻璃具有高磁化率特征,而碎裂岩的磁化率值与围岩相似,假玄武玻璃中的新生磁铁矿是其高磁化率值异常的重要原因之一.假玄武玻璃中较少量的新生磁铁矿暗示了假玄武玻璃的生成环境为含氧量较低的高温还原环境.大地震断裂的摩擦热是改变龙门山断裂带中假玄武玻璃岩石磁学特征的主导因素,流体作用较弱.无高磁化率异常的碎裂岩经历的温度小于300℃,推测假玄武玻璃的生成深度较深.WFSD-2岩心中20余层假玄武玻璃脉体证明映秀—北川断裂带是一条长期活跃的断裂带,龙门山断裂带上曾经发生了多次大地震断裂活动,这些大地震可能发生在深度较大、流体作用较弱的还原性孕震环境中.  相似文献   

地壳主要岩石流变参数及华北地壳流变性质研究   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
周永胜  何昌荣 《地震地质》2003,25(1):109-122
岩石流变参数和变形机制是根据断层摩擦和岩石幂次流动本构关系建立岩石圈强度剖面的基础。近 30年来 ,高温高压实验取得了很大进展 ,获得了大量地壳矿物和岩石流变资料。本文系统总结了这些流变实验资料 ,并应用流变数据结合地震震源深度分布 ,对华北地壳流变性质进行了研究。结果表明 ,以花岗岩和低级变质岩为代表的上地壳为脆性破裂 ,其强度受断层摩擦约束 ,以长英质片麻岩为主的中地壳和以中性麻粒岩为主的下地壳上层处于塑性流变状态 ,由干的基性麻粒岩组成的下地壳下层处于脆性向塑性流变的过渡状态。华北地壳的这种物质组成和流变为地壳不同层次的解耦和强震孕育提供了力学条件 ,也构成了不同尺度块体的底边界  相似文献   

张媛媛  周永胜 《地震地质》2012,34(1):172-194
野外、实验和地震数据表明:浅部地壳的变形以脆性破裂为主,深部地壳的变形以晶体塑性流动为主.在这种认识的基础上,提出了地壳变形的2种机制模型,即发生脆性变形的上部地壳强度基于Byerlee摩擦定律以及发生塑性变形的下部地壳强度基于幂次蠕变定律.而位于其间的脆塑性转化带的深度与浅源地震深度的下限具有很好的一致性.然而,二元结构的流变模型局限性在于其力学模型过于简单,往往过高估计了脆塑性转化带的强度.问题的根源在于对脆塑性转化带的变形机制的研究已有很多,但没有定量的力学方程来描述脆塑性转化带强度;而且以往对断层脆塑性转化带的研究主要集中在温度引起的脆塑性转化方面,对因应变速率和流体对脆塑性转化的影响方面的研究也比较薄弱.对断层带内矿物变形机制研究表明,某些断层带脆塑性转化发生在相同深度(温度和压力)内,发生脆塑性转化的原因是应变速率的变化,而这种变化被认为与地震周期的同震、震后-间震期蠕变有关,这种变化得到了主震-余震深度分布变化的证实.对断层流体特征分析表明,断层带内可能存在高压流体,这种高压流体会随断裂带的破裂及愈合而周期性变化,在地震孕育及循环中起着关键性作用.高压流体的形成(裂隙愈合)有多种机理,其中,压溶是断层带裂隙愈合的主导机制之一.研究在水作用下的压溶,可以对传统的摩擦-流变二元地壳强度结构及其断层强度进行补充与修正.通过以上分析,认为有必要通过野外变形样品和高温高压实验,深入研究应变速率及流体压力对断层脆塑性转化的影响,同时,通过实验建立压溶蠕变的方程,近似地估计脆塑性转化带的强度.  相似文献   

CharacteristicsoffaultrocksandpaleoearthquakesourcealongtheKoktokayErtaifaultzone,Xinjiang,ChinaLANBINSHI1)(史兰斌)CHUANYON...  相似文献   

云南地壳和上地幔的岩石学结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
通过对地表出露变质岩、深部地震测深资料和高温高压岩石波速测试资料的综合分析 ,研究了云南地壳和上地幔岩石组成。结果表明 ,云南上、中、下地壳分别由绿片岩相 (顶部为沉积层 )、角闪岩相和麻粒岩相变质岩组成或分别由与之相当的花岗岩类、闪长岩类、辉长岩类组成 ,部分地区地壳底部有镁铁质榴辉岩存在。上地幔由橄榄岩组成 ,部分地区 (兰坪思茅坳陷和滇中坳陷 )壳幔过渡带可能由镁铁质榴辉岩和橄榄岩组成  相似文献   

冀东陆壳结构的岩石学模型   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
吴宗絮  郭才华 《地震地质》1991,13(4):369-376
冀东地区的古老变质岩系是一个出露的大陆地壳断面。根据变质岩系的变质相、亚相的研究和地质温压计计算的结果推定的深度,并结合地球物理测深资料,以及笔者测定和前人的岩石高压下波速实验资料提出了本区大陆地壳结构的岩石学模型。下地壳由麻粒岩相岩石组成,上部为角闪石麻粒岩亚相的中性成分的麻粒岩,下部为辉石麻粒岩亚相的基性成分的麻粒岩构成,底部夹有透镜状蛇纹石化橄榄岩以及紫苏花岗岩。中地壳主要由高角闪岩相的中性-中酸性成分的片麻岩、片岩构成,顶部为低角闪岩相的片麻岩、片岩,广泛发育英云闪长岩和花岗闪长岩岩体,含隙间高温流体相(fluid phase),形成高导-低速层。上地壳主要为绿片岩相(部分低角闪岩相)的板岩、千枚岩、片岩、变粒岩以及花岗岩组成,顶部为沉积盖层  相似文献   

Ion microprobe UThPb ages of zircons from granulite facies lower crustal xenoliths from north Queensland, Australia, correlate well with the ages of major orogenic episodes manifest at the earth's surface. About half of the xenoliths contain Proterozoic zircons which are similar in age to the episodes of high-grade metamorphism of the older surface rocks. All the xenoliths contain late Paleozoic zircons which show a real 100 Ma range in206Pb238/U ages (from 320 to 220 Ma), which is attributed to granulite facies metamorphism followed by slow cooling in the deep crust. The Paleozoic zircon ages coincide in time with the prolonged episode of eruption of voluminous felsic ash-flows and intrusion of high-level granites in this region (320-270 Ma). Mineral and melt inclusions in the zircons provide clues to the origin of some of the xenoliths, and coupled with the age information, can be used to infer the geological processes operating in the lower crust. The zircons from two mafic xenoliths contain felsic and intermediate melt inclusions implying at least a two-stage history for these rocks, involving either partial melting of a more felsic protolith or crystal accumulation from an evolved melt. Some of the zircons from the felsic xenoliths contain CO2-rich fluid inclusions, indicating that those zircons grew during high-grade metamorphism. The isotopic and chemical data for the whole rock xenoliths show that they originate from a segment of the lower crust which is a heterogeneous mixture of supracrustal and mafic, mantle-derived, lithologies. The major orogenic event responsible for the formation of that crust occurred in the late Paleozoic, when Proterozoic supracrustal rocks were emplaced into the lower crust, possibly along thin-skinned thrust slices. This was accompanied by intrusion of high-temperature, mantle-derived melts which caused partial melting of pre-existing crust. The most likely setting for such tectonism is a continental margin subduction zone.  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂带南段深部变形的重复地震研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用2000—2013年四川数字地震台网和水库台网的波形资料以及川西流动台阵的事件波形,通过辨识发生在同一断层位置上的重复地震来定量研究鲜水河断裂带南段的深部变形.针对研究区台站分布稀疏的客观情况,应用了子采样条件下基于S-P相对到时差来约束震源位置一致性的方法,在鲜水河断裂带识别出11组重复地震,并利用连续波形资料进行了重复地震完整性的初步测试,同时运用结合波形互相关资料的双差法来完成研究区背景地震和重复地震位置的精确定位.重新定位后的地震图像展示研究区中上地壳存在明显缺震层,其与壳内的低速低阻层相吻合.利用重复地震的地震矩和重复间隔,估算出鲜水河断裂带南段孕震深部的滑动速率为3.0~10.2mm·a-1,显示研究区不同地震构造区的深部滑动速率存在明显差异.  相似文献   

利用2010年布设在西藏南迦巴瓦构造结的郎嘎、崩嘎、直白和拉格四个宽频地震台所观测到的近5个月的地震记录,采用时间域迭代反褶积技术处理得到接收函数,通过筛选多条相近震中距和反方位角的高质量接收函数求取其叠加平均.对大地电磁数据做Rhoplus分析处理得到视电阻率和相位曲线.利用单台接收函数和相同位置的大地电磁视电阻率和相位联合反演地下一维壳幔结构.联合反演采用遗传算法,并通过权衡图分析大地电磁和地震数据的兼容性.理论值和实测值的对比显示两种数据能同时得到较好拟合.联合反演结果表明:(1)中上地壳为9 km至14 km厚的高阻高速层覆盖于低阻低速层之上的结构,中地壳低阻低速层可能与深部流体和局部熔融共同作用有关.(2)下地壳存在最厚达20 km的高导的壳幔过渡层,波速在4 km/s左右;上地幔约130 km至150 km以下存在软流圈.(3)上地壳的高阻高速层解释为多雄拉组混合岩化角闪岩相变质岩,而直白台所显示的低阻低速层与高压麻粒岩的少量部分熔融有关,可能源于壳幔过渡带镁铁质岩石的相变或更深处幔源岩浆底侵作用的产物.  相似文献   

The occurrence of ultrahigh pressure (UHP) minerals, such as coesite and diamond in crustal rocks in orogenic belts suggests that a huge amount of continental crust can be subducted to man-tle depth during the continental-continental collision[1—6]. This…  相似文献   

Abstract : The Hidaka metamorphic belt consists of an island-arc assembly of lower to upper crustal rocks formed during early to middle Paleogene time and exhumed during middle Paleogene to Miocene time. The tectonic evolution of the belt is divided into four stages, D0rs, D1, D2rs, and D3, based on their characteristic deformation, metamorphism, and igneous activity. The premetamorphic and igneous stage (D0) involves tectonic thickening of an uppermost Cretaceous and earliest Tertiary accretionary complex, including oceanic materials in the lower part of the complex. D1 is the stage of prograde metamorphism with increasing temperatures at a constant pressure during an early phase, and with a slight decrease of pressure at the peak metamorphic phase, accompanying flattening of metamorphic rocks and intrusions of mafic to intermediate igneous rocks. At the peak, incipient partial melting of pelitic and psammitic gneisses took place in the amphibolite–granulite facies transition zone, the melt and residuals cutting the foliations formed by flattening. In the deep crust, large amounts of S-type tonalite magma formed by crustal anatexis, intruded into the granulite facies gneiss zone and also into the upper levels of the metamorphic sequence during the subsequent stage. During D1 stage, mafic and intermediate magmas supplied and transported heat to form the arc-type crust and at the same time, the magmatic underplating caused extensional doming of the crust, giving rise to flattening and vertical uplifting of the crustal rocks. D2 stage is characterized by subhorizontal top-to-the-south displacement and thrusting of lower to upper crustal rocks, forming a basal detachment surface (décollement) and duplex structures associated with intrusions of S-type tonalite. Deformation structures and textures of high-temperature mylonites formed along the décollement, as well as the duplex structures, show that the D2 stage movement occurred under a N-S trending compressional tectonic regime. The depth of intra-crustal décollement in the Hidaka belt was defined by the effect of multiplication of two factors, the fraction of partial melt which increases downward, and the fluid flux which decreases downward. The crustal décollement, however, might have extended to the crust-mantle boundary and/or to the lithosphere and asthenosphere boundary. The subhorizontal movement was transitional to a dextral-reverse-slip (dextral transpression) movement accompanied by low-temperature mylonitization with retrograde metamorphism, the stage defined as D3. The crustal rocks from the basal décollement to the upper were tilted eastward on the N–S axis and exhumed during the D3 stage. During D2 and D3 stages, the intrusion of crustal acidic magmas enhanced the crustal deformation and exhumation in the compressional and subsequent transpressional tectonic regime.  相似文献   

The seismogenic zone of subduction thrust faults   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Abstract Subduction thrust faults generate earthquakes over a limited depth range. They are aseismic in their seaward updip portions and landward downdip of a critical point. The seaward shallow aseismic zone, commonly beneath accreted sediments, may be a consequence of unconsolidated sediments, especially stable-sliding smectite clays. Such clays are dehydrated and the fault may become seismogenic where the temperature reaches 100--150°C, that is, at a 5--15 km depth. Two factors may determine the downdip seismogenic limit. For subduction of young hot oceanic lithosphere beneath large accretionary sedimentary prisms and beneath continental crust, the transition to aseismic stable sliding is temperature controlled. The maximum temperature for seismic behavior in crustal rocks is ~ 350°C, regardless of the presence of water. In addition, great earthquake ruptures initiated at less than this temperature may propagate with decreasing slip to where the temperature is ~ 450°C. For subduction beneath thin island arc crust and beneath continental crust in some areas, the forearc mantle is reached by the thrust shallower than the 350°C temperature. The forearc upper mantle probably is aseismic because of stable-sliding serpentinite hydrated by water from the underthrusting oceanic crust and sediments. For many subduction zones the downdip seismogenic width defined by these limits is much less than previously assumed. Within the narrowly defined seismic zone, most of the convergence may occur in earthquakes. Numerical thermal models have been employed to estimate temperatures on the subduction thrust planes of four continental subduction zones. For Cascadia and Southwest Japan where very young and hot plates are subducting, the downdip seismogenic limit on the subduction thrust is thermally controlled and is shallow. For Alaska and most of Chile, the forearc mantle is reached before the critical temperature, and mantle serpentinite provides the limit. In all four regions, the seismogenic zones so defined agree with estimates of the extent of great earthquake rupture, and with the downdip extent of the interseismic locked zone.  相似文献   

As the core block of the East Gondwana Land, the East Antarctic Shield was traditionally thought, before 1992, as an amalgamation of a number of Archaean-Paleoproterozoic nuclei, be-ing welded by Grenville aged mobile belts during 1400—900 Ma, while the …  相似文献   

芦山与汶川地震之间存在约40 km的地震空区.震源区和地震空区的深部构造背景的研究对深入了解中强地震的深部孕育环境及地震空区的地震活动性具有重要科学意义.利用本小组布设的15个临时观测地震台以及21个芦山科考台站和21个四川省地震局固定台站记录的远震数据,用H-K叠加方法得到各个台站的地壳厚度和平均泊松比,并构建了接收函数共转换点(CCP)偏移叠加图像以及反演得到台站下方的S波速度模型.我们的结果揭示了震源区和地震空区地壳结构特征差异:(1)汶川震源区的地壳平均泊松比为~0.28;芦山震源区为~0.29;而地震空区处于泊松比变化剧烈的区域;(2)汶川地震与芦山地震的震源区以西下方的Moho面呈现深度上的突变(这与前人的研究成果基本一致),分别从~44 km突变到~59 km,~40 km突变到~50 km,而地震空区地壳平均厚度呈现渐变性变化;(3)地震空区Moho面下凹且具有低速的上地壳.综合一维S波速度结构和H-k以及CCP的初步结果,这可能显示汶川地震的发震断裂在深部方向上向西倾斜并形成切割整个地壳的大型断裂;芦山地震则可能是由于上、下地壳解耦引起的;而地震空区处于两种地震形成机制控制区域的过渡带中.  相似文献   

根据福建及台湾海峡南部海陆联测试验记录到的Pg和Pm震相走时数据,利用速度与界面联合成像方法构建地壳三维P波速度结构,揭示了该区地壳深部构造特征.结果表明:福建和台湾海峡海陆过渡带以及海峡南部地壳速度结构存在明显的不均匀性,滨海断裂两侧速度结构复杂,随深度呈现明显的分段特征,其上地壳海陆过渡带呈高速特性,台湾海峡呈低速特性;下地壳海陆过渡带呈低速特性,台湾海峡呈高速特性;研究区莫霍面的深度约为28~33 km,存在较明显差异,闽粤交接部位存在明显的地壳厚度减薄,莫霍面深度接近28 km,这与正常型华南活动地块与减薄型南海活动地块交汇致使地壳厚度减薄有关,体现了活动块体边界构造特征.历史大震主要发生在高低速异常过渡带且有深大断裂穿过的区域,现今中小震主要分布于闽粤海陆过渡带,这一特征可能与此地广泛发育的断层和华南与南海活动地块相互作用有关.  相似文献   

The geological-geophysical and petrological-geochemical studies of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle are combined to estimate the state of the lithosphere at the junction zone of Tarim and Tien Shan. The laboratory measurements of electric conductivity in the rocks sampled from the upper mantle and lower crust considered against the geoelectrical and thermal models revealed lherzolite, granulite, and eclogite massifs in the deep section of the Tarim and Tien Shan junction zone. The experimental results suggest that the crustal thickness in the southern Tien Shan attained 35–40 km 70 Ma ago.  相似文献   

By processing S-wave data from the Fanshi-Huai'an-Taipusiqi DSS profile,which is a three-component,wide-angle reflection/refraction profile,and in the light of the results from P-wave interpretation,two-dimensional(2-D)structures of the crust and upper mantle are presented,including S-wave velocity Vs and the physical parameter of medium-Poisson's ratio a.Taking other geological and geophysical information into account,and with reference to the results from petrophysical experiments at home and abroad,we carried out interpretation and inference with respect to deep crustal structure,tectonics,and lithologic characters.It has been concluded that in the upper and middle crust,a values are mostly not greater than 0.25,and rocks,which generally assume brittle,are mainly composed of granite; the rocks in the lower layer of the upper crust between Yangyuan-Huai'an containing inorganic CO2 itself releases carbon; for the rocks in the lower crust and crust-mantle transitional zone,which are comparatively plasti  相似文献   

Extensional tectonic models with the major features of metamorphic core complexes were established in the Cordilleran region of western North America dur- ing the late 1970s to early 1980s of last century[1—4].Since there were previous thrust events, some re- searchers attributed the extension to crust-thickening of Mesozoic orogen[5—8], i.e. the crust thickening dur- ing orogeny led to the fact that the materials at depthswere heated and partially melted, and the heated and low-density mat…  相似文献   

Many evidences indicate that the collision of two plates deformed strongly the crust of the SYR, and the deformation has been continued up to the present. In addition, the SYR is in the south segment of the South-North Seismic Zone of China, which is one of the regions in the Chinese mainland, where the seismic activity is very high, and the strong earthquakes frequently occurred. Since the 1970s, a series of large earthquakes with magnitude M>7.0 occurred in SYR, such as the 1970 Tongha…  相似文献   

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