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龙门山断裂带东北段现今地应力环境研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年5月12日汶川Ms8.0级地震后,为了解发震断裂附近地应力分布特征,于2009年10月-12月期间,在龙门山断裂带东北段江油、北川地区3个200 m钻孔中开展水压致裂地应力测量工作;本文首先依据研究区域内3个200m钻孔的水压致裂地应力测量结果,分析了汶川8.0级地震发生1年后,龙门山断裂带东北段附近现今地应力状态分布特征;其次,基于龙门山断裂带基础地质、地球物理等研究资料,采用线弹性有限元模拟方法,运用ANSYS有限元模拟软件,模拟得到了地震后研究区内现今地应力状态;再次,综合研究区内地应力测量结果和应力场的三维有限元数值模拟结果,揭示了断裂带附近江油~北川剖面现今应力场的变化规律;文章最后探讨了龙门山断裂带东北段江油和北川地区的地震危险性.  相似文献   

为探讨汶川MS8.0地震对龙门山断裂带现今地应力环境的影响,2009年10—12月,在龙门山断裂带的北川、江油地区开展了3个200m深度钻孔水压致裂地应力测量,获得了汶川MS8.0地震发生1年多以后断裂带附近地壳浅表层地应力环境.根据研究区内的原地应力测量结果及汶川MS8.0地震引起的断层错动等资料,运用线弹性有限元数值模拟方法,计算得到了由断层错动位移所产生的附加应力,并推算了ZK02和ZK03位置震前应力分布特征.通过对比分析,揭示了断裂带附近地应力场的变化规律,探讨了汶川MS8.0地震对龙门山断裂带附近地应力环境的影响.  相似文献   

随着地球动力学和深部能源开发利用等研究工作的不断深入,深部应力状态的研究越来越重要,但目前尚没有即经济又简便完善的深部三维地应力测量方法.基于岩芯的非弹性应变恢复法是近年来发展起来的深部三维应力测量方法.汶川5·12地震后,中国大陆首次将该方法应用于科学钻孔的地应力测量.本文详细介绍了这一方法现场测量岩芯非弹性恢复应变的基本流程,并对此法测量的岩芯首次开展了岩石非弹性应变恢复柔量的实验研究,将现场非弹性应变测量与室内非弹性应变恢复柔量实验相结合,确定汶川地震科学钻一号孔(WFSD-1)1173 m处最大主应力方向为NW64°,实测得到岩石的剪切与体积模式非弹性应变恢复柔量的比值为2.9,计算得到最大、中间和最小主应力分别为43,28和25 MPa.结合龙门山地区其他方法的地应力测量结果,表明龙门山断裂带从NE到SW现今最大主应力作用方向表现为由EW→NEE→NWW的变化规律,龙门山断裂带现今地应力作用方向的分段性特征与5·12汶川地震时龙门山断裂带西南段逆冲为主,东北段走滑为主的运动特点相吻合,研究结果对于认识汶川地震的动力学机制具有一定参考价值.  相似文献   

汶川8.0级地震触发与余震活动空间分布研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
文中分析研究了2008年汶川8.0级地震发震构造即龙门山断裂带历史和现今地震活动情况, 并计算主震发生后产生的库仑破裂静应力变化, 讨论了地震触发与余震空间分布之间的联系。 结果表明, 龙门山断裂带以虎牙—北川—安县为界分为二段, 西南段和东北段在地震活动性方面存在着较大的差异。 虽同处一条断裂带上, 但两者之间地震活动没有联系。 汶川8.0级主震发生之后, 在空间上产生的库仑破裂静应力变化具有很明显的分区特征。 龙门山断裂带北川至青川之间库仑破裂应力变化值大于+0.05 MPa, 主震对该地区后续ML≥5.0余震的发生存在着触发作用。  相似文献   

根据最近28年的区域台网地震资料,利用b值空间分布及断裂带分段的多地震活动参数值的组合方法,结合历史强震背景,分析了沿川北龙门山-岷山断裂带不同断裂段的现今活动习性,并初步判别出了潜在的强震危险段落。研究结果表明:龙门山断裂带中-南段存在6个具有不同现今活动习性的段落,其中,绵竹-茂县段处于相对高应力背景下的频繁中-小震活动状态,被认为是龙门山断裂带上未来最可能发生强震的地段;江油-平武段处于相对高应力背景下的稀疏中-小震活动状态,未来有可能发生中强地震。而岷山断裂带中的岷江断裂段和虎牙断裂段,以及叠溪隐伏逆断层地区均具有相对偏低的应力水平,可能与其不久前分别发生过大地震和强震有关,未来不太长的时期内复发大地震的可能性较小。  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带现今构造应力场特征及分段性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
龙门山断裂带位于青藏高原与华南地块之间.由后山断裂、中央断裂、前山断裂和山前隐伏断裂四条主断裂组成.其活动性具有明显的分段性.本文在前人研究成果的基础上,从构造应力的角度对龙门山断裂带的分段性进行分析研究,以茂县—汶川区段和大邑—映秀区段为界将龙门山断裂带划分为三段:北段、中段和南段,且中段是南、北两段的过渡部位.从应力的量值看,龙门山断裂带整体应力状态表现为σH>σh>σv,表明水平应力作用占主导.50~100m深度范围内,北段的应力值明显高于南段.100~200m深度范围内,南段的应力值反而高过北段.且龙门山断裂带南段的应力作用强度高于北段,随深度的增加越发明显.从应力方向看,龙门山断裂带南段最大主压应力方向为NW-NWW向,而北段为NE-NEE向.北、中两段的分界区段应力方向体现了由南段NWW向到北段NEE向转换的特征.应力方向由南到北发生NW向到NE向转变的特征与该区震源机制解反映的主压应力方向较为一致.龙门山断裂带北段受岷山隆起及虎牙断裂影响明显,深部构造或与中南段分离,脱离松潘—甘孜褶皱带的控制,大地震释放的应力比较充分,而南段应力并未充分释放,且震后应力已有一定程度的恢复和重积累,积累能量的程度随深度增加而增强.  相似文献   

汉中盆地位于龙门山断裂带东北段的末端,汶川MS8.0地震发生以后,地震活动存在沿龙门山断裂带向NE向发展的趋势.在汉中盆地西缘进行了两个钻孔的水压致裂地应力测量,来分析震后该区地应力状态,以期为该区的地震危险性研究提供实际资料.这两个钻孔深度均为300m左右,相距33m,取得了较好的地应力测试结果.通过对地应力测试结果的综合分析研究,得到以下认识:①在汉中盆地西缘300m深度地层内,最大水平主应力值为5.69—19.52MPa,最小水平主应力值为3.81—10.90 MPa,垂直主应力值约为1.25—7.03MPa,水平主应力占主导地位,垂直应力为最小应力,该地应力状态有利于逆断层的活动;②汉中盆地西部现今最大水平主应力方向为WNW或近EW向;③汶川地震后,目前汉中盆地及其西部地区仍处于构造应力调整阶段,总体相对稳定.  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带北段活动特征的遥感地质解译研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文中通过龙门山断裂北段卫星遥感影像的解译分析,对该区活动断裂的分布与发育情况进行了研究.文章选取ETM光学影像和遥感1号雷达影像为主要数据源,结合研究区已有研究成果,分析了遥感影像上地质地貌特征,建立了研究区的解译标志,对龙门山断裂带北段主要断裂(平武-青川断裂、南坝-林庵寺断裂、江油-广元断裂)分布特征与活动性进行了深入的遥感解译.研究结果表明,平武-青川断裂对不同规模的水系位错的影响较大,且广元地区历史地震主要分布在该断裂带上,因此平武-青川断裂活动性最强,对该区地震的发生起着重要的控制作用.  相似文献   

汶川MS8.0级地震的发震构造为龙门山断裂带,地震地表破裂主要分布在其中的北川-映秀断裂和江油-灌县断裂上,尤其是沿前者发育了长达240 km左右的地表破裂带.通过对龙门山断裂带震后断层擦痕的测量,得到311条断层擦痕数据,利用由断层滑动资料反演构造应力张量的计算方法,得到研究区8个测点的构造应力张量数据,并获得了研究区构造应力场特征:区域现代构造应力场以近水平挤压为主,最大主应力方向(σ1)为76°~121°,平均倾角9°,应力结构以逆断型为主.受构造应力场及断层几何特征的影响,地表破裂呈现出分段性:映秀—北川段主要以NW盘逆冲为主,垂直位移明显;北川以北段为逆冲兼走滑,水平位移量与垂直位移量基本相当,或水平位移略大.  相似文献   

高精度GPS测量是研究现今地壳运动和地壳形变的重要手段之一.龙门山断裂带一直备受地质学者关注,尤其是2008年5月12日汶川大地震发生以后,对龙门山断裂带的研究提出了许多新的认识.汶川大地震后通过对1991年至2008年龙门山断裂带长期GPS监测成果(0.3~7mm/a)的分析、研究总结后认为这种低速率断层经过长期缓慢的能量积累,同样能够产生大地震;近期(2008~2010年)GPS观测数据结果揭示,龙门山断裂带中段及邻区的地壳运动速率由地震前的0.3~7mm/a,提高到4~57mm/a,分析认为在观测期内龙门山断裂带中段及邻区正处于一个震后应力释放期,这种应力释放可能还将持续相当长时间,影响着龙门山断裂带现今的活动性.今后一段时间龙门山断裂带可能仍处余震的高发期,需引起关注!对于今后龙门山活动性是否已经进入一个新的活动期,还需要进一步长期的高精度监测来确认、修正.  相似文献   

The devastating MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake ruptured two large parallel thrust faults along the middle segment of the Longmenshan thrust belt.Preseismic and postseismic leveling data indicated the hanging wall of the YingxiuBeichuan-Nanba thrust fault mainly presented coseismic uplift with respect to the reference point at Pingwu county town, and the observed maximum uplift of 4.7 m is located at Beichuan county(Qushan town)which is about 100 m west of the fault scarp.The foot wall of the Yingxiu-Beichuan-Nan...  相似文献   


The devastating MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake ruptured two large parallel thrust faults along the middle segment of the Longmenshan thrust belt. Preseismic and postseismic leveling data indicated the hanging wall of the YingxiuBeichuan-Nanba thrust fault mainly presented coseismic uplift with respect to the reference point at Pingwu county town, and the observed maximum uplift of 4.7 m is located at Beichuan county (Qushan town) which is about 100 m west of the fault scarp. The foot wall of the Yingxiu-Beichuan-Nanba thrust fault mainly showed subsidence with maximum subsidence of 0.6 m near the rupture. By employing a listric dislocation model, we found that the fault geometry model of exponential dip angle δ= 88°?×1-exp(-9/h) with depth of 18 km and uniform thrust-slip of 5.6 m could fit the observed coseismic vertical deformation very well, which verifies the listric thrust model of the Longmenshan orogenic zone.


汶川MS8.0级地震InSAR同震形变场观测与研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用InSAR技术,采用地震前后日本ALOS/ PALSAR数据,提取了2008年5月12日四川汶川地震7个条带的地表同震形变场.每个形变条带南北向500 km,东西向70 km,7个形变场覆盖了映秀镇、都江堰、茂县、北川、平武和青川.结果显示,此次地震地表破裂带在北川—映秀断裂带上.地表破裂带从汶川县映秀镇西南震中附近一直到青川县苏河北侧,全长约为230 km.发震断层西北盘为抬升盘,南东盘断层附近,仍然表现为隆起区,显示出以逆冲为主的断层性质.在汶川县映秀镇西侧震中区,最大相对卫星视线向形变量达260 cm,如果全部换算成垂直形变,则两个区域的垂直相对形变达3.3 m.从北川至平通一带,卫星视线向形变范围在120~180 cm的隆起带.其中,擂鼓镇隆起形变范围170~180 cm,换算成垂直形变约在2.2~2.3 m之间.在青川苏河北附近,有70~80 cm范围的隆起形变.在雅安、峨眉山一带,以及射洪至重庆北侧一带有大范围沉降区.在重庆及其南侧区域有幅度在20~30 cm小范围隆起.由青川向东至广元、宁强一带,有形变幅度在60~70 cm的隆起区.整个形变场影响范围较大,四川盆地出现了不同程度的地表形变.  相似文献   

This paper reports the internal structures of the Beichuan fault zone of Longmenshan fault system that caused the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, at an outcrop in Hongkou, Sichuan province, China. Present work is a part of comprehensive project of Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration, trying to understand deformation processes in Longmenshan fault zones and eventually to reproduce Wenchuan earthquake by modeling based on measured mechanical and transport properties. Outcrop studies could be integrated with those performed on samples recovered from fault zone drilling, during the Wenchuan Earthquake Fault Scientific Drilling (WFSD) Project, to understand along-fault and depth variation of fault zone properties. The hanging wall side of the fault zone consists of weakly-foliated, clayey fault gouge of about 1 m in width and of several fault breccia zones of 30–40 m in total width. We could not find any pseudotachylite at this outcrop. Displacement during the Wenchuan earthquake is highly localized within the fault gouge layer along narrower slipping-zones of about 10 to 20 mm in width. This is an important constraint for analyzing thermal pressurization, an important dynamic weakening mechanism of faults. Overlapping patterns of striations on slickenside surface suggest that seismic slip at a given time occurred in even narrower zone of a few to several millimeters, so that localization of deformation must have occurred within a slipping zone during coseismic fault motion. Fault breccia zones are bounded by thin black gouge layers containing amorphous carbon. Fault gouge contains illite and chlorite minerals, but not smectite. Clayey fault gouge next to coseismic slipping zone also contains amorphous carbon and small amounts of graphite. The structural observations and mineralogical data obtained from outcrop exposures of the fault zone of the Wenchuan earthquake can be compared with those obtained from the WFSD-1 and WFSD-2 boreholes, which have been drilled very close to the Hongkou outcrop. The presence of carbon and graphite, observed next to the slipping-zone, may affect the mechanical properties of the fault and also provide useful information about coseismic chemical changes.  相似文献   

汶川、 芦山地震前后四川地区应力场时空演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张致伟  阮祥  王晓山  王宇航  祁玉萍 《地震》2015,35(4):136-146
基于四川地区2000年1月~2014年6月ML≥3.0地震震源机制解, 首先分析了四川地区各次级地块和不同断裂带的地震震源机制类型及整体应力场特征, 其次以汶川8.0级、 芦山7.0级地震为例, 研究两次强震发生前后四川各次级地块的主压应力时空演化特征。 获得的主要认识为: ① 四川各次级地块的地震震源机制比较紊乱, 反映了块体内部构造的复杂性, 而断裂带的地震震源机制则相对比较单一, 与其运动类型一致; ② 四川各次级地块及断裂带的整体应力方向比较一致, 优势方位呈现NW和NWW向, 倾角接近水平; ③ 汶川8.0级、 芦山7.0级地震发生前, 震中所在的龙门山断裂带中南段及川青地块的主压应力方位均出现过较好的一致性, 而在芦山地震后, 龙门山断裂带及川青、 川中地块的主压应力优势方位则转变为NE向。  相似文献   

汶川MS8.0地震孕育发生的机制与动力学问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2008年5月12日四川省汶川县发生了MS8.0强烈地震.发震断层是龙门山断裂带的映秀—北川断裂.分析震前的GPS速度场发现,从巴颜喀拉块体西部到龙门山断裂带沿大约N103°E方向的缩短速率为13.0 mm/a,龙门山断裂带的右旋走滑速率1.1 mm/a,断裂带处于闭锁状态.四川盆地沿大约N103°E方向有少量的压缩变形,而沿SW方向有少量的拉张变形.同震位移场显示,这次地震可能是巴颜喀拉块体SE向逆冲与四川盆地NW向俯冲同时发生的.应变场分析发现,震前震中区的主压与主张应变率分别为-30.840×10-9/a与13.956×10-9/a,主压应变轴N105.4°E与震源机制解得到的主压应力轴的方向N103°E一致.由本文提出的应力-应变机制得到的断层滑动方向和走向与地表破裂调查和震源机制解得到的结果一致.印度、太平洋和菲律宾海板块与欧洲板块的相互作用是龙门山断裂带积累弹性应变能和孕育汶川地震的长期作用力.苏门达腊大地震使青藏高原和华南块体的相互作用加强,促进了汶川地震的发生.  相似文献   

In situ stress state becomes more and more significant with in-depth research on geodynamics and energy development.However,there has not been an economic and effective method developed to determine deep three-dimensional in situ stress.The Anelastic Strain Recovery(ASR)method is a newly developed technique that can determine three-dimensional in situ stresses.After the 12 May 2008 Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake,the ASR method was used for the first time in mainland China to measure the in situ stresses in the WFSD scientific boreholes in Sichuan Province,China.In this paper,the basic procedure of the ASR method is introduced in detail and the compliances of ASR for boring cores are investigated.The results show that the maximum principal stress direction was NW64°at a measured depth(MD)of 1173 m(vertical depth 1151 m)in WFSD-1.The ratio of shear mode to the volume mode compliance of ASR was 2.9.And the three principal stresses at 1173 m MD in WFSD-1are 43,28 and 25 MPa.Combined with stress measurement results determined using other in situ measurement methods along the Longmenshan fault zone,the directions of the maximum horizontal principal stress changes from E-W to NEE-SWW to NWW-SEE when moving from NE to SW along the Longmenshan fault zone.This change is in agreement with the stress regime of the Longmenshan fault zone of the Wenchuan Earthquake,which supports a stress regime consisting predominantly of thrusts in the southwest and strike-slip in the northeast.  相似文献   

Based on abundant aftershock sequence data of the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake on May 12, 2008, we studied the spatio-temporal variation process and segmentation rupture characteristic. Dense aftershocks distribute along Longmenshan central fault zone of NE direction and form a narrow strip with the length of 325 km and the depth between several and 40 km. The depth profile (section of NW direction) vertical to the strike of aftershock zone (NE direction) shows anisomerous wedgy distribution characteristic of aftershock concentrated regions; it is related to the force form of the Longmenshan nappe tectonic belt. The stronger aftershocks could be divided into northern segment and southern segment apparently and the focal depths of strong aftershocks in the 50 km area between northern segment and southern segment are shallower. It seems like 'to be going to rupture' segment. We also study focal mechanisms and segmentation of strong aftershocks. The principal compressive stress azimuth of aftershock area is WNW direction and the faulting types of aftershocks at southern and northern segment have the same proportion. Because aftershocks distribute on different secondary faults, their focal mechanisms present complex local tectonic stress field. The faulting of seven strong earthquakes on the Longmenshan central fault is mainly characterized by thrust with the component of right-lateral strike-slip. Meantime six strong aftershocks on the Longmenshan back-range fault and Qingchuan fault present strike-slip faulting. At last we discuss the complex segmentation rupture mechanism of the Wenchuan earthquake.  相似文献   

2008年发生了汶川地震的龙门山断层带是典型的铲形逆冲断层带.利用二维线弹性有限元模型,得到关于铲形逆冲断层带一些具普适性的认识:(1)如果断层带强度不随深度变化,则地震从断层带转换层附近开始发动,破裂沿断层向上传播,当地震蓄积能量足够大时,破裂可以冲破到地表,如汶川地震.(2)一旦到达地表,其最大同震位错将位于断层带...  相似文献   

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