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中低分辨率卫星反照率产品反映了局地与全球尺度地表吸收太阳短波辐射的能力,在气候变化与能量平衡研究中具有重要应用.卫星产品的精度通常基于地面观测值进行验证,而中低分辨率卫星反照率产品的验证需面对卫星与地面观测尺度的差异这一难题.引入高分辨率反照率作为尺度转换桥梁是一种常用验证策略,但高分辨率反照率数据本身的误差,以及它与地面观测、中低分辨率产品的互匹配都可能给验证结果带来不确定性.本文验证策略对这些不确定性进行了控制:以不确定性最小原则设计地面采样策略,用地面观测值对30 m分辨率反照率(用国产HJ-1a/b卫星数据反演得到)进行了校正,用校正后的30 m反照率升尺度后,选择不确定性更小的像元评价中低分辨率反照率的精度.以中国黑河流域中游为研究区开展了对GLASS和MODIS两种1 km分辨率反照率产品的验证试验.验证结果表明,尺度转换后的HJ反照率可以精确的检验低分辨率反照率产品的精度,但是必须考虑验证过程中的不确定性,并在验证时排除不确定性过大的像元.  相似文献   

继搭载在TRMM(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)卫星上的降水雷达PR(Precipitation Radar)之后,GPM(Global Precipitation Measurement)核心观测平台搭载了全球首个双频降水雷达DPR(Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar),其对降雪的探测能力备受人们关注.本文基于GPM双频降水雷达的探测数据,以三次降水过程(包含降雪、积层混合性降雨和冬季层状云降雨)为例,利用Ku和Ka双波段三个参量(即测量双频比DFRm垂直廓线斜率、回波顶高、垂直方向上Ku波段最大反射率因子)计算的降雪指数SI(Snow Index)来识别地面降水相态.结果表明,若不使用辅助信息(0℃等温线高度等),利用SI原计算公式能很好地区分夏季降雨和降雪,但较难区分冬季降雨和降雪.为了提高冬季降雨和降雪的分辨效果,改进了反射率因子的质量控制方法,用最小二乘法计算DFRm垂直廓线的斜率,结果显示改进后地面降雪识别结果与地面自动站观测结果有较好的一致性.  相似文献   

基于最优估计理论,采用LBLRTM和VLIDORT辐射传输模式以及包含Line Mixing效应的aer_v_3.2数据库,构建了一套短波红外高光谱卫星反演XCO2的算法.利用该算法试验了Line Mixing效应对卫星反演结果的影响,对GOSAT卫星观测光谱数据进行了系统性试验反演,并利用选取的TCCON站点一年中的匹配观测资料进行了地面验证,同时与GOSAT卫星官方L2B产品进行了比对.试验表明,忽略Line Mixing将系统性低估约0.25%的CO2柱浓度.在气溶胶光学厚度小于0.3的大气条件下,本文反演算法反演结果与GOSAT官方数据产品精度接近,与地基观测值相差小于1%,而高浓度气溶胶背景下卫星反演CO2浓度的有效方法仍有待于突破.  相似文献   

用GRACE卫星跟踪数据反演地球重力场   总被引:24,自引:17,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
利用141天GRACE卫星观测资料,包括K波段、星载加速度和卫星轨道数据,反演了80阶地球重力场模型IGGGRACE01S,该模型在半波长为500km的空间分辨率上,确定大地水准面的精度约为0012m,中长波(<80阶)精度优于重力卫星发射以前研制的重力场模型. 与EIGEN_GRACE02S、EIGEN_CHAMP03S和EGM96模型的位系数相比,该模型系数最接近于EIGEN_GRACE02S,与另两个模型差异较大. 比较几种模型确定的全球重力异常和大地水准面起伏,结果发现IGGGRACE01S与EIGEN_GRACE02S模型的计算结果比较接近,与EGM96模型结果差异较大,差别较大地区主要在南极等地区. 对于中国大陆,比较IGGGRACE01S模型(前72阶)计算的重力异常和NIMA重力异常数据(25°×25°网格),两者之间的标准偏差为48mGal.  相似文献   

卫星重力梯度仪在轨检校是提高梯度模式重力卫星观测质量的关键.本文面向中国未来梯度模式重力卫星规划任务,研究提出一种基于地面重力的卫星在轨检校方法,该方法顾及卫星设计指标,从地面先验重力数据的精度、空间尺度以及卫星重力梯度仪的观测噪声等卫星检校要素开展分析研究,成功实现地面数据与卫星观测数据的比对检校.研究结果表明,在12°×12°的地面检校区域内,利用精度优于1 mGal的地面重力观测数据即可实现噪声低于10 mE的重力梯度仪高精度在轨检校.  相似文献   

利用HJ-1B热红外数据估算晴天大气下行长波辐射   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对HJ-1B红外相机只有一个热红外通道的特点,本文利用大气辐射传输模型模拟和统计回归方法,发展了一个利用HJ-1B辐射亮温和大气水汽含量反演高分辨率大气下行长波辐射的参数化模型.为了分析模型的适宜性和误差来源,利用模拟数据对模型进行了精度评价,结果表明模型在大多数气候条件下反演结果较好,但在大气水汽含量较高时存在低估现象.误差分析表明,大气水汽含量、传感器辐射亮度、地表与大气的温差等方面的不确定性会对反演结果产生一定的影响.利用2009~2010年HJ-1B数据反演得到黑河流域和海河流域的瞬时下行长波辐射,并利用6个站点的地面观测数据对反演结果进行了验证.结果表明,除花寨子荒漠站外,其他各站点反演值与实测值的一致性较好,均方根误差在20W/m2左右,略好于MODIS数据的反演结果.花寨子站夏季时存在较多的高估现象,主要由地气温差过大引起,经过地气温差校正后,结果得到明显改善.  相似文献   

大气中SO_2是一种对城市大气环境变化和全球辐射能量平衡有着重要影响的痕量气体.BRD(Band Residual Difference Algorithm)和DOAS(Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy)算法是两种主要的SO_2总量遥感反演算法,分别被用于美国和欧洲不同卫星载荷数据的SO_2反演.然而,目前缺少两种算法在相同观测条件下SO_2反演的精度比较及不确定性分析、在物理数学反演机制上的差异追因.因此,本文基于相同的仿真模拟数据和卫星紫外辐射观测数据,反演获得不同大气状况下的BRD和DOAS SO_2总量并进行精度比较验证.从算法反演通道、O_3吸收、气溶胶、地表反射率和观测角度影响等方面,讨论分析BRD和DOAS反演结果差异及反演误差的原因.结果表明,在低浓度SO_2情况下,BRD反演SO_2总量更接近于正演输入SO_2总量,DOAS反演结果存在高估,但相对于BRD算法,DOAS算法长时间序列卫星反演结果更能表现出SO_2的季节变化特征;在高浓度SO_2情况下,BRD(310.8~314.4nm)和DOAS(315~327nm)反演结果的绝对值差异明显且存在低估,BRD(310.8~314.4nm)SO_2反演值及反演精度都低于DOAS(315~327nm)反演结果.基于高光谱分辨率大气辐射传输模型SCIATRAN的反演不确定性分析结果显示,反演通道选择、紫外O_3吸收、气溶胶、地表反射率和观测角度对SO_2总量反演精度的影响较大.本研究对于SO_2卫星遥感反演算法的改进及SO_2反演产品的应用具有重要的科学意义,也可促进中国未来大气成分SO_2卫星遥感产品的研发.  相似文献   

本文在对比了TRMM多卫星降水分析TMPA(TRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis)资料和中国643个气象站观测降水量时空分布的基础上,采用2002~2006年夏季TMPA每小时降水量资料,用合成分析和谐波分析的方法研究了青藏高原及其周边地区夏季降水量和降水频率的日变化特征.分析结果表明,平均降水量和降水频率日变化谐波分析的标准振幅显示出青藏高原地区夏季降水具有显著的日变化特征,高原中部地区对流活动日变化最强,其次是高原西南方向的印度半岛地区.谐波分析的位相表明降水量和降水频率最大值出现的时间具有选择性,高原中部降水量最大值多集中在傍晚前后,高原以东的四川盆地通常在夜晚,尤其是在后半夜达到最大值,而长江上游和中下游地区对流活动则分别在上午和下午最为活跃.青藏高原以东地区降水量日变化的位相明显不同于其他陆地地区,也不同于高原中部,具有自西向东传播的信号,四川盆地的夜雨现象可能是高原地区对流活动日变化自西向东传播的结果.  相似文献   

基于TRMM/TMI的亚洲夏季降水研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘奇  傅云飞 《中国科学D辑》2007,37(1):111-122
利用热带测雨卫星(TRMM)微波成像仪(TMI)的长期观测资料, 对亚洲夏季降水的水平分布特征进行了统计分析, 指出了孟加拉湾北部沿岸, 中国南海南部, 赤道西太平洋暖池三个稳定的强降水中心. 并借助全球降水气候计划(GPCP)地表降水资料, 对亚洲范围内洋面, 陆面及6个典型区域的TMI降水准确性进行了评估, 结果表明利用TMI和GPCP资料对亚洲夏季降水的强弱降水中心及雨带位置的指示基本一致, TMI对陆面降水仍存在普遍的低估, 最大相对偏差在25%左右. 差异水平分布显示出极强的地域性特征, 出现最大差异(>3 mm/d)的区域位于陆地上青藏高原周边(正偏差), 及孟加拉湾北部地区(负偏差). 对产生偏差原因的分析表明, TMI陆面算法强烈依赖于降水云系统上层冰粒子含量的特性是构成其系统性偏低和局部地区对降水高估的主要因素, 而进一步的分析也显示GPCP雨量计极不均匀的分布对差异的产生也有所贡献, 尤其是在雨量计稀少的高原周边地区.  相似文献   

潘宁  郁凡 《地球物理学报》2009,52(12):2973-2986
本文采用一维变分法,并将MM5模式的相对湿度6小时预报作为背景信息,对1998年6~7月两种卫星反演地球大气相对湿度资料进行偏差校正试验,以提高其精度.这两种反演资料分别是用统计反演法反演GMS-5静止气象卫星多通道遥感信息得到的GMS反演地球大气湿度,和用同步物理反演法反演NOAA-14极轨卫星的TOVS晴空测值所得的TOVS反演湿度.校正试验结果表明,一维变分法能有效减小两种卫星反演湿度相对于匹配的NCEP/DOE再分析相对湿度的平均偏差和均方根偏差:850~300 hPa GMS反演湿度的绝对平均偏差下降了0.59%~2.87%;各层GMS反演湿度的均方根偏差的减少量为3.26%~7.49%,其中925~400 hPa从11%~14%降为6%~9%,300~200 hPa从20%~24%降为13%~18%;500~300 hPa TOVS反演湿度的绝对平均偏差从7%~13%降至1%~5%;各层TOVS反演湿度的均方根偏差减少了12.61%~15.1%,其中1000~500 hPa从21%~24%降至8%~10%,400~300 hPa从25%~29%降至11%~14%.校正分别使925~400 hPa GMS反演湿度和1000~500 hPa TOVS反演湿度的均方根偏差降至10%以下,达到了WMO对卫星资料反演地球大气湿度垂直分布的可用精度要求.  相似文献   

The accurate measurement of precipitation is essential to understanding regional hydrological processes and hydrological cycling. Quantification of precipitation over remote regions such as the Tibetan Plateau is highly unreliable because of the scarcity of rain gauges. The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of the satellite precipitation product of tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM) 3B42 v7 at daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonal scales. Comparison between TRMM grid precipitation and point‐based rain gauge precipitation was conducted using nearest neighbour and bilinear weighted interpolation methods. The results showed that the TRMM product could not capture daily precipitation well due to some rainfall events being missed at short time scales but provided reasonably good precipitation data at weekly, monthly, and seasonal scales. TRMM tended to underestimate the precipitation of small rainfall events (less than 1 mm/day), while it overestimated the precipitation of large rainfall events (greater than 20 mm/day). Consequently, TRMM showed better performance in the summer monsoon season than in the winter season. Through comparison, it was also found that the bilinear weighted interpolation method performs better than the nearest neighbour method in TRMM precipitation extraction.  相似文献   


Climatic changes could alter the frequency and magnitude of rainfall events and the distribution of rainfall with altitude, with important consequences for management of aquatic ecosystems, water resources and flood risk. This study investigates changes in observed rainfall amounts across a range of altitudes in the Lake District region, northwest England, and spatial and temporal changes to the orographic “rainshadow” effect. Between the 1970s and 1990s there have been marked changes to the seasonality of precipitation, such that winters have become wetter, and increasingly dominated by heavy precipitation events. The intensity of these events has increased most markedly at higherelevation sites. Such changes could hinder recovery of sensitive upland sites from acidification and increase the risk of downstream flooding. An inter-decadal weakening of the region's rainshadow suggests a greater proportion of winter precipitation crosses the high-elevation Lake District dome. This is linked to changes in the frequency and character of wet weather patterns.  相似文献   

Recent advances have been made to modernize estimates of probable precipitation scenarios; however, researchers and engineers often continue to assume that rainfall events can be described by a small set of event statistics, typically average intensity and event duration. Given the easy availability of precipitation data and advances in desk‐top computational tools, we suggest that it is time to rethink the ‘design storm’ concept. Design storms should include more holistic characteristics of flood‐inducing rain events, which, in addition to describing specific hydrologic responses, may also be watershed or regionally specific. We present a sensitivity analysis of nine precipitation event statistics from observed precipitation events within a 60‐year record for Tompkins County, NY, USA. We perform a two‐sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test to objectively identify precipitation event statistics of importance for two related hydrologic responses: (1) peak outflow from the Six Mile Creek watershed and (2) peak depth within the reservoir behind the Six Mile Creek Dam. We identify the total precipitation depth, peak hourly intensity, average intensity, event duration, interevent duration, and several statistics defining the temporal distribution of precipitation events to be important rainfall statistics to consider for predicting the watershed flood responses. We found that the two hydrologic responses had different sets of statistically significant parameters. We demonstrate through a stochastic precipitation generation analysis the effects of starting from a constrained parameter set (intensity and duration) when predicting hydrologic responses as opposed to utilizing an expanded suite of rainfall statistics. In particular, we note that the reduced precipitation parameter set may underestimate the probability of high stream flows and therefore underestimate flood hazard. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

利用NASA的MERRA再分析数据、台站降水资料、热带气旋最佳路径数据集和雷达资料初步对比探讨了2014年两次路径相似台风("威马逊"和"海鸥")的降水特征及其成因.结果表明,两者台站过程降水和最大日降水强度差异明显;在华南产生的过程降水和日降水均表现出明显的非对称性,最强均在海南岛;在海南岛产生的过程降水、日降水和最大小时降水最强均在海南岛西部和北部.与"海鸥"相比,在强降水时段,"威马逊"产生更大台站日降水的原因之一是其自身更强的强度和偏慢的移动速度,而且还与高层更强的南亚高压主体、中层偏弱偏东的副热带高压和低层强的低空急流密切相关.在强降水阶段,两者所处的环境风垂直切变均指向西南偏西-西南偏南方向,而强的对流均主要在环境风垂直切变的左侧或前侧.两者强降水主要在海南岛西部和北部的关键原因是五指山山脉和台风路径的相对位置配置类似,强降水区恰好处于向岸风面或五指山的迎风面.  相似文献   

WRF模式不同陆面方案对一次暴雨事件模拟的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用中尺度模式Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) 3.1版本及National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)分析资料,就2003年6月下旬我国江淮及南方地区的强降水事件, 以24 h短期天气模拟的方式,研究了模式中四个不同陆面方案对降水模拟的影响.结果表明,此次暴雨事件模拟对不同陆面方案是比较敏感的,模拟区域内雨量级别越高,不同方案的TS评分差异就越大,较大范围雨量可存在30%的差异,四种方案的暴雨中心值可存在100%~150%的较大差别;不同陆面方案还导致了模拟平均感热通量及潜热通量的系统性差异,这些差异的分布具有地域特点;陆面方案通过两种机理对模拟降水产生重要影响,即主要影响地表蒸发量,以及主要影响低层环流及水汽辐合,从而分别影响模拟的较大范围降水(如,平均约7%、最大约30%的较大范围雨量差异)及包含模拟降水中心的较小范围暴雨(如,方案间暴雨中心雨量可存在100%~150%的较大差别).可见,不同陆面过程可从不同空间尺度、不同程度上影响暴雨天气,改进陆面方案可以提高WRF模式对暴雨的模拟能力.  相似文献   

强降水是洪灾及相关衍生灾害的最主要原因之一,而过去单靠某一种变量诊断预报强降水,具有较大难度.本文在已有研究的基础上,根据强降水发生发展的物理机制,将引起降水的热力、动力和水汽条件综合考虑,尝试性地构建了一个新的综合指数THP(Temperature,Helicity and Precipitable water).然后针对两次强降水过程,利用NCEP/NCAR 1°×1°的再分析资料和地面常规观测资料,对THP指数进行了诊断分析,并选用2012年7月1日—8月15日的降水实况,对该指数进行了普适性检验.结果表明:(1)THP指数的变化可以有效表征强降水过程的发展和移动.对于降水落区的预报,THP指数的大值区与未来6h的降水中心基本对应;对于降水发生时刻的预报,THP指数的位相变化超前于地面降水的变化,具有较好的指示性;(2)对于高空槽前型降水,THP指数对降水强度也有一定的诊断意义,且普适性检验表明,该指数在我国中东部地区的盛夏期间具有良好的适用性;(3)基于配料法的思想,THP指数将有利于强降水出现的、具有清晰物理意义的信号进行了集成,相比于表征单一物理量的指数,其稳定性得到了增强.  相似文献   

Heavy rainfall events during the fall season are causing extended damages in Mediterranean catchments. A peaks‐over‐threshold model is developed for the extreme daily areal rainfall occurrence and magnitude in fall over six catchments in Southern France. The main driver of the heavy rainfall events observed in this region is the humidity flux (FHUM) from the Mediterranean Sea. Reanalysis data are used to compute the daily FHUM during the period 1958–2008, to be included as a covariate in the model parameters. Results indicate that the introduction of FHUM as a covariate can improve the modelling of extreme areal precipitation. The seasonal average of FHUM can improve the modelling of the seasonal occurrences of heavy rainfall events, whereas daily FHUM values can improve the modelling of the events magnitudes. In addition, an ensemble of simulations produced by five different general circulation models are considered to compute FHUM in future climate with the emission scenario A1B and hence to evaluate the effect of climate change on the heavy rainfall distribution in the selected catchments. This ensemble of climate models allows the evaluation of the uncertainties in climate projections. By comparison to the reference period 1960–1990, all models project an amplification of the mean seasonal FHUM from the Mediterranean Sea for the projection period 2070–2099, on average by +22%. This increase in FHUM leads to an increase in the number of heavy rainfall events, from an average of 2.55 events during the fall season in present climate to 3.57 events projected for the period 2070–2099. However, the projected changes have limited effects on the magnitude of extreme events, with only a 5% increase in the median of the 100‐year quantiles. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

变网格大气模式对1998年东亚夏季风异常的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用法国国家科研中心(CNRS)动力气象实验室(LMD)发展的可变网格的格点大气环流模式LMDZ4,对1998年东亚夏季降水进行了模拟,考查了变网格模式对东亚夏季降水的模拟性能.结果表明,模式在一定程度上能模拟出东亚夏季降水的极大值中心、夏季风雨带以及降水由东南向西北递减的空间分布特征.模式基本再现了1998年夏季两次雨带的进退特征,包括降水强度、雨带范围等,从而合理再现了1998年夏季江淮地区的"二度梅"现象.与观测相比,模拟的不足在于:在陡峭地形区附近存在虚假降水;江淮和华北地区以及四川盆地存在水汽输送的气旋式辐合偏差,同时高层环流辐散偏强,使得下层暖湿空气辐合上升、降水偏多;在东南地区存在反气旋式的水汽输送偏差,30°N以南地区降水偏少.对于1998年的"二度梅"现象,模拟偏差主要表现为长江中下游地区两次(特别是第二次)较强降水持续时间偏短,强降水范围偏小,而黄淮和华南地区却降水偏多.分析表明,模式对两次梅雨期降水的模拟偏差直接受环流形势模拟偏差的影响.LMDZ4区域模式版本的特点一是区域加密,二是加密区内预报场每10天向再分析资料恢复一次.敏感试验结果表明,LMDZ4加密区向强迫场的10天尺度恢复总体上有利于提高模式对华北降水的模拟能力,而对长江流域和华南降水的模拟具有不利影响.较之均匀网格模拟试验,加密试验由于在东亚的分辨率大大提高,对东亚夏季降水模拟效果更好.  相似文献   

Model calibration and validation are necessary before applying it for scenario assessment and watershed management.This study presented the methodology of evaluating Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT) and tested the feasibility of SWAT on runoff and sediment load simulation in the Zhifanggou watershed located in hilly-gullied region of China.Daily runoff and sediment event data from 1998-2008 were used in this study;data from 1998-2003 were used for calibration and 2004-2008 for validation.The evaluation statistics for the daily runoff simulation showed that the model results were acceptable,but the model underestimated the runoff for high-flow events.For sediment load simulation,the SWAT performed well in capturing the trend of sediment load,while the model tended to underestimate sediment load during both the calibration and validation periods. The disparity between observed and simulated data most likely resulted from limitations of the existing SCS-CN and MUSLE methods in the model.This study indicated that the modification of SWAT components is needed to take rainfall intensity and its duration into account to enhance the model performance on peak flow and sediment load simulation during heavy rainfall season.  相似文献   

With high spatio‐temporal resolution and wide coverage, satellite‐based precipitation products can potentially fill the deficiencies of traditional in situ gauge precipitation observations and provide an alternative data source for ungauged areas. However, due to the relatively poor accuracy and high uncertainty of satellite‐based precipitation products, it remains necessary to assess the quality and applicability of the products for each investigated area. This study evaluated the accuracy and error of the latest Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Multi‐satellites Precipitation Analysis 3B42‐V7 satellite‐based precipitation product and validated the applicability of the product for the Beijiang and Dongjiang River Basins, downstream of the Pearl River Basin in China. The study first evaluated the accuracy, error, and bias of the 3B42‐V7 product during 1998–2006 at daily and monthly scale via comparison with in situ observations. The study further validated the applicability of the product via hydrologic simulation using the variable infiltration capacity hydrological model for three hydrological stations in the Beijiang River Basin, considering two scenarios: a streamflow simulation with gauge‐calibrated parameters (Scenario I) and a simulation after recalibration with the 3B42‐V7 product (Scenario II). The results revealed that (a) the 3B42‐V7 product produced acceptable accuracy both at the daily scale and high accuracy at the monthly scale while generally tending to overestimate precipitation; (b) the product clearly overestimated the frequency of no rainfall events at the grid cell scale and light rainfall (<1 mm/day) events at the region scale and also overestimated the amount of heavy rain (25–50 mm/day) and hard rain (≥50 mm/day) events; (c) under Scenario I, the 3B42‐V7 product performed poorly at three stations with gauge‐calibrated parameters; under Scenario II, the recalibrated model provided significantly improved performance of streamflow simulation with the 3B42‐V7 product; (d) the variable infiltration capacity model has the ability to reveal the hydrological characteristics of the karst landform in the Beijiang Basin when using the 3B42‐V7 product.  相似文献   

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