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利用遗传算法反演山西中南部地区14个地震震源谱的低频水平、拐角频率和7个台站的场地响应。结果表明,Q(f)与频率的关系是:Q(f)=299.4f0.563;7个基岩台中岢岚、东山、阳城台在3 Hz~6 Hz附近有6~8倍的放大、离石台在2 Hz~10 Hz有2~3倍的放大。标量地震矩M。与ML震级线性相关较好,震源半径在230 m~508 m之间;拐角频率和地震矩之间的关系表现为拐角频率随地震矩的减小而增大;应力降和地震矩之间存在着应力降随地震矩的增大而增大的关系。  相似文献   

利用成都遥测数字地震台网数字地震波形数据资料,采用Atkinson方法得到四川地区的品质因子Q值与频率,的关系为:Q(f)=203.1f0.834。采用Moya方法反演得到了地震的场地响应,采用Moya方法与Atldnson方法分别得到了相应地震的震源谱参数,两种方法的结果保持了很好的一致性。得到的震源参数结果表明:地震矩与震级的关系为:logM0=17.27+1.18Mt,地震矩与拐角频率关系,即随着地震矩的增大,拐角频率减小,这些地震的应力降在10-400巴之间,应力降与地震矩之间没有明显的依赖关系。  相似文献   

利用遗传算法,搜索符合Brune ω^2模型的拐角频率(fc)及零频幅值(Ωc)的最佳值,测定浙江珊溪水库震区88条小震(1.5≤ML≤4.6)的地震矩(M0)、震源尺度(r)及静态应力降(△σ)。地震矩M0在10^10~10^14N·m范围内,与拐角频率fc遵循Mo∝fc^-3的规律;震源尺度和地震矩、应力降之间呈现多重标度特征,地震矩大于临界值2.3×10^12N·m(相应的震源尺度特征值约160m)时,震源尺度与地震矩的关系较强;而应力降(△σ)在震源尺度大于160m后基本趋向恒定,不随震源尺度的增大而增大。浙江珊溪水库震区自2002年7月以来,经历2次大规模的震群活动。震群释放的应力降大小与该震群的规模成正比关系,大的应力降集中在发震断层中段5~6km深度的区域,其发生时间既可以在主震之前,也可以在主震之后。  相似文献   

为了研究湖北地区地震震源参数特征,本文基于湖北数字地震台网记录到的S波观测振幅谱,通过遗传算法获得湖北地区的介质品质因子和台站场地响应,并在此基础上计算了湖北地区地震震源参数。结果显示,湖北地区介质品质因子Q值随频率f变化的关系式为Q(f)=501.8·f~(0.309);对于大部分台站获得了与其岩石基底相符的场地响应,没有出现明显放大效应;地震震级与地震矩对数间呈线性关系,即lg M_0=10.06+1.093M_L;震源半径与应力降间呈双对数线性关系,即lgΔσ=10.52-2.01lgr;地震矩与拐角频率间整体上呈反相关;地震矩与应力降间关系不显著。  相似文献   

范军  刘杰  郑斯华  陈银 《地震研究》2012,35(3):303-308,441
2000年1月15日云南姚安发生5.9级和6.5级地震,利用布设在震中附近的6个流动数字地震台所记录的地震波资料,采用波谱分析和Brune理论的方法,得到姚安地震序列震源谱参数和震源参数。结果表明:地震序列的地震矩在108~1014N·m之间,应力降在0.005~10MPa之间,震源半径分布在50~660m之间,并得到地震矩M0和震级ML的关系为:lgM0=8.24+1.4ML。随着地震矩增大应力降增加,拐角频率反而减小;随震级的增大震源半径变大,但震源半径与应力降之间不存在明显的相关关系。  相似文献   

刘丽芳  刘杰  苏有锦  付虹 《中国地震》2005,21(4):475-485
本文根据昆明区域数字台网记录的数字地震波形资料,采用Atkinson方法反演了施甸地震震源区非弹性衰减,运用Moya方法反演了施甸震中200km区域内6个数字地震台的场地响应。首先扣除了地震记录数据中传播路径、场地响应和仪器响应的影响,继而利用遗传算法测定了2001年施甸震群的震源参数。结果表明:①地震矩和近震震级有很好的线性关系,地震矩范围为1×1012~1014N.m,震源破裂半径为157~973m,地震矩与震源半径之间亦呈线性关系。②拐角频率随地震矩的增大而减小。用最小二乘法拟合出拐角频率与地震矩之间的关系式,据此关系式可计算出拐角频率的估计值。拐角频率与其估计值之差的时间进程曲线表明,强余震发生之前会连续出现拐角频率与其估计值的差值呈高值或低值异常。③地震应力降范围为0.07~1.55MPa,应力降与近震震级无明显的依赖关系,强余震发生之前会出现高应力降异常。④余震的震源深度主要分布在5~10km,表明地震能量释放主要集中在这一深度范围内。  相似文献   

山西地区非弹性衰减系数、场地响应和震源参数的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据山西数字地震台网14个地震台的310条波形资料,研究了山西地区的非弹性衰减系数,采用Atkinson和Moya方法研究了各台的场地响应和几个震源参数,并对这两种方法的反演结果进行了对比分析.得到山西地区介质品质因子Q值随频率f的关系为;Q(f)=323.2f0.506;得到的14个台站的场地响应均没有显示出明显的放大效应,这与山西台站均处于岩石地基相符;得到拐角频率和地震矩、地震矩和应力降、震源半径和应力降之间存在依赖关系.  相似文献   

张正帅  周晨  郑建常  刘承雨 《地震》2022,42(1):85-98
采用高频截止(High-Cut)震源模型, 以均方根误差最小原则稳健地求解震源谱参数, 并由此推算震源尺度和静态应力降。 实际应用显示, 该模型的理论谱对观测谱有很好的拟合, 可明显改善拐角频率识别准确度。 计算了长岛震群内71次ML≥2.5地震事件的震源参数, 结果表明: ① 拐角频率处于2~10 Hz范围, 与震级大小存在一定的相关性, 截止频率范围处于10~30 Hz之间, 与地震大小的相关性不明显; ② 地震矩M0分布在1012~1014 N·m, 与震级ML存在正相关关系: logM0=0.977ML+10.186; ML与矩震级MW之间的关系为: MW=0.651ML+0.766; ③ 根据相对应力降时域演化发现, 自2017年3月3日ML4.5地震之后应力快速释放, 应力降水平在均值附近波动, 而且多数ML≥3.5地震发生于应力降下降之后的回升过程中; ④ 应力降范围在0.01~1 MPa之间, 应力降与震级的统计关系为: logσ=1.158ML-6.591。 长岛震群应力降水平明显偏低, 反映了震中区域构造应力水平较低, 但是中小地震活跃, 推测主要有两方面的原因: 一方面, 1548年发生的渤海7级地震引起区域性地震矩释放, 导致长岛震源区内介质相对破碎; 另一方面, 长岛海域断层易受到海水渗入, 引起介质孔隙压力增大, 同时内摩擦系数降低, 从而导致断层内剪切应力降低。 综合而言, 长岛地区虽然处于较低的构造应力背景之中, 但是流体入侵造成的断层内剪应力降低可能是造成长岛地区发生大量中小地震的主要原因。  相似文献   

根据山西数字地震台网14个地震台的310条波形资料,研究了山西地区的非弹性衰减系数;采用Atkinson和Moya方法,研究了各台的场地响应和几种震源参数,并对这两种方法的反演结果进行了对比分析. 得到山西地区非弹性衰减Q值随频率f的关系为Q(f)=323.2f 0.506;得到的14个台站的场地响应均没有显示出明显的放大效应,这与山西台站均处于岩石地基相符;得到了拐角频率与地震矩、地震矩与应力降、震源半径与应力降之间存在依赖关系.   相似文献   

会泽5.3级和文山5.3级地震序列震源参数研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用云南区域地震数字台网记录到的2005年8月5日云南会泽MS5.3地震和8月13日文山MS5.3地震的数字地震波形记录,在对S波观测记录位移谱进行传播路径、场地响应和仪器响应等校正后,根据Brune圆盘震源模型,利用遗传算法估算了这两个地震序列的震源参数.结果表明,两个序列的地震矩M0均在1012~1014 N·m之间,与近震震级有很好的线性关系,与震源半径呈线性关系;应力降与近震震级无明显的依赖关系;拐角频率和地震矩之间有明显的依赖关系,但拐角频率的实际计算值 fc 与在给定地震矩条件下得到的估计值fa之差及应力降随时间的变化表现出了不同的特征会泽地震序列的拐角频率差值和应力降在ML3.1余震前有一个由高到低的变化过程,反映了余震区应力场增高-下降的过程;文山地震序列拐角频率差值和应力降在ML≥3.1余震前均会出现高值或低值异常.  相似文献   

Broadband P and S waves source spectra of 12 MS5.0 earthquakes of the 1997 Jiashi, Xinjiang, China, earthquake swarm recorded at 13 GDSN stations have been analyzed. Rupture size and static stress drop of these earthquakes have been estimated through measuring the corner frequency of the source spectra. Direction of rupture propagation of the earthquake faulting has also been inferred from the azimuthal variation of the corner frequency. The main results are as follows: ①The rupture size of MS6.0 strong earthquakes is in the range of 10~20 km, while that of MS=5.0~5.5 earthquakes is 6~10 km.② The static stress drop of the swarm earthquakes is rather low, being of the order of 0.1 MPa. This implies that the deformation release rate in the source region may be low. ③ Stress drop of the earthquakes appears to be proportional to their seismic moment, and also to be dependent on their focal mechanism. The stress drop of normal faulting earthquakes is usually lower than that of strike-slip type earthquakes. ④ For each MS6.0 earthquake there exists an apparent azimuthal variation of the corner frequencies. Azimuthally variation pattern of corner frequencies of different earthquakes shows that the source rupture pattern of the Jiashi earthquake swarm is complex and no uniform rupture expanding direction exists.  相似文献   

Source parameters of the earthquakes of the Baikal rift system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dynamic parameters of the earthquake source—the seismic moment, the moment magnitude, the source radius, the stress drop, and the amplitude of displacement—are determined by the amplitude Fourier spectra of the body shear waves (S-waves) for 62 earthquakes of the Baikal rift system with the energy class of K P = 9.1–15.7. In the calculations I used the classical Brune model. The seismic moment of the earthquakes being investigated changes from 3.65 × 1011 N m to 1.35 × 1018 N m, and the radii of earthquake sources vary from 390 m to 1.84 km. The values of the drop in stress Δσ grow with an increase in the seismic moment up to 1.7 × 108 Pa. For the group of weak earthquakes (M w = 1.7–3.3), extremely low values of the drop in stress 103–104 Pa are observed. The maximum amplitude of displacement in the source amounts to 5.95 m. The empirical equations between the seismic moment and the other dynamic parameters of the source are determined. The regional dependence of the seismic moment and energy class is obtained: log M 0 ± 0.60 = 1.03K P + 3.17. The character of the relationship between the seismic moment and the corner frequency indicates that the classical scaling law of the seismic spectrum for the earthquakes in question is not fulfilled. The obtained estimates of the dynamic parameters are in satisfactory agreement with the published data concerning the analogous parameters of the other rift zones, which reflects the general regular patterns of the destruction of the lithosphere and the seismicity in the extension zones of the lithosphere.  相似文献   

内蒙古中西部地区中小地震矩震级研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘芳  张帆  李彬  娜热 《中国地震》2017,33(2):301-310
基于S震相"S窗"内的波形信号识别、品质因子Q(f)和22个台站场地响应,利用2009~2016年3月内蒙古中西部地区地震的波形资料,反演了182次中小地震的震源波谱参数,得到这些小震的零频幅值及其拐角频率,据此计算了这些地震的地震矩M_0、矩震级M_W和应力降Δσ。利用回归分析方法得到了近震震级与矩震级、矩震级与应力降的关系式。分析表明,近震震级与矩震级、矩震级与应力降呈线性关系。可见,将矩震级纳入地震的快报与正式目录中,可以丰富地震观测报告内容,更好地为地震应急和地震科研服务。  相似文献   

应用2011年1月-2015年4月柯坪块体及周边数字地震台站(38°-42.5°N,75°-80.5°E)记录的3.0 ≤ M ≤ 5.0地震事件,结合柯坪块体介质品质因子和各台站场地响应,计算各地震应力降、地震矩、震源破裂半径、拐角频率等新震源参数,并研究各背景值变化特征及彼此间对应关系。结果表明:柯坪块体地区地震震级与地震矩、矩震级、震源尺度之间表现为较好的正相关性,与地震拐角频率之间呈负相关。地震矩与震源破裂尺度整体呈正相关,但当震源破裂尺度较小时,地震矩变化不大,当震源破裂尺度大于250 m时,地震矩随震源破裂尺度的增大变化较快。由柯坪块体应力降时间分布特征分析可知,研究区具有地震前应力降呈现高值异常、震后缓慢恢复低值的演化过程。  相似文献   

利用广西南丹县大厂矿区地震监测台网记录的地震波资料,采用Brune(1970)模型,将速度记录谱归算为震源位移谱,使用遗传算法计算拐角频率及零频极限,然后计算地震矩、应力降等小震震源参数,并系统分析各种参数之间的关系。大厂矿区38次较大地震的震源参数计算结果为:地震矩范围在2.18×1011~7.89×1012 N·m之间;震源破裂半径78~439m;地震应力降在0.01~1.79 MPa之间。表明:地震矩与震级、震源半径、拐角频率之间呈线性关系,而应力降不依赖于地震矩,分布较为离散。大厂矿区应力降值明显偏低,这可能与该区域背景应力低有关。  相似文献   

We analyze the strong motion accelerograms of the moderate (M w = 6.1), March 31, 2006, Darb-e-Astane earthquake of western Iran and also those of one of its prominently recorded, large (M w = 5.1) foreshock and (M w = 4.9) aftershock. (1) Using derived SH-wave spectral data, we first objectively estimate the parameters W o\mathit{\Omega} _{\rm o} (long period spectral level), f c (corner frequency) and Q(f) (frequency dependent, average shear wave quality factor), appropriate for the best-fit Brune ω  − 2 spectrum of each of these three events. We then perform a non-linear least square analysis of the SH-wave spectral data to provide approximate near-field estimates of the strike, dip, and rake of the causative faults and also the seismic moment, moment magnitude, source size, and average stress drop of these three events. (2) In the next step, we use these approximate values and an empirical Green’s function approach, in an iterative manner, to optimally model the strong ground motion and rupture characteristics of the main event in terms of peak ground acceleration/velocity/displacement and duration of ground shaking and thereby provide improved, more reliable estimates of the causative fault parameters of the main event and its asperities. Our near-field estimates for both the main moderate event and the two smaller events are in good conformity with the corresponding far-field estimates reported by other studies.  相似文献   

IntroductionSince the late 1970s, the quickly developed global digital seismograph network has been providing high quality recordings of large earthquakes in global scale, based on which digital seismology has made great progress. Compared with large earthquakes, moderate and small sized shocks have more frequent occurrence, and comprise clues to geological tectonics and tectonic stress field in a region. Preceding and following a large earthquake, usually occur numbers of small events that im…  相似文献   

The source parameters of the major events of a swarm and of two seismic sequences, occurred in the Friuli area (Northeastern Italy) and in Western Slovenia, were estimated. The Claut swarm (C96) occurred since the end of January to June 1996, with a MD 4.3 major shock and it appears composed of three sub-sequences. The two sequences are the Kobarid sequence (K98) started on April 12, 1998 with a MD 5.6 mainshock and the M.te Sernio (S02) sequence caused by the February 14, 2002 earthquake (MD = 4.9). Acceleration and velocity data recorded by the local seismic network of the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimenale (OGS) and corrected for attenuation, were employed to estimate seismic moments and radiated energies. Source dimensions were inferred from the computed corner frequencies and the stress release was estimated from the Brune stress drop, the apparent stress and the RMS stress drop. On the whole, seismic moments range from 1.7 × 1012 to 1.1 × 1017 N m, and radiated energies are in the range 106–1013 J. Brune stress drops are scattered and do not show any evidence of a self-similarity breakdown for sources down to 130 m radius. The radiated seismic energy scales as a function of seismic moment, with a slope of the scaling relation that decreases for increasing seismic moments.The mechanism of stress release was analyzed by computing the ɛ parameter of Zuniga [Zuniga, R., 1993. Frictional overshoot and partial stress drop. Which one? Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 83, 939–944]. The K98 and S02 sequences are characterized by a wide range of the ɛ parameter with stress drop mechanism varying from partial locking to overshoot cases. The ɛ values of the C96 swarm are more homogeneous and close to the Orowan's condition. The radiated seismic energy and the ratio of stress drop between mainshock and aftershocks appear different among the analyzed cases. We therefore investigated the relationship between the stress parameters of the main shock and the energy radiated by the aftershock sequences. For this purpose, we also estimated the source parameters of two other sequences occurred in the area, with mainshocks of MD 4.1 and 5.1, respectively. We found a positive correlation between the Brune stress drop of the mainshock and the ratio between the radiated energy of the mainshock and the summation of the energies radiated by the aftershocks.  相似文献   

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