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南海南部晚第四纪东亚季风演化的粘土矿物记录   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
南海南部湄公河口MD01-2393孔晚第四纪190 ka以来粘土矿物和氧同位素的高分辨率分析表明, 主要粘土矿物含量表现出明显的冰期-间冰期旋回变化, 伊利石、绿泥石和高岭石含量在冰期时增高, 而蒙脱石含量在间冰期时增高. 物源分析表明, 这些粘土矿物主要来源于湄公河流域的直接输入, 其中, 伊利石和绿泥石主要来自湄公河上游变质沉积岩的机械侵蚀作用, 高岭石主要来自中游地区沉积物的再侵蚀作用, 而蒙脱石主要由中下游的偏硅酸盐土壤提供. 蒙脱石/(伊利石+绿泥石)和蒙脱石/高岭石比值可以作为东亚季风演化的矿物学标志, 相对高的比值发生在间冰期, 指示强盛的夏季风降雨和减弱的冬季风环流; 相对低的比值对应于冰期, 指示强盛的冬季风和减弱的夏季风. 东亚季风演化的强弱与北半球夏季日射量基本呈线性关系, 表明东亚季风演化的天文驱动机制.  相似文献   

主要对白令海南部IODP U1340井位上新世以来(~4.3 Ma)的粘土矿物组合和结晶学特征进行了分析,探讨了研究井位中粘土矿物的物质来源及其记录的古气候变化历史.结果表明,U1340井位中的粘土矿物组合以伊利石占绝对优势(平均含量为70%),蒙脱石和绿泥石次之(平均含量分别为17%和10%),高岭石含量很低(平均含量3%).研究井位中粘土矿物组合及其物源区主要受气候特征的影响,在温暖气候时期(如9.21 ka以来)主要来自邻近的阿留申岛弧,蒙脱石含量较高;而冷气候时期(如2.74~1.07 Ma)主要源自阿拉斯加大陆,伊利石和绿泥石含量升高.利用蒙脱石/(伊利石+绿泥石)比值及伊利石和蒙脱石的结晶学特征较好地揭示了白令海南部的古气候变化历史:白令海南部在4.3~3.94 Ma以暖湿气候为主,3.94~3.6 Ma则主要受到干冷气候的控制,同时阿留申岛弧火山作用在这一时期加强;此后逐渐向冷湿气候转变,至2.74 Ma受北半球冰川作用的影响气候再次呈现干冷的特征;1.95 Ma开始逐渐向冷湿气候过渡,经历1.07~0.8 Ma中更新世气候转型之后,白令海南部主要受控于冷湿气候,但在~0.42 Ma(MIS 11),~0.33 Ma(MIS 9)及~0.12 Ma(MIS 5),气候相对温暖,化学风化作用加强;~9.21 ka全新世以来白令海南部以相对的暖湿气候为主.  相似文献   

南海北部ODP1146站第四纪粘土矿物学分析表明, 伊利石、绿泥石和高岭石含量在冰期时增高, 而蒙脱石含量在间冰期时增高. 蒙脱石/(伊利石+绿泥石)比率和蒙脱石丰度变化可以作为东亚季风演化的矿物学标志. 在万年时间尺度上, 间冰期盛行的西南表层洋流将更多的蒙脱石由南部和东部向北搬运, 表现为加强的夏季风; 冰期盛行的逆时针表层洋流将大量伊利石和绿泥石由台湾以及流经吕宋海峡的长江物源搬运至南海北坡, 表现为强盛的冬季风. 就10万年时间尺度而言, 蒙脱石/(伊利石+绿泥石)比率与沉积速率的对应关系, 指示2000~1200和400~0 ka期间南海北部盛行冬季风, 而1200~400 ka期间表现为加强的夏季风. 夏季风演化的强弱与北半球夏季日射量基本呈线性关系, 表明东亚季风演化的天文驱动机制.  相似文献   

南海西部越南岸外MD05-2901孔晚第四纪450 ka以来黏土矿物和氧同位素的高分辨率分析表明, 伊利石、绿泥石和高岭石含量表现出明显的冰期-间冰期旋回变化, 而蒙脱石含量呈现频率更高的周期性变化. 物源分析表明, MD05-2901孔黏土矿物中的蒙脱石主要由巽他陆架及其主要源区印度尼西亚岛弧提供, 伊利石和绿泥石主要由湄公河和红河提供, 而高岭石则主要由珠江提供. 高岭石/(伊利石+绿泥石)比值的变化显示强烈的100 ka偏心率周期, 指示了冰盖驱动的冬季风演化; 而蒙脱石含量的高频变化除了具有冰盖驱动的41 ka斜率周期以外, 还具有23和19 ka岁差周期、以及13 ka半岁差周期, 指示了热带驱动的夏季风演化. 东亚冬季风的演化基本上与冰期-间冰期旋回一致, 冰期时强盛, 间冰期时明显减弱; 而夏季风的演化则与北半球低纬夏季日射量吻合较好, 日射量高时强盛, 低时减弱. 研究认为, 高纬冰盖和低纬热带分别驱动了晚第四纪东亚冬季风和夏季风的演化, 反映了东亚季风演化的双重和独立的驱动机制.  相似文献   

铝硅酸盐粘土矿物对形成过渡带气的催化作用研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过成岩作用研究查明了生物-热催化过渡带烃源岩中的粘土矿物主要为蒙脱石、伊/蒙间层矿物、伊利石、高岭石、绿泥石.在过渡带深度范围内,蒙脱石经伊/蒙无序间层向伊/蒙有序间层演化,转化的实质是在蒙脱石晶层间发生大量的铝替代硅,从而导致其表面电荷不平衡而形成酸性.用吡啶解析法测定了铝硅酸盐粘土矿物的表面酸性,它们均具有路易斯和布朗酸位,而且蒙脱石的酸性最强.并在差热-色谱连机仪上模拟了铝硅酸盐蒙脱石、伊利石、高岭石粘土矿物对过渡带有机质热解生气的催化作用,通过粘土催化醇脱水反应讨论了铝硅酸盐粘土矿物对过渡带有机质成烃的催化机理.实验分析发现蒙脱石是形成过渡带气的主要催化剂,且能使有机质热降解温度降低50℃.  相似文献   

2002年春季北京特大沙尘暴颗粒的矿物组成分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用X射线衍射(XRD)和带能谱的场发射扫描电镜(FESEM-EDX)对在北京2002年3月20日收集的一次特大亚洲沙尘暴样品进行了分析, 获得了矿物组成及粒度分布信息. 结果表明, 此次沙尘暴颗粒中矿物颗粒达94%. XRD半定量分析显示, 沙尘暴颗粒的矿物组成主要有黏土(40.3%)和石英(19.5%), 其次有方解石、斜长石、钾长石、赤铁矿、黄铁矿、角闪石和石膏, 但其含量都小于10%. 分离出的黏土组分中伊/蒙混层矿物占78%、伊利石9%、高岭石6%、绿泥石7%. FESEM-EDX分析除了检测到那些主要类型矿物外, 还检测出痕量的白云石、黄铁矿、盐类矿物芒硝、重矿物、金红石、钛铁矿和磷灰石等矿物. 此次亚洲沙尘暴颗粒和非洲撒哈拉大沙漠的沙尘羽颗粒的矿物类型相似, 但是黏土矿物组成有很大的差别, 前者以伊/蒙混层矿物为主, 后者以伊利石为主.  相似文献   

始新世是全球气候从"温室"转化为"冰室"的一个重要时期,亚洲内陆在该时期发生了青藏高原隆升、副特提斯海海退等重大地质事件.位于青藏高原东北缘的西宁盆地具有连续完整的始新世河湖相沉积地层,以红色泥岩夹石膏层为主,记录了该时期的气候变化.本研究采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)对西宁盆地西箕沟剖面始新世河湖相沉积样品进行全岩及黏土矿物定性、半定量分析,以获取青藏高原东北缘及亚洲内陆地区始新世时期的古气候变化特征.为了有效解决目前通用的黏土矿物提取方法难以从石膏层中提取足量黏土的问题,引入一种新的黏土矿物提取方法.结果表明,西宁盆地始新世样品中主要矿物为石英、长石、方解石、白云石以及石膏;黏土矿物为伊利石、绿泥石及蒙脱石(含伊蒙混层矿物(I/S)).黏土矿物相对含量变化表明,始新世时期西宁盆地古气候在较为干旱的背景下经历了三次相对湿润的时段:52~50、41.5~39、35~34Ma.通过与同时期的深海氧同位素记录、副特提斯海海侵-海退事件以及青藏高原隆升等进行对比分析发现,西宁盆地始新世古气候主要受控于全球气候变化.  相似文献   

5.12汶川地震同震地表破裂带在虹口八角-深溪沟一带主要出露于三叠系须家河组的炭质泥岩中,同震断层泥在颜色、结构上与老断层泥和围岩类似。通过开挖探槽,系统采样,采用粉晶X射线衍射定量分析方法,研究了同震地表破裂带的围岩、断层角砾岩、老断层泥和新断层泥的矿物成分特征。同震断层泥的主要成分为石英和黏土矿物,含微量长石和白云石;断层泥的显著特征为高黏土矿物含量,从同震断层泥、老断层泥、角砾岩到围岩黏土矿物含量依次降低,黏土矿物以伊利石和伊蒙混层为主,含微量绿泥石和高岭石,矿物组成明显比地表破裂带北段同震断层泥简单。不同颜色的同震断层泥成分略有不同,黑色断层泥中伊利石含量明显高于白色断层泥;老断层泥中含有方解石和白云石,而同震断层泥不含方解石,只含微量白云石。同震断层泥中伊蒙混层高含量表明,在本次地震错动中有富含K的流体参与。  相似文献   

采用激光粒度仪对湖泊沉积物进行粒度分析时需要进行必要的前处理.在有效去除有机质与碳酸盐颗粒的同时,需要消除细粒泥沙质样品中絮凝现象对粒度分析结果造成的误差或错误.本文以武汉三角湖表层沉积物样品为例,采用X射线粉晶衍射(XRD)对其矿物组成和粘土矿物种属进行鉴定,并采用全自动激光粒度仪对样品进行粒度分析.X射线粉晶衍射结果表明样品中非粘土矿物主要为石英与长石,粘土矿物以伊利石、高岭石、绿泥石为主;粒度分析结果显示样品中小于30μm组分占94.5%.这些特征表明该样品易于在前处理过程中形成絮凝.本次研究采用单因素寻优法探讨了超声震荡、分散剂、洗酸对于以伊利石、高岭石、绿泥石为主、平均粒径较小的样品消除絮凝现象的最佳条件.研究结果表明,针对此类样品消除絮凝现象的最佳条件为:超声震荡时间应选择6~8 min,分散剂浓度为20 g/L左右,同时在粒度分析之前需要对样品进行洗酸.  相似文献   

对中国东部中纬度季风区内的两处山地泥炭——神农架大九湖泥炭和天目山千亩田泥炭腐殖化度进行了研究,并对两剖面的孢粉记录、有机质含量、TOC和Rb/Sr对比分析,结果表明在东亚季风区山间盆地,气候越干冷时泥炭的分解就越强烈,以吸光度表征的腐殖化度就越高;相反,当气候较温暖潮湿时泥炭主要处于还原状态,分解较慢,腐殖化度较低.大九湖剖面的腐殖化度记录了晚冰期(约16.0~11.4cal ka BP)中的新仙女木(YD)(约11.4~12.6cal ka BP)冷干事件、博令.阿勒罗德暖湿期(B.A暖期,约12.6~15.2cal ka BP)、最老仙女木冷干事件(OD,约15.2~16.0cal ka BP)、早全新世的湿润期(约11.4—9.4cal ka BP)、8.2cal ka BP前后的冷干事件和约7.0~4.2cal ka BP之间的全新世最佳适宜期.神农架大九湖和天目山千亩田近5000a以来的泥炭腐殖化度记录有着很好的一致性,表明相近纬度不同经度的山地泥炭对东亚季风降水变化的响应是同步的.近5000a来的气候变化在两个山地泥剖面中几乎同步记录有3大阶段:4.9~3.5cal ka BP,季风降水整体处于高值,但波动剧烈,其中,在约4.2cal ka BP前后,季风降水急剧下降,在3.7cal ka BP前后达到最干旱的峰值后又快速回升:3.5~0.9cal ka BP,季风降水强度整体较弱,但也存在明显的次级干湿波动;0.9cal ka BP以来,吸光度值逐渐降低,表明季风降水增多.与中国东部季风区其他高分辨率沉积记录对比,文中亚高山泥炭记录的约1.6万年以来的气候变化响应了北半球夏季太阳辐射的统一驱动.  相似文献   

The determination of the coefficient of viscosity of eruptive products gives useful elements to the knowledge of possible variations of composition and physical conditions of the magmas.  相似文献   

2013年2月6-8日圣克鲁斯群岛发生6次强震,琼中地震台的重力仪记录都有同震响应出现。本文从重力仪记录的面波的延迟时间、最大变形幅度、同震持续时间3个方面研究了6次强震的同震响应特征。  相似文献   

As is known, the secular deceleration of the Earth's diurnal rotation is explained mainly by the tidal friction in the ocean. Below we consider this mechanism in some detail, taking into account also elastic deformations of the mantle under the action of ocean loading and the interaction between the tide-generating body, ocean tidal wave, liquid outer core, and solid inner core. It is shown that elastic displacements of the core-mantle boundary under the action of ocean loading are of about the same amplitude and phase as the elastic loading displacements of the Earth's outer surface. As a result, side by side with the mechanism of secular deceleration of diurnal rotation of the mantle, there are also (1) the opposite mechanism of secular acceleration of diurnal rotation of the outer liquid core and of the solid inner core and (2) the mechanism of excitation of differential rotation in the liquid core. Taking these effects into account, we compare theoretical and modern observed data on the eastward drift of the solid inner core. It is shown that the best agreement may be obtained if the turbulent viscosity of the liquid core is about 2 × 10 3 Poise  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The magnetic evolution of the active region of the Sun at the level of the photosphere has been studied. Magnetic synoptic maps of the 2007 Kitt Peak Observatory were...  相似文献   

The nutations of the planets Mars andEarth are investigated and compared. Alarge number of interior structureparameters are involved in the nutationcomputations. The comparison between the observations and the computationsprovides several constraints on these parmeters andtherefore allows a better understanding of the physics of the interior of theplanet. For the Earth, the high precision of the observations of the nutationshas led to a very good determination of interior properties of the planet. ForMars, observations of nutations are not yet available, and we review how theamplitude of the Martian nutations depends on the hypotheses consideredfor its interior. Although Mars is very similar to the Earth, its interior is not well known;for example, we don't knowif its core is liquid or solid. Only if the core is liquid,the Free Core Nutation (FCN) normal mode exists and can alter the nutationswhich are close to the resonance. From the observed geoids, it is known thatboth planets are not in hydrostatic equilibrium. The departure is larger forMars than for the Earth, and consequently, the implication of considering a convective mantle instead of a mantle in hydrostatic equilibrium described byClairaut's equation for the initial equilibrium state of the planet is largeron the Martian nutations than on the Earth nutations. The consequences of theuncertainty in the core dimensions are also examined and shown to be of a veryhigh influence for Mars if the core is liquid, due to the potential changes inthe FCN resonance. The influence of the presence of an inner core, which isknown to exist for the Earth, could be more important for Mars than for theEarth if the inner core is large. Due to the presence of Tharsis on Mars, thetriaxiality of this planet has, additionally, larger effects than on Earth.  相似文献   

地震激励下处于深水中的桥墩和周围水体的相互作用将对桥梁结构的动力响应产生较大影响。首先对地震作用下水-桥墩的相互作用理论做了概括,给出了动水压力对桥墩的作用效应及各自的适用范围;对主要的三种考虑流固耦合效应的分析方法做了对比,探讨了地震作用下影响水-结构相互作用的主要因素,并对今后的研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

Until recently, the existing data prevented the geophysicists from accurately dating the Bysy-Yuryakh stratum, which outcrops in the middle reach of the Kotuy River, constraining the time of its formation to a wide interval from the end of the Late Cambrian to the beginning of the Silurian. The obtained paleomagnetic data unambiguously correlate the Bysy-Yuryakh stratum to the Nyaian regional stage and constrain its formation, at least a considerable part of it, by the Tremadocian. This result perfectly agrees with the data on the Bysy-Yuryakh conodonts studied in this work and yields a spectacular example of the successful application of paleomagnetic studies in solving important tasks of stratigraphy and, correspondingly, petroleum geology. Within the Bysy-Yuryakh stratum, we revealed a large normal-polarity interval corresponding to the long (>1 Ma) period when the geomagnetic reversals were absent. This result, in combination with the data for the Tremadocian and Middle–Upper Cambrian sequences of the other regions, indicates that (1) the rate of occurrence of the geomagnetic reversals on the eve of the Ordovician Moyero superchron of reversed polarity was at most one reversal per Ma; (2) the superchron does not switch on instantaneously but is preceded by a certain gradual change in the operation conditions of the dynamo mechanism which, inter alia, manifests itself by the reduction of the frequency of geomagnetic reversals with the approach of the superchron. This finding supports the views according to which a process preparing the establishment of the superchrons takes place at the core–mantle boundary.  相似文献   

Summary A simple model is proposed suitable for studying the effect of the ground layer of the atmosphere, polluted by aerosol, on the albedo. This model is founded on solving the equation of transfer of radiative energy. The numerical results are discussed, particular attention being paid to the analysis of errors due to neglecting the multiple reflection of solar radiation on the aerosol particles. A method which would also include the multiple reflection is proposed, and the conditions under which the presence of the aerosol is responsible for an increase or decrease of the solar radiation balance on the Earth's surface, are analysed.  相似文献   

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