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在地下煤田的开发中,工作面内的小构造、异常体、煤层厚度变化等是需要解决的关键问题,而槽波探测则为这些问题的解决提供了重要的物探方法.本文对河南义马矿区11061工作面进行槽波透射法测量,在巷道显示的煤层厚度变化为1.5~8 m,从理论频散曲线分析速度与厚度关系,确定125 Hz频率槽波主要用于观测厚度约为2~5 m的煤层厚度变化;有效提取了684个频散曲线,并分别拾取了125 Hz时槽波群速度与走时,采用走时层析成像方法获得工作面内煤层速度、厚度以及高应力区分布特征,回采验证了结果的正确性.  相似文献   

HTI煤层介质槽波波场与频散特征初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
煤层内裂隙较为发育,具有明显的各向异性.目前槽波理论研究以各向同性介质为主,对HTI介质中槽波及其频散性质研究很少.本文以弱各向异性、含垂直裂隙HTI煤层介质为研究对象,研究了HTI煤层介质中的三维槽波波场,采用交错网格高阶有限差分法模拟槽波,推导了三层水平层状HTI煤层介质的Love型槽波理论频散公式和振幅深度分布,分析了HTI各弹性参数对频散曲线的影响.HTI介质和各向同性介质基阶Love槽波频散曲线差异较小,高阶较大;煤厚主要影响Airy相频率,而Airy相速度不变;煤层vs对Airy相速度影响很大;煤层γ对基阶Love槽波影响很小,高阶稍大.各波偏振方向不再与波的传播方向平行或垂直,而是呈一定夹角.利用基阶Love槽波频散曲线推测裂隙发育较为困难,可利用高阶频散曲线.  相似文献   

背景噪声频散曲线测定及其在华北地区的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
房立华  吴建平 《地震学报》2009,31(5):544-554
利用华北地震台阵垂直分量的观测资料,采用滑动绝对平均方法对资料进行预处理,通过互相关方法从背景噪声中提取瑞利面波的格林函数,开发了群速度频散曲线的自动提取工具,测量了位于华北盆地、燕山隆起和太行山隆起的3条频散曲线,反演得到了3个区域的S波速度结构.研究分析表明,滑动绝对平均方法可以有效降低地震和台站附近干扰源的影响.为了得到可靠的层析成像结果,应计算格林函数的信噪比,选择高信噪比的格林函数测量其频散曲线,进行层析成像反演.当信噪比大于7时,一般都能得到稳定可靠的频散曲线.群速度频散曲线的最大可信周期(Tmax)与台站间距有关,华北地区最大可信周期以不超过台站间距的1/12为宜,周期大于Tmax时不同月份测得的频散曲线变化较大.   相似文献   

液体表层层状介质导波频散曲线研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
随着地震勘探向浅海、湖泊等流体覆盖层的渗透,存在液体表层或夹层介质中导波的传播研究受到人们重视.在前人研究工作的基础上,本文对存在上覆液体层时的两层、三层以及低速夹层的固体层状介质模型的频散曲线进行了数值计算,分析了当上覆液体表层的厚度变化时多模式导波频散曲线特征.通过与没有液体表层时的完全固体介质模型相对比,研究了存在上覆液体表层时多模式导波频散曲线独特的形态特征,进一步引伸出在滩浅海进行地震勘探中应注意的问题.为在滩浅海及湖泊等表层为液体覆盖层的地区利用导波进行勘探和研究提供一定的研究思路和理论依据.  相似文献   

面波频散曲线快速追踪算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
层状地球模型面波频散理论传播矩阵法采用传统的Knopff's root-bracketing算法求频散函数的根即相速度,并广泛应用至今。本文提出了一个自动追踪求根算法,使频散曲线的计算变得更为有效,方便和快速。  相似文献   

改进的等效半空间法及瑞雷波频散曲线反演   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
层状模型的理论频散曲线表明,层状模型表面瑞雷波同一频率对应的相速度具有多值特点,这就是所谓的瑞雷波多阶性. 面波的多阶性导致了实测频散曲线的复杂性,当地层中存在软弱夹层时这一问题尤为突出,从而给实测频散曲线的解释带来了困难. 本文从工程实用的角度出发,根据等效半空间理论,提出了一种计算理论频散曲线的新算法——改进的等效半空间法,避开了面波多阶性这一复杂问题. 由此方法计算得到的面波相速度并不同于某个具体阶数的面波,而是对多阶面波的综合反映. 按照改进的等效半空间法编制了拟合反演程序,并在工程中进行了运用,取得较好的效果.  相似文献   

利用多重滤波方法提取面波频散曲线   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
多重滤波方法已被证明在分析面波的频散特性时是一种有效而快速的方法。本文用单个台站的单次地震事件记录,应用MFT(Multiple Filter Technique)方法提取了内华达地区的面波频散曲线并分析了其特征,认为其具有大陆基振型瑞利波频散曲线的典型特征。还利用广义反透射系数法快速计算了瑞利面波频散曲线,尤其是基阶瑞利波相速度及群速度频散曲线;并且在由振型叠加方法合成的理论地震图的基础上,通过比较理论频散曲线和MFT方法得到的频散曲线,研究了多重滤波的可靠性。  相似文献   

瑞利波勘探中"之"字形频散曲线研究   总被引:55,自引:11,他引:44  
研究了弹性层状半空间中导波的多模性问题,说明了关于瑞利波勘探中"之"字形频散曲线的形成机理.证明由单个的导波模式不可能得到"之"字形频散曲线,并从能量的角度出发,研究了各模式的实际强度与地层参数的关系,克服了从相速度的角度解释"之"字形频散曲线的困难.还深入研究了地表下低速层介质的位置、厚度及其他参数对"之"字形频散曲线的相互影响.与实际资料进行了对比分析,理论结果和实际情况基本相符.  相似文献   

多地震叠加提取双台间面波频散信息   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
利用中国HIA台和哈撒克斯坦BRVK台的甚宽频地震仪记录的2011年日本MW9.0大地震及3次MW6——7强余震数据, 采用互相关法提取了双台间的瑞雷波群速度频散曲线.研究发现, 对于同一台记录的大地震和强余震激发的瑞雷波, 其主要能量的周期范围明显不同, MW9.0大地震面波主要能量周期长(70 s以上), 而强余震面波的主要能量周期相对较短(10——50 s).单独利用大地震数据无法提取60 s以下的群速度频散, 而单独利用强余震数据无法提取100 s以上频散.将双台记录的特大地震、强余震数据进行互相关叠加, 可以提取出较为可靠的宽频带瑞雷波群速度频散曲线(10——200 s).   相似文献   

获取准确的近地表横波速度对复杂地表条件下弹性波地震数据处理和成像非常重要.在浅层面波工程勘探中通过反演提取的频散曲线可以获得近地表横波速度结构.在多道面波频散曲线分析中,频散关系拾取的精度直接影响速度反演结果的可靠性.本文在多道面波叠加及自动拾取频散曲线基础上,提出了基于面波频散曲线聚类分析的近地表横波速度反演方法.该方法充分考虑了低信噪比条件下面波频散曲线的不确定性,通过在频散曲线拾取中引入曼哈顿距离K-Means聚类算法提高频散曲线拾取的准确性.采用多道多窗口叠加技术提高了面波反演对横向速度变化的适应性,通过聚类算法和多窗口叠加提高反演的可靠性,聚类算法获得较准确的频散曲线更利于后续横波速度反演过程.模拟数据算例对比表明本文提出的方法比常规算法效果更好,精度更高.将提出的方法应用于工程勘探和油气勘探的面波数据反演中,结果也验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Summary From a study of the Love wave dispersion in a single layer model it is shown that the shape of the dispersion curves is very insensitive to the changes in the density ratio. The bilogarithmic grids giving dispersion curves for different shear velocity ratios and a mean density ratio of 1.20 should be sufficient for interpretation by the method of curve matching. Such grids and the numerical data are given both for the phase velocity and the group velocity. An example is given illustrating the use of these grids.  相似文献   

虽然MASW技术已经广泛地应用于地基检测中,但由于缺少大量理论指导,特别是数值模拟方面的研究,其应用受到限制.本文基于有限元软件LS-DYNA,通过数值模拟研究了四种典型地层(递增型地层、含软弱下伏层地层、含软弱夹层地层和硬夹层地层)由MASW方法提取的瑞雷波频散曲线的“之”字型特征.发现对于递增型地层,频散曲线不会出现“之”字型,对于其他三种地层,频散曲线则会出现不同类型的“之”字型,其中含软弱夹层地层“之”字型的位置和尺寸与软夹层的位置和层厚有较好的对应关系.本文的研究结果为实际工程中利用瑞雷波频散曲线的形状判定地层类型和软弱夹层位置提供了重要参考.  相似文献   

In-seam seismic survey currently is a hot geophysical exploration technology used for the prediction of coal seam thickness in China. Many studies have investigated the relationship between the group velocity of channel wave at certain frequency and the actual thickness of exposed coal beds. But these results are based on statistics and not universally applicable to predict the thickness of coal seams. In this study, we first theoretically analyzed the relationship between the depth and energy distribution of multi-order Love-type channel waves and found that when the channel wave wavelength is smaller than the thickness of the coal seam, the energy is more concentrated, while when the wavelength is greater than the thickness, the energy reduces linearly. We then utilized the numerical simulation technology to obtain the signal of the simulated Love-type channel wave, analyzed its frequency dispersion, and calculated the theoretical dispersion curves. The results showed that the dispersion characteristics of the channel wave are closely related to the thickness of coal seam, and the shear wave velocity of the coal seam and its surrounding rocks. In addition, we for the first time realized the joint inversion of multi-order Love-type channel waves based on the genetic algorithm and inversely calculated the velocities of shear wave in both coal seam and its surrounding rocks and the thickness of the coal seam. In addition, we found the group velocity dispersion curve of the single-channel transmitted channel wave using the time–frequency analysis and obtained the phase velocity dispersion curve based on the mathematical relationship between the group and phase velocities. Moreover, we employed the phase velocity dispersion curve to complete the inversion of the above method and obtain the predicted coal seam thickness. By comparing the geological sketch of the coal mining face, we found that the predicted coal seam thickness is in good agreement with the actual thickness. Overall, adopting the channel wave inversion method that creatively uses the complete dispersion curve can obtain the shear wave velocities of the coal and its surrounding rocks, and analyzing the depth of the abruptly changed shear wave velocity can accurately obtain the thickness of the coal seam. Therefore, our study proved that this inversion method is feasible to be used in both simulation experiments and actual detection.  相似文献   

崔岩  王彦飞 《地球物理学报》2022,65(3):1086-1095
目前瑞雷波多阶模式频散曲线反演中仅考虑数据的拟合,缺乏对模型的约束,不能很好地刻画地层间断面的问题,针对此问题,研究了瑞雷波多阶模式频散曲线稀疏正则化反演方法.正演模拟基于广义反射-透射系数法,数值计算上采用一种快速求根方法,与二等分方法相比,能够在很短的时间内达到最优的收敛效果;反演建模时采用L1范数正则化方法对模型...  相似文献   

对套管井偶极弯曲模式波的频散特性进行了系统的数值考察、实例对比和分析.发现套管井弯曲波频散曲线随地层横波速度的降低,特别是地层横波速度小于2000 m·s-1以下,会迅速移向高频区,偶极弯曲波基础模式主频散区(或截止频率)可出现在13 kHz以上,以致超出了现行低频偶极子声波测井仪的激发与接收频带,这是一过去没有被研究者注意到的现象,并进一步被现场实例所证实.研究表明控制套管井弯曲波频散曲线主频散区位置的主要是钢套管的厚度和地层横波速度.对地层横波速度大于井孔流体声速的快速地层,在钢套管壁厚一定(8 mm)的情况下,频散曲线主频散区可移至11 kHz以上,可能出现的最大可能频域位置是同一井孔内径,井外全钢时的频散曲线上等于、小于地层横波速度那一段,这对各种地层和套管参数都是适用的.对地层横波速度小于等于井孔流体声速(1500 m·s-1)的慢速地层,弯曲波频散曲线随地层横波速度的降低移向高频区的特点更为明显,可能移至16 kHz以上;而套管厚度的影响,也比快速地层大的多,对地层横波速度小于1380 m·s-1的慢速地层,无论用多高的频率激发,都不能在现行使用的各类套管井(壁厚6~12 mm)中用偶极声波测井仪测到弯曲模式波.  相似文献   

A method to estimate interval velocities and thickness in a horizontal isotropic layered medium from wide-angle reflection traveltime curves is presented. The method is based on a relationship between the squared reflection traveltime differences and the squared offset differences relative to two adjacent reflectors. The envelope of the squared-time versus offset-difference curves, for rays with the same ray parameter, is a straight line, whose slope is the inverse of the square of the interval velocity and whose intercept is the square of the interval time. The method yields velocity and thickness estimates without any knowledge of the overlying stratification. It can be applied to wide-angle reflection data when either information on the upper crust and/or refraction control on the velocity is not available. Application to synthetic and real data shows that the method, used together with other methods, allows us to define a reliable 1D starting model for estimating a depth profile using either ray tracing or another technique.  相似文献   

Rayleigh-wave phase velocities have been utilized to determine shear (S)-wave velocities in near-surface geophysics since early 1980s. One of the key steps is to calculate theoretical dispersion curves of an earth model. When the S-wave velocity of the surface layer is higher than some of the layers below, however, the Rayleigh-wave phase velocity in a high-frequency range calculated by existing algorithms approaches the lowest S-wave velocity among the layers above the half-space, rather than a value related to the S-wave velocity of the surface layer. According to our numerical modeling results based on wave equation, trends of the Rayleigh-wave dispersive energy approach about a 91% of the S-wave velocity of the surface layer at a high-frequency range when its wavelength is much shorter than the thickness of the surface layer, which cannot be fitted by a dispersion curve calculated by existing algorithms. We propose a method to calculate Rayleigh-wave phase velocities of models with a high-velocity surface layer by considering its penetration depth. We build a substituted model that only contains the layer with the lowest S-wave velocity among the layers above the half-space and the layers above it. We use the substituted model to replace the original model to calculate phase velocities when the Rayleigh-wave wavelength is not long enough to penetrate the lowest S-wave velocity layer. Several synthetic models are used to verify fitness between the dispersion curve calculated by our proposed method and the trend of the highest dispersive energy. Examples of inversion also demonstrate high accuracy of using our method as the forward calculation method during the inversions.  相似文献   

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