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三峡工程运行对鄱阳湖水位影响试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
三峡工程运行改变了长江中下游水沙情势,影响了鄱阳湖湖区水位,造成了水资源利用、水质、湿地和生态等方面的新问题.实测日水位资料分析认为:湖区水位年内变化可分为低水、涨水、顶托倒灌和退水4个阶段;顶托倒灌阶段湖区水位基本由长江干流控制,另外3个阶段湖区水位受湖口流量和长江干流的共同影响,受影响程度与水位站位置、湖口流量和长江干流相互作用强弱有关;三峡工程运行没有改变鄱阳湖水位"高水湖相、低水河相"的基本特征,但对水位造成了一定影响.开展物理模型试验探索三峡工程运行对湖区水位的影响程度,结果表明:蓄水期三峡工程运行造成湖区水位降幅较大,枯水年都昌站平均(最大)降幅为0.94 m(2.58 m),枯水年湖区水面面积减小68%;增泄期会增加湖区水位,都昌水位最大增幅约1 m,平水年湖区面积增加约32%;枯水期三峡工程运行对鄱阳湖水位基本无影响.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖是长江水系中的两大通江湖泊之一,在调节长江水位、涵养水源、改善当地气候和维护周围地区生态平衡等方面都起着巨大的作用。鄱阳湖水利枢纽的修建可能导致湖泊水文情势和水动力的变化。本文基于MIKE 21构建鄱阳湖二维水动力模型,选取1954年和1998年特大洪水年以及1991年长江倒灌年作为运行期的典型年,选取1995年作为施工期典型年,按照规划中的鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程施工及运行调度方案,计算水利枢纽修建前后鄱阳湖水位和流量的变化,定量分析枢纽工程对长江干流、鄱阳湖湖区及尾闾附近洪水动力的影响。结果表明:不同典型年鄱阳湖水利枢纽对长江干流、湖区及尾闾的洪水动力影响相似,其中洪水期、倒灌期及施工期一期对长江防洪、湖区及尾闾附近的影响较小,施工期二期湖区水位壅高幅度最高达0.237 m,对鄱阳湖湖区及尾闾附近防洪有一定影响;枢纽工程对星子、都昌、康山等湖区水文站水位影响幅度较为接近,且越靠近尾闾,影响越小。整体而言,鄱阳湖水利枢纽的修建会导致洪水年鄱阳湖湖区水位壅高,倒灌期湖区水位降低,湖区流速降低,但变化幅度均较小,故枢纽工程施工期和运行期对汛期行洪影响不大。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程对鄱阳湖水文水动力影响的模拟   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
水流情势变化是河湖生态系统演变最主要的驱动力,拟建的鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程对鄱阳湖水文水动力会产生何种影响是一个值得深入研究的问题.本研究基于EFDC模型构建了鄱阳湖水动力的二维模型,并按照规划中的鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程调度方案,通过丰平枯典型年份的情景模拟,探讨了鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程运行调度方案对湖泊水文水动力的可能影响.模拟结果表明:不同情景年型鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程低枯水位生态调节期(12月1日至3月底4月初)中11 m控制水位对该时期湖泊平均水位的抬升程度明显,2010年(丰水年)11 m控制水位对枯水期湖泊平均水位的最大抬升为2.59 m,2000年(平水年)枯水期湖泊的平均水位最大抬升为2.68 m,而2004年(枯水年)枯水期湖泊的平均水位最大抬升为4.35 m.枯水期水位的抬升,使不同年型不同湖区的枯水期平均流速、最大流速和最小流速都有不同程度的减小,其中以入江河道为最,2000年和2010年枯水期平均流速降幅在44%以上,2004年(枯水年)枯水期的平均降速范围在50%以上,而对两大保护区的影响则较小.对流场格局的影响方面,主要表现在有枢纽时由于低枯水期的11 m水位控制,棠荫以北尤其是入江河道的流场与无枢纽时的流场表现出明显的不同;棠荫以南的湖区,当赣江中支和赣江南支的来水较大时,在棠荫附近及松门山以南的湖区会呈现出较大的水面.同时由于枯水期的水位抬升和流速减小,水利枢纽工程对湖泊换水周期的作用明显,不同年型的换水周期都受到不同程度的影响,2004年枢纽控水过程使控水期间的平均换水周期增加了5.6 d,影响程度达26.1%;模型模拟结果可以揭示在目前调度方案下,水利枢纽工程对鄱阳湖水文水动力的影响程度,为进一步定量分析鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程对湖泊水质和生态系统演化及其可能造成的影响提供必要的基础支撑.  相似文献   

长江倒灌对鄱阳湖水动力特征影响的数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
长江水倒灌是鄱阳湖的一个重要现象,是江湖作用的具体体现.利用环境流体动力学开源代码(EFDC)建立鄱阳湖的二维水动力模型,并借助染色剂模块和水龄模块,分析鄱阳湖全年的水动力变化过程、倒灌现象及其影响.数值模拟结果精确地验证倒灌的发生、持续时间和倒灌流量,显示倒灌时期湖区水力梯度、湖流逆向的特点.顶托作用强于鄱阳湖盆地作用时是倒灌发生的条件,通过计算倒灌发生的临界流量并与实际来流进行对比,本文提出新的倒灌判定条件,可以准确地预测倒灌和预估倒灌流量,且利用2007 2009年的测量数据验证了其可靠性.通过在赣江入流设置染色剂的方法,模拟获得2008年4次倒灌入流水体在湖区的占据面积.顶托作用和倒灌造成湖水不能外泄甚至逆流,增加湖区水体的水龄,通过数值模拟并与水力停留时间进行对比,估算出湖湖水水龄的增加时间.  相似文献   

受地表河湖系统水情变化干扰,高度动态和异质性的洪泛区地下水文对河湖水资源、水污染以及生态环境功能等方面具有重要影响和贡献。鄱阳湖洪泛区湿地在长江中下游具有重要区位优势和研究特色,但变化环境下其水动力特征和水量交换情况等仍存在许多不确定性。本文以鄱阳湖典型洪泛区为研究区,采用地下水流二维数值模型,开展了洪泛区地表地下水转化作用与水量变化的模拟研究。结果表明,鄱阳湖季节性水位变化很大程度上决定了主湖区与周边地下水之间的动态补排模式,即洪泛区地下水补给湖泊主要发生在枯水和退水时期,而湖泊补给地下水主要发生在涨水和高洪水位时期。一般情况下,整个洪泛区地下水位与湖水位的年内变化态势基本一致,主湖区附近的地下水位年内变幅较大,而大部分洪泛区的地下水位变幅相对较小。北部地下水流速明显大于南部,主湖区附近地下水流速明显大于洪泛区,地下水流速基本小于1~2 m/d。水均衡分析发现,洪泛区地下水系统以接受降雨输入(52%)和主湖区补给(39%)为主,以地下水蒸发输出(72%)和向湖排泄(24%)为主,但补给主要发生在春、夏季,而排泄则发生在秋、冬季。地形地貌对洪泛区地下水位分布以及流速场演化具有主控作用,...  相似文献   

洪泛湿地是位于水生系统和陆生系统之间的过渡带,在河流和陆地之间的水文生态方面起着纽带作用,受气候变化和人类活动的叠加影响,其水文过程改变很大程度上影响了湿地生态系统循环、结构和功能的稳定。本文以鄱阳湖洪泛区湿地为研究区,应用湖泊水动力和洪泛区地下水数值模型,评估鄱阳湖拟建水利枢纽工程对洪泛区地下水系统的影响。模拟结果表明,拟建水利枢纽工程将会遵循调度方案使得湖泊水位明显提高,但同时导致洪泛区地下水位的整体抬升,且东部主湖区附近的地下水位受到的影响(约1~3 m)要明显强于洪泛区其它区域(约小于1 m)。地下水位的变化同时导致不同典型时期洪泛区地下水流速的减小及地下水流向的改变,表现为枢纽建设后地下水流向的逆转和流速基本小于0.1 m/d。鄱阳湖涨水-丰水期总体为湖水补给洪泛区地下水模式,枯水-退水期主要为地下水补给湖水模式,但水利枢纽可能导致洪泛区地下水系统水均衡状态发生转变,影响了地下水系统的补给和排泄状态,最终形成了长期稳定的湖泊补给地下水的作用模式。从地下水-生态系统响应变化的角度分析,拟建水利枢纽建设引起的地下水位上升,可能会给湿地生物地球化学元素的迁移转化、植被群落的演变与退...  相似文献   

定常风对鄱阳湖水动力的影响   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
姚静  张奇  李云良  李梦凡 《湖泊科学》2016,28(1):225-236
鄱阳湖属大风区,风场作为仅次于流域"五河"倾泻和长江顶托作用的另一重要驱动力,或在某些时刻影响局部区域的水流结构,进而影响局部水体中泥沙、污染物、营养盐等物质的输移和扩散.基于鄱阳湖二维水动力数学模型,模拟定常风场条件下的鄱阳湖流场分布及环流形式,并与无风条件下的水流时空结构进行对比.结果表明:3.03 m/s的NE向和SSW向定常风对湖泊水位影响微弱;对流速的影响主要集中在7月中旬至9月底的"湖相"期;其影响区域主要分布在湖区中部大湖面偏西岸及东部湖湾,约占湖泊最大水面积的16%;上述区域出现明显环流,环流结构具有时空异质性特点,环流区流速普遍增至无风时的两倍以上;NE向和SSW向风场产生的环流位置相近,方向相反.相比于以往鄱阳湖水动力研究中对风场的忽略,本次研究揭示了定常风场对鄱阳湖的重点影响区域、影响程度及影响形式,可为泥沙及污染物输移模拟中对风场条件的处理及可能带来的误差与误差的空间分布提供重要依据.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖湖泊流域系统水文水动力联合模拟   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
李云良  张奇  姚静  李相虎 《湖泊科学》2013,25(2):227-235
本文以鄱阳湖湖泊流域系统为研究对象,鉴于该湖泊流域系统尺度较大,下垫面自然属性呈现高度空间异质性且具有流域-平原区-湖泊不同机制的水文水动力过程,为了真实描述湖泊流域间的水文水动力联系及反映不同过程间的作用机制,构建了鄱阳湖湖泊流域联合模拟模型.该模型基于自主研发的流域分布式水文模型WATLAC和湖滨平原区产流模型以及水动力模型MIKE 21 3个不同功能子模型的连接来实现该复杂系统的模拟.模型的联合采用输入-输出驱动及子模型的顺序执行进程,即将五大子流域与平原区入湖径流量作为输入条件来驱动湖泊水动力模型,模拟湖泊水位对流域入湖径流量的响应.以2000-2005年鄱阳湖流域6个水文站点的河道径流量、流域基流指数以及湖泊4个站点的水位资料来率定模型,其中各站点日径流量拟合的纳希效率系数Ens为0.71~0.84,确定性系数R2介于0.70~0.88之间,而湖泊各站点水位拟合的纳希效率系数Ens变化为0.88~0.98,确定性系数R2为0.96~0.98,均取得令人满意的率定结果.本文提出的鄱阳湖湖泊流域系统水文水动力联合模拟模型能较为理想再现湖泊水位对流域降雨-径流过程的响应.水位模拟结果进一步表明,该联合模型能用来获取重要的水动力空间变化特征.该模型可作为有效工具定量揭示湖泊流域系统水文水动力过程对气候变化和流域人类活动的响应.  相似文献   

郭燕  赖锡军 《湖泊科学》2020,32(3):865-876
湖泊水位是维持其生态系统结构、功能和完整性的基础.鄱阳湖受流域"五河"和长江来水双重影响,水位变化复杂.为了准确预测鄱阳湖水位变化,采用长短时记忆神经网络方法(LSTM)构建了鄱阳湖水位预测模型.该模型以赣江、抚河、信江、饶河和修水"五河"入湖流量和长江干流流量作为输入条件,预测鄱阳湖湖区不同代表站(湖口、星子、都昌、吴城和康山)的水位过程.研究以1956—1980年的水文时间序列数据作为训练集,1981—2000年作为验证集,探讨了LSTM模型输入时间窗、隐藏神经元数目、初始学习率等模型参数对预测精度的影响,并确定了鄱阳湖水位预测模型的最优参数.结果表明,采用LSTM神经网络方法可基于流域"五河"和长江来水量历时数据合理预测鄱阳湖不同湖区的水位过程,五站水位预测的均方根误差为0.41~0.50 m,纳什效率系数和决定系数达0.96~0.98.为考察模型训练数据集对鄱阳湖水位预测结果的影响,进一步选取了随机5年(1956—1960年)的资料和5个典型水文年(1954年、1973年、1974年、1977年和1978年)的日均流量资料来训练模型.结果显示随机5年资料作为训练数据的预测精度要差于典型年水文资料训练得到的模型,尤其是洪、枯水位的预测;由于典型水文年数据量仍远低于20年的资料,故其总体预测精度要略低于采用20年资料训练的模型.建议应用这类基于数据驱动的模型时,应该尽可能多选取具有代表性的资料来训练.  相似文献   

浅水湖泊生态系统中的沉积物—水界面是湖泊内源氮释放的重要界面,而水动力因素是改变沉积物氮释放的重要因素.三峡大坝修建以后,长江中下游通江湖泊的水动力条件发生了明显的变化.通过采集洞庭湖湖口区域的沉积物和水样,在双向环形水槽动力模拟装置内模拟湖泊水位和流速的变化,探讨湖泊沉积物氮在沉积物和水系统中的二次释放特征.结果表明,随着扰动强度的增加,上覆水悬浮物浓度增大,上覆水中总氮浓度增加,沉积物向上覆水释放氮的强度增强,水动力条件的改变所引起的沉积物内源氮释放不容忽视.在该模拟实验条件下,沉积物存在最适扰动水位(20cm),此水位下上覆水中悬浮物浓度最低,总氮浓度最小.水动力条件的改变对上覆水和沉积物—水界面处铵态氮和硝态氮浓度的影响并不明显,孔隙水中铵态氮与硝态氮之间发生形态的转化.  相似文献   

Backflow, the temporary reversal of discharge at the outlet of a lake, is an important mechanism controlling flow and transport in many connected river–lake systems. This study used statistical methods to examine long‐term variations and primary causal factors of backflow from the Yangtze River to a laterally connected, large floodplain lake (Poyang Lake, China). Additionally, the effects of backflow on the lake hydrology were explored using a physically based hydrodynamic model and a particle‐tracking model. Although backflow into Poyang Lake occurs frequently, with an average of 16 backflow events per year, and varies greatly in magnitude between years, statistical analysis indicates that both the frequency and magnitude of backflow reduced significantly during 2001–2010 relative to the previous period of 1960–2000. The ratio of Poyang Lake catchment inflows to Yangtze River discharge can be used as an indication of the daily occurrence of backflow, which is most likely to occur during periods when this ratio is lower than 5%. Statistical analysis also indicates that the Yangtze River discharge is the main controlling factor of backflow during July to October, rather than catchment inflows to the lake. Hydrodynamic modelling reveals that, in general, backflow disturbs the normal northward water flow direction in Poyang Lake and transports mass ~20 km southward into the lake. The effects of backflow on flow direction, water velocities and water levels propagate to virtually its upstream extremity. The current study represents a first attempt to explore backflow and causal factors for a highly dynamic floodplain lake system. An improved understanding of Poyang Lake backflow is critical for guiding future strategies to manage the lake, its water quality and ecosystem value, given proposals to modify the lake–river connectivity. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Backflow from the Yangtze River to Poyang Lake occurs frequently due to their different flood seasons. Based on the reasons for and time period of backflow, this study estimated the spatial‐temporal extent and the change of water clarity influenced by sediments within the backflow and northern Poyang Lake using time‐series Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images. The results revealed that the sediments from backflows together with dredging activities in the northern Poyang Lake not only affected the northern Poyang Lake, but also influenced the central and southern Poyang Lake and the Poyang Lake national nature reserve, and resulted in great decline of water clarity in the regions influenced, which could seriously affect the lake ecosystem. The results indicated that MODIS images have potential for monitoring the distribution of sediments from backflows and dredging activities. However, the potential is limited because of the frequent cloud cover in the study area and the characteristics of backflow itself. The dredging activity combined with backflows might have great negative impacts on the Poyang Lake ecosystem, and it would be worthwhile to explore the possible impacts in order to develop scientific knowledge to support the decisions, which need to be made by the responsible authorities for deciding how to rationally manage this unique lake ecosystem Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Tonle Sap Lake of Cambodia is the largest freshwater body of Southeast Asia, forming an important part of the Mekong River system. The lake has an extremely productive ecosystem and operates as a natural floodwater reservoir for the lower Mekong Basin, offering flood protection and assuring the dry season flow to the Mekong Delta. In light of the accelerating pace of water resources development within the Mekong Basin and the anticipation of potentially significant hydrological impacts, it is critical to understand the overall hydrologic regime of Tonle Sap Lake. We present here a detailed water balance model based on observed data of discharges from the lake's tributaries, discharge between Mekong and the lake through the Tonle Sap River, precipitation, and evaporation. The overland flow between the Mekong and lake was modelled with the EIA 3D hydrodynamic model. We found that majority (53.5%) of the water originates from the Mekong mainstream, but the lake's tributaries also play an important role contributing 34% of the annual flow, while 12.5% is derived from precipitation. The water level in the lake is mainly controlled by the water level in the Mekong mainstream. The Tonle Sap system is hence very vulnerable, from a water quantity point of view, to possible changes in the Mekong mainstream and thus, development activities in the whole Mekong basin. From a biogeochemical point of view, the possible changes in the lake's own catchment are equally important, together with the changes in the whole Mekong Basin. Based on our findings, we recommend of continuing the monitoring programmes in lake's tributaries and urgently starting of groundwater measurement campaign within the floodplain, and including the groundwater modelling to be part of the hydrodynamic models applied for the lake. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1952-2011年鄱阳湖枯水变化分析   总被引:17,自引:11,他引:6  
闵骞  占腊生 《湖泊科学》2012,24(5):675-678
利用鄱阳湖区1952-2011年水文监测资料,分析鄱阳湖近60 a来枯水特征及其变化规律;从流域降水、五河来水、长江上中游来水、湖盆形态等方面的变化,探讨鄱阳湖枯水变化原因.结果表明,进入21世纪后的近11 a鄱阳湖枯水程度显著加剧,尤其是近5 a来最低水位不断被刷新;造成鄱阳湖枯水变化的最主要原因是流域降水和五河来水的相应变化,其次是长江上中游来水变化,湖盆形态变化对于近10 a来枯水加剧起到了推波助澜的作用;三峡大坝蓄水以后,长江上中游来水变化对鄱阳湖枯水变化的控制作用呈现逐渐加强态势.  相似文献   

The refill operation of Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) in the end of flood season significantly alters the water level regimes in Poyang Lake by reducing Yangtze River flow discharge. This study aims to investigate the impact of TGR refill operation on water level probability distribution of the Poyang Lake. The multiple linear regression model was established to estimate the water level with catchment inflow and Yangtze River flow as explanatory variables. A probability distribution of water level was derived and the refill operation effects were quantified by comparing the water level distribution at Xingzi station in the Poyang Lake before and after TGR. It is revealed that Yangtze River flow, rather than the catchment inflow is the dominant factor affecting the water level of Poyang Lake during TGR refill operation period. Results also show that the water level distribution estimated by the derived distribution method can be accepted as a theoretical distribution and has a comparable accuracy as the directly fitted distribution method before TGR. The derived method can be adapted to the environment change, thus is well suited for estimating the water level distribution after TGR. It is observed that Xingzi water levels with different design frequencies have been reduced due to the TGR refill operation. The water level reductions induced by TGR refill operation are 1.28, 0.87, and 0.50 m corresponding with design frequencies of 50, 90 and 99 %, respectively. The results from this work would improve the understanding of the TGR effects on the downstream river–lake system and provide scientific evidences for formulating better scheme for water resources management in this region.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖泄流能力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鄱阳湖近年低枯水位频繁发生,引起了人们广泛的关注.鄱阳湖作为吞吐型湖泊,通过狭长的湖口水道与长江自然相通,其水力特性直接影响着长江与鄱阳湖的相互作用关系.基于水力学方法,提出湖泊泄流能力的概念,并采用湖泊水文观测数据,研究了鄱阳湖的泄流能力特征及其近年的演变过程.结果表明,2000s之前鄱阳湖泄流能力基本维持不变,之后迅速提高,近年开始趋于稳定.泄流能力的显著提高改变了鄱阳湖与长江相互作用的水力特性,从而影响了鄱阳湖的水量平衡,加剧了近年枯水情势.研究表明,大规模采砂是鄱阳湖泄流能力变化的主因,应加强鄱阳湖采砂管理.  相似文献   

Xianghu Li  Qi Zhang  Qi Hu  Dan Zhang  Xuchun Ye 《水文研究》2017,31(23):4217-4228
The relative timing of peak flows (RTPF) from tributaries has significant influence on flood occurrence at their confluence. This study is aimed at (1) analysing the characteristics of the RTPF of the 5 recharging rivers in the Poyang Lake catchment and the Yangtze River during the period of 1960–2012, and (2) employing a physically‐based hydrodynamic model (MIKE 21) to quantify the effects of RTPF on flood behaviour in the Poyang Lake (the largest freshwater lake in China). The results show that short RTPF, or close occurrence of peak flows, triggers flood in the Poyang Lake more easily. More than 75% of total flood events in the study period occurred with RTPF less than 60 days, and more than 55% of the events occurred with RTPF less than 30 days. The hydrodynamic simulation revealed that the date of flood peak in the lake was postponed by 4–7 days and the flood stage raised by 0.69 m because of the delay of peak flows from the upstream rivers/tributaries. On the other hand, earlier start of the Yangtze River peak flow led to flood peak in the lake 6–13 days earlier. Additionally, the duration of high lake water levels was extended by 9–12 days when the RTPF shortened, and the flood hydrograph of the Poyang Lake changed from a flat to a flashy type. These results indicate that an enlarged RTPF between the upstream rivers and the Yangtze River could be an effective way to prevent flood disasters in the Poyang Lake, a method apparently being adopted in the operation of the Three Gorges Dam. The RTPF should be considered and integrated when developing flood prevention and management plans in the Poyang Lake, as well as in other similar regions in the world.  相似文献   

维系江湖关系的重要基础是江湖之间的物质通量,而江湖之间物质通量的核心内容是水的通量.规划中的鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程,以"一湖清水"为建设目标,坚持"江湖两利"的原则,按"调枯不控洪"方式运行.目前,国内学者对拟建的鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程可能导致湖泊影响方面的研究较多,但对该工程能否实现或维持"江湖两利"方面的研究较少.本文采用二维水动力模型,针对拟建的鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程和规划中的水位调度方案,分别从湖泊丰水期和枯水期两个时段,选择鄱阳湖丰、平、枯3种典型年型,在无枢纽与有枢纽两种情景模拟的基础上,定量分析丰、平、枯3种典型年枢纽工程的水位调度方案对长江干流流量的可能影响.模拟结果表明:在一个鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程水位调度周期中,无枢纽状态与有枢纽情景下湖泊外排到长江干流的径流总量差异很小,从模拟的年份来看,有枢纽外排减少量在0.2%~0.7%之间变化,基本维持了有枢纽与无枢纽状态下的水量平衡,但在一定程度上改变了湖泊外排长江干流水量的分配时间,使不同年型丰水期的湖泊外排水量有所减少,而在湖泊和长江低枯水期,对长江流量则有一定的增排作用,且增排效果为枯水年型平水年型丰水年型,不同年型的增排比例在2.1%~17.0%之间变化;在丰水期湖泊水位偏低,且枢纽位置的实际水位严重不足9 m的年型情况下,按照枢纽工程的水位调度方案要在9月15日将湖泊水位提升至14~15 m是难于实现的,现有的枢纽工程调度方案在这种情况下缺乏可操作性,有进一步细化和优化的空间.  相似文献   

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