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太湖流域南河水系无尺度结构   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
苏伟忠  杨桂山 《湖泊科学》2008,20(4):514-519
基于图论和无尺度结构视角及节点度指标初步探讨太湖流域南河水系结构的数量特征和空间秩序,为辨识和模拟域水文情势提供重要参数.主要结论如下:太湖流域南河水系结构的数量节点度不符合幂次分布,而长度和等级节点度符台无尺度结构;南河水系结构符合Horton第一定律和第二定律,同时此类特征亦符合无尺度结构,但指数函数回归模拟的R<'2>相比乘幂函数回归模拟的R<'2>较低;由幂次定律所支配的这种水系网络特征状况是由地区地形、农业灌溉、圩区建设和城市化过程共同推动;从节点度角度看,南河下游圩区使得河网数量节点度增加,等级节点度和长度节点度降低.  相似文献   

针对当前城市化所引起水系衰减、河流连通受阻以及由此所引起洪涝与水环境的问题,以秦淮河中、下游为例,选取1979和2006年两期流域遥感影像,分析了城市化影响下的下垫面变化特征;选取1980s和2009年的地形图对河流水系进行提取,借鉴景观生态学中河流廊道空间结构分析方法,通过不同时期水系分级,探讨了城市化对水系结构及其连通性的影响.结果表明:(1)城市化使得2006年城镇用地面积相比1979年增加84.54 km2,增加了9倍多,大量林草地、耕地以及水域转变成城镇用地;(2)河流长度在过去的30年里减少了41%,河道主干化趋势明显;河流发育呈现由多元到单一、由复杂到简单的趋势;(3)连通性参数连接率、实际结合度分别由原来的1.28、0.43下降到0.79、0.26,河流的连通性呈下降趋势.该研究将为城市化地区河流水系保护提供支持与参考.  相似文献   

华北山地的水系变迁与新构造运动   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
华北山地的水系在第四纪有过重大变迁。其变过时段主要发生在早更新世早期和晚更新世早期,其次是早全新世和晚全新世。变迁方式主要是河流自下游面上游的溯源侵蚀袭夺,且袭夺点逐渐向下游移动;其次是断陷盆地的阻隔与诱导。变迁方向多是东西向河道袭夺南北向河道,使河流向东改道。目前许多河流仍处在进一步袭夺中,从而可看出,华北山地的水纱变迁严格受新构造运动控制,且以断块差异活动为主,水系变迁方向可能与青藏高原在第四纪强烈隆起和太行山,燕山在第四纪迅速抬升有关。  相似文献   

曾冰茹  李云良  谭志强 《湖泊科学》2023,35(5):1796-1807
由于气候变化和人类活动等多重影响,流域河湖水系格局与连通程度发生了显著变化,进而引发洪涝灾害等一系列水资源问题。本文以鄱阳湖流域为研究区,基于Google Earth Engine(GEE)提取1989—2020年5期水系数据,采用图论方法构建水系评价体系,定量分析该地区近30年来水系格局和结构连通性的时空演变特征,并结合该时期地形、土地利用和归一化植被指数(NDVI)等数据,利用连通性指数(index of connectivity,IC)评估功能连通性的动态变化,进而探讨水文连通与径流量和输沙量的联系。结果表明,近30年来鄱阳湖流域水系结构趋于复杂化,主要体现在流域北部。除干流外,其他等级河流的数量和长度均有所增加,其中Ⅲ级河流最为明显。河网密度、水面率、河网复杂度和发育系数均呈增加趋势,2000年后的变化率约为2000年前的两倍。水系连通环度、节点连接率和水系连通度总体增加,结构连通性呈好转趋势且变化幅度较小。功能连通分析表明,近30年来大部分流域IC减少,流域下游靠近主河道的平坦地区IC较高,上游远离河道的植被密集区域IC较低。此外,IC与年径流量和输沙量表现为显著的正相关性(...  相似文献   

贵州龙宫水系坡立谷湖群水文地貌结构与功能特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭明  梁虹 《湖泊科学》1995,7(1):14-20
龙宫是贵州著名的喀斯特网景点,该区在第四纪构造运动中由于地貌回春,形态逆向发育,水系频繁变迁,喀斯特地块渗漏导致地表流集中转入地下,从而使流水谷地首先盲谷化并逐步形成洼地,在这个过程中,流域地貌复杂响应基面变化,发育了龙宫坡立谷,这些坡立谷的形成与流域形态演化相联系而不同于I.Gams对划分的类型,它们在水系结构中与地下管道相患联,每逢雨季,将大量上游汇水滞蓄盆内,形成季节性喀斯特湖,对下游起到良好的天然调节作用。  相似文献   

四川省分布着金沙江、雅砻江、大渡河、岷江、沱江、涪江、嘉陵江和渠江等8大水系。由于金沙江、雅砻江和大渡河等流域的水电站基本处于高海拔、高地震烈度、高边坡和地质条件复杂的高山峡谷中,据相关法律法规,有必要加强水电站地震监测。经30多年的努力,8大水系共计16个电站建成专用地震监测台网并投入运行,其余56座电站的地震监测工作推进较缓,文中对四川省主要水系流域地震监测情况予以详细阐述,希望为地震监测工作推进缓慢的流域提供参考,促进地震监测工作的顺利实施。  相似文献   

墨脱断裂位于南迦巴瓦构造结的东边界,区域受到印度洋季风气候影响,降雨充沛,水系非常发育。本文提取了墨脱断裂南东盘不同级别汇水盆地与雅鲁藏布江的夹角(水系夹角),根据水系夹角的分布初步研究了墨脱断裂的运动性质及断裂分段。所提取的27个水系夹角中,大多数介于90°一117°之间,小型盆地水系夹角沿断裂没有明显的变化,表明沿断裂的地形特征对盆地水系夹角的影响基本一致。但大型盆地水系夹角普遍大于中、小型盆地,且以背崩乡为界,东北段水系夹角大于西南段,表明水系形态长期受到墨脱断裂左旋走滑的影响,东北段左旋走滑速率大于西南段。面积最大的水系分布在墨脱断裂东北段,在地形和断裂共同作用下,该盆地水系夹角为117°,沿断裂位移量为25.5km。结合雅鲁藏布江断裂带已有的GPS测量数据,认为南迦巴瓦变质体以东侧墨脱断裂和西侧东久-米林断裂为边界,从拉萨块体之下折返至地表,产生的构造挤压作用使高喜马拉雅块体向西南-西方向不断推进,且运动速度由东至西逐渐减小。南迦巴瓦构造结垮塌构造及强烈的侵蚀作用使该区域出现重力损失,地壳出现均衡反弹,导致南迦巴瓦杂岩体向地表折返,其过程控制着墨脱断裂的运动方式。  相似文献   

水系不但是重要的自然地理要素,而且对防洪减灾、资源开发等有着重要意义。基于DEM的坡面径流法是最为常用的水系提取方法,其提取精度直接取决于DEM中洼地的处理方法。为了比较不同DEM处理方法对水系提取精度的影响,本文以江西省潦河流域为例,利用基于DEM数据的J&D算法及基于辅助数据的AGREE方法来处理实验区DEM,然后利用坡面径流法提取水系。结果表明,经两种方法后均可以提取出连续的水系,且提取水系的等级、数量及长度相差不大;在提取精度上,在受人类活动影响较小的山地丘陵地区两种方法提取的水系比较吻合,而在平坦地区或受人类活动影响较大的地区提取的水系差异较大,且AGREE方法处理后提取的水系精度较高。  相似文献   

甘肃中部及邻区水系分形研究结果与滑坡分布的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
邹谨敞  邵顺妹 《地震研究》1994,17(4):383-388
本文用分形几何学理论对甘肃中部及其邻近地区进行了水系分析,发现分维值的大小反映了研究区内发生滑坡灾害的程度。研究结果表明,不同区域水系的分维值与滑坡的分布数量非常吻合。由此可见,水系分形研究对区域性滑坡灾害的危险度判定有一定的实际意义。  相似文献   

水系分维的构造含义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
皇甫岗  王海 《地震研究》1990,13(4):389-395
本文运用分数维几何学,研究了河流水系分维与地壳里向运动、活动断裂格局及运动学特征的关联性。结果表明:1)地壳垂向运动控制大型河流主干的总体形态;2)活动断裂格局复杂、水平运动强烈的地区,水系分维值高;3)走滑断裂较斜滑断裂对水系发育的控制强烈,而后者主要起到对水系的分区作用。  相似文献   

Throughout the history of China, the Yellow River has been associated with flood disasters and changes in the course of its lower reaches because of sedimentation. From 602 B.C. to 1949 the river experienced 1593 levee bursts, flooding vast areas, and claiming millions of human lives. The river shifted its main course by avulsion 26 times with the apex around Zhengzhou, resulting in devastating calamities and numerous old channels. Training of the Yellow River has a history of more than 3000 yr. Levee construction has been the major strategy for flood control. Two extremely different strategies has been proposed and practiced in the past 2000 yr, i.e. the "wide river and depositing sediment" strategy and the "narrow river and scouring sediment" strategy. This paper analyzes the levee breaches and flood disasters in the past 2000 yr and compares the results of the two extremely different strategies. The "narrow river and scouring sediment" strategy has only short term effects on levee breach control and flood mitigation. The "wide river and depositing sediment" strategy can essentially mitigate flood disasters and reduce levee breaches for a long term period of time. The "wide river and depositing sediment" strategy has been used and no levee breach has occurred in the past 67 yr, which has been the only periods of more than 50 yr with no levee breaches in the history of the Yellow River since 700 A.D.Modern flood and sedimentation management methods have also been introduced, and the strategy of applying the ' "widen the river and enhance the levees" approach for the upper and lower reaches management is proposed.  相似文献   

黄河伊洛河中下游鱼类多样性及群落结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解伊洛河中下游鱼类多样性、群落结构及其与环境因子的关系,于2016年2-12月对伊洛河中下游5个河段开展鱼类多样性及环境调查.共采集鱼类12361尾,43种,隶属于4目9科37属.伊洛河中下游鱼类群落的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Margalef丰富度指数、Pielou均匀度指数和Simpson指数变化范围分别为1.75~2.38、2.44~3.63、0.59~0.76和0.73~0.86.各指数均以西草甸河段最高.各河段优势种以(Hemiculter leucisculus)、似鳊(Pseudobrama simoni)、鲫(Carassius auratus)、兴凯鱊(Acheilognathus chankaensis)和鳑鲏属(Rhodeus)等小型或广适性鱼类为主.丰度/生物量比较(ABC)曲线显示,除西草甸河段外,各河段优势鱼类群落均受到不同程度的干扰.其中七里铺和黑石关鱼类群落处于严重干扰状态,以小型鱼类或大型鱼类的幼鱼为主.采用冗余分析方法分析了鱼类群落结构与环境因子的关系,发现除了河床、水流、捕捞等因子以外,氨氮、总磷浓度与pH是导致伊洛河中下游鱼类群落结构差异的主要影响因子.针对伊洛河鱼类多样性现状,建议加强流域水质监管,恢复河流连通性,推进保护区全面禁渔,开展生态修复等以恢复伊洛河河流健康.  相似文献   

Depositional environments along the tidal river downstream of Óbidos have been proposed as important sinks for up to one third of the sediment discharge from the Amazon River. However, the morphology of the intertidal floodplain and the dynamics of sediment exchange along this reach have yet to be described. River-bank surveys in five regions along the Amazon tidal river reveal a distinct transition in bank morphology between the upper, central and lower reaches of the tidal river. The upper tidal-river floodplain is defined by prominent natural levees that control the transfer of water and sediment between the mainstem Amazon River and its floodplain. Greater tidal influence in the central tidal river suppresses levee development, and tidal currents increase sediment transport into the distal parts of the floodplain. In the lower tidal river, the floodplain morphology closely resembles marine intertidal environments (e.g. mud flats, salt marshes), with dendritic tidal channels incising elevated vegetated flats. Theory, morphology and geochronology suggest that the dynamics of sediment delivery to the intertidal floodplain of the Amazon tidal river vary along its length due to the relative influence and coupling of fluvial and tidal dynamics. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Changes in the level of the Yangtze River caused by anthropogenic water regulation have major effects on the hydrological processes and water cycle in surrounding lakes and rivers. In this study, we obtained isotopic evidence of changes in the water cycle of Yangtze River during the two drought years of 2006 and 2013. Isotopic evidence demonstrated that the δ18O and δD levels in Yangtze River exhibited high spatial heterogeneity from the upper to lower reaches, which were controlled by atmospheric precipitation, tributary/lake water mixing, damming regulation, and water temperature. Both the slope and intercept of Yangtze River evaporative line (δD = 7.88 δ18O + 7.96) were slightly higher than those of local meteoric water line of Yangtze River catchment (δD = 7.41 δ18O + 6.01). Most of the river isotopic values were located below the local meteoric water line, thereby implying that the Yangtze River water experienced a certain degree of evaporative enrichment on isotopic compositions of river water. The high fluctuations in the isotopic composition (e.g., deuterium excess [d‐excess]) in the middle to lower reaches during the initial stage of operation for the Three Gorges Dams (2003–2006) were due to heterogeneous isotopic signatures from the upstream water. In contrast to the normal stage (after 2010) characterized by the maximum water level and largest water storage, a relatively small variability in the deuterium excess was found along the middle to lower reaches because of the homogenization of reservoir water with a longer residence time and complete mixing. The effects of water from lakes and tributaries on the isotopic compositions in mainstream water were highlighted because of the high contributions of lakes water (e.g., Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake) efflux to the Yangtze River mainstream, which ranged from 21% to 85% during 2006 and 2013. These findings suggest that the retention and regulation of the Three Gorges Dams has greatly buffered the isotopic variability of the water cycle in the Yangtze catchment, thereby improving our understanding of the complex lake–river interactions along the middle to lower reaches in the future.  相似文献   


A one-dimensional water quantity and quality mathematical model was developed to evaluate the effects of joint gate–pump operation in terms of water withdrawal for pollutant flushing. The study was carried out in dry seasons in the Foshan River channel, China. The results indicate that the input of freshwater into the upper and middle reaches of the Foshan River can improve the water quality of the lower reaches. However, the backwater effect due to water diversion in the middle reaches of the river can greatly offset the cleaning processes in the upper reaches of the Foshan River. The results indicate that water quality in the upper Foshan River (Jiebian) may degrade with an increase in the rate of water withdrawal from the middle river when the discharge pumped from the upper Foshan River is less than 10m3/s; optimal water quality improvement is obtained with discharge values of 30 and 20 m3/s, respectively, at the upper and middle reaches of the Foshan River.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Liu, C.-L., Jiang, T., Zhang, Q., Zhu, S. and Li, K., 2012. Modelling of water withdrawal for pollutant flushing in the tidal river network, Pearl River Delta, China. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (3), 576–590.  相似文献   

Since 1986, with a sharp decrease in water dis-charges, the Yellow River has entered a period charac-terized by low discharges and seasonally occurring dry-ups[1,2]. Since 1999, more strict management of water diversion has been imposed, and therefore the dry-ups have been well under control. However, the lower reaches of the Yellow River is still predominated by low-discharges, and has become a man-induced shrinking river. In the past 40 years, significant effect of soil and water conservat…  相似文献   

在地层剖面中,洪泛沉积物与正常的河道沉积物的沉积学特征非常相似,仅靠沉积学特征很难将两者区分. 为了识别古洪灾事件,因而从环境磁学角度建立两种沉积物的识别标志是非常必要和有意义的. 本文通过对1998年长江黣洲湾溃口扇及其附近的长江现代河漫滩沉积物进行磁组构参数测量和对比分析,并结合长江下游河漫滩沉积物的磁组构参数特征,揭示出长江中游正常河流沉积物与河流溃口沉积物的磁组构参数特征具有明显的不同,并且它们与沉积时的沉积环境有着密切的关系. 因此,对长江中游地区沉积物磁组构参数的测试及磁化率各向异性量值椭球体形态的研究,是目前分辨洪泛沉积物和正常的河道沉积物的一个较有效的方法.  相似文献   

发源于青海巴颜喀拉山南端,止于四川攀枝花市的雅砻江流域,全长1571 km,规划设计了21座梯级电站.2012年3月16日,雅砻江流域中下游水库诱发地震监测系统(一期)工程通过验收.该工程共布设了38个地震台站,跨越了桐梓林、二滩、官地、锦屏二级、锦屏一级共5级电站,总长度约500 km.经38个地震台站的数据计算出上述500 km长的背景噪声均优于1×10^-7 m/s,达到了相关规范的要求.除中下游的500 km外,雅砻江中上游长约1 071 km,海拔从2000 m升至4000m,且跨越了其余16级梯级水电站的噪声情况怎样?作者认为有必要做深入研究,并认为应以雅砻江为例,建立专门的水库地震噪声模型,以填补我国水系噪声模型为零的空白.  相似文献   

Water is the foundation of the composition, de-velopment and stability of the oasis ecosystems in thearid areas, and is the key ecological factor in the aridareas. The study results showed that in the arid areasthe biological process is weak, the biological ecosys-tems are small in scale and low in stability[1— . So the 9]growth of the natural vegetation is directly influencedby the change of groundwater level, leading to thedegradation of ecosystem[10,11]. Analysis on the rela-tionship betwe…  相似文献   

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