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Development of a long-living Cb cloud in the desert part of Saudi Arabia on April 10, 2008 is analyzed. Continuous satellite and radar observations of the cloud are carried out during five hours. Numerical modeling of the cloud is performed using a nonstationary 1.5-dimensional model. Data on the Cb cloud and its anvil development dynamics are obtained. It is shown that the anvil characteristics differ significantly in the zone of its formation directly over the cloud and when moving away from it. It is pointed out that the radar underestimates the anvil sizes. Estimation of precipitation rate from the cloud under study by means of satellite and radar measurements is compared against the results of numerical modeling. It is found that precipitation rate could reach 100 mm/h. The radar estimates of the precipitation rate are significantly overstated, which is, in this case, due to presence of large hail particles.  相似文献   

Changes are analyzed of a Cb cloud characteristics due to its merging with feeder clouds, on the data on a long-living Cb cloud in Saudi Arabia on July 4, 2008. Continuous radar and satellite observations of the cloud are carried out during 6 h. The Cb cloud development is also numerically simulated using a nonstationary 1½ model. It is found that the processes of Cb cloud merging with feeder clouds developing in its vicinities affect significantly the Cb cloud development. This impact demonstrates itself in longer duration of the Cb cloud life span, increasing top height, reflectivity, precipitation duration and intensity. Modification of the feeder clouds can accelerate their development, which eventually can affect notably the Cb cloud.  相似文献   

Studied are the effects of severe aerosol pollution of the atmosphere on the parameters of a cumulonimbus cloud (including its charge structure) and on precipitation. Considered is the example of the cloud that developed on May 11, 2009 near the town of Kharagpur (India) under conditions of severe aerosol pollution of the atmosphere due to dust transport from the desert. The in situ observations of the evolution of the cumulonimbus cloud of large vertical and horizontal extent and of its electric conditions were carried out on that day. It is found that the distribution of electric charges in the cloud was characterized by inverted polarity (i.e., the main positive charge is in the bottom of the cloud and the negative one is in the upper part of the cloud that contradicts usually observed cases). Using the small-dimension numerical model conducted are numerical experiments on the simulation of aerosol effects produced on the evolution of dynamic, microphysical, and electric structure of the cloud under study, namely, the cloud development under background conditions and in case of high aerosol concentration. It is assumed that aerosol particles possess ice-forming properties. It is obtained that the dynamic, microphysical, and electric structures of the cloud are significantly transformed under the influence of high aerosol concentrations; precipitation generation also significantly intensifies; polarity in the distribution of electric charge varies that agrees with the data of in situ observations.  相似文献   

Results are presented of analysis of development of a cumulonimbus cloud anvil with the top height exceeding 18 km, as observed in Central India. The anvil development is studied using the measurements from Meteosat-5 and with the WR-100 radar. Minimum air temperature measured from the satellite at the cloud top level is −105°C. The rate of cloud top height growth is, on average, 0.5 m/s. Horizontal extent of the anvil in the steering flow direction reached 85 km, and rate of the anvil propagation in horizontal direction was equal to 32.4 km/h. The anvil area, after the satellite data, reached 3675 km2. After the radar data, horizontal extent of the anvil reached 50 km, maximum area being 600 km2. Analysis of discrepancies between the satellite and radar measurements of the anvil area shows that a significant part of the anvil cannot be detected by the WR-100 radar because its potential is not enough high; the satellite measurement data improve significantly quality of information on the Cb characteristics.  相似文献   

对流云对大气气溶胶和相对湿度变化响应的数值模拟   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
荣艳敏  银燕 《大气科学》2010,34(4):815-826
利用二维面对称分档云模式研究了气溶胶颗粒物浓度和尺度谱分布对混合相对流云微物理过程和降水的影响, 并重点讨论了气溶胶效应随环境相对湿度的变化。结果表明, 在初始热力和动力条件相同的情况下, 相对清洁的海洋性云在发展和成熟阶段能更有效地产生雨滴、 冰晶和霰粒, 形成更强的雷达反射率。随着气溶胶浓度增加, 比如在本文模拟的污染大陆性云中, 气溶胶粒子数浓度的增加限制云滴增长, 不利于降水粒子的形成。模拟结果也发现, 环境相对湿度对气溶胶效应有显著影响, 即当地面相对湿度从50%增大到70%时, 所模拟的云从浅对流泡发展为深对流云; 气溶胶对云微物理特性和降水的影响在干空气中较小, 但在湿空气中表现非常显著, 这与前人结果一致。随着相对湿度的增加, 冰相粒子出现的时间提前, 增长加快, 云砧范围扩大, 但相对来说, 降水起始时间对相对湿度的变化比气溶胶更敏感。  相似文献   

CloudSat卫星及其在天气和云观测分析中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
介绍了2006年4月28日成功发射的第1颗以对云层特性进行全球主动遥感测量CloudSat卫星的观测仪器、工作参数、运行方式、数据产品及“A—Train”卫星群等基本概况。CloudSat卫星主要有效载荷是94GHz(3mm波)云雷达,它可以“切开”云层,获得许多有关云的最新气象数据,主要数据产品包括了云的宏观物理参量和微观物理参量。介绍了CloudSat卫星已获得的典型天气和云的初期观测结果:从首次观测的云三维图片,可以清楚地看到南极洲上空风暴云的垂直剖面结构特征;从首张获得降雪云的垂直剖面图像可以得到降雪云层的发展状态以及结构特点;使用CloudSat统计数据可分析全球水凝物的分布特征。将TRMM卫星上的测雨雷达与CloudSat卫星上的云雷达联合观测研究,可以获得从薄云到浓厚云及降水的精细垂直结构特征。通过下载的CloudSat观测资料,对我国典型台风和层状云系等两类不同天气条件下云的宏微观结构特征等进行了初步分析,可以看到台风眼区附近云系的垂直结构随台风发展不同阶段的演变;从层状云系的垂直剖面可以清楚地发现云层的内部分层结构及不同相态的垂直分布特征等。  相似文献   

Summary In autumn 1999 during the field phase of the Mesoscale Alpine Programme (MAP), the geostationary satellite Meteosat-6 performed 5-minute rapid scan imagery over central Europe. The rapid scan data of 11 heavy precipitation events are investigated by analyzing the spatial and temporal characteristics of cloud top structures. The objectives are to separate convective from stratiform cloud regions by satellite data alone and to gain insight into the life cycle of heavy precipitation systems. For verification of the satellite-based results, radar data from the operational Mt. Lema C-band radar is interpolated on the spatial grid of the infrared and visible Meteosat images. The interpolated radar data of each single grid cell is then classified by a convective-stratiform algorithm and compared to the analysed rapid scan imagery.The satellite- and radar-based approaches do only rarely produce matching classifications concerning the identification of convective areas. Since convection during the field phase of MAP occurred mostly embedded within stratiform cloud regions, no temporal and spatial characteristics of convective activity within clouds can be systematically derived from satellite imagery. This lack of characteristic cloud top structures prevented the unambiguous identification of typical cloudiness associated with stratiform precipitation. It is one of the major findings of this study, that in several cases being classified as stratiform by radar, strong cloud development is observed in satellite imagery. The preferred area of strong cloud development is located ahead of the Alpine barrier in a precipitation-free atmosphere. Two contrasting examples of life cycles of heavy precipitation systems are given based on the complementary information extracted from satellite and radar data.  相似文献   

气溶胶对云宏微观特性和降水影响的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
气溶胶—云—降水相互作用是当今大气科学研究的热点和前沿问题.概述性地回顾了气溶胶对云宏微观特性和降水影响的研究进展,分别讨论了气溶胶对层状云、对流云等典型云系的动力和微物理过程的影响,总结了国内外研究关于气溶胶对云宏微观特性影响的可能的物理解释.回顾外场观测及数值研究表明,气溶胶对云液态水含量、地面降水及光学厚度的影响...  相似文献   

Considered is a case of the cumulonimbus cloud development in the southwestern part of Saudi Arabia with a very high precipitation intensity. The height of the cloud top amounted to 14 km and the radar reflectivity, to 60 dBZ. Carried out is the comparison of remote methods of measuring the intensity of precipitation from the cloud under study: the radar (using the relationship between the reflectivity and precipitation intensity) and satellite IR-radiometric (based on the results of sounding with the SEVERI radiometer installed at the Meteosat-8 satellite) methods. A split-window technique was used for detecting the position of the cloud top from the radiometric observations. The analysis enabled to select the best relationships for estimating the precipitation intensity from the data of radar and satellite measurements. The computations based on these relationships correspond most closely to the ground-based measurements with the precipitation gage.  相似文献   

利用同一Z-I关系下地面降水与雷达回波强度的空间最佳匹配思想,提出了一种定量降水的新方法:考察I-H曲线,确定与地面的雨量计资料最相近的I值的所在高度,然后此用此高度上的I值反演降水。发现降水与很多因子有关,而云顶温度,反照率及云顶温度的时间梯度最为明显。研究表明用多因子方程估计降水效果较好。  相似文献   

沙尘气溶胶对云和降水影响的模拟研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用二维分档云模式,对比背景大气气溶胶分布,讨论了扬沙和沙尘暴天气条件下矿物气溶胶对云微物理结构、光学特性以及降水形成的影响.结果表明:扬沙和沙尘暴天气增加大气中大核和巨核的浓度,促进云中水汽的活化,使降水提前出现,暖云和冷云降水量均大幅增加,但可忽略巨核增加对云光学厚度和反照率的作用;当矿物沙尘粒子同时作为有效的云凝结核和冰核参与云的发展时,冰核浓度增加使水成物有效半径减小,抑制了暖云和冷云降水,云内存留的大量冰晶增强云的光学厚度和反照率.  相似文献   

使用中尺度数值模式WRF中的双参数云微物理方案WDM6针对2008年台风“凤凰”登陆过程中造成的强降水进行数值模拟,通过卫星模拟器利用MTSAT-1R和TRMM卫星观测的红外云顶黑体亮温TBB、PR雷达反射率资料使用统计方法验证模拟结果。通过修改云水向雨水自动转化过程、冰晶核化过程、雪和霰的下落末速度、雪和霰的截距进行敏感性试验,减小模拟结果和卫星观测结果的差异。研究结果表明:WDM6方案模拟的台风“凤凰”登陆后的降水,强对流云系及对流柱状雷达回波基本符合实况,但模拟结果局部偏强。WDM6方案模拟产生了较多的浅对流云,低估了对流云系的出现频率。不同云类型模拟的雷达回波均偏强,对流云系雷达回波垂直分布接近观测。敏感性试验结果说明修改WDM6方案中云水向雨水自动转化率有效地改善了模拟效果。同时发现云滴初始数浓度影响云水向雨水自动转化率并最终影响云系结构和雷达反射率的模拟结果,过高的云滴初始数浓度会使模拟结果变差。  相似文献   

The relationship between precipitation intensity and cloud water in typhoon systems remains unclear.This study combined time-and space-synchronized precipitation and spectral data obtained by the Precipitation Radar(PR)as well as the Visible and Infrared Scanner(VIRS)onboard the TRMM satellite,to overcome the limitations of precipitation properties and cloud parameters not being synchronized in previous studies.A merged dataset of near-surface rain rate(RR)and corresponding cloud water path(CWP)was established and used to analyze the potential correlation between cloud microphysical properties and precipitation,to deepen our understanding of the evolution of cloud to rain.In addition,25 collocated satellite overpasses of mature typhoon cases in the Northwest Pacific Ocean from 1998 to 2012 were obtained,and the relationships between the CWP and RR of 144515 pixels were analyzed in detail.The results show that the CWP and RR of mature typhoon systems with different precipitation types,precipitation cloud phases,and vertical depths of precipitation can be fitted by a notable sigmoid function,which may be useful for estimating CWP and parameterizing precipitation in models.Furthermore,the relationship was applied and tested with an independent sample to show that RR is a significant indicator of CWP.  相似文献   

利用陕西、山东、贵州和新疆等地近十年日间降雹记录和对应的极轨卫星数据,采用卫星云微物理反演技术,定量分析冰雹云微物理特征,比较不同地区间差异,并利用FY-4A静止卫星定量分析一次冰雹过程云微物理特征演变,探讨冰雹云卫星识别预警应用潜力。结果表明:(1)陕西、山东等地冰雹云微物理特征具有一致性,卫星早期识别指标为:晶化温度(Tg)较冷,均值为?33°C;全部冰晶化时Tg对应的云粒子有效半径re(表征为reg)未饱和(<40 μm),均值36.9 μm,且reg 越小冰雹云越强;云顶呈现re随高度减小带。(2)各地冰雹云早期识别指标在数值上存在一定差异,实际应用时应针对各地进行相应调整。(3)在静止卫星上,冰雹云微物理特征与极轨卫星相一致,将早期识别指标应用于FY-4A静止卫星,跟踪云团发展演变,实现自动预警。(4)经过4次降雹过程中应用,FY-4A卫星自动预警与实况吻合22次,漏报2次,自动预警平均提前约2小时。FY-4A卫星自动预警对及时有效组织实施人工防雹作业具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

Summary The three-dimensional cloud-resolving mesoscale model is used to simulate an individual Cb cloud in condition of real orography. We have conducted our numerical experiments over an area known as hail bearing clouds source. Once formed such clouds regenerate and propagate along the valley if the shallow layer of strong wind shear exists. The orographic effects on model Cb cloud are recognized through comparison of simulated cloud characteristics with those calculated for the flat terrain. Sensitivity experiments with respect to the wind shear layer depth are also conducted.Our results demonstrate the model capability to simulate well some observational Cb cloud characteristics. It is shown that the river valley is of essential importance for Cb cloud development. The most prominent features of the model cloud in this case are as follows: fast propagation along the river valley; considerable depth of the cold air nose with pronounced pulsation mechanism and intense cell regeneration at the leading edge of cold air outflow. Model and observed radar reflectivities in the vertical cross-section are in agreement. Some characteristics of surface cumulative rain precipitation are also well reproduced by the model. In contrast with the real orography case, the model cloud is more intense and it propagates freely in lateral direction for the flat terrain. The cell regeneration associated with forced updraft above the cold air nose is not pronounced in contrast with earlier considerations. Reflectivity pattern near the ground, having mainly bat-like wings, encircles much larger area with altitude compared to the case of real orography. Finally, the model cloud characteristics depend strongly on shear layer.Received June 2002; revised August 22, 2002; accepted October 1, 2002 Published online: April 10, 2003  相似文献   

A complex method for analysis of measurement data of the AVHRR radiometer of the NOAA satellite is presented, which allows detecting clouds, classifying their types, detecting precipitation zones, and estimating cloud and precipitation parameters in the daytime the year round in the midlatitudes. Tuning and testing of the method (threshold algorithms of classification) are carried out on the synchronous satellite and surface meteorological and radar data archive for central European Russia in 1998–2006. As a result of validation, characteristics are presented of reliability of satellite estimates of cloud amount, top height, maximum liquid water content in the cloud layer, and precipitation rate.  相似文献   

东亚季风气候受到自然因素和人类活动的共同影响,而人类活动因子中气溶胶的作用尤为关键,采用诊断分析的手段研究东亚地区气溶胶的特征及其与云和降水的相互关系具有重要的科学意义。本文利用MODIS(moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer)气溶胶和云资料以及TRMM(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)降水数据,分析了东亚夏季气溶胶、云、降水的时空分布特征,研究了气溶胶与云和降水的相互关系。结果表明:中国四个典型地区(珠三角、长三角、四川盆地、京津唐)2001~2011年夏季(6~8月)平均气溶胶光学厚度(Aerosol Optical Depth, AOD)变化范围为0.40~0.68,云光学厚度平均值为18.7~23.6,水云云滴有效粒子半径在20.2~25.6 μm,冰云有效粒子半径在12.9~15.3 μm,云水路径为222.2~243.8 g m-2,降水强度平均值3.6~8.6 mm d-1;珠三角气溶胶光学厚度有显著降低趋势,年倾向为-3.31%,四川盆地云滴有效粒子半径(冰云、水云)和云水路径年变化趋势为-0.42%、-0.49%和-1.26%,京津唐夏季降水量年增幅为3.24%。气溶胶光学厚度和云光学厚度呈正相关,相关系数最大为0.77;在相对湿度较低(30%~50%)情况下,气溶胶光学厚度与云滴有效粒子半径呈负相关;气溶胶光学厚度与云水路径呈正相关,相关系数最大为0.92;相对于低污染情况(AOD<0.5),高污染情况(AOD>0.5)下出现大雨(>10 mm d-1)的频率增加了6.6%~19.1%,小雨(<1 mm d-1)的频率减少了0.72%~7.3%。在水汽含量较少的情况下,气溶胶的增加导致云滴有效粒子半径的减少;气溶胶增强了南方地区的对流性降水,抑制了北方地区层云降水。  相似文献   

利用飞机、雷达、卫星观测资料,对2014年5月1日08时—2日08时河北省一次降水性层状云结构特征进行综合观测分析。结果表明本次过程降水云大致分为3层:4 200~2 850 m为冷暖云结构,2 162~2 174 m为十几米厚的纯暖云,近地面层121~265 m有粒子浓度较低(量级为101cm-3)的暖云。降水开始前存在较明显的催化云—供给云结构,降水开始后高层对低层有催化作用。人工增雨潜力区主要位于3 100~4 000 m,对应的雷达回波强度为20~30 d Bz,且雷达回波强度垂直梯度明显变小。对不同高度的云微物理量进行相关性分析,结果表明,云底的液态水含量和云滴浓度与气溶胶浓度具有较强的负相关,过冷水含量与云滴浓度相关性达到0.434,云凝结核浓度在冷云中与温度相关性较强,相关系数达到0.717。  相似文献   

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