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利用WRF(Weather Research and Forecast)模式及WRFDA(WRF model data assimilation system)系统,针对2017年台风“天鸽”个例通过同化雷达径向速度(Vr)和反射率因子(RF),研究水凝物控制变量的雷达资料同化对台风分析预报的影响。研究表明:雷达径向速度的直接同化有效地改进了模式初始场中台风涡旋区的中小尺度信息,分析场中产生了气旋性的风场增量,对模式背景场中的台风有显著增强作用。通过在传统控制变量中扩展针对水凝物的控制变量可有效地同化雷达反射率因子资料,对初始场的水物质进行调整,并对随后确定性预报的台风路径和强度都有一定的正效果。此外,相比没有水凝物控制变量的雷达同化试验,加入了水凝物控制变量的雷达资料同化试验降水预报效果更好。这为将我国近海的地基多普勒天气雷达用于台风初始化分析和预报提供了一定的技术支撑和保障。  相似文献   

Hydrometeor variables (cloud water and cloud ice mixing ratios) are added into the WRF three-dimensional variational assimilation system as additional control variables to directly analyze hydrometeors by assimilating cloud observations. In addition, the background error covariance matrix of hydrometeors is modeled through a control variable transform, and its characteristics discussed in detail. A suite of experiments using four microphysics schemes (LIN, SBU-YLIN, WDM6 and WSM6) are performed with and without assimilating satellite cloud liquid/ice water path. We find analysis of hydrometeors with cloud assimilation to be significantly improved, and the increment and distribution of hydrometeors are consistent with the characteristics of background error covariance. Diagnostic results suggest that the forecast with cloud assimilation represents a significant improvement, especially the ability to forecast precipitation in the first seven hours. It is also found that the largest improvement occurs in the experiment using the WDM6 scheme, since the assimilated cloud information can sustain for longer in this scheme. The least improvement, meanwhile, appears in the experiment using the SBU-YLIN scheme.  相似文献   

齐彦斌  冉令坤  洪延超 《气象学报》2009,67(6):1045-1057
大气动力学中"平流输送"是非常重要的宏观动力学过程,云凝结物的平流输送与降水云系的发展演变密切相关,它把宏观动力过程与各种云凝结物粒子的时空演变联系起来,云凝结物的平流输送可以增加或减少局地大气中云凝结物的含量,改变云凝结物的空间分布状况,影响云凝结物的微观物理过程,进而促进或抑制降水云系的发展演变.本文在数值模拟研究中.通过改变云凝结物平流输送的状况来研究宏观动力过程对云微观物理过程的影响,因而利用ARPS模式开展3个分别排除云凝结物水平平流输送、垂直平流输送和三维平流输送的敏感试验,进行关于云凝结物平流输送对降水云系发展演变影响的敏感性数值模拟研究.结果表明,云凝结物的平流输送对水汽比湿的影响很小.云凝结物的三维平流输送有利于增加降水云系中雪和霰的混合比含量,抑制云水、雨水和云冰混合比含量的增长.云凝结物的水平平流输送可以降低降水云系中云水和雨水的混合比含量,增加云冰和雪的混合比含量;云凝结物垂直平流输送的作用是增加降水云系中雨水、雪和霰的混合比含量,减少云与冰混合比含量.云凝结物三维平流输送效应的分析表明,云凝结物的三维平流输送主要通过调整云凝结物的微物理过程源汇项以及降水粒子(雨水、雪和霰)的下落末速项来改变降水云系中云凝结物的垂直结构;另外,雪的三维平流输送对雪本身的分布也有一定影响.  相似文献   

为了推动新型探测资料在数值预报模式中的应用,本文进行了往返式探空资料同化应用前重要的基础性研究工作。基于国内首次往返式探空观测资料,首先建立了面向业务化应用的往返式探空资料质量控制方案,通过对比和分析质量控制前后观测样本的统计特征,论证了质量控制方案的合理性,质量控制后探测要素抽样分布更为合理,要素间一致性得到提高。进而以数值天气预报高时间分辨率的模式预报场和同站址业务常规探空观测资料为参考,分析质量控制后资料的不确定性,结果表明往返探空探测精度达到了世界气象组织WMO(World Meteorological Center)规定的突破目标,部分探测要素甚至实现了理想目标,探测资料具有可用性。最后结合数值模式背景场探讨往返探空资料的可同化性,研究表明往返探空的风场观测和夜间温度观测满足变分同化系统的高斯、无偏假定,可直接同化;气压、湿度和日间温度观测在资料同化前需要开展偏差订正工作,从而更有效的发挥资料价值。本文的研究工作为今后往返探空资料在模式中的同化应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

在四维变分同化中运用集合协方差的试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张蕾  邱崇践  张述文 《气象学报》2009,67(6):1124-1132
利用浅水方程模式和模式模拟资料进行数值试验比较3种不同的背景误差协方差矩阵处理方法对四维变分(4DVAR)资料同化的影响.3种背景误差协方差矩阵分别是:(1)对单一变量将背景误差协方差矩阵简化为对角矩阵;(2)将背景误差协方差矩阵的作用简化为高斯过滤;(3)由预报集合生成背景误差协方差矩阵并利用奇异值分解技术解决矩阵的求逆.通过一系列数值试验,比较不同观测密度、不同观测误差下3种背景误差协方差处理方法对4DVAR同化效果的影响.结果表明,背景误差协方差的结构对4DVAR有重大影响.当观测资料的空间密度不够高时,采用对角矩阵得不到满意的结果.高斯过滤方案可以明显改善同化结果,但是对背景误差特征长度比较敏感.第3种方法采用的背景误差协方差矩阵是流型依赖的,而且并不以显式的方式出现在目标函数中.避免了对它求逆的复杂运算.由于做了降维处理,在观测点的密度较低和观测误差较大时可望取得较好的同化结果,同化效果较为稳定.  相似文献   

The potential for residual hydrometeor contamination effects in the global temperature time series produced by Spencer and Christy from MSU channel 2 (MSU2) data has been addressed by Prabhakara et al. (1995, 1996). They use tropical oceanic MSU channel l (MSU1) data to estimate the hydrometeor effects on MSU2. We present several lines of evidence to show that their technique greatly overestimates the hydrometeor effects on MSU2. This overestimation is due to the faulty assumption that the hydrometeors that cause MSU1 warming are the same as (or always exist with) the hydrometeors that cause cooling in MSU2. Instead, the hydrometeors responsible for MSU1 warming are liquid phase, while those responsible for MSU2 cooling are large ice particles. Because liquid phase clouds are much more widespread than the large-ice portions of deep convective systems, their method greatly overestimates the areal coverage of contaminated tropical MSU2 data. In addition, we show that the convective screening procedure of Spencer and Christy removes the negative correlation between MSU1 and MSU2 their conclusions rest upon. Radiosonde validation of monthly tropical MSU2 anomalies over the tropical West Pacific also support these conclusions.  相似文献   

本文利用热带测雨卫星(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission,TRMM)搭载微波成像仪(TRMM Microwave Imager,TMI)的探测及反演结果,结合微波辐射传输模式,就2004年17号台风暹芭(Chaba)过程,对AREM(Advanced Regional Eta-coo...  相似文献   

为避免直接同化时反射率非线性观测算子线性化带来的线性近似误差问题,目前许多研究和业务中还常采用间接同化方式来同化雷达反射率因子,其通过背景场温度判定水凝物类型及比例。基于一种实时天气背景依赖的雷达反射率因子间接同化方案,进行了4次暴雨过程(2次强对流,2次锋面)的循环同化及预报试验。结果表明:对于强对流暴雨个例,相对于传统温度判定方案,天气背景依赖方案的温度预报误差更小、降水预报评分更高,而对于锋面过程区别不明显;进一步机理分析表明,对于强对流暴雨个例,由于背景依赖方案在同化反射率因子时引入了实时天气背景信息,使得分析场水凝物结构能够更好表征实际对流特征且与其它模式变量更为协调,进而改善了模式预报的热、动力及水汽条件,从而改善了降雨预报效果;而锋面暴雨由浅对流过程占主导,水凝物以低层的雨水为主导,冰相水凝物对于该过程的影响较小,由于两种方案反演的雨水结构和量级均相似,因此降雨预报差异较小。  相似文献   

选取2020年3—9月深圳求雨坛的X波段双偏振相控阵雷达探测数据, 与同位置的S波段双偏振雷达进行对比。通过一定限制条件定量分析引入误差的原因, 发现反射率因子ZH和差分反射率ZDR的标定误差和随机误差较大, 其中ZH误差变化范围为-0.5~4.5 dB, ZDR误差变化范围为-0.7~0.2 dB。在上述较大误差影响下, 传统模糊逻辑相态识别方法的水凝物相态识别结果不可靠, 因此根据不同相态的雷达参量特征范围以及融化层高度建立基本结构为二叉树的决策树相态识别方法。针对上述方法的实际应用效果, 分别从水凝物相态识别结果对误差的敏感性和空间分布的合理性进行评估, 结果表明: 决策树相态识别方法的水凝物相态识别结果稳定性高于模糊逻辑相态识别方法, 且在对流云中的水凝物相态分布更加合理, 能够发挥X波段双偏振相控阵雷达在研究云内水凝物相态演变的优势。  相似文献   

对于水平网格距小于10 km的高分辨率非静力平衡的显式云分辨模式,云微物理量的初始化以及物理量之间的相互协调是十分重要的,并且一直是云分析领域的一个难题。考虑在云雨处于定常状态的前提下,根据暖云过程,可得到云中水成物之间相互转化以及与垂直速度的约束关系,而雨水含量跟雷达反射率因子(Z)有关。因此,采用合肥新一代天气雷达2003年7月5日02时(北京时)的观测资料,针对雷达探测的特点对雷达原始数据进行了坐标转换,并进行了插值处理和简单的质量控制,然后依据Z-qr关系和定常暖云方案,反演了雨水混合比(qr)、云水混合比(qc)、水汽混合比(qv)和垂直速度(w)。结果表明,由此得到的雷达回波主要特征及量值分布与雷达站的CAPPI图像基本一致;水汽、云水、雨水和垂直速度量值大小的分布与雷达回波强度的分布也是吻合的,体现出了云中水成物和垂直速度的三维分布结构;各物理量的量值也符合梅雨锋暴雨的特点,梅雨锋积层混合云系中层状云和对流云的差别十分明显。在较强的回波区,雨水在6 km以下含量较大,最大值位于4 km左右,可超过3.0 g/kg;上升速度在5 km左右最大,最大值超过5 m/s;云水含量大值区位于5 km以上,在7 km高度上达到最大,超过3.0 g/kg;雨滴末速度虽然上下比较一致,一般几米每秒,但在5 km左右为大值区。  相似文献   

基于质量控制的S波段双偏振雷达格点化观测数据,利用模糊逻辑算法,结合降雨粒子散射和空间取向等特征建立了降水粒子类型识别算法,用于分析降水过程中降水粒子的空间分布情况及粒子类型的演变过程。该算法可以将降水粒子分为液态、冰态、混合态等不同种类,有助于发现影响降水多寡的云微物理关键结构。首先根据不同降水粒子的雷达回波特性得到隶属函数,其次根据不同雷达观测变量在判别粒子类型时的贡献不同,确定每个观测值对应的隶属函数值的权重,对各个函数值进行加权平均后,得到不同粒子类型对应的逻辑值。最后进行集成和退模糊化处理,选出每个格点中逻辑值的最大值,认为该值所代表的粒子类型即为该格点所代表的粒子类型。在确定观测值对应的隶属函数值的权重时,水平反射率因子和环境温度作为计算粒子类型的直接影响因子,不再进行加权平均计算,提出了基于S波段双偏振雷达参量和环境温度的降水粒子类型识别算法。通过华南前汛期一次降水过程,利用雷达观测降水资料,验证了该算法的合理性。验证结果表明,反演所得的"雨"类型的分布特征与实际观测降水的分布特征基本一致,证明该算法可以反映降水区域的粒子类型,识别结果基本合理。进一步研究发现在降水发生之前,空中存在大量"毛毛雨"类型的粒子,在降水发生时毛毛雨和雨粒子的变化呈负相关性,表明此次降水主要由毛毛雨碰并产生雨粒子并降落地面产生。  相似文献   

Many weather radar networks in the world have now provided polarimetric radar data(PRD)that have the potential to improve our understanding of cloud and precipitation microphysics,and numerical weather prediction(NWP).To realize this potential,an accurate and efficient set of polarimetric observation operators are needed to simulate and assimilate the PRD with an NWP model for an accurate analysis of the model state variables.For this purpose,a set of parameterized observation operators are developed to simulate and assimilate polarimetric radar data from NWP model-predicted hydrometeor mixing ratios and number concentrations of rain,snow,hail,and graupel.The polarimetric radar variables are calculated based on the T-matrix calculation of wave scattering and integrations of the scattering weighted by the particle size distribution.The calculated polarimetric variables are then fitted to simple functions of water content and volumeweighted mean diameter of the hydrometeor particle size distribution.The parameterized PRD operators are applied to an ideal case and a real case predicted by the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF)model to have simulated PRD,which are compared with existing operators and real observations to show their validity and applicability.The new PRD operators use less than one percent of the computing time of the old operators to complete the same simulations,making it efficient in PRD simulation and assimilation usage.  相似文献   

Constructing β-mesoscale weather systems in initial fields remains a challenging problem in a mesoscale numerical weather prediction (NWP) model. Without vertical velocity matching the β-mesoscale weather system, convection activities would be suppressed by downdraft and cooling caused by precipitating hydrometeors. In this study, a method, basing on the three-dimensional variational (3DVAR) assimilation technique, was developed to obtain reasonable structures of β-mesoscale weather systems by assimilating radar data in a next-generation NWP system named GRAPES (the Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction System) of China. Single-point testing indicated that assimilating radial wind significantly improved the horizontal wind but had little effect on the vertical velocity, while assimilating the retrieved vertical velocity (taking Richardson's equation as the observational operator) can greatly improve the vertical motion. Experiments on a typhoon show that assimilation of the radial wind data can greatly improve the prediction of the typhoon track, and can ameliorate precipitation to some extent. Assimilating the retrieved vertical velocity and rainwater mixing ratio, and adjusting water vapor and cloud water mixing ratio in the initial fields simultaneously, can significantly improve the tropical cyclone rainfall forecast but has little effect on typhoon path. Joint assimilating these three kinds of radar data gets the best results. Taking into account the scale of different weather systems and representation of observational data, data quality control, error setting of background field and observation data are still requiring further in-depth study.  相似文献   

模糊逻辑法在双线偏振雷达识别降水粒子相态中的研究   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:22  
根据不同相态降水粒子的散射和空间取向等特征建立了基本形式为不对称的T型函数的模糊逻辑识别的隶属函数, 完善了该识别方法的流程, 并利用美国KOUN雷达的观测资料, 详细讨论了利用双线偏振雷达观测资料识别降水粒子相态的方法, 并对其在实际业务运用中的合理性和可行性进行分析探讨.通过分析, 作者认为: (1)利用模糊逻辑方法处理双线偏振雷达测量到的偏振参数, 可以识别降水区域的降水粒子相态, 反映降水区域的相态结构, 识别的结果基本合理, 但还需要资料作进一步的研究.(2)从实际资料的分析结果来看, 虽然利用模糊逻辑法识别降水粒子相态得到的结果比较粗, 没有明确的数据特征值, 但是它基本上能反映各种降水粒子的相态结构, 其识别的结果对目前日常的天气预报参考和人工影响天气的作业指挥和效果评估来说还是符合可用的.为中国国内未来的双线偏振雷达业务运行提供参考和帮助.(3)根据有限的观测资料分析表明, 降水区域中出现60 dBZ以上的回波强度, 并不一定就会出现冰雹, 还有可能是大粒子的液态降水.综合考虑双线偏振雷达的测量参数, 可以得到更合理的结果.  相似文献   

双偏振雷达的水凝物相态识别算法基于模糊逻辑方法建立,针对方法的可靠性和稳定性问题,利用2016—2017年暖季广州S波段双偏振雷达数据,从3个方面找出影响识别效果的关键因素并改进。使用模糊逻辑的累加值为检验依据,找出不合理的模糊规则,通过相态特征统计和权重矩阵修改加以改进。使用误差敏感性检验法系统,评估误差对识别效果的影响,发现反射率因子的误差在-0.5~+0.5 dBZ、差分反射率因子的误差在-0.1~+0.1 dB、雷达相关系数的误差在0~0.02、差分相移率的误差在-0.3~+0.9 dB的范围内,识别结果稳定性较好。此外,相态时空分布统计中发现底层冰雹面积异常增加,通过空间一致性检验可订正异常结果。  相似文献   

目前多数快速更新循环同化系统在各分析时刻常使用固定的背景场误差协方差。为在快速更新循环同化系统中采用日变化的背景场误差协方差,基于RMAPS-ST系统分析了其夏季和冬季日变化背景场误差协方差特征,并进行了同化及预报对比试验。结果表明,该系统夏、冬两季的背景场误差协方差均呈现出明显的日变化特征,且夜间各变量(U、V、T、RH)的误差标准差与特征值均大于日间,反映模式系统夜间的预报误差大于日间;而夏季各变量误差标准差和特征值大于冬季,也说明系统在夏季的模式预报误差比冬季大;连续3 d的循环同化试验初步表明,采用日变化背景场误差协方差可以提高同化及预报效果。  相似文献   

Numerical simulations are carried out to investigate the effect of cloud condensation nuclei(CCN) concentrations on microphysical processes and precipitation characteristics of hailstorms. Two hailstorm cases are simulated, a spring case and a summer case, in a semiarid region of northern China, with the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System. The results are used to investigate the differences and similarities of the CCN effects between spring and summer hailstorms. The similarities are:(1) The total hydrometeor mixing ratio decreases, while the total ice-phase mixing ratio enhances, with increasing CCN concentration;(2) Enhancement of the CCN concentration results in the production of a greater amount of small-sized hydrometeor particles, but a lessening of large-sized hydrometeor particles;(3) As the CCN concentration increases, the supercooled cloud water and rainwater make a lesser contribution to hail, while the ice-phase hydrometeors take on active roles in the growth of hail;(4) When the CCN concentration increases, the amount of total precipitation lessens,while the role played by liquid-phase rainfall in the amount of total precipitation reduces, relatively, compared to that of icephase precipitation. The differences between the two storms include:(1) An increase in the CCN concentration tends to reduce pristine ice mixing ratios in the spring case but enhance them in the summer case;(2) Ice-phase hydrometeor particles contribute more to hail growth in the spring case, while liquid water contributes more in the summer case;(3) An increase in the CCN concentration has different effects on surface hail precipitation in different seasons.  相似文献   

双偏振雷达对一次水凝物相态演变过程的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
联合利用3 GHz双偏振雷达RHI探测数据和温度廓线数据, 建立了云粒子相态反演的模糊逻辑算法, 算法采用Beta型成员函数, 成员变量包括:水平反射率因子、线性退偏比、差分反射率及温度0℃,-40℃对应高度, 反演出的相态包括毛毛雨、雨、低密度干冰晶、高密度干冰晶、湿冰晶、干霰、湿霰、小冰雹、大冰雹、雨夹雪和液态云滴等11种, 并利用雷达的连续探测数据对一次层状云降水过程中水凝物相态的演变情况进行了分析, 得到如下结果:初始阶段层状云相态呈现分层结构, 从上至下依次为高密度干冰晶、湿冰晶和液态云滴; 初始阶段云体中的回波大值区核心区域为大的冰相粒子, 其余部分为液态粒子; 在初始到成熟阶段演变中, 回波大值区上部液态粒子逐步向冰相转化; 消散阶段云中零度层亮带逐步消失, 零度层以上云粒子结构呈现高密度干冰晶包裹湿冰晶的情况。关键词:双偏振雷达; 模糊逻辑; 水凝物相态反演; 层状云降水过程; 水凝物相态演变  相似文献   

双偏振雷达的主要用途之一就是降水粒子识别,目前主流的方法为模糊逻辑分类(FL),但是该方法仅使用单个距离库的信息,易受到噪声的影响。基于模糊逻辑方法的不足,利用聚类分析,提出了一种面向对象的降水粒子分类方法,即在模糊逻辑分类基础上考虑距离库与不同降水粒子的距离以及周围距离库类别信息。基于广州S波段双偏振雷达的观测数据进行降水粒子识别验证,结果表明使用的面向对象的降水粒子识别方法可有效地降低噪声对分类结果的影响,且符合降水粒子的微物理特征。  相似文献   

Although radar observations capture storm structures with high spatiotemporal resolutions, they are limited within the storm region after the precipitation formed. Geostationary satellites data cover the gaps in the radar network prior to the formation of the precipitation for the storms and their environment. The study explores the effects of assimilating the water vapor channel radiances from Himawari-8 data with Weather Research and Forecasting model data assimilation system(WRFDA) for a severe storm case over north China. A fast cloud detection scheme for Advanced Himawari imager(AHI)radiance is enhanced in the framework of the WRFDA system initially in this study. The bias corrections, the cloud detection for the clear-sky AHI radiance, and the observation error modeling for cloudy radiance are conducted before the data assimilation. All AHI radiance observations are fully applied without any quality control for all-sky AHI radiance data assimilation. Results show that the simulated all-sky AHI radiance fits the observations better by using the cloud dependent observation error model, further improving the cloud heights. The all-sky AHI radiance assimilation adjusts all types of hydrometeor variables, especially cloud water and precipitation snow. It is proven that assimilating all-sky AHI data improves hydrometeor specifications when verified against the radar reflectivity. Consequently, the assimilation of AHI observations under the all-sky condition has an overall improved impact on both the precipitation locations and intensity compared to the experiment with only conventional and AHI clear-sky radiance data.  相似文献   

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