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论塔层风 、温廓线   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵鸣 《大气科学》1993,17(1):65-76
本文改进了Zilitinkevich的工作,得到在塔层内动力学上合理的风廓线.并近似推求了不稳定层结下边界层高度h的表达式,使风、温廓线能用于不同层结.由近地层理论从近地层风、温求出通量后,即可推求塔层风、温分布.325m气象塔资料证明这一廓线达到一定的精度.  相似文献   

湍流频散对边界层风廓线的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用包括湍流粘性和频散的新的Reynolds平均动量方程,分析了边界层的垂直风速廓线,发现包含湍流频散的地面层的风速廓线对经典的风廓线指数规律有一个对数规律的修改;而且在不稳定层结下比在稳定层结下,湍流的频散效应更为显;在中性条件下,指数规律退化为对数规律并且Karman常数被另外一个常数所代替,而这个新常数也可以通过相似理论来获得。  相似文献   

徐静琦  魏皓  顾海涛 《气象学报》1998,56(1):112-119
详细介绍了光滑面标量粗糙度ZT,Zq与风速粗糙度Z0的相似表达式,论述了把Monin-Obukhov相似理论推广到光滑面上湍流气层的合理性,从而得到光滑面风、温、湿层结订正廓线与粗糙面廓线相统一的形式。总结了用该模式处理的三个海上梯度观测资料的计算结果,揭示出了微风时通过光滑海面的海气通量及整体交换系数受层结影响远大于风速影响的特征。并给出光滑界面上不同层结的整体交换系数随风速变化的拟合公式。  相似文献   

近地层湍流通量计算及几种塔层风廓线模式的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
苗曼倩  赵鸣  王彦昌 《大气科学》1987,11(4):420-429
利用近地层风廓线的积分形式和平均场资料计算了表征湍流通量和热量通量特征量。u_*和T_*.得到了几种稳定度条件下利用两层风、温实测资料计算u_*和T_*的方法,可以普遍应用. 本文还用铁塔风速资料对目前广泛采用的几种中性和非中性湍流交换系数分布模式代入运动方程得到风廓线计算公式并进行了研究.给出了误差范围.认为:不稳定时用Yamamoto的K_m模式导出的风廓线公式以及中性和稳定时用Yokoyama的K_m模式导出的风廓线公式与实测廓线比较符合,且计算比较简便.  相似文献   

利用探空、NCEP/NCAR 1°×1°再分析资料、地面气象站观测资料,对新疆塔里木盆地2014年10月28—29日的沙尘暴天气过程前、中、后大气稳定度、混合层厚度、风、温、湿廓线等边界层特征量进行分析。结果表明:此次天气过程为欧洲脊东移,推动西西伯利亚低槽快速进入北疆地区,随后东移翻越东天山进入南疆,造成"东灌"沙尘暴天气;沙尘暴造成边界层特征量表现为K指数减小,沙氏指数增大,理查逊数减小,混合层厚度降低等特征;风向由偏西风转为偏东风,风速则在静风转为30 m/s的偏东急流;温度为沙尘暴之前为贴地逆温,之后大气混合比较均匀,相对湿度为先增加后减小,沙尘暴天气是一个降温增湿的过程,边界层风、温、湿廓线都打破了原有分布规律;沙尘暴过程是大气不稳定层结变为稳定层结的过程。  相似文献   

塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地沙尘暴过程的大气边界层特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用系留探空、近地层梯度铁塔及地面气象站观测的数据,对塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地一次沙尘暴天气过程前后大气稳定度、混合层高度、地面气象要素及风、温、湿廓线等大气边界层特征量进行了分析。结果表明:沙尘暴发生时大气层结变得不稳定,沙尘天气过程中大气稳定度经历了稳定一不稳定一稳定的转变;沙尘暴的发生抑制了白天混合层高度的发展,维持了夜间混合层的存在,缩小了混合层高度的日变化;沙尘暴天气是一个降温增湿的过程;沙尘暴过境前后大气层结发生了转变,边界层风、温、湿廓线都打破了原有分布 规律,影响了大气边界层结构的发展变化。  相似文献   

周竞南 《气象科学》1991,11(1):88-102
本文应用二阶矩闭合模式研究了在不同的下垫面降温情况下稳定大气边界层结构的演变过程。结果表明:下垫面降温不同,稳定大气边界层内平均位温廓线的演变规律也不同,风廓线和脉动量廓线也相应地变化。影响温度廓线演变的因子除了湍流扩散作用以外,还有由于湍流交换作用在垂直方向的非均匀分布而产生的类似垂直平流作用的输送项。若下垫面经过一段时间的明显降温后降温停止或很少,则这种输送作用能改变位温廓线斜率在垂直方向上的分布规律。即由斜率在垂直方向的单调变化演变为非单调变化。  相似文献   

应用大气二维边界层数值模式,对2008年夏季洪河国家级自然保护区沼泽湿地1000m高度边界层的温度、湿度廓线进行了3次模拟试验,并模拟分析了风速和下垫面粗糙度对湿地边界层温、湿廓线结构的影响.结果表明:(1)大气二维边界层模式可以较好的模拟湿地下垫面边界层的温、湿结构,并且该模式对位温的模拟效果优于比湿;(2)风速和粗...  相似文献   

为应用风廓线雷达监测降水天气,通过对2006年南京地区一次春季降雨过程的边界层风廓线雷达探测数据和自动站雨量数据进行对比分析和相关性统计,研究了降水发生、维持和消亡期间风廓线雷达资料的变化特征,分析风廓线雷达垂直速度、速度谱宽与降雨强度之间的相关性。结果表明:当降雨临近时,风廓线雷达水平风廓线上的空洞逐渐消失,当降雨结束时空洞再次出现,且伴随着低空急流的出现降水明显增强。随着降雨的发生,风廓线雷达产品的垂直速度、速度谱宽和折射率结构常数值均明显增大。整个降水期间,550 m高度层以下的垂直速度与降水量存在显著线性负相关,450-950 m高度层之间的速度谱宽与降水量存在显著线性正相关,可见垂直速度、速度谱宽的变化与降水强度关系密切;当垂直负速度变小或速度谱宽变大时,降水增强的可能性增大。研究结果揭示了风廓线雷达垂直速度、速度谱宽与降雨强度之间的内在联系,可为风廓线雷达应用于降雨天气的监测。  相似文献   

中尺度对流系统中的湿中性层结结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于CloudSat卫星获得的高分辨率中尺度对流系统垂直剖面结构,结合大气参量相对湿度和相当位温的诊断分析,在低纬度、中高纬度地区、陆地或海洋以及不同天气形势下,发现了多个非常典型的中尺度对流系统(MCS)内部具有湿中性层结特征的个例.进一步利用静止卫星普查到的东亚地区MCS分布情况,结合NCEP再分析资料诊断MCS重心位置处大气状态廓线,利用大量的例子从统计的角度揭示了湿中性层结结构特征在MCS中存在的普遍性,并且从动力学和热力学的角度探讨了湿中性层结结构在MCS发生和发展中所起到的作用.  相似文献   

利用塔中80m梯度观测塔探测系统采集的资料,详细的分析了2006年4月10日沙尘暴过境时,塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地近地层风速、温度和湿度廓线的演变特征。结果表明:风速廓线满足风速值随高度增高而增大,风速梯度随高度增高而减小的对数律关系;沙尘暴由爆发前到过境时,温度廓线的温度值由随高度增高而增大转变为温度值随高度增高而减小,同时在贴地层2m处存在一微弱拐点;沙尘暴过境时,近地层大气出现微弱逆湿现象,并在不同高度上存在多处拐点,比湿增减在时间上与风速的增减呈负相关性,且整个沙尘暴天气是一个降温增湿的过程。  相似文献   

塔中春季阴天近地层风速、温度和湿度廓线特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用塔中最新安装的80 m梯度观测塔探测系统采集的资料,详细分析了2006年4月2日1次阴天天气时塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地近地层风速、温度和湿度廓线演变特征,并与典型晴天廓线做了对比,得到以下结果:(1)阴天,夜间风速廓线风速值随高度增高而增大,但不是以对数增长,而是以比对数关系更快的速度增长;白天,风速很小,近地层10 m上下廓线分布规律各异;(2)温度廓线有夜间辐射型、早上过渡型、白天日射型及傍晚过渡型4种类型,与晴天类似;(3)比湿廓线存在一个极小值,其出现高度以上比湿随高度增加而增加,廓线呈逆湿特征,极小值出现高度以下比湿随高度减小而增加。  相似文献   

Local advection of momentum,heat, and moisture in micrometeorology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The local advection of momentum, heat and moisture in micrometeorology due to a horizontal inhomogeneity in surface conditions is numerically investigated by a higher-order turbulence closure model which includes equations for the mean quantities, turbulent fluxes, and the viscous dissipation rate. The application of the two-dimensional model in this paper deals with the simulation of the flow from an extensive smooth dry area to a grassy wet terrain. The mean wind speed, temperature, and humidity distributions in the resulting internal boundary layer downstream of the surface discontinuity are determined such that the energy and moisture balances at the Earth's surface are satisfied.Numerical calculations of the mean temperature and humidity profiles are compared with available observed ones. The results include the advective effects on turbulent flux distributions, surface energy balance, evaporation rate, and Bowen ratio. The sensitivity of the predicted mean profiles and turbulent flux distributions to the surface relative humidity, thermal stratification, and the roughness change is discussed.NRC-NAS Resident Research Associate at AFCRL.  相似文献   

Spectra of CO2 and water vapour fluctuations from measurements made in the marine atmospheric surface layer have been analyzed. A normalization of spectra based on Monin–Obukhov similarity theory, originally developed for wind speed and temperature, has been successfully extended also to CO2 and humidity spectra. The normalized CO2 spectra were observed to have somewhat larger contributions from low frequencies compared to humidity spectra during unstable stratification. However, overall, the CO2 and humidity spectra showed good agreement as did the cospectra of vertical velocity with water vapour and CO2 respectively. During stable stratification the spectra and cospectra displayed a well-defined spectral gap separating the mesoscale and small-scale turbulent fluctuations. Two-dimensional turbulence was suggested as a possible source for the mesoscale fluctuations, which in combination with wave activity in the vertical wind is likely to explain the increase in the cospectral energy for the corresponding frequency range. Prior to the analysis the turbulence time series of the density measurements were converted to time series of mixing ratios relative to dry air. Some differences were observed when the spectra based on the original density measurements were compared to the spectra based on the mixing ratio time series. It is thus recommended to always convert the density time series to mixing ratio before performing spectral analysis.  相似文献   

The atmospheric surface layer over sea has a density stratification which varies with moisture content and air/sea temperature difference. This influences the growth of water waves. To study the effect quantitatively, the Reynolds equations are solved numerically. For given wind speed and surface roughness, wave growth is found to be more rapid in unstably stratified conditions than in stable conditions. This is due to an increase in turbulence, primarily caused by an increase of mixing length.Under the assumption of a Charnock relation between surface roughness and friction velocity, it is found that for large inverse wave age (u */c>0.07), the effect of stratification on wave growth is weell described by Monin-Obukhov scaling of the friction velocity. For smaller values ofu */c, Monin-Obukhov scaling overpredicts.The effect on duration-limited wave growth is studied with the third-generation WAM surface wave model driven by 10 m winds. Effects of stratification on the significant wave height are found to be of the order of 10%. The results are comparable to those of a recent reanalysis of field measurements, although the measured stratification effect is somewhat stronger. Implementation of a stratification-dependent growth in wave models is recommended, as it can lead to small but significant improvements in wave forecasts when accurate air and sea temperatures are available.  相似文献   

西太平洋暖池区的海气通量及整体交换系数   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
根据西太平洋海域弱风、高温、潮湿的大气状态特征,提出了在光滑面存在粘性副层气流中的廓线的层结订正方案。用此模式对西太平洋暖池区TOGACOAREIOP期间,在向阳红5号船(2°S,154°E)获取的海面风、温、湿梯度资料进行了处理。计算结果显示西太平洋暖池区贴水层气流中不稳定层结占50%-80%,其中很不稳定的占10.3%;该海区海气通量和整体交换系数受层结影响远大于受风速的影响;海气通量和整体交换系数随不稳定程度增加而增大,在相同风速下量值可相差4倍以上;其变化范围为0.3×10-3—3.2×10-3。由此可见,层结的影响使它们的变化大于其它海区的结果。在u10=0-10m/s范围内,中性化整体交换系数平均为CDN=1.2×10-3,CHN=1.14×10-3,CEN=1.19×10-3,与Large和Pond(1981,1982)不稳定条件的研究结果相差无几。  相似文献   

利用民勤站L波段探空雷达2004年5月23—24日的一次强沙尘暴过程加密探测资料,从气象要素的垂直廓线和能量天气学两个方面,分析了沙尘暴发生发展过程中大气层结及其演变特征。结果表明:沙尘暴过境前,500hPa以下的高空风速较小,低层800hPa以下基本为偏东气流,中高层为偏西气流,沙尘暴过境时近地层风速明显加大,700hPa以下为西北气流,高层为西南气流;相对湿度在沙尘暴过境前,高层明显高于低层,而过境后,整层大气的湿度明显增加,且800hPa附近出现逆湿现象,沙尘暴过境前后整层大气相对湿度在垂直方向上的变化趋势基本一致。沙尘暴发生前,近地层气温较高,200hPa附近存在超低温现象,250hPa附近存在比较厚的下沉逆温层,随着沙尘暴过境,低层的气温显著下降,近地层约800hPa处出现逆温层,而250hPa处的逆温层逐渐减弱;地面气象要素的变化为:沙尘暴过境之前,地面气压比较低,温度较高,风速也比较小,而沙尘暴一到,顿时气压升高,风速猛增,温度下降;沙尘暴过境前,500hPa以下处于对流不稳定,过境期间饱和能差逐渐减小,不稳定能量由高层向低层传递,单站的垂直运动发展加剧;沙尘天气结束后.整层大气的结构基本稳定.不稳定能量衰竭,饱和能差进一步减小,整层大气湿度有了较大的增加。  相似文献   

Stably stratified flow in a marine atmospheric surface layer   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Data from the marine atmospheric surface layer have been analysed. The data set consists of about two weeks with tower measurements up to 31 m of mean profiles of wind, temperature, and humidity, together with 20 Hz turbulence data. Mean wind, temperature, and humidity profiles up to 2000 m are also available from pibal trackings and radio soundings. Wave height was measured at 2 Hz, using an inverted echo-sounder.It was found from pibal wind profiles that low level jets were present during 2/3 of the measurements, having their maxima in the height interval 40 to 300 m. Here only data from the remaining 1/3 of the measurements, without low level jets, have been analysed.Non-dimensional wind and temperature gradients agree with results over homogeneous land surfaces as regards stability dependence during stable conditions that prevailed during this experiment. Linear regression gave m = 1 + 6.8z/L and m = 1 + 8.3z/L. No significant sea wave influence was found. The same was vrue for me dimensionless standard deviations of the three wind components, except for the vertical component. The expected wind speed dependence was found for the neutral drag coefficient, givingC dN = 0.109U + 0.33 at 10 m, and a dependence on the wave parameter,C/u *, was confirmed. Note, however, that the data set was restricted to low and moderate wind speeds and that stratification was mainly stable.Power spectra, non-dimensionalized according to suface-layer theories, do not follow the expected stability dependence. It was shown that this may be a consequence of the presence of gravity waves in the stable marine boundary layer. Indicators of gravity waves were found in most runs. The TKE budget agrees with findings over homogeneous land areas. The pressure transport term was found to be a source of energy also for near neutral conditions.  相似文献   

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