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该文利用空气质量、污染物资料、NCEP(1°×1°)再分析资料及常规气象资料,分析2017年10月25日—11月3日防城港市一次持续性空气污染过程的污染物特征和气象条件。结果表明:此次空气污染过程首要污染物为臭氧,臭氧浓度存在日变化;气温与臭氧浓度变化存在显著正相关,相对湿度与臭氧浓度变化存在显著负相关;午后太阳辐射增强、湿度降低、无降水等气象条件有利于臭氧浓度的增加;500 hPa环流平直、地面为弱的高压脊、地面风速小、天气晴好少云、低层存在逆温层是本次持续性空气污染过程维持的有利气象条件。  相似文献   

珠峰地区登山气象条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用珠峰大本营的地面和探空资料,详细分析了珠峰地区各高度层的气温、气压、风向风速以及湿度等气象要素,浅析了4~5月登山气象条件,并得出初步结论。   相似文献   

利用地面常规观测站资料、地面10分钟加密自动站资料、探空资料、NCEP1°×1°再分析资料等,通过天气学和物理量特征分析方法,对2014年11月21—22日发生在辽宁地区的一次区域性大雾天气过程进行了综合分析。结果表明,大雾发生前有弱降水产生,近地面潮湿,水汽条件好,降水过后,中低空没有强冷空气侵入,温度较高,有利于逆温层的形成与维持。湿度高、风速小为大雾的持续发展提供了有利的气象条件。此次大雾过程分为两个阶段,在第二阶段近地面有外来的水汽输送。  相似文献   

通过对1971-2008年贵州省08:00能见度资料及地面天气图的普查,选取382次区域性辐射大雾天气过程,分析了贵州区域性辐射大雾的时空特征.并利用1999-2008年93次辐射雾08:00地面和高空天气图,进行天气环流条件分析;并进一步利用地面站及高空资料,研究了形成辐射雾的气象条件.研究表明,贵州区域性辐射大雾主要集中在仲秋到隆冬时段,呈现“东多西少”的分布特征,均压场是区域性辐射大雾的地面环流条件,区域性辐射大雾的四种高空环流条件为西北气流、西南气流、副热带高压、平直西风气流.地面风速小、湿度大、夜间辐射降温显著及近地层有逆温、整层“上干下湿”是形成区域性辐射雾的气象条件.  相似文献   

外部环境气象条件对日光温室气象条件的影响   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
应用2003年1~4月、10~12月在寿光蔬菜基地的日光温室内所取得的温度、光照和湿度资料及同一时期周围外部环境气象条件资料,分析了外部环境气象条件对日光温室内的温度、光照及湿度等气象条件的影响情况,在此基础上,提出了温室蔬菜生产中天气预报指导作用的简单思路。  相似文献   

为了分析2008年初浙江省电网大面积覆冰事故发生的原因,在缺乏有代表性电线结冰观测的条件下,利用气象探空观测资料统计分析低空各个海拔高度上气温、湿度条件,发现低温与高湿度的配置条件出现状况与输电线路覆冰事故调查结果有较好的对应,可将这样的配置条件视作覆冰气象基本条件,并可通过对比历史上严重冰雪天气灾害发生期间的低空覆冰气象条件,分析评估电网覆冰事故。分析指出:2008年1月中旬至2月初,浙江内陆海拔100 m以上高度出现持续性较严重的覆冰气象条件,是有系统气象记录以来最严重的时段,覆冰条件随着海拔高度的增高而加强,其主要原因是大气层低空低温与高湿配置条件较好,持续时间长。  相似文献   

杭州城市交通事故与气象条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丛黎强  杜立群  钮学新  易鸣  凌欣  阎浩 《气象》1992,18(10):37-41
该文统计分析了1978—1987年10年逐日杭州市区道路交通事故与同期杭州市各种气象要素的关系,得出了导致事故发生和高发的气象条件;普查了事故高发日的地面天气形势,归纳出5种形势;制作了两套分月的回归方程,并结合有关形势预报等资料,建立了事故等级预报流程,以利于有关方面采取措施,把事故发生率降下来。  相似文献   

通过对沈阳观象台气温、相对湿度、云量、风速和降水等140个观测因子与日地面最高温度进行相关分析,发现日地面最高温度与气温相关关系最好,正相关系数在0.7以上,相对湿度也是影响地面最高温度变化的主要因子之一,负相关系数绝对值大于0.6。路面抗滑能力主要受降水影响,一般来说,降水强度越强、降水量越大,对路况和车辆行驶的影响越大,但小雨较中雨时的爆胎事故发生概率更高,这主要是因为小雨车速较快,而且路面潮湿或有少量积水,路面摩擦系数降低,容易引起交通爆胎事故。基于选择的相关因子,建立日地面最高温度与相关因子间的二元线性回归方程,得出沈阳爆胎气象条件指数预报方法,爆胎气象条件指数共分为4个等级。经过对2015年7月爆胎气象条件指数计算检验,沈阳市区内2次爆胎事故,爆胎气象条件指数均达到3级。  相似文献   

西安地区大雾天气的分析与预报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用天气学原理和统计方法对1995--2006年西安地区7个观测站大雾日的湿度、能见度、风速、地面气压及高空环流形势等资料进行分析,总结了西安地区大雾天气的时空分布特征、大气环流背景和形成大雾的气象条件,归纳出预报因子,用PP法建立了大雾的预报方程,利用T639数值预报产品资料来制作未来24小时西安地区的大雾预报。  相似文献   

利用2006-2017年黑龙江省闪电定位资料和日平均地面相对湿度资料,采用数理统计、Pearson相关分析、GIS空间分析技术,研究了闪电密度和强度对地面相对湿度(RH)的响应关系。结果表明:地面RH过小或过大都不利于闪电活动产生;当RH < 25%时,几乎无闪电发生,当RH < 77%时,RH增加有利于闪电活动发生,当RH>79%时,随着RH增加,闪电活动减少;当RH < 77%时,闪电密度与之呈正相关,闪电强度与之呈负相关;当RH>79%时,闪电密度与之呈负相关,闪电强度与之呈正相关;地面RH的临界值域约为77%-79%;70%≤ RH ≤ 90%区间为闪电易发湿度区间,在闪电密度与湿度相关度高的区域,闪电更趋于集中发生在闪电易发湿度区间。  相似文献   

高砷煤开采和利用中砷的环境影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概述了我国煤的分级标准和国内外高砷煤开发利用的现状,并根据某公司拟开采的高砷煤矿为例,对高砷煤开采和利用过程中各个环节的环境影响进行了分析。结果表明:高砷煤中虽然含砷较高,但只要采取适当的技术措施,在高砷煤开发和利用过程砷污染可得到有效控制,高砷煤矿是可以安全开采和使用的。但高砷煤必须作为工业用煤(电厂用煤),不允许用于民用。  相似文献   

控制煤炭消费是应对大气污染问题的关键措施,但中国煤炭消费总量控制仍未分解与落实到地方层面。研究基于大气污染的约束分析,结合情景分析与数据回归,通过建立大气污染物与煤炭消费之间的量化关系,分析了2020、2030年全国及各省/市煤炭消费总量控制目标,初步设计了中国煤炭消费总量控制方案,提出2020和2030年全国煤炭消费量控制目标分别为40亿t和45亿t,各省则均按预测结果调整执行,汇总值分别为44亿t和50亿t,鉴于两者之间的差距在于国家统计口径考虑了重复因素的剔除,故采纳基于国家统计数据的分析结果。建议构建绿色经济发展用煤指标,适当提高电力耗煤的比例,为促进中国中长期煤炭资源的合理消费提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

通过对山西省210余个年产量在90万吨以上的煤炭生产单位进行调查,确定西山煤电为重点调查对象。接受调查的人员主要为各单位总工、矿长、调度、技术人员、一线工人和财会人员,调查内容包括降水、雷电、高温、湿度、大风等对煤炭的影响。结果表明,2003年至2007年西山煤电的产量从2708.9万吨增加到3360万吨,产值由65亿增加到101亿,生产总值年年攀升,气象服务增加或节省的产值也在逐年增加。山西省煤炭行业对气象敏感度的综合评价为敏感,其中对气象雷电预警、降水灾害预警、连阴雨等尤其敏感。预警天气提前3h~6h通知即可做好防范。  相似文献   

研究了污泥与煤按不同质量比例混烧后,底灰中的重金属形态分布与浸出毒性.结果表明:30:70的泥煤比使底灰中重金属硫化物及有机态和残渣态所占比例最大,即生物无效部分比例最大;在浸出毒性实验中,30:70的泥煤比使底灰重金属浸出量最小.由此推出,对环境毒害程度最小的泥煤质量比为30:70,即该实验条件下最优泥煤质量比为30:70.  相似文献   

作为全球煤电装机规模最大且仍在扩张的国家,中国需要慎重评估兑现《巴黎协定》温室气体减排承诺带来的潜在煤电资产搁浅问题。研究运用“上下交互”的碳锁定曲线模型,识别不同产能扩张情景下(无新增、新增200、300和400 GW)的搁浅煤电机组。首先,从“自上而下”角度匡算中国煤电行业2℃温升目标下的碳配额。然后,从“自下而上”角度,根据高精度的燃煤电站信息核算煤电累积CO2排放量。最后基于“上下交互”模式筛选出搁浅燃煤电站,在此基础上运用现金流量法估算其潜在的搁浅价值,并对其关键因素进行敏感性分析。结果表明,在无新增情景下,煤电搁浅资产规模约为0.38万亿元;若继续增加200~400 GW煤电装机,则搁浅价值将较无新增情景增加3.7~8.2倍。因此,建议“十四五”期间应树立煤电规模峰值意识,严控煤电新增产能,避免错过最佳减排时机。  相似文献   

The shift away from coal is at the heart of the global low-carbon transition. Can governments of coal-producing countries help facilitate this transition and benefit from it? This paper analyses the case for coal taxes as supply-side climate policy implemented by large coal exporting countries. Coal taxes can reduce global carbon dioxide emissions and benefit coal-rich countries through improved terms-of-trade and tax revenue. We employ a multi-period equilibrium model of the international steam coal market to study a tax on steam coal levied by Australia alone, by a coalition of major exporting countries, by all exporters, and by all producers. A unilateral export tax has little impact on global emissions and global coal prices as other countries compensate for reduced export volumes from the taxing country. By contrast, a tax jointly levied by a coalition of major coal exporters would significantly reduce global emissions from steam coal and leave them with a net sector level welfare gain, approximated by the sum of producer surplus, consumer surplus, and tax revenue. Production taxes consistently yield higher tax revenues and have greater effects on global coal consumption with smaller rates of carbon leakages. Questions remain whether coal taxes by major suppliers would be politically feasible, even if they could yield economic benefits.  相似文献   

To stop global warming at well below 2° C, the bulk of the world’s fossil fuel reserves will have to be left in the ground. Coal is the fossil fuel with the greatest proportion that cannot be used, and various advocacy groups are campaigning for a ban on the opening of new coal mines. Recently, both China and the USA implemented temporary moratoria on the approval of new coal mining leases. This article examines whether these coal mining bans reflect the emergence of a global norm to keep coal under the ground. To that end, we review recent coal mining policies in the four largest coal producers and explain them comparatively with a framework based on interests, ideas and institutions. We find that the norm of keeping coal in the ground remains essentially contested. Even in those countries that have introduced some form of a coal mining moratorium, the ban can easily be, or has already been, reversed. To the extent that the norm of keeping coal in the ground has momentum, it is primarily due to non-climate reasons: the Chinese moratorium was mostly an instance of industrial policy (aiming to protect Chinese coal companies and their workers from the overcapacity and low prices that are hitting the industry), while the USA’s lease restrictions were mainly motivated by concerns over fiscal justice. We do not find evidence of norm internalisation, which means that the emerging norm fails to gain much traction amid relevant national actors and other (large) coal producing states. If proponents of a moratorium succeed in framing the issue in non-climate terms, they should have a greater chance of building domestic political coalitions in favour of the norm.  相似文献   

The achieved international consensus on the 1.5–2 °C target entails that most of current fossil fuel reserves must remain unburned. A major contribution has to come from coal as both the most abundant and the most emission-intensive fuel. Currently, a majority of climate policies aiming at reducing coal consumption are directed towards the demand side. In the absence of a global carbon-pricing regime, these policies are prone to carbon leakage and other adverse effects. Supply-side climate policies present an alternative and increasingly discussed approach to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels. In this article, I employ a numerical model of the international steam coal market to examine two supply-side policies that are currently discussed in academic literature and by policy-makers, alike: (1) a production subsidy reform introduced in major coal-producing countries and (2) a globally implemented moratorium on new coal mines. The model simulates global patterns of coal supply, demand, and international trade, with endogenous investment in coal production and transportation capacities. I find that mere production subsidy removal, while associated with a small positive total welfare effect, leads to a minor reduction of global emissions. By contrast, a mine moratorium induces a much more pronounced reduction in global coal consumption by effectively limiting coal availability and strongly increasing prices. Depending on the specification of reserves, the moratorium can induce a coal consumption path consistent with the 1.5–2 °C target.  相似文献   


The administration of U.S. President Donald Trump has promised to stop the ongoing spiralling down of the U.S. coal industry. We discuss the origins of the decline and assess the effects of policy interventions by the Trump administration. We find that, with fierce competition from natural gas and renewables, a further decrease of coal consumption must be expected by the old and inefficient U.S. coal-fired electricity generation fleet. By contrast, we consider the overly optimistic (for coal producers) view of the U.S. Energy Information Agency, and test whether the tide for the U.S. coal industry could turn as a result of three potential support measures: (i) revoking the Clean Power Plan (CPP); (ii) facilitating access to the booming Asian market; and (iii) enhanced support for Carbon Capture, Transport and Storage (CCTS) technology. We investigate the short-term and long-term effects on U.S. coal production using a comprehensive partial equilibrium model of the world steam coal market, COALMOD-World (Holz, Haftendorn, Mendelevitch, & von Hirschhausen, 2016). We find that revoking the CPP could stop the downward trend of steam coal consumption in the U.S., but even allowing for additional exports, will not lead to a return of U.S. coal production to the levels of the 2000s, that is, over 900?Mt per year. When global steam coal use is aligned with the 2°C climate target, U.S. steam coal production drops to around 100?Mt per year by 2030 and below 50?Mt by 2050, even if CCTS is available and exports via the U.S. West Coast is possible.

Key policy insights
  • Declining U.S. coal use is primarily caused by competition from natural gas and renewables not by environmental regulation of the coal sector.

  • Without substantial policy support, U.S. coal-fired generation capacity will continue to decline rapidly.

  • Revoking the Clean Power Plan will lead to about one eighth higher U.S. coal production in the next years.

  • Carbon Capture, Transport and Storage does not prevent the rapid decline of coal use required under stringent climate policy.

  • Even in the most extreme pro-coal scenarios with additional export possibilities, U.S. coal production will not return to its pre-2010 levels.


Continued global action on climate change has major consequences for fossil fuel markets, especially for coal as the most carbon-intensive fuel. This article summarizes current market developments in the most important coal-producing and coal-consuming countries, resulting in a critical qualitative assessment of prospects for future coal exports. Colombia, as the world’s fourth largest exporter, is strongly affected by these global trends, with more than 90% of its production being exported. Market analysis finds Colombia in a strong competitive position, owing to its low production costs and high coal quality. Nevertheless, market trends and enhanced climate policies suggest a gloomy outlook for future exports. Increasing competition on the Atlantic as well as Pacific market will keep coal prices low and continue pressure on mining companies. Increasing numbers of filed bankruptcies and lay-offs might be just the beginning of a carbon bubble devaluing fossil fuel investments and leaving them stranded. Colombia largely supplies European and Mediterranean consumers but also delivers some quantities to the US Gulf Coast, and to Central and South America. Future coal demand in most of these countries will continue to decline in the next decades. Newly constructed power plants in emerging economies (India, China) are unlikely to compensate for this downturn owing to increasing domestic supply and decreasing demand. Therefore, maintaining or even increasing mining volumes in Colombia should be re-evaluated, taking into account new economic realities as well as local externalities. Ignoring these risks could lead to additional stranded investments, aggravating the local resource curse and hampering sustainable economic development.

Key policy insights
  • The climate policies of most of Colombia’s traditional trade partners target steam coal as the more emission-intensive fossil fuel, with many countries implementing or considering a coal phase-out.

  • Coal exporters should re-evaluate their operations and new investments taking into account this new policy environment.

  • To prevent a race to the bottom among coal producers that would favour weak regulation, climate policy makers should also consider the local social and external costs of coal mining, including on health and the local environment.


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