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集合数值预报在洪水预报中的应用进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
水文集合预报是近几年正在形成和发展的水文预报分支,其发展大致可分为两个阶段:第1阶段是1970年至20世纪末进行的长期径流预报,第2阶段从21世纪开始,主要学习气象数值预报中集合预报的概念在短期水文集合预报中的应用。目前,除了单一预报中心的集合预报系统在水文集合预报中应用外,多个预报中心的集合预报大集合也逐渐被应用于流域水文预报,甚至一些小流域的洪水预报。如利用TIGGE(THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble)集合预报驱动形成的大气-水文-水力的串联系统进行早期的洪水预警研究,将全球集合预报作为洪水模型输入的有限区域模式的初始条件和侧边界条件的研究。这些均表明,基于水文集合预报的洪水预报增加了预报附加值,并能够延长预警提前时间。以欧洲中期天气预报中心的欧洲洪水预警系统(EFAS)和美国NOAA的先进水文预报系统(AHPS)为代表,实现了集合预报在洪水中的实时业务预报,但仍存在数据处理和计算量大,以及如何基于集合水文预报做决策等问题。对于水文集合预报的前处理和后处理的各种技术已处于探索和验证阶段,如何更好地理解基于概率预报的洪水预警决策仍存在许多困难和挑战。  相似文献   

Based on the B08RDP (Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Mesoscale Ensemble Prediction Research and Development Project) that was launched by the World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) in 2004, a regional ensemble prediction system (REPS) at a 15-km horizontal resolution was developed at the National Meteorological Center (NMC) of the China Meteorological Administration (CMA). Supplementing to the forecasters’ subjective affirmation on the promising performance of the REPS during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games (BOG), this paper focuses on the objective verification of the REPS for precipitation forecasts during the BOG period. By use of a set of advanced probabilistic verification scores, the value of the REPS compared to the quasi-operational global ensemble prediction system (GEPS) is assessed for a 36-day period (21 July–24 August 2008). The evaluation here involves different aspects of the REPS and GEPS, including their general forecast skills, specific attributes (reliability and resolution), and related economic values. The results indicate that the REPS generally performs significantly better for the short-range precipitation forecasts than the GEPS, and for light to heavy rainfall events, the REPS provides more skillful forecasts for accumulated 6- and 24-h precipitation. By further identifying the performance of the REPS through the attribute-focused measures, it is found that the advantages of the REPS over the GEPS come from better reliability (smaller biases and better dispersion) and increased resolution. Also, evaluation of a decision-making score reveals that a much larger group of users benefits from using the REPS forecasts than using the single model (the control run) forecasts, especially for the heavy rainfall events.  相似文献   

基于TIGGE资料中的欧洲中期天气预报中心、英国气象局、美国国家环境预报中心、韩国气象厅和日本气象厅2015年1月1日—9月30日中国及周边地区地面2 m气温24~168 h集合预报资料,利用长短期记忆神经网络(Long Short-Term Memory,LSTM)、浅层神经网络(Neural Networks,NN)、滑动训练期消除偏差集合平均(BREM)和滑动训练期多模式超级集合(SUP)方法对2015年9月5—30日26 d预报期进行集成预报试验。结果表明,BREM对5个单模式进行等权集成,预报结果易受预报效果较差模式的影响,整体预报技巧略低于单个最优模式ECMWF的预报技巧。其中在新疆南部,等权集成后的预报技巧更低。SUP的预报结果比所有单个模式预报更为准确。在144 h之前,SUP的误差明显小于ECMWF的预报误差,但随预报时效增加,误差增长幅度增大。NN对地面气温的预报效果与SUP的预报效果相当。LSTM整体预报效果最好,特别是在预报时效较长(超过72 h)时,比其他方法预报准确率明显提高。LSTM神经网络方法明显改进了我国西北、华北、东北、西南和华南大部分地区的气温预报,但在南疆部分地区误差较大。  相似文献   

台风数值预报是防台减灾的关键,而集合预报是体现和减少数值预报不确定性的常用方法。本文对近年来台风集合预报方法的研究进展进行了梳理和总结,涉及初值集合扰动、模式扰动技术以及基于统计的台风集合预报后处理技术。对全球几个主要集合预报系统的发展及我国的区域台风集合预报系统做了回顾。最后,在回顾的基础上,讨论和提出了关于台风集合预报仍存在的问题及未来可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

利用TIGGE资料集下欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)、日本气象厅(JMA)、美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)、中国气象局(CMA)和英国气象局(UKMO)5个模式预报的结果,对基于卡尔曼滤波的气温和降水的多模式集成预报进行研究。结果表明,卡尔曼滤波方法的预报效果优于消除偏差集合平均(BREM)和单模式的预报,但是对于地面气温和降水,其预报效果也存在一定的差异。在中国区域2 m气温的预报中,卡尔曼滤波的预报结果最优。而对于24 h累积降水预报,尽管卡尔曼滤波在所有量级下的TS评分均优于BREM,但随着预报时效增加,其在大雨及以上量级的TS评分跟最佳单模式UKMO预报相当,改进效果不明显。卡尔曼滤波在地面气温和24 h累积降水每个预报时效下的均方根误差均最优,预报效果更佳且稳定。  相似文献   

Based on The Observing System Research and Predictability Experiment (THORPEX) Interactive Grand Global Ensemble (TIGGE) dataset,using various verification methods,the performances of four typical ense...  相似文献   

Ensemble forecasting has become the prevailing method in current operational weather forecasting. Although ensemble mean forecast skill has been studied for many ensemble prediction systems(EPSs) and different cases, theoretical analysis regarding ensemble mean forecast skill has rarely been investigated, especially quantitative analysis without any assumptions of ensemble members. This paper investigates fundamental questions about the ensemble mean, such as the advantage of the ensemble mean over individual members, the potential skill of the ensemble mean, and the skill gain of the ensemble mean with increasing ensemble size. The average error coefficient between each pair of ensemble members is the most important factor in ensemble mean forecast skill, which determines the mean-square error of ensemble mean forecasts and the skill gain with increasing ensemble size. More members are useful if the errors of the members have lower correlations with each other, and vice versa. The theoretical investigation in this study is verified by application with the T213 EPS. A typical EPS has an average error coefficient of between 0.5 and 0.8; the 15-member T213 EPS used here reaches a saturation degree of 95%(i.e., maximum 5% skill gain by adding new members with similar skill to the existing members) for 1–10-day lead time predictions, as far as the mean-square error is concerned.  相似文献   

Ensemble forecasting systems have become an important tool for estimating the uncertainties in initial conditions and model formulations and they are receiving increased attention from various applications. The Regional Ensemble Prediction System(REPS), which has operated at the Beijing Meteorological Service(BMS) since 2017, allows for probabilistic forecasts. However, it still suffers from systematic deficiencies during the first couple of forecast hours. This paper presents an integrated prob...  相似文献   

NCEP集合预报系统在亚欧和北美区域的预报效果对比   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
使用NCEP集合预报系统(EPS)输出的500hPa位势高度场预报资料和相应的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,针对集合平均预报和概率预报,采用多种预报效果检验评价方法,对该系统在亚欧和北美区域的预报效果进行全面的分析比较。总体而言,NCEP—EPS对亚欧区域的环流集合预报效果不亚于其对北关区域的预报效果。1)ACC检验表明,亚欧区域的集合平均预报效果在除冬季外的三个季节都明显优于北美区域,可用预报的时效相差达0.6~1d,且夏季的差别最大。RMSE检验表明,亚欧区域的预报效果在四个季节里均优于北美区域。2)集合概率预报可靠性的季节差别不明显,均为预报时效较短(长)时,北关(亚欧)区域的可靠性更好。系统对亚欧区域的事件识别范围相对较小,但其预报可靠性较高,北美区域则正好相反。3)夏季亚欧区域的集合概率预报效果明显优于北美区域,秋季和冬季北关区域的预报效果较好,春季在预报时效小于5d时北美区域占优,而其后则是亚欧区域的预报分辨能力更好。  相似文献   

常规降水检验受空间及时间微小差异所带来的"双重惩罚"影响严重,邻域空间检验FSS(Fraction Skill Score)方法在确定性预报中已体现出弥补这一不足的明显优势。随着集合预报分辨率的不断提高,集合降水预报同样存在与确定性预报相似的问题。本研究将FSS方法拓展至集合预报领域,构建适用于集合预报的降水空间检验指标EFSS(Ensemble Fraction Skill Score),利用欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, ECMWF)集合预报模式2018年夏季降水预报产品及国家气象信息中心提供的格点化降水融合产品进行分析,发现EFSS评分不受集合成员数影响,可获取一致性的评估结论。通过与适用于集合预报的常规技巧评分EETS(Ensemble Equitable Threat Score)对比分析发现,常规技巧评分受限于评分过低而无法有效反映强降水过程间差异性特征,EFSS方法则可有效提升强降水预报检验辨识度。  相似文献   

针对B08RDP(The Beijing 2008 Olympics Research and Development Project)5套区域集合预报资料,系统分析了各套集合预报温度场的预报质量。在此基础上运用集合预报的综合偏差订正方法对温度场进行偏差订正,并对其效果进行了分析讨论。结果显示:5套B08RDP区域集合预报中,美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)区域集合预报温度场的整体预报质量最高,平均预报误差最小,离散度也最为合理,预报可信度和可辨识度均较优;而中国气象科学研究院(CAMS)的温度预报误差过大,预报质量最差。整体上看,除NCEP之外的4套集合预报的温度场均存在集合离散度偏小的问题;综合偏差订正能有效减小各集合预报温度场的集合平均均方根误差,改善集合离散度的质量,显示出综合偏差订正方案对集合预报温度场偏差订正的良好能力。  相似文献   

通过设计3组不同的观测误差均方差,对2012年8月1日—29日进行了基于GRAPES-M EPS(Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction System-Mesoscale Ensemble Prediction System)的集合预报敏感性试验,研究观测误差均方差对集合预报初始扰动场结构、扰动量及垂直扰动总能量发展的影响,评估集合预报结果的差异,并分析了一次典型的江淮流域强降水个例。结果显示,模式变量扰动结构和扰动振幅对观测误差均方差较敏感,较小的观测误差均方差使得温度和风等模式变量的初始扰动量增大,扰动总能量增长更快,降水集合预报效果更优。因此在GRAPES-MEPS中,可以考虑对观测误差均方差进行适当的扰动,以体现观测误差均方差的不确定性对集合预报的影响,提高GRAPES-MEPS的集合预报技巧。  相似文献   

集合预报在数值天气预报体系中具有重要地位,因此如何有效提取集合样本信息以提高集合预报技巧一直是一个重要课题。基于中国全球集合预报业务系统(GRAPES-GEPS)的500 hPa高度场集合资料开展对环流集合预报的分类释用方法研究,并对集合聚类预报结果进行了检验分析。通过在传统Ward聚类法中引入动态聚类的“手肘法”方案,发展了环流集合预报分类释用方法。针对该方法的个例分析表明,对于中国中东部地区环流集合预报的聚类释用方法能够有效地划分出最有可能发生的环流形势类型并提供发生概率。确定性预报综合检验结果显示,集合预报聚类结果中发生概率最高的集合大类相对于集合平均的预报技巧有明显提升,并随着预报时效的延长提升更明显。总体来看,通过集合预报的分类释用方法划分环流形势类型可以为天气预报提供参考依据,具有实际应用价值。   相似文献   

A single-model,short-range,ensemble forecasting system (Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Regional Ensemble Forecast System,IAP REFS) with 15-km grid spacing,configured with multiple initial conditions,multiple lateral boundary conditions,and multiple physics parameterizations with 11 ensemble members,was developed using the Weather and Research Forecasting Model Advanced Research modeling system for prediction of stratiform precipitation events in northern China.This is the first part of a broader research project to develop a novel cloud-seeding operational system in a probabilistic framework.The ensemble perturbations were extracted from selected members of the National Center for Environmental Prediction Global Ensemble Forecasting System (NCEP GEFS) forecasts,and an inflation factor of two was applied to compensate for the lack of spread in the GEFS forecasts over the research region.Experiments on an actual stratiform precipitation case that occurred on 5-7 June 2009 in northern China were conducted to validate the ensemble system.The IAP REFS system had reasonably good performance in predicting the observed stratiform precipitation system.The perturbation inflation enlarged the ensemble spread and alleviated the underdispersion caused by parent forecasts.Centering the extracted perturbations on higher-resolution NCEP Global Forecast System forecasts resulted in less ensemble mean root-mean-square error and better accuracy in probabilistic quantitative precipitation forecasts (PQPF).However,the perturbation inflation and recentering had less effect on near-surface-level variables compared to the mid-level variables,and its influence on PQPF resolution was limited as well.  相似文献   

两个集合预报系统对秦岭及周边降水预报性能对比   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用欧洲中期天气预报中心 (ECMWF)、美国大气环境预报中心 (NCEP) 集合预报系统 (EPS) 降水量预报资料,CMORPH (NOAA Climate Prediction Center Morphing Method) 卫星与全国3万个自动气象站降水量融合资料,基于技巧评分、ROC (relative operating characteristic) 分析等方法,对比两个集合预报系统对秦岭及周边地区的降水预报性能。结果表明:两个系统均能较好表现降水量的空间形态,对于不同量级降水,ECMWF集合预报系统0~240 h控制及扰动预报优于NCEP集合预报系统,但NCEP集合预报系统264~360 h预报时效整体表现更好; ECMWF集合预报系统0~120 h大雨集合平均优于NCEP集合预报系统,两个系统集合平均的预报技巧整体低于其控制及扰动成员预报,这种现象ECMWF集合预报系统表现更为显著; ECMWF集合预报系统降水预报概率优于NCEP集合预报系统。ROC分析显示,随着预报概率的增大,ECMWF集合预报系统在命中率略微下降的情况下,显著减小了空报率,NCEP集合预报系统则表现出高空报、高命中率。  相似文献   

Two important questions are addressed in this paper using the Global Ensemble Forecast System(GEFS) from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction(NCEP):(1) How many ensemble members are needed to better represent forecast uncertainties with limited computational resources?(2) What is the relative impact on forecast skill of increasing model resolution and ensemble size? Two-month experiments at T126L28 resolution were used to test the impact of varying the ensemble size from 5 to 80 members at the 500hPa geopotential height.Results indicate that increasing the ensemble size leads to significant improvements in the performance for all forecast ranges when measured by probabilistic metrics,but these improvements are not significant beyond 20 members for long forecast ranges when measured by deterministic metrics.An ensemble of 20 to 30 members is the most effective configuration of ensemble sizes by quantifying the tradeoff between ensemble performance and the cost of computational resources.Two representative configurations of the GEFS-the T126L28 model with 70 members and the T190L28 model with 20 members,which have equivalent computing costs-were compared.Results confirm that,for the NCEP GEFS,increasing the model resolution is more(less) beneficial than increasing the ensemble size for a short(long) forecast range.  相似文献   

基于WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式,选取河南“21·7”特大暴雨事件,采用局地增长模培育法(Local Breeding Growth Mode,LBGM)生成对流尺度集合预报系统,在此基础上对24 h累积降水量进行SAL(Structure,Amplitude and Location)检验,结合预报成功指数(Threat Score,TS)、公平成功指数(Equitable Threat Score,ETS)评分等评分结果进行对比分析,综合评估集合预报成员的预报效果,表明:1)基于局地增长模培育法生成初始扰动的集合预报系统成员对于强降水预报有一定优势,在降水强度和位置的预报上与实况较接近;2)经检验,成员e003的TS和ETS评分在20日00时—21日00时(北京时,下同)和21日08时—22日08时两个强降水时段内表现最佳,并在SAL检验中对应较好的降雨强度A和雨区位置L,而成员e008暴雨TS、ETS评分最低,对应SAL检验中具有一定的位置偏差,即TS、ETS评分和SAL检验之间存在相关性,将二者有机结合,可以为业务工作中定量评估模式降水预报效果提供参考;3)通过对比整体评分表现较好的成员e003和较差的成员e008,两者预报的位势高度场与ERA5(ECMWF reanalysis v5,ERA5)再分析资料之间的差值,可以验证降水预报误差主要源于对低涡系统的预报偏差,同时预报评分较好的成员其位势高度偏差较小,综合评估效果更佳。  相似文献   

Atmospheric variability is driven not only by internal dynamics, but also by external forcing, such as soil states, SST, snow, sea-ice cover, and so on. To investigate the forecast uncertainties and effects of land surface processes on numerical weather prediction, we added modules to perturb soil moisture and soil temperature into NCEP’s Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS), and compared the results of a set of experiments involving different configurations of land surface and atmospheric perturbation. It was found that uncertainties in different soil layers varied due to the multiple timescales of interactions between land surface and atmospheric processes. Perturbations of the soil moisture and soil temperature at the land surface changed sensible and latent heat flux obviously, as compared to the less or indirect land surface perturbation experiment from the day-to-day forecasts. Soil state perturbations led to greater variation in surface heat fluxes that transferred to the upper troposphere, thus reflecting interactions and the response to atmospheric external forcing. Various verification scores were calculated in this study. The results indicated that taking the uncertainties of land surface processes into account in GEFS could contribute a slight improvement in forecast skill in terms of resolution and reliability, a noticeable reduction in forecast error, as well as an increase in ensemble spread in an under-dispersive system. This paper provides a preliminary evaluation of the effects of land surface processes on predictability. Further research using more complex and suitable methods is needed to fully explore our understanding in this area.  相似文献   

2009年夏季西太平洋台风路径和强度的多模式集成预报   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
周文友  智协飞 《气象科学》2012,32(5):492-499
基于TIGGE资料中的中国气象局、欧洲中期天气预报中心、日本气象厅和英国气象局等四个中心的2009年5月1日-8月31日台风预报资料,利用多模式集合平均、消除偏差集合平均和加权消除偏差集合平均等方法,对2009年8月1-31日预报期的西太平洋的台风路径和强度(中心气压)进行24~ 72 h预报时效的多模式集成预报,并对0907号台风“天鹅”和0908号台风“莫拉克”进行个例分析.结果表明:各中心对于不同时效的预报,预报技巧有明显差异.消除偏差集合平均与加权消除偏差集合平均显著地减小了预报误差,预报效果优于最好的单个中心预报和多模式集合平均.对于24 ~ 72 h预报,加权消除偏差集合平均方法始终表现出最好的预报性能.  相似文献   

利用2016—2021年ECMWF集合预报,评估了极端天气指数EFI(Extreme Forecast Index)、尾偏移指数SOT(“Shift of Tail”index)以及集合异常预报法在浙江台风和梅雨暴雨预报中的应用效果。通过研究极端天气预报指数对浙江台风和梅雨暴雨的最优预报阈值,发现梅雨暴雨阈值比台风暴雨明显偏小,且随预报时效增加减小速度偏慢。最优阈值预报相比确定性模式预报,在台风和梅雨暴雨预报检验中体现出更好的稳定性、提前性和准确性。进一步研究发现,通过区分天气类型确定的最优预报阈值,可作为台风和梅雨暴雨落区预报的参考依据。925 hPa水汽通量散度的集合异常度对浙江台风暴雨的落区和强度变化有较好的预报效果,850 hPa涡度和700 hPa垂直速度的集合异常度可以反映稳定性梅雨暴雨的过程演变。  相似文献   

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