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Based on the observational data as well as data of satellite, NCEP reanalysis and moist potential vortex, the heavy rainfall event that occurred away from the outer cycle of tropical depression Kaemi (No.0605) on July 27, 2006 in Shandong Peninsula has been analyzed. The results show that there are three severe convective cloud clusters during the heavy rainfall. The uprightness of coupling pattern between upper-layer jet and low jet and a divergence area, which appeared in the right of upper-layer jet, provided favorable environmental conditions for convective cloud clusters. The strong convective weather happens over the prefrontal warm sector and the storm rainfall mainly distributes in the front of a high-energy area.Positive vorticity distribution and transportation of warm advection in low levels provide dynamic and thermal conditions for the rainstorm. The spatial-temporal evolvements of physical variable fields and MPV2 as the horizontal component of moist potential vorticity show that the rain intensity change is determined by upper and low level jets and the area of MPV2>0 occurs at the front of the low jet cores.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of three separate events of tropical cyclogenesis (TC-genesis) off the West African coast between the years of 2006 and 2008 were performed. The purpose of this study was to investigate the processes that take place during the transition of an African easterly wave (AEW) and any associated mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) as they progress from continental West Africa into the maritime environment of the eastern Atlantic Ocean. Three tropical cyclones that were associated with AEWs and related MCSs over continental West Africa that progressed off the coast, later achieving at least tropical storm (TS) strength, were selected to be investigated. The three tropical cyclones were: TS Debby (2006), Hurricane Helene (2006), and TS Josephine (2008). The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model was utilized to conduct numerical model simulations beginning 72?h prior to each system’s AEW being classified as a tropical depression (TD). Results demonstrated that the model was able to recapture the evolution of each MCS in association with AEWs during all three events. The sensitivity experiments of the impact of topography (i.e., Guinea Highlands) suggested that the elevation of the Guinea Highlands plays a significant role in relation to TC-genesis, even though the highest peaks of the Guinea Highlands are only approximately 1,300?m. Simulation results supported that topographical blocking and northwest deflection of strong southwest winds from the Atlantic played an important role in the enhancement of low-level cyclonic circulation. Without the presence of the Highlands, wind speeds associated with each circulation by simulation’s end were either weaker or the simulation failed to generate a circulation completely. As the MCSs developed along the coast, they became phase locked in the downstream flow of an AEW as it exited the West African coast. The MCS in each event acted as a catalyst for TC-genesis with the associated AEW. Without the Guinea Highlands, the MCS features were either weakened or failed to develop, thus hindering TC-genesis for these three cases.  相似文献   

Initiation Mechanism of Meso-β Scale Convective Systems   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
With the aid of the Penn State-NCAR MM5 model, the initiation mechanism of meso-β scaleconvective systems (MCS) is investigated on the basis of simulation of the temporal and spatialthermodynamic structure of the MCS that occurred in Wuhan, Hubei, China and its surrounding area on 21July 1998. Using the PV inversion method, comparisons among the upper-, middle-, and low-leveltropospheric potential vorticity (PV) perturbations, as well as their effects on the initiation of MCS, indicatethat the low-level tropospheric PV perturbations play an important role in the triggering of MCS. Furtheranalysis reveals that the interaction between the southwest low-level jet and the gravity-inertia wave indeedinitiates MCS in the conditionally unstable ambient atmosphere.  相似文献   

2015年7月22日福建西部山区经历了一次罕见的极端降水过程,6 h降水量高达254.9 mm,24 h最大降水量达295.5 mm。利用常规天气资料、自动气象站、卫星云图、风廓线雷达以及多普勒天气雷达资料,分析此次过程的中尺度对流系统的环境条件及结构演变特征。分析表明:低空季风槽北抬减弱后的切变和高空高压之间的南北向槽缓慢向东北移动是此次强降雨的主要影响系统,不稳定能量加大、抬升凝结高度和自由对流高度低、大气可降水量大及中等到弱的垂直风切变形成有利于中尺度对流系统发展的环境条件。中尺度对流系统在发展过程中结构发生改变,由线状对流伴随层云(TL/AS)的结构转变为静止后向建立的中尺度对流系统,极端降水出现在静止后向传播阶段。高空冷空气入侵,低空西南急流加强并伴风速辐合,冷暖空气交汇导致中尺度对流系统加强发展,边界层西南气流在有利的喇叭口地形作用下加强抬升,北上受到山脉阻挡形成小涡旋,西北侧对流单体移入后不断加强,对流单体的移动方向和传播方向相反,中尺度对流系统形成静止后向传播,产生列车效应,出现极端降水。  相似文献   

利用高空探测、地面加密区域自动气象站、NCEP1°×1°再分析、FY-4A红外云图、多普勒天气雷达和风廓线雷达等资料,分析了2020年8月11~13日四川盆地一次区域性暴雨过程的降水时空分布、环流背景和风暴系统演变等特征,并重点探讨了低空急流在此次过程中的作用。结果表明:(1)此次过程发生在“东高西低”的环流背景下,主要影响因子为500 hPa低槽、副高和西南涡。(2)低空急流的出现有利于正涡度柱的形成和上升气流支的建立,盆地西北部地形作用可以使上升辐合增强。(3)低空急流为暴雨区带来水汽和不稳定能量。(4)急流对降水风暴系统的影响主要分两个阶段。第一阶段以东南急流为主导,一方面引导对流系统向西北方向移动和增强,一方面在四川盆地西北部山前激发强对流回波带。第二阶段以西南涡西北象限的东北急流为主导,一方面在急流出口左侧形成强动力辐合,一方面将低涡南部的暖湿空气向MCS输送。整个影响过程中,急流主体下边界由3000 m下降到600 m,主导风向由东南风转为西北风。(5)低空急流增强时,MCS维持在代表站上游地区,呈准静止后向传播特征;低空急流减弱时,MCS的准静止状态被打破,对流系统迅速移向代表站,带来短时强降水。(6)龙泉山脉使近地层东北急流气旋性弯曲增大,水平辐合增强。当MCS经过时,龙泉山为地形辐合带,激发新生单体在山麓西侧形成并沿山脉向东北方向移动。   相似文献   

张晓惠  倪允琪 《气象学报》2009,67(1):108-121
在2005年6月20日的一次华南暴雨过程中,影响两广地区局地强降水的两个主要的中尺度对流系统(MCS)在性质上有很大不同,初步分析断定,影响广西局地强降水的MCS1为锋面云团,而影响广东局地强降水的MCS2为暖性云团.通过对二者进行对流强度、维持机制以及湿位涡结构的比较分析发现,锋面对流系统MCS1与暖区对流系统MCS2的对流上升速度都很大.引起的局地降水量也相差不多.由于二者存在水汽条件的差异,因此不能排除微小差异主要足由水汽条件直接导致的,无法就此得出它们的对流强度强弱的比较结果;同时,对二者成熟阶段维持机制的对比分析得到,具有锋面特征的MCS1,中高层有很强的偏北气流进入,在对流区是以对流对称不稳定机制来维持对流运动的;而具有非锋面结构的MCS2由于没有偏北气流的进入,加上水汽条件充沛,主要由湿对流不稳定机制来维持对流运动.另外,湿位涡(MPV)结构的对比分析中得到如F结论:在VMP的结构上,二者均表现出中低层潜在对称不稳定结构特征;在VMP1的结构上,锋面对流系统MCS1表现出南北气流相瓦作用的特征,而暖区对流系统MCS2表现出高低空气流相互作用的特征;最后,在VMP2的结构上,MCS1反映了对流区南北两侧高低空急流的作用,而MCS2则反映了对流区内中高层干冷空气下滑的作用.  相似文献   

利用自动气象站、多普勒雷达、FY4A、ECMWF模式、NCEP再分析资料,对2020年7月17—19日特大暴雨过程进行分析。结果表明:特大暴雨出现在安徽大别山附近和庐江两地,是中尺度气旋扰动环境下准静止的中尺度对流系统(MCS)以及MCS中准静止的涡旋状单体所产生。特大暴雨在高能量、强不稳定背景下,由中部和东部的中尺度气旋传播所致。中尺度气旋传播过程中单体不断新生、合并增强且移动缓慢,配合急流、辐合、干侵入、垂直环流等因素对组织化的MCS发展演变起到相当作用。低层切变线南侧到华南的西南急流,将水汽输送到安徽并在此有强烈辐合;高空、低空和超低空都存在急流,高低空急流耦合加剧MCS的强烈发展;地面辐合线是前期MCS的触发机制,伴随干冷空气的入侵,加大了大气的斜压性和MCS的对流不稳定;梅雨锋南北两侧都有垂直环流圈,即对流与高空急流之间通过对流加热在高空急流入口处产生热成风调整,维持梅雨锋的发展演变,强的上升下沉运动促进MCS的加强和降水的连续发生;大别山地形抬升和上游狭管效应是两地特大暴雨诱因。  相似文献   

一次西南涡影响云南强降水过程分析   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
张腾飞  张杰  马联翔 《气象科学》2006,26(4):376-383
通过对2004年8月4日西南涡影响下云南强降水过程的环流背景、卫星云图演变以及动力、热力条件的分析,发现这次西南涡是一个具有斜压性的极其深厚的系统,随高度前倾,高层500 hPa上的西南涡表现尤为明显,并且诱发了低层700 hPa西南涡的产生,强降水主要出现在西南涡的西南方;强降水与强上升运动区和正涡度区有很好的对应关系,并且正涡度和上升运动的出现比气旋性环流场有24 h的提前时间,对于强降水预报更具有预示性,它们是一个逐渐由高层向低层发展的过程;中-β尺度对流云团在金沙江河谷南移合并加强,形成了中-α尺度涡旋状云系,其中的对流云团在强降水中作用较大;强降水正是出现在对流层低层(MPV1 MPV2)的负值范围内,这也说明西南涡涡旋云系的发展与正压和斜压不稳定都有关系,对流层低层MPV1<0和MPV2<0有利于暴雨的发生。  相似文献   

应用NCEP FNL再分析资料及位涡分离反演等方法,对华南沿海2011年7月15—18日持续暴雨过程中季风槽与中尺度对流系统的相互作用进行了研究,主要针对暴雨发生期间季风槽气旋性涡度向上发展的机理及其对季风槽维持发展和中尺度对流系统活动的影响进行分析。结果发现,季风槽的中尺度对流系统发展于弱斜压性环境中,大多在槽东西两端涡度中心区发展最强。南侧盛行的西南低空急流为对流反复发生提供了对流发展的“可维持性”条件,是对流得以组织发展成为中尺度对流系统的重要原因。涡度收支诊断表明,季风槽气旋性涡度生成主要由中尺度对流系统低层辐合引起。位涡分离反演结果证实,季风槽气旋性环流增强主要由与中尺度对流系统潜热加热相关的扰动位涡造成,并随着中尺度对流系统加热峰值高度升高而向上发展,是大尺度环流对中尺度对流系统潜热加热动力响应的结果。在季风槽东西两端,由于中尺度对流系统发展强烈且持续,具有更高的加热效率,引起的气旋性涡度向上发展最为明显。其结果可引起中尺度对流系统西南一侧向北非地转风发展,并在地转偏向力作用下增强西风,维持低空急流的发展,为对流反复发生提供条件。这些都说明季风槽大尺度环流与中尺度对流系统相互作用在中尺度对流系统和持续暴雨形成过程中有重要作用。  相似文献   

Two major mesoscale convective clusters of different characters occurred during the heavy rainfall event in Guangxi Region and Guangdong Province on 20 June 2005,and they are preliminarily identified as a frontal mesoscale convective system(MCS1;a frontal cloud cluster) and a non-frontal MCS(MCS2;a warm sector cloud cluster).Comparative analyses on their convective intensity,maintenance mechanism, and moist potential vorticity(MPV) structure were further performed.The convective intensity analysis sugges...  相似文献   

一次强降水过程涡旋状MCS结构特征及成因初步分析   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0  
吴涛  张家国  牛奔 《气象》2017,43(5):540-551
利用新一代天气雷达资料分析了造成2011年6月18日湖北省江汉平原强降水涡旋状中尺度对流系统(MCS)发生发展过程的结构特征,联合常规观测、地面加密观测及雷达四维变分风场反演资料初步研究了MCS可能成因。结果表明:(1)成熟阶段的强降水涡旋状MCS回波表现为气旋性弯曲的多条螺旋对流回波带、周围被大片层状云回波所包裹的结构特征,后期因冷空气侵入演变出冷暖锋式结构。回波合并和旋转式列车效应是产生强降水的主要运动特征。(2)涡旋状MCS是在有利环境场下,主要由鄂西山地一江汉平原过渡带边界层中尺度涡旋系统强烈发展组织的结果。(3)中尺度涡旋系统形成发展与地面暖倒槽发展、西南低涡前侧降水和特殊地形作用有密切关系,来自不同方向气流形成的强烈辐合是其前期形成发展的主要机制,后期发展可能与潜热释放有关,涡旋环流向上发展到700 hPa。  相似文献   

高维英  李明  侯建忠 《气象科技》2012,40(5):814-819
利用常规观测资料、NCEP再分析资料、自动站资料和卫星云图资料,对2010年7月16-19日台风远距离影响下的川陕大暴雨天气过程从对流涡度矢量进行诊断分析.结果表明:高θε区位于西南涡偏南侧暖湿气流端,大暴雨区即位于此处;大暴雨中心等θε线随高度近于垂直分布,θε高值区呈“漏斗”状结构,从低层到对流层顶均为90%的相对湿度.东北—西南向的倾斜高空急流加强了急流入口区右侧的高层辐散,造成大暴雨区强而深厚的垂直上升运动.强降水中心低层为东南风,中层为西南风,高层为西北风,对流不稳定性很大;西风分量u在中层垂直切变较大,南风分量v在中高层垂直切变较大.大暴雨出现在对流涡度矢量(CVV)垂直分量和气柱云水量二者大值重合区.  相似文献   

一次MCS过程的卫星云图和数值模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文应用卫星云图与数值模拟结果对2000年6月2日发生的一次影响江苏的江淮气旋暴雨过程进行研究分析,阐述了这次暴雨过程表现的MCS基本特征。分析表明:MCS的形成可以由几个中β尺度对流云或对流带开始,在特定的环境场中汇合成合并;在其发展过程中必须维持湿度平流,低层到中层有暖平流,骨强偏南风急流伸向形成区,同时在其东北方向有一支高空西风急流相耦合;低层的辐合、整层凝结潜热的释放、垂直运动的增强、高层的辐散引起的正反馈机制是MCS发展的动因。  相似文献   

We investigated a torrential rainfall case with a daily rainfall amount of 379 mm and a maximum hourly rain rate of 77.5 mm that took place on 12 July 2006 at Goyang in the middlewestern part of the Korean Peninsula. The heavy rainfall was responsible for flash flooding and was highly localized. High-resolution Doppler radar data from 5 radar sites located over central Korea were analyzed. Numerical simulations using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model were also performed to complement the high-resolution observations and to further investigate the thermodynamic structure and development of the convective system. The grid nudging method using the Global Final (FNL) Analyses data was applied to the coarse model domain (30 km) in order to provide a more realistic and desirable initial and boundary conditions for the nested model domains (10 km, 3.3 km). The mesoscale convective system (MCS) which caused flash flooding was initiated by the strong low level jet (LLJ) at the frontal region of high equivalent potential temperature (θe) near the west coast over the Yellow Sea. The ascending of the warm and moist air was induced dynamically by the LLJ. The convective cells were triggered by small thermal perturbations and abruptly developed by the warm θe inflow. Within the MCS, several convective cells responsible for the rainfall peak at Goyang simultaneously developed with neighboring cells and interacted with each other. Moist absolutely unstable layers (MAULs) were seen at the lower troposphere with the very moist environment adding the instability for the development of the MCS.  相似文献   

Summary A community mesoscale model is used to simulate and understand processes that led to the formation and intensification of the near-equatorial typhoon Vamei that formed in the South China Sea in December, 2001. The simulated typhoon resembles the observed in that it had a short lifetime and a small size, formed near the equator (south of 2° N), and reached category-one intensity. The formation involved the interactions between the scales of the background cyclonic circulation (the Borneo Vortex of order ∼100 km) and of mesoscale convective vortices (MCVs, in the order ∼10 km). Before tropical cyclone formation MCVs formed along a convergent, horizontal shear vorticity line on the eastern edge of an exceptionally strong monsoonal northerly wind surge. The typhoon genesis is marked by three rapid intensification periods, which are associated with the rapid growth of potential vorticity (PV). A vorticity budget analysis reveals that the increases in low-level vorticity during the rapid intensification periods are attributed to enhanced horizontal vorticity fluxes into the storm core. The increase of the horizontal vorticity flux is associated with the merging of areas of high PV associated with MCVs into the storm core as they are advected by background cyclonic flows. The increases in PV at upper levels are associated with the evaporation of upper level stratiform precipitation and increases of vertical potential temperature gradient below the maximum stratiform cloud layer. It appears that two key sources of PV at upper and lower levels are crucial for the build up of high PV and a deepening of a cyclonic layer throughout the troposphere.  相似文献   

The evolution of a mesoscale convective system (MCS) that caused strong precipitation in the northern area of Dabie Mountain during 21-22 June 2008 is analyzed, along with the evolution of the associated meso-β-scale convective vortex (MCV). The mesoscale reanalysis data generated by the Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS) at a 3-km horizontal resolution and a 1-h time resolution during the South China Heavy Rainfall Experiment (SCHeREX) were utilized. The results show that two processes played key roles in the enhancement of convective instability. First, the mesoscale low-level jet strengthened and shifted eastward, leading to the convergence of warm-wet airflow and increasing convective instability at middle and low levels. Second, the warm-wet airflow interacted with the cold airflow from the north, causing increased vertical vorticity in the vicinity of steeply sloping moist isentropic surfaces. The combined action of these two processes caused the MCS to shift progressively eastward. Condensation associated with the MCS released latent heat and formed a layer of large diabatic heating in the middle troposphere, increasing the potential vorticity below this layer. This increase in potential vorticity created favorable conditions for the development of a low-level vortex circulation. The vertical motion associated with this low-level vortex further promoted the development of convection, creating a positive feedback between the deep convection and the low-level vortex circulation. This feedback mechanism not only promoted the maturation of the MCS, but also played the primary role in the evolution of the MCV. The MCV formed and developed due to the enhancement of the positive feedback that accompanied the coming together of the center of the vortex and the center of the convection. The positive feedback peaked and the MCV matured when these two centers converged. The positive feedback weakened and the MCV began to decay as the two centers separated and diverged.  相似文献   

登陆台风环流内的一次中尺度强对流过程   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
2005年05号台风“海棠”登陆福建后,在外围云系里有1个明显发展的中尺度对流云团经过温州东部及北部地区,引起了强降水。通过分析这次中尺度对流系统的环流形势,得到该次中尺度对流系统的垂直结构特征,并对中尺度强对流系统的形成和发展机制进行研究。结果表明:台风东南急流在温州附近冷区边缘处低层受地形影响发生强烈辐合引起的垂直上升运动和冷暖空气相汇产生的对流不稳定性是台风环流内中尺度对流系统的主要形成机制;对流系统在暖湿空气和冷空气中心交汇处发展,西北侧的冷空气堆迫使暖湿东南气流沿西北倾斜的等熵面爬升,有利于倾斜对流系统的发展;低层条件不稳定区与中层条件对称不稳定区叠加,产生对流对称不稳定,在湿等熵面倾斜引起的涡旋发展的强迫机制下在中层产生范围较广的倾斜上升对流;由于等熵面的倾斜,大气水平风垂直切变或湿斜压性增加,进一步加强涡度的发展,使得对流系统向西北方向发展;另外,源于东南沿海,由台风东南气流输送的水汽为特大暴雨的产生提供了有利的热力条件。  相似文献   

利用常规气象资料和卫星云图资料,采用天气学诊断方法,从大尺度环流背景、天气系统、物理量场、对流云团演变特征等方面,分析了2006年7月3~4日出现在湖北郧西的一次暴雨天气过程的成因。结果表明,此次暴雨是在副热带高压减弱东退形势下产生的;700 hPa和850 hPa的冷槽、切变线是此次强降水的主要影响系统,暴雨区位于700 hPa切变线右侧、850 hPa切变线附近;暴雨区上空存在明显正涡度柱,低层辐合与中高层辐散形成抽吸作用,为暴雨过程发生发展提供了动力条件;存在于孟加拉湾至我国西南地区的水汽通道为暴雨过程提供了必需的水汽;整个暴雨过程都伴随着中尺度对流云团的初生、发展、合并和减弱,降水主要由发展型对流云团造成。  相似文献   

华南地区中尺度对流性云团   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
本文运用1980—1988年4—10月短时间间隔的GMS云图和常规气象资料,在我国华南地区共普查出176个中尺度对流性云团。根据云团面积大小分成三类,分别统计和分析了它们的特征。总结出了云团发生、发展的两个模型,并对两个典型例子作了简要分析和讨论。所得结果表明:中尺度对流性云团是华南地区中尺度强对流系统的主要成员;近地面层的风场和水汽场的辐合及地形强迫,是云团发生的主要机制;低空急流和季风云涌是云团发展的最重要因子。  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the relative role of oceanic dynamics and surface heat fluxes in the warming of southern Arabian Sea and southwest Indian Ocean during the development of Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) events by using National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) daily reanalysis data and Global Ocean Data Assimilation System (GODAS) monthly mean ocean reanalysis data from 1982 to 2013, based on regression analysis, Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis and combined with a 2? layer dynamic upper-ocean model. The results show that during the initial stage of IOD events, warm downwelling Rossby waves excited by an anomalous anticyclone over the west Indian Peninsula, southwest Indian Ocean and southeast Indian Ocean lead to the warming of the mixed layer by reducing entrainment cooling. An anomalous anticyclone over the west Indian Peninsula weakens the wind over the Arabian Sea and Somali coast, which helps decrease the sea surface heat loss and shallow the surface mixed layer, and also contributes to the sea surface temperature (SST) warming in the southern Arabian Sea by inhibiting entrainment. The weakened winds increase the SST along the Somali coast by inhibiting upwelling and zonal advection. The wind and net sea surface heat flux anomalies are not significant over the southwest Indian Ocean. During the antecedent stage of IOD events, the warming of the southern Arabian Sea is closely connected with the reduction of entrainment cooling caused by the Rossby waves and the weakened wind. With the appearance of an equatorial easterly wind anomaly, the warming of the southwest Indian Ocean is not only driven by weaker entrainment cooling caused by the Rossby waves, but also by the meridional heat transport carried by Ekman flow. The anomalous sea surface heat flux plays a key role to damp the warming of the west pole of the IOD.  相似文献   

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