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超级单体风暴中大冰雹增长机制的模拟研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
为调查超级单体中大冰雹的运行增长机制,使用三维冰雹分档对流云模式结合三维粒子运行增长模式,对一例超级单体风暴进行了数值模拟.实测风暴的结构如中气旋、弱回波区、前悬回波等被很好地模拟再现,显示了模式对超级单体具有良好的模拟能力.雹胚在风暴发展阶段由过冷雨滴冻结产生,主要分布在主上升气流区上部,在主上升气流区西北侧中高层也有相当数量的雹胚粒子,冰雹主要分布在主上升气流区东侧.风暴发展阶段产生的雹胚有7%~8%增长到1 cm以上,1%左右增长到2 cm以上,这些大冰雹绝大多数起源于主上升气流区北侧的高层云区,气旋性进入主上升气流区按照简单的上—下形式增长,少数大冰雹起源于主上升气流区西北侧风暴后部中高层,气旋性地沿着主上升气流区的边缘按照下—上—下形式运动增长,表明了超级单体中大冰雹存在两条增长路径.  相似文献   

陈宝君  肖辉 《大气科学》2007,31(2):273-290
利用中国科学院大气物理研究所开发的三维全弹性冰雹云模式,对美国对流降水协作试验(CCOPE)期间观测的1981年8月1日雹云进行模拟,讨论在过冷雨水低含量条件下冰雹形成和增长机制及其碘化银催化效果。结果表明:(1) 自然云的模拟与观测事实一致,如最大上升气流速度、云顶高度、流场结构以及雹胚组成等。(2) 雹胚以霰为主,霰主要来自冰雪晶与过冷小水滴的碰冻,其次来自雪的积聚转化;霰、冻滴和冰雹在形成后主要靠碰并过冷云水增长。(3)人工催化试验表明,碘化银主要以凝华核(包括凝结-冻结)的作用产生大量的人工冰晶,加速了过冷水向冰晶的转化,过冷云水因而大量减少;催化后霰和冻滴的数浓度增大,对过冷云水的竞争增强,其平均尺度减小导致转化成雹的数量减少;冰雹碰冻过冷云水的增长在催化后也被削弱,导致冰雹总质量进一步减少。此外,催化后降雨量也显著减少。  相似文献   

利用可模拟冰雹尺度的三维冰雹分档对流云模式,研究了2014年7月16日北京一次大冰雹的形成过程。此次冰雹天气过程的地面降雹最大尺度为7 cm,对流有效位能为1785.3 J·kg-1,具有上干下湿的大气层结条件。数值模拟的冰雹云顶高度达13 km,与雷达观测比较一致,模拟的最大上升气流达30 m·s-1。由于风切变较大,冰雹云出现明显倾斜垂直结构,使冰雹云持续时间较长。此次大冰雹形成的微物理过程具有明显特点,冰雹云中-35~-10℃层存在含量达12~16 g·kg-1的高过冷雨水累积区,冰雹胚胎主要通过受到冰晶接触扰动的过冷雨滴冻结产生,其产生率量级达10-2 g·kg-1·s-1,冰雹增长过程主要依靠雹胚撞冻过冷云水,其增长率的量级与冰雹胚胎产生率的量级一致。  相似文献   

利用三维全弹性冰雹云模式,对2008年5月24日山东境内一次受高空冷涡影响的大范围冰雹天气过程进行模拟,分析了冰雹的形成机制和催化防雹机理。结果表明:该过程过冷雨水中心位于最大上升气流中心下方,不存在过冷雨累积区,过冷雨水含量最大值仅为4.9gm-3,但雹云中过冷雨水含量仍然丰富,对雹胚的形成及增长起着重要作用。雹胚以冻滴为主,冻滴胚来源于冰雪晶与过冷雨水碰撞冻结以及雨滴核化过程。冻滴形成后主要以碰并过冷雨水、云水增长。冻滴胚自动转化过程是冰雹数量、质量的主要来源;冰雹形成后,前期主要靠碰并冻滴、霰和过冷雨水增长,后期主要靠碰并过冷云水增长。催化试验表明,播撒57.5g催化剂足以通过"竞争"减雹50%以上,增加AgI剂量,防雹的同时能够兼顾增雨。催化剂用量为230g时,催化后液态降水有所增加,固态降水量及占总降水量的比例减少显著,特别是冰雹。AgI主要以凝华核的作用产生人工冰晶,冰晶凝华增长导致过冷云水、雨水含量降低。催化后雹胚特别是冻滴胚数量增多,对过冷云水、雨水的竞争增强;其平均尺度、质量的减小,降低了向冰雹的转化率。冰雹碰并过冷云水、雨水增长过程被减弱,导致冰雹总质量进一步减少,达到消雹目的。  相似文献   

冰雹形成的微物理机理是人工防雹的重要科学依据,但对我国西南地区冰雹形成的微物理机理研究很少。利用中国科学院大气物理研究所三维冰雹分档云模式对云南2016年7月11日一次冰雹云过程进行了数值模拟研究,揭示了冰雹形成的微物理机理。此次冰雹云生成发展快,强度大,是西南山区典型夏季冰雹云。数值模拟的降水、降雹和回波强度等物理量与对应的观测量基本一致。模拟的冰雹云的最大上升气流速度达到28.7 m s?1。通过对冰雹形成的微物理过程分析研究表明,雹/霰胚的主要生成来源是通过过冷雨滴的概率冻结产生的冻滴,占95%,而冰晶碰冻雨滴产生的雹/霰胚仅占5%,这与国外和我国其他地区雹/霰胚产生的来源和冻滴所占比例有明显差别;形成的雹/霰胚直径多数集中在0.3 mm至3.0 mm范围,雹/霰胚主要通过对过冷云水的碰并过程实现增长,直径小于0.3 mm的雹/霰胚较难增长;大雨滴冻结成较大直径的雹胚,可促成短时间内形成冰雹;在雹云发展过程中存在短时的过冷雨水累积带,但过冷雨水累积带对雹/霰胚的增长贡献不大。  相似文献   

一次冰雹云过程及其冰雹形成机制的模拟研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用常规气象资料和多普勒天气雷达资料,从天气形势和雷达回波演变特征等方面对2011年6月24日发生在洛阳嵩县的一次冰雹过程进行了分析,并利用三维弹性冰雹云催化模式对该冰雹云进行了模拟研究,分析其冰雹形成的物理机制。结果表明:本次过程在天气形势上属于下滑冷槽型。多普勒天气雷达资料上表现为单个单体的强对流风暴,最大反射率≥65 dBz,回波顶高达到14 km,降雹前垂直积分液态含水量具有明显的跃增;径向速度场上出现了大范围明显的逆风区。三维冰雹云模式对该冰雹云具有较好的模拟能力,模式模拟的最强回波与实况一致,雹云中含水量中心与强上升气流有很好的配置,在云的发展阶段,主含水量中心是强上升气流的指示。冰雹的雹胚主要来自冻滴和霰,在冰雹形成期间,冻结形成的冻滴和转化产生的霰数量上相差不大,但是冻滴向雹的转化比例却是霰的6倍,即在地面强降雹之前,雹云中的雹胚主要来源于冻滴;而冰雹的增长在前期主要靠收集过冷雨水,后期主要靠收集过冷云水;适量的冰晶、雪和丰富的过冷水的存在对雹的形成和增长极为有利。  相似文献   

有云泡结构的对流云中降水形成的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐华英  李桂忱 《气象学报》1980,38(3):260-268
观测事实表明,对流云中分布着许多不同大小的云泡,本文根据这一事实讨论有云泡结构的对流云中降水粒子形成的问题。我们考虑在云泡中的含水量和垂直气流均比云泡外的云中的值大,因此这是一个含水量和垂直气流同时起伏条件下滴在云中随机生长的模式。 根据滴在云中碰併增长的公式,我们推得一个重要的关系:即对于任何滴同样的半径增量,通过云泡所需移动的距离要比在云泡外的云中所需移动的距离少,而这个距离的差值仅与云泡的特性有关,与滴的初始大小无关,因此滴在云中经过若干云泡的生长就由一个排列问题转变为组合问题,这就便于我们讨论摘随机穿过若干云泡的生长。 计算结果表明,有云泡结构的云中,比较薄的云就可以形成较大的水滴或冰雹,或者说降低了形成降水对云厚的要求。本文还计算了云泡特征量对降水形成的影响。  相似文献   

Summary This paper is concerned with the simulation of deep convection for the CCOPE 19 July 1981 case study. Clark's three-dimensional (3D) cloud model modified to use the bulk water parameterization scheme of Lin et al. has been used in the simulation of the CCOPE 19 July 1981 case in coarse mesh, fine mesh, and interactive grid nested schemes, respectively. Comparisons with observations show this 3D grid nested cloud model is capable of both capturing both the dynamic and microphysical properties of the cloud.In the nested grid fine mesh model simulation, the timing and mode of cloud growth, the diameter of liquid cloud, the cloud top rate of rise, the maximum cloud water content, and the altitude of first radar echo are consistent with observations. The simulated thunderstorm begins to dissipate, after precipitation reaches the ground as indicated by the decreasing values of maximum updraft and maximum liquid cloud water content, and ends as a precipitating anvil as was observed in the actual thunderstorm. The model precipitation developed through ice phase processes consistent with the analysis of observations from the actual thunderstorm.Qualitative comparisons of the actual radar RHIs with simulated reflectively patterns from the 3D model show remarkable similarity, especially after the mature stage is reached. Features of the actual RHI patterns, such as the weak echo region, upshear anvil bulge, strong upwind reflectivity gradients, and the upwind outflow region near the surface are reproduced in the simulation. Comparison of the actual radar PPIs with horizontal cross sections of radar reflectivity simulated by the 3D model, however, show modest differences in the storm size with the 3D simulated thunderstorm being 1–2 km longer in the west-east direction than the actual thunderstorm. The model-predicted maximum updraft speed is smaller than the 2D model-predicted maximum updraft speed, but still greater than what was observed.Comparisons among the nested grid fine mesh model (MB), nested grid coarse mesh model (MA), fine mesh model (FM), coarse mesh model (CM), and 2D model results previously published show that the nested grid fine mesh model (MB) gives the best simulation result. The various 3D model simulation results are generally similar to each other except for the difference in the domain maximum values. The domain maximum values in the fine mesh models (MB and FM) are generally higher than the coarse mesh models as a result of averaging over a smaller area.With 7 Figures  相似文献   

利用三维冰雹分档数值模式研究了1979年7月20日和8月5日青海西宁两次多单体降雹发生发展过程中云内微物理结构及雹谱演变特征。结果表明:1)云水、雨水的比含水量随雹云的发展呈先增长后减少的特点,两次个例的冰雹主要通过过冷雨滴冻结而形成,其增长方式是凝华及碰并过冷云水。2)雹谱谱宽与上升气流有关,个例一中倾斜上升气流有利于冰雹循环增长,雹谱较宽;个例二中没有倾斜上升气流,不利于冰雹循环增长,雹谱较窄。  相似文献   

一次强对流过程的三维数值模拟   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
利用中国科学院大气物理研究所建立的完全弹性三维雹云数值模式(IAP-CSM3D),模拟了2004年4月23日横扫湘中湘南大部分地区的飑线强对流过程的流场、雷达回波和含水量等宏、微观物理量的分布及其演变。分析了冰雹形成的微物理过程,结果表明,冰雹粒子主要由冻滴(CNfh)和霰(CNgh)转化形成,其中冻滴的贡献比较大,冰雹主要是通过撞冻过冷水过程(CLch、CLrh)长大。将多普勒雷达实测资料同模拟的气流结构进行比较可见,雷达观测到散度随高度的变化与模式模拟的气流结构一致;模式输出的雷达回波强度及回波顶高与雷达观测事实相近。  相似文献   


A kinematic model is applied to graupel growth. The vertical velocity and ther‐modynamic field data are taken from the forced 1‐D time‐dependent model of Cb cloud developed by Curie and Jane (1988). The graupel embryo pocket was released at the height of the — 10°C isotherm. The influence of the forced lifting on further graupel growth and its trajectory is analysed by sensitivity experiments based on the amplitude of the forced lifting, and initial graupel radius, density and cloud droplet concentration for the forced lifting initiation time derived from the model and the forced lifting duration time that agreed with observations. In particular, the sensitivity analysis was carried out for the forced lifting initiation and duration times.

It is shown that for large values of the forced lifting amplitudes, the residence time of the graupel within cloud and the final graupel radius may be significantly larger compared with those in the non‐forced case. The residence time in a cloud can also be significantly larger for the smallest amplitude, whereas the final radius is rather insensitive owing to oscillations around the melting level. For some cases the forced lifting causes recycling inside the updraft, contrary to the results of previous non‐forced numerical models. The recycling mechanism is sensitive to the forced lifting duration time and the time interval between the graupel pocket injection in cloud and the initiation of the forced lifting. Initially the observed recycling mechanism is a consequence of the periodic forced lifting mechanism, but then combines with recycling of the Pflaum type (1980).  相似文献   

利用中国科学院大气物理研究所建立的完全弹性三维对流云模式,模拟了2008年内蒙古通辽市6月21日的1次强对流性降水过程。结合多普勒雷达探测资料,分析、讨论了这次降水过程的流场结构、雷达回波特征、含水量场等宏微观物理量的分布及其演变。同时,模拟分析冰雹形成的微物理过程:冰雹粒子主要由冻滴(CNfh)和霰(CNgh)转化形成,冻滴对冰雹形成的贡献比霰大很多,冰雹主要是通过撞冻云水(CLch)过程而进一步长大的,而后期碰并霰粒(CLgh)的过程也很重要。  相似文献   

暖底对流云催化的微物理和动力效应的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为加深理解暖云底对流云降水形成的微物理机制,调查对这类对流云实施碘化银催化所能产生的微物理和动力效应,本文使用三维对流云模式(包含6种水成物:云滴、雨滴、冰晶、雪花、霰和冰雹),对2004年7月8日发生在我国江淮地区的一例对流云进行模拟,并开展碘化银催化试验。结果表明:(1)模式能够较好地模拟出实测风暴的回波结构。(2)云雨自动转化和霰粒子融化是两个最重要的成雨机制,产生的雨滴占雨滴总数量(质量)的67%(19%)和18%(57%)。(3)对流发展初期在主上升气流区进行的催化试验表明,对本例对流云播撒碘化银能够同时获得增雨和减雹的正效果。(4)催化增加的霰粒子通过竞争机制抑制了前期冰雹的形成,但增强了向雨滴的转化(通过融化机制);催化也促进了二次对流的发展,增加了入云的水汽通量和云水含量,加强了后期的云雨自动转化及碰并增长,导致后期的雨和冰雹增加,并使地面降水分布发生变化。这些结果表明,对暖底对流云进行碘化银催化能够产生微物理和动力效应。  相似文献   

A thunderstorm that produced severe wind, heavy rain and hail on 23 August 2001 in Beijing was studied by a three-dimensional cloud model including hail-bin microphysics. This model can provide important information for hail size at the surface, which is not available in hail parameterization cloud models. The results shows that the cloud model, using hail-bin microphysics, could reasonably reflect the storm's characteristics such as life cycle, rainfall distribution and the diameter of the hailstones and also can reproduce developing processes of downbursts, where they can then be compared with the observed features of the storm. The downburst formation mechanism was investigated based on the cloud microphysics of the simulated storm and it was found that the downburst was primarily produced by hail-loading and enhanced by cooling processes that were due to hail melting and rain evaporation. The loading and melting of hail played crucial roles in the formation of downbursts within the storm.  相似文献   

This study first illustrates the utility of using the Doppler spectrum width from millimetre wavelength radar to calculate the energy dissipation rate and then to use the energy dissipation rate to study turbulence structure in a continental stratocumulus cloud. It is shown that the turbulence kinetic energy dissipation rate calculated from the radar-measured Doppler spectrum width agrees well with that calculated from the Doppler velocity power spectrum. During the 16-h stratocumulus cloud event, the small-scale turbulence contributes 40 % of the total velocity variance at cloud base, 50 % at normalized cloud depth = 0.8 and 70 % at cloud top, which suggests that small-scale turbulence plays a critical role near the cloud top where the entrainment and cloud-top radiative cooling act. The 16-h mean vertical integral length scale decreases from about 160 m at cloud base to 60 m at cloud top, and this signifies that the larger scale turbulence dominates around cloud base whereas the small-scale turbulence dominates around cloud top. The energy dissipation rate, total variance and squared spectrum width exhibit diurnal variations, but unlike marine stratocumulus they are high during the day and lowest around sunset at all levels; energy dissipation rates increase at night with the intensification of the cloud-top cooling. In the normalized coordinate system, the averaged coherent structure of updrafts is characterized by low energy dissipation rates in the updraft core and higher energy dissipation rates surround the updraft core at the top and along the edges. In contrast, the energy dissipation rate is higher inside the downdraft core indicating that the downdraft core is more turbulent. The turbulence around the updraft is weaker at night and stronger during the day; the opposite is true around the downdraft. This behaviour indicates that the turbulence in the downdraft has a diurnal cycle similar to that observed in marine stratocumulus whereas the turbulence diurnal cycle in the updraft is reversed. For both updraft and downdraft, the maximum energy dissipation rate occurs at a cloud depth = 0.8 where the maximum reflectivity and air acceleration or deceleration are observed. Resolved turbulence dominates near cloud base whereas unresolved turbulence dominates near cloud top. Similar to the unresolved turbulence, the resolved turbulence described by the radial velocity variance is higher in the downdraft than in the updraft. The impact of the surface heating on the resolved turbulence in the updraft decreases with height and diminishes around the cloud top. In both updrafts and downdrafts, the resolved turbulence increases with height and reaches a maximum at cloud depth = 0.4 and then decreases to the cloud top; the resolved turbulence near cloud top, just as the unresolved turbulence, is mostly due to the cloud-top radiative cooling.  相似文献   

Lightning and Doppler radar observations of a squall line system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A typical squall line with damaging wind and hailstones occurred on 28 April 2006 in Shandong Province, middle eastern China, and caused great economic loss. The characteristics of cloud-to-ground lightning (CG) in the squall line were studied in detail by combining the data from the ground-based CG location network, two Doppler radars and the Lightning Imaging Sensor on the TRMM satellite. Results show that positive CG flashes accounted for 54.7% of the total CG flashes. During the initial developing stage, the CG flash rate was lower than 0.5fl min− 1 and most of the CG flashes were positive. It increased significantly, up to 4.5fl min− 1, along with the rapid development of the squall line, and the percentage of positive CG was more than 75% during this period. The CG flash rate began to decrease but the percentage of negative CG flash increased gradually and exceeded that of positive CG during the mature and dissipating stages. Positive CG flashes tended to occur on the right flank and negative ones on the left flank. Strong wind at the surface occurred in or near the regions with dense positive CG flashes. Almost all positive CG flashes occurred near the strong radar echo regions, in the front parts of the squall line. However, the negative CG flashes almost exclusively occurred in the regions with weak and uniform radar echoes. The total flash rate in the storm was very high, up to 136fl min− 1, and its ratio of intracloud flashes (IC) to CG flashes was 35:1. Dense positive CG flashes corresponded to updraft regions, they did not occur in the core of the updraft, but just behind and close to the main updraft instead. The rear inflow jet, between 3 and 6 km, played an important role in the formation of the bow echo and very strong wind at surface. The CG distribution features in the squall line were obviously different from that of an ordinary MCS. The charge structure could be roughly described as an inverted charge structure.  相似文献   


Precipitation production is investigated for 9 intense thunderstorms that developed over the Lowveld in South Africa. A C‐band radar is used to observe the 3‐dimensional reflectivity pattern. Using an empirical relation between reflectivity factor and precipitation content and integrating over the storm volume provides an estimate of the total precipitation content aloft. Likewise, an area integration of the instantaneous rain rate at cloud base yields an estimate of the rate of total outflow. At their maturing stage, the storms had precipitation contents of 0.2 to 5.0 Tg and rainfall rates of about 0.3 to 2.0 Gg s?1. The total accumulation of rain at the ground ranged from 1 to 10 Tg. The characteristic storm updraft, defined as the ratio of the area‐averaged rainfall rate to the volume‐averaged precipitation content, was about 5 ms?1 for all storms. The time evolution of integral storm parameters is also presented and related to the overall storm development. The precipitation production values observed in the Lowveld storms compares well with previous estimates reported for large thunderstorms observed in Alberta and New England.  相似文献   

青藏高原东部冰雹形成机理的数值模拟   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
利用中国科学院大气物理研究所发展和改进的三维冰雹云模式,对青藏高原东部甘肃省玛曲县的一例冰雹云过程进行了模拟研究。结果表明:玛曲冰雹云中冰雹胚胎以霰胚为主;在地面降水中,固态降水占降水总量的46%,而霰占固态降水的65%,霰主要靠撞冻雨水和云水增长;雹云中存在较弱的过冷雨水累积带,累积带的维持时间也很短,累积带中的过冷雨水有利于雹块的增长,但不起主要作用;雹块的增长主要是通过雹撞冻云水,其次是撞冻雨水增长。  相似文献   

李佳  陈葆德  张旭  黄伟 《大气科学》2017,41(6):1221-1233
基于3 km水平分辨率的第二代华东快速更新循环同化预报模式系统,对2016年6月23日江苏阜宁龙卷个例预报结果进行了分析,通过螺旋度的时间演变等讨论了龙卷母体—对流单体的发展过程,并对比了有无同化的预报结果。结果表明,快速更新循环同化系统在阜宁附近模拟出了类似龙卷母体的涡旋结构,同时伴随有剧烈的上升运动,模拟的发生时间与发展过程与实况基本吻合。但模拟的涡旋发生在江苏阜宁北侧,与观测相比偏差20多公里,且最大地面风速较实况小。进一步分析表明,该对流单体从中层上升运动开始,随着上升区向上和向下发展,首先在中高空出现剧烈的上升运动,z螺旋度增大,高层辐散加强,x螺旋度增大,随后中低空的垂直运动也增强,y螺旋度增大,低层辐合增强,最后随着高层辐散和垂直运动的减弱,低层涡旋减弱并消散。北京时间14:00没有进行观测资料同化预报结果中,在阜宁附近没有预报出类似的对流单体,表明逐小时循环同化对此次龙卷天气的模拟起着关键作用。  相似文献   

微物理过程分档处理的三维对流云模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在三维完全弹性冰雹云参数化模式动力框架和二维面对称分档模式(微物理过程分档处理)的基础上,建立粒子全分档的三维对流云分档模式.利用建立的分档模式对2000年6月29日美国堪萨斯州的一次超级单体风暴进行了模拟,并将模拟结果与三维冰雹云参数化模式的模拟结果作了对比.结果表明:分档模式可以较好地模拟出强对流云中两支上升气流,模拟得到的最大上升气流速度大于参数化模式;分档模式模拟得到的雷达回波强度、顶高和回波宽度更接近实测.  相似文献   

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