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海底泥流冲击悬跨管道拖曳力系数分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
海底滑坡是海洋油气工程最危险的地质灾害之一,直接影响海底管线运营安全。滑坡体失稳滑动过程中,由于海水掺和作用逐渐加速转变成快速滑动泥流,冲击海底悬跨管道。基于当前国际通用的计算流体动力学(CFD)方法,采用赫巴模型描述快速滑动泥流,计算分析海底滑坡冲击悬跨管道的受力特性,重点分析悬跨高度对管道法向拖曳力系数的影响。研究发现,管道法向拖曳力系数随悬跨高度的增长而增大,当达到某一悬跨高度时,管道拖曳力系数保持稳定。  相似文献   

深海滑坡可以沿着斜坡搬运大量沉积物,是危害巨大的海洋地质灾害之一。评估深海滑坡的流滑机制并量化分析其对海底结构物的冲击对海洋资源的开发利用至关重要。采用物质点法对滑坡的滑动特性进行了总应力分析。设计了三组不同的土体、海床参数,展现了三种不同的滑动形态:延展、块体和扩张。随后复现了流滑体对部分暴露管线的冲击过程,并对冲击力的稳定值进行了分析,分析中考虑了流滑体的惯性、抗剪强度和静压力的影响。研究表明,物质点法能够用于模拟深海滑坡的流滑过程及其对海底结构物的冲击,可以为海洋工程中的实际设计工作提供服务。  相似文献   

极端波浪条件下黏土质斜坡海床稳定性解析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
海洋资源开发引起海底软黏土的结构性破坏,导致土体强度弱化,在百年一遇的极端波浪作用时极易发生斜坡海床的局部失稳甚至大范围海底滑坡,给海洋工程建设和正常运营带来严重影响。目前,主要采用极限平衡法评价这类海底斜坡,但该法只能给出近似解。基于极限分析上限方法,推导了极端波浪诱发的波压力对斜坡海床的做功功率,建立了外力功与内能耗散率平衡方程;利用最优化方法,结合数值积分和强度折减技术,求解了不同时刻的斜坡海床稳定性系数,并针对扰动后的斜坡海床开展了有限元解的对比验证。在此基础上,深入探讨了不同波浪参数(波长、波高和水深)和坡长小于一个波长等极端条件下的海底斜坡稳定性。  相似文献   

海底管道掏空与波浪力变化关系试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于海底油气管道在海洋能源开发中的特殊意义,前人开展了大量管道安全试验研究,特别注重不同底床、不同波浪条件、不同埋置深度等方面的组合试验,本次试验针对危害管道安全的掏空和悬跨开展了波浪水槽试验,探讨黄河三角洲为主的粉土海床上掏空与管道受力关系,弥补这方面研究的不足,结果表明,海底管道受力变化与掏空过程密切相关。连续试验过程表明,海底管道与海床土、波浪水体之间存在密切关系。海底管道在波浪作用下冲刷掏空经历了3个演变阶段:泥沙起动阶段、水流隧道发育阶段、快速掏空阶段和冲刷平衡阶段。水流隧道伴随的管涌对冲刷掏空起重要作用。伴随冲刷掏空,管道波浪力出现规律性转化,从正向作用逐渐过渡到负向作用,也可以分出4个演化阶段:冲刷初始阶段,管道波浪力以正向为主,管道表现为正向力作用下的振动;隧道发育阶段,管道受到的作用力主要是波峰上举力和波谷下拉力,表现为上下振动;管道悬空阶段,波峰负向作用力和波谷正向力交替出现,管道在波浪作用下表现为前后振动;冲刷平衡阶段,管道主要在负向作用力下振动。  相似文献   

针对船舶抛锚、海洋平台坠物以及渔业拖网板对海底管线的撞击会造成损伤,本文采用非显式有限元法对其损伤程度进行了模拟。采用Drucker-Prager(DP)模型模拟海床,建立了坠物-管道-土体有限元模型,分析了坠物质量、形状、撞击速度、海床土体性质(弹性模量、内摩擦角、粘聚力)、埋深及拖网板撞击方式对海底管道塑性变形的影响。分析结果可以为管道的设计与防护工作提供科学依据,并且与现行规范进行了比较,本方法结果更加经济、合理。  相似文献   

海底滑坡对置于海床表面管线作用力的CFD模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王忠涛  王寒阳  张宇 《海洋学报》2016,38(9):110-117
海底管线是海洋工程中用于传输原油和天然气等的重要通道,通常放置在海床表面或处于悬跨状态。本文采用计算流体动力学CFD法模拟了不同冲击角度下海底滑坡对置于海床表面的海底管线的作用,得到了管线所受的轴向荷载和法向荷载与滑坡冲击角度之间的关系。同时分析了沿冲击方向管线截面形状与管线所受阻力之间的关系。对已有研究进行拓展延伸,丰富了不同工况下轴向阻力系数和法向阻力系数的计算成果,得出了海底滑坡对置于海床表面管线冲击力的计算公式。  相似文献   

深海海底的浅层沉积物不排水抗剪强度低、饱和松散且易受扰动。由于海洋的复杂环境,常规取样对原位土体扰动较大,文章主要介绍了静力触探试验、动力触探、扁铲侧胀仪试验、十字板剪切试验和海上抽水试验等海洋原位试验的原理、优点、适用范围、设备以及相关应用情况。明确了我国海洋原位试验的发展方向。  相似文献   

挖沟机是铺设海底管线的必备设备。论文对海洋石油工程股份有限公司设计的挖沟机的受力状态进行了分析,根据整体稳定分析计算了挖沟机在不同工作形态所需要的牵引力。详细计算了(1)海流运动产生的作用力,包括拖曳力和举升力,海流的流动方向包括顺流、逆流和横流;(2)海底对挖沟机滑靴的阻力;(3)高压空气和高压水流对挖沟机机体的作用力;(4)牵引力;(5)海底土壤对机体的阻力(在挖沟机牵引速度大于挖泥速度时,引起的泥土对喷射管的阻力);(6)挖沟机的自重以及浮力。计算结果为挖沟机强度的校核及操作方法提供了依据。  相似文献   

针对软黏土海床条件,基于被动土压力理论建立了海底管道侧向失稳预测模型。利用准静态平衡分析,该模型将极限侧向土阻力分解为被动土压力和滑动土阻力两个分量。验证分析表明,模型预测结果与文献[3]实验结果吻合较好。参量研究发现,在稳态海流作用下,随着软黏土不排水抗剪强度增大,维持管道在位稳定所需的最小埋深呈幂指数减小趋势;同时,极限侧向土阻力中的滑动土阻力分量呈非线性增大,相应的被动土压力分量则逐渐降低。  相似文献   

海底管道-土体-水体相互作用对土体和管道的稳定性具有重要影响,但波浪作用下海底管道对其周围土体性质的影响仍有待深入研究。通过一系列室内波浪水槽试验,研究了波浪荷载和管道振动作用下海床土体内部的超孔隙水压力响应。实验结果表明,管道的铺设会增大海底土体超孔隙水压力累积程度,当管道发生振动时,海床土体超孔隙水压力累积程度进一步增大,从而增加了土体液化势。此外,波高增加也会导致海床土体的超孔隙水压力累积程度增大。本文研究成果对管道-土体相互作用研究和海底管道维护具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Recently, the security and stability of submarine pipelines have attracted much attention in ocean engineering. In this paper, pipelines with a streamlined contour (wedge, airfoil, double-ellipse, and arc-angle hexagon) are designed in hopes of defending against the impact of submarine landslides, and the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach is used to investigate the interaction between submarine landslides and streamlined pipelines. The results show that the peak interactional force is more representative of the hazard level of pipelines imposed by submarine landslides. It is also found that the streamlined pipelines possess a significant advantage in reducing the drag force and lift force of landslide–pipeline interaction with a maximum lessening percentage of 66.32 and 40.17%, compared with a conventional circular pipeline. In addition, the influence of applying streamlined pipelines to engineering is briefly discussed, and the empirical equation for estimating the drag force and lift force of streamlined pipelines induced by landslides is recommended based on the numerical test results.  相似文献   

Submarine pipelines that transport crude oil and natural gas are often in a complex marine geological environment and may become unstable and fail upon impact by submarine landslides. Previous research has mostly focused on the impact forces exerted by submarine landslides on suspended pipelines, but the impact of submarine landslides on pipelines laid on the seafloor at various impact angles, θ, have been relatively infrequently discussed, and the effects of suspended height, H, on the impact forces exerted by submarine landslides on pipelines have not been thoroughly investigated. In this study, based on the Herschel–Bulkley model, the impact forces exerted by a submarine landslide on laid-on or suspended pipelines at various impact angles θ were simulated using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach. Equations for calculating the axial and normal drag coefficients of a submarine pipeline were proposed. The CFD numerical simulation results were rearranged based on the soil mechanics approach. By comparing the parameters, an essentially corresponding relationship was found between the soil mechanics and CFD approaches when the equations were used to calculate the impact forces exerted by a submarine landslide on a pipeline. In addition, a semi-analytical expression for the failure envelope was provided. Furthermore, the effects of H on the forces on a pipeline were discussed, and an equation for calculating the acting forces on a pipeline along the flow direction of a submarine landslide that comprehensively accounts for the effects of θ and H was proposed. The lift force was discussed preliminarily and the results provide a basis for further investigation. The achievement of this study is applicable for selecting locations of submarine pipeline routes and for designing submarine pipelines.  相似文献   

近壁圆柱绕流问题在海底悬跨管道的研究中具有重要的意义。在绕流阻力、升力以及海底土壤的耦合作用下,海底管道所发生的移位、悬跨等现象对于海底管道的安全运行构成了很大的威胁。正确预测各种绕流条件下管流之间的作用力是保证油气管道安全的首要任务。海底管道在极端海洋环境条件下的管、流相互作用为高雷诺数绕流问题,处于高雷诺数下的绕流模拟比处于低雷诺数下的绕流模拟要复杂很多,它需要更精细的网格以及合适的湍流模型。此文对处于悬跨状态下的海底管道进行数值研究,给出不同间隙比下海流绕流海底管道的流场结构形态,分析了间隙比对绕流阻力和绕流升力的影响,为进一步研究海底悬跨管道的受力和变形提供载荷边界数据。  相似文献   

宣德环礁作为我国南海诸岛礁开发利用程度最高的岛礁之一, 其周围海域地质灾害对岛礁基础工程建设及人类活动具有重大危害。为适应南海岛礁可持续发展的需要, 文章采用广州海洋地质调查局2018年采集的单道地震数据, 对宣德环礁东部斜坡带海域灾害地质因素进行综合解释和分析。结果表明, 研究区主要发育有海底滑坡、海底陡坎和断层3类地质灾害。海底滑坡是研究区主要灾害地质因素, 规模大小不一, 海底陡坎和断层为次要地质灾害。海底陡坎根据成因可分为礁体陡坎和滑坡陡坎, 礁体陡坎为礁盘形成过程中受海平面上升控制形成, 滑坡陡坎为海底滑坡导致。通过分析认为陡峭的地形和峡谷水道的侵蚀搬运作用是研究区地质灾害发育的主控因素。这些地质灾害对海洋工程建设及管线铺设均有不利的影响, 应尽量避开。  相似文献   

With the development of marine energy in full swing, an increasing number of pipelines are being installed in deep-sea areas, which inevitably pass through extremely complex topographic conditions, to form natural sections of suspension over submarine canyons. The seabed is easily eroded and shaped by active deep-sea bottom currents and watercourses, resulting in different span heights for pipelines originally laid on the seabed. In particularly, deep-sea geological hazards frequently occur, and submarine landslides seriously threaten the safe operation of the pipelines. To address these problems, an improved numerical analysis method combined with low-temperature rheological models of landslides and the optimization design method of the geometric model, is developed to simulate the landslides’ impacts on pipelines. Based on these, the effect of the span heights on the pipelines’ impact forces induced by deep-sea landslides is systematically investigated, and three modes of the forces on pipelines under the impact of landslides and related mechanism are proposed. Further, the span height ratio is put forward, and four formulas for evaluating the forces on pipeline are established. Through the analysis of calculation results, the lift force coefficient even increases nearly 20 times considering different span heights. This research provides a theoretical basis for the design and protection of deep-sea pipelines.  相似文献   

海底管线是海洋石油的重要输运手段。为满足输送工艺的需要,正常工作条件下管线往往被施加较高的温度和压强,高温高压使管线内产生附加应力,当附加应力大于土体对管线的约束力时,管线就会发生整体屈曲。过度的水平向整体屈曲会导致截面产生较大的弯曲应力和压缩应变,对管线系统的安全运行造成威胁,因此需要对发生水平向整体屈曲后的管线进行验算。采用解析解法、规范法和有限元法对管线的整体屈曲进行分析,提出了应用临界屈曲荷载值域空间和值域下限来判断不同缺陷大小下管线是否发生水平向整体屈曲的方法。结合工程实例,分别采用内力控制标准和位移控制标准对管线水平向整体屈曲后是否失效进行了验算。研究指出,相较于位移标准,内力控制标准更为严格。  相似文献   

Stability design of submarine pipelines is a very important procedure in submarine pipeline engineering design. The calculation of hydrodynamic forces caused by waves and currents acting on marine pipelines is an essential step in pipeline design for stability. The hydrodynamic forces-induced instabilities of submarine pipelines should be regarded as a wave/ current-pipeline-seabed interaction problem. This paper presents a review on hydrodynamic forces and stability research of submarine pipelines under waves and currents. The representative progress including the improved design method and guideline has been made for the marine pipelines engineering design through experimental investigations, numerical simulations and analytical models. Finally, further studies on this issue are suggested.  相似文献   

埕北海域海底管线冲刷稳定性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据埕北海域水下三角洲的工程地质条件和水动力条件,分析海底管线在两种铺设方式情况下的冲刷稳定性。第一种为埋置在一定土层深度处的管线:根据整个埕北海域海底长期冲淤变化规律,利用1992~1996 年的实测水深资料得出的冲刷速率,推算出管线被冲出泥面所需的时间。第二种为裸露在海底的管线:根据海流对管线周围沉积物产生冲刷效应,冲刷达到一定程度时处于平衡状态,认为此状态下,海流在该点产生的剪切力等于形成可冲蚀海床沉积物的临界牵引力,据此计算出在管线周围冲刷的最大深度  相似文献   

Submarine landslide and even its evolution to high-speed sliding masses can seriously threaten the safety of ocean engineering. Earthquakes are the most frequent trigger factors for landslides, and thus, seismic instability evaluation of submarine slopes has become a hot topic. However, the mechanism of submarine slope failures triggered by earthquakes is enormously complex. Although certain satisfactory results have been achieved in specific slopes, submarine landslides are still difficult to monitor and control, meaning that prevention-oriented research remains the mainstream. Regional slide predictive analyses of vast submarine slopes should be emphasized, but relevant research is notably rare. In this paper, a regional assessment methodology for submarine slope instabilities under seismic loads is proposed, and susceptibility mapping of landslides is established. First, considering the quasi-static bidirectional seismic action and the marine soil strength-weakening effect, an infinite slope sliding mode is used to establish the stability evaluation formula for a multiple soil-layer slope. Second, according to water depth data and GIS techniques, slope gradients are investigated, and the safety factors of submarine slopes located at specific stations are acquired. Furthermore, discrete stations are taken as sample points, and susceptibility mapping of submarine landslides is achieved using the inverse distance weighted and GIS techniques. Finally, regional seismic instability assessments of submarine slopes are conducted in the northeastern South China Sea, and various factors that influence submarine landslides are briefly discussed. This study offers an important basis for the development of marine resources and the risk assessments in ocean engineering.  相似文献   

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