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滕斌  于梅 《海洋与湖沼》2022,53(4):822-829
针对无限水深下波浪与二维水面物体相互作用问题,传统的波浪格林函数形式复杂、计算缓慢,为了提高计算效率和计算精度,将流域分为物体周围的内域及远离物体的外域,内域采用简单格林函数法,外域采用多极子展开方法,通过内外域边界匹配,耦合求解得到流域中任意一点的速度势,并可计算物体在波浪作用下的波浪激振力、附加质量、辐射阻尼及透射和反射系数。应用该方法计算了二维水面漂浮半圆和水面漂浮方箱的算例,数值计算结果表明,该方法可以方便、准确、快速地计算无限水深下波浪与任意漂浮物体的作用问题。  相似文献   

常宏宇  朱仁传  黄山 《海洋工程》2020,38(6):131-141
自由面格林函数是边界元法求解海洋工程水动力学问题的基础,如何精确而快速地计算格林函数及其导数是水动力求解的难题。对无因次化表达的脉动点源格林函数计算建立的数据库,采用深度学习函数库Keras,对数据库进行学习,建立了神经网络预报模型,探讨了全局和局部学习及预报精度,研究了模型预报效率。研究表明机器学习模型预报的格林函数能够保证较高的精度,计算效率高于数值积分计算,低于解析函数为主的多项式逼近,为提高水动力问题求解效率,解决传统计算难题提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

在频域中分别使用Rankine面元法和去奇点Rankine面元法(desingularized-Rankine panel method,简称DRPM)快速求解有航速船舶耐波性问题。使用两种不同的线性化方式:叠模流线性化法(double-body flow,简称DB)和均匀流线性化方法(Neumann-Kelvin,简称NK)计算了Wigley I、Wigley III和S175在有航速时船舶的水动力系数、波浪激励力和运动响应。两种线性化方法的计算结果与试验结果进行了比较,研究表明:使用Rankine面元法和去奇点Rankine面元法计算的结果相差不大,且与NK法相比使用DB法计算的结果和试验值更吻合,尤其是非对角线上交叉耦合水动力系数A35,B35,A53,B53的计算结果。运动响应对于边界条件线性化方式比较敏感,尤其是垂荡运动,在船共振频率附近,运动受到的影响最明显。  相似文献   

使用三维源汇分布法Ⅲ计算有限水深中零航速浮体所受到的波浪力,对两种不同形式的格林函数中所共同存在的奇点问题分别进行了处理。公式推导表明,使用级数形式的格林函数可以使计算更加快捷。最后,对不同尺度的圆柱体进行了验算,在对计算结果与解析解进行了比较之后,工程计算也证明选择格林函数级数计算公式是更令人满意的方案。  相似文献   

系泊船非线性波浪力时域计算: 二维模型   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
王大国  邹志利 《海洋学报》2004,26(2):104-117
为找到具有工程实用价值的港口系泊船波浪力的时域计算方法,建立了在港口中存在系泊船时非线性波浪力时域计算的垂直二维耦合模型:用Boussinesq方程计算船的两侧的外域,用欧拉方程计算船底面下的内域,两域在交界面处的连接条件是流量连续和压力相等.将复平面内的边界元方法应用于所研究问题,对耦合模型进行了验证.进行了相关模型实验,实验结果与数值计算结果比较表明这两种数值计算模型都具有满意的精度,但耦合模型的计算效率要远远高于边界元方法的计算效率.本耦合模型的数学处理简单,可适用于工程计算.  相似文献   

在时域内对二维自由面条件和远方辐射条件进行数值模拟,自由面条件采用先积分后离散的处理方式,远方条件采用匹配积分方程的方法和透射理论的人工边界方法处理。分别计算了圆柱与水面直交和斜交时的水动力系数以及摇板造波问题的速度势,计算结果与文献值和理论值符合程度良好。  相似文献   

深水中波浪与弱流对结构物的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
腾斌 《海洋学报》1996,18(5):117-127
对于深水中波浪和弱流对三维结构物的作用问题,本文提出了一个适用于高阶边界元应用的新的积分方程.基于小流速下格林函数和速度势的摄动展开,本方法避免了移动脉动源的计算,并将未知量限制在物体表面上,使计算速度大为提高,高阶边界元中的不同类型的柯西主值积分,分别采用间接和直接方法加以计算.  相似文献   

修正型缓坡方程的有限元模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
倪云林  滕斌  丛龙飞 《海洋学报》2017,39(1):104-110
与缓坡方程相比,修正型缓坡方程增加了地形曲率项和坡度平方项,从而提高了数值求解的复杂性。本文将计算域划分为内域和外域,内域为水深变化区域,使用修正型缓坡方程,其中的地形曲率项和坡度平方项可用有限单元各节点的水深信息和单元插值函数表示,外域为水深恒定区,速度势满足Helmholtz方程,通过内外域的边界匹配建立有限元方程,并用高斯消去法求解。进而分别模拟了波浪传过Homma岛和圆形浅滩的变形,其结果与相关的解析解和实验数据吻合良好,证明了本文有限元模型的正确性。同时,通过与实验数据的对比也明显看出,在地形坡度较陡的情况下,修正型缓坡方程较缓坡方程具有更高的计算精度。  相似文献   

部分反射直墙前潜堤水动力特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘勇  何士艳 《海洋学报》2012,34(6):210-216
基于线性势流理论,对部分反射直墙前潜堤的水动力特性进行了理论研究。利用匹配特征函数展开法给出了潜堤透射系数和反射系数的计算方法,计算结果与边界元方法的计算结果一致。利用数值算例分析了潜堤透射系数和反射系数的主要影响因素。增大部分反射直墙的反射系数,将加大潜堤的透射系数。随着潜堤相对宽度或潜堤与直墙之间相对间距的增加,潜堤透射系数和反射系数呈周期性变化,但变化规律相反。  相似文献   

比例边界有限元法(SBFEM)是一种半解析数值分析的新方法,既融合了有限元法和边界元法的优点,又有其特有的优点。用该方法可求解有限水深下狭缝对双箱水动力作用的影响,为波浪与多浮体超大型结构的相互作用探索一些规律。整个计算域划分成2个无限子域和4个有限子域,并利用加权余量法在各个子域上推导了SBFEM的积分方程;计算了4个数值算例并与边界元等其它数值方法进行了比较,验证了该方法是一种用很少单元便能得到精确结果的高效方法。应用SBFEM对不同箱体宽度、不同狭缝宽度、不同吃水深度条件的双箱作了计算,得出了狭缝对双箱水动力干涉影响的一些规律,对超大型浮体水动力分析和结构设计具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

A domain decomposition and matching method in the time-domain is outlined for simulating the motions of ships advancing in waves. The flow field is decomposed into inner and outer domains by an imaginary control surface, and the Rankine source method is applied to the inner domain while the transient Green function method is used in the outer domain. Two initial boundary value problems are matched on the control surface. The corresponding numerical codes are developed, and the added masses, wave exciting forces and ship motions advancing in head sea for Series 60 ship and S175 containership, are presented and verified. A good agreement has been obtained when the numerical results are compared with the experimental data and other references. It shows that the present method is more efficient because of the panel discretization only in the inner domain during the numerical calculation, and good numerical stability is proved to avoid divergence problem regarding ships with flare.  相似文献   

To assist in the prototyping and controller design of point-absorber wave energy converters (WECs), an easy-to-implement hybrid integral-equation method is presented for computing the frequency-domain hydrodynamic properties of bodies with a vertical axis of symmetry in waves. The current hybrid method decomposes the flow domain into two parts: an inner domain containing the body and an outer domain extending to infinity. The solution in the inner domain is computed using the boundary-element method, and the outer-domain solution is expressed using eigenfunctions. Proper matching at the domain boundary is achieved by enforcing continuity of velocity potential and its normal derivative. Body symmetry allows efficient computation using ring sources in the inner domain. The current method is successfully applied to three different body geometries including a vertical truncated floating cylinder, the McIver toroid, and the coaxial-cylinder WEC being developed in the authors’ laboratory. In particular, the current results indicate that, by replacing the flat bottom of the coaxial-cylinder WEC with the Berkeley-Wedge (BW) shape, viscous effect can be significantly reduced with only minor negative impact on wave-exciting force, thus increasing WEC efficiency. Finally, by comparing to experimental measurements, the current method is demonstrated to accurately predict the heave added mass and wave-exciting force on the coaxial-cylinder WEC with BW geometry. If a viscous damping correction factor is used, the heave motion amplitude can also be accurately computed.  相似文献   

Based on the Rankine source, this paper proposed a time-domain method for analyzing the three-dimensional wave–structure interaction problem in irregular wave. A stable integral form of the free-surface boundary condition (IFBC) is employed to update the velocity potential on the free surface. A multi-transmitting formula, with an artificial wave speed, is used to eliminate the wave reflection for radiation condition on the artificial boundary. An effective multi-transmitting formula, coupled with damping zone method, is further used to analyze the irregular wave diffraction at the artificial boundary. We investigate hydrodynamic forces on floating structure and compare our solution to the frequency-domain solution. It is shown that long time simulation can be done with high stability and the numerical results agree well with the solution obtained under the frequency domain. The efficiency of the proposed multi-transmitting formula and the coupled methods for radiation boundary make them promising candidates in studying the irregular water wave problem in time domain.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic problem of a hydrofoil travelling at constant speed in water waves has been investigated through velocity potential theory. The boundary conditions on the free surface have been linearized, and the effects are accounted for through the Green function. The overall problem is decomposed into the steady forward speed problem and periodic wave radiation and diffraction problems. Each of these problems is solved using the boundary integral equation over the hydrofoil surface together with a vortex sheet behind the trailing edge. The body surface boundary condition is imposed on its mean position. As a result the steady potential will contribute a well-known mj term to the body surface boundary condition on the radiation problem. The numerical difficulty in dealing with this term is effectively resolved through a difference method. The effects of the thickness on the wave radiation and diffraction are investigated. The applicability of various reciprocity relationships in this problem is discussed.  相似文献   

Linear and second-order surface wave interactions with floating and bottom-mounted bodies of realistic geometry are simulated in the time domain by a three-dimensional Rankine panel method. The fundamental stability analysis governing the propagation of transient wave disturbances on a panel mesh distributed on the free surface is carried out from first principles. The radiation condition is enforced by a dissipative beach selected to coincide with an outer annulus of panels. The fundamental physics governing the wave energy absorption is presented and the beach attributes are selected and validated for the linear and second-order problems. Computations are presented of the linear and sum-frequency second-order forces on a single and multiple truncated circular cylinders, and very good agreement is found with benchmark computations. The accuracy and efficiency of this method render it a promising candidate for the study of complex nonlinear wave induced phenomena upon offshore platforms, like springing and ringing.  相似文献   

A numerical model is developed to simulate fully nonlinear extreme waves in finite and infinite water-depth wave tanks. A semi-mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian formulation is adopted and a higher-order boundary element method in conjunction with an image Green function is used for the fluid domain. The boundary values on the free surface are updated at each time step by a fourth-order Runga-Kutta time-marching scheme at each time step. Input wave characteristics are specified at the upstream boundary by an appropriate wave theory. At the downstream boundary, an artificial damping zone is used to prevent wave reflection back into the computational domain. Using the image Green function in the whole fluid domain, the integrations on the two lateral walls and bottom are excluded. The simulation results on extreme wave elevations in finite and infinite water-depths are compared with experimental results and second-order analytical solutions respectively. The wave kinematics is also discussed in the present study.  相似文献   

The wave diffraction and radiation problem is studied numerically by using a higher-order boundary element method. The convergence of the higher-order boundary element method is tested systematically for bodies of different shapes. For the second-order force, particular attention is paid to the contribution of the second-order potential, following the line of Molin's approach. For numerical evaluation, the free surface is divided into three subregions; inner, intermediate and outer ones. In the inner region, the integral is evaluated numerically by using higher-order boundary elements. In the intermediate region, semi-analytic form is constructed with the help of eigen functions. In the outer domain, the analytic solution is available. This subdivision scheme reduces the numerical burden remarkably.  相似文献   

The wave diffraction problem on axisymmetric structures are solved by treating the fluid field as two separate domains. The velocity potential in the inner domain is represented by a 1/r type Green's function whilst that of the outer domain is represented by an eigenfunction expansion. The simple form of the Green's function in the inner domain reduces significantly the computational effort whilst the eigenfunction expansion in the outer domain is able to satisfy the radiation boundary condition completely. The method requires to have elements cover the entire containing boundary. Results for a number of typical structural geometries are presented and discussions are made on the effect of various parameters.  相似文献   

章旭  勾莹  倪云林  滕斌  刘珍 《海洋学报》2016,38(1):133-142
基于线性势流理论,利用高阶边界元法研究了规则波在三维局部渗透海床上的传播。根据Darcy渗透定律推导出渗透海床的控制方程,利用渗透海床顶部和海底处法向速度和压强连续条件得到渗透海床顶部满足的边界条件。根据绕射理论,利用满足自由水面条件的格林函数建立了求解渗透海床绕射势的边界积分方程,采用高阶边界元方法求解边界积分方程进而得到自由水面的绕射势和波浪在局部渗透海床上传播过程中幅值的变化情况。通过与已发表的波浪对圆柱形暗礁的时域全绕射结果对比,证明了本文建立的频域方法计算波幅的正确性和有效性。利用这一模型研究了三维矩形渗透海床区域上波浪的传播特性,并分析了入射波波长、海床渗透特性系数等参数对波浪传播的影响。  相似文献   

Vessels operating in shallow waters require careful observation of the finite-depth effect. In present study, a Rankine source method that includes the shallow water effect and double body steady flow effect is developed in frequency domain. In order to verify present numerical methods, two experiments were carried out respectively to measure the wave loads and free motions for ship advancing with forward speed in head regular waves. Numerical results are systematically compared with experiments and other solutions using the double body basis flow approach, the Neumann-Kelvin approach with simplified m-terms, and linearized free surface boundary conditions with double-body m-terms. Furthermore, the influence of water depths on added mass and damping coefficients, wave excitation forces, motions and unsteady wave patterns are deeply investigated. It is found that finite-depth effect is important and unsteady wave pattern in shallow water is dependent on both of the Brard number τ and depth Froude number Fh.  相似文献   

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