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海藻植物生长调节剂中的活性组分   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
目前国际上使用海藻作为原料,提取活性成分和营养物质作为海藻植物生长调节剂的海藻产品至少有来自不同国家的10种以上。主要是英国的Maxi-crop,美国的Seaborn,Seasol,Seamac。南非的Kelpak66以及Algifin,Algistim,Algifert,Alginex,Marinure和SM3等。海藻作为植物生长调节剂自1950年被应用在农业生产上已产生了许多令人惊讶的成果。低浓度的海藻植物生长调节剂(稀释200~500倍)不论是种子浸泡、土壤浸透,或叶面喷洒都收到了比对照高…  相似文献   

南麂列岛自然保护区药用海藻资源及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了南麂列岛国家海洋自然保护区药用海藻的种类组成及其应用。经初步鉴定南麂列岛共有海藻类400余种,其中已知具有药用功效的海藻111种(小于20μm的微型藻类为16种,20~200μm的小型藻类为9种,大于200μm的大型海藻类为86种),隶属于红藻门49种、褐藻门20种、硅藻门15种、绿藻门14种、蓝藻门8种和甲藻门5种。根据藻类的药理、生理特性及药用功效,可划分为9类:(1)抗菌药(AF);(2)抗凝血、止血药(AB);(3)抗病毒药(AD);(4)抗高血压药(AH);(5)清热解毒药(APT);(6)驱虫药(AI);(7)抗肿瘤药(AT);(8)抗心脑血管药(BC);(9)抗艾滋病药(AIDS)。  相似文献   

在栉孔扇贝的血清、血细胞和肝脏提取液中均发现有酸性磷酸酶(ACP)、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性,其中,ACP和ALP在肝脏中的活性最高。采用1.0%的虫草多糖或海藻多糖作为免疫药物,对栉孔扇贝进行注射刺激后,发现血清中的ACP、ALP和SOD活性有显著提高,血细胞中的ACP和SOD活性也有所增加,而肝脏提取液的这三种酶活性的变化不很明显。研究认为这两种多糖具有增强栉孔扇贝免疫活性的作用,在水产养殖业中有一定的开发价值。  相似文献   

作者于 1 987年发表了“南海马尾藻三个新种”(曾呈奎等 ,1 987)一文 ,其中长托马尾藻SargassumlongifructumTsengetLu系SargassumlongifructumC .Agardh(Grunow ,1 91 5)的后出同名 ,此种名是Agardh的手稿 ,发表于Grunow的南方马尾藻属专著 (Grunow ,1 91 5)。根据国际植物命名法规的规定 ,作者在 1 987年所命名的Sargas sumlongifructumTsengetLu应予以重新命名。为了纪念张峻甫教授对中国海藻分类工作的贡献 ,特以他…  相似文献   

于1997年10月-1998年1月,从胶州湾贝类养殖场购买栉孔扇贝,分别采用邻苯三酚自氧化法和过氧化氢法测定了其血细胞和血清中的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活力,并对SOD类型的鉴别区分、SOD和CAT的热稳定性以及温度对SOD和CAT活力的影响进行研究。结果表明,血细胞中SOD和 CAT活力分别为312.7U和 124.4U,血清中SOD和CAT活力分别为102.3U和73.8U;冻存10d后,血清中SOD的活力丧失24.6%,而CAT的活力丧失40.8%;血细胞中CuZn-SOD和Mn-SOD的活力分别为193.4U和82.3U,血清中仅存在CuZn-SOD活性;血清中SOD的热稳定性很高,在80℃下保温30min后,酶活力仍很高,而CAT的热稳定性较低;血清中的SOD和CAT的最适温度分别为50℃和45℃。  相似文献   

于1997年10月--1998年1月,从胶州湾贝类养殖场购买栉孔扇贝,分别采用邻苯三酚自氧化和过氧化氢法测定了其血细胞和血清中的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活力,并对SOD类型的鉴别区分、SOD和CAT的热稳定性以及温度对SOD和CAT活力的影响进行研究。结果表明,血细胞中SOD和CAT活力分别为312.7U124.4U,血清中SOD和CAT活力分别为102.3U和73.8U;  相似文献   

Numericaltestofcoastalfrontogenesis¥ShenShaohuaandZhouMingyu(ReceivedFebruary8,1993;acceptedMarch30,1993)Abstract:──Atwo-dime...  相似文献   

热带海表面温度长期变化与中国降水异常的联系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨秋明 《海洋预报》1999,16(4):7-25
用奇异谱分析(SSA)揭示了1951~1989年期间全球热带海陆面温度旋转空间分布型主要的长期振荡过程及其对北半球500hPa环流和中国降水的影响,结果表明全球热带海陆面温度存在四种显著的旋转空间分布型:ENSO、NAU、TAL、SA型,其活动区域分别在赤道中东太平洋和印度洋,澳大利亚北部洋面、热带大西洋、中国南海附近,重要长期变化分别表现为线笥增加、减少,35年左右和6~8年周期振荡,中国降水场的主要响应区域在华北、长江中下游、西北和东北地区、江淮下地区,它是由热带这四种不同区域热源异常与不同时间尺度的大气环汉变化之间的相互作用结果,同时,由旋转奇异异值分解(RSVD)研究了前期冬季太平洋海温和夏季中国降水量主要耦合相关型及其长期变化特征,发现前期冬季赤道中东太平洋大民尺度海温异常对后期夏季中国降水影响不显著  相似文献   

海藻提取物对蔬菜种子萌芽的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
以海藻作为目标材料制备海藻植物生长剂已有很长的历史。海藻植物生长剂自1950年首次在英国诞生并被利用在花卉和农业生产上已经近半个世纪 ,取得了许多令人惊奇的成果。用海藻植物生长剂处理过的种子,其萌芽率有明显的提高。海藻植物生长剂还有极明显的促生长作用 ,用其喷洒过的作物最高可增产达50 %并有显著的抗旱效果。目前在国际上畅销的海藻植物生长剂有来自不同国家至少8种以上的商业产品。我国的海藻资源十分丰富 ,特别是人工养殖海带的年产量在几十吨干品左右 ,马尾藻的资源量也在几千吨干品以上。但其在农业上的应用则刚刚…  相似文献   

海藻中的植物激素检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄冰心  韩丽君  范晓 《海洋科学》2001,25(10):28-30
随着植物激素突变株的鉴定和分子生物学检测手段的进步 ,高等植物的生长和繁殖受到内源性生长物质或激素的调节已是不争的事实。目前已经被广泛公认的植物激素有5大类 :生长素类、细胞激动素类、赤霉素类、脱落酸类和乙烯。这些激素协同作用 ,调节植物体各部分的生长速率和不同组织器官的分化 ,控制生殖过程。使用海藻为原料制备海藻提取液作为海藻肥首次在英国应用于农业生产 ,自此以后这种传统生物技术在全世界广泛使用 ,已经发展为各类商业产品进入市场 ,如SM3、Seasol、Kelpark66等。这些海藻肥的效用在于利用海藻中…  相似文献   

从样品制备、仪器操作参数最佳化、内标补偿等几方面着手,利用两个标准物质(GSPN-2,GSPN-3)发展了大洋多金属结核中27种元素的等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)测定方法.这27种元素包括Ba,Ce,Co,Cu,Dy,Er,Eu,Gd,Ho,La,Li,Lu,Mo,Nd,Pr,Sb,Sc,Sm,Tb,Th,Tm,U,V,W,Y,Yb和Zn.各元素测定值与保证值相当吻合.对GSPN-2和GSPN-3,Ba,Sb,Sc,Y,Zn等5种元素可用外标校准法准确测定,其平均回收率(n=3)在91.4%~106.9%之间;可用内标(103Rh)校准法准确测定其他22种元素,其平均回收率(n=3)在89.4%~110.2%之间;各元素3次测定的相对标准偏差(RSD)为0.0%~11.0%.  相似文献   

We study the space-and-time variability of the concentrations of 27 microelements (Sc, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, As, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sn, Se, Sb, Ba, La, Ce, Sm, Eu, Tb, Hf, Hg, Pb, Au, Th, and U) and Sr in the sea, river, and waste waters of the South Coast of Crimea in 2002–2007. Parallel with the data about elements studied earlier, we present, for the first time, the data of investigations of the contents of rareearth elements (Lu, Nd and Yb) whose concentrations in the major part of the analyzed samples of seawater were lower than the limit of their quantitative determination. We present the ranges of the concentrations of elements and perform their comparison with the data of the previous period of monitoring.  相似文献   

Deep-sea ferromanganese nodules were dissolved by HNO 3 -HF-HClO in a sealed container at low pressure; HF was evaporated in an open container and salts were dissolved in HCl by heating, then transferred to a 2% HNO 3 solution. Forty-one elements including Li, Be, Sc, Ti, V, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Mo, Cd, In, Sb, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Hf, Ta, W, Tl, Pb, Bi, Th and U, were measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Conditions and sample experiments showed that this procedure is a good experimental method with the characteristics of correct principle, clear interference, easy operation, and reliable results. The concentrations of the 41 elements could be used for resource exploration, environmental assessment, and academic research.  相似文献   

D. M. Polyakov 《Oceanology》2016,56(3):406-414
The REE contents (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu) are determined by atomic emission spectroscopy in the subcolloidal fraction of bottom sediments in the Razdol’naya River–Amur Bay section. The mean contents of lanthanides in soils and river bottom sediments (before the mixing zone) are calculated. The increase in REE content and the fractioning in the series from light to middle and heavy REE in sediments of different estuary zones (river, water mixing, and marine), with the latter related to flocculation, sorption on iron and manganese hydroxides, clay minerals (hydromica, smectites), and lifetime accumulation of marine plankton, are dtermined. Via extraction of 0.5 N sodium hydroxide solution, the content of lanthanides associated with humic substances of subcolloidal fraction from the Amur Bay sediments are determined: 1.3 to 8.2% of La; 1.1 to 11% of Ce; and 0.3 to 1.5 of Gd.  相似文献   

对南黄海西部陆架区486个表层沉积物样品的稀土元素进行了测试分析。结果表明:稀土元素总量分布特征受粒度影响,其含量总体上随平均粒径的减小而升高,但在局部站位其含量还可能受矿物控制。稀土元素相关参数,如轻重稀土元素分异度、铈异常以及铕异常基本不受粒度影响,而主要受源岩组分控制,可以进行有效的物源判别。研究区不同站位沉积物中稀土元素配分曲线均为右倾的负斜率模式,相对富集轻稀土元素,显示中等程度的铕负异常,无明显铈异常。稀土元素相关参数物源判别表明研究区物质主要来源于黄河。  相似文献   

Distribution of yttrium and rare earths in Florida Bay sediments   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The distribution of yttrium and rare earth elements (YREEs) in surface sediments was measured on samples collected from 40 stations in Florida Bay (June 2000 and February 2001). Florida Bay is the largest shallow carbonate estuary in South Florida with nearly pristine conditions. It receives fresh waters from some rivers and several canals from the Everglades which contribute rare earth elements and metals to the Bay. This paper is the first extensive study of YREEs in Florida Bay. Concentrations of YREEs (Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb and Lu) were determined by ICP-MS. The YREEs show a similar distribution pattern for the two months studied. The maximum concentrations were found in the western and north-central zones (near the Everglades) and the minimum concentrations were found in the south-central zone near the Florida Keys. The pattern of YREEs in Florida Bay sediments correlated strongly with those in the North American Shale Composite, indicating a dominant crustal source for these elements. However, the REE concentrations in Florida Bay sediments are depleted with respect to NASC. All REEs exhibited a strong correlation with Fe and Al from continental input and river runoff from the Everglades. The heavy REEs and Y showed a strong correlation with Al (R2 > 0.84). The light and medium REEs showed a strong correlation with Fe (R2 > 0.9). Correlations of all the YREEs with Mn were slightly lower (R2  0.7–0.75). The concentration of all the YREEs, Al and Fe are dependent on the bottom types and zones in the Bay, except Mn which decreases as it moves from the land to the sea.  相似文献   

南沙珊瑚礁生态系中元素的垂直转移途径   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
于1993年和1994年用沉积物捕捉器采集南沙永暑礁和渚碧礁内的沉降颗粒物,用中子活化法分析元素的含量并计算通量,通过对生源要素的统计相关分析,垂直沉降颗粒物中的元素人,非生源要素在泻湖中的停留时间的探讨,研究了南沙珊瑚礁生态系中元素的垂直转移途径,结果表明,在南沙珊胡礁泻湖中元素的停留时间较海水中短,元素的循环速率高,且尤以与生物作用有关的元素为甚;颗粒物中非生源要素的垂直转移主要是通过生物过程  相似文献   

The concentration of dissolved rare earth elements (REE) were determined at 47 stations in the North Pacific surface waters. Combining with other previous data, we present the surface REE distribution in the North Pacific and discuss the controlling factors. The surface concentrations increase toward the high latitude and continental margin (e.g. [Nd] > 10 pmol kg−1) from the central North Pacific (e.g. [Nd] < 5 pmol kg−1). The North Pacific Deep Water-normalized REE patterns are varied, indicating that two or more factors contribute to the REE distribution. We examined four factors making the regional variation of surface REE concentrations mainly; a) particle scavenging, b) atmospheric dust input, c) vertical mixing and d) lateral transport from the coastal region. Flux calculations for Nd showed that the influence of atmospheric dust was less significant than the vertical input even in the western upwelling zone. Moreover, the longitudinal and latitudinal transitions of surface REE seem to reflect the lateral supply from the coastal areas. We constructed the diagram of surface Er/Lu and Er/Yb molar ratios in order to assess the origin and the input processes of the surface REE. Both molar ratios showed increasing trend toward PEW (Er/Lu (>10.5) and Er/Yb (>1.4)) from PSUW (Er/Lu (>7) and Er/Yb (>1.2)). The high Er/Lu and Er/Yb ratios in PEW indicate that the lateral supply of terrestrial materials from the coastal area is possibly the important factor in PEW, because only weathering and dissolution of rocks can explain such high Er/Lu and Er/Yb ratios to our knowledge.  相似文献   

冲绳海槽有孔虫壳体的微量元素Sr,Nd同位素地球化学   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
钙质生物壳的微量元素组合和Sr,Nd同位素组成是识别海底混合源沉积物中生物源物质相对贡献的重要参数.冲绳海槽有孔虫壳体强烈富集Sr,P,Mn和Ba,富集Li,U,Th,Sc,Co,Pb,Zn,Cr,Rb,Y,Sb和轻稀土元素,弱富集V,Ga,Zr,Nb,Cd和中稀土元素,相对贫Ge,Mo,In,Sn,Cs,Hf,Ta,W,Tl,Bi和重稀土元素,海水中微量元素的背景含量和生物活动对微量元素的选择性吸收是有孔虫壳体中微量元素发生富集和贫化的主要机制,冲绳海槽有孔虫壳体的稀土元素配分模式与海水和太平洋有孔虫的有明显差异,表现出中稀土元素相对富集,并具有微弱的负Ce异常.有孔虫壳体的Sr,Nd同位素比值也与大洋海水不同,分别为0.709769和0.512162,前者略高于大洋海水,后者略低于大洋海水,表明冲绳海槽海水明显受大陆河水影响.  相似文献   

Rare earth elements (REEs: La-Lu) in surface sediments collected from the mouth and middle tidal flats of Gomso Bay, South Korea, in August 2011 and May 2012 were analyzed to investigate the fine-grained sediment provenance. The upper continental crust (UCC)-normalized light REEs (LREEs: La to Nd) were more enriched than the middle REEs (MREEs: Sm to Dy) and heavy REEs (HREEs: Ho to Lu), resulting in large (La/Yb)UCC (1.9 ± 0.4) to (Gd/Yb)UCC (1.4 ± 0.2) ratios. The monthly (La/Yb)UCC values differed between the mouth and middle tidal flats due to deposition of fine-grained sediments that originated from distant rivers (the Geum and Yeongsan) and the Jujin Stream, located on the southern shore of the inner bay. We observed relative reductions in the (La/Yb)UCC value and REE content in the sediments from the mouth of the bay compared with those from Jujin Stream sediments. Confined to the middle tidal flat around the KH Line of Jujin Stream, the sediments, most enriched in LREEs but depleted in Eu, were distributed in August as strong Jujin Stream runs. Here, we suggest that an increase in LREE/HREE and decrease in MREE/LREE ratios can be used as a proxy to identify the Jujin Stream provenance in mixed riverine sediments and to trace Jujin Stream sediments within the Gomso Bay tidal flat, especially in the summer rainy season.  相似文献   

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