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晚更新世以来古气候与海平面变化在东海地区的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第四纪特别是晚更新世以来气温的大幅度冷暖变化,导致全球海平面的变化,引起陆架海侵和海退。东海陆架的气候和海平面变化与全球变化基本同步。晚更新世以来,东海陆架随全球气候变化发育多次海进海退旋回。东海陆架上的古河道、古三角洲和潮流沙脊等沉积体系的形成和演化与海平面升降变化存在耦合关系。  相似文献   

台湾海峡晚更新世以来的高分辨率地震地层学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
基于4 530 km高分辨率单道地震数据和钻孔资料,采用高分辨率地震地层学的方法,对台湾海峡晚更新世以来的地层进行了划分,自上而下共识别出R0、R1、R2、R3、R4等5个主要反射界面,分别对应海底、3 ka BP前后高海平面、最大海泛面、海侵面和 Ⅰ 型层序界面,并以此划分出4个地层单元:晚全新世浅海-滨海沉积A,中全新世浅海沉积B,早全新世海侵沉积C,晚更新世陆相河流沉积D。在海平面变化的作用下,海峡地区先后发育低水位沉积D(低位体系域),海侵沉积C (海侵体系域)、高水位沉积B和A(高位体系域)。研究了台湾海峡的典型地震相,提出了关于台中浅滩(云彰隆起)处的楔状沉积体的新观点,认为该楔状体为全新世中期以来形成的三角洲沉积受波浪和潮流作用改造而形成的潮流沙脊,其物质主要来源于台湾。识别出了晚更新世和早全新世古河道沉积,海平面变化和地势高低是其形成时间差异的主要因素。  相似文献   

晚更新世以来内伶仃洋河口湾的地层层序和沉积演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对内伶仃洋河口湾22个钻孔沉积物的高分辨14 C测年、古生物鉴定、沉积物粒度及地球化学分析,开展了晚更新世地层划分,探讨了晚更新世以来的沉积演化过程。内伶仃洋河口湾地层被含花斑黏土层的风化层隔开,划分为上下2组,侵蚀面上下分别为全新统和上更新统地层。受晚更新世以来2次海侵的影响,内伶仃洋河口湾沉积演化分成了6个阶段,详细阐述了每个阶段的气候变化、海平面波动、沉积特征和沉积过程。  相似文献   

渤海湾沿岸第四纪海侵研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海岸带海侵研究具有重要的理论和现实指导意义。第四纪以来,渤海湾沿岸地区受海平面升降波动影响发生多次海进和海退事件。对渤海湾地区已发表的钻孔资料进行整理和分析,结果显示该区早—中更新世海侵在空间上分布较为局限且变化较大,对于早更新世海侵存在与否仍存有争议,而大规模海侵发生在晚更新世以来MIS5、MIS3和MIS1时期。研究表明本区海侵的发生是在第四纪以来持续构造沉降的背景下,间冰期气候变暖造成海平面上升的结果。MIS3时期强烈的区域性"视海侵"在空间上并非普遍存在:在靠近渤海湾的地区,MIS3时期海侵为水深较深的滨海-浅海相沉积;而向内陆方向,该时期沉积转变为海陆过渡相和陆相。对于这种现象,一种解释是该区当时西高东低的地势起伏较大,海水逐渐向内陆侵入形成同期异相;另一种可能原因是由于冰盛期时河流侵蚀作用加强,靠近内陆地区的MIS3时期海侵沉积遭受后期河流侵蚀,其确切原因或者是否还存在其他因素,如以前测得的MIS3海侵实际在MIS5形成还需进一步研究。  相似文献   

长江三角洲南部地区晚更新世年代地层和海水进退   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
根据长江三角洲晚第四纪4个钻孔详细的测年和微体古生物分析结果,对该区约110kaBP来的地层进行了年代学划分,并且重建了晚更新世海侵海退过程。研究发现,形成于120~110kaBP的蓝灰色硬土是本区晚更新世底界的标志,而晓更新世顶界的标志是形成于17~10kaBP的暗绿色或棕黄色硬土。晚更新世早期110~60kaBP间,本区主要发育河流相的含砾砂,但其中100~80kaBP间发生一次较弱海侵,以溺谷相沉积为主。晚更新世中期60~22kaBP,沉积物经历粗—细—粗3个阶段,分别是60~40、40~34和34~22kaBP。其中第2阶段在西部地区出现硬土层,而中东部地区60~22kaBP期间海侵层连续,且在43~40和34~22kaBP出现两次较高海面。  相似文献   

通过分析伶仃洋东岸sz17QZ-20-3钻孔硅藻分布特征,结合测年、岩性和粒度,重建了该地区晚更新世以来的古环境演化。依据沉积物岩性粒度变化判断,晚更新世时期在23.6~11.0 m层段发育了一套河床相-溺古湾相-岸滩相-冲积相的垂向沉积序列,在花斑黏土层中有海水种Ethmodiscus rex碎片的存在,指示晚更新世海侵海退旋回。早全新世海侵在9000 cal.aBP左右到达研究区,海水种硅藻含量开始迅速增加,发育滨海平原相沉积;在8000 cal.aBP左右达到最高海平面,海水种硅藻含量最高;随后研究区处于海平面停滞状态,并缓慢下降,发育浅海相沉积;中晚全新世4.2~0 m层段为海退时期,发育河口湾相沉积。中全新世4.4~4.2 m层位海水种含量突然增加和4.4~4.6 m层位贝壳碎屑层指示可能有风暴潮事件发生;晚全新世0.3~0 m层段表层沉积物中硅藻丰度异常偏高,受人类活动影响较大。  相似文献   

现代长江口的形成及末次冰消期以来沉积环境演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用在长江口崇明岛获得的一个第四纪钻孔,对中更新世末以来的沉积物进行了OSL、14C测年,在此基础上进行岩性、微体古生物和孢粉分析,以探讨现代长江口形成的基础以及末次冰消期以来在气候-海平面波动控制下河口沉积环境的演变。研究结果显示,本孔所在地中更新世末处于湖沼环境,但晚更新世一直以河流环境为主,且主要发育末次冰期的河道滞留相沉积。在此基础上,随着末次冰消期海平面的上升,先后发育了河口湾和三角洲沉积体系。末次冰消期的海平面快速上升在本孔沉积物记录中体现为微体古生物化石较丰富,潮流作用显著。全新世早期长江口堆积速率明显高于全新世中晚期,应当反映了温暖湿润的季风气候条件下入海泥沙非常丰富。  相似文献   

渤海湾沿岸泥炭沼泽形成机制与时空分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
渤海湾沿岸的海陆过渡带,优越的水文地理环境有利于泥炭沼泽的形成与发育。海洋海退导致的海岸线变迁,是控制泥炭沼泽发育时间和空间分布的主导因素。间冰期和冰后期的海面上升期间,自海向陆发育了海侵基底泥炭;中全新世高海面期,在山前扇缘洼地和沟谷有泥炭沼泽发育;晚全新世海面下降期,泥炭沼泽主要发育在沿岸的海湾、泻湖、三角洲汊河间洼地及平原上的河滩、阶地、古河道等地。  相似文献   

通过桑沟湾周边海域高分辨率浅地层剖面的地质解译,结合典型钻孔沉积地层的对比分析,揭示了研究区晚更新世以来的层序地层序列。研究表明,桑沟湾周边海域晚更新世以来的地层上覆于基岩之上,自下而上识别出了具有层序意义的3个声学地层单元(SU2、SU1-2、SU1-1),与钻孔的3个沉积地层单元(DU2、DU1-2、DU1-1)对应性良好。桑沟湾周边海域晚更新世以来的层序序列,形成于末次冰盛期低海面时期及早-中全新世高海面以来,自下而上包括低水位体系域(河流-河道充填相沉积)、海侵体系域(潮流沙脊与滨海相沉积)、高水位体系域(浅海相沉积)。研究区低水位体系域受河流下切侵蚀作用,沉积厚度变化较大,介于0~15 m;海侵体系域的沉积厚度普遍介于4.5~5.5 m,分布广泛;高水位体系域由岸向海,自西南至东北沉积厚度逐渐增加,最厚处超过30 m。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲沉积相序   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
珠江三角洲是在晚更新世玉木亚间冰期和全新世大西洋期,由多条河流的泥、沙输入溺谷型河口湾内,形成具不同沉积特征的叠覆、镶嵌复合体,经历了由河口湾沉积向河控三角洲沉积的演变.其沉积相序分两类:一类是玉木亚间冰期和大西洋海侵阶段,形成以潮汐作用为主的溺谷型河口湾沉积相序,属海侵层序;另一类为大西洋期海平面相对稳定以来,以迳流作用为主的进积型河控三角洲沉积相序.  相似文献   

Sediment vibracores and surface samples were collected from the mixed carbonate/siliciclastic inner shelf of west–central Florida in an effort to determine the three-dimensional facies architecture and Holocene geologic development of the coastal barrier-island and adjacent shallow marine environments. The unconsolidated sediment veneer is thin (generally <3 m), with a patchy distribution. Nine facies are identified representing Miocene platform deposits (limestone gravel and blue–green clay facies), Pleistocene restricted marine deposits (lime mud facies), and Holocene back-barrier (organic muddy sand, olive-gray mud, and muddy sand facies) and open marine (well-sorted quartz sand, shelly sand, and black sand facies) deposits. Holocene back-barrier facies are separated from overlying open marine facies by a ravinement surface formed during the late Holocene rise in sea level. Facies associations are naturally divided into four discrete types. The pattern of distribution and ages of facies suggest that barrier islands developed approximately 8200 yr BP and in excess of 20 km seaward of the present coastline in the north, and more recently and nearer to their present position in the south. No barrier-island development prior to approximately 8200 yr BP is indicated. Initiation of barrier-island development is most likely due to a slowing in the Holocene sea-level rise ca. 8000 yr BP, coupled with the intersection of the coast with quartz sand deposits formed during Pleistocene sea-level highstands. This study is an example of a mixed carbonate/siliciclastic shallow marine depositional system that is tightly constrained in both time and sea-level position. It provides a useful analog for the study of other, similar depositional systems in both the modern and ancient rock record.  相似文献   

The tidal basin of the Kosi Bay lagoonal-lacustrine complex is dominated by fish traps that line the intertidal and subtidal environments. These have been considered significant sediment sinks, responsible for transformation of parts of the system from subtidal and intertidal sand-flat settings to mangrove habitats. Mangrove progradation has been attributed to sediment retention within the trap structures. Fish-trap counts since 1942 indicate no significant increase in trap number prior to 1980, but thereafter trap numbers have increased exponentially. Historical GIS analysis indicates a linear growth rate of mangrove areas since 1942, a trend not mirrored in the numbers of fish traps. Modelling of mangrove progradation indicates lateral extension rates per annum much lower than global figures for choked systems elsewhere. Modelling of choking thresholds for the Kosi Bay system yields a minimum date of ~2500 AD. By including sea-level rise within the model, newly formed mangrove communities may either be drowned or remain in step with predicted sea-level rises within the next 150–200 years. The role of fish traps in the conversion of subtidal environments to sedimentary environments dominated by mangroves is negligible, and this shallowing would not be of concern in light of the short-term nature of managerial timescales.  相似文献   

本文利用珠江口盆地四个工程钻井的古生物、古地磁、同位素及沉积物资料,对钻孔所揭露的地层进行划分,认为所钻遇的地层包括下更新统(上部)、中更新统、上更新统及全新统。依据古生物分异度及含量作出海平面变化曲线,识别出十个海侵期,利用钙质超微化石特征种的初现面和末现面资料,将本区海平面变化曲线与太平洋V_(28-239)氧同位素曲线对比,分析了本区晚第四纪以来的沉积环境和气候,认为早更新世晚期,中更新世中期,晚更新世早期及全新世本区气候温暖,沉积环境属陆架浅海环境。  相似文献   

福州市马尾地区第四纪地层划分及海相层分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对该区钻孔剖面贡料,结合~(14)C、古地磁、孢粉及微体古生物等资料综合分析研究,对该区第四纪地层提出划分意见和自第四纪晚期以来,地层中存在着典型两期海侵所形成的海相层。  相似文献   

杨达源 《海洋科学》1985,9(5):11-14
泥炭生成于沼泽湿地之中,沼泽湿地的形成则需要特定的地形、水文与生物等条件,因而泥炭在环境变迁研究中有它独特的指示意义。沿海平原地带沼泽湿地的形成与附近湖、河水位及其海面高度(尤其是潮位高度)有密切的关系,因而沿海平原地带沉积地层中的泥炭夹层,它的成因属性、层厚及其层位高度等,常用来作为海面变化分析研究中的一种重要依据。  相似文献   

海南岛东部外陆架水下埋藏古三角洲   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
海南岛东部外陆架水深100~150m处,存在一个大面积的水下埋藏古三角洲,从浅地层记录中发现,这片水下古三角洲保存有完好的三角洲沉积结构,特别是前积层的倾斜层理十分清晰,该水下古三角洲的存在是古海岸线的一个证据。  相似文献   

According to palaeoenvironmental analysis on the fossil fauna dominated by Foraminifera and Ostracoda, core QC2 contains 8 marine transgressive beds, called (from up to bottom) Transgressive Beds Ⅰ,Ⅱ, Ⅲ, …,Ⅷ respectively. Together with dating data, the transgressive sequence since 1. 7 Ma B. P. has been established, indicating that the core went through middle and late Early Pleistocene, early and late Middle Pleistocene, early and late (Substages A and B) Late Pleistocene and the Holocene transgressions. Within these 8 transgressions, late Middle Pleistocene, early Late Pleistocene and the Holocene transgressions-had rather strong activities proved by shallow sea (of 50 or 20-50 m water depth) deposits in the prime, while 2 of the 8, during middle Early Pleistocene and late Late Pleistocene (Substage A), were much weaker only with supratidal deposits. The transgressive cycles also differ from each other. Transgressions in the Holocene and in Substage B of late Late Pleistocene are made up of 3 and  相似文献   

根据舟山群岛峡道地区的钻孔资料,在有孔虫、花粉和沉积特性分析结果的基础上,分析了晚更新世海面变化,探讨了晚更新世末期峡道内的地面高程,进而根据海图量算结果,讨论了舟山群岛峡道底部的泥沙冲淤及其对浙闽沿海泥沙供给的影响。本文认为,晚更新世以来舟山群岛地区发生了三次海进海退,其中晚更新世末期低海面时,舟山群岛峡道高程约位于吴淞基面以下38m左右,全新世海侵以来,受峡道水动力的作用,除部分峡道内海湾发生淤积外,舟山群岛峡道底部发生了明显的冲刷,其最大冲刷厚度可达80m左右,为杭州湾乃至整个浙闽沿海提供了大量的泥沙  相似文献   

Holocene deposits of the NW German coastal plain consist of many different lithological facies, for example tidal flats, brackish water sediments and peat beds. The effects of the Holocene sea-level rise on palaeoenvironmental conditions of this coastal sequence were studied by inorganic geochemical methods in conjunction with diatom analyses. Three hundred samples from two parallel sediment cores which cover the entire NW German Holocene were taken at high resolution and were examined for major and minor elements and bulk parameters. Selected samples were analysed for redox-sensitive trace elements and REE distribution, reactive iron and bulk sediment34S/32S-ratios. Chemical parameters, for example Si/Al and Ca/Sr-ratios and total organic carbon (TOC) contents correlate with depositional factors such as wave-energy and lithofacies changes, which allow a detailed reconstruction of the palaeoenvironment. Diatom analyses reveal information about changes between marine, brackish and limnic conditions and serve to reconstruct palaeosalinity. Early diagenetic effects are evident in the TOC-rich intervals. Most peat layers are affected by sulphate reduction and resulting pyrite formation as well as by enrichments in redox-sensitive trace elements. The highest enrichments are seen for As, Mo, Re and U, indicating a distinct seawater influence. S-isotope ratios of peat samples are compatible with pyrite formation under both open- and closed-system conditions, depending on exposition to seawater. The inorganic geochemical and diatom data suggest limnic conditions at the base of the sequence and repeated changes towards marine conditions within the overlying clastic units. On the other hand, data obtained from the clastic units yield evidence of a recurrent succession from open to restricted marine, brackish-lagoonal, and finally fen environments. Clastic sediments overlying peat layers, correlate with the increase of marine-derived geochemical signatures and pelagic diatoms attest transgressive overlaps. The analyses suggest that major controls on the palaeoenvironments were (i) climate-related oscillations of the coast line and (ii) the morphology of the coastal region allowing marine incursions even into distal semi-terrestrial lowlands.  相似文献   

通过孢粉和硅藻分析并结合沉积学以及14C测年等资料,重建了渤海湾西北岸曹妃甸地区晚更新世末期以来的古植被、古气候以及古地理等演变过程,细致刻划了渤海湾西北岸海平面变化和海陆变迁史.曹妃甸地区自晚更新世末期以来的古沉积环境经历了冲积平原或滨海平原、河口或近海湖沼环境、三角洲与砂坝-泻湖沉积环境、废弃三角洲与砂坝-泻湖沉积环境等4个阶段.气候和植被在不同阶段也发生了相应的变化.  相似文献   

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