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互花米草对泉州湾盐沼表层沉积物输运的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海岸盐沼是海岸湿地系统的重要组成部分,具有很强的环境调节功能.互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)的引种对海岸盐沼的沉积动力产生很大影响.粒度分析结果表明,互花米草盐沼边缘与沉积物平均粒径为6.7φ的等值线分布一致.现场观测表明,互花米草对流速具有明显的阻滞作用,使得光滩流速明显大于互花米草内的流速;在互花米草滩内,随着离盐沼边缘距离、植被高度、植株直径的不同,涨落潮流速也表现出不同的变化趋势.粒径趋势分析结果显示,互花米草盐沼边缘的表层沉积物由光滩向盐沼内输运,潮水沟的存在对沉积物的输运格局具有显著影响.对比分析表明落潮后期的水动力条件控制着研究区内表层沉积物的净输运方向.  相似文献   

Between April 2002 and April 2003, in situ measurements of water depth, current velocity and suspended sediment content were carried out in edge region of East Chongming salt marsh and neighboring bald flat in the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary under different weather conditions. Cross-shore suspended sediment flux was calculated and analyzed. The results show that under calm weather conditions, the current velocity process in bald field and salt marsh area varied differently during semidiurnal tidal cycles. Owing to current velocity asymmetry, mean SSC during flood tide phase was 1.8 times higher than that of ebb tide phase. As a result, net onshore sediment flux controlled cross-shore suspended sediment transport process and salt marsh pioneer zone was generally accreting. There was significant positive correlation between total sediment flux and quartic power of maximum water depth. It indicates that tidal ranges dominate suspended sediment transport and sedimentation process in the salt marsh pioneer zone under the calm weather condition. The sedimentation rate on the adjacent mudflat was higher than the salt marsh, which induced stable accreting of salt marsh towards the sea. The wind events enhanced SSC and current velocity during the semidiurnal tides. And the remarkable onshore net sediment flux could occur on the high marsh and mudflat close to the marsh fringe during the short period under the rough weather condition.  相似文献   

王爱军  叶翔  陈坚 《海洋学报》2009,31(6):77-86
通过对"凤凰"台风的现场观测和沉积物样品的分析,结果表明,在台风影响下潮水淹没时间增长,增水达1.1 m;台风期间互花米草盐沼内流速变化较复杂,而且盐沼内部流速大于盐沼边缘的;台风期间盐沼边缘潮周期平均悬沙含量是台风前2 d的7倍;台风期间十分之一波高最大为1.54 m。滩面重复测量结果显示,台风登陆期间整个光滩滩面都发生了侵蚀,盐沼内部有部分地区发生侵蚀,侵蚀深度为4.5~5.5 cm,盐沼边缘的侵蚀深度仅为0.7 cm,侵蚀原因主要是植被在风浪作用下从根部折断,从而带走了滩面的沉积物;随着台风强度的减弱,整个滩面均接受悬沙沉降;台风带来的强降雨是影响滩面沉积物活动的重要因素。  相似文献   

选取江苏王港潮滩的盐蒿滩、大米草滩及互花米草滩,分析这三类滩面的地面以上生物量、初级生产力、动物洞穴参数和沉积物粒度,探讨大米草和互花米草引种区的湿地生态系统相对于盐蒿滩的变化.分析结果表明,互花米草滩的生物量远大于盐蒿滩和大米草滩;单位面积上动物洞穴数量相近,但洞穴大小有一定差异,互花米草滩动物洞穴稍大,数量也相对较多,这可能与初级生产力的提高有关.表层底质的粒径以互花米草滩为最细,盐蒿滩最粗,这种分布状况与互花米草引种前不同,说明互花米草促进了细颗粒物质的堆积.互花米草的引种在江苏海岸具有促淤和提高初级生产力的作用,而它对湿地生态系统的结构和功能的影响需要进一步研究.  相似文献   

长江口潮沼植物对动力沉积过程的影响   总被引:36,自引:5,他引:36  
为探讨潮沼植物对动力沉积过程的影响,在长江口南汇东滩沼泽和邻近的光滩上进行了近底层流速、波浪、悬沙浓度、沉积物粒径和滩面淤积速率等对比实验,并在九段沙潮沼中做了两种先锋植物黏附悬沙的实验.结果表明,沼泽和同高程的邻近光滩近底层平均流速的比值为0.16~0.84;两种环境平均波周期、平均波高和平均悬沙浓度的比值分别为1.4,0.43,和0.71.波浪传入沼泽后,一方面波高大大降低,另一方面变得规则有序.海三棱草和草两种先锋植物群落黏附的悬沙分别达到298和40g/m2.由于水动力降低和植物的捕沙功能,细颗粒泥沙易于在沼泽中沉积下来,导致沼泽环境沉积物明显较相邻光滩细;沼泽中沉积速率加快,侵蚀受到抑制.  相似文献   

In coastal environments, fine-grain sediments often aggregate into large and porous flocs. ElectroMagnetic Current Meters (EMCM) and Laser In Situ Scattering and Transmissometry (LISST-ST) have been deployed within a Spartina alterniflora marsh of the Luoyuan Bay in Fujian Province, China, to measure the current velocity, the floc size and the settling velocity between 15 and 22 January 2008. During the observations, the near-bed water was collected in order to obtain the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and constituent grain size. Data show that: (1) the nearbed current velocities vary from 0.1 to 5.6 cm/s in the central Spartina alterniflora marsh and 0.1–12.5 cm/s at the edge; (2) the SSCs vary from 47 to 188 mg/dm 3 . The mean grain size of constituent grains varies from 7.0 to 9.6 μm, and the mean floc sizes (MFS) vary from 30.4 to 69.4 μm. The relationship between the mean floc size and settling velocity can be described as: w s =ad b , in which w s is the floc settling velocity (mm/s), a and b are coefficients. The floc settling velocity varies from 0.17 to 0.32 mm/s, with a mean value of 0.26 mm/s, and the floc settling velocity during the flood tide is higher than that during the ebb tide. The current velocity and the SSC are the main factors controlling the flocculation processes and the floc settling velocity.  相似文献   

根据2014年1月及2017年2月杭州湾大、小潮水沙资料,计算了流速、含沙量、单宽潮量、单宽输沙量,进而分析了潮周期断面净潮量、净输沙量和区域冲淤分布。研究发现杭州湾涨、落潮平均流速比值整体较20世纪八九十年代增大,绝大部分区域大于1.0,涨潮流相对增强,澉浦南岸和金山北岸尤为显著。含沙量平面上分布澉浦、杭州湾南岸两个高值区(大潮大于3 kg/m3,小潮大于1.3 kg/m3)以及北岸湾口至乍浦之间的低值区(大潮小于2 kg/m3,小潮小于0.9 kg/m3),随潮汛变化显著,最大含沙量浓度通常滞后于急流时刻。各测站涨、落潮量和输沙量呈现“大涨大落”和“大进大出”的特征,造成杭州湾短时间尺度内的“大冲大淤”。大潮两涨两落金山与乍浦、乍浦与澉浦之间区域净输沙量可达几千万吨,净冲淤则在几百万吨。  相似文献   

We studied the population ecology of the snail Melampus bidentatus in relation to patch composition and landscape structure across several salt marsh systems in Connecticut, USA. These marshes have changed significantly over the past 40–50 years including loss of total area, increased areas of short Spartina alterniflora, and decreased areas and fragmentation of Spartina patens. These changes are consistent with tidal inundation patterns that indicate frequent flooding of high marsh areas. Melampus bidentatus densities were highly variable, both among different salt marsh systems and locations within specific marshes, but were generally similar among short Sp. alterniflora and Sp. patens patches within locations. Densities were lowest where the marsh was regularly inundated at high tide and only remnant Sp. patens patches remained. Almost no snails were found in bare patches. Areas that had large Sp. patens patches adjacent to short Sp. alterniflora supported the highest M. bidentatus densities. Population size‐structure varied significantly among patch types, with higher proportions of large individuals in short Sp. alterniflora and hummocked Sp. patens patches than in large and remnant Sp. patens patches. This was likely due to size‐selective predation and/or higher snail growth rates due to better food resource conditions in short Sp. alterniflora patches. Egg mass densities and the number of eggs per egg mass were highest in short Sp. alterniflora. Our results indicate that M. bidentatus is resilient to the level and patterns of salt marsh change evident at our study sites. Indeed, snail densities were significantly higher than reported in other field studies, suggesting that increased patch areas of short Sp. alterniflora and associated environmental conditions at our study sites may provide more favorable habitats than previously when marshes were dominated by extensive Sp. patens meadows. However, there may be threshold conditions that could overwhelm the ability of M. bidentatus to maintain itself within salt marsh systems where changes in hydrology, sedimentation and other factors lead to increased numbers of bare patches and ponds and loss of short Sp. alterniflora and Sp. patens. Studies of the responses of resident and transient fauna to salt marsh change are critically needed in order to better understand the implications for salt marsh ecosystem dynamics and services.  相似文献   

弱动力浅海中的悬沙输运机制:以天津港附近海域为例   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
根据在天津港附近海域获取的水动力和浊度数据,分析了悬沙输运特征和输运机制,结果表明:天津港附近海域受不规则半日潮控制呈低流态往复流特征,但涨潮流强于落潮流;涨潮期间底部悬沙浓度与垂线平均流速呈显著线性相关,存在显著的再悬浮作用;潮周期内的悬沙输运呈典型的不对称特征,形成向岸的净输运趋势。输运机制分析结果显示:潮泵效应(尤其是潮汐捕捉效应)是天津港附近海域悬沙输运的主要贡献项,其次是拉格朗日平流输运项,前者比后者高一个量级;垂向剪切作用最小。涨落潮期间流速与悬沙浓度的显著不对称是造成潮汐捕捉效应占主导的基本条件。在潮下带这种悬沙输运格局可能和潮间带发生的细颗粒沉积物捕集(堆积)作用有关。  相似文献   

Artificially introduced cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, rapidly colonized the intertidal flats of the Jiangsu coast, eastern China. The epibenthos on an intertidal flat invaded by S. alterniflora were studied, to identify how local epibenthos species react to an altered environment. Epibenthic samples and surficial sediment samples were collected along a shore-normal profile in 50 quadrats at ten stations across the Spartina salt marsh; and five control quadrats for a station located on the barren sandy-mud flat. The grain size parameters of the surficial sediments show that S. alterniflora altered the grain size gradient along the profile of the intertidal zone by trapping fine-grained sediments. Spartina alterniflora could inhabit lower elevations than indigenous salt marsh vegetation, thus creating larger areas of finer surficial sediments, which was suitable for not only native epibenthic species but also species which do not exist on the barren sandy-mud flat. Correlation analyses show that the epibenthos were sensitive to sediment grain size and type, on the invaded S. alterniflora salt marsh. Further, there was an interspecific relationship affecting the distribution of epibenthos. The results show that epibenthos preferred ecological niches, within the Spartina salt marsh, even in the same sampling station.  相似文献   

The Nanhui tidal flat is located in the area of slow current where the ebb currents from the Changjiang Estuaryand the Hangzhou Bay converge and the flood current from the sea diverges into the estuary and the bay. The flat extends seaward in tongue shape and has a wide and gentle surface with a marked difference of tidal levels on its two sides, which results in the sediment longitudinal transport on the flat. The water-sediment conditions are diverse at different locations. The velocity and sediment concentration in intertidal zone are higher during the flood tide than those during the ebb tide. The net sediment transport is landward, resulting in a large amount of deposition of sediments on the shoal. However, the ebb current is the dominant one in deep-water area where the net sediment transport is seaward. There exist two circulation systems in plane view on the shoal and in its adjacent deep-water area, which results in the sediment exchanges between the flat and channel and between the estuary an  相似文献   

泥沙运动作为水流和底床相互作用的纽带,是河流、河口及海岸工程研究的重要内容。在潮波作用明显的河口、海岸地区,周期性的动力作用下的泥沙运动具有往复和可逆的特征,因此研究这类水域的泥沙的净输运更具有实际的意义。基于泥沙输运和流速呈指数关系假设,建立潮流环境下的泥沙全沙净输运的解析解公式,并对该公式的计算结果和数值计算以及数学模型的结果进行了检验和验证,结果表明本研究提出的公式能较好地反应潮流环境下的泥沙净输运。由此,基于本公式采用潮流分潮调和常数可计算得到全沙净输运,并可以分析各分潮流及其相互作用与泥沙净输运的关系。研究结果显示,在受径流影响较大的半日潮河口,S2、MS4、M2三潮相互作用对全沙净输运的贡献显著高于通常的潮流不对称作用,即M2、M4的相互作用。此外,河口区域径流导致的余流对泥沙净输运的贡献不可忽略,特别是在洪季,大径流量条件下往往导致余流较大,其对泥沙净输运的贡献所占比例较大。  相似文献   

试论植物在潮滩发育演变中的作用   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34  
根据1985-1991年对长江三角洲和苏北潮滩-潮沼系统中潮流和波浪观察、滩面高程量算、沉积物分析和人工海草试验,研究植物对潮滩动力和沉积的影响。结果表明,(1)植物可使底层流速降低20%-60%,使波浪能量大部分被吸收。(2)沼泽前缘存在侵蚀机制,而沼泽的主体则有明显的促淤现象;沼泽中的沉积速率可达光滩的9倍以上。(3)沼泽前缘沉积物有粗化现象,沼泽主体则是细化环境;沼泽是孢粉相对富集的场所;沼  相似文献   

Plant-flow interactions on the surface of tidal wetlands result in flow characteristics that are profoundly different from non-vegetated flows. Reductions in mean flow velocity and turbulence, especially the vertical components, limit vertical mixing and may impact a wide range of processes including geochemical exchanges at the sediment water interface, larval recruitment and dispersion, and sediment deposition and retention. The goal of this paper is to quantify horizontal and vertical components of velocity, turbulence intensity and total turbulent kinetic energy in Spartina alterniflora canopies in southeastern North Carolina and to relate flow characteristics to particulate transport on the marsh surface. Another aim of this paper is to assess the extent to which the distribution of standing biomass affects mean flow and turbulence by comparing S. alterniflora data to other canopy types and through a series of canopy manipulations which altered canopy height and stem densities.The results of this study indicate that flow velocity, turbulence intensity, and total turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) are significantly reduced within the vegetated canopy and that this reduction is inversely related to the amount of biomass present in the water column. Within the canopy, approximately 50% of the initial mean velocity and TKE is reduced within 5 m of the canopy edge. Within the canopy, mean velocity and TKEhoriz usually exceeded vertical velocity or TKEvert and the vertical components of flow were attenuated more strongly than the horizontal. These results suggest that within the vegetation, turbulence contributes more to lateral advection than to vertical mixing. As a result, total suspended solid concentrations were shown to decrease logarithmically with distance from the canopy edge and to decrease at a faster rate in more densely vegetated regions of the canopy (i.e. lower TKEvert) as compared to areas of sparser vegetation (i.e. higher TKEvert).  相似文献   

The North Branch, separated by the Chongming Island, was once the main channel in the estuary of the Changjiang River. Reclamation and a decrease in runoff to the North Branch had led to the narrowing and shallowing of the channel. The Yuantuojiao Point is located at the intersecting point connecting the North Branch of the Changjiang River and the Jiangsu coastline. Erosion cliffs are developed between the typical silty-muddy tidal flat and the salt marsh occupied by Spartina alterniflorea, and this has changed rapidly over the past few years. The sediment grain size analysis results of the surficial and two core samples indicate that the Yuantuojiao Point tidal flat experienced continuous accretional processes. Based upon 137 Cs analysis results of the YT and YY Cores sampled from the tidal flat at the Yuantuojiao Point, the average sedimentation rate of the YT Core was 2.30 cm/a from 1963 to 2007, and 2.38 cm/a from 1954 to 2007 for the YY Core. The sedimentation rates of both core locations have declined since the 1960s corresponding to the seaward reclamation at the Yuantuojiao Point. The average sedimentation rates at the Yuantuojiao Point were similar to that of the silty-muddy tidal flat at the northern Jiangsu coast, but lower than that of the south of the Changjiang River Estuary. According to field morphological investigations from 2006 to 2008 on the salt marsh at the Yuantuojiao Point, cliffs retreated markedly by storm surges and disappeared gradually because of the rapid sedimentation on the silty-muddy tidal flat. The maximum annual retreat reached 10 m. The recent sedimentation and morphological changes of the Yuantuojiao Point tidal flat not only displayed the retreat of the salt marsh and the disappearance of cliffs, but also was accompanied by rapid sedimentation of the silty-muddy tidal flat and the salt marsh, indicating the responses to the tidal currents, storm surges, Spartina alterniflorea trapping sediments and large-scale reclamation. The sediment grain size and their trends, southward coastal flow, and sandspits of the longshore bars suggest that the main sediment source at the Yuantuoijao Point, estuary of the North Branch was possibly from the Changjiang River before 1958, since then, it has been from the south of the submarine radial sand ridges of the southern Huanghai Sea (Yellow Sea).  相似文献   

为探讨互花米草(Spartinaalterniflora)入侵对三沙湾光滩、红树林湿地的生态影响,分别于2013年10月和2014年9月在三沙湾选择了2条互花米草断面、2条红树林断面和1条光滩进行底栖生物生态调查,分析了大型底栖动物群落分布的时空差异、底栖动物与环境因子之间的关系。经鉴定,该调查海域大型底栖动物共68种,隶属于7门40科,其中短拟沼螺(Assiminea brevicula)为互花米草区优势物种;宁波泥蟹(Ilyoplaxningpoensis)为光滩的优势物种;巴林虫(Barantollasp.)为红树林区优势物种。对各生境大型底栖动物物种数、生物量和栖息密度组成进行双因素无重复方差分析(two-way ANOVA),结果显示不同生境大型底栖动物物种数差异极显著(P0.01),互花米草入侵红树林后,大型底栖动物物种数稍有下降,但是互花米草入侵光滩后,大型底栖动物物种数有所增加;不同生境大型底栖动物生物量差异极显著(P0.01),栖息密度差异不显著(P0.05)。利用大型底栖动物的ABC曲线分析群落结构的稳定性,显示光滩群落结构稳定,互花米草入侵后,优势物种变化显著,双齿围沙蚕数量迅速增加,降低了原有大型底栖动物群落结构的稳定性。除生境影响外,互花米草入侵的潮位区域、生长密度差异、入侵阶段等也均会对大型底栖动物造成影响。  相似文献   

为探讨外来引种的互花米草(Spartina alterniflora Loisel)在我国海湾的扩展过程,根据1989-2010年遥感影像和野外观测数据,对罗源湾互花米草的分布特征进行分析,结果显示,对该区互花米草近20 a的扩展过程划分为3个阶段:前5 a其沿着高潮带平行于海岸线呈带状扩展;之后5 a在中潮带向湾内快速拓殖;后10 a则扩展缓慢,种群内部的空隙地逐渐被米草覆盖。截至2010年,罗源湾互花米草的总面积约为741.13 hm2。受潮滩环境分带性影响,罗源湾互花米草在高潮带平行于海岸线的扩展速度明显大于垂直于海岸线的扩展速度;在中潮带的快速扩展过程中互花米草倾向于先在潮沟两侧分布,这可能与归槽水和滩面摩阻作用有关,相比较,互花米草在浅洼地的扩展较滞后,该区域随着滩面的淤高过程逐渐被米草覆盖。在其整个扩展过程中,由于互花米草对潮流及悬浮颗粒的阻滞作用,使得其扩展前缘米草斑块和连续种群之间的光滩区成为悬浮颗粒及米草种子容易沉降的区域,互花米草易朝向该区域扩展。  相似文献   

胶州湾海域潮流动力特征及其与含沙量的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据2009年胶州湾海域的悬沙、流速、流向的实测资料,应用短期资料的潮流准调和分析方法,对连续海流资料进行了分析,并结合悬沙资料,对含沙量与潮流之间动力关系进行了探讨。研究结果表明:该海域潮流属于正规半日潮流性质,半日分潮流的东分量大于北分量,潮流以带有旋转性质的往复流为主,涨潮流流向偏西,落潮流流向偏东。胶州湾内含沙量分布特征与海底沉积物粒径特征基本一致。含沙量在涨落潮的交替和流速的更迭作用下出现明显的周期性变化,含沙量的峰值基本与海域半日潮流特点相对应,几乎每1个流速峰值对应1个含沙量的峰值,含沙量的峰值一般出现在流速峰值之后。胶州湾口处流速和单宽输沙量都为最大,涨潮单宽输沙量大于落潮单宽输沙量,输沙方向为偏西向。  相似文献   

江苏海岸带盐沼潮滩在小尺度下的沉积变化过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在小尺度范围内,潮滩沉积的研究一般都是基于几个站位或断面进行短时日的调查和监测来获取数据,或多或少地存在数据的连续性不足等问题。基于此,本文在潮滩地貌典型的江苏平原海岸选取了约160 000 m2的盐沼潮滩作为研究对象,在多年的野外连续观测下,分析了人类围垦活动对盐沼潮滩沉积过程及变化的影响。结果表明:人类围垦活动(如堤坝建设等)对潮滩沉积和盐沼植被覆盖的变化有重要影响。围垦堤坝修建之前,研究区向陆一侧为盐沼植物(现为养殖池),向海一侧为光滩,岸线形态比较平直。在2006年围垦堤坝修建后,研究区变为“凹岸”型的人工岸线,沉积环境变得更有利于泥沙的淤积。根据2007-2012年对滩面高程的野外观测,在风暴潮的影响下,潮滩最大淤积率高达23 cm/a。盐沼植被在泥沙快速淤积的基础上不断发育生长,盐沼植物覆盖面积不断扩张。同时外部的沙嘴也在不断增长,潮汐风浪侵蚀携带沙嘴外部泥沙进入盐沼滩地,盐沼植物在泥沙的覆盖下,出现萎缩退化,覆盖面积减少,但是对潮滩上的泥沙而言还是不断堆积增厚。柱状样岩芯的粒度垂向剖面特征也记录了盐沼潮滩沉积环境的变化。小尺度下盐沼潮滩沉积表现出的阶段性变化规律,揭示出合理的围垦活动有利于堤坝前的潮滩淤积和盐沼植被的扩张。  相似文献   

潮间带盐沼植物黏附悬浮颗粒物的差异性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
李华  杨世伦 《海洋学报》2010,32(1):114-119
为了研究潮间带盐沼植物黏附悬浮颗粒物的差异性,在长江口选择了三种盐沼植物群落对它们黏附的颗粒物质量进行测定,结果表明:(1)植物群落距潮沟或光滩越近,生长位置的滩面高程越低,则黏附颗粒物越多,而在盐沼前缘单位滩地面积上植物黏附颗粒物的质量以1%~3%/m(单位水平距离)的速率从水体悬浮颗粒物含量相对较高的盐沼外缘光滩或潮沟向盐沼内部减小;(2)植物黏附的颗粒物量在垂向上从上到下急剧增大,通常在靠近滩面5~10 cm的部分植物的黏附量占植物黏附总量的三分之一以上;(3)相邻群落单位滩地面积的互花米草[(220.6±172.7)g/m2]的总黏附量明显多于芦苇[(64.9±38.1)g/m2]和海三棱藨草[(45.2±31.7)g/m2],而按单位生物量来说单位滩地面积上三种盐沼植物黏附的颗粒物以海三棱藨草最多[(150.5±134.8)g/kg],芦苇最少[(28.8±22.8)g/kg],互花米草介于两者之间[(57.5±32.9)g/kg];(4)海三棱藨草的黏附量在季节上差异性明显,秋初(9月)是春末(5月)的6倍,在冬季该植物消失,其黏附颗粒物的功能也消失。造成盐沼植物黏附悬浮颗粒物差异的根本原因是生物量、悬浮颗粒物含量和淹没条件(淹没的深度、时间、频率)的不同。  相似文献   

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