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Current velocity and suspended sediment concentration measurements at anchor stations in the downstream extremity of the Gironde estuary indicate that during periods of high river discharge, a significant amount of suspended sediment is transported out of the estuary onto the adjacent continental shelf. The vertical profile of the residual (non-tidal) suspended sediment flux is similar to that of the residual current velocity, with a net upstream flux near the bottom and an overlying seaward-directed transport. The overall, depth-integrated result is a net seaward transport of suspended sediment out of the estuary. It appears that this net seaward transport varies directly with tidal amplitude.Aerial photography and water sampling indicate that during high river inflow, the downstream extremity of the turbidity maximum extends onto the continental shelf at ebb tide. The tidal and coastal current patterns of the inlet and inner shelf induce a northward transport of the turbid estuarine water, and at each tidal cycle, a certain amount of suspended sediment leaves the estuary; part of this sediment is deposited in a silt and clay zone on the continental shelf.  相似文献   

长江口北港口门海域悬沙输运机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2012年10月24日至11月1日在长江口北港口门海域获取的沉积动力学数据,采用输运通量分解方法分析水沙输运机制。结果表明,长江口北港口门附近海域涨、落潮期间底部悬沙浓度与近底部流速呈显著线性相关,存在显著的再悬浮作用;潮周期内的悬沙输运具不对称特征,涨潮悬沙浓度大于落潮悬沙浓度,悬浮泥沙有向陆输运的趋势。拉格朗日平流输运是影响悬沙输运的主要贡献项;潮泵效应(尤其是潮汐捕捉效应)以及河口垂向环流作用是两个次要影响因素,在影响程度上前者比后者略大。观测发现,长江口北港口门海域潮流除了具有涨落潮流速、历时等不对称现象外,还具有流速结构不对称的特征,进而导致涨、落潮底部湍流混合程度不对称与输沙不对称,这可能是造成悬沙向河口内输运形成最大浑浊带的重要因素。  相似文献   

本文基于4次洪枯季同步水文观测资料,着重分析了长江口北支悬沙浓度的潮周期变化、垂向分布、纵向分布和悬沙输移及其时空差异。研究结果显示,悬沙浓度的潮周期变化过程在大中潮期以M型(双峰型)为主,下段主槽内在大潮期多出现V型,上段在枯季可出现涨潮单峰型;小潮期可出现无峰、单峰或双峰型。涨、落潮悬沙浓度峰值及均值,在枯季多涨潮大于落潮,洪季中小潮特别是小潮期易出现落潮大于涨潮;下段主槽内在大潮期易出现落潮大于涨潮。悬沙浓度的垂向分布及其变化特点,在大中潮期与悬沙的潮周期变化型式有关,其中M型存在显著的洪枯季差异。纵向上,最高悬沙浓度在枯季出现于中段灵甸港至三和港之间及附近河段,洪季则在下段三条港附近。潮周期悬沙净输移,枯季大多向陆特别是大中潮期,洪季中上段大多向海,下段大潮期多向陆、中小潮易出现向海;下段主槽内在大潮期易出现向海。  相似文献   

弱动力浅海中的悬沙输运机制:以天津港附近海域为例   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
根据在天津港附近海域获取的水动力和浊度数据,分析了悬沙输运特征和输运机制,结果表明:天津港附近海域受不规则半日潮控制呈低流态往复流特征,但涨潮流强于落潮流;涨潮期间底部悬沙浓度与垂线平均流速呈显著线性相关,存在显著的再悬浮作用;潮周期内的悬沙输运呈典型的不对称特征,形成向岸的净输运趋势。输运机制分析结果显示:潮泵效应(尤其是潮汐捕捉效应)是天津港附近海域悬沙输运的主要贡献项,其次是拉格朗日平流输运项,前者比后者高一个量级;垂向剪切作用最小。涨落潮期间流速与悬沙浓度的显著不对称是造成潮汐捕捉效应占主导的基本条件。在潮下带这种悬沙输运格局可能和潮间带发生的细颗粒沉积物捕集(堆积)作用有关。  相似文献   

The river Varde Å discharges into the bay of Ho Bugt on the western coast of Jutland forming a small, bar-built estuary. This paper deals with tidal fluxes of water and sediment in the Varde Å estuary.The inflowing water at flood tide is part of a turbidity maximum in the northern part of the bay. At high tide slack water the suspended material deposits inside the estuary. During ebb-tide it is resuspended, and the estuary bottom is washed clean coinciding with the influx of relatively pure freshwater from the drainage area.From one station in the estuary mouth, current velocities and concentrations of suspended material have been measured during 10 tidal periods covering all four seasons. It is shown how these data can be used in a quantitative calculation of the transport of water and suspended material through the cross-section of study.A model has been formulated which—based on half-tidal periods—quantifies the transport of water and suspended material through the estuary mouth.The model is calibrated on the basis of measurements made during the above-mentioned 10 tidal periods. The rather small number of measurements is to some extent compensated for by a carefully pre-arranged selection of tidal periods.The model is discussed in relation to the prediction of net suspended transport through the estuary mouth in different weather and tidal situations.  相似文献   

基于2018年8月福建三沙湾湾内外共两个定点站位的船基和座底三脚架观测数据,研究了三沙湾底边界动力过程及悬沙输运特征。结果表明,三沙湾湾内湾外两个站位均表现出涨落潮历时相近但涨落潮流速明显不对称的现象,即湾内涨潮流速大于落潮流速,湾外则相反。湾内水体受淡水输入影响较大,表现出落潮期间显著的温盐层化,而涨潮期间水体混合良好;湾外水体受淡水影响不明显,表现为水体温度主导的层化。通过对底边界层动力过程的分析表明,湾内(距底0.75 m)、湾外(距底0.50 m)站位底边界层的平均摩阻流速分别是0.016 m/s、0.013 m/s,且两个站位拖曳系数基本相等(2.03×10-3),表明在相同流速下湾内站位的底部切应力更大,近底沉积物再悬浮和搬运相对湾外站位更为显著。因此观测期间悬沙浓度最大值出现在湾内站位,为109 mg/L,且悬沙在垂向上的分布可达上层水体;湾外站位悬沙浓度更低,并且底部悬浮泥沙仅能影响至距底5 m的水体。悬沙通量机制分解结果表明,三沙湾夏季的潮周期单宽悬沙从湾外向湾内方向净输运,湾内站位向湾内方向净输运74.88 g/(m·s),平流输沙占主导作用,贡献率41.7%;湾外站位向湾内方向净输运10.57 g/(m·s),主要受平流输沙和垂向净环流的控制,贡献率94.9%  相似文献   

Coastal salt marshes represent an important coastal wetland system.In order to understand the differences between boundary layer parameters of vegetated and unvegetated areas,as well as the mechanisms of sediment transport,several electromagnetic current meters (AEM HR,products of Alec Electronics Co.Ltd.) were deployed in coastal wetlands in Quanzhou Bay,China,to measure current velocity.During the low tide phase,the surficial sediment was collected at 10 m intervals.In situ measurements show that the current velocities on the bare flat were much higher than those in the Spartina alterniflora marsh.Current velocity also varied with distance from marsh edge and plant canopy height and diameter.Around 63% of the velocity profiles in the tidal creek can be described by a logarithmic equation.Over the bare flat and Spartina alterniflora marsh,a logarithmic profile almost occurs during the flood tide phase.Sediment analysis shows that mean grain size was 6.7 Φ along the marsh edge,and surface sediments were transported from bare flat to marsh;the tidal creeks may change this sediment transport pattern.The hydrodynamics at early flood tide and late ebb tide phases determined the net transport direction within the study area.  相似文献   

观测红树林潮滩在波浪和潮流作用下的近底层垂向剖面悬沙浓度变化过程, 对理解海岸带植被的消能促淤机制和滨海湿地生态修复工程有着重要作用。本文以北部湾七星岛岛尾桐花树红树林潮滩为例, 基于剖面流速仪HR、声学多普勒单点流速仪ADV、浪潮仪T-wave及剖面浊度仪ASM, 获取了研究区域2019年夏季大潮连续3天的水文数据, 同时结合桐花树典型植株实测参数, 分析了潮周期内红树林潮滩近底层垂向剖面悬沙响应波浪、潮流作用及桐花树空间结构的运动过程。结果表明: 1) 桐花树潮滩近底层悬沙浓度和悬沙通量具有涨潮明显大于落潮的潮汐不对称现象, 剖面垂向高悬沙浓度区域在涨潮初期—涨急由距底部0.1~0.37m转变为距底部0.5~0.67m, 落急—落潮末期则由上部转变为下部; 2) 潮周期内悬沙起动和再悬浮阶段发生在以波浪作用主导的涨潮初期和落潮末期, 平流和沉降发生在以潮流作用为主的涨急至落急整个阶段; 3) 涨潮阶段桐花树冠层的茂密枝叶通过减缓流速拦截多于冠层上部40%以上的悬沙, 落潮水体则挟沙自陆向海经过桐花树群落, 使得悬沙浓度下降超过71%。该不对称涨、落潮动力沉积机制有利于悬沙向岸输运, 促进潮滩扩张过程。  相似文献   

胶州湾海域潮流动力特征及其与含沙量的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据2009年胶州湾海域的悬沙、流速、流向的实测资料,应用短期资料的潮流准调和分析方法,对连续海流资料进行了分析,并结合悬沙资料,对含沙量与潮流之间动力关系进行了探讨。研究结果表明:该海域潮流属于正规半日潮流性质,半日分潮流的东分量大于北分量,潮流以带有旋转性质的往复流为主,涨潮流流向偏西,落潮流流向偏东。胶州湾内含沙量分布特征与海底沉积物粒径特征基本一致。含沙量在涨落潮的交替和流速的更迭作用下出现明显的周期性变化,含沙量的峰值基本与海域半日潮流特点相对应,几乎每1个流速峰值对应1个含沙量的峰值,含沙量的峰值一般出现在流速峰值之后。胶州湾口处流速和单宽输沙量都为最大,涨潮单宽输沙量大于落潮单宽输沙量,输沙方向为偏西向。  相似文献   

Between April 2002 and April 2003, in situ measurements of water depth, current velocity and suspended sediment content were carried out in edge region of East Chongming salt marsh and neighboring bald flat in the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary under different weather conditions. Cross-shore suspended sediment flux was calculated and analyzed. The results show that under calm weather conditions, the current velocity process in bald field and salt marsh area varied differently during semidiurnal tidal cycles. Owing to current velocity asymmetry, mean SSC during flood tide phase was 1.8 times higher than that of ebb tide phase. As a result, net onshore sediment flux controlled cross-shore suspended sediment transport process and salt marsh pioneer zone was generally accreting. There was significant positive correlation between total sediment flux and quartic power of maximum water depth. It indicates that tidal ranges dominate suspended sediment transport and sedimentation process in the salt marsh pioneer zone under the calm weather condition. The sedimentation rate on the adjacent mudflat was higher than the salt marsh, which induced stable accreting of salt marsh towards the sea. The wind events enhanced SSC and current velocity during the semidiurnal tides. And the remarkable onshore net sediment flux could occur on the high marsh and mudflat close to the marsh fringe during the short period under the rough weather condition.  相似文献   

海湾内外的潮波变形及其不对称性影响海湾内外动力输送和水体交换。利用乐清湾内外共9个测站连续潮位进行调和分析,得到该海湾内外各分潮变化规律,利用潮不对称性偏度计算方法确定湾内外潮汐不对称性时空变化特征,比较了主要分潮组合对潮汐不对称性的贡献度,通过数值研究探讨了湾内偏度比湾外偏度值更小的主要成因,分析了湾内外围垦工程对潮不对称偏度的影响。研究发现:乐清湾内潮汐不对称偏度值为负,表现为落潮占优,同期湾外洞头站偏度值为正,与邻近瓯江、飞云江河口的潮不对称偏度变大、表现涨潮占优的变化规律相反;湾外沿岸各站偏度由东北向西南逐渐增大,由落潮占优向涨潮占优变化;潮汐不对称性偏度呈周期性变化,分析确定M2-M4、M2-S2-MS4分潮组合对潮不对称贡献大,该海域潮汐不对称的强度主要由浅水分潮振幅控制,而相对相位则决定潮汐不对称的方向;数值研究探讨表明,湾内大范围的浅滩地形是其潮汐不对称落潮占优的主要原因,围垦将削弱湾内的落潮占优。  相似文献   

珠江黄茅海河口洪季侧向余环流与泥沙输移   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
2012年洪季对珠江黄茅海河口湾侧向动力结构与泥沙输移过程进行了系统观测,采用动量平衡和泥沙通量机制分解等方法,分析了河口流、温盐和泥沙侧向分布特征以及泥沙输移过程,探讨了侧向动量平衡与泥沙输移机制。洪季黄茅海河口存在明显的侧向流,西滩和北槽均形成表层向东、底层向西的两层侧向流,拦门沙滩顶呈现表、底层向西、中层向东的三层侧向流,而拦门沙前缘侧向流整体向西。河口湾纵向净泥沙通量表现为北槽向海、西滩向陆,拦门沙滩顶及其前缘均向海;侧向净泥沙通量表现为滩顶及其前缘均向西,西滩向东、北槽向西。这种侧向泥沙辐聚过程是高浓度悬沙聚集于滩槽界面的重要原因,向陆净通量是西滩回淤的重要原因。滩槽间侧向余环流动量平衡主要是侧向斜压梯度力、科氏力和侧向平流作用。欧拉平流输运在侧向泥沙输运中起主要作用,潮泵效应也起重要作用。  相似文献   

长江口横沙东滩外侧建设人工岛的自然条件分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
薛靖波  蒋雪中  买佳阳 《海洋学报》2014,36(11):163-172
利用2001-2008年的海图资料和2011-2012年枯季现场水文调查数据,分析长江口横沙东滩外侧海域的河势、水动力条件及泥沙含量的潮周期过程,讨论在此建设人工岛的自然条件。结果表明,横沙东滩外侧海域,2001-2008年间冲淤有变化,由滩向海的断面显示上部淤积,下部侵蚀,冲淤转换面在-7~-10m之间,-10~-20m海域整体呈现微冲趋势,但侵蚀速率减缓,河势趋于稳定。横沙东滩受北槽深水航道北导堤影响,向东南方向淤进。定点船测潮流表现出旋转流性质,枯季大潮最大流速不超过188cm/s,小潮最大流速小于134cm/s;北港口外的定点余流显示向口内输运,北槽口外则是向海输运。两测站数据显示枯季大小潮垂线平均含沙量处于0.061~0.116kg/m3之间,水体泥沙含量整体处在较低水平。从自然条件上来说,不考虑风浪影响情况,研究区域内河势渐趋稳定,水深条件良好,水动力条件适宜,水体含沙量较低,在该区域内建设人工岛具有可行性。  相似文献   

江苏如东西太阳沙及烂沙洋海域潮流泥沙数值模拟   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
李孟国  时钟 《海洋通报》2005,24(6):9-16
基于不规则三角形网格有限差分法并考虑波浪及其破碎作用,建立了平面二维潮流场和泥沙场数学模型.该模型对有望建设成深水码头和深水航道的江苏如东西太阳沙和烂沙洋海域的潮流场和泥沙场进行了细化数值模拟.数值模拟结果表明:(1)本海区潮流基本上是顺深槽流动的往复流,潮流流速大,烂沙洋北水道和西太阳沙附近大潮涨落潮最大流速分别在2 m/s和1 m/s以上;(2)本海区的潮平均水体含沙量在0.5 kg/m^3以下,落潮含沙量大于涨潮含沙量;(3)小浪对水体含沙量影响很小,大浪作用下水体含沙量明显增加.  相似文献   

曹妃甸老龙沟动力地貌体系及演化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
老龙沟为典型沙坝-泻湖型潮汐汊道,潮汐汊道地貌结构完整.老龙沟口门处潮流动力最强,发育-20m的深槽.口门内涨潮流三角洲上发育完整的多级水道体系.口门外落潮三角洲止于-11 m水深处.以突起的末端坝为地形标志,落潮主水道偏于落潮三角洲东侧发育,落潮三角洲西侧发育宽缓冲流平台.落潮主水道以落潮流为优势,冲流平台上潮流动力...  相似文献   

杭州湾北岸金汇潮滩冲淤分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杭州湾北岸在南汇嘴和金山嘴人工控制节点作用下,形成微弯内凹的弧形海岸廓线,金汇岸段位于弧形岸线凹段。由于海岸凹段内水流相对较弱,尤其是涨落潮转流过程中低流速(<20cm/s)历时长,有利于泥沙下沉淤泥。11世纪中叶,杭州湾北岸自修筑了第一条海塘进入人工控制后,金汇潮滩处于淤涨中。近年来,受长江来沙量减少和南汇边滩促淤圈围工程的影响,进入杭州湾北岸水域的泥沙也有所减少,出现冲刷现象,金汇潮滩由淤涨型转换为冲刷型。  相似文献   

陈茁  李薇  胡鹏  贺治国 《海洋工程》2022,40(1):149-159
基于平面二维水沙床耦合地貌模型,反演了1958年1月至1964年12月连续枯水年期间钱塘江尖山河段的主槽摆动过程,揭示了河势由顺直到弯曲的主要演变规律和内在机制.结果表明,在低径流和强潮流作用下,丰水年形成的北部落潮槽逐渐淤积形成浅滩,南部涨潮槽冲刷发展形成南、北两支,两槽间江心滩发育壮大,形成弯曲河势.河床冲淤主要集中在前两年内,潮汐周期内涨潮初期冲刷、涨憩和落潮初期淤积,区域淤积泥沙主要来源于下游杭州湾,北槽前期淤积为落潮型淤积,后期为涨潮型淤积.河势变化使得区域潮差增大潮动力增强,南槽涨落潮流速显著增大.顺直河势下,江心滩南北两侧分流比差异不大,涨潮期间南侧略高、落潮期间北槽略高.弯曲河势下,南槽水深和纳潮量增加,涨、落潮分流比均显著增大至75%以上.  相似文献   

基于ROMS三维模型, 模拟了珠江口洪季最大浑浊带的轴、侧向分布和大、小潮变化。模拟结果表明, 珠江口伶仃洋最大浑浊带的轴向位置在22.3°—22.45°N之间, 并随着潮流变化而周期性上下游迁移。控制最大浑浊带形成的主要因素是余流作用下的底层泥沙辐聚, 决定最大浑浊带位置的主要因素是水平对流输沙, 泥沙来源主要是上游浅滩沉积物的再悬浮。小潮期间堆积在浅滩的细颗粒沉积物在大潮期间被悬浮, 搬运到下游的滞流点位置, 在中滩南部和西滩外缘落淤。“潮泵”作用在大潮期间将泥沙向下游输运, 在小潮期间向上游输运; 垂向剪切作用则有利于悬浮泥沙的陆向输运; 二者共同作用产生泥沙辐聚, 形成最大浑浊带。大、小潮期间余流结构差异不大, 主要由密度差和潮汐混合不对称共同导致, 其中前者贡献更大。  相似文献   

本文以粤西水东湾表层沉积物样品的粒度分布为基本数据,使用对应分析方法并结合地形与波流特征,分析了海湾动力沉积环境。分析结果表明,海湾现代沉积环境可划分为4个动力沉积区。  相似文献   

Widely applied in maintaining estuarial waterway depth, the spur dike has played an important role in currents and sediment exchange between channel and shoal and sediment back-silting in the channel. Through establishing a generalized physical model at a bifurcated estuary and conducting current tests under the joint action of runoff and tide, the influence of the spur dike length on current exchange between channel and shoal is analyzed. Results show that when the spur dike length reaches a certain value, the direction of the flow velocity shear front between the channel and shoal will change. The longer the spur dike, the larger the transverse fluctuating velocity at the peak of flood in the channel shoal exchange area, while the transport of the transverse hydrodynamics is obvious in the process of flood. There is an optimum length of spur dike when the shear stress in the channel and the longitudinal velocity in flood and ebb reach the maximum, and the flow velocity will decrease when the spur dike length is smaller or larger than the optimum. For a certain length of spur dike, the larger the channel shoal elevation difference, the larger the peak longitudinal flow velocity in the middle of the navigation channel in flood and ebb. However, the transverse flow velocity will first decrease and then increase. The transverse transportation is obvious when the channel shoal elevation difference increases.  相似文献   

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