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全球范围内绝大多数渔业处于数据缺乏的状态,而常规的资源评估方法需要准确的生物学信息和完整的渔获数据,通常并不适合此类渔业资源的评估。数据缺乏方法(DLM)正是适用于此类情况的渔业资源评估方法,DLM的研究已经成为渔业资源研究的热点。作者对DLM的近期发展作了简要回顾,重点对主要的DLM方法和数据需求进行了分析比较,指出这些方法的应用需要注意的问题。历史渔获量是大多数DLM方法运用的必要数据(如DCAC、Catch-MSY模型),而关于资源丰度的相对指标和重要生活史参数(如种群内禀增长率、自然死亡系数),则是运用这些方法的必要补充。此外,对运用DLM所需的主要生物学参数的估算方法进行了简介。最后对DLM方法的使用及其在国内渔业中的运用提出了建议。  相似文献   

鱼类自然死亡率的估算及其影响因子的探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
为探讨鱼类自然死亡率参数,文中讨论了1种通过资源量和渔获量数据估算鱼类自然死亡率(M)的方法。蒙特卡罗模拟分析显示当资源量的白色噪音,即变异系数(CV)水平小于大约10%时自然死亡率的估计值基本上是准确的;捕捞死亡率的变化对自然死亡率估计的影响不大。文中构造了长寿命自然死亡率小和短寿命自然死亡率大的2个鱼类种群,模拟结果表明这种方法更适用于寿命短而自然死亡率大的种群。另外该方法在黄海鲲鱼(Engraulis japonicus)渔业数据上的应用同样得到了良好的结果。  相似文献   

以国家"973"项目资料和历史资料为基础,研究了黄海南部水域渔业海洋学特征、蓝点马鲛洄游行为及与渔场形成、渔期更迭关系.侧重分析2006和2007年春季水温年际变化对蓝点马鲛渔场、渔期分布的影响.结果表明,相对于2006年冷春,2007年黄海南部水域升温较早,渔汛盛期出现于4月25日,较2006年的5月1日左右明显提前,10℃等温线分布是早春南黄海蓝点马鲛鱼群分布与形成渔场的重要因子,而密集中心渔场往往出现于5月初;文中还讨论了南黄海大沙和吕泗渔场的性质特征,以期为蓝点马鲛渔情预报提供基础资料.  相似文献   

根据已开发鱼类种群的自然死亡率(M)在鱼类资源评估中的重要作用,讨论了1种应用实际种群分析(VPA)(亦即世代分析方法)估算鱼类自然死亡率的方法.文中假设了捕捞努力量(E)已知和未知2种情况,并同时求出了其他种群参数,如可捕系数,补充量等.在蒙特卡罗模拟分析中,假设了4种模拟渔业(管理良好的渔业,掠夺式渔业,恢复性渔业和稳定性渔业)对该方法进行了验证.并将von-Bertalanffy生长方程(VBGF)引入VPA模型来估算鱼类的自然死亡率.当CV等于20%时,在4种模拟渔业中鱼类各龄自然死亡率(Ma)的EP均小于10%.在已知单位捕捞努力量渔获量数据时,计算北大西洋长鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus alalunga)的M等于0.119,这个结果比先前假定的值(0.3)小,但考虑到该鱼种所承受的高的捕捞压力作者认为该估计值是合理的.  相似文献   

鱼类的生长是影响群体资源量的要素,研究鱼类的生长规律是开展资源评估工作的基础。本研究依据2016年9-10月和2017年8-10月在黄渤海采集的当年生蓝点马鲛(Scomberomorus niphonius)幼鱼,通过耳石微结构分析,确定了蓝点马鲛孵化期,建立了生长模型并估算了生长率。结果显示,幼鱼日龄范围为64~151 d,孵化日期为5月3日至6月15日,高峰期集中在5月20日至6月3日。叉长和体质量的生长符合Logistic生长模型。叉长平均绝对生长率和特定生长率分别为2.45 mm/d和0.85%/d,生长率随着日龄增大而小幅度减小。体质量平均绝对生长率和特定生长率分别为5.33 g/d和2.68%/d,最大绝对生长率和最大特定生长率分别出现在111~120 d和91~100 d。本研究表明,蓝点马鲛幼鱼生长随日龄发生变化,早期生长较以往进一步加快。  相似文献   

渤海蓝点马鲛食物链结构的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从60年代起,我国开始进行鱼类食性的研究(杨纪明、郑严,1962;杨纪明、林景祺,1966),并且开始以食性分析的方法,对特定海区内的鱼类食物关系进行研究(邓景耀等,1986;张其永等,1981),这为海洋食物链研究提供了初步资料。但至今尚未见有单种鱼食物链结构的研究报道。 蓝点马鮫 Scomberomorus niphonius (Cuvier et Valenciennes)为暖水性、洄游性、中上层鱼类。通常每年6月进入渤海产卵,11月前后离开渤海,向深海做越冬洄游(韦晟,1980)。蓝点马鲛作为渤海的重要经济鱼类之一,近些年来资源量一直保持相对稳定(韦晟,1982;朱德山、韦晟,1983)。进行蓝点马鲛的食物链研究,一方面有助于进行蓝点马鮫资源的预测、增殖及管理,另一方面对阐明渤海生态系统中的能量转换也具有一定意义。本文试图对蓝点马鲛食物链结构问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

当前,对渔业资源评估模型的诊断与选择,主要依赖于模型对观察数据的拟合度,很少评价模型的预测能力、并将其作为评价渔业资源评估与管理质量的依据。为此,本文利用后向预报方法评价了印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus albacores)资源评估模型的预测能力,并在此基础上分析了印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼的资源评估与管理质量。研究表明,在利用贝叶斯剩余产量模型对印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼进行资源评估时,存在如下问题:(1)拟合较好的模型其预测能力较差;(2)利用不同时段数据拟合模型时,采用DIC(Deviance Information Criterion)选择的最佳模型缺少稳定性;(3)不同模型估计的TAC (Total Allowable Catch)存在较大差异。据此可以判断,利用贝叶斯剩余产量模型对印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼进行资源评估与管理效果较差。本研究结果表明:(1)利用后向预报方法可评价模型的预测能力、DIC选择模型的稳定性,从而能在一定程度上判断模型模拟的种群演化动态是否正确、资源评估结果是否存在问题;(2)利用后向预报方法可揭示评估结果的不确定性及其可能引起的渔业管理风险,从而有利于避免渔业管理风险、实现渔业管理目标。  相似文献   

大多数渔业种类由于数据缺乏,无法使用传统的渔业资源评估方法开展评估和管理。越来越多的研究采用CMSY等基于有限数据的评估方法,但CMSY方法在渔获量数据时间序列长度有限、存在误差等情况下的评估可靠性尚有待验证。本研究运用CMSY方法对黄海3种产量较高的经济鱼类开展资源评估,探索渔获量数据时间序列长度、不同渔业发展阶段,以及观测误差水平对评估结果的影响。结果表明,鲐、带鱼和银鲳在2000年后均出现产量高于最大可持续产量(MSY)的情况,资源处于过度利用状况(B/BMSY<1、 F/FMSY>1),近10年来开发强度降低,但生物量仍处于较低水平(B/BMSY<1)。评估模型的回溯性分析结果差异较小,表明评估结果稳定。从数据长度上看,使用遍历产量上升和下降过程的长时间序列数据,其评估结果更为稳定。在观测误差大于20%的情况下,模型对MSY和BMSY出现高估,但结果仍较为稳健。在CMSY方法的应用中应注意选取长时间序列的产量数据,在评估结果不确定性高的情况下应采取相对保守的渔业管理措施。  相似文献   

中国近海大多数渔业都属于数据有限渔业,用对数据要求较高的复杂模型无法对这些渔业资源做出有效评估,因此用数据有限评估模型评估渔业资源的研究具有重要意义。本文使用经典剩余产量模型(CEDA和ASPIC)和两种新型有限数据评估模型(贝叶斯Schaefer剩余产量模型(BSM)和蒙特卡洛MSY估算模型(CMSY)),评估了黄渤海鳀鱼(Engraulis japonicus)、东海带鱼(Trichiurus lepturus)和南海金线鱼(Nemipterus virgatus)这三种重要渔业资源的生物学参考点和资源现状。研究表明:黄渤海鳀鱼MSY估计值为80×10~4~83×10~4 t,生物学参考点F/F_(MSY)估计值小于1.0而B/B_(MSY)略小于1.0,表明这种渔业捕捞强度适中但资源尚未得到完全恢复。东海带鱼MSY估计值为58×10~4~64×10~4 t,F/F_(MSY)估计值大于1.0而B/B_(MSY)估计值小于1.0,表明这种渔业存在过度捕捞且资源已经衰退。南海金线鱼MSY为30×10~4~32×10~4 t,F/F_(MSY)估计值大于1.0而B/B_(MSY)估计值小于1.0,表明这种渔业存在过度捕捞且资源已经衰退。以上4种模型均可适用于中国近海数据有限的渔业资源,但两种经典剩余产量模型对三种渔业数据的拟合不够稳定(相关系数R~2波动较大),因此取BSM和CMSY模型的评估结果作为重要参考,但这两种有限数据评估模型的拟合效果尚需进行深入研究。  相似文献   

鱼卵和仔稚鱼在海洋生态系统能量传递中起重要作用,作为渔业资源的早期补充群体,其分布、群聚结构对评估渔业资源和保护渔业资源具有重要意义。为了解三门湾鱼卵、仔稚鱼群聚结构时空变化规律,对该海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼进行春、夏两季调查,分析了该海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼组成及群聚结构变化等特征。结果发现:(1)两季共鉴定出鱼卵、仔稚鱼8目21科40种,其中定性样品鱼卵、仔稚鱼8目21科36种,定量样品鱼卵、仔稚鱼4目11科24种;鱼卵优势种为斑鰶(Konosirus punctatus)、鲷科未定种(Sparidae)、蓝点马鲛(Scomberomorus niphonius)、鮻(Liza haematocheila)、舌鳎属(Cynoglossus spp.)、石首鱼科未定种(Sciaenidae)、小公鱼属(Stolephorus spp.);仔稚鱼优势种为鮻、孔虾虎鱼(Trypauchen vagina)、小公鱼属、细棘虾虎鱼属(Acentrogobius spp.)、缟虾虎鱼属(Tridentiger spp.)。(2)三门湾湾内与湾外鱼卵、仔稚鱼群聚的组成存在显著差异,且湾内密度均高于湾外,反映出优势种鱼类在产卵季对于水文环境(如海流、温度)的空间响应。(3)三门湾鱼卵、仔稚鱼的群聚组成季节波动明显,主要由鱼类产卵的季节节律以及以洄游习性等差异形成。结果表明,三门湾鱼卵、仔稚鱼群聚结构空间、季节差异明显,与历史资料相比,鱼卵、仔稚鱼资源从“年际”短时间尺度看已初步显现一定恢复态势。  相似文献   

Natural mortality rate(M) is one of the essential parameters in fishery stock assessment, however, the estimation of M is commonly rough and the changes of M due to natural and anthropogenic impacts have long been ignored.The simplification of M estimation and the influence of M variations on the assessment and management of fisheries stocks have been less well understood. This study evaluated the impacts of the changes in natural mortality of Spanish mackerel(Scomberomorus niphonius) on their management strategies with data-limited methods. We tested the performances of a variety of management procedures(MPs) with the variations of M in mackerel stock using diverse estimation methods. The results of management strategies evaluation showed that four management procedures DCAC, SPMSY, cur E75 and minlen Lopt1 were more robust to the changes of M than others; however, their performance were substantially influenced by the significant decrease of M from the 1970s to 2017. Relative population biomass(measure as the probability of B0.5 BMSY) increased significantly with the decrease of M, whereas the possibility of overfishing showed remarkable variations across MPs. The decrease of M had minor effects on the long-term yield of cur E75 and minlen Lopt1, and reduced the fluctuation of yield(measure as the probability of AAVY15%) for DCAC, SPMSY. In general, the different methods for M estimation showed minor effects on the performance of MPs, whereas the temporal changes of M showed substantial influences. Considering the fishery status of Spanish mackerel in China, we recommended that cur E75 has the best trade-off between fishery resources exploitation and conservation, and we also proposed the potentials and issues in their implementations.  相似文献   

太平洋褶柔鱼为大洋性经济鱼种,具有一年生命周期,其资源变动受气候和海洋环境条件的显著影响。本研究根据日本提供的2003-2012年太平洋褶柔鱼冬生群体的渔业统计数据,结合产卵场环境数据以及尼诺指数ONI(定义为Niño 3.4区海表温度距平值),分析不同气候条件下(厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜)太平洋褶柔鱼冬生群体产卵场海表温度(SST)、叶绿素a(Chl-a)浓度以及适宜产卵面积(SSA)的变动情况及对其资源丰度(CPUE)的影响。结果表明,太平洋褶柔鱼冬生群体产卵场SST、Chl-a浓度和SSA具有明显的季节性变化。相关分析表明,各年CPUE与Chl-a浓度以及SSA具有显著的正相关关系(p<0.05),但与SST相关性不显著(p>0.05)。此外,厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜事件通过驱动太平洋褶柔鱼冬生群体产卵场SSA和关键海域(25°-29°N,122.5°-130.5°E)内的Chl-a空间分布和大小变化,从而改变其资源丰度,但影响作用随各异常事件的强度不同而变化,具体表现为:发生弱强度厄尔尼诺事件时,产卵场SSA较高,Chl-a浓度处于较低水平,导致资源补充量处于较低水平,CPUE降低;发生中等强度厄尔尼诺事件时,产卵场SSA较低,但Chl-a浓度处于较高水平,导致资源补充量增加,CPUE处于上升水平;发生中等强度拉尼娜事件时,产卵场SSA和Chl-a浓度均处于较高水平,资源补充量显著增加,CPUE显著升高。研究表明,厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜事件对太平洋褶柔鱼冬生群体产卵场摄食孵化环境和资源丰度变动具有显著影响。  相似文献   

西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼,Illex argentinus,巴塔哥尼亚南部群体是重要的经济种类。海洋环境因子在柔鱼资源分布中起着重要的作用。本研究利用基于环境因子的动态产量模型评估2000-2010年的滑柔鱼的资源量。假设海洋环境因子(滑柔鱼产卵场最适宜海表温度占比)影响动态产量模型的参数K,DIC值表明在正态分布和均匀分布下均是基于环境因子的评估模型优于基本的动态产量模型。阿根廷滑柔鱼的最大可持续产量(MSY)在351600吨到685 100吨之间,资源生物量在1322400吨到1 803 000吨之间,其捕捞死亡系数均小于F0.1FMSY,资源处在良好状态,没有遭受过度捕捞。本研究为应用环境因子在柔鱼类的资源评估与管理提中供了科学的参考方法。  相似文献   

Seasonal and interannual variations in adjective heat fluxes in the ocean (dQoc) and the convergence of advective heat fluxes in the atmosphere (dQatm) in the Barents Sea region have been investigated over the period of 1993–2012 using the results of the MIT regional eddy-permitting model and ERA-Interim atmospheric reanalysis. Wavelet analysis and singular spectrum analysis are used to reveal concealed periodicities. Seasonal 2- to 4- and 5- to 8-year cycles are revealed in the dQoc and dQatm data. It is also found that seasonal variations in dQoc are primarily determined by the integrated volume fluxes through the western boundary of the Barents Sea, whereas the 20-year trend is determined by the temperature variation of the transported water. A cross-wavelet analysis of dQoc and dQatm in the Barents Sea region shows that the seasonal variations in dQoc and dQatm are nearly in-phase, while their interannual variations are out-of-phase. It is concluded that the basin of the Barents Sea plays an important role in maintaining the feedback mechanism (the Bjerknes compensation) of the ocean–atmosphere system in the Arctic region.  相似文献   

Based on long-term (1985–1995) monitoring data, the paper considers the peculiarities of seasonal variability in the spatial and vertical distribution of particulate organic phosphorus (РPOM) in the surface layer and in the photosynthetic zone in the northwestern Black Sea. Regression equations, experimental data, and satellite observations for the chlorophyll a concentration allowed us to evaluate the seasonal longterm (1979–1995) variability in РPOM in the surface layer and photosynthesis zone. The ratios of the concentrations of particulate organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and chlorophyll a are calculated and statistical estimates of seasonal changes in the РPOM in the areas with different degrees of influence of river runoff and water of open seas are obtained. The consistency of intra-annual changes in the concentrations of РPOM, chlorophyll a, and phytoplankton biomass is shown, which indicates the role of phytoplankton in the formation of РPOM and in its intra- and interannual variability in the northwestern part of the sea. It is shown that long-term seasonal variations in РPOM and related changes in the concentration of chlorophyll a depend on the variability of bulk river runoff, the extent of its abundance in the northwestern shelf, and regional hydrometeorological conditions.  相似文献   

本文利用2003-2011年西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼渔业数据和海洋环境数据,包括海表温度(sea surface temperature, SST),海面高度(sea surface height, SSH)和叶绿素浓度(chlorophyll a, Chl a),开发基于广义加性模型(GAM)和神经网络模型(NNM)的复合模型研究滑柔鱼资源时空分布。GAM用于选择关键影响因子,并分析与单位捕捞努力量渔获量(catch per unit effort, CPUE)的关系,NNM用于建立关键影响因子与CPUE之间的预报模型。结果表明:GAM选择的影响因子的偏差解释率为53.8%,空间变量(经度和纬度),环境变量(SST、SSH、Chl a)均匀CPUE之间存在显著相关性。CPUE与SST和SSH之间为非线性关系,与Chl a之间为线性关系。NNM模型的MSE和ARV较低,其精度高且稳定。此复合模型也能够解释解释西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼时空变化趋势和迁徙模式。  相似文献   

The mass concentration M of surface submicron aerosol and its condensation activity χ were measured at the Zvenigorod Scientific Station of the A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, in 2001–2006. Variations in these quantities on scales of several days to several months are analyzed. It is shown that the occurrence of dense and superdense hazes over central Russia became more frequent during these years. This resulted in a change in the character of the seasonal dependence of the mass aerosol concentration M: ordered oscillations whose amplitude increases from year to year appeared in the seasonal cycle of M. Due to more frequent cases of dense and superdense hazes in 2002–2006, a significant monotonic increase is observed in the annual means of M. The annual mean of M increased more than twofold in 2005 (56 μm/m3) compared to 2001 (23 μm/m3). The time regimes of M and χ are characterized by variations with periods in the vicinity of 10, 20, and 40–50 days, as well as variations with longer periods within 70–100 days. In addition, the variability of mass concentration is of a strongly intermittent character. A cross-spectral analysis has shown that, on the whole, variations in M are coherent with those in χ. If the parameters M and χ vary on the same time scales, then, as a rule, variations in M lag behind variations in χ by several days. To understand the relationship between the parameters M and χ, special investigations, including studies of aerosol composition, are needed.  相似文献   

As a major aldehyde pollutant widely existing in industry and our daily life, acetaldehyde is more and more harmful to human health. As characteristic habitat niche, bacteria from deep sea environments are abundant and distinctive in heredity, physiology and ecological functions. Thus, the development of acetaldehyde-degrading bacteria from deep sea provides a new method to harness acetaldehyde pollutant. Firstly, in this study,acetaldehyde-degrading bacteria in the deep sea water of the West Pacific Ocean were enriched in situ and in the laboratory respectively, and then the diversity of uncultured bacteria was studied by using 16 S r RNA genes. Then acetaldehyde-degrading strains were isolated from two samples, including enrichment in situ and enrichment in laboratory samples of deep sea water from the West Pacific Ocean using acetaldehyde as the sole carbon source,and then the ability of acetaldehyde degradation was detected. Our results showed that the main uncultured bacteria of two samples with different enrichment approaches were similar, including Proteobacteria,Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Cyanobacteria, but the structure of bacterial community were significant different.Four subgroups, α, γ, δ and ε, were found in Proteobacteria group. The γ-Proteobacteria was dominant(63.5%clones in laboratory enriched sample, 75% clones in situ enriched sample). The species belonged to γ-Proteobacteria and their proportion was nearly identical between the two enrichment samples, and Vibrio was the predominant genus(45% in laboratory enriched sample, 48.5% in situ enriched sample), followed by Halomonas(9% in situ enriched sample) and Streptococcus(6% in laboratory enriched sample). A total of 12 acetaldehyde-degrading strains were isolated from the two samples, which belonged to Vibrio, Halomonas,Pseudoalteromonas, Pseudomonas and Bacillus of γ-Proteobacteria. Strains ACH-L-5, ACH-L-8 and ACH-S-12,belonging to Vibrio and Halomonas, have strong ability of acetaldehyde degradation, which could tolerate 1.5 g/L acetaldehyde and degrade 350 mg/L acetaldehyde within 24 hours. Our results indicated that bacteria of γ-Proteobacteria may play an important role in carbon cycle of deep sea environments, especial the bacteria belonging to Vibrio and Halomonas and these strains was suggested for their potentials in government of aldehyde pollutants.  相似文献   

Walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) is one of the popular fish species in Korea and known to frequently harbor anisakid nematodes. Despite many papers regarding walleye pollock having been published, there is no information on the prevalence and distribution of anisakid nematodes from walleye pollock in Korean waters. We investigated 716 walleye pollock caught from Goseong, the East Sea of the Korean Peninsula during May 2015–December 2016. In total, 1,085 nematodes were collected and subsequently identified by PCR-RFLP analysis of internal transcribed spacer region of ribosomal DNA. The prevalence and mean intensity of anisakid nematodes was 63.6% (68/107) and 4.4 larvae/fish (297/68) in samples of 2015, and 21.5% (131/609) and 6.0 larvae/fish (788/131) in samples of 2016. The most abundantly isolated anisakid nematode was Anisakis simplex (Rudolphi, 1809) (73.5%, 798/1,085), followed by Contracaecum osculatum (Rudolphi, 1802) (3.1%, 34/1,085), Hysterothylacium aduncum (Rudolphi, 1802) (2.9%, 31/1,085), Anisakis pegreffii (Campana-Rouget and Biocca, 1955) (1.4%, 15/1,085), and a hybrid genotype (0.4%, 4/ 1,085). The mitochondrial DNA cox2 gene sequences of randomly selected A. simplex showed the highest similarity (99.5%–98.8%) with those from chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) in Japan or from chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in Korea. The mtDNA cox2 gene sequences of C. osculatum showed the highest similarity (99.0%) with those from bearded seals in Japan. All of these results give us clues to the geographical distribution, migration route and prey items of walleye pollock caught off Korea. Further extensive analyses will be necessary to get more information on the biology of Korean walleye pollock.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out in the Ob River estuary and at the adjacent shelf of the Kara Sea. The concentrations of organic carbon, lipids, major elements (Na, Mg, P, S, K, and Ca), trace elements (Li, Be, B, Al, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Y, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sb, Cs, Ba, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, Th, and U), and rare-earth elements (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu) were determined in the dominant species of mesozooplankton (Senecella siberica, Limnocalanus macrurus, and Calanus spp.). The similarities and differences are shown for the chemical compositions of the specimens. Calanus spp. are characterized by a large Li accumulation with concentrations ~350 times higher than those in S. siberica and L. macrurus. The total accumulation of chemical elements per unit volume is higher in L. macrurus than in S. siberica and Calanus spp., amounting to 6.63, 0.69, and 0.41 mg, respectively. The intensity of biological accumulation and the spatial disposition of the area of maximum accumulation of elements in the zooplankton community within the boundaries of the Ob River estuary depend on the hydrophysical conditions. Postmortem variations in the concentrations of chemical elements in dead L. macrurus are characterized by a multidirectional nature. The revealed distinctions of the chemical compositions in live and dead L. macrurus represent the features of lifetime and postmortem concentrations of elements.  相似文献   

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