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X-波段雷达近海海浪频谱反演的神经网络模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
X-波段雷达作为国内海浪观测的一种新工具,在海浪频谱获取和有效波高反演方面仍存在较多问题.本文利用非线性回归方法,将现场实测浮标数据频谱和雷达一维图像谱分别与标准频谱模型进行拟合,发现浮标频谱和一维图像谱具有标准频谱的特征,能够较准确地获取相应的谱参数.提出了建立由雷达一维图像谱参数反演海浪频谱参数的神经网络模型,同时在模型中加入影像序列信噪比,进而反演有效波高,并将反演结果与现场实测数据和传统算法(建立影像序列信噪比与有效波高之间的线性回归方程)进行了对比,结果表明,获取谱参数的误差和反演有效波高的平均误差在20%以内,而传统算法计算有效波高平均误差在20%以上.  相似文献   

提出了一种新的利用X波段海洋雷达联合反演海面风速与海浪谱的方法,该方法不需要额外的信息输入来反演海浪谱。通过利用风速与雷达后向散射强度的经验关系获得海表风速,然后将反演的风速输入风浪谱,通过求解该模拟风浪谱与雷达观测图像谱的约束函数的最小值来确定海浪谱。利用实验数据对反演方法进行了验证,风速、有效波高、主波周期以及主波波向反演的均方根误差分别为1.9 m/s,0.4 m,1.2 s和9.6°,证明了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

海面电磁回波频谱宽度与海浪波高密切相关,可应用频谱宽度进行海浪有效波高反演。本文应用线性滤波法仿真出了海表散射面元在雷达视向上的投影速度,建立了回波谱宽模型,分析了雷达空间分辨率、回波时间序列长度及海洋环境参数等因素对频谱宽度的影响,同时还针对如何在实际观测过程中选择回波时间序列长度、观测方位角等参数进行了讨论。最后还将理论结果与CSIR-X波段雷达实测数据谱宽估计结果进行了比较。结果表明,剔除雷达噪声以及频率泄露的影响后,基于高斯分布标准偏差的谱宽估计方法所得结果与理论结果吻合很好,这从而证明了理论结果的可靠性。本文所得结果对海浪有效波高反演具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

通过对2次海上作业期间船载X波段测波雷达数据对比分析,发现雷达测得的有效波高值在一段时间内存在较大误差。在2017年12月6日10:00至17:00期间,相比于人工目测值,雷达测得的有效波高值持续偏低。通过分析现场的天气与环境状况,并且对比相同海况下未受降雨影响和受到降雨影响时不同时刻的二维海浪谱,发现该段时间内因有降雨且能见度低,导致雷达测量的海浪谱能量异常偏低,信噪比SNR异常偏低造成X波段雷达测得的有效波高值异常偏低。在2018年4月11日船只路过5号大浮标和4号大浮标期间,相比于浮标测值,雷达测得的有效波高值异常偏高。通过查看系统中最大流速设置,发现设定的最大流速值过高(为50 m/s)。这样滤波器的带宽过大,大量噪声可能会被当成海浪信号通过滤波器,导致雷达反演的信噪比SNR异常偏高,造成X波段雷达测得的有效波高值异常偏高。通过分析误差产生的原因,对雷达设置的调整以及雷达系统的进一步完善有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

导航用X波段雷达扫描得到的"海杂波"图像含有丰富的海浪和海表层流信息,借鉴合成孔径雷达(SAR)估算有效波高的方法,可由X波段雷达图像估计得到海浪的有效波高。在此基础上,初步提出利用多项式回归方法估算有效波高的新数学模型,同时提出利用分段函数拟合来进一步提高反演精度。仿真实验中,根据模拟的波高数据,将其分为低波高和高波高来分析,结果显示,利用多项式回归方法进行分段拟合可提高反演的精确度,验证了所提算法具有一定可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

利用X波段雷达图像估计有效波高   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海浪有效波高与雷达的海杂波强度有关,但是无法直接由雷达图像得到.借鉴运用SAR图像计算有效波高的方法,即假设有效波高与雷达回波强度信噪比的平方根成线性关系,可以由X波段雷达图像计算得到海浪的有效波高.将在小麦岛和南海分别进行的岸基试验和船基试验获得的浮标资料和雷达资料结合起来分析,结果表明用X波段航海雷达测量有效波高的最大误差不超过9%.  相似文献   

近年来,X波段雷达已经成为重要的海洋现场观测设备,应用越来越广泛,但其在复杂天气条件下的观测准确性还需要进一步探讨。因此,为了验证X波段测波雷达对于海洋波浪的观测性能,对安装于我国三亚市三亚湾的X波段雷达设备及布放在该区域的波高仪进行了海浪比测试验,通过对压力测波与X波段雷达测波两种不同探测机制在不同海况下实际海浪观测数据结果的分析可以得出:X波段雷达对于海浪观测的结果较为理想,与压力测波结果相关性较高,在不同天气条件下,均能够准确地反演大范围海域的海浪信息。根据研究结果,X波段雷达的波浪现场观测数据完全可以达到海洋环境监测的要求。  相似文献   

X-波段船用雷达观测海洋动力环境要素仿真研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
崔利民  何宜军 《海洋科学》2009,33(11):73-77
为了评估X-波段船载雷达观测海浪和海流参数的能力.基于随机海浪理论和雷达几何成像原理模拟了不同调制影响的X-波段船用雷达图像序列,介绍了估算海浪参数和海流参数的算法,对影响雷达观测海流和海浪有关因素进行了分析.同时在雷达图像中加入了随机高斯白噪声,并通过数值方法验证了雷达图像的信噪比开方和有效波高之间的线性关系.数值模拟结果说明X-波段船用雷达能够有效地估算海浪和海流参数,且带有不同噪声水平的雷达系统应具有不同的定标系数.  相似文献   

对安装于我国三亚海棠湾的X波段雷达设备及布放在该区域的"波浪骑士"浮标和波高仪进行了海浪比测试验,并且对所获得的现场海浪观测数据进行了分析。通过试验结果表明:X波段雷达观测海浪的方式基本可靠,能够有效捕捉到海浪的变化过程。  相似文献   

针对利用X波段海浪雷达回波图像反演海浪参数(波高、波向、波周期)的需要,而海浪雷达回波信号的采集和存储是利用雷达回波图像序列反演海浪参数的必要前提,提出了基于PXI-9280 A/D采集卡对X波段海浪雷达回波进行采集的方案.具体介绍了PXI-9280 A/D采集卡的功能特性,海浪雷达回波信号样式,设计并完成了基于VC 6.0的采集和存储软件,并对使用该采集卡需要注意的实际问题给予说明.此外,还搭建了实验平台,给出了基于PXI-9280 A/D采集卡在我国南海某海域中采集数据并回放得到的海浪雷达回波图像,得到较满意的结果.  相似文献   

The velocity and direction of internal waves (IWs) are important parameters of the ocean, however, traditional observation methods can only obtain the average parameters of IWs for a single location or large area. Herein, a new method based on optical flow is proposed to derive the phase velocity vectors of IWs from X-band marine radar images. First, the X-band marine radar image sequence is averaged, and ramp correction is used to reduce the attenuation of gray values with increasing radial range. Second, the average propagation direction of the IWs is determined using the two-dimensional Fourier transform of the radar images; two radial profiles along this direction are selected from two adjacent radar images; and then, the average phase velocity of the IWs is estimated from these radial profiles. Third, the averaged radar images are processed via histogram equalization and binarization to reduce the influence of noise on the radar images. Fourth, a weighting factor is determined using the average phase velocity of a reference point; the phase velocities on the wave crest of the IWs are subsequently estimated via the optical flow method. Finally, the proposed method is validated using X-band marine radar image sequences observed on an oil platform in the South China Sea, and the error of the phase velocity is calculated to be 0.000 3–0.073 8 m/s. The application conditions of the proposed method are also discussed using two different types of IW packets.  相似文献   

基于相参X-波段海洋雷达的海表轮廓测量研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
X-波段海洋雷达测量所得海面散射单元的多普勒信息与散射单元的雷达视向速度密切相关。首先,基于符号多普勒估计方法,对X-波段雷达海面回波的多普勒频移信息进行了估计;在此基础上,应用各分辨单元回波的多普勒频移信息,建立了海浪表面轮廓的反演算法。该算法中,同时考虑了雷达入射角、方位角和雷达空间分辨率等因素对反演结果的影响。通过将反演结果与浮标测量数据相比较,发现雷达空间分辨率起到了类似低通滤波的作用,该作用对短重力波谱影响显著。同时,还应用加拿大麦克马斯特大学的IPIX雷达数据对海表轮廓进行了反演,并将反演所得有效波高、海浪周期与现场测量数据进行了比较,反演结果与现场测量结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

船用X波段雷达被广泛应用于海洋表面波观测和研究。本文给出了一种新的从船用X波段雷达图像中确定主波传播方向的方法。X波段雷达图像中的海浪信号具有明显的尺度性和方向性。同时,curvelet变换作为一种同时具备尺度分辨率和方向分辨率的数学变换,能够对一幅雷达图像在不同尺度、不同方向和不同位置上进行分析。对一幅雷达图像进行curvelet分解并获得curvelet系数后,波浪信号主要集中在某些特定尺度和方向的curvelet系数中,从而我们可以获得带有 方向模糊的波传播方向。进而,通过计算几幅连续采集图像的互相关系数可以消除 方向模糊。同步观测的雷达图像和浮标数据证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

船用X波段导航雷达凹波形成的海杂波图像中包含丰富的海浪、海表层流信息.借鉴合成孔径雷达(SAR)估计有效波高的方法,假设有效波高与雷达回波强度信噪比的平方根成线性关系,可由X波段雷达图像估计得到海浪的有效波高.用此方法主要分析小麦岛海域实验数据,结果显示,直流滤波后计算的信噪比估计的有效波高比不进行直流滤波结果符合得好;而按波浪浮标测得有效波高数据的高低,分两段分别进行线性拟合获取校准系数,估测的有效波高更加准确.  相似文献   

Theoretical-based ocean wave retrieval algorithms are applied by inverting a synthetic aperture radar(SAR)intensity spectrum into a wave spectrum, that has been developed based on a SAR wave mapping mechanism. In our previous studies, it was shown that the wave retrieval algorithm, named the parameterized first-guess spectrum method(PFSM), works for C-band and X-band SAR at low to moderate sea states. In this work, we investigate the performance of the PFSM algorithm when it is applied for dual-polarization c-band sentinel-1(S-1) SAR acquired in extra wide-swath(EW) and interferometric wide-swath(IW) mode under cyclonic conditions.Strong winds are retrieved from six vertical-horizontal(VH) polarization S-1 SAR images using the c-band crosspolarization coupled-parameters ocean(C-3 PO) model and then wave parameters are obtained from the image at the vertical-vertical(VV) polarization channel. significant wave height(SWH) and mean wave period(MWP) are compared with simulations from the WAVEWATCH-III(WW3) model. The validation shows a 0.69 m root mean square error(RMSE) of SWH with a –0.01 m bias and a 0.62 s RMSE of MWP with a –0.17 s bias. Although the PFSM algorithm relies on a good quality SAR spectrum, this study confirms the applicability for wave retrieval from an S-1 SAR image. Moreover, it is found that the retrieved results have less accuracy on the right sector of cyclone eyes where swell directly affects strong wind-sea, while the PFSM algorithm works well on the left and rear sectors of cyclone eyes where the interaction of wind-sea and swell is relatively poor.  相似文献   

X-波段导航雷达测波系统的设计与研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于布拉格散射原理和多普勒频移原理,利用X-波段导航雷达可以进行海浪和海流的观测。基于此项技术的X-波段导航雷达测波系统,作为海洋观测和应用领域的新一代海浪监测设备,正在日趋成熟。文章针对X-波段导航雷达测波系统的总体设计与研发,从软、硬件设计到算法研究进行了介绍和讨论,并指出研发的关键仍集中于调制机理的研究。  相似文献   

Some missions have been carried out to measure wave directional spectrum by synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and airborne real aperture radar (RAR) at a low incidence. Both them have their own advantages and limitations. Scientists hope that SAR and satellite-based RAR can complement each other for the research on wave properties in the future. For this study, the authors aim to simulate the satellite-based RAR system to validate performance for measuring the directional wave spectrum. The principal measurements are introduced and the simulation methods based on the one developed by Hauser are adopted and slightly modified. To enhance the authenticity of input spectrum and the wave spectrum measuring consistency for SAR and satellite-based RAR, the wave height spectrum inversed from Envisat ASAR data by cross spectrum technology is used as the input spectrum of the simulation system. In the process of simulation, the sea surface, backscattering signal, modulation spectrum and the estimated wave height spectrum are simulated in each look direction. Directional wave spectrum are measured based on the simulated observations from 0° to 360°. From the estimated wave spectrum, it has an 180° ambiguity like SAR, but it has no special high wave number cut off in all the direction. Finally, the estimated spectrum is compared with the input one in terms of the dominant wave wavelength, direction and SWH and the results are promising. The simulation shows that satellite-based RAR should be capable of measuring the directional wave properties. Moreover, it indicates satellite-based RAR basically can measure waves that SAR can measure.  相似文献   

许荞晖  张彦敏  王运华 《海洋学报》2021,43(12):111-121
本文首先对合成孔径雷达(SAR)海浪成像中的3种调制(倾斜调制、流体力学调制与速度聚束调制)的影响进行了对比分析,结果显示:速度聚束调制对SAR图像的影响最为显著。另外,由于SAR图像中固有相干斑噪声的存在,较低波数范围的噪声难以滤除或抑制,利用经典MPI方法反演海浪谱会造成低波数范围谱值偏大。基于此,本文借鉴经典MPI海浪谱反演算法,建立了基于速度聚束调制的海浪方位向斜率谱和有效波高的反演算法。通过将经典MPI方法、同极化调制法及本文算法等3种海浪反演方法所得有效波高与浮标数据进行比较,结果显示:本文方法反演得到的海浪有效波高与浮标数据获得的有效波高之间的均方误差为0.79 m,为3种方法中最小。  相似文献   

A new method for estimating significant wave height(SWH) from advanced synthetic aperture radar(ASAR) wave mode data based on a support vector machine(SVM) regression model is presented. The model is established based on a nonlinear relationship between σ0, the variance of the normalized SAR image, SAR image spectrum spectral decomposition parameters and ocean wave SWH. The feature parameters of the SAR images are the input parameters of the SVM regression model, and the SWH provided by the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF) is the output parameter. On the basis of ASAR matching data set, a particle swarm optimization(PSO) algorithm is used to optimize the input kernel parameters of the SVM regression model and to establish the SVM model. The SWH estimation results yielded by this model are compared with the ECMWF reanalysis data and the buoy data. The RMSE values of the SWH are 0.34 and 0.48 m, and the correlation coefficient is 0.94 and 0.81, respectively. The results show that the SVM regression model is an effective method for estimating the SWH from the SAR data. The advantage of this model is that SAR data may serve as an independent data source for retrieving the SWH, which can avoid the complicated solution process associated with wave spectra.  相似文献   

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